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Recombinant baculoviruses containing the fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein gene of the viscerotropic velogenic (vv) Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolate, Kr-005/00, and a lentogenic La Sota strain of the NDV were constructed in an attempt to develop an effective subunit vaccine to the recent epizootic vvNDV. The level of protection was determined by evaluating the clinical signs, mortality, and virus shedding from the oropharynx and cloaca of chickens after a challenge with vvNDV Kr-005/00. The recombinant ND F (rND F) and recombinant HN (rND HN) glycoproteins derived from the velogenic strain provided good protection against the clinical signs and mortality, showing a 0.00 PI value and 100% protection after a booster immunization. On the other hand, the combined rND F + HN glycoprotein derived from the velogenic strain induced complete protection (0.00 PI value and 100% protection) and significantly reduced the amount of virus shedding even after a single immunization. The rND F and rND HN glycoproteins derived from the velogenic strain had a slightly, but not significantly, greater protective effect than the lentogenic strain. These results suggest that the combined rND F + HN glycoprotein derived from vvNDV can be an ideal subunit marker vaccine candidate in chickens in a future ND eradication program.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG ODN) have been proven to be immunoprotective in mouse models. However, little work has been conducted on in vivo immune responses in chicken with CpG ODN. The objective of this study was to investigate the immunoadjuvant effects of CpG ODN to Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine and its protective effects against ND virus in SPF chicken. In this report, the titre of serum IgG to ND vaccine and the proliferation of lymphocytes were monitored in SPF chickens. The results demonstrated that the above-mentioned immune responses were significantly stronger in chickens that received CpG ODN than in the birds that received only ND vaccine. Furthermore, ND vaccine plus CpG ODN protected SPF chicken from challenge with an otherwise lethal dose of ND virus. These data suggest that CpG ODN holds considerable promise as an adjuvant for future vaccines against ND virus.  相似文献   

Summary Different vaccination programmes commonly used in Moroccan poultry farms were tested for their capacity to protect chickens against two representative Moroccan strains of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus under controlled conditions. All vaccination programmes protected the chickens against mortality and the inactivated vaccine gave the highest antibody titres and the best protection against respiratory symptoms.
Vacunacion Contra Cepas Marroquies Del Virus De La Enfermedad De Newcastle
Resumen Se ensayaron bajo condiciones controladas, diferentes programas de vacunación para detectar la capacidad de estos de proteger pollos contra dos cepas marroquíes representativas del virus velogénico viscerotrópico de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Todos los programas de vacunación fueron efectivos, protegiendo las aves contra mortalidad. La vacuna inactivada fue la mejor, produciendo los títulos más altos de anticuerpos y protegiendo las aves contra síntomas respiratorios.

Vaccination Contre Les Souches Marocaines Du Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle
Résumé On a testé différents programmes de vaccination communément mis en oeuvre dans les élevages avicoles du Maroc quant à leur capacité de protéger les poulets vis-à-vis de deux souches marocaines représentatives du virus de Newcastle vélogène-viscérotrope. Les poulets ont été protégés dans tous les programmes de vaccination à l'encontre de la mortalité; le vaccin inactivé confère les plus hauts titres en anticorps et la meilleure protection vis-à-vis des symptômes respiratoires.

Newly-hatched chickens were treated with 3 mg of cyclophosphamide (CY) per day for 4 consecutive days. At 2 weeks of age, these chickens, together with a group of untreated controls, were vaccinated intranasally or subcutaneously with the La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). All chickens were challenged intranasally with the GB strain of NDV 2 weeks later. CY-treated, intranasally vaccinated chickens were highly resistant to NDV challenge, yet none of the chickens produced any detectable humoral antibodies to NDV; antibodies to NDV were detectable in the tracheal washings, however.  相似文献   

Effects of parental immunity and method of vaccination were studied in broiler chickens vaccinated with a commercial LaSota vaccine and challenged with the Fontana strain of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (VVND). Immunity was satisfactory from all methods of vaccination used.  相似文献   

When chickens were vaccinated with a recombinant fowlpox virus (FPV) containing the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) cDNA under the control of the thymidine kinase (TK) promoter and inserted into the FPV TK gene, the FPV antibody response to the recombinant virus was similar to the response to vaccination with standard FPV, and the recombinant virus protected chickens against challenge with virulent FPV. While the presence of the NDV HN cDNA was demonstrated in the recombinant virus, which was stable on serial passage, expression of HN was not detected by hemagglutination, Western blot analysis or immunoprecipitation of infected cell lysate. Chickens vaccinated with the recombinant virus failed to mount an NDV hemagglutination-inhibition antibody response, and they did not resist challenge with velogenic NDV. It was concluded that the TK promoter was too weak to drive the HN gene, but that the insertion into the FPV TK gene did not reduce the immunogenicity of the virus.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of DNA vaccines using the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion (F) genes from AF2240 Newcastle disease virus strain, namely pIRES/HN, pIRES/F and pIRES-F/HN. Transient expression analysis of the constructs in Vero cells revealed the successful expression of gene inserts in vitro. Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that single vaccination with the constructed plasmid DNA (pDNA) followed by a boost with inactivated vaccine induced a significant difference in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibody levels (p < 0.05) elicited by either pIRES/F, pIRES/F+ pIRES/HN or pIRES-F/HN at one week after the booster in specific pathogen free chickens when compared with the inactivated vaccine alone. Taken together, these results indicated that recombinant pDNA could be used to increase the efficacy of the inactivated vaccine immunization procedure.  相似文献   

将8日龄SPF鸡随机分组.分别接种rFPVHN、rFPVF、rFPVNHF重组禽痘病毒,接种量为每只鸡105PFU,另一组群用La Sota活苗经点眼、滴鼻接种10<'6>EID<,50>.于免疫后6d、12d和18d测定HI和微量中和抗体.结果发现,3种重组病毒均能刺激鸡群产生抗新城疫病毒特异抗体,但抗体产生时间比La Sota活苗缓慢,且抗体滴度亦低.然而共表达HN和F的rFPVNHF免疫鸡群的中和抗体水平明显比rFPVHN和rFPVF组群高.表明rFPVNHF的保护性免疫更优于HN或F单基因重组禽痘病毒.  相似文献   

Antibody response was rapid and high in broiler breeder chickens receiving 1 or 2 vaccinations with oil-emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease at 23 or at 23 and 26 weeks old. The antibody titers remained high during the 41-week experimental period. At 64 weeks old, about 41 weeks after vaccination, the geometric mean hemagglutination-inhibition antibody titer was 67 from the single vaccination, and 103 from the double vaccination. The immune response to live-virus vaccine given at 2, 9, 20, 30, 42, or 54 weeks of age via the drinking water was high, but uniformity was lacking in the antibody response in the breeders and maternal antibody response in the progeny. Maternal antibody levels in one-day-old chicks were related to the titers of antibody in the dams. Maternal antibody titers of chicks originated from breeder flocks that were vaccinated with the oil-emulsion vaccine remained high for all hatches.  相似文献   

The food pellet vaccine has been shown to be effective in trials conducted under laboratory and simulated field conditions. The village chickens vaccinated with the food pellet vaccine during the field trial were protected against virulent Newcastle disease virus. The efficacy of the food pellet vaccine in the field was evaluated by challenge trial in which 60 per cent protection was obtained, or by monitoring the incidence of Newcastle disease in vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. There was no report of Newcastle disease outbreaks in the vaccinated birds during the two-year period of the field trial. The ease in administering the food pellet vaccine makes it readily accepted by the farmers.  相似文献   

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