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张保秀 《齐鲁渔业》1994,11(4):42-43
报道了新西兰的渔业概况及配额、渔区、网目、船员、对外的渔业管理。  相似文献   


New Zealand Greenshell mussels are currently shucked by heat processing, and this can be used as a listericidal step. Shucking by high pressure processing (HPP) has potential benefits in product quality and increased yield, but processors need to understand the effects of this technology on the safety of their product with respect to Listeria monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes was mixed with minced mussel meat, and 2 g samples (in foil pouches) were subjected to HPP at various pressures, times, and temperatures. Of 10 tested strains of L. monocytogenes, the most resistant to HPP at 400 MPa (Food Science Australia strain 2655 isolated from Australian processed meat) was selected for subsequent work. This strain showed two-phase inactivation kinetics in response to time at 400 MPa. Approximately 5 log10 cells/g were rapidly inactivated in a log-linear fashion with time while the remaining cells were inactivated at a slower rate. There was also some evidence of a shoulder in the inactivation curves. In the temperature range tested (10°C–40°C), the log-linear inactivation rates showed linear increases with increasing processing temperature at 400 MPa with a z value of 29.1 min.  相似文献   

张磊 《河北渔业》2010,(3):15-16,40
厚颌鲂是我国长江上游地区的特有鱼类,具有很高的营养价值。目前,在厚颌鲂的成鱼单养及人工繁殖的研究方面取得了较好的效果,为厚颌鲂的养殖推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Historic deforestation has deprived many river systems of their natural wood loadings. To study the effects of the loss of wood from waterways, a field trial was conducted in three small forested streams in New Zealand. The objectives were to (i) examine differences in fish assemblages among wooded pools (where wood provided cover), open pools and riffles and (ii) measure the effects of wood removal on channel morphology and fish assemblages. In the first part of the study, no significant differences were found in total fish density among the three habitats. However, total fish biomass was significantly higher in wooded pools (64% of total fish biomass) compared with open pools and riffles. Mean density and biomass of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) and mean biomass of longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) were highest in wooded pools, whereas the density and biomass of bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) and torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) were highest in riffles. In the second part of the study, wood was removed from a 200‐m section (treatment) in each stream, significantly reducing pool area and increasing the proportion of channel area and length in riffles. At the habitat scale, banded kokopu and large longfin eel were the two species mostly affected by wood removal. At the reach scale, banded kokopu biomass was significantly lower in the treatment sections. Although wooded pools were a small portion of total habitat, they provided important habitat for two of New Zealand's larger native fish taxa.  相似文献   

In the present study, a total of 150 samples including 50 salted anchovy, 50 raw anchovy, and 50 raw mussel samples collected from the retailers and small-scale producers in Samsun province from the Black Sea region of Turkey were analyzed; and 12% (6/50), 2% (1/50), and 2% (1/50) of the samples, respectively, were found to be contaminated with L. monocytogenes. According to the serotype distribution, six salted anchovy and one of the raw fish samples were contaminated with L. monocytogenes 1/2b (or 3b). In one raw mussel, both L. monocytogenes 1/2b (or 3b) and 4b (or 4d or 4e) serotypes were detected.  相似文献   


Sea bass was wrapped in aluminum foil, then baked, grilled, or pan-broiled at 200°C for 20 min to determine the possible effect of cooking conditions on aluminum leaching. Negligible increase (p >0.05) in aluminum concentration was observed after cooking. The use of different cooking methods did not result in different levels of aluminum leaching from the foil. The aluminum leaching in whole sea bass, mussels, and shrimp was compared with that of skinned/shelled samples after baking in foil, and no significant difference (p?0.05) was determined between them. There was no barrier effect of skin or shell on aluminum leaching from aluminum foil during baking. For all trials, aluminum intake was well below the tolerable weekly intake value. The target hazard quotient (THQ) was below 1, indicating insignificant health risk. Negligible leaching of aluminum could be associated with the high-protein, non-acidic nature of seafood, as well as the absence of salt or organic acid during cooking.  相似文献   

  • 1. Disturbance by alien, herbivorous and benthivorous fish species has previously been found to limit the colonization of native charophytes in Lake Rotoroa, Hamilton. This paper compares two methods to reduce the impact of fish on charophyte establishment in this water body.
  • 2. A 1 ha compartment of the lake was partitioned off and intensively fished by conventional netting methods. A total of 5115 fish, total weight 451 kg, was removed from the compartment over 17 months. Allowing for growth and reproduction within the sampling period, intensive netting reduced the original fish biomass by 86% from about 200 to 28 kg ha?1.
  • 3. Catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus Le Sueur) comprised 74% of the fish numbers and 57% of the fish biomass. Perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), shortfinned eel (Anguilla australis Richardson), rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.), tench (Tinca tinca L.), and goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) were present, in order of reducing abundance. These species are alien to New Zealand, with the exception of shortfinned eel.
  • 4. Charophytes were transplanted inside and outside of the fished 1 ha compartment and their subsequent survival and establishment was monitored. Despite the extensive fish removal from the 1 ha compartment, repeat transplants inside it did not establish in the long term.
  • 5. Outside of the 1 ha compartment, charophytes were also transplanted into nine 6.25‐m2 fish exclosures with netting sides to establish ‘founder colonies’ of charophytes. Within these small exclosures, charophytes established (?75% cover) within 1 yr; when five of the exclosures were removed, these unprotected plants survived and expanded over the next year.
  • 6. This study shows that small exclosures can be used to establish founder colonies of charophytes in the presence of herbivorous and benthivorous fish, and that intensive fish removal is likely to be a less successful and more costly method to restore charophytes in lakes.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

挪威水产品质量安全监管体系的调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,食品安全问题屡见报端,已逐渐成为世界关注的热点问题之一,世界各国政府对此都非常关注。保障食品安全,维护消费者的信心,最重要在于政府要建立一个强有力的法律保障和监管体系。本文作者作为国家公派访问学者正在挪威国家营养与海产品研究所与挪威卑尔根大学访问学习,对挪威水产品质量安全监管和运行体系进行了详细调研,希望对国内正在建设中的水产品质量安全体系有借鉴作用。  相似文献   


A questionnaire on quality management and measurement issues was conducted in the Danish seafood industry. The aim of the survey was to investigate to what extent the industry uses quality management systems, and which measurement methods are used. The results showed that the mandatory Own Check Systems, EU directive no. 91/439, were very well established. However, the application of more comprehensive systems was only found in 4% of the participating companies. Characteristics common to these companies were a high export rate, over 100 employees, and high turnover. The survey demonstrated that the measuring and control methods utilized by companies were mainly directed at controlling temperature, weight, sensory aspects, and microbes.  相似文献   


Our objective was to produce a unique feed ingredient from underutilized walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) testes. Protein content in meals from both species (72% and 80%, respectively) were above the values found in high quality herring meals (~70%), but both were poor in some essential amino acids, e.g., methionine. Additionally, both were good sources of the amino acid taurine (1.7 and 2.2% of meal, respectively). Pollock meal was very rich in phospholipids (82% of total lipids) and in DHA (28 mg/g meal) and EPA (18 mg/g meal), indicating potential as an ingredient in larval starter diets. The purine contents in both pollock and salmon testes meals were more than 10 times the concentrations found in other fish byproducts or commercial fishmeals. The high concentrations of purines found in these testes, especially in the salmon meal, make it an ideal candidate for an immune system stimulant when added to dietary formulations.  相似文献   

利用热塑挤压技术将低值鱼肉挤压重组,以重组产物为基料进行模拟食品研发。从基料复水、入味方法、干燥条件、山梨糖醇和蔗糖添加量等方面来确定中间水分模拟肉类食品工艺条件。试验结果表明,基料经100℃热水复水15 m in,选用佃煮法入味后在80℃条件下干燥3 h,添加山梨糖醇5%,蔗糖12%时可制得弹性好、风味优良的中间水分模拟肉类食品。  相似文献   

In the metric “Relative Impact Potential” (RIP), the functional response (FR) of a non‐native species can be compared with that of a native analogue and combined with the species abundance to predict its environmental impact. Here, using the River Guaraguaçu (Brazil) as a case study, this methodology was implemented to identify the impacts of the non‐native channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) compared with a native species Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard) towards small prey fish. Both species exhibited Type II FRs, but handling times were lower for I. punctatus, resulting in a greater maximum feeding rate in this species. Consequently, an RIP > 1 was found, indicating that I. punctatus represents a superior impact to prey compared with its native analogue. These results demonstrate that I. punctatus is a potential threat to small endangered fish species; therefore, policies to avoid escapes from aquaculture should be created and the abundance of I. punctatus controlled.  相似文献   

This article describes a consumer-based approach for development of new seafood product concepts among young adults in Norway and Iceland. The study aim was to gain insight into how young adults determine their acceptance of seafood and make potential product choices. Additional insights measured were confidence in seafood preparation and consumption choices when exposed to specific new seafood concepts. Based on consumer-reported values, three seafood product concepts were evaluated by 354 consumers in a web-based, conjoint experiment in Norway and Iceland. Consumers' evaluations showed a number of consumer preferences for specific seafood product concepts partly associated with and partly conflicting with their original values. Understanding consumer attitudes can help to explain these results. The results of this study will be used as a guide for the next step in developing seafood product concepts.  相似文献   

Despite their economic and ecological importance, migratory fishes of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) remain understudied, which hampers effective management to sustain valuable fisheries and address serious threats such as habitat degradation, development and overharvest. From a list of potential knowledge needs, a group of fisheries professionals most frequently identified six top priorities for managing migratory fishes in Cambodia: (1) population abundances and trends, (2) life cycles and life history, (3) migration timing and triggers, (4) migration routes and distances, (5) locations of key habitats and spawning areas, and (6) environmental and habitat requirements. These needs are discussed along with nine relevant methodologies for addressing them, including fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent sampling, reproductive techniques and captive studies, otolith and genetic analysis tools, and tagging and imaging techniques. A suggested research framework is also presented to inform adaptive management of migratory fishes. While emphasis is given to Cambodia, the analysis is also applicable to other LMB countries, given that migratory fishes occur throughout the basin and migrate across borders. It is suggested that a robust research and monitoring agenda is required to prioritise knowledge needs and select appropriate methodologies to answer questions vital to inform sustainable migratory fish management in Cambodia.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes results in potential food safety concerns in ready-to-eat refrigerated products. Cold-smoked salmon is a food considered to be at high risk for Listeria spp. contamination for which a mild heat treatment or pasteurization step might be helpful to reduce microbial levels. Cold-smoked salmon was inoculated with a cocktail of four strains (L. monocytogenes: ATCC19114, 7644, and 19113, and L. innocua: ATCC51742) and inactivation curves obtained at 58, 60, 62, 64, and 66°C using capillary tube methods. Inactivation results showed typical log linear trends (R2 ≥ 0.97). D-values of L. monocytogenes and L. innocua were 0.3 to 14.1 min at 66 to 58°C, with a z-value of 5.2 to 6.5°C and activation energy of 332 to 414 kJ/mol. The nonpathogenic Listeria innocua ATCC51742 had comparable D- and z-values to the three strains of L. monocytogenes and thus can be used for validation of pasteurization processes to control L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked salmon and potentially other ready-to-eat thermolabile food products.  相似文献   

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