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摘 要:为了探明植保无人飞机喷雾雾滴在主干形果树冠层中的沉积分布规律,针对2种果树分别设计了4种不同作业速度梯度的喷雾效果试验,研究了3WQFTX-10型电动四旋翼植保无人飞机和3WQF120-12型油动单旋翼植保无人飞机分别对于主干形桃树(超红)和主干形梨树(新世纪梨)冠层各位置的雾滴沉积分布情况。结果表明:在风速小于1.2 m/s的微风条件下,当使用植保无人飞机以距离果树冠层顶部2 m的高度对主干形果树喷雾时,以果树为中心航线进行作业有助于雾滴更好的沉降。对于主干形桃树,当采用电动四旋翼植保无人飞机进行喷雾作业时,建议飞行速度处在2~4 m/s的范围内,此时雾滴在主干形桃树不同位置的雾滴沉积密度大于25个/cm2。对于主干形梨树,当采用单旋翼油动无人飞机进行喷雾作业时,建议飞行速度处于2~3 m/s的范围内,此时雾滴在主干形梨树不同位置的沉积密度大于39.00个/cm2。此外,飞行速度对于雾滴分布均匀性影响较大,2种主干形果树冠层各采样位置测得的雾滴分布变异系数均值普遍处于20%以上水平,最高值高达63.56%,未来对于果树航空喷雾均匀性方面的研究还需加强。研究结果可以为使用植保无人飞机防控主干形果树果园病虫害提供喷雾技术依据。  相似文献   

探究四旋翼植保无人机(极飞P20)作业参数对荔枝冠层雾滴沉积分布的影响,可以为构建荔枝园无人机植保技术体系和推动无人机在荔枝生产上的应用提供依据。本文采用3因素(亩用液量、作业高度、作业速度),3水平的正交试验,应用小型四旋翼植保无人机对荔枝树进行喷雾试验,以雾滴测试卡收集每次作业处理后的树冠不同部位雾滴分布信息,使用图像处理软件DepositScan 分析雾滴测试卡的雾滴沉积情况,采用统计学方法计算雾滴沉积密度、单位面积沉积量和雾滴穿透性,获得不同处理条件下雾滴在树冠不同部位的分布规律。结果表明,在无风条件下,四旋翼无人机对荔枝树施药的最优作业参数为:亩用液量2.0 L、作业高度2.0 m、作业速度4.0 m/s。影响雾滴沉积密度和覆盖率的主要因素是亩用液量,其次是作业高度、作业速度;对雾滴沉积穿透性影响作用从大到小依次为作业高度>亩用液量>作业速度,当作业高度为2.0 m 时雾滴沉积穿透性最好。本文根据四旋翼植保无人机喷雾在荔枝冠层的雾滴沉积分布情况,对植保无人机的作业参数进行了优选,其结果将有利于确保无人机施药雾滴在荔枝树冠层的高效沉积分布。  相似文献   

为探究植保无人飞机(大疆T30)作业参数对枇杷冠层雾滴沉积分布的影响。本文利用3个因素(作业高度、作业速度、亩用液量),3因子的正交实验,进行植保无人飞机喷洒枇杷树的喷雾试验。试验结果表明:从雾滴沉积密度、雾滴覆盖率和雾滴穿透性等因素来看,植保无人飞机对枇杷树的最佳作业参数为:作业高度2.0m、作业速度4.5m·s-1、亩用液量2.0L。对雾滴穿透冠层的影响最大的因素是工作高度;在1.5m的作业高度下雾滴沉积穿透性最佳。本研究对指导植保无人飞机枇杷树精准喷施叶面肥具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植保无人机防治病虫害是现代农业发展的新型技术,在我国水稻、小麦等大田作物上已经广泛应用,但在柑橘植保方面还处于起步阶段。为探索无人机在柑橘飞防应用的作业效果,本文以六旋翼油动无人机为研究对象,设置不同飞行参数、不同修剪果树试验组,探索柑橘全株不同水平与垂直方向的风力大小及雾滴沉积密度。为植保无人机对柑橘类果树的精准航空作业提供理论基础,提高植保无人机在果园的作业质量,推进柑橘木虱统防统治。结果表明,25组不同喷雾参数平均统计中,经过中度修剪较未修剪的植株受风力大小为上层风力增加 22.62%,中层增加 16.59%,下层增加 7.33%;最大风力为15.507m/s,基本不会对植株造成机械损伤。所以结合农机与农艺,经过一定程度修剪的柑橘树形有利于提高无人机的施药效果。同时,9个不同飞行架次测试雾滴密度显示,各采样叶片正面(+)雾滴密度明显大于背面(-),各部位叶片正面雾滴密度平均为104个/cm2,背面平均为39个/cm2。其中正面最高值为142个/cm2,背面为51个/cm2;正面最低值为55个/cm2,背面为29个/cm2。9个架次得出不同喷雾参数的平均雾滴沉积密度差异明显,且垂直方向上、下层效果较好,中层雾滴密度较低。建议多旋翼大型无人机作业前进行适当修剪,选择温度适中无风天气,飞行器1.5~2.5 m/s,高度根据地势条件控制在6、7、8 m均可达到较好效果。  相似文献   

为了初步探究单旋翼电动无人机对莲雾与荔枝果树航空喷施的雾滴沉积效果,论证航空作业方式的可行性。针对2种果树设计了包含4个独立作业架次的喷施验证试验,研究了HB-Y-15L与DN-18N单旋翼电动无人机以常规作业参数对莲雾与荔枝果树进行往复式喷施作业时,对应果树冠层各层正反面采样区域的雾滴沉积分布情况。结果表明:在0.3~1.5 m/s的微风条件下,当2种型号的单旋翼电动无人机分别以距果树冠层顶部1 m的飞行高度、2 m/s的飞行速度对莲雾与荔枝果树进行往复式航空喷施作业时,机型对于莲雾、荔枝果树垂直各层采样区域的雾滴沉积水平的影响并不是很显著;经对比分析,HB-Y-15L型无人机喷施雾滴在莲雾树树冠各层间的雾滴穿透性(18.69%)较佳,DN-18N型无人机喷施雾滴在荔枝树树冠各层间的雾滴穿透性(21.25%)较佳;但2种机型在莲雾、荔枝果树各层正反面采样区域测得的雾滴分布均匀性值普遍处于50%以上水平,最高值高达210.06%,均表现出了较差的雾滴分布均匀性,果树沉积均匀性方面研究亟需加强;同时,在未来进行莲雾、荔枝果树航空喷施作业时,为了保证最佳的喷施有效沉积量,建议无人机配套使用喷雾角为80°的小喷雾角度的喷头。该研究结果初步揭示了单旋翼电动无人机应用在莲雾与荔枝果树上的喷施效果,可为合理喷施农药、提升农药利用率提供参考,对进一步推动莲雾、荔枝果树飞防作业普及具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

为了探究有人驾驶直升机对赣南山地柑橘果园航空喷雾防治柑橘木虱的雾滴沉积效果,进行了相关试验。研究了Bell206L4直升机以常规作业参数对山地柑橘树进行盘旋式飞行喷雾作业时,不同山体采样区域及果树采样位置的雾滴沉积分布情况。结果表明:当设定单位面积喷施量为15 L/hm2、直升机飞行高度为距树顶10 m及飞行速度为120 km/h时,建议直升机配套选用CP04航空喷头,此时总喷施流量为123.42 L/min,雾滴粒径DV0.5处于200~300 μm的喷雾粒径区间;在上述作业条件下,直升机喷雾对于整座山体的平均雾滴沉积量为0.896 μL/cm2,雾滴分布均匀性为60.82%;经对比分析,雾滴沉积量与雾滴沉积分布均匀性由山体顶部至山体下部呈现先增加后减少的趋势。对于各特征果树,雾滴沉积量由果树上层至果树下层呈现逐层减少的趋势,果树上层与下层的极差高达1.290 μL/cm2;同时,处于山体底部位置的特征果树雾滴穿透性要明显优于山体中部和顶部。研究结果有助于提升直升机对柑橘的喷雾作业质量,可以为优化航空施药方案提供指导与参考。  相似文献   

防治柑橘木虱是遏制柑橘黄龙病扩散的关键措施之一,应用有人直升机防治柑橘木虱目前还没有相关文献报道。本文介绍了赣南脐橙产区在嫩梢期应用有人直升机防治柑橘木虱的做法及成效。结果表明:有人直升机施药雾化性能较好,雾滴附着率高,雾滴分布较均匀,14个处理607个雾滴检测样本平均雾滴密度13.33 粒/cm2,雾滴密度符合农业航空植保技术作业要求;各处理对柑橘木虱均有很好的防治效果,药后7 天,防效都达90%以上。有人直升机具有作业效率高、突击能力强、不同地形地貌适应性好等特点,能在短时间内大面积施药作业,对失管果园、隔离带和杂草上的木虱也能同时防治,解决了一家一户防治时间不统一的问题,可以大面积减少虫口基数,是目前柑橘黄龙病发生区可以借鉴应用的重要技术措施。提出了加快农药产品的研发和登记、防范发生次生灾害、完善防治技术及轮换用药避免产生抗药性等建议。  相似文献   

近年 ,赣北早熟梨生产发展较快 ,已成为江西早熟梨的主要产区之一。但是 ,不同的梨园早期投产收益情况差异很大 ,有些建园后 3年单产能达到 5 0 0kg/ 6 6 7m2 ,有些建园后 4年仍没有开花结果。为此 ,我们进行了早熟梨常见树形调查并进行了早结丰产树形培养与低产梨树改造示范。现将有关情况介绍如下。1 早结优质丰产树形1 1 延期二层疏散分层形 江南地区梨园的主要树形。树高一般控制在 2 2~ 2 5m ,有 5个大主枝 ,第一层设 3个大主枝 ,距地面高度 6 0~ 70cm ,第二层设两个大主枝 ,与第一层主枝间距 70~ 80cm ,每个主枝上配有两个…  相似文献   

梨树密植栽培模式主要有棚架、篱壁式、Y字形等树形,均需搭建架式,前期投入较大。我中心从2005年起开展砂梨细长纺锤形整形修剪技术研究,探索出翠冠、丰水等砂梨品种梨树细长纺锤形整形修剪技术。该树形定植密度为1.5-2m?m,主干高60-70cm,树高2.5-3m,冠径为1.5-2m。中心干直立强壮,螺旋状均匀分布10-15个侧枝,下长上短,侧枝开张角度80?90?之间,其上直接着生结果枝组,树体较高,上小下大,形似细长纺锤形。该树形前期投入少,整形修剪简单,早产丰产,是一种较好的密植栽培树形。  相似文献   

以“翠玉”和“翠冠”梨为研究试材,构建顺行Y 字双主干形和细纺锤形两种树形,高畦栽植,宽行窄株建园,通过比较研究,选择南方生态条件下的宜机树形。结果表明,两种树形均减少了树体骨干枝级次,结构简单,具有冬季修剪量小、受光率高、土地利用率高、产量高、便于机械作业等优点。两种树形栽后3年即可成形,株高3.5m以上,干径42.22-49.75mm,以短枝结果为主,产量可达1300kg/667m2以上。但顺行Y字双主干树形产量更高、劳动力投入更少,克服了单主干细纺锤形树生长旺盛的缺点,更加省工增效,是南方生态条件下密植梨园的理想宜机树形。  相似文献   

【目的】研究两种通风模式下杭州地区规模化猪场舍内环境参数及其分布规律,筛选出适合本地区推广的通风模式。【方法】选取杭州地区具有代表性的横向通风和纵向通风两种通风模式下育肥舍为研究对象,开展了早、中、晚3个不同时间点,进风口、舍中央和排风口3个不同位置的热环境参数、有害气体浓度的监测,持续监测1周。分析不同时间点和舍内不同位置对热环境参数(温度、相对湿度、风速)以及有害气体(氨气(NH3)和硫化氢(H2S))浓度的影响,并对两种模式下的热环境参数及有害气体浓度进行比较分析;采用空气沉淀法收集舍内环境中的细菌,并对细菌进行培养及统计分析,比较两种模式下育肥舍中细菌数量差异。【结果】两种通风模式下育肥舍相对湿度均低于国家标准,位置和各时间点对相对湿度影响不大,其中纵向通风舍内的相对湿度显著高于横向通风模式(P<0.05)。两种通风模式舍内平均温度没有显著性差异(P>0.05),舍内中午温度显著高于早、晚(P<0.05),位置对纵向通风舍内温度影响较大。纵向通风舍内平均风速为(1.09±0.42)m/s,符合国家标准且极显著高于横向...  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in Kenya's southern savanna rangelands to determine the seasonal effect of Balanites glabra canopy cover on aboveground grass biomass, grass species composition, soil organic matter and soil moisture content. The study was conducted during the period June to December 1999 in order to capture both the dry and wet season effects. The grass biomass in the sub-canopy zone (2-4m from tree trunk) was found to be significantly higher than in the mid-canopy (0-2m from tree trunk) and open grassland zones (4-6m from tree trunk) during the dry season. However, the difference between the sub-canopy and the open grassland was not significant during the wet season, implying that the role of a tree canopy in enhancing grass biomass is greater during the dry than the wet season. Variations in percent grass species composition from the mid-canopy to the adjacent open grassland were observed, indicating that while B. glabra canopy cover favours certain grass species, other species find the micro-climatic conditions under the canopy unfavourable. Soil organic matter in the mid-canopy zone was significantly higher than in the sub-canopy and adjacent open zones during both dry and wet season. Although the sub-canopy zone exhibited significantly higher soil moisture content than the mid-canopy and open grassland zones during the dry season, the difference between the sub-canopy and the adjacent open grassland during the wet season was not significant, suggesting that the tree canopy influence on soil moisture is more pronounced in the dry than the wet season.  相似文献   

To clarity the relationship between tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and insulin resistance in dairy cows affected with fatty liver, naturally occurring cases were investigated. The affected cows were classified into following three groups according to histopathologic findings of the liver: mild fat droplet deposition (group 1; n=11), severe fat droplet deposition (group 2; n=10), and cloudy swelling (group 3; n=8). Serum TNF activities in Group 2 (8.67 +/- 2.16 U/ml) and Group 3 (11.65 +/- 1.92 U/ml) were significantly higher than that in Group 1 (3.57 +/- 0.81 U/ml) (p<0.05). The insulin-tolerance tests showed that the insulin-stimulated glucose disposal rates (GDR) in Group 2 (27.6 +/- 7.8%) and Group 3 (15.8 +/- 9.1%) were significantly lower than that in Group 1 (41.7 +/- 9.8%). There was a significant negative correlation between serum TNF activity and GDR in affected cows (r=-0.56, p<0.01). These results indicate that serum TNF activity is correlated with insulin resistance in cows with fatty liver.  相似文献   

The disposition of an aqueous suspension of procaine penicillin G (300 000 U/ mL) was studied in feedlot steers. Four groups of three steers were used. Steers in groups 1 and 2 received procaine penicillin G once daily for 5 days intramuscularly (i.m.) at a dose of 24 000 U/kg (group 1) or of 66 000 U/kg (group 2). The injection on the last day was administered in the gluteal muscle. Steers in group 3 (i.m. neck injection) and group 4 [subcutaneous (s.c.) injection] each received a single dose of procaine penicillin G at a dose of 66 000 U/kg. From every animal, after the last injection in groups 1 and 2 and following the single injection in groups 3 and 4, a series of blood samples was taken at fixed time intervals. The plasma from these samples was analysed for penicillin G by a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay in order to determine the disposition of penicillin. The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and the area under the curve (AUC) were significantly different between groups 1 and 2, but we found no difference in the disappearance rate constant between these two groups. Group 4 single s.c. injections produced a lower mean Cmax (1.85 ± 0.27 ng/mL) than the mean Cmax (4.24 ± 1.08 μg/mL) produced in group 3 by i.m. injections into the neck muscle or the mean Cmax (2.63 ± 0.27 μg/mL) produced in group 2 by i.m. injections into the gluteal muscle. However the mean Cmax produced by i.m. injections into the neck muscles (group 3) was higher than the mean Cmax produced by i.m. injections into the gluteal muscle (group 2). Additionally, the disappearance t½, was longer (18.08 h) in group 4 following the s.c. injection and shorter (8.85 h) in group 3 following the i.m. neck injection, than the t½ following administration of the same dose i.m. into the gluteal muscle (15.96 h) in group 2. In this study, when procaine penicillin G was injected into the gluteal muscle, doses of 66 000 U/kg were necessary to produce plasma concentrations that were above a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for penicillin G of 1.0 μg/mL as compared to doses of 24 000 U/kg.  相似文献   

The cao vit gibbon is a critically endangered species. Only approximately 110 individuals remain in degraded karst forest along the China‐Vietnam border. Karst forest is unusual gibbon habitat. Currently, the canopy height of cao vit gibbon habitat is approximately 10 m. Research on the locomotor behavior of gibbons living in this particular forest type might provide important insight into locomotor stability and variability of gibbons. We used 5 min scan samples to record the locomotion mode, support use and canopy strata of gibbons in 3 groups for 2096 h between January 2008 and December 2009. Although cao vit gibbon habitat has a lower canopy in comparison to that of other forests inhabited by gibbons, cao vit gibbons displayed a similar overall locomotor pattern to other gibbon species (Symphalangus syndactylus, Hylobates lar and Hylobates agilis) in which brachiation dominate their locomotor behavior. Cao vit gibbons spent most of their time travelling on inclined branches (2–10 cm) in the middle stratum through the forest canopy. Adult females appear to more often employ safer modes of locomotion (bridging more often and brachiation less), while adult males choose riskier modes (leaping more and climbing less). As gibbons increased in body weight, as they grew from infant to adult, they tended to use larger supports. This research documented that locomotor behavior in Hylobatidae is strongly determined by anatomical characters, but cao vit gibbons also show the ability to use various supports, enabling them to survive in karst forest.  相似文献   

旨在揭示miR-33a在绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化中的生物学功能。本研究以15日龄雄性绵羊背部皮下前体脂肪细胞为试验材料,所有的试验均设立3个重复;利用生物信息学软件预测miR-33a的靶基因,并通过双荧光素酶报告试验对预测的潜在靶基因进行验证;用qPCR和Western blotting分别检测miR-33a、Lipin1和IRS2及其编码蛋白的表达,以揭示miR-33a与其靶基因在绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化中的表达规律;慢病毒介导实现miR-33a的过表达和干扰后,检测Lipin1、IRS2和成脂标志基因的表达,并用油红O染色检测脂滴沉积能力,以解析miR-33a对其靶基因的调节机制。生物信息学分析发现,miR-33a与Lipin1和IRS2 3'-UTR都存在结合位点,miR-33a显著下调Lipin1和IRS2野生型双荧光质粒的相对荧光活性(P<0.05);在绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化中,miR-33a与Lipin1和IRS2的表达趋势相反;过表达miR-33a后,显著下调了Lipin1(P<0.01)和IRS2(P<0.05)及其编码蛋白以及成脂标志基因的表达;干扰miR-33a后,这些基因和蛋白的表达则显著上调;过表达miR-33a减少了脂滴沉积,干扰miR-33a促进了脂滴沉积。在绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化中,miR-33a与Lipin1和IRS2的表达呈负相关。miR-33a靶向Lipin1和IRS2的3'-UTR抑制绵羊前体脂肪细胞分化和脂滴沉积。  相似文献   

黑龙江龙口自然保护区黑熊春季生境选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈洋  夏茜  王文  沈广爽 《野生动物》2010,31(2):63-68
分别于2008年4~5月和2009年4~5月,在龙口自然保护区对黑熊春季生境选择进行了研究,野外工作共设置87个10 m×10 m样方,并调查12个生态因子,其中利用样方41个,对照样方46个。通过Vanderploeg &Scavia选择指数得到,黑熊喜爱选择处于高海拔(〉450 m)、上坡位有石砬子且草本盖度适中(10%~40%)的生境,倾向选择乔木密度高(〉10株/100 m2)、郁闭度大(〉40%)、灌木密度较低(〈10%)、隐蔽级低(〈30%)、倒木密度大(〉1根/100 m2)、陡坡(〉30°)且向阳的针阔混交林。主成分分析与资源选择函数分析共同得到海拔、坡度、坡位、植被类型对黑熊生境选择影响较大,坡向和倒木密度影响较小的结果。综合分析,将Vanderploeg & Scavia选择指数、主成分分析与资源选择函数相结合可以更好地反映黑熊生境选择情况。  相似文献   

The biomechanical characteristics of a 4-ring circular multiplanar fixator applied to equine third metacarpal bones with a 5 mm mid-diaphyseal osteotomy gap were studied. Smooth Steinmann pins, either 1/8 inch, 3/16 inch, or 1/4 inch, were driven through pilot holes in the bone in a crossed configuration and full pin fashion and fastened to the fixator rings using cannulated fixation bolts. The third metacarpal bone fixator constructs were tested in three different modes (cranial-caudal four-point bending, axial compression, and torsion). Loads of 2,000 N were applied in bending and axial compression tests and a load of 50 N ± m was applied during testing in torsion. Fixator stiffness was determined by the slope of the load displacement curves. Three constructs for each pin size were tested in each mode. Comparisons between axial stiffness, bending stiffness, and torsional stiffness for each of the three different pin sizes were made using one-way analysis of variance. There was no visually apparent deformation or permanent damage to the fixator frame, and no third metacarpal bone failure in any of the tests. Plastic deformation occurred in the 1/8 inch pins during bending, compression, and torsion testing. The 3/16 inch and 1/4 inch pins elastically deformed in all testing modes. Mean (±SE) axial compressive stiffness for the 1/8 inch, 3/16 inch, and 1/4 inch pin fixator constructs was: 182 ± 16 N/mm, 397 ± 21 N/mm, and 566 ± 8.7 N/mm; bending stiffness was 106 ± 3.3 N/mm, 410 ± 21 N/mm, and 548 ± 12 N/mm; and torsional stiffness was 6.15 ± 0.82 N.m/degree, 7.14 ± 0.0 N±m/degree, and 11.9 ± 1.0 N.m/degree respectively. For statically applied loads our results would indicate that a 4-ring fixator using two 1/4 inch pins per ring may not be stiff enough for repair of an unstable third metacarpal bone fracture in a 450 kg horse.  相似文献   

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