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牛结核病是由牛分支杆菌所引起牛的一种慢性消耗性疾病,并可传染给人类。牛结核病被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病,是一种人兽共患传染病,其传播流行影响着畜牧业的持续发展和人类的健康。实施牛结核病免疫接种是大多数国家控制结核菌流行的重要措施。在过去10年中,大量的候选疫苗用于牛的测试,但效果不一。卡介苗(BCG)与DNA疫苗、蛋白质分子疫苗等联合运用显示了相当好的前景,研制能鉴别诊断牛分枝菌感染和BCG免疫的试剂盒已成为其发展趋势。但近年来由于艾滋病等其它原因,该病发病率又呈上升趋势。至今牛结核病所造成的损失大于牛的其他各种疾病所造成损失的总和。要从根本上控制牛结核病的发生与流行,必须加强对本病的研究,以便为控制和消灭牛结核病提供技术支持。  相似文献   

结核病是人类已知的最古老的疾病之一,早在1901年诺贝尔奖获得者Von Behring就曾强调“牛结核病是影响农业生产最具破坏力的一种传染病”。100多年过去了,结核病依然严重威胁着人类和动物的健康,并且其每年对全球农业造成的损失达30亿美元。牛结核病(bovine tuberculosis)已被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病,是由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,MB)和结核分枝杆菌(My-cobacterium tuberculosis,TB)所引起的一种人畜共患慢性消耗性传染病,可以通过吸入含菌气溶胶或食用受污染的乳制品而从牛传染到人,牛结核病有众多的宿主谱,几乎…  相似文献   

牛结核病研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
牛结核病(bovine tuberculosis)是由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium bovis)和结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)所引起的一种人畜共患的慢性消耗性传染病,可通过病畜传染给人类或其他动物。牛结核病在世界各国均有发生,在我国依然是最常见的多发性疾病,牛结核病有众多的宿主谱,几乎可以感染所有的温血脊椎动物。牛结核病的传染流行严重地影响到畜牧业的持续健康发展,不仅造成奶牛乳房炎、结核性胸膜炎等疾病,还造成牛奶产乳率和乳质下降,更严重威胁着人类的身心健康。  相似文献   

<正>养牛是非常复杂的工程,当牛出现疾病时,会严重影响养牛业的经济利益。目前,由于环境污染的加重,以及病毒种类的不断增加,使得牛发病率大大提高,如果得不到及时治疗,会造成更大的损失,所以,加强疾病的防治工作是非常有必要的。1牛易发疾病的特点1.1牛结核病结核病是一种人畜共患的多发性传染病,人体和动物均可感染,其传染的范围非常广,无论哪方先出现结核病,都会造成后续的传染,危害较大。结核病发生之后,牛的各种器官  相似文献   

牛结核病诊断学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛结核病是由牛分枝杆菌和结核分枝杆菌所引起的一种慢性消耗性传染病 ,可通过病畜传播给人类或其它动物。牛结核病在世界各国均有发生 ,在我国依然是常见的多发性疾病。牛结核杆菌有众多的宿主谱 ,几乎可以感染所有的温血背椎动物 ,其传播流行不但影响到畜牧业的持续发展 ,更严重影响着人类的健康。 2 1世纪 80年代中期以来 ,世界上许多发达国家的结核病不仅没有下降 ,反而逐渐增加 ,而在一些贫困国家结核病已失去控制 ,特别是中非 ,南亚。因此 1 993年世界卫生组织 (WHO)宣布结核病正处于全球紧急状态。要控制本病的发生与流行 ,必须加…  相似文献   

牛结核病流行病学和分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛结核病流行病学和分子生物学研究进展蔡宏(新疆畜牧科学院兽医所,乌鲁木齐830000)结核病是一种人、畜共患的慢性消耗性传染病,牛结核病的流行不但影响畜牧业生产的发展,而且由于人畜结核病交叉传播对人类的健康造成威胁。因此结核病已成为人们关注的公共健康...  相似文献   

牛结核病主要是由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,MTB)引起的一种人兽共患传染病,国际兽疫局(OIE)将其列为B类动物传染病,在我国被列为二类动物疫病。目前,全球有5 000万头以上的牛患有牛结核病,每年造成大约30亿美元的经济损失。牛结核病的传播与流行不仅影响了养牛业的持续健康发展,而且严重威胁到食品安全和人类健康。目前,全  相似文献   

牛结核病被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病,是一种人兽共患传染病,其传播流行影响着畜牧业的持续发展和人类的健康。要从根本上控制牛结核病的发生与流行,必须加强对本病的检疫与监测工作,坚决淘汰阳性牛,制定有效的防制措施。  相似文献   

<正>牛结核病(Bovine tuberculosis)是由牛型结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium bovis)引起的人畜共患慢性传染病,其中感染较强的是结核分枝杆菌、牛分枝杆菌和禽分枝杆菌,分别引起人结核、牛结核和禽结核。牛是家畜中最易感的动物,尤其是奶牛。结核病给牛业生产造成的损失居于牛各种地方传染病之首,严重影响人畜健康。  相似文献   

牛结核病是一种严重的人畜共患传染病,其流行传播对养牛业造成巨大影响,并严重威胁着人类健康。为了有效控制牛结核病的发生与流行,减少对养牛业带来的不利影响,必须加强对牛结核病诊断与防治研究。  相似文献   

On 1 May 2004, 10 new States joined the European Union, including Cyprus (CY), the Czech Republic (CR), Estonia (ES), Hungary (HU), Latvia (LA), Lithuania (LI), Malta (MA), Poland (PO), Slovakia (SK), and Slovenia (SN). Using OIE and published data, this paper summarises the status of bovine and human tuberculosis in animals in these countries between 1996 and 2003. National control programmes against bovine tuberculosis in cattle have been successful: the current herd incidence of this disease in cattle is currently lower than 0.2%, so all countries meet the OIE requirements for freedom from the disease. Furthermore, two countries have already been officially declared bovine tuberculosis-free EU States: the CR on 31 March 2004 (European Commission Decision No. 2004/320/EC) and SK on 4 March 2005 (Commission Decision No. 2005/179/EC). The last outbreak of bovine tuberculosis was diagnosed in cattle in CY (1928), ES (1986), LA (1989), SK (1993), CR (1995), and MA (2001). However, several issues of concern remain including the potential existence of a wildlife reservoir, the presence of Mycobacterium bovis, M. caprae, and other members of the M. tuberculosis complex (particularly M. tuberculosis or M. microti) in imported domestic or wild animals, and the potential for delayed detection of bovine tuberculosis in those States where annual tuberculin testing is no longer performed on cattle older than 24 months.  相似文献   

牛结核病是由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium bovis)引起的一种慢性消耗性人畜共患病.该病可通过排泄物及分泌物等进行传播,严重威胁畜牧业的发展及城乡居民的身体健康.为保障牛奶、牛肉等畜产品市场安全和人民生命健康安全,牛结核病的防控意义不言而喻.本文以PPD变态反应为检测标准,对ELISA检测结果进行评价,论述...  相似文献   

3种方法检测结核污染牛场的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用牛结核变态反应、牛结核斑点免疫金银染色法(Dot—IGSS)和ELISA3种方法,同时检测结核污染牛场的498头份牛血清。结果发现,阳性检出率以变态反应为最高(28.3%)。Dot—IGSS居中(27.3%),ELISA最低(17.2%);变态反应与Dot—IGSS和ELISA的符合率较差,而ELISA和Dot—IGSS具有较好的符合率;在变态反应阴性牛中,仍然检出了部分Dot—IGSS和ELIsA阳性牛。由此认为,先以变态反应检疫牛群,再随之实施抗体检测,会更有利于结核污染牛场的净化与防制。  相似文献   

The most significant mycobacterial diseases of free-living, captive and farmed deer are bovine tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, Johne's disease (paratuberculosis), caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (basonym M. paratuberculosis), and avian tuberculosis, caused principally by M. avium subsp avium. The first case of M. bovis infection in farmed deer was identified in New Zealand in 1978. In 1983, a voluntary scheme was introduced in New Zealand to control tuberculosis in farmed deer, followed by a compulsory tuberculosis control scheme in 1990. The primary control measure is the slaughter of infected animals, detected by skin testing and blood testing, together with movement control and vector control. The number of infected deer herds peaked in the mid 1990s at over 160 herds, but by 30 June 2002 this had been reduced to 79 (1.45%), and to 67 (1.23%) by June 2003. Deer-to-deer transmission occurs, but the majority of herd breakdowns are believed to be from infected vectors. Factors likely to affect the susceptibility of deer include age, environment, population density, exposure and genetics. Avian tuberculosis occasionally causes clinical disease in wild, captive and farmed deer in New Zealand and overseas. Mycobacterium intracellulare, and subspecies of M. avium other than M. paratuberculosis, are widespread throughout New Zealand and are thought to be largely responsible for the high level of sensitisation to avian purified protein derivative (PPD), which is used for comparison purposes in tuberculosis skin testing of deer in this country. Infections with these organisms are usually subclinical in farmed deer, although M. avium subsp avium commonly causes lesions in retropharyngeal, mesenteric and ileocaecal lymph nodes. These lesions cause problems because of their gross and microscopic similarity to those due to M. bovis infection. Birds and domestic animals are most likely to become infected via environmental contamination of food, water, bedding litter or soil, while carnivores or scavengers may also become infected by ingesting infected carcasses. Johne's disease has been reported in deer in the wild and in zoos, especially in North America, the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe. Since first being confirmed in farmed deer in New Zealand in 1979, the incidence of Johne's disease has increased steadily. To date, M. paratuberculosis has been identified in >600 farmed deer on 300 properties. The majority of cases have been identified from suspected tuberculous lesions submitted from deer slaughter plants. Clinically, Johne's disease in deer is similar to the disease in sheep and cattle, with typical signs of loss of weight and condition, and diarrhoea. However, outbreaks of Johne's disease frequently occur in young red deer, 8-15 months of age, whereas the clinical disease in sheep and cattle is sporadic and usually affects adults 3-5 years of age. The disease is characterised by a chronic granulomatous enteritis and lymphadenitis, especially affecting the jejunum and ileum and the mesenteric lymph nodes. Deer affected subclinically may have lesions in these lymph nodes at slaughter, which are grossly indistinguishable from those due to bovine tuberculosis. Because of the antigenic similarity between M. intracellulare and all the subspecies of M. avium, including M. paratuberculosis, the diagnostic tests for Johne's disease lack sensitivity and specificity, making control difficult.  相似文献   

牛结核病检疫方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
牛结核病主要是由牛分枝杆菌引起的一种慢性消耗性疾病,在许多国家尤其是发展中国家仍然广泛流行,该病不仅给畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失,而且严重威胁着人类的健康。因此,牛结核病的检疫意义重大。细菌学检测、免疫学检测及分子生物学诊断为牛结核病检疫的研究奠定了基础。然而,目前迫切需要研究快速、灵敏、特异的牛结核病诊断方法。牛结核病血清学诊断技术研究一直是研究热点之一,但至今仍存在许多问题。作者就这些诊断检疫方法进展作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis in domestic livestock such as cattle is an economically important disease with zoonotic potential, particularly in countries with emerging economies. We discuss the findings of recent epidemiological and immunological studies conducted in Ethiopia on host susceptibility differences between native zebu and the exotic Holstein-Friesian cattle that are increasingly part of the Ethiopian National herd, due to the drive to increase milk yields. These findings support the hypothesis that native Zebu cattle are more resistant to bovine tuberculosis. We also summarise the results of experimental infections that support the epidemiological data, and of laboratory experiments that suggest a role for the innate immune response, and in particular interleukin-6, in the outcome of bovine tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

江波 《中国乳业》2021,(7):63-67
牛结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人畜共患慢性传染病。为有效控制和净化牛结核病,切实保障畜牧业生产安全、动物产品质量安全和公共卫生安全,必须坚持预防为主、因地制宜、分类指导、逐步净化的防控方针和策略,把养殖场(户)作为防控本病的主体,不断完善奶牛养殖场生物安全体系,严格落实监测净化、检疫监管、无害化处理、应急处置等综合防控措施,积极开展场群和区域净化工作,有效清除病原,降低发病率,压缩流行范围,逐步实现防控工作总体达标。  相似文献   

The relation between the active form of tuberculosis in persons working in agriculture and incidence of tuberculosis in cattle was analyzed in 1974 to 1978, i.e. in the period after the elimination of bovine tuberculosis in Czechoslovakia (in 1968). M. tuberculosis was isolated in 15 cases and M. bovis in four cases of persons employed by the farms on which the Regional Hygienic Station, Brno, was responsible for the microbiological diagnostics of tuberculosis. Direct contact with animals was demonstrated in eight patients; M. tuberculosis was isolated from seven of these patients and M. bovis from one. Seven cattle herds were exposed to spontaneous infection by M. tuberculosis and in one of them tuberculosis was not demonstrated during complex examination. In three herds the examination revealed only a sensitivity of cattle to mammalian tuberculin. In other three herds tuberculosis was detected by allergic tests, patho-anatomic examination and bacteriological examination. M. tuberculosis in cattle was detected in two herds. The occurrence of bovine tuberculosis caused by a cattle tender with a positive finding of M. bovis in sputum was demonstrated in one herd. Virulence for the tested cattle was found in one strain (isolated from a mesenterial lymph node of cattle) of the four strains of M. tuberculosis used for the experimental infection of 17 animals. On the other hand, in three strains of M. tuberculosis, trials with experimental infection demonstrated only allergy to mammalian tuberculin and changes at the sites of subcutaneous inoculation of mycobacteria of regressive nature; these mostly disappeared within 90 days from infection.  相似文献   

牛结核病诊断方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
牛结核病是由牛分支杆菌、结核分支杆菌、禽分支杆菌等引起的一类慢性消耗性疾病,是牛各种传染病中致死率最高的疾病之一,该病在人畜之间可以相互传染,很难根治,是影响养牛业和全人类健康的重大疾病,因此控制本病的传播和蔓延迫在眉睫。控制牛结核病的主要措施是及时检疫和根除病牛,定期对牛群进行检疫监控。近年来,随着生命科学的发展,进一步将传统细菌检测法、免疫学检测法和分子生物学检测法3种方法相结合,特别是分子水平上科学技术的发展,使牛结核病的诊断方法逐渐得到完善,同时获得了许多牛分支杆菌的特异性抗原及其基因,对于阐明结核分支杆菌和牛分支杆菌的分子进化和遗传变异规律等方面都具有重要的流行病学意义。  相似文献   

Twenty-one properties in the Otago region of the South Island of New Zealand were surveyed for the presence of gross lesions due to Mycobacterium bovis infection in feral cats (Felis catus), ferrets (Mustela furo) and stoats (Mustela erminea) during 1993 and 1994. In total, 1293 cats, ferrets, stoats and weasels (Mustela nivalis) were examined for the presence of tuberculous lesions. The properties surveyed were selected according to the history and incidence of bovine tuberculosis infection in their cattle herds. Sixteen infected cattle properties were trapped in areas of Otago that were endemic for bovine tuberculosis and five properties were trapped in non-endemic areas that were considered to be free from tuberculosis infection in the cattle. No tuberculous cats, ferrets, stoats or weasels were found in non-endemic areas, and prevalence rates in the endemic areas were 0.9% for cats (n=215, 0.12相似文献   

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