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The present study examined whether the elemental compositions of whole otoliths and chronological transect profiles of otoliths covering the complete life history are useful for evaluating the population structure of Pacific herring. Eight elemental ratios, Li:Ca, Na:Ca, Mg:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, Cu:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca, were measured in whole otoliths and in a series of ablations across the life-history transects by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We studied fish from three sample groups collected from Lake Obuchinuma, Miyako Bay, and Akkeshi Bay of northern Japan from March to May 2008. Significant differences were found in the Na:Ca, Mg:Ca, P:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios of the whole otoliths and in the Li:Ca, Na:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios of the otolith core among the three sample groups. Therefore, the present study showed clear differences in elemental composition among the three sample groups from different locations, suggesting that otolith elemental compositions reflect the habitats experienced by individual fish.  相似文献   

The embryonic development and morphology of eggs and newly hatched larvae of the Pacific herring Clupea pallasii were described using laboratory-reared specimens originating from the Miyako Bay stock. The eggs were almost spherical in shape, 1.33–1.46 mm (mean: 1.38 mm) in diameter, and had a thick adherent chorion. They had a segmented pale yellow yolk, no oil globule, and a relatively wide perivitelline space. A subgerminal cavity was observed during the gastrula period, whereas the blastocoel did not appear. Mass hatching occurred by 271 h 45 min after fertilization, and the newly hatched larvae were 7.1–7.7 mm (mean: 7.5 mm) in total length with 53–56 myomeres at 9.6°C. The embryonic development of Pacific herring was substantially similar to that of zebrafish Danio rerio, American shad Alosa sapidissima, as well as Atlantic herring Clupea harengus, and generally followed the basic developmental pattern of teleosts. However, Pacific herring larvae hatched at a more developed stage than some other clupeoids, such as Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus, and the progressed developmental stage at hatching could be interpreted as an advanced adaptation.  相似文献   

Distributions of eggs, larvae and juveniles of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii were surveyed in Lake Akkeshi and the connecting Akkeshi Bay on the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido. Eggs were found attached to seagrasses and seaweeds in the densely vegetated eastern inner lake. Larvae (7.1–34.9 mm total length) were distributed in the less densely vegetated inner lake during April and June. Juveniles (35.0–89.6 mm) were collected in the central and western parts of the lake. The sites containing juveniles were less densely vegetated with water temperatures lower than 20 °C from June to August. When the water temperature of the entire lake rose to 20 °C in late summer, juveniles appeared to move from the lake to the bottom layer of Akkeshi Bay, which has lower temperatures. Thus, in Akkeshi waters, C. pallasii successively used different habitats during its egg, larval and juvenile stages. A comparison of the current limited distribution of eggs and larvae with the distribution over the entire lake and bay areas in the 1950s and 1960s (periods of large catch size) indicates that the spawning grounds and larval habitats of C. pallasii have contracted to the lake area due to low spawning stock biomass in recent years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The gonad of Spratelloides gracilis was not sexually differentiated in the yolk-sac, preflexion, flexion and postflexion stages. Sexual differentiation and development of the ovary and testis started in the transition stage from larva to juvenile. In juveniles at the fin ray completion stage, the ovary and testis could be distinguished because the ovary contained germ cells initiating meiosis and the testis had blood vessels and a high density of somatic cells. The ovary further developed in larger juveniles to have oocytes of perinucleolus stage together with those of the chromatin nucleolus stage, and oogonium. However, in the testis of larger juveniles, primary spermatogonium began proliferation by meiosis. Sexual differentiation may be regarded as one of morphological and functional changes accompanying metamorphosis in S. gracilis . Some fish larger than the mature size of 60 mm standard length had advanced germ cells and functional gonads, others did not have functional gonads. The distal end of the immature gonads did not connect with a genital duct near the anus. These observations indicate that S. gracilis has large variability in size-at-maturity. The variability in size-at-maturity in S. gracilis , together with large variability in age-at-maturity, may constitute an ecological basis for an extended spawning season in S. gracilis .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The present study assessed the stock state of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus caught off the coast of southern Hokkaido, Japan. Weight-based yield per recruitment (YPR) and spawning-biomass per recruitment (SPR) analyses were used for this assessment. The current fishing mortality (average from 1998 to 2000) was 0.65 and weight at first capture was 0.5 kg bodyweight. Under these fishing pressures, the YPR of Pacific cod in southern Hokkaido was 1.06 kg/recruitment and percentage of SPR (%SPR) was 6.9%. The %SPR was lower than the critical limit at 20%SPR. The main reason that values of both YPR and %SPR were not optimum, would be that the weight at first capture was too small. Raising the weight at first capture was thought to be a better strategy from the biological viewpoint, and reducing fishing mortality to 0.3 would be the next alternative strategy from the fisheries management viewpoint.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This study examined age and growth of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus off the Pacific coast of northern Japan, and determined whether the growth patterns of male and female fish in northern (40–41°N) and southern (37–38°15'N) waters differ. In total 8095 specimens were collected between January 1999 and December 2005. Zonation consisting of opaque and translucent bands on the otolith was evident. Within each opaque band a thin and clear check (ring mark) was observed in all specimens examined. Monthly change in the frequency of appearance of a ring mark on the outer margin of the otolith indicates that ring marks form between July and August. The von Bertalanffy growth model showed a sexual dimorphism in growth, as females grew faster and reached a larger size than males. The growth patterns obtained by tracking the observed total length for monthly collections showed a rapid increase in total length between August and October. Spatial variation in the growth pattern of male and female fish between northern and southern waters was evident, as southern fish were significantly larger than northern counterparts during 1.25–3.00 years post hatch.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This study documents the genetic population relationships between Ezo-awabi Haliotis discus hannai and Kuro-awabi H. discus discus by means of the microsatellite technique with an emphasis on the extent of genetic difference between Ezo- and Kuro-awabi populations. Eight markers were employed to screen five populations each collected from Ezo- and Kuro-awabi habitats. All eight loci showed polymorphisms in all populations (number of alleles per locus, 11.1–14.1; averaged expected heterozygosity, 0.64–0.70). The number of loci that yielded significant genetic heterogeneities (allele frequency distribution and/or pairwise θ ) between Ezo- and Kuro-awabi populations was larger than that generated in comparisons between populations within Ezo- and Kuro-awabi habitats. According to the bootstrap neighbor-joining trees constructed on the basis of two genetic distance measures ( D A and D ST), the 10 populations fell into two clusters of populations (Ezo-awabi and Kuro-awabi habitat groups), and the results of hierarchical amova testing also supported the neighbor-joining clustering. The outcomes presented here suggest that the microsatellite markers used in this study are potentially an efficient means to differentiate Ezo- and Kuro-awabi populations.  相似文献   

The yield-per-recruit (YPR) analysis has been used to assess growth overfishing of exploited fish stocks. Since the ex-vessel price per weight widely depends on the size of the fish, the result of the YPR does not imply the revenue. The value-per-recruit (VPR) analysis, which is an economic expansion of the YPR analysis, was conducted for bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir caught off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. The results showed that, for the current age at first capture (t c = 3), the current fishing mortality (F = 0.12) was close to the optimum level. However, for the current F, optimum t c in the VPR model was 8 years and would lead to a 47% increase compared to the current revenue. The maximum YPR was obtained at t c = 6 years, but the revenue at t c = 6 only gave a 20% increase in the maximum revenue. The difference was caused by the size dependency of the ex-vessel price per weight. The VPR model would generate fisheries management plans with both economical and biological consideration and would help in making general consensus of fisheries management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In relation to the stock enhancement program for barfin flounder, hatchery juveniles produced in 2001 were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released to natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals, designated as 'tentative recaptured', were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, pairwise F ST and genic differentiation tests were used to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild samples, the hatchery broodstock, and the tentative recaptured samples. Analysis showed significant differentiation among these three groups. Pedigree determination by msDNA was used to establish the origin of the tentative recaptured individuals, in order to elucidate whether they were hatchery produced, 'real recaptured', or wild specimens. Wild individuals were not found. The effective population size of the real recaptured stock was very low ( N e = 16.6). Equal family survivability was observed between the released and real recaptured stocks, indicating that the genetic variability of the released stock was maintained in the natural environment. Future broodstock management, breeding designs, and family contribution equalization of the offspring to be released will be required in this rare species to avoid unintended genetic differentiation between the wild population and the hatchery broodstock.  相似文献   

Streptococcus dysgalactiae strains have been isolated from cultured amberjack Seriola dumerili and yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata in Japan. To characterize the fish isolates, we performed genetic analysis and compared the biochemical properties of these isolates with those of the S. dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae and S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis strains isolated from mammals. The genetic analysis revealed that the fish isolates were genetically very similar to each other with high DNA–DNA relatedness (>95.4%) and sequence homology. Meanwhile, the DNA relatedness between mammalian isolates and the fish isolates was 73.4–82.6%. In biased sinusoidal gel electrophoresis (BSFGE) analysis, the restriction patterns of mammalian isolates were different from those of fish isolates. The fish isolates did not show streptokinase activity in plasminogen obtained from mammals. These characteristics enabled us to distinguish between the fish isolates and the Sdd and Sde strains isolated from mammals. In order to obtain epidemiological information on the fish isolates, BSFGE patterns from 284 S. dysgalactiae strains from fish in Japan were examined. Based on the results of BSFGE analysis, the fish isolates were classified into 16 groups (AP1–AP16) with restriction enzyme ApaI. The dendrogram based on BSFGE analysis indicated that all fish isolates using in this study were closely related.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Body size dependent distribution patterns of bighand thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir were examined using bottom trawl surveys in the Tohoku area, off the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. In northern and southern Tohoku, distribution depths of ≤10-cm standard length (SL) fish increased from 500–600 m in 2003 to 600–700 m in 2005 with an increase in density of 11–20-cm SL fish at depths of 500–600 m. In 2004–2005, small fish (≤10 cm SL) were distributed in deeper waters than large fish (11–20 cm SL). In ≤20-cm SL fish, the main distribution depths changed from 300–600 m in 1997–2002 to 500–600 m in 2003 in southern Tohoku, but not in northern Tohoku. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that negative correlations were found in biomass densities between a few demersal fish species and bighand thornyhead at depths of 300–400 and 400–500 m in southern Tohoku. These results suggest that distribution of bighand thornyhead was affected by intra- and interspecific competitions in the Tohoku area.  相似文献   

The immediate-early gene (egr-1) expression was used to examine the neuron’s response in telencephalon of goldfish during spatial learning in small space. Fishes were pre-exposed in the experimental apparatus and trained to pick food from the tray in a rectangular-shaped arena. The apparatus was divided into identical compartments comprising three gates to provide different spatial tasks. After the fish learned to pass through the gate one, two more gates were introduced one by one. Fish made more number of attempts and took longer time (P < 0.05) to pass through the first gate than the gate two or three. This active learning induces the expression of egr-1 in telencephalon as established by western blot analysis. Subsequently, the fish learn quickly to cross the similar type of second and third gate and make fewer errors with a corresponding decline in the level of egr-1 expression. As the fish learned to pass through all the three gates, third gate was replaced by modified gate three. Interestingly, the level of egr-1 expression increased again, when the fish exhibit a high exploratory behavior to cross the modified gate three. The present study shows that egr-1 expression is induced in the telencephalon of goldfish while intensively acquiring geometric spatial information to pass through the gates.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is fished from British Columbia, Canada to Punta Baja, Mexico. The North American population has been divided into northern and southern fishery stocks at the break of Point Conception, but little is known about its southernmost distribution along the Mexican Pacific coast of the Baja California peninsula. In this study purple sea urchin populations in six sites along the Baja California peninsula were analyzed using mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP). A homogeneous distribution of three common haplotypes among all sites was observed. A significant F ST value, however, indicated genetic structure mainly due to the haplotype array in San Miguel, Isla Todos Santos and Punta Baja sites, which were characterized by having high haplotype diversity and several unique haplotypes. Homogeneous distribution of haplotypes along the peninsula could have been influenced by the unidirectional California Current system, flowing north to south. Unique haplotypes in Punta Baja and the structure found could be the result of local oceanographic features specific to this major upwelling zone. It may be necessary to consider the Punta Baja populations individually when managing the purple sea urchin fishery in Baja California, as they show signs of being a unique stock.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature on the development of eggs of round herring Etrumeus teres was experimentally examined to construct a temperature-dependent egg development model. Mature fish were collected in the field and their eggs were artificially fertilized onboard. The eggs were incubated at nine temperatures set between 14.0 and 25.0°C. All eggs at the lowest three temperatures, 14.0°C, 15.0°C, and 16.0°C, ceased development and died at various stages before hatching. Durations required to hatching after fertilization ranged from 38.0 h at 25.0°C to 90.0 h at 17.5°C. The temperature-dependent egg development model, i.e., egg age in hours (y i,t ) at the ith stage and temperature t (°C), was expressed as: y i,t  = 4.604 × exp(−0.100 × t −0.129 × i) × i 2.593. From the application of the model to early-stage eggs collected in the field, it is concluded that round herring starts spawning immediately after sunset and almost completes spawning by midnight. The temperature-dependent egg development model and the daily pattern of spawning presented in this study are essential tools for developing the daily egg production method to estimate the spawning stock biomass.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To understand the mechanism of the behavioral response in the capture process of how fish recognize fishing gear and then how they can avoid the gear, the visual acuity of Pacific saury Cololabis saira was investigated by histological examination of the retina of individuals in the size range of 75–365 mm fork length (FL). The contour map of cone density distribution shows that the highest cone density is located in the temporal area of the retina, which indicated the visual axis as the forward direction. The visual acuity (VA) depends both on the focal length of the lens and the number of cones in the retina. The lens diameter increased linearly from 1.40 to 4.73 mm with fish growth, while the cone density decreased gradually from 765 to 378 cells/0.01 mm2. Our results show that the visual acuity increases proportionately from 0.057 to 0.140 for individuals ranging in FL from 75 to 365 mm as expressed by the equation VA  = 0.0065 ×  FL 0.5271 ( r 2 = 0.9624).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The stock size of sandfish in the northern Sea of Japan was estimated by a virtual population analysis (VPA) and sensitivity analyses were attempted on the VPA estimate. The stock size estimates were approximately 600–900 million until 1975, but since 1976 they have rapidly decreased. In the sensitivity analyses, the estimates of absolute stock size were not sensitive against the changes in the fishing mortality coefficient for terminal age and the measurement error in catch-at-age. This suggested that the relative stock size remains almost unaffected by the error in the data used in the VPA, if the degree of catch-at-age error and the natural mortality coefficient is correct. The relationships between the biomass estimated by the VPA and the density index from Danish seine fisheries, and between the biomass and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) from the experimental survey using Danish seine nets, were also examined. The density index and the CPUE indicated significant relations with the biomass. Consequently, the CPUE is useful to monitor the relative stock size in a timely manner, and the VPA estimate and the CPUE should be utilized for adjusting the total allowable catch in the multiseasons.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta were first introduced into Japan in 1892, and they currently naturally reproduce in several rivers in Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan. Although negative impacts of brown trout introductions on native salmonid fishes have been documented in some Hokkaido rivers, studies of ecological interactions between brown trout and native salmonid fishes on Honshu are limited. In this study, we describe the longitudinal distribution patterns of introduced brown trout, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in a 4 km stretch of a stream in central Honshu. Underwater observations were conducted in all pools within upstream, middle and downstream sections (190–400 m in length) of this stretch in order to estimate the densities of these species. Only white-spotted charr was observed in the upstream section, while brown trout and masu salmon were observed in the middle and downstream sections. Masu salmon densities, however, were much lower than brown trout densities. In the downstream section, white-spotted charr was absent. These results are consistent with results from previous studies of Hokkaido rivers, where it was found that white-spotted charr in low-gradient areas tend to be displaced by brown trout.  相似文献   

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