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With the introduction of Art. 20 a GG in August 2002 the moral thought of animal protection has become a constitutional principle. Now an accommodation between animal protection on the one hand and with religious freedom (undisturbed practice of religion), the right to free development of personality and the right to free choice an practice of an occupation on the other hand has become necessary. If somebody is able to substantiate a claim because of compelling religious reasons, the appropriate authority has still to grant him a certificate of exemption for ritual slaughtering pursuant to paragraph 4 a Abs. 2 Nr. 2 animal-protection-act. The following text tries to explain the conditions precedent to get a permission in detail. The author affirms, that the authorities are bounded by the law. Veterinarians as appropriate authorities are not allowed to turn downed an application on reasons of conscience.  相似文献   

During the process for a permission of ritual slaughter, regulated by paragraph 4a (2) no.2 Animal Protection Law, the licensing authority has to weigh carefully, because there are different rights in the constitutional law. Ritual slaughter contradicts religious liberty and animal protection so it is necessary to find a balance. Demands on requests for ritual slaughter as well as rudiments for verification and notification are described and aspects of animal protection during ritual slaughter without stunning methods are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The use of pharmaceutical acting substances in animals for food purposes is restricted by many regulations. The intention of these regulations is the protection of consumers. Under this circumstances a limitation of therapy options can be stated, which is described with the term "Therapeutical Emergency" and can cause animal welfare problems. It is investigated whether pharmaceutical regulations or animal welfare regulations have priority in case of emergency for health and life of an animal. It is discussed whether the various orders by competent authorities to kill an animal under food protective regulations can prove a "reasonable" cause under paragraph 17 of the German animal welfare law.  相似文献   

The term "performance-related health disorders" has been defined by Bergmann (1992) as catabolic phenomena and pathological processes that are related to or caused by high productivity levels. In the past few years, a cause and effect relationship has been determined between numerous health disorders found in farm animals and their increased productivity. In contrast to the classic hereditary diseases, the performance-related health disorders are anthropogenic diseases. The severity of these disorders is, as a rule, determined by anthropogenic environmental factors. Breeding and keeping animals in such a way that they suffer from performance-related health disorders therefore is an ethical problem. Furthermore, it has also been a legal problem since the implementation of Section 11b of the German Protection of Animals Act (TierSchG) in 1986. However, this ban has not been enforced; the federal ministry responsible argues that this is because there is still a "very controversial discussion" on the question of when the "line that separates breeding from 'problem' or 'agony breeding' (Qualzucht)" has been reached or overstepped. The following article takes a close look at the almost 20-year-old debate on the lack of enforcement. There is a large amount of circumstantial evidence that indicates that the problems that arise in determining whether specific animals fall under Section 11b TierSchG do not arise from a veterinary dispute but rather from the difficulty of identifying responsibilities. The traditional ethical model used to appeal to the feelings of responsibility in a layperson is the so-called Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you") which so far has not been applied to the area of animal breeding. The following article presents a model on how to create an awareness for ethical malpractice. The model makes it possible to use the change of perspective demanded by the Golden Rule and apply it to the area of animal breeding. This provides what could potentially be a useful aid in understanding ones own responsibility. While looking at possible solutions, two aspects are differentiated: the chronic non-enforcement of Section 11b TierSchG and the complete abolition of the problem. Possible solutions are presented for both areas and put up for discussion.  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal infectious neurodegenerative disease for which susceptibility is associated with polymorphisms in the ovine prion protein (PrP) gene. Scrapie-eradication programmes are based on eliminating the susceptible VRQ allele and/or breeding for the resistant ARR allele. In rare breeds or breeds with a low frequency of the ARR allele this can lead to unacceptably high inbreeding rates with associated increased risk of genetic defects and inbreeding depression. The conservation status of populations with inbreeding rates (DeltaF) above 1% is considered critical. In the Dutch rare sheep breed the Mergellander animals carrying ARR alleles are closely related to one another, and could reach 1.53% when only ARR/ARR animals are used as parents. Inbreeding rates can be reduced by selecting the set of parents according to their average co-ancestry. We minimised inbreeding rates by calculating the optimal contribution of each ram and selection of ewes. This resulted in inbreeding rates of -0.17% with exclusive use of homozygous ARR rams, and -0.38% if use of heterozygous rams was allowed as well. Thus sophisticated breeding programs can prevent unacceptably high inbreeding rates when breeding for scrapie resistance.  相似文献   

从国内外禽蛋贸易、蛋禽的安全用药、禽蛋中的食品安全标准、我国禽蛋中兽药残留现状以及相关问题的分析和建议进行综述,以期为养殖企业规范用药、监管部门政策制定和调整、科研机构针对禽蛋食品安全相关研究的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

General veterinarians such as veterinary officers act as experts at court. They are in so far part of the evidence. Due to his experience the veterinary expert shall give systematical uniform principles concerning even domains adjacent to the field of animal protection such as protection of animal epidemics and food cases, verifiable by science and university research. Examples for expert's topics as well as the requirements of expert reports are shown. According to paragraph 15 II Tierschutzgesetz (Animal Protection Act), as well as according to paragraph paragraph 63, 76 Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz the experts participation in the proceeding is necessary. In consideration of paragraph paragraph 74, 22 Strafprozessordnung (Code of Criminal Proceedure) conflicts may arise because the veterinarian officer is self-contained investigator, witness as well as expert in the same proceeding. In general the veterinarian officer, who has been involved in the investigations must be excluded from expert activity in the same case. The veterinarian officers have to solve this problem by seperating tasks and functions within one legal case.  相似文献   

The general form of the response curve for benefits (discounted returns—costs) expected from different levels of investment in testing and selection has been studied. While costs tend to increase linearly with the level of testing, returns increase log-linearly. Thus there is an optimum level of testing to obtain maximum benefits. However, the response curve has a broad flat top, so a wide range of testing levels are only marginally sub-optimal. At low levels of testing the benefit/cost ratios are high, so the level can be chosen to make livestock improvement competitive with other investment opportunities.In practice, reproductive rate sets upper limits on the rate of genetic change possible. This, and an acceptance of a higher rate of inbreeding, may allow small breeding enterprises to make almost as much genetic improvement as large breeding programmes. Excessive testing, and duplication of selection effort, may be wasteful, while diversification to alternatives as an insurance may be worthwhile.  相似文献   

A form of congenital hypotrichosis, commonly know as the "rat-tail syndrome," occurs in a small percentage of calves produced by crossing some Continental cattle breeds with cattle that are black in color. These calves are characterized by short, curly, malformed, sometimes sparse hair and a lack of normal tail switch development. In our first study, performance of 43 rat-tail calves was compared with that of 570 non-rat-tail calves of the same breeding and contemporary groups. All rat-tail calves were sired by Simmental bulls and were from cows with various percentages of Angus breeding. The rat-tail condition had no effect on birth weight, weaning weight, or gain from birth to weaning. However, rat-tail calves had significantly lower rates of gain during the winter months from weaning to yearling than non-rat-tail calves, resulting in a 19 kg lighter yearling weight. Gains of steers from yearling to slaughter were not significantly different, but rat-tail steers were 36 kg lighter (P = .01) and 13 d older (P = .15) at slaughter than the non-rat-tail steers. In a second study, Angus-Simmental F1 males and females with the rat-tail condition were mated to produce 64 F2 offspring that were used to determine the mode of inheritance of this syndrome. Analysis showed that the rat-tail syndrome is controlled by interacting genes at two loci. Cattle that express the syndrome must have at least one dominant gene for black color and be heterozygous at the other locus involved.  相似文献   

The merits of animal breeding are related to the rate of improvement which can be offered. Objectives however may alter particularly as a result of social change, so that improved local livestock may be left adapted to outdated conditions, thus emphasising the need for flexibility. Historically such flexibility and indeed much improvement has depended on the introduction of superior strains, previously selected by others, which happened to meet local requirements. The development of strains with divergent biological characteristics as a supplement to existing policies would increase genetic flexibility, could facilitate a faster genetic response and aid the rapid improvement of indigenous breeds. Such a policy would ensure the availability of appropriate genetic variation in the future and thus provide a positive complement to the passive conservation of “rare” breeds.  相似文献   

It is well known that horse breeding in Bulgaria is a cultural heritage in Bulgaria, dating from prehistoric and historic times. Until now, molecular data on Bulgarian horses from the plain regions of the country were not available. Therefore, for the first time, we have collected genetic information about some modern horse breeds from the plain regions in Bulgaria. A total of 50 horses originating from different families from two different breeds were investigated: the first one was the Pleven horse (n = 11, breeding in the Danubian Plain), and the second one was the East Bulgarian horse breed (n = 39, Shumen district). These breeds were genotyped according to the mitochondrial D-loop region. The results showed that the Pleven horse particularly carries the European haplogroup L (45.45%), followed by the Middle East haplogroup C (27.27%). In contrast to the Pleven horse, the East Bulgarian horse breed revealed almost equal frequencies of the European specific haplogroup L (33.33%) and the Central Asiatic haplogroup Q (35.90%). Analyses of these two horse breeds revealed a specific genetic profile, but it is obvious that the East Bulgarian horse showed an unusual, mixed profile—a massive admixture with the Asiatic-type haplogroup Q and a high haplogroup diversity. In conclusion, the differences in genetic structure of the two plain horse breeds may be explained with the various horse breeds involved in their formation.  相似文献   

Experiments on the immunization of sows were conducted on six premises. The results justify immunization of breeding animals as part of a control programme for salmonellosis in pigs.  相似文献   

The article looks at the legal situation concerning the permission for commercial activities with animals due to Article 11 par. 1 no.3 (d) of the German Animal Welfare Act, in particular in combination with activities at changing places. Regardingly the German legislator has recently (especially since 1998) started to approach the problems of animal welfare by adopting specific regulations, e. g. by enacting an obligation to inform the authority of the planned change of place of activity. Currently the legislator discusses an extension of the enabling act for an ordinance by the Federal Government on the central register for circusses. Standardized data collection and transmission shall contribute to an effective control of the companies' compliance with animal welfare law. Article 11 par. 2a of the German Animal Welfare Act is an important regulation concerning activities at changing places. It allows to combine the permission with time limits, conditions and impositions of duties. Such collateral clauses can be set down to keep an animal stock book or--in a wider sense--a documentation of the company's activities to guarantee an effective control by the authority. In the case of American rodeo shows it is to mention that collateral clauses to introduce more animal welfare are imposed by the local authorities responsible for the area where the shows will take place rather than by the authority which actually has given the permission. The authorities have to distinguish subsequent collateral clauses or directives on one hand and the revocation of the permission on the other hand, since in this case the requirements are more strict. The recent preliminary judicial decisions of the administrative courts concerning this legal problem are contradictory so that they cannot serve as a guideline for the authorities.  相似文献   

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease of cattle and a large bowel diarrheal disease of cats caused by Tritrichomonas foetus. Recently, other species of trichomonads have been identified from the prepuce of virgin bulls. It is not clear whether these non-T. foetus isolates are common (nor) or is it clear whether they are also present on the prepuce of breeding bulls. To answer these questions, we first developed an immunofluorescent assay (IFA) with T. foetus-specific monoclonal antibodies for comparison with a T. foetus-specific PCR assay. Results showed that all PCR positive isolates were also IFA positive, whether the isolates were from cats or cattle and PCR negative isolates were IFA negative. Bovine non-T. foetus (non-Tf) trichomonad isolates were detected by both assays in 14 virgin bulls, 10 breeding bulls, 21 bulls of undetermined breeding status (presumably breeding bulls) and 2 cows. These isolates from virgin bulls were mostly Tetratrichomonas spp. whereas the non-Tf isolates from most breeding bulls and the two cows were Pentatrichomonas hominis. All T. foetus isolates were from breeding bulls or bulls of undetermined breeding status. This IFA test which discriminates between T. foetus and non-Tf may be useful as a diagnostic assay, since no effective legal treatment is available, bulls positive for T. foetus are culled. With increasing reports of T. foetus large bowel infection in cats, these monoclonal antibodies may also be useful for diagnosis of feline infection. Since two isolates of non-Tf trichomonads were obtained vaginas of breeding cows, it may be that these parasites are sexually transmitted like pathogenic T. foetus.  相似文献   

A method is described for deriving the genetic matrix G needed for breeders to select across breeds for any breeding objective. The matrix comprises partitions among selection criteria ( G11 ), between selection criteria and the breeding objective traits ( G12 ), and among the breeding objective traits ( G22 ). A weighting procedure is used to combine the G matrix of individual breeds with known breed differences. Between-breed variances are added to the diagonals of the matrix. Selection across many breeds can be quite different from that across a subset of the breeds. The particular breeds, and the numbers of each breed, that the breeder is prepared to consider in selection changes the genetic matrix and the selection index that should be used.  相似文献   

Organic farming principles give rise to multifunctionality: different activities are combined at farm level to create ecological and economic synergies. These principles do however allow for different operationalisations and different farm development strategies, for example with regard to the use of external inputs or the decision whether or not to use advanced breeding technologies such as artificial insemination. Maintaining and improving diversity are therefore characteristic to organic farming. Since organic farming took off in the early 1990 s, many specialised dairy farms which tend to be more mono-functional in nature, have converted to organic, adding a new farming strategy to the diverse collection of farming strategies in organic dairy farming. All these farming strategies actually create different organic production environments for cows, which might result in different demands on selective breeding and breeding technology. This differential demand was explored in a survey, among 151 organic dairy farmers, on general farm strategy, milk production, breeding goal, choice of breed and approach to reproduction. Farmers were divided into one of two groups on each of three strategic options: a) diversification in farm business—Specialised Dairy Farming vs. Multifunctional Farming; b) intensity of milk production—Low Input vs. High Input Farming and c) naturalness of breeding—Farming with Artificial Insemination vs. Farming with Natural Service.A pair-wise comparison within each strategic option showed that each pair differed significantly with regard to farm characteristics, farm goal and animal production goals. However, there were only minor or no significant differences within each pair with regard to overall breeding goal. For each strategic option, big differences were found within each pair as regards preferred cattle breeds and crossbreeds. Farmers in the Specialised Dairy Farming and High Input Farming groups preferred milk-type cattle (Holstein and Holstein crossbreeds), while farmers in the Multifunctional Farming and Low Input Farming groups preferred various native Dutch breeds. But even farmers with a similar strategy (within one group) differed strongly in their choice of breeds and crossbreeds. These results indicate that organic farmers are going through process of learning by doing, experimenting as they search for breeds or crossbreeds that are optimally suited to their farm environment and that best agree with their farm development strategy. In this, the growing preference for keeping bulls on the farm for natural service is remarkable.  相似文献   

Besides their breeding value, swine are increasingly used as biomedical models. As reported in three international swine clusters of differentiation (CD) workshops and in the animal homologue section of the last workshop for the determination of human leukocyte differentiation antigens (HLDA 8), characterisation of leukocyte surface antigens by monoclonal antibodies and other molecular studies have determined the cell lineages and blood leukocyte subsets implicated in the immune response, including cell adhesion molecules involved in cell trafficking. This review focusses on the current state of knowledge of porcine leukocyte differentiation and major histocompatibility complex (SLA) molecules. Examples of porcine particularities such as the double-positive T lymphocytes with the phenotype CD(4+)CD8(low) and CD(4-)CD8(low) alphabeta T cell subsets and the persistence of SLA class II after T-lymphocyte activation are illustrated, as well as the shared characteristics of the Artiodactyla group, such as the high proportion of gammadelta TcR (T cell receptor) T cells in blood and other lymphoid tissues. Furthermore, discrepancies between swine and humans, such as CD16 expression on dendritic cells and CD11b (wCD11R1) tissue distribution are outlined. The rapidly growing information should facilitate manipulation of the swine immune system towards improving disease control, and open new avenues for biomedical research using the pig as a model.  相似文献   

As of 1 September, 2001 existing legislation regulating outdoor dog husbandry is replaced by the domestic dog welfare directive of 2 May, 2001. The new directive applies to details of housing and breeding of dogs kept indoors and as domestic companions. Thus, minimum requirements for housing, care and feeding now apply to the great majority of private dog owners. However these requirements do not apply to animals in transit, in individual veterinary treatment or to those used for scientific experimentation whose goals justify deviations from these standards. Additional regulations apply to dog breeding and showing. Puppies may not be separated from their mother and litter before eight weeks of age. "Prohibition of breeding for aggressiveness" cited in Paragraph 11b of the animal welfare law is defined, and includes various breeds and hybrids. The directive includes an index for the care and treatment of dogs by commercial breeders. After a transitional period no dogs which have been subjected to amputations at the expense of the animal's welfare in order to achieve specific features may be shown publicly. The author provides critical commentary on the regulations of the domestic dog welfare directive and points out areas which will continue to be of concern.  相似文献   

CD18, the common β subunit of β2-integrins, associates with four distinct chains to give rise to four different β2-integrins: CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1), CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1), CD11c/CD18 (CR4), and CD11d/CD18. Previously, we and others showed that CD18 of LFA-1 serves as a receptor for Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin (Lkt). Level of expression of Mac-1 is higher than that of LFA-1 and other β2-integrins on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), which constitute the leukocyte subset most susceptible to Lkt. Hence, it is likely that CD18 of Mac-1 also mediates Lkt-induced cytolysis. Co-expression of CD11b and CD18 of cattle on Lkt-resistant cells is necessary to irrefutably demonstrate the role of Mac-1 in Lkt-induced cytolysis. This approach is hindered by lack of availability of complete sequence of cattle CD11b. Therefore, in this study, we cloned and sequenced the full length cDNA encoding cattle CD11b. The 3459 bp cDNA of cattle CD11b encodes a polypeptide of 1152 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CD11b of cattle exhibits 75% identity to that of humans and chimpanzees, 74% identity to that of dogs, and 70% identity to that of mice and rats. Availability of cattle CD11b cDNA should facilitate the elucidation of Lkt-receptor interactions in cattle and other species.  相似文献   

The genetic evaluation of Icelandic horses is currently based on results from breeding field tests of riding ability and conformation. The effect of integrating competition traits and/or test status into the genetic evaluation was studied concerning estimation bias, predictive ability, accuracy, correlations between breeding values and ranking of sires. Breeding field test data included 19 954 records from horses assessed in 11 countries during 1994-2008. Competition data included 44 160 records from 7687 horses competing in Iceland and Sweden in 1998-2008. Test status was defined as attendance of horses born in Iceland at breeding field tests and/or in competition. Overall, there were trivial differences between different genetic evaluation models regarding estimation bias and predictive ability. Very strong correlations were estimated between breeding values for combined indexes of conformation, riding ability and total score from different models. Higher accuracy was achieved for most of the traits when competition traits and/or test status were added to the model. Sires ranked differently when the new traits were added to the genetic evaluation model. It was concluded that competition traits should be integrated into the genetic evaluation. Further analyses on genetic parameters for test status and its relationship with the other traits are needed for future inclusion of test status in the genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

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