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94年农田害鼠回升及其主要原因宜城市植保站张道巡1994年的农田害鼠有明显回升。特别是主要害鼠尤其为突出。据1994年1—10月共布鼠夹6006个,捕获害鼠585只、捕获率为9.69%,其中室内布夹3000个,捕鼠318只,捕获率为10.6%,农田布...  相似文献   

肉桂泡盾盲蝽生物学特性及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1995 ̄1997年对肉桂泡盾盲蝽进行了系统观察研究。该虫每年发生4 ̄5代,直冬虫于4月中、下旬孵化、若虫危害枝梢和树干。第1、2、3、4代3 ̄4龄若虫出现时间分别于6月上、,中旬、8月上、中旬、9月中、下旬、10月下旬。第4代成虫于11、下旬产卵越冬。根据泡盾盲蝽发生规律,采取掌握虫情,合理修枝,清除野生寄虫,控制虫源地综合防治措施,可达到控制虫灾的目的。  相似文献   

福建果树新害虫——桃小食心虫的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1987年福建首次发现桃小食心虫严重蛀害李果,是福建果树害虫新记录。1990-1993年的研究表明,该虫在福建永泰李产区1年主要发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土中结冬茧越冬。卵期7.7天;幼虫期长达10个月左右;蛹期13.4天;雌蛾产卵前期4.6天,产卵量81.2粒;雌蛾奉命11.4天,雄蛾9.7天。4月中旬为越冬幼虫出土盛期。4月下旬至5月上旬为成虫羽化盛期。5月上中旬为第一代幼虫孵化蛀果盛期。第一代少  相似文献   

湖北省位于长江中、下游地区,气候条件适宜,农作物品种繁多,食源丰富,有利害鼠发生。近年来,害鼠在湖北省农村的为害比较严重,给农业生产造成了较大的经济损失。受害严重的作物有水稻、玉米、小麦、大豆等,平均每年造成的经济损失约7亿元。笔者通过分析本省农村害鼠的发生特点,结合近10a的鼠害防治实践,探讨了不同害鼠密度下的分级控制措施。现介绍如下。1优势鼠种分布20世纪90年代,湖北省农村发生的主要鼠种是褐家鼠、黑线姬鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠、黄毛鼠、黑线仓鼠、大足鼠,分别占41.6%、31.7%、13%、9.…  相似文献   

农田害鼠夏峰期发生量多元模糊回归预报田昌平,张会孔,宋尚龙(山东省曲阜市植保站273100)曲阜市位于鲁中南山区的西侧,农田害鼠种类主要有大仓鼠、黑线仓鼠和黑线姬鼠,种群比为33.4∶36.6∶29.2。夏季6、7月份是农田害鼠年内第一个数量峰期,防...  相似文献   

筛豆龟蝽发生规律及防治研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
筛豆龟蝽是浙江大豆上的主要害虫,年发生3代,6月中旬、8月中旬、9月下旬为主害期。春、夏大豆虫口密度分别在6~82头/穴和5~60头/穴时,大豆产量损失率为2.59%~50.86%、0.55%~30.06%。防治宜于若虫2~3龄高峰期,防治指标春大豆为8头/穴,夏大豆11头/穴,药剂以敌杀死为佳  相似文献   

10%益舒丰颗粒剂每666.7m^2用1.0、1.25kg防治晚稻稻瘿蚊,秧田试验防效达94.6% ̄97.3%,本田药后28d试验示范防效达91.7%,95.0%,持效期和工,效果稳定,对禾苗安全,其防效与同等用量的益舒宝防效相当,明显高于呋喃丹,大功臣,是目前防治稻瘿蚊较为理想的药剂灾一。大田生产上建议在播种后5d或水稻移栽后5 ̄7d施药1.25kg/666.7m^2,一次控害,经济安全。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠种群预测预报研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1992年4月 ̄1995年4月作者在河南灵宝程村黄土塬农作区对棕色田鼠种群数量进行了逐月调查。结果表明,春季3、4月份种群数量高,夏季7、8月份数量低,而秋季10月份数量又高,然后又降低,呈典型的双峰型。在对棕色田鼠种群年龄结构、繁殖强度等研究的基础上,探讨了种群消长机理和种群调节因子。发现3个月前的成亚比、2个月前的繁殖强度、温度指数、降雨量指数分别和密度呈显著相关,用以上因子建立多元回归方程预  相似文献   

棉铃虫病毒杀虫剂新剂型—乳悬剂应用效果的评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新研制的棉铃虫病毒(NPV)杀虫剂乳悬剂,经河南、湖北、河北3省4年棉田试验,证明防治棉铃虫的效果,相当于当前推广的化学杀虫剂,优于原病毒可湿性粉剂。乳悬剂(1.2×10^12 ̄2.4×10^12PIB/hm^2)可使虫口减退91.7%,而PIB含量相同的可湿性粉剂,虫口减退率为83.7%。百株残存幼虫,前者平均为4.2头,后者为8.1头。在常温条件下,经过14 ̄16个月的室内贮存,病毒乳悬剂的防  相似文献   

陕西玉米害螨的发生与生态控制对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陕西玉米害螨有3种,截形叶螨Tetranychus triuncatusEhara为优势各。在关 灌区年发生12-13代,陕南13-14代,陕北9-10代,以雌成螨越冬,3月下至4月安开始产卵,5月底至6月初迁入春播玉米田,6月下至7月初迁改夏播玉米田,7月中至8月下是为害高峰关键时期害螨在玉米植株上垂直分布具有明显的层次性,以中部密度最大,玉米播种早、长势差、种植密度小,田间天敌少及7-8月极高  相似文献   


Investigations were conducted in the double or middle season paddy regions from 1988 to 1990; main results showed that the population of Apodemus agrarius reached maximal reproductive rate between April and May, and between September and October each year. Their maximal population size occurred in July and between October and November each year. At different stages of the rice, mouse density (X) was significantly related to loss rate of the rice (Y). Studies on imitation mouse damage on rice indicated that the rice, damaged by the mice in tillering stage, possessed a certain capacity for compensation. When the mouse damage rate approached yield loss rate in the booting or spiked stage the rice plant lost this compensatory capacity. It will be seen from the above that early spring is the most available, feasible time for mice control. Under the current production level the economic thresholds of mouse density are 3% in spring, 5% for early and middle‐season rice and 7% for later rice.  相似文献   

稻田生态系统蜘蛛种群动态的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1977~1978年间,在广西北部和中部地区,调查了11个县13个公社的部分山区、平原稻田蜘蛛种类。经鉴定,有11科28种,其中分布普遍数量较多的有球腹蛛科的八斑球腹蛛;微蛛科的食虫瘤胸蛛和草间小黑蛛;狼蛛科的拟水狼蛛和稻田狼蛛(拟环纹狼蛛);长脚蛛科的日本长脚蛛等六种。这些初步被定为优势种。文中揭示了早稻和晚稻两类生态系中的蜘蛛种群结构及其数量变化的差异。早稻前期和中期以微蛛科种群为主,后期以八斑球腹蛛为主;晚稻前期是微蛛和八斑球腹蛛种群为主,两者比数相当,后期以八斑球腹蛛种群占优势。水稻全生育期不使用化学农药,蜘蛛混合种群数量在早稻和晚稻后期达到最高峰。种群数量变动的主要原因及其与稻飞虱、稻叶蝉数量消长的相互关系,受人为因素影响颇大,其中长期大量使用广谱性化学农药和季节性农事操作的变更是种群数量减少的重要原因。试验表明,稻田生态系蜘蛛种群对叶蝉、飞虱有明显控制作用,在实施综合防治措施时应注意保护这一类天敌。  相似文献   

浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲二代虫源的构成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究表明,浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲二代虫最低的首要原因是绝大部分一代成虫迁出早稻田夏蛰并越冬,构成二代虫源的比例极微。早稻田内的一代成虫在晚稻插秧前一直外迁。田埂上的个体则几乎全部迁出,仅晚稻插秧时尚未迁走的田内成虫和迁出后落入晚稻秧田的少量个体不再迁飞而转入正常的取食产卵,最终构成晚稻二代虫源。  相似文献   

茭白田蜘蛛的群落结构及多样性调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为茭白田中的蜘蛛Spider群落进行了系统的采样调查,对茭白田和蔬菜地,蚕豆地,小麦地,冬闲田,田梗和荒地等生境中的越冬蜘蛛的群落结构和多样性进行了比较,并就茭白田对邻近稻田蛛量的影响进行了初步研究。结果表明,茭白田越冬蜘蛛种类有11科,31属,48种。在茭白田中越冬的蜘蛛密度是其它生境的4倍-40倍。拟水狼蛛Pirata subpiraticus是茭白田蜘蛛的优势种,占总数的50%以上。茭白田可提高邻近稻田蛛量约30%。茭白田是蜘蛛尤其是拟水狼蛛在稻田生态系统主要的越冬场所和避难所,对保护稻田蜘蛛起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

稻飞虱寄生性天敌两索线虫田间制约因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过异地多点调查和室内测定,分析稻飞虱寄生性天敌两索线虫Amphimermis sp.成虫的田间基数、垂直分布和活力的制约因子。结果表明:①土壤墒情是两索线虫成虫期的主要影响因素。黑墒条件下,成虫基数高、活力强,垂直分布趋向0—10cm耕作层;②免(少)耕和稻茬后越冬作物种植种类对成虫的影响因地而异;③在土壤pH5.45—7.32范围内,两索线虫成虫适宜生活于黑墒偏酸性土质;④尿素、碳酸铵和硫酸铵对成虫有很强的刺激性和不同程度的致死作用,碳酸铵作用最强;⑤三唑酮等11种药剂对成虫无可见影响,杀虫双等其它10种化学农药则有不同程度的刺激性和致死作用;⑥比较测定杀虫双等9种农药对两索线虫成虫的LC_(50)。  相似文献   

稻田养鱼对水稻病虫草害控制效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经1985~1987年在浙江上虞、肖山、黄岩试验,稻田放养草鱼、鲤鱼、尼罗罗非鱼后,对早稻第3代白背飞虱的虫口能减少34.48~74.31%,晚稻第5代褐飞虱可减少51.23~55.49%,早稻第2代二化螟下降44.26~51.10%,早稻纹枯病减轻42.65~59.91%。并可基本控制本田期萌生稗草、牛毛毡、矮慈菇等19种杂草。通过研究证明,稻田养鱼是控制水稻病虫草害的有效途径。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli is being investigated as a mycoherbicide for the narcotic plant coca. Sporulation of the fungus in seven formulations containing different organic substrates and movement of its propagules through soil were studied. The formulations were a granular wheat flour/kaolin (pesta); an extruded wheat and rice flour (C-6); and five alginate pellet products containing corn cobs, soybean hull fiber, canola meal, rice flour, or rice flour plus canola oil. Formulations were incubated at 25 degrees C for 6 weeks in desiccators with various salt solutions to provide nine relative humidities (RH), ranging from 100% (pure deionized water) to 0% (anhydrous (CaSO(4)). Hyphae of F. oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli grew out of alginate pellets with canola meal, rice, and rice plus canola oil as early as 24 h at 100% constant RH. Alginate pellets of rice plus canola oil and granular C-6 and pesta formulations consistently produced more microconidia, macroconidia, and CFU than the other four formulations at all RH tested. The C-6 formulation produced more propagules than the other formulations at low RH (<53%). Canola meal pellets produced more spores than three other formulations when exposed to fluctuating RH (100 to 75%). The effect of percolating water on spore movement through soil was studied using a plant-pathogenic isolate of F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum. To determine the effect of water percolation on propagule movement, formulations were placed on soil columns and artificial rain was applied. In general, 10-fold fewer CFU were recovered at a 8- to 10-cm depth compared with a 0- to 2-cm depth.  相似文献   

不同轮作模式下小麦禾谷孢囊线虫的发生动态和种群密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轮作是防治小麦禾谷孢囊线虫的重要农业措施,为了明确青海省春麦区不同轮作模式对小麦禾谷孢囊线虫的控制效果,采用田间大区试验法对生产中应用的6种轮作模式进行了研究。结果表明:不同轮作模式下,小麦禾谷孢囊线虫种群密度变化差异极显著,其中小麦与马铃薯、油菜、蚕豆轮作两年或以上能有效降低小麦禾谷孢囊线虫种群密度,土壤中的孢囊量减少39.31%~84.39%,单孢虫口数量减少73.21%~95.35%,虫口密度减少83.76%~97.82%;不同作物间,小麦与马铃薯或蚕豆的轮作效果(虫口密度减少74.39%~79.37%)显著优于小麦与油菜的轮作效果(虫口密度减少67.16%)。在同一地块相同条件下,种植油菜、蚕豆、马铃薯、小麦4种作物,小麦禾谷孢囊线虫均能正常孵化,4月底土壤中的2龄幼虫(J2)量增加,5月上旬达到高峰期,5月中旬开始,土壤中的J2、孢囊量、虫口密度和单孢虫口数量均急剧下降,6月至7月份下降幅度小,趋于稳定;田间空孢囊率于5月中旬至6月中旬急剧增加,7月份趋于稳定,8月份以前,4种作物田禾谷孢囊线虫的孵化动态和种群密度变化趋势一致,8月中旬,小麦田随着新孢囊脱落到土壤中,禾谷孢囊线虫种群密度开始上升,小麦收获后土壤中的孢囊量比播种前增加28.62%,虫口密度增加41.30%;而油菜、蚕豆、马铃薯田土壤中的孢囊量比播种前减少32.27%~48.36%,虫口密度减少70.91%~81.73%,8月中旬至10月份小麦田禾谷孢囊线虫种群密度极显著高于油菜、蚕豆、马铃薯田。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens producing the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG) are biocontrol agents which play a key role in the suppressiveness of some soils against soilborne pathogens. We evaluated the effect of the host plant genotype on rhizosphere colonization by both indigenous and introduced 2,4-DAPG-producing P. fluorescens. First, population densities of indigenous 2,4-DAPG producers in the rhizospheres of alfalfa, barley, bean, flax, lentil, lupine, oat, pea, and wheat grown in a Fusarium wilt-suppressive Puget silt loam were determined. Population densities differed among the various crops and among pea cultivars, with lentil and oat supporting the highest and lowest densities of 2,4-DAPG producers, respectively. Second, to determine the interactions among 2,4-DAPG producers in the rhizosphere, a Shano sandy loam was inoculated individually and with all possible combinations of P. fluorescens Q8r1-96 (genotype D), F113 (genotype K), and MVP1-4 (genotype P) and sown to wheat or pea, and the rhizosphere population dynamics of each strain was monitored. All three strains were similar in ability to colonize the rhizosphere of wheat and pea when introduced alone into the soil; however, when introduced together in equal densities, the outcome of the interactions differed according to the host crop. In the wheat rhizosphere, the population density of strain F113 was significantly greater than that of Q8r1-96 in the mixed inoculation studies, but no significant differences were observed on pea. The population density of strain Q8r1-96 was greater than that of MVP1-4 in the mixed inoculation on wheat, but the opposite occurred on pea. In the wheat rhizosphere, the population of MVP1-4 dropped below the detection limit (log 3.26 CFU g(-1) of root) in the presence of F113; however, on pea, the population density of MVP1-4 was higher than that of F113. When all three strains were present together, F113 had the greatest density in the wheat rhizosphere, but MVP1-4 was dominant in the pea rhizosphere. Finally, eight pea cultivars were grown in soil inoculated with either MVP1-4 or Q8r1-96. The effect of the pea cultivar on rhizosphere colonization was dependent on the bacterial strain inoculated. Rhizosphere population densities of MVP1-4 did not differ significantly among pea cultivars, whereas population densities of Q8r1-96 did. We conclude from these studies that the host crop plays a key role in modulating both rhizosphere colonization by 2,4-DAPG-producing P. fluorescens and the interactions among different genotypes present in the same rhizosphere.  相似文献   

灰飞虱种群数量变动规律与模型测报技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
汪恩国 《植物保护》2007,33(3):102-107
根据临海市1986-2005年灰飞虱成虫灯下诱集资料和田间测报调查情况,阐述灰飞虱田间消长动态,分析灰飞虱种群变化特征和运动规律,以及主要影响因子,并运用灰飞虱种群运动原理,创建了7种灰飞虱种群数量预测的数学模型,具有良好应用效果。  相似文献   

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