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In an effort to feed sunshine bass (Morone chrysops X M. saxatilis) efficiently, promote optimal growth, and reduce labor costs associated with feeding, sunshine bass were fed one of four feeding schedules: once per day, twice per day, once every other day, and twice every other day for 10 weeks. Ten fish were stocked into each of sixteen 110-L aquaria with four replications per treatment. At the conclusion of the feeding trial, percentage weight gain of sunshine bass fed twice/day were significantly (P < 0.05) higher (342%) compared to fish fed all other feeding frequencies. Specific growth rate (SGR) of fish fed twice/day was significantly higher (1.85%/day) compared to fish fed once every other day (0.69%/day) and twice every other day (1.18%/day) but not different (P > 0.05) from fish fed once/day (1.51%/day). The amount of diet consumed by fish fed twice/day was significantly higher (119 g diet/fish) compared to fish fed all other feeding frequencies. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of fish fed twice/day were significantly higher (1.50) compared to fish fed once/day (1.28) and once every other day (1.15) but not different (P > 0.05) from fish fed twice every other day (1.35). Percentage fillet weight of fish fed once/day and twice/day were significantly higher (20.3% and 21.2%, respectively) compared to fish fed once every other day (15.7%) but not different from fish fed twice every other day (18.8%). Percentage lipid in fillet was not significantly different among all other treatments and averaged 9.7%. Percentage protein in fillet of fish fed once every other day and twice every other day was significantly (P > 0.05) higher (90% and 82.1%, respectively) compared to fish fed once/day and twice/day (81.1% and 81.5%, respectively). Based upon data from the present study, it appears that producers growing small juvenile sunshine bass indoors should feed fish twice daily. This feeding regimen allows for higher growth rates, without adverse effects on body or fillet compositions.  相似文献   

We evaluated production performance and fillet composition of sunshine bass fed increasing levels of stabilized poultry protein meal (PM) and poultry fat (PO) to replace menhaden fish meal (FM) and/or oil (FO) in diets. The control diet included 200 g/kg (dry matter basis) FM and 98 g/kg FO. In eight treatment diets, 50% or 100% of the FM and/or FO were replaced with PM and PO. Each diet was fed to four replicate tanks of juvenile sunshine bass for 10 wks. Survival, food conversion ratio, and liposomatic index were unaffected by dietary treatment, although consumption, growth, and HSI were reduced with complete FM replacement. Fillet lipid content and athero- and thrombogenicity indices differed with lipid source; substitution of FO with PO resulted in marked increases in dietary and fillet monoenes and n-6 fatty acids. Consistent with this, dietary and fillet n-3 and highly unsaturated fatty acids were reduced in fish fed more PO. FM replacement similarly affected fillet fatty acid profile, though to a lesser degree. Our data suggests little to no interaction between FM, FO, and their alternatives in diets for sunshine bass, except with respect to the effect of FO and residual lipids in FM on tissue fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The effects of changing the proportion of non-protein energy sources in diets for hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis, Walbaum) were evaluated. Lipid (menhaden fish oil) and carbohydrate (wheat flour/dextrin 1:l) were varied at two digestible energy (DE) levels (2.9 kcal/g and 3.3 kcal/g) using a constant protein level of 35%. Fish fed at the lower energy level had significantly higher weight gain and protein efficiency ratios (PER) when lipid was 15% with no added carbohydrate. Fish fed at the higher energy level. however, exhibited signifcantly higher weight gain, apparent protein retention, and PER at 10% lipid and 30% added carbohydrates. Growth on this diet was also significantly better than other diets at both energy levels.  相似文献   


Production of fingerlings from very small fry depends upon an initial high concentration of rotifers followed by high densities of crustacean zooplankton. High fertilization rates lead to increased zooplankton production but often cause poor water quality conditions that aeration may alleviate. This study was designed to determine the effects of constant, nocturnal, and no aeration on water quality, primary productivity, and standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton in heavily fertilized nursery-size ponds that contained no fish.

Four 0.04-ha ponds were aerated continually; four ponds were aerated only at night with a 372-W (1/2 hp) paddlewheel aerator; and four ponds were not aerated. For 21 days after they were filled on July 21, 1999, the ponds received 1,224 kg/ha rice bran and 581kg/ha liquid 9-27-0 fertilizer. Water quality variables, primary production, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton were sampled daily.

Constant aeration resulted in several conditions more conducive to survival of fish fry, such as higher zooplankton densities, more moderate temperatures, and safer dissolved oxygen levels than did nocturnal aeration or no aeration. However, the development of a higher standing crop of phytoplankton and higher total ammonia concentrations in the turbulent, constantly aerated ponds resulted in higher un-ionized ammonia levels that were not favorable to survival and growth of fry. The high concentrations of zooplankton that developed in the aerated ponds have good potential for cropping to inoculate other ponds or to provide live foods for tank culture of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the effects of graded dietary levels and different types of carnitine on hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis %) fed different levels of lipid. An incomplete factorial design was utilized in which diets containing lipid at either 5 or 10% were supplemented with l-carnitine at 0, 500, or 1000 mg kg–1 diet, dl-carnitine at 1000 mg kg–1 diet, or carnitine chloride to provide 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 diet. Juvenile hybrid striped bass (3.3 g fish–1) were stocked into individual 38-l aquaria connected as a brackish water (6), recirculating system and fed each diet in triplicate for 9 weeks.Supplementation of the diet with 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 increased muscle carnitine from 35.5 to 47.7 g g–1 tissue. Carnitine supplementation did not result in increased weight gain regardless of carnitine level or type; however, weight gain showed a significant (p<0.05) response to dietary lipid with fish fed diets containing 10% lipid growing 34% more than fish fed diets with 5% lipid. The hepatosomatic index also was unaffected by diet, but the intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio was significantly elevated (5.1 vs 3.2%) in fish fed diets with 10% lipid compared to those fed diets with 5% lipid. Fish fed diets containing 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 had increased IPF ratio values at 4.7% compared to 3.9% for fish fed the basal diet. Liver lipid also was responsive to dietary treatment, increasing from 6.7 to 8.8% of wet weight as dietary lipid increased from 5 to 10%. The relative quantities of triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids in muscle and liver were not influenced by carnitine level, carnitine type or dietary lipid level. Supplementation of carnitine does not appear to be beneficial to hybrid striped bass based on either growth performance or body composition.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of different therapeutants against a mixed infection of Aeromonas hydrophila and Flavobacterium columnare in sunshine bass. Experiment 1 evaluated copper sulphate, florfenicol‐medicated feed and potassium permanganate (KMnO4) against a natural mixed infection. Experiment 2 further evaluated copper sulphate as a treatment to control an experimental mixed infection. In experiment 1, naturally infected untreated fish had the lowest final survival per cent, at 71%, while florfenicol‐medicated feed at 15 mg kg?1 body weight for 10 days or copper sulphate at 2.1 mg L?1 (1% of the total alkalinity) for 24 h produced the highest final survivals, at 90% and 88%, respectively. The final survival of the naturally infected fish administered florfenicol‐medicated feed was significantly different (P < 0.1) from the untreated fish. The survival curves for the florfenicol and the copper sulphate at 2.1 mg L?1 were significantly improved from the untreated fish. In experiment 2, fish were challenged by waterborne exposure to A. hydrophila and F. columnare and either not treated or treated with copper sulphate at 2.1 mg L?1. At the end of experiment 2, the per cent survival of the challenged fish treated with copper sulphate (99%) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the non‐treated (61%). The results illustrate clear benefit of florfenicol and copper sulphate against a mixed infection of A. hydrophila and F. columnare.  相似文献   


Two commercial trout diets (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and one commercial pike perch diet (Sander lucioperca) were fed to hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis) (mean initial weight ± SD of 60.7 g ± 12.1; mean initial length SD of 17.2 cm ± 1.1) for 69 days at rations of approximately 1% average body weight. While final body weight (FBW), final length (FBL) and condition factor (Cf) were not significantly influenced by diets, specific growth rate (SGR) in hybrid striped bass fed with the pike perch diet (1.15) was significantly higher than those fed with either of the two trout diets (1.04 and 1.07). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) in hybrid striped bass fed with the pike perch diet (1.0) was significantly lower than the FCR in hybrid striped bass fed with either of the two trout diets (1.1 and 1.2). When hybrid striped bass (mean initial body weight: 65.7 ± 4.5 and 127.7 ± 2.9 g) were fed with the pike perch diet twice per day until satiation for 52 days, the SGR was 1.7 and 1.15% d?1 in fishes with an average body weight of 116 and 183 g, respectively. Present results demonstrate that growth performance in hybrid striped bass can be improved when fishes are fed with commercial pike perch diets rather than using commercial trout diets as is the current practice.


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