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将单口面积1.33~2.33hm~2、环境相似的6口罗氏沼虾养殖池塘分为2组,3口池塘投喂蛋白质水平为35.4%的饲料,且每日适量泼洒糖蜜(试验组),3口池塘投喂蛋白质水平为41.9%的饲料,不泼洒糖蜜(对照组),常规管理。养殖期间,每隔15d取水样检测氨氮和亚硝态氮含量。156d的饲养结果表明,对照组和试验组罗氏沼虾的产量分别为6600kg/hm~2和6427.5kg/hm~2,降低饲料中的蛋白水平结合泼洒糖蜜不影响罗氏沼虾的生长(P0.05),养殖效益亦无显著差异(P0.05)。但试验组池塘水中氨氮较对照组低54.0%,亚硝态氮低21.0%,泼洒糖蜜显著降低了池塘氨氮和亚硝态氮含量(P0.05)。  相似文献   


The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, commonly called ‘scampi,’ is the most important culturable freshwater species of prawn with a fairly high growth rate, wide range of temperature (15-35°C) and salinity tolerance. The nutrients required by this species for growth and associated physiological functions are similar to those required by other crustaceans. Current data suggest that a digestible protein level of above 30 is required for maximum growth and protein efficiency. Ingredients such as mussel meat meal, squid meal, and shrimp meal serve as potential sources of protein in formulated diets. The complete quantitative requirements for all the essential amino acids for this prawn species have not yet been worked out. With respect to non-protein energy supply in the form of carbohydrate, studies indicated that scampi is capable of utilizing various carbohydrate sources efficiently. Dietary carbohydrate in the form of complex polysaccharides appears to be more effective as an energy source. Like other crustaceans, scampi also has limited ability to synthesize sterol from acetate and mevalonic acid. Quantitative estimates of the essential fatty acid requirements have been made in post-larval scampi. Data on vitamin and mineral requirements are scarce. Recent developments in diet formulation, practical feeding practices and the aquaculture potential in India have been indicated with emphasis on sustainable production.  相似文献   

Juvenile freshwater prawns Mucrobruchium rosenkrgii (mean wet weight = 0.75, 1986 or 0.17g, 1985) were stocked into 0.06–0.07 ha earthen ponds at densities ranging from 39,536 to 118,608/ha during two separate growing seasons. After growout periods ranging from 135 to 142 days, survival was from 54.3% to 89.9% (x = 77.0%). Mean prawn weight at harvest ranged from 15.0 to 44.3g and decreased with increasing stocking density. The larger stocking weight of prawns was associated with harvest weights that were 16.8 to 39.6% greater than those achieved with the smaller stocking weight at comparable stocking densities. Stocking of juveniles of the proper size and the effective management of the social structure of M. rosenkrgii appear to be critical to the success of intensive pond culture in temperate climates where the length of the growing season is restricted.  相似文献   


In temperate regions, post-larvae freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, are grown to more advanced sizes in tanks prior to pond stocking. This intermediate stage of culture is referred to as the nursery period. Little research has been conducted on different management practices on juvenile prawn growth and survival during this 30-60 day period. Survival during the nursery stage has been highly variable and may be related to the cannibalistic behavior of juvenile freshwater prawn when cultured at high densities in the nursery. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of stocking density, relative to the provision of artificial substrate (number of prawns/m2 of substrate), on growth, survival, and economic variables for freshwater prawn juveniles during nursery production. Post-larvae (0.01%0.00 g, n = 300) were stocked into nine 1900 L tanks, each provided with 20.5 m2 of artificial substrate in the form of horizontal layers of black plastic mesh (10 mm) spaced 5 cm apart. Tanks were randomly assigned one of three prawn densities (215, 430, or 860 post-larvae/m2 of substrate), which equated to 2.3,4.6 and 9.2 prawn/L, respectively. Juvenile prawn were fed a commercial trout diet (42% protein) at a percentage of body weight according to a feed rate table. Water quality was maintained using a flow rate of 8 L/min in each tank from a reservoir pond. Temperature was maintained at approximately 28°C using heat pumps. After 56 days there was no significant difference (P >0.05) in average weight of juvenile prawn stocked at the three densities (0 = 0.58%0.12 g, n = 9). Survival was significantly lower (P <0.05) for prawn stocked at 860 m2 (62%) than in those stocked at 430/m2 (78%) and 215/m2 (94%), which were not statistically different (P >0.05). Even with reduced survival, the highest stocking density produced the greatest number of nursed juveniles based on both tank volume (5.5/l) and surface area (530/m2), at the lowest average cost.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The effect of stocking prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii at increasing densities in ponds with Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus reared at low density was evaluated. Twelve 0.01-ha earthen ponds were stocked with 1 tilapia/m2 and 0, 2, 4, or 6 postlarvae prawn/m2. Three replicates were randomly assigned to each prawn density. Postlarval prawns were stocked a week prior to tilapia juveniles and both were harvested 175 d after the beginning of the experiment. Tilapia final average weight, survival, production, and food conversion rates did not differ significantly among treatments ( P > 0.05); the averages were 531 g, 67%. 3,673 kg/ha, and 1.91, respectively. Prawn survival rates did not differ for the three stocking densities (mean 90%). However, final weight and production were significantly different ( P < 0.05) as follows: 34.0, 23.0, and 14.7 g and 639, 909, and 818 kg/ha, respectively for 2. 4, and 6 prawns/m2 densities. Stocking densities up to 6 prawn/m2 did not affect tilapia production and required neither additional feeding nor significant changes in management. The polyculture system allowed an increase in total production with the same amount of supplied feed, thus improving the system sustainability.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Amino acid profiles of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii were determined during early larval stages (I-IX) to provide some baseline biochemical information of the growing larvae. The larvae obtained from several females were stocked into three 250-L tanks at a density of 30 larvae/L. The feeding regime consisted of newly hatched Artemia nauplii and egg custard containing 5% cod liver oil. For each developmental stage, larval samples from each experimental tank were pooled, freeze dried and after acid hydrolysis, the quantification of amino acids was done by a reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography ( N = 2). The highest represented of the total amino acids were for glutamic acid and phenylalanine (with cystine) with ranges from 13.4–16.6 and 9.7–11.5%, respectively, whereas tryptophan (1.4–1.6%). methionine (1.4–2.7%) and histidine (2.9–4.2%) were relatively lower. The levels of the following essential amino acids did not significantly change during larval development: arginine, leucine, phenylalanine (plus cystine), threonine, tryptophan and valine. Despite statistically significant changes that were observed in levels of some amino acids, amino acid composition appeared to be relatively unchanged during the larval growth. The results may suggest that the amino acid requirements of the freshwater prawn is relatively constant during larval life and can be satistied by a suitable protein source that resembles the larval amino acid profile.  相似文献   

In temperate zone ponds, maximization of total production without decreasing average harvest weight is of increased importance due to the relatively short growing season. Recent research on the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii has shown that techniques such as size grading juveniles and adding artificial substrate to the ponds can accomplish these goals, and their impacts appear to be cumulative. However, due to the greater investments required, private producers have been reluctant to adopt these practices. The studies involved in developing these independent technologies have been conducted over a number of growing seasons with their different environmental conditions. It is important that different production technologies being utilized by commercial producers be directly compared under standardized conditions. The objective of this study was to compare the previously recommended and widely used technology (39,200/ha; ungraded juveniles; no substrate) (Low Input) with an intensified version of that technology used by some producers (54,340/ha; ungraded juveniles; no substrate) (Medium Input) with a technology package developed through a series of research trials to maximize production (69,160/ha; graded juveniles; with substrate; phase feeding) (High Input) under standardized conditions. Each of the seven 0.04-ha ponds were randomly assigned to either the Low Input, Medium Input, or High Input treatment with two, three, and two replicate ponds per treatment, respectively. Juvenile prawns (ungraded 0.6 ± 0.3 g; graded 0.9 ± 0.3 g) were stocked at one of the three densities according to its randomly assigned treatment. Low and Medium Input ponds received no added substrate while artificial substrate was added to the High Input ponds a rate sufficient to increase available surface area by 50%. Low and Medium Input Treatments were fed a 32% protein sinking pellet according to a feeding table. High Input ponds were fed at rates 20% above the feed table recommendations. After 104 d, survival was significantly higher (P± 0.05) in the High Input treatment (92%) than in the Medium Input treatment (83%), with Low Input ponds being intermediate (88%). Compared to the Low Input technology, the Medium Input technology significantly increased (P± 0.05) total production but significantly reduced average weight, so that Production Stock Index (PSI) and production of marketable size animals (> 20 g) or premium size animals (> 30 g) was not significantly increased (P > 0.05). Compared to the original Low Input technology, the High Input treatment significantly increased (P < 0.05) production (92%), average weight (6%), Production Stock Index (PSI) (102%), market-able production (> 20 g) (140%), production of premium size animals (> 30 g) (130%), and feed efficiency (32%). The move from the Low Input technology to the High Input technology reduced breakeven costs by 13% based on operating costs and 22% based on total cost figures. In summary, adoption of the High Input technology appears to be biologically and economically justified if similar results can be obtained in commercial scale ponds.  相似文献   

吴江市地处太湖东侧水网地带 ,有众多的淡水水域 ,水产养殖业历来发达。为了提高传统养殖渔业的经济效益 ,从 1 992年起着重推行罗氏沼虾池塘养殖规模经营。由于池塘养虾投资少、见效快、收益大、生产稳定 ,近十年来 ,各乡、镇的养殖面积逐年扩大 ,生产技术也渐趋成熟。现将罗氏沼虾的池塘养成主要技术措施介绍如下 :一、池塘条件1 .水源  引用天然江河、湖泊等水源的水均可 ,但使用前必须了解 :水源是否被工业废水污染过 ;在罗氏沼虾生长高峰期 ,水的供应量是否有保证。2 .水温  罗氏沼虾原产热带、亚热带 ,对低温的适应能力差。其适宜…  相似文献   

Chemical compositions and thermal properties of cultured freshwater prawn meat (FPM) were studied. FPM contained 83.2% protein (dry basis), 62.7% of which was myofibrillar protein. Pepsin-soluble collagen (PSC) and insoluble collagen (ISC) contents were 0.63 and 0.32%, respectively. Both collagens were similar to type V collagen from porcine placenta. Glutamic acid/glutamine, arginine, aspartic acid/?asparagine, and lysine were abundant amino acids in FPM. Glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and aspartic acid/?asparagine were predominant in both collagens. FPM exhibited thermal transition temperatures (Tmax) of 48.3 and 64.7°C, whereas Tmax of PSC and ISC were 43.0 and 46.0°C, respectively. Textural changes in FPM during post-mortem storage on ice are plausibly dependent upon its compositional and thermal properties.  相似文献   

Effects of size and age of juvenile freshwater prawns on their growth in polyculture ponds were investigated. Post-larvae were nursed at two commercial nurseries, during either 66 or 129 days, to final mean weights of about 0.25 and 0.5 g, for each age group. Nursed prawns were stocked in ponds at a density of 2/m2 and polycultured with carps and tilapias for 148 days.
No significant effect of age or size, or their interaction, was detected in mean harvest weight and gross income, although small age effect was noted in survival and total yield.  相似文献   


Recent developments in prawn production technologies (i.e., added substrate, increased stocking densities, size grading, and increased feed rates) have increased production rates from 900-1,000 kg/ha to over 2,500 kg/ha. While prawn can receive substantial nutritional benefit from natural foods at the lower biomass densities, at higher production rates prawn are likely to be more dependent on prepared diets. To ensure that maximum production is being achieved by these new production technologies, production rates must not be nutritionally constrained. This study was conducted to compare the current recommended technology of phase feeding of different quality feedstuffs to prawns of different sizes with the feeding of a high-quality penaeid diet throughout the production season. Two treatments were evaluated: Treatment 1 was phase feeding (current technology-control) where prawns were fed unpelleted distillers' grains with solubles (DDGS) for the first four weeks, then a 28%-protein prawn diet for weeks 5-12, and finally a 40%-protein penaeid diet for weeks 13-16. In Treatment 2, prawn were fed the 40%-protein penaeid diet throughout the entire production period. Feeding rates in both treatments were based upon a feeding table. Three 0.04 ha ponds were used for each treatment. All ponds were stocked at 59,280 juveniles/ha and were provided with artificial substrate in the form of a polyethylene “safety fence” oriented vertically to increase available surface area by 50%. After 106 culture days, no significant differences (P >0.05) were observed between treatments in terms of yield, average individual weight, food conversion ratio (FCR), or survival, which averaged 2,575 kg/ha, 46 g, 2.3, and 94%, respectively, overall. Due to the higher cost of the penaeid diet (US$0.84/kg), feeding costs for the penaeid diet treatment (Treatment 2) were 38% higher than those for Treatment 1. No benefit to using higher protein diets during the first 12 weeks of prawn pond production was observed.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Previous studies have demonstrated a direct linear relationship between freshwater prawn Mucrobrachium rosenbergii production intensity (kg/ha) and amount of added substrate. However, increases greater than 80% have not been practicable with multiple layers of substrate installed in horizontal orientation. Vertical orientation could allow higher inclusion rates, but might not be useable by prawns which had recently molted. This study compared the effectiveness of substrate (in the form of polyethylene fencing) oriented horizontally or vertically, and evaluated the impact of increasing amounts of vertical substrate (0, 50, and 100%) on prawn production. Juvenile prawns (0.2 ± 0.1 g) were stocked into 12 0.04-ha ponds at 65,000/ ha. Ponds were randomly assigned one of four treatments with three replicate ponds per treatment: 1) controls containing no substrate, 2) 50% increase in horizontal orientation, 3) 50% increase in vertical orientation, or 4) 100% increase in vertical orientation. After 106 d, orientation of substrate (horizontal or vertical) had no significant ( P > 0.05) impact on prawn survival, production, or population structure. In ponds with different amounts of vertical substrate, average weight (42 9). survival (89%). and feed conversion ratio (2.7) were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) among treatments. However, total yield (kg/ha) was significantly greater ( P > 0.05) in ponds with 100% increase in surface area (2,653 kg/ha) than in control ponds (2,140 kg/ha). Ponds with a 50% increase in surface area had yields (2,452 kg/ha) that were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) from control ponds or ponds with a 100% increase. These data indicate that orientation does not impact substrate effectiveness in ponds and that increasing amounts of added substrate continue to increase prawn production up to at least an increase of 100% in available surface area.  相似文献   

This paper deals with production systems, cost structure, and profitability of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, farming in a new area of Mymensingh district in the north‐central part of Bangladesh. In the study area, prawn farming practice is still extensive, and only a few farmers (20%) cultivate semiintensively. The costs and returns of extensive and semiintensive farming systems are compared. All farmers in different farming systems made a profit, with seed and feed dominating variable costs. Considerable variation in production costs and profitability was observed. Based on the Cobb–Douglas production function model, return to scale indicates that there is scope to increase production and income from prawn farms in extensive and semiintensive systems by applying more inputs (i.e., seed, feed, and fertilizer).  相似文献   

Three genetic strains (Texas [cultured], Hawaii [cultured], and Myanmar [wild]) of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, were characterized and compared under two pond grow‐out management technologies using a 3 × 2 factorial design. Juvenile prawns (45 d nursed juveniles) from each strain were stocked at individual average weights of 0.4 ± 0.3 g (Texas), 0.3 ± 0.2 g (Hawaii), and 0.3 ± 0.2 g (Myanmar). The low input management technology prawns were stocked at 24,700 /ha with no added substrate. The high input management technology prawns were stocked at 74,100 /ha with the addition of artificial substrate. Each of the six treatment combinations were replicated in three, 0.04 ha earthen ponds (total of 18 ponds). Prawns were fed a sinking pellet (32% protein) once daily at a standardized rate. After 112 d, prawns were harvested, bulk weighed, and counted. Survival of Texas strain (95%) was significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) than Myanmar strain (77–80%) under both management technologies with survival of Hawaii strain (86–91%) intermediate and not significantly different (P > 0.05) from other strains. Under both management technologies, average weight, total production, and marketable percentage (>20 g) was significantly better (P ≤ 0.05) in Texas and Hawaii strains in comparison to the Myanmar strain. These data appear to indicate that the cultured strains evaluated in this study demonstrate positive impacts of domestication and do not indicate inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾气单胞菌MrM0602株的分离和致病性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从濒死的罗氏沼虾体内分离到菌株M rM0602,经形态学观察及API 20E鉴定系统鉴定为嗜水气单胞菌。人工感染健康罗氏沼虾,100%致死剂量为1.0×104cfu/m l,半致死剂量(LD50)为3.16×103cfu/m l。测定菌株M rM0602的胞外产物对小鼠和新西兰大白兔红细胞的溶血活性,表明胞外产物对小鼠红细胞有微弱的溶血活性,对新西兰兔红细胞无溶血活性。胞外蛋白酶活力测定显示,菌株M rM0602胞外产物具有很高的蛋白酶活力,且耐热性很强,65℃仍保持较高活性。常规药物敏感性试验表明,菌株M rM0602对环丙沙星和恩诺沙星高度敏感。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tilapia and freshwater prawn production in Puerto Rico for monoculture and polyculture systems were compared. The experiment consisted of three treatments with three replicates each. The stocking rates for the prawn monoculture, fish monoculture and polyculture treatments were respectively: 7 prawns/m2, 1 tilapia/M2, and 7 prawns with 1 tilapia/ m2. The mean stocking size for tilapia and prawn were respectively, 7–8 g and 1–1.3 g. After 145 d of culture, yields and mean weight of tilapia in monoculture and polyculture system were not significantly different. Total yields were 2,942 and 2,769 kg/ha, respectively. Mean weights were 348 g in monoculture and 331 g in polyculture. Yields and mean weight of prawns in monoculture and polyculture were significantly different. Total yields were 1,367 and 951 kg/ha, respectively. Mean weights were 55 g in monoculture and 31 g in polyculture. Total yield in polyculture was 3,720 kg/ha showing an increase over the production separately obtained in prawn and fish monoculture.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of stocking density and monosex culture on growth, survival, yield and feed conversion ratio of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in concrete tanks. Juvenile prawns with an average weight of 1.8 g were stocked into triplicate tanks at densities of 5, 10, 15 and 20 prawns/m2, grown for 168 d and fed a 34% tilapia diet. Stocking density had significant effect on prawns. Final mean body weight decreased with the increasing density, being highest at 5 prawns/m2 (29.6 9). and lowest at 20 prawns/m2 (17.4 g). Total yield increased from 135 g/m2 (1,350 kg/ha) at a density of 5 prawns/m2 to 261 g/m2 (2,610 kg/ha) at density 15/mz to 245 g/m2 (2,450 kg/ha) at 20/mz. Feed conversion ratios were high and ranged from 3.7 (5 prawns/m2) to 5.6 (20 prawns/m2).
In monosex culture of freshwater prawns stocked in triplicate tanks at a density of 5 prawns/m2 for 112 d, the all-male population had the best growth performance and feed conversion ratio, followed by the mixed-sex and all-female populations. The all-male population had 99% marketable prawns (>20 g) with an average yield of 159 g/m2 (1,590 kg/ha); the mixed-sex population had 90% marketable prawns and the yield was 135 g/mz (1,350 kg/ha); and the all-female population had 75% marketable prawns with an average yield of 108 g/m2 (1,080 kgha).  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to determine the microbiological quality of farmed giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) collected from four freshwater farms located in Kerala (India). Microbiological counts on whole, deheaded, and deheaded and deveined prawn as well as on head and intestine were determined. Average counts (log10 cfu g?1) on whole prawn were 6.9 (total mesophilic counts (TPC) at 37°C) and 4.1 (psychrotrophic count at 7°C). The results indicated that the aerobic counts were within the acceptable limit. The levels of enterococci and faecal coliforms in farmed M. rosenbergii were high. There was an increase in the numbers of enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus after deheading. The major groups of bacteria comprising the flora of M. rosenbergii were Aeromonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas. Farmed M. rosenbergii carried pathogenic bacteria such as Enterococcus spp., S. aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila, A. veronii biovar sobria and Clostridium perfringens. The results of the study suggest adoption of good farming and post harvest practices to improve the microbiological quality of farmed freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

The dietary protein requirement of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii to obtain the maximum body protein retention was assessed by the estimated protein needed daily for maintenance (M) and body protein increment (G). The body protein increment was estimated by quantifying body nitrogen increments when the prawn was fed high‐protein diets composed primarily of casein. The protein required for maintenance was estimated by regressing weight gains in feeding experiments using graded dietary levels of casein. The true daily retention (R) or increase in body protein of the prawn corresponds to the sum of M and G. The values of M, G, and R determined in the present study were 3.86, 0.24, and 4.10 g/kg body weight/d, respectively. On the basis of the daily body protein increment and the net protein utilization of casein (58%), dietary protein requirement of the juvenile M. rosenbergii for maximum body protein retention was suggested to be about 7.1 g/kg body weight/d.  相似文献   

在3口面积各为0.3 hm^2、深度2.0 m的长方形池塘(1#、2#、3#)中放入体长0.7~0.8 cm的罗氏沼虾"南太湖2号"无特定病原种虾,密度为3.0×10~5尾/hm^2;养殖30 d时,2#、3#池塘分别混养质量3~4 g/尾的鲫鱼450、900尾,1#池塘不混养作对照组。经过近110 d的培育,1#、2#、3#池塘"南太湖2号"种虾的平均体质量分别达18.36、18.95、22.6 g,收获量分别达931.5、898.4、842.95 kg,饵料系数分别为1.36、1.53和1.71。试验结果表明,罗氏沼虾"南太湖2号"种虾培育池塘混养合理密度的鲫鱼,虽然影响种虾养殖产量,饲料系数增大,但培育出的种虾个体较大,饱满度较高,作为亲本可以为后期育苗工作的顺利开展打下良好基础。  相似文献   

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