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刺参池塘养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刺参位居“八珍”之首,富含蛋白质、必需氨基酸和微量元素,可供食用、医用,具有极高的经济价值,素有“海洋瑰宝”之称。随着我国沿海的不断开发和利用,适宜于刺参生长繁殖的生态环境受到了很大的影响,刺参的自然资源逐渐减少,其产量很难满足人们日益增长的需求,市场价格一路上扬。开展刺参池塘养殖经济效益显著,发展潜力巨大,被人们称为“海洋捞金”工程,已成为沿海地区又一养殖热点。  相似文献   

苏仰源 《齐鲁渔业》2007,24(9):9-11
池塘蓄水养殖缢蛏具有生长快,养殖周期短,产量高,单位成本低等优点,是一种高产、高效、优质的养殖模式,严格掌握并有效地控制水质、饵料、底质三要素,是提高蓄水养蛏产量的关键。  相似文献   

目前,三疣梭子蟹在我国沿海各省均开展了人工养殖,本文对三疣梭子蟹生态学及池塘养殖技术研究进行综述.提出了三疣梭子蟹今后研究的方向.  相似文献   

报道了用简易大棚进行罗非鱼越冬的技术措施,包括大棚的选址与建设、进棚越冬鱼的选择要求、进棚时间、密度掌握、消毒办法以及进棚后的管理——温度调节、水质调节、饵料投喂、疾病防治提出具体方法。  相似文献   

黑脊倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)俗称光鱼、溪魁,隶属了鲤形目、鲤科、囟巴亚科、倒刺鲃属。主要分布在长江以南的江河中,它具有适应性强、生长快、食性杂、抗病力强、肉质鲜美等优点,是我国的名贵鱼类之一,深受群众喜爱。目前,其人工批量育苗技术现已基本成熟,可为规模化人工养殖提供优质苗种。  相似文献   

海蜇 (Rhopilemaesculeute )隶属于腔肠动物门、真水母纲、水母目、根口水母科 ,是我国沿海常见的大型浮游动物 ,其味道鲜美 ,具有较高的食用价值。目前其天然资源匮乏 ,不能满足市场的需求。潍坊市水产研究所于 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年利用海水育苗结束后闲置的育苗设施进行海蜇人工养殖的探索 ,试养获得了成功。现将试养情况总结如下 :一、养殖设施和主要工具设备大中型海水育苗室 ,包括沉淀池和水质调配池 ,配置水泵、小型增氧机、换水管 ,以及必要的水温计、盐度计、手抄网等仪器、工具。二、管理措施1 .水质调控海蜇…  相似文献   

从池塘良好水质的一般特征、池塘良好水质的理化和生物指标、调节池塘水质的主要措施和改善池塘水环境的技术发展等方面论述了池塘养殖水体改良与调控技术的新进展。  相似文献   

采取人工调兑淡水盐度、合理投喂颗粒饲料和调节水质、综合预防虾病等措施,在面积为1,667m~2、2,201m~2、2,734m~2的3口淡水池塘中养殖南美白对虾,经123d的饲养管理,平均每667m~2产虾298.1-344.4kg、产值8,942.9-10,332.0元、纯利润3,829.5-4,206.8元,投入产出比1:1.69-1:1.75,商品虾平均体长11.5-13.1cm,成活率80.4%-89.4%。  相似文献   

研究了约氏笛鲷人工繁殖及土池培育鱼苗的技术,对培养基础饵料的传统施肥方法进行了改进。试验共获得约氏笛鲷仔鱼740.4万尾,培育出平均全长4.3cm的鱼种26.12万尾,平均成活率6.80%。  相似文献   

南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei Boone)具有适应性广、营养需求低、生长速度快和抗病能力强等优点,在我国南北方均可养殖。笔者多年从事南美白对虾的养殖工作,并获得了一些成功经验。  相似文献   

赵福海  朱雪根  黄则平 《海洋渔业》2002,24(4):178-179,172
江苏省吕四渔场曾是著名的大黄鱼产地之一,但由于捕捞强度的逐年增大,80年代以来,大量自然资源日趋衰退,大黄鱼渔场已形不成渔汛。为保护大黄鱼资源,发展渔业生产,满足市场需求,笔者在前几年大黄鱼养殖试验的基础上,针对大黄鱼的生长特性,结合市场变化及本地的条件,采取引进大规格鱼种,强化池塘养殖管理,使之当年就养成商品鱼。这是一种适合江苏沿海地区自然条件下的大黄鱼养殖模式。笔者先后攻克了鱼种海上长途运输、陆地近距运输、高温渡夏、池塘养殖和越冬集养及病害防治。为大黄鱼池塘养殖起到了示范作用。  相似文献   

在池塘里强化培育草亲鱼,通过加水保温、降水增温,增加有效积温,于2月中旬开始进行强流水刺激;当水温上升到18℃,选择性腺发育良好的亲鱼,用LRH-A2对雌雄亲鱼分两次同步注射(雄的剂量为雌的一半),可使草鱼在4月下旬产卵繁殖,这一措施在时间上比往常人工繁殖季节提前半个月。  相似文献   

根据作者多年的研究,提出了鳝池建造的五个基本要素,并从面积大小、池形、水口、鱼巢、食台和泥层等方面总结了黄鳝有土养殖池、无土养殖池和混合型养殖池的不同要求,还从脱碱、清池和水草投放等三方面概括了鳝池的处理技术。  相似文献   


The effects of renovation on the production of white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus acutus were evaluated in ten 0.1-ha earthen ponds. The bottoms and levees of five ponds were reshaped with heavy equipment prior to planting sorghum-Sudan grass forage during the de-watered phase of the culture cycle. Five non-renovated ponds served as a control. The mean total length (TL) of the crayfish harvested from renovated ponds was significantly larger than those crayfish harvested from non-renovated ponds. The renovated pond harvest contained an estimated 43.2% carryover crayfish (>95 mm TL) in comparison to 7.6% in the harvest from non-renovated ponds. By weight, carryover crayfish constituted an estimated 69.3% of the harvest from renovated ponds, compared to 21.0% from non-renovated ponds. No difference was observed in the harvest between treatments; however, the low proportion of young-of-the-year crayfish in the renovated pond harvest may adversely impact future production.  相似文献   

Plankton community establishment and shrimp production in a prototype biosecure pond were compared to three control ponds. The biosecure pond was enclosed and intake water was disinfected, while control ponds were neither enclosed nor disinfected. All ponds were managed with no water exchange and stocked with 100 postlarvae/m2, Litopenaeus vannamei . Residual oxidant concentrations in the biosecure pond dropped rapidly after cessation of chlorinated water addition. This was followed by a sharp increase in water column bacterial abundance, after which the pond was fertilized and inoculated with cultured Chaetocerous gracilis . After crash of the initial C. gracilis bloom in the biosecure pond, this species was not observed again. Following initial large fluctuations in biosecure pond bacterial abundance, phytoplankton biomass, oxygen consumption and nitrification rates, these parameters appeared to stabilize at levels similar to the control ponds. Early season compositional differences in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterial communities were observed. No differences were seen in late-season phytoplankton and bacteria; however, zooplankton biomass tended to be lower in the biosecure pond than in the control ponds throughout the season. Shrimp production in all ponds was greater than 9,000 kg/ha. Production in the single biosecure pond was not a significant outlier compared to production in the triplicate control ponds.  相似文献   

Hatchery ponds were manipulated by timing of filling to increase the efficiency of production of fingerling largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. The effects on pond productivity of fertilizing with chicken manure versus plant meals (consisting of equal parts by weight of cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, and wheat shorts) were also examined. When ponds were filled in stages, more favorable water temperatures for largemouth bass were achieved, and desirable dissolved oxygen concentrations were maintained. Chlorophyll a levels and plankton community respiration rates were higher in ponds that were fertilized with the plant meals than in ponds fertilized with chicken manure (25% dry matter). Secchi disk visibility was relatively greater in chicken manure ponds than in ponds fertilized with the plant meals; however all differences were not significant. Zooplankton densities were comparable among treatments. Filling ponds in stages had no significant effects on chlorophyll a, plankton community respiration rate, Secchi disk visibility, or zooplankton abundance and population dynamics. Daily production of largemouth bass was greater in ponds filled in stages and fertilized with plant meals than in other treatment ponds. Yield was highest in stage-filled ponds fertilized with plant meals and lowest in full ponds fertilized with chicken manure. Filling ponds in stages reduced the fertilizer cost per kilogram of largemouth bass by 50% in ponds fertilized with plant meals and by 65% in manure-fertilized ponds.  相似文献   

The cultural practices used to produce fingerling walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, in drainable earthen ponds are described for a state fish hatchery in Nebraska and two federal hatcheries in North Dakota. The ponds were filled 1 to 7 days before D2-D4 (Dl=the day of hatch) walleye fry were stocked. At one hatchery, ponds were sometimes double-cropped, first for production of northern pike, Esoxlucius. The two federal hatcheries fertilized ponds with ground alfalfa hay or pellets, while the standard practice at the Nebraska hatchery was not to fertilize walleye ponds, because of concern that fertilization would result in weed problems and oxygen depletion. One hatchery seeded the ponds with rye grass in the fall. Two of the hatcheries regularly used herbicides to prevent the stranding of fingerlings during harvest and their mortality caused by entangment with net algae, Hydrodicton. When used, herbicide treatment was applied before ponds were filled (AquazineTM) or as needed during the culture interval (AquazineTM) or copper sulfate). Harvesting was done after 24 to 58 days; the extreme range represented variation among hatcheries; the variation among ponds at a given hatchery ranged from 4 to 10 days. Harvest occurred when fingerlings were 25 to 50 mm total length and weighed 1,500-5,440 fish/kg. Harvests ranged from 11,933 to 308,537 fingerlings/ha. Survival ranged from 3 to 104% of the estimated number of fry stocked.  相似文献   

1995~1996年,在山东省茌平县和东昌府区进行了大面积养鱼增产试验。通过小池改大池,浅池改深池,投放大规格鱼种,合理密养,施肥投饵,防治鱼病,建立技术网络等措施25299亩鱼池,共产商品鱼8925487.2kg,平均每亩净产352.8kg,商品率90%,平均每亩盈利1512元,投入产出比1:2.18,验收鉴定认为,增产幅度达省内领先水平。  相似文献   

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