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七叶树AesculuschinensisBunge原产我国黄河流域 ,属亚热带及温带树种 ,喜温暖湿润的气候 ,较耐寒 ,耐半荫 ,深根性 ,畏酷热。在山东泰安引种的七叶树 ,已有 2 0~ 30年的树龄 ,树高 8~ 15m ,胸径 10~ 2 0cm ,抗病、虫能力较强。该树种根深叶茂 ,树形优美 ,是城市绿化和庭院绿化的重要树种 ,在山东有良好的发展前途。但由于种子少 ,插条极难生根 ,限制了它的发展。因此 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年利用当年生苗进行了七叶树的绿枝扦插试验 ,即利用ABT1号 0 .1%溶液速沾插条 ,生根率达 6 5 % ,当年生苗高 8cm ,获得较… 相似文献
金焰绣线菊(Spiraeaxbumaldacv.Goldfiame),小灌木,株高0.4~0.6m,冠幅0.7~0.8m。新梢顶端幼叶红色,下部叶片黄绿色,叶卵形至卵状椭圆形,长4cm,宽1.2cm。伞房花序,小花密集,花粉红色,花径5cm。花期长达4个月,从6~9月份,开花4~6次,每次15~20天。生长季剪截新梢后,过20~25天,又在分枝上开花,可利用这一特性,人为调整开花数。耐旱、耐寒、耐盐碱、也较耐荫蔽,抗病虫和抗污染能力较强。丛植或片植于草坪边缘、开阔地、宅旁、路边,作为花坛、花篱别具幽趣,是良好的园林观赏树种,近… 相似文献
银杏绿枝扦插育苗技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
银杏绿枝全封闭扦插育苗方法 ,是目前多快好省繁殖银杏苗木的一条重要途径 ,一般成活率可达 80 %以上 ,每 6 6 7m2 可得成品苗 4~ 5万株 ,而成本只需播种育苗的 1 3,且方法简便 ,易于管理。1 扦插时间银杏绿枝扦插时间应选择在枝叶停止生长后、木质化前进行 (辽中县一般在 8月下旬至 9月上旬 )。因为这段时间内土温高 ,相对空气湿度比 7~ 8月份低 ,有利于愈伤组织的形成和枝条生根。2 准备工作2 1 土壤准备 要选择地势高爽 ,排水良好 ,且没有扦插过其他苗木的沙质土壤作扦插苗床。苗床要进行翻晒 ,一般翻晒 3~ 4次。苗床宽 80~ 90… 相似文献
青檀绿枝扦插育苗技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
青檀俗称掉皮榆 ,属榆科青檀属落叶乔木 ,是我国特有的纤维树种 ,也是国家三级重点保护植物。青檀是石灰岩地区的指示性树种 ,耐干旱、耐瘠薄、萌发力强、寿命长 ,是供石灰岩地区发展的优良经济林树种之一。笔者从事青檀育苗多年 ,现就青檀绿枝扦插育苗技术介绍如下。1 苗圃地的选择和苗床的设立1.1 圃地的位置选择交通便利的地方 ,便于扦插育苗所需的物资及出圃后苗木的运输。要靠近造林地 ,所育苗木既能适应造林地的环境条件 ,又可缩短运输距离 ,降低造林成本 ,同时也避免了长途运输造成的苗木脱水 ,提高造林成活率。选择在背风向阳、光… 相似文献
金冠柏是我国彩色观赏针叶乔木的一个栽培品种,广泛适用于城乡绿化工程中。金冠柏市场需求量大,发展前景广阔,是农民又一个致富新品种。根据金冠柏的生长特性,按照嫩枝扦插育苗的方法,利用小拱棚育苗、大棚育苗技术,培育出优质、健壮的苗木。 相似文献
将尾叶桉(Eucalyptusurophylla)的播种苗萌条嫩梢分别用不同药物1,2,3,4,5号处理,并以清水作对照,进行扦插育苗试验.结果表明,用药物处理可提高扦插生根率.同时,可降低扦插苗的死亡率.用2,3,4,5号药物处理的插穗生根率比对照高10%左右,药物对降低扦插苗死亡率的效果以2号,5号药物最佳.根据对桉树组培苗嫩梢扦插试验,11月和3月是扦插育苗的最佳季节,5月~8月不宜扦插;桉树的不同种和不同无性系,其扦插生根率是不同的,以雷林1号8501和刚果12号W5生根率高,而巨尾桉Cu1较难生根. 相似文献
桉树嫩枝扦插繁殖的研究进展及对策 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
对桉树嫩枝扦插繁殖技术、插穗生根机理及母株复壮可靠性等的研究进展和存在问题进行了评述,主要讨论了:(1)桉树扦插繁殖关键技术;(2)与生根机理关系密切的植物生长激素、氧化酶类及其活性变化、植物体内抑制剂等生理生化因子;(3)母株复壮的可靠性。同时对研究中存在的问题提出了对策。 相似文献
Katsuaki Ishii 《Journal of Forest Research》2002,7(2):99-104
Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) is one of the most important timber resource forest trees in Japan. Because seed production from a seed orchard of hinoki
cypress is not constant every year, micropropagation from a limited amount of material is useful. Up to now, the conventional
tissue culture method using solid medium has been used. Here a new method using liquid culture in tubes rotated vertically
is described. Shoot primordium of hinoki cypress was inoculated in Campbell and Durzan’s (CD) liquid medium containing different
cytokinins (6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), Zeatin, thidiazurone (TDZ)), and the container tubes were rotated vertically around
the axis at 2 times / min. Culture room temperature was 25°C and light condition was 16 h photoperiod per day of fluorescent
lamps. Zeatin at 1μM concentration was the best for maintaining the shoot primordium production and TDZ induced callus on the surface of the
shoot primordia. After shoot primordium multiplication in the liquid culture, they were transplanted to agar medium for shoot
elongation. A high concentration of agar (up to 16 g/L) or AVF (anti vitrification factor from Dr. Nairn, 1995) was effective
to prevent vitrification of the shoots. Transformation of shoot primordium was done using particle bombardment with vectors
containingβ-glucuronidase (GUS) gene or herbicide resistance gene (bar). Positive result for transient transformation was observed with the histo-chemical study for transformation with GUS. Integration
of a useful herbicidebar gene into the shoot primordium culture system was also tried and stably transformed plants were obtained. This is the first
report of stable transformation of Japanese conifer using practically useful gene.
The generous supply of AVF-B from Dr. B.J. Nairn, Tasman Forestry, NZ is also appreciated. 相似文献
在节能二代温室内用穴盘进行栓翅卫矛的嫩枝扦插育苗试验。结果表明,在7年生优良母树上,采集母树中上部1年生嫩枝,在6月底7月初用1 000 mg/L的IBA+NAA生根剂溶液速蘸10~15 s后,按蛭石∶珍珠岩=1.5∶1的比例作基质进行扦插,其生根时间早,成活率最高,生根率达到90%以上。 相似文献
Recent studies have remarked on differences in the life cycles of individual fine roots. However, the dynamics of individual roots with different life cycles, such as ephemeral and perennial, during root system development are still unknown. We examined individual roots during fine root system development in a mature stand of Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc. (Cupressaceae) using the sequential ingrowth core method and an anatomical method. The visual classification, i.e., orange, red, brown, intact dead, and fragmented dead, of fine roots corresponded well with the anatomical classification. Orange and red roots contained passage cells, and brown roots contained cork cambium. The proportions of protoxylem groups differed among visual classes. Brown secondary roots were mainly triarch (43%) and tetrarch (40%) and rarely diarch (12%), whereas fragmented dead roots, which constituted more than 95% of the dead roots, were mainly diarch (67%). These results imply that triarch and tetrarch roots tend to form secondary roots, whereas diarch roots tend to become dead roots without secondary growth. Using the numbers of root tips and clusters, root system development could be classified into three stages: colonization, branching within the root system, and maintenance. During the colonization stage, mainly triarch and tetrarch roots, which tend to be secondary growth, invaded ingrowth cores. During the branching stage, primarily diarch roots, which tend to be ephemeral, emerged. Fine root system development involved the recruitment of different individual roots during the life cycle depending on the growth stage. 相似文献