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经过4期饲养试验,优选出了草鱼最佳复合维生素配方V1号,其最适宜添加量为0.20%,与市售2种复合维生素预混料产品比较,显示出了明显增重和降耗效果。  相似文献   

张宗慧  彭强 《水利渔业》2003,23(5):54-54
近年来,在池塘和网箱中饲养鲤鱼种均发现因鼓眼、竖鳞而死亡的现象,因未见书籍报道过此病,故暂定名为鼓眼病。据笔者调查,在四川、重庆、云南省的池塘培育鲤鱼种过程中,发病率一年比一年高,相应死亡率也随之增高。在贵州省的乌江库区、红枫湖、万峰湖网箱养鱼中,主要危害进箱后半个月内的苗种。有的网箱养殖户购进鲤鱼苗种尾重0 5~1g,在一个星期左右死亡率高达80%,甚至100%。针对这种鱼病流行情况,笔者近3年的研究发现,有3种原因可导致鲤鱼苗种阶段鼓眼病的发生。下面介绍这种鱼病的3种诊断和防治方法。1 诊断1 1 孢子虫引起的症状在…  相似文献   

Strategies for Development of Rotifers as Larval Fish Food in Ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strategies to sustain rotifer peak biomass, distribution of rotifer resting eggs in the sediment, and relationship between rotifers and larval fish growth were studied in a series of pond experiments. After the ponds were filled with water, herbivorous rotifers (e.g., Brachionus calyciflorus ) developed first, but were gradually replaced by predatory rotifers (e.g., Asplanchna ). Subsequently, herbivorous cladocerans (e.g., Moina sp) eventually replaced rotifers and dominated the zooplankton community. The occurrence of Asplanchna and Moina indicated the decline of B. calyciflorus . Peak rotifer biomass developed 8–10 d after the ponds were filled with water at 20–25 C, 10–15 d at 17–20 C, 15–20 d at 15–17 C, 20–30 d at 10–15 C, and >30 d at < 10 C. The abundance of resting eggs in the top 5-cm sediment varied from 6 to 83/cm2. About 25% of resting eggs were buried in the top 5-cm sediment but the number of resting eggs decreased with increased sediment depth. Optimum rotifer biomass for silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix larvae stocked at 1,500,000/ha was 20–40 m/gL. High rotifer biomass (>20 mg/L) usually lasted 3–5 d, but could be prolonged by pond fertilization or cladoceran controls. A weekly application of dipterex at 0.05 mg/L reduced cladoceran biomass but enhanced rotifer biomass. Our results indicate with a careful management plan it is possible to synchronize the rotifer development with larval fish stocking.  相似文献   

Six species of tropical sea cucumbers (Echinodermata) of high to moderate commercial value were evaluated as to their potential for being propagated asexually by induction of transverse fission. The species considered were Thelenota ananas, Holothuria fuscogilva, Actinopyga mauritiana, A. miliaris, Stichopus chloronotus , and S. variegatus . Rubber bands placed midbody on the sea cncumbers provided an effective yet simple technique to induce transverse fission. Although fission could be induced in all six species, only T. ananas and S. chloronotus had the ability to regenerate both anterior and posterior parts into whole animals. Other species showed no or low potential for regeneration ( H. fuscogilva, A. mauritiana ) or regeneration of only the posterior part into whole animals ( S. variegatus, A. miliaris ). Both T. ananas and S. chloronotus had survivorship of nearly 80% or greater. S. chloronotus regenerated anterior and posterior parts into whole animals within 3 mo. In contrast, T. ananas regenerated the posterior part into a whole animal within 5 mo while the anterior part was regenerated within 7 mo. Consequently, weight recovery began earlier with S. chloronotus relative to T. ananas .  相似文献   

观音阁水库与大伙房水库鲢鳙渔业比较及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪加明 《水利渔业》2000,20(6):49-51
观音阁水库鱼产力低、饵料生物量低、鲢鳙生长速度慢。提出增加鱼种自产率、增大鳙鱼种投放比例、加大鲢鳙捕捞规格、实行赶捕渔法、加大商品鱼自销率和增加活鱼销售量等发展对策。  相似文献   

Growth and survival rates of smallmouth bass ( Micropterus dolomieui ) were compared for fishes reared from larval stages, for three weeks using different feeding regimes. Diets consisted of a commercial dry diet formulated for larval fishes, the dry diet plus Artemia salina nauplii, and Artemia salina nauplii alone. Smallmouth bass on the three diets showed average daily gains of 0.7, 0.7 and 0.5 mm/day and 11.0, 11.4 and 5.2 mg/day, respectively. Condition factors for the three diets were not significantly different ( P > 0.05). Mean survival rates were 39, 85 and 77% respectively.  相似文献   

在3005m^2的池塘里,高密度培养大规格草鱼种,且塔养鲢,鳙,鲤种。采取的技术措施是:草鱼种入池先喂芜萍,20天后改喂浮萍并驯喂粗蛋白含量较高的小颗粒配饵。草鱼种长到10cm后,改喂粗蛋白含量较低的配饵;定期注入新水,增氧,泼洒药物,投喂药饵,高温季节,使池水保持长流水。结果:共产草鱼种5032kg,平均规格80.1g;鲢鳙鱼种2660.6kg,鲤种536.3kg,纯利48928.6元,投入产出  相似文献   

Bacterial Degradation of Microencapsulated Foods Used in Larval Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microencapsulated foods are widely used in the culture of larval fish, bivalves and crustaceans. The resistance to bacterial decay of two of these diets was investigated under microbial conditions similar to those found in hatchery cultures of larval penaeid prawndshrimps. A 2–3-fold increase in total ammonia concentration and a 7–14-fold increase in total bacterial numbers were detected within 48h when microcapsules were added to larval culture water at a density recommended by the manufacturer for one day of supplementary feeding. Increased dissolved total ammonia and bacterial populations were detected within 1.5h of addition of food to penaeid larval culture water. Scenning electron microscopy indicated that microcapsules were colonized by numerous bacterial cells within 1h. Physical disintegration of microcapsules occurred after 6 to 12h. Only in sterilized penaeid larval culture water did microcapsules remain intact for a significant period. These findings are discussed in relation to development of improved methods of larval culture.  相似文献   

鱼病防治对网箱养鲤的养殖成败至关重要。本文结合作者近年来的网箱养殖科研成果和出口商品鱼的生产实际,明确了网箱养鲤的鱼病防治原则为防重于治、防治结合,中西结合、内服为主、外用为辅,阐述了网箱养鲤的选药、给药及防治方法,提供了网箱养鲤鱼病防治的中、西药组方和使用方法,认为采用"挂袋法"防治网箱养殖鱼病值得商榷,供网箱养殖者参考。  相似文献   

以枯草芽孢杆菌为主的主要用于促进鱼类消化生长的微生态制剂I、多种混合微生物主要用于调节水质的微生态制剂II,或是两者混合使用的方法,比较研究了黑龙江省及辽宁省池塘养殖的鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和草鱼(Ctenophyargodon idellus)的增重率、饲料系数及药价等效益。结果表明,单种或者混合使用微生态制剂均对池塘养殖鲤及草鱼的增重率、饵料系数及用药价格有一定影响,同时使用两种微生态制剂提高鱼类增重率最显著,辽宁省和黑龙江省分别提高了423.57%和90%;而两省养殖池塘的药价也分别降低了29%和56.25%。微生态制剂I及混合同时使用两种微生态制剂均能显著降低饲料系数,辽宁及黑龙江分别降低0.35及0.05。结果可见,适当使用微生态制剂对辽宁草鱼及黑龙江池塘养鲤效益有较好影响,对减少用药、发展绿色养殖业具极大的推动作用。  相似文献   

本实验改进了鱼类淋巴细胞培养方法,采取全血短时离心方法纯化淋巴细胞,分离效果较好,使鱼血清保留在培养液中,促进了淋巴细胞的增殖。进行染色体制片时,背景清晰,分裂相多,满足了核型分析和原位杂交等研究需要。  相似文献   

以枯草芽孢杆菌为主的主要用于促进鱼类消化生长的微生态制剂I、多种混合微生物主要用于调节水质的微生态制剂II,或是两者混合使用的方法,比较研究了黑龙江省及辽宁省池塘养殖的鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和草鱼(Ctenophyargodon idellus)的增重率、饲料系数...  相似文献   

小浪底水库每年需进行调水调沙,水库水位剧降,最高落差可达50m,最大流量达4 000m~3/s以上,严重破坏水库水生动植物资源和渔业生态环境,影响小浪底水库网箱养鱼等。2013年以前,小浪底水库通常以6m×6m×2.5m和15m×8m×2.5m网箱养殖鲤和草鱼。本文针对小浪底水库调水调沙的特点,研究一种新型、环保、生态、高效、优质的网箱生态养殖大规格鲢鳙模式,2014年11月-2015年6月进行试验。试验网箱6m×6m×4m,箱间距5m,箱行距30m,每箱投放体质量800~1 000g/尾的鲢鳙鱼种150尾左右,养殖240~260d,出箱规格达到1 500~2 500g/尾,成活率91.5%,箱产值3 500~4 500元,净利润1 862元。养殖过程中不投喂。  相似文献   

为探究江珧亲贝的最佳催产方法及减少工厂化育苗过程中栉江珧幼虫上浮粘连现象,分别研究了不同催产方法对受精率和胚胎发育的效果,不同培育密度和培育方式对幼虫生长发育的影响。结果显示,阴干4 h后用升温3℃的次氯酸钠中和海水,可诱导亲贝大量排放精卵。并且对卵子受精及胚胎发育影响较小。幼虫培养实验结果显示,幼虫最适培育密度为1 ind/ml,在降低幼虫培育密度的同时,在培育池内安装造浪泵,使培育水体流动起来,能够有效减少幼虫的相互粘连提高幼虫的成活率。  相似文献   

邓志武 《水利渔业》2005,25(3):45-47
采取鱼种高密度放养等微流水或半流水、高产高效、无公害养殖草鱼技术模式,于2001年1月至2004年1月在顺昌县洋口镇道吴村和道平自然村实施,通过对典型示范户的抽查,取得甲均单产12891kg/hm^2、年均产值87755元/hm^2、年均毛利49413元/hm^2、投入产出比1:2.02、养殖面积亦从2.8hm^2增至5.7hm^2的成果。2004年1~6月平均每户已轮捕成鱼上市500多kg,平均实现销售收入5000元左右,效益有望进一步提高。  相似文献   

2008年12月-2009年5月,在集安市渭源水库—吉林省水产科学研究院标准化网箱养殖基地,进行了网箱养殖框鳞镜鲤成鱼越冬试验。试验用两只网箱,分别为规格12m×6m×4m、养殖4区的9号箱和规格为18m×9m×6m、养殖2区的10号箱。两只网箱均为无盖聚乙烯双层网箱、不沉箱原箱越冬。2008年12月13日和2009年5月1日,对两只网箱的框鳞镜鲤进行越冬前后原箱鱼全称重,抽样检测尾重、换算出尾数,记录总重、个体重和总尾数。试验结果,4区9号箱成活率99.15%,总体减重率9.38%,个体减重率8.6%;2区10号箱成活率98.67%,总体减重率6.6%,个体减重率5.4%。  相似文献   

陈凡 《水利渔业》2001,21(4):16-16
传统的全程温室养鳖因水体小、养殖密度高 ,水质不易控制 ,病害多。大量换水和使用抗生素 ,造成生产成本高 ,水、热资源浪费和成品品质严重下降 ,在崇尚无公害、绿色食品的今天 ,显然已不合时宜。以低成本 ,保持温室养殖模式时的生长速度 ,实行健康养殖 ,生产出安全、天然风味的甲鱼 ,是各生产场家在市场竞争中不败之法。分段饲养可能是许多场家采用的方法之一 ,即将养殖过程分稚鳖培育期 (控温、高密度 )和商品鳖养成期 (室温、低密度 )。笔者在海南省万宁市采用网箱培育自繁稚鳖9 7万只 ,取得较好的效果。现将养殖技术总结如下。1 网箱及…  相似文献   

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