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稀疏基干林带套种木麻黄、湿地松试验   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
通过对不同木麻黄无性系在前沿稀疏林带下套种生长情况,木麻黄、湿地松在不同郁闭度林带下更新情况及不同更新方式对木麻黄和湿地松生长影响分析表明:平20、平10、粤501木麻黄无性系是林带下更新理想无性系;林带郁闭度增大,林下套种木麻黄、湿地松的保存率及树高、胸径生长量随之减小;皆伐迹地更新的木麻黄、湿地松生长优于稀疏林带套种相同树种。  相似文献   

从7年生的沙地湿地松实施林调查材料表明,实施林历年生长量均达到湿地松速生丰产林部颁标准,证实了湿地松适宜沙地生长,且长势好、生长快。  相似文献   

海岸带湿地松木麻黄混交林营造效果研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选用抗风力强的木麻黄优良无性系(水培苗)与湿地松进行混交造林试验,6年的试验观测表明:混交方式以带状混交效果最好,其立木蓄积量分别超过木麻黄、湿地松纯林的13.4%和89.8%;林分结构比较稳定;带状造林时,木麻黄带在前,湿地松带在后而形成一道道防风屏障。  相似文献   

在沿海沙岸稀疏木麻黄基干林带下开展套种木麻黄无性系更新研究,结果表明,基干林带下木麻黄造林保存率和生长量随林带郁闭度的增加而下降;基干林带郁闭度在0.3以下时,选用木麻黄无性系惠1#、501、601和701采取挖大穴、下客土和拌肥料的造林措施进行雨天套种更新,2年生林下幼林保存率在84%以上,高生长量达1.5m以上。林下套种是稀疏木麻黄基干林带更新的一个主要方式。  相似文献   

海岸带风口沙地提高木麻黄造林效果的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
自1998年5月以来,在福建省惠安县赤湖林场和东山县赤山林场木麻黄基干林带前沿风口干旱沙地,进行提高木麻黄造要效果配套技术研究。经2年试验研究,在分析风口困难立地造林失败主要原因基础上,从木麻黄抗逆品系选择应用,因地制宜确定造林方式,采用深挖整地、放客土、拌泥浆、提早造林季节、选择大雨天冒雨造林、大苗深栽等抗旱造林配套技术以及旱季培土抚育保墒、浇水保苗和筑沙堤设风障防潮防风工程措施相结合的造林方法  相似文献   

分析了福建省沿海地区木麻黄防护林现状,在木麻黄基干林带下种植黄槿、鸡冠刺桐、小叶榕和南洋杉并对其进行了观测,结果表明:参试的树种具有较高的生长量和降风作用,而且受风的影响较为轻微,可以作为前沿林带林下造林的可选树种。  相似文献   

阐述海岸带、海岸带生态修复概念、内涵及必要性。分析当前海岸带生态修复面临的问题主要有人类活动长期干扰,使得区域环境污染问题严重,近岸海水富营养化严重;经营管理水平不高使得海岸基干林带防护功能弱;保护力度不足使基干林带受损毁严重;土地供需矛盾突出使得生态修复用地紧张;基层专业技术力量薄弱使得生态修复缺少技术支撑等。藉此提出合理规划布局,分区实施生态保护和修复;综合治理,严格控制污染物排放,重视基干林带建设;坚持陆海统筹战略,突出修复重点等对策、建议。  相似文献   

滨海沙地湿地松中龄林施肥可以明显促进林木胸高断面积的生长。试验结果表明:对10年生湿地松林分追施N、P、K组合肥,施肥后4年施肥效应十分明显,其中犁壁沟试验林N1P3K处理可使林木平均单株胸高断面积增加14.9470×10-4m2,主伐时每公顷增加净现值284.29元,施肥投入的内部收益率达19.13%;青苔沟间伐试验林N1P1K处理可使林木平均单株胸高断面积增力。19.9220×10-4m2,主伐时每公顷增加净现值538.67元,施肥投入的内部收益率达23.39%。  相似文献   

在介绍沿海沙地湿地松主要造林技术措施的基础上,着重论述湿地松实验林的林分生长量调查。调查数据表明,沙地上湿地松实验林在幼林阶段,林分历年生长量已达到湿地松速生丰产林部颁标准,且其生长量略高于山地的生长量;经预估,其经济效益与社会效益十分显著;其引种栽植可改变沿海基干林带造林树种单一、同一树种连栽生长差的状况。  相似文献   

湿地松生长规律研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对曾都区湿地松人工林生长现状的调查,选取标准木进行树干解析,分析了湿地松胸径、树高和材积的生长规律。结果表明:该地区湿地松在前18a一直呈现快速生长的趋势,且还没有达到数量成熟龄,具有很强的生长潜力和培育价值。  相似文献   

选择4年生湿地松优良家系试验林,通过测土配方施肥,研究其对湿地松生长与叶片、枝条养分含量及其土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:施肥后第2年,土壤全P含量与湿地松树高及胸径生长呈现极显著正相关,其数学模型分别为:y=-5.944 4 x+1.318 9、y=-7.500 0 x+2.700 0;施肥后土壤中速效K含量与叶片中全K含量呈现极显著正相关,其数学模型为:y=0.010 8 x-0.163 3;速效K含量与湿地松树高及胸径生长,其数学模型分别为:y=-0.032 8 x+1.513 3、y=-0.047 4 x+3.002 9;土壤中全N增长与湿地松叶片全N含量增长均呈现显著正相关,其数学模型为:y=7.016 1 x+0.162 1。湿地松平均树高与胸径相较于未施肥的对照组增幅分别达11%与13%以上,其差异达到了极显著水平。  相似文献   

对国外松生态混交林的林分生长及其对土壤肥力的影响进行研究。结果表明,针阔混交林不仅可提高林分生产力,而且对土壤质地、通气性、土壤肥力都比纯林有明显的改善;通过逐步间伐国外松,把达到数量成熟年龄的国外松针阔混交林更替为生产大径材的阔叶林,是国外松生态栽培的一种有效途径;在国外松人工林早期间伐后的林分中引进速生阔叶树种和在灌木林下开天窗营造国外松的试验林,综合效益高。  相似文献   

When combining pines and cattle on tame pasture, grazing is often delayed for several years until trees are large enough to resist injury. As an alternative approach to delayed or deferred grazing during the early years, this study in central Louisiana, USA, examined the effects of cattle grazing in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) pastures on slash (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) seeding survival and growth during the first 3 years of tree establishment. Pines were planted at about 1200 trees/ha in 3 rows on 0.4-ha subclover units with 1.3 m spacing within rows. Three grazing treatments included: (1) ungrazed pines, (2) limited grazing with a single-wire electric fence above the planted pines, and (3) grazed pines. Thirty Brahman crossbred cows with calves and a bull grazed the tame pasture on a controlled grazing, rotational basis from December through May each year, during the subterranean clover growing season. Pine trampling injury during the year was 8% on the grazed seedlings while essentially none occured under limited grazing. During the first 2 growing seasons, survival and height of the pines were significantly less on the grazed seedlings than on either the limited grazing or ungrazed seedlings. Pine heights from the limited grazing and ungrazed treatments were not different during the 3-year study; loblolly pine heights from the limited grazing treatment continued to be taller than the grazed treatment through the third year while the slash pine heights were similar for all treatments by the third year. Seedling mortality became more acute as severity of grazing injury increased; the greatest mortality occured when the terminal bud and needles were both browsed off.  相似文献   

Wood quality attributes were examined in six stands of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) and loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) in the lower Coastal Plain of Georgia and Florida. Several plots comprised each stand, and each plot was divided so that it received three fertilizer treatments: a control treatment with herbaceous weed control at planting and brush control at mid-rotation only (control); 45 kg ha−1 N + 56 kg ha−1 P + herbaceous weed control at planting and 224 kg ha−1 N + 45 kg ha−1 P + brush control at mid-rotation (fertilizer with N at planting); and 56 kg ha−1 P + herbaceous weed control at planting and 224 kg ha−1 N + 45 kg ha−1 P + brush control at mid-rotation (fertilizer without N at planting). Ring width, ring earlywood specific gravity (SG), ring latewood SG, whole ring SG, and ring percent latewood were measured on each of seven trees. Of these measurements, this study focused mainly on the properties related to SG. Examination of the rings showed that latewood SG was significantly lower in trees treated with fertilizers with and without N at planting in the two to three years following fertilization, but that latewood SG gradually returned to a level similar to the control. Fertilizer without N at planting may also have had a brief negative effect on earlywood SG following mid-rotation fertilization, but it was not as clear or lasting as the effect on latewood SG. Additionally, although slash and loblolly pine appear to differ in the developmental patterns of these SG properties, there were no significant differences in how these patterns interacted with treatment. This study demonstrated that fertilization treatments have similar short-term effects on the SG of slash and loblolly pines, particularly in latewood, but the trees will return to a SG pattern consistent with unfertilized trees within two or three years.  相似文献   

在江西永丰第四纪红壤上,营造湿地松林进行施肥试验,3a的结果表明,施P或配合N、K使树高H、全林地径断面积GBA、全林胸高断面积BA、冠幅直径CW等总生长量分别较对照增长35%~45%、52%~109%、119%~195%、29%~49%。湿地松连年生长的比较反映出,施P或配合N、K,造林施肥的当年肥效极为显著,H、GBA较对照分别增长26%~55%、119%~195%;其后效在第2年也极显著;第3年结合追肥,其当年H、GBA、BA生长仍较对照有极显著的增长。在各种施肥处理中,以NPK完全肥料的效果最佳,但除与单施P的GBA有显著差异外,NPK与NP、PK、P无明显区别,不同剂量P之间也无明显差异。将P用作基肥和追肥及其联合施用的效果是,基施远较追施为优;同等剂量时,一次基肥比基、追或追、追各半要优。单追施N(尿素)在一次施用量较大(100kg/hm2N)时,则有显著的负效应,以第2年追施尿素的负效应最大。试验表明在该土壤立地条件下,基施P2O525~50kg/hm2时,对目前的湿地松幼林生长即有足够的效应。  相似文献   

林分密度对湿地松林木干形影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章以湿地松7,8,13年生初植密度和19年生间伐强度试验林胸高形数、高径比和正形率系列为干形指标,研究了林分密度对湿地松林木干形的影响规律。结果表明,不同初植密度间林木胸高形数的差异不显著,高径比则存在显著差异;间伐强度对胸高形数和胸高形率的影响不显著,但以中度间伐(伐去株数35.7%)林木干形相对较为饱满。  相似文献   

不同造林技术措施对湿地松幼林生长影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在湖南攸县设置了反映湿地松人工林造林各主要技术环节的试验林体系,以研究不同造林技术措施对湿地松幼林生长的影响。经对试验林固定样地进行连续7年定期、定位观测及统计分析表明:在湿地松人工造林的各项主要技术措施中,立地选择、良种选择和造林密度是影响幼林生长的最重要因素,幼林抚育对湿地松幼林生长有较明显影响,而整地方式与规格对幼林生长无明显影响。  相似文献   

Incorporation of forest slash during stand establishment is proposed as a means of increasing soil carbon and nutrient stocks. If effective, the increased soil carbon and nutrient status may result in increased aboveground tree growth. Eight years after study installation, the impact of forest slash incorporation into the soil on soil carbon and nutrient stocks, foliar nutrients and loblolly pine growth are examined on mineral and organic sites on the North Carolina Lower Coastal Plain. Treatments include leaving forest slash on the surface and flat planting (control); V-shear and bedding (conventional), mulch forest slash followed by bedding (strip mulch) and mulch forest slash and till into the soil followed by bedding (strip mulch till). After eight years, mulching and/or tillage did not have a significant impact (p > 0.05) on soil bulk density or soil chemical properties (pH, cation exchange capacity, soil nutrients). Additionally, neither tree foliar nutrients nor stand volume were significantly impacted. However, significant effects were observed for soil phosphorus contents and stand volume between the control plots and the other treatment plots. For example, the mean stand volumes on the mineral site were 24.49 ± 1.28, 38.16 ± 2.90, 44.59 ± 3.07 and 46.96 ± 2.74 m3 ha−1 for the control, conventional, strip mulch and strip mulch till plots. These observations are more likely due to the effect of bedding rather than mulching or tillage of the forest slash. These results are consistent for the mineral and the organic sites. Considering the greater expense to install the mulch and tillage treatments, the lack of a treatment effect on soil carbon and nutrient stocks and tree growth does not justify these treatments on these sites.  相似文献   

湿地松脱脂研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈茜文 《湖南林业科技》2003,30(3):74-75,82
对汨罗市桃林林场湿地松试样进行脱脂研究。选择适宜的化学试剂,并对反应浓度、温度、时间等工艺条件对脱脂的影响进行了探讨,通过正交设计实验,筛选出较好工艺条件为:浓度1%、温度120℃、时间3h。其脱脂效果良好,木材表面无溢脂现象,达到脱脂要求。  相似文献   

Rockwood  D.L.  Huber  D.A.  White  T.L. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):115-125
A total of 172 seed orchard open-pollinated families of slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelm.), generallysuperior for growth in the southeastern United States, wereevaluated in southern Brazil and northeastern Argentina. Mostfamilies were from selections originally made in four majorphysiographic regions within the species' natural distribution:Atlantic Coastal Flatwoods, East-Central Florida Flatwoods, GulfCoastal Flatwoods, and Southern Coastal Plain (withoutflatwoods). Ninety-one families were established in 1982 inthree tests in the Brazilian states of Santa Catarina and Parana. In 1986, 119 families, including 35 common to the Braziliantests, were planted in four tests in Corrientes and Misionesstates in Argentina. Variation among provenances for individualvolume growth was significant for both countries withEast-Central Florida Flatwoods consistently having the highestmean age-eight year volume and Southern Coastal Plainconsistently the lowest. Heritabilities were 0.20 in Argentinaand 0.44 in Brazil with within country type B geneticcorrelations of 0.66 and 1.00 for age-eight individual volume,respectively. The between country type B genetic correlation was0.63. Type B genetic correlations between United States breedingvalues for age-fifteen volume and Argentinian and Brazilianbreeding values for age-eight volume were 0.10 and 0.15,respectively. Families were generally superior to local checksin both South American countries.  相似文献   

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