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Tobacco streak virus (TSV), inciting cotton necrosis, exhibits multifarious symptoms. Common types of symptoms include, purplish brown, necrotic lesions in the leaves, squares, and petioles. Telangana (India) had the highest incidence of TSV (51.11 PDI - hybrid RCH659), among the surveyed locations including, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra states of India. Environmental factors greatly influenced the establishment of TSV in cotton. Minimum temperature (22.81 °C), relative humidity (81.42%), and leaf wetness (23.94 h) favoured maximum TSV incidence with a mean PDI of 30.68 at Annur, (Tamil Nadu, India). Serological assay through DAC-ELISA confirmed the presence of TSV in cotton samples expressing necrosis symptoms. Bioassay revealed that Chenopodium amaranticolor and Chenopodium quinoa are excellent indicator host plants with high virus titres. Further, molecular characterization revealed the conserved nature of the coat protein gene, among the TSV isolates infecting cotton in four different states (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra).  相似文献   

烟草线条病毒RT-PCR检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已报道的烟草线条病毒外壳蛋白基因序列,设计出一对特异性引物,提取大豆病叶的总RNA,反转录成cDNA,PCR扩增出约400bp大小的产物,产物克隆到pGEM-T Easy载体上,转化大肠杆菌DH 5α,抽提的质粒用Not Ⅰ酶切,出现430bp大小的目标插入片段。经序列测定确认了插入片段的大小为404bp。  相似文献   

Mixed instars of Thrips tabaci were allowed to feed on test seedlings of cucumber, the thrips were removed and wounds caused by thrips feeding dusted with tobacco streak virus (TSV) carried in tomato pollen. Transmission of TSV occurred in three out of the four experiments conducted. When Chenopodium amaranticolor test seedlings were dusted with infective tomato pollen, and thrips introduced for varying periods before being killed with insecticide, TSV transmission occurred after exposure to thrips for 1 h, 5 h, 1 day or 2 days, but not 5 min. Pollen-washing experiments indicated that TSV was carried both internally and externally in pollen of tomato and several weed hosts. T. tabaci was able to transmit TSV from pollen of Nicotiana clevelandii and Nicandra physalodes , and TSV from tomato pollen was transmitted to several weed species. It is concluded that T. tabaci transmits TSV associated with tomato pollen by a mechanical mechanism whereby virus carried externally, or released from inside the pollen, infects feeding wounds.  相似文献   

A newly recognized disease of tulip called veinal streak is described. The disorder occurs more often in tulips grown under glass than in the field, but totally diseased stocks are found under both conditions. When sap from tulip leaves with veinal streak was manually inoculated to test species, no virus isolate was obtained whereas the sap clarified with a mixture of n-butanol and chloroform and concentrated by centrifugation consistently gave isolates of tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV). However, TRSV was also obtained from symptomless and diseased tulips infected with other viruses. Isolates were propagated inNicotiana tabacum White Burley and sap from systemically infected leaves was used for serological identification in microprecipitin tests. It is postulated that TRSV is the cause of tulip veinal streak. Generally the virus is latent in tulips. The development of symptoms is associated with particular environmental growing conditions (Asjes and Muller, 1972).Samenvatting Een nieuw herkende ziekte in tulpen, genoemd de nerven- of strepenziekte, wordt beschreven. De ziekte treedt meer op in tulpen in de kas dan te velde, doch totaal zieke partijen worden onder beide omstandigheden gevonden. Wanneer sap van tulpebladeren met de nervenziekte mechanisch geïnoculeerd werd op toetsplanten, kon geen virus-isolatie worden verkregen. Het sap gedeeltelijk gezuiverd met een mengsel van n-butanol en chloroform en door centrifugering geconcentreerd gaf steeds weer isolaties van het tabakskringvlekkenvirus (TRSV). Het virus werd echter ook verkregen van symptoomloze planten en zieke tulpen die geïnfecteerd waren met andere virussen. Isolaties werden vermeerderd inNicotiana tabacum White Burley en sap van systemisch geïnfecteerde bladeren werd gebruikt voor serologische identificatie in microprecipitatietoetsen. Aangenomen wordt dat TRSV de oorzaak is van de nerven- of strepenziekte van tulpen. Gewoonlijk is het virus latent in tulpen aanwezig. De ontwikkeling van de symptomen gaat samen met bijzondere groeiomstandigheden (Asjes and Muller, 1972).  相似文献   

The cause of a streak disease of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), originating from Nigeria, has been attributed to a geminivirus belonging to the African streak virus cluster. A full-length, infectious clone of the virus was obtained which was transmissible by the vectorCicadulina mbila (Naudé). Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene of this virus shows it to be most closely related to sugarcane streak virus. The possible evolutionary implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

A new disease causing necrotic streaks on stems and necrosis on leaves of aster (Callistephus chinensis) and Russell prairie gentian (Eustoma grandiflorum) was observed in Toyama Prefecture, Japan, in September 2009. On the bases of host reactions, serological reactions, viral particle morphology, and the nucleotide sequence of the nucleocapsid protein gene, the causal pathogen was identified as Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV). This report is the first in the world of natural infection of aster and Russell prairie gentian by CSNV. We propose the name “stem necrosis of aster and Russell prairie gentian” for these new diseases.  相似文献   

A severe disease of watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) grown in plastic houses in Crete, was characterized by leaf and stem necrosis followed by death of the plants. A strain of melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) was identified as the causal agent of the disease on the basis of biological, morphological and serological properties. The watermelon strain of MNSV induced only local necrotic lesions in melon and cucumber plants and was serologically distinct from MNSV Cretan isolate. Gomphrena globosa was found a useful herbaceous host for differentiating it from common isolates of MNSV.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of virus‐infected plants naturally recovering health is known as ‘reversion’, and is a type of resistance mechanism exploited in some crop plants for disease control. Various parameters were investigated that affect reversion from cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) in three cassava varieties (Albert, Kaleso and Kiroba) that differ in levels of resistance to the disease. Cassava plants were inoculated by grafting with two virus species (Ugandan cassava brown streak virus, UCBSV and Cassava brown streak virus, CBSV) that cause CBSD, and the plants grown from them were subsequently assessed for reversion. The rate of reversion depended on the cassava variety, virus species, and the length and position of the stem cuttings used. A significantly high proportion of progenies were virus‐free (reverted) for the resistant variety Kaleso (64·1% for UCBSV and 54·9% of CBSV), compared to the tolerant variety Kiroba (56·7 and 45·5%) and the susceptible control Albert (38·9 and 35·1%). The highest number of virus‐free plants was generated from short 10 cm long cuttings (e.g. 60·1% for Kaleso for CBSV) compared to 20 cm long stem cuttings (e.g. 21·4% for Albert). Cuttings taken from upper stems of diseased plants produced most virus‐free progenies compared to middle and lower parts. More than 50% virus‐free plants were obtained in the resistant and tolerant varieties. This is a highly valuable finding and could be exploited for developing strategies to control the current CBSD epidemic in eastern and central Africa.  相似文献   

 对曹琦和濮祖芹早期分离到的烟草坏死病毒大豆分离物的生物学、血清学和外壳蛋白的序列进行了进一步研究。该分离物能侵染8科29种植物, 除系统侵染大豆和本生烟外, 其余寄主均为局部侵染。电镜下病毒粒子呈球状, 直径约28nm。基因组为单组分RNA, 大小约为3.7 kb, 具有2条亚基因组, 分别约为1.6 kb和1.3 kb。外壳蛋白亚基的分子量约为30 kDa。血清学试验表明, 该分离物与TNV柳树分离物的抗血清呈特异反应, 与同属坏死病毒属(Necrovirus)的烟草坏死病毒D(TNV-D)和甜菜黑色焦枯病毒(BBSV)无血清学关系。利用简并引物通过RT-PCR克隆了该分离物的外壳蛋白基因。序列分析表明, 该分离物与烟草坏死病毒A(TNV-A)、TNV-D和TNV-DH的外壳蛋白分别具有88.77%、45.13%和45.49%的氨基酸序列一致性。因此, 该大豆分离物属于TNV-A的一个新株系, 命名为TNV-AC。  相似文献   

南方水稻黑条矮缩病是近年来在我国南方稻区新发生的一种重要病毒性病害.本文通过测定水稻品种‘T优272'上该病不同发病程度所对应的产量损失,分别建立了以病丛率、病株率与产量损失率之间的线性回归方程y=1.0270x1-1.363 4(R=0.999 6)、y=1.050 9x2-0.450 8(R=0.999 2).依据回归方程及南方稻区水稻生产实际情况,南方水稻黑条矮缩病在中稻上经济允许水平与成灾水平因子是病丛率4.79%与30.54%或病株率3.81%与28.98%,晚稻上经济允许水平与成灾水平因子分别是病丛率5.06%与30.54%或病株率4.08%与28.98%,中晚稻的绝收水平因子是病丛率79.22%或病株率76.55%.  相似文献   

烟草丛顶病是由烟草丛顶病毒(TBTV)、烟草丛顶病毒类似卫星RNA(Sat-TBTV)、烟草扭脉病毒(TVDV)和烟草扭脉病毒相关RNA(TVDVaRNA)复合侵染引起的一类特殊病害,目前尚不清楚这些病原物各自在病害症状形成和病害传播中的作用。本文根据蚜虫传播烟草丛顶病复合病原物传毒特性的差异,探索了3种分离TVDV的生物学方法。方法A为将获得了烟草丛顶病复合病原物的蚜虫饥饿24h后,以单虫单苗的方式接到健康烟株上传毒,24h后灭虫。方法B为将无毒蚜虫饥饿2~4h后转接到感病烟株上饲毒48h,再以单虫单苗的方式接到健康烟株上传毒,24h后灭虫。方法C为将无毒蚜虫于感病烟株上饲毒48h后,以单虫单苗的方式接到健康烟株上传毒24h,此后每隔24h将蚜虫移到另一健康烟株上传毒,直到蚜虫死亡。其中方法A和B均可将TVDV从烟草丛顶病病原复合体中分开,方法A操作简单、分离周期短且TVDV的分离效率高。单独TVDV侵染的烟株无明显的丛顶症状,叶片靠近主脉的地方会出现皱缩,生长后期叶片变得细长且顶端会发生扭曲。本试验可为研究TVDV与其他病原物、寄主植物和传播介体的相互作用提供很好的试验材料,也可为蚜虫传播的复合侵染病毒的生物学分离提供参考。  相似文献   

The double-stranded DNA of the chlorotic vein banding isolate of peanut chlorotic streak virus (PCISV-CVB), isolated from purified virus, resolved into circular and linear molecules similar to those of other caulimoviruses. A physical map of viral DNA was constructed, which showed the PCISV-CVB DNA to be circular and composed of approximately 8·2 kbp. A number of restriction sites were found to be shared with a similar caulimovirus, PCISV, Nevertheless, several differences between physical maps of the two viruses suggest that PCISV-CVB should be considered as a distinct strain of PCISV. Bam HI-cleaved PCISV-CVB DNA was cloned into pUC 118 and was infectious when cleaved from the cloning vector and inoculated onto Vigna unguiculata.  相似文献   

The bacterium Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa (Xtu) causes bacterial leaf streak (BLS) on wheat and other small grains. Several triticale accessions were reported to possess high levels of resistance to wheat Xtu strains. In this study, a worldwide collection of triticale accessions as well as the major North Dakota hard red spring and durum wheat cultivars were evaluated for reaction to two local Xtu strains. All wheat cultivars showed a susceptible reaction but a wide range of reactions was observed among triticale accessions. Out of the 502 accessions tested, 45 and 10 accessions were resistant to the two virulent strains BLS‐LB10 and BLS‐P3, respectively, with five accessions, PI 428736, PI 428854, PI 428913, PI 542545 and PI 587229, being highly resistant to both strains. Statistical analysis showed significant difference among the accessions, strains, and the accession by strain interaction (< 0.001). Bacterial population growth in resistant triticale was significantly slower than that in susceptible triticale. Molecular cytogenetic characterization in four representative triticale accessions confirmed the hexaploid level of the species and the presence of 12 or 14 rye chromosomes. The triticale accessions identified are valuable materials for developing wheat germplasm with high levels of BLS resistance.  相似文献   

寡聚半乳糖醛酸诱导烟草抗烟草花叶病毒研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用寡聚半乳糖醛酸诱导烟草抗烟草花叶病毒,田间和温室试验结果表明,寡聚半乳糖醛酸50μg/mL的诱抗效果最好,对烟草花叶病毒引起的枯斑的抑制率为64.4%。寡聚半乳糖醛酸可以诱导烟草植株抗性酶超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性的升高。  相似文献   

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