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新型包膜复合肥在地毯草上的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国城镇绿化面积不断扩大[1-5]。其中一大部分是种植草坪,随之而来的就是草坪的施肥问题。我国生产和使用的草坪专用肥料很少,大多为常规速效复合肥,施肥不当不仅会给环境造成面源污染[6],而且影响绿化质量。针对草坪的营养特点,我们研制出包膜控释草坪专用肥料[7],并分析了其在地毯草上的应用效果。1材料与方法1·1试验材料供试土壤采自沈阳农业大学后山棕壤试验地0—20 cm耕层。该土壤为发育在第四纪黄土性母质上的简育湿润淋溶土(耕作棕壤)。其基本农化性质如下:全N 1·81 g/kg,碱解N 94·6 mg/kg,有效P15·69 mg/kg,速效K 101·4 mg/…  相似文献   

大豆对硒的富集动态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究表明,随着植物的生长发育,硒逐渐从生理活性低的部位转向生理活性高的部位[1].大豆累积硒的能力较强,研究表明,大豆中的硒主要存在于蛋白中,而且大豆蛋白中的硒对人体的有效性居植物性食物的前列[2].  相似文献   

不同作物对铬毒害耐性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铬是一种重要的环境污染物,土壤中过量的铬将抑制作物生长,降低产量;作物中累积的铬又通过食物链富集于人体。因此,铬对粮食、蔬菜作物生长的影响,以及铬在农作物中的累积已为许多研究者所关注。但不同作物对铬毒害耐性的研究尚少见报道。本文采用4种粮食作物(6个品种)、5种牧草和7种蔬菜作物(10个品种)为对象,分析比较作物耐铬性的差异,并从生理生化方面探讨作物耐铬性的实质,以探讨重金属铬的毒害机理。  相似文献   

稀土对缓解油菜镉胁迫的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长期利用污水灌溉、污泥改良土壤以及化学农药和化肥的不合理施用,会使农用土壤受到重金属不同程度的污染[1] ,且以重金属镉(Cd)污染最为普遍关注.  相似文献   

矿质镁对水稻产量及品质影响的研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
镁对作物正常生长发育、生理代谢、提高产量、改善产品品质具有重要作用.我国有关镁素的研究始于60年代,多见于南方红壤地区土壤镁素状况调查和镁肥肥效的研究报道.谢建昌等调查结果表明,我国广东、广西、福建等大部分植胶地的胶树出现不同程度的缺镁症状,在生产实践中镁肥效果得到了进一步的验证[1].随着农业高产品种的应用和氮、磷、钾化肥施用量的增加,作物产量不断提高,土壤养分的供给与作物对养分的需求,出现了不平衡的矛盾.为了达到平衡施肥,促进我省优质高效农业的发展,利用黑龙江省东宁县丰富的蛇纹石资源,通过特殊工艺处理,生产可被植物吸收利用的矿质镁肥,为水稻科学施肥提供依据.  相似文献   

矿质养分中以氮素的供应对根系生长、形态、以及根系在介质中的分布影响最为明显[1-3]。增施氮肥可以提高根系的干重、根系的活力及硝酸还原酶活性[4]。在一定范围内,增加氮素供应可以促进地上部和根系的生长,但往往对地上部生长的促进作用大于根系,导致随施氮量的增加根/冠比降低。但此时根系变得纤细根表面积增加[1]。在春小麦上的试验表明[5],适量施氮(尿素600 kg/hm2)可以增加总根重和深层土壤中的根重,过量施氮(尿素1500 kg/hm2)可以增加上层土壤中的根重。但也有研究认为增加氮素供应对根系的影响可能表现为促进,也可能表现为抑制的作…  相似文献   

高硼胁迫对油菜光合作用的影响研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
硼是作物必需的一种微量元素,土壤缺硼会导致作物生长不良,产量低下[1],因此硼肥的施用已成为当前提高油菜作物产量与品质的有效农业措施。  相似文献   

青稞是西藏自治区栽培面积最大(占粮食作物播种面积的60%左右)、产出量最多、分布最广的农作物种类。据研究报道,西藏青稞β-葡聚糖平均含量为5.25%,最高的达8.62%,迄今为止,国内外大麦β-葡聚糖平均含量尚无一例超过西藏青稞的平均含量。生物医学界普遍认为β-葡聚糖具有清肠、降血脂、降胆固醇和预防心血管疾病的作用,还可以调节血糖、提高免疫力、抗肿瘤。  相似文献   

稀土镧对樱桃试管苗生长过程影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
国内外学者的大量研究表明,稀土元素对植物生长能起一定调节和刺激作用[1-2 ].施用适当浓度稀土元素能够促进植物对养分的吸收、转化和利用,对改善品质、提高产量有利.有研究表明,稀土处理后有利于生长素的合成;对生长素诱导的导管分化和形成有促进效应;能影响许多酶的活性,从而促进植物的生长;稀土元素还可以提高根系的活力[3-5 ].植物组织培养技术是生物技术在农业上应用中的一项最基本和关键技术,它关系到植物的脱毒、快繁与转基因的成败.  相似文献   

Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) is a widely used warm-season turfgrass and has the highest nitrogen (N) fertilization requirements among turfgrasses. Wild ecotype found in N-poor habitats can potentially tolerant N limiting conditions for reducing N inputs in the turf industry. However, the extent of variation in their low N tolerance has remained unclear. We conducted hydroponic experiments to evaluate the variation on growth, N accumulation, and partitioning of wild bermudagrass from China pre-core collection under normal (5 mM) and limited (0.05 mM) N levels in two experiments. The results showed that low N nutrition significantly decreased clipping growth, while had no effects on verdure and root growth; in addition, the magnitude of clippings N accumulation reduction was higher than verdure and root across all accessions. However, significant genetic variations in all studied traits except for root N content in experiment 2 were found among accessions. Using a cluster analysis, 56 accessions in experiment 1 and 12 accessions in experiment 2 were classified into four groups and two groups separately. The accessions with superior low N tolerance had improved growth and accumulated more N in the verdure and roots; it is interesting that other accessions with low N tolerance had different tolerance mechanisms and transferred more N nutrition from the roots to the clippings to maintain better turf quality. The different molds in low N tolerance suggest that there is much potential for improving low N tolerance among Chinese natural bermudagrass accessions.  相似文献   

Egyptian broomrape is a root holoparasitic plant that causes severe damage to tomato in Iran. Experiments were conducted in 2013 to investigate the effect of silicon (Si) nutrition on broomrape response in tomato. Si concentration significantly delayed first appearance of broomrape and decreased number of tubercles in both cultivars, although the magnitude of reduction varied with cultivar and Si concentration. Broomrape infection significantly decreased root and shoot dry weights of tomato cultivars. However, Si nutrition at high concentration considerably reduced damage severity of broomrape compared to the treatment that received no Si. Infection of tomato with broomrape resulted in significant increase in peroxidase and catalase activity in the roots of resistant cultivar which led to enhanced crop resistance to oxidative stress and improved growth in this cultivar.  相似文献   

The relationship between the organic nitrogen status of Egyptian broomrape and one of its hosts, carrot, was studied by comparing amino acid profiles of leaf and root tissues of nonparasitized and broomrape-parasitized carrot plants and by analyzing amino acid profiles of broomrape at different growth stages. Total N concentrations, expressed as a percentage of the dry weight of the tissues, were similar in leaves of nonparasitized and parasitized carrot plants but were lower in parasitized roots than in nonparasitized roots. In both dry and germinated broomrape seeds, N concentrations were lower than or similar to those in broomrape tubercles, shoots, or callus. Individual amino acid concentrations in hydrolysates of leaves of parasitized carrot plants tended to be similar to or greater than those in hydrolysates of nonparasitized carrot plants. Roots of parasitized plants tended to have similar or lower amino acid concentrations than roots of nonparasitized plants. Dry and germinated broomrape seeds had similar amino acid profiles, but individual amino acid concentrations were lower than in the other broomrape tissues examined. The broomrape shoot tended to have lower amino acid concentrations than the tubercle and callus. Free amino acid profiles of leaves and roots of parasitized plants paralleled those of nonparasitized plants, respectively. Individual free amino acids tended to occur at similar or lower levels in dry and germinated broomrape seeds than in the tubercle, shoot, or callus. Free amino acid composition of the broomrape tubercle was similar to that of the parasitized root. Arginine and alanine concentrations in broomrape callus were dramatically higher than those of other amino acids in this or other tissues investigated. These results indicate that changes in the composition of both free and bound amino acids in carrot are associated with broomrape parasitism.  相似文献   

三峡库区狗牙根根系固坡抗蚀效应研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了三峡库区嘉陵江岸的野生狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.)根系在土壤表层(0-30 cm)的分布特征,并从土壤理化性质和抗剪强度方面分析了其固坡抗蚀效应。研究结果表明:(1)样本的根系密度(RSD,root system density)与根系生物量呈较显著的正线性相关(R2=0.874 7),且90%总根数和86%的总根量均集中分布在0-30 cm的表土层;(2)狗牙根根系改变了土壤结构,土壤容重与根系生物量呈极显著的负线性相关(R2=0.977 8),总孔隙度与根系生物量呈极显著的正线性相关(R2=0.980 5);(3)狗牙根根系提高了土壤团聚体和有机质含量,土壤团聚体、有机质含量均与根系生物量呈极显著的正线性相关(R2=0.947 7,0.952 7);(4)根系增强了土体的抗剪强度,根系密度越大则抗剪强度增量越大;(5)根系对土体抗剪强度的增强主要是通过粘聚力来实现;(6)根系主要是通过增强土体的抗剪强度来实现其固坡抗蚀效应。  相似文献   

Echinochloa crus-galli (E. crus-galli; barnyardgrass) is a weed widely distributed. It constitutes a serious weed problem in 42 countries and has been found in at least 27 more. It is the world's main weed of rice affecting up to 36 crops worldwide. Several biotypes of this plant, with resistance to herbicides with different modes of action have evolved. In our ongoing studies regarding the potential application of benzoxazinones and their soil degradation products for weed control, a complete structure-activity relationships (SARs) study was made by using barnyardgrass as the target plant. Compounds used in this study were previously tested on a wide variety of standard target species (STS), and they include natural allelochemicals 2-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-4-hydroxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIBOA-Glc), 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA), and 2,4-dihydroxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIBOA), together with some degradation derivatives found in wheat crop soil and some synthetic analogues. Their phytotoxicity on E. crus-galli is discussed and compared with the results obtained from previous screening. This work constitutes the next step in the search for natural herbicide models based on benzoxazinones and their degradation products. The most active compounds were the degradation product 2-aminophenol (APH) and the synthetic analogue 4-hydroxy-(2H)-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (D-DIBOA). Their activities confirm the direction proposed in our previous SAR study, which establishes D-DIBOA to be the best lead for natural herbicide model development with benzoxazinone structure.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major staple crop in southern Africa and is produced on millions of hectares. However, its yield is greatly reduced by Striga spp. a...  相似文献   

本文研究了喷施纳米硅胶、无机硅和有机硅3种不同形态硅对水稻生长和抗逆性的影响。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,喷施3种形态的硅均能降低水稻叶片电解质的渗漏率,维持其较高的叶片水势和相对含水量,增加叶绿素的含量,提高植物的光合能力,促进水稻的生长。与喷清水的对照相比,喷施纳米硅胶、无机硅和有机硅的处理,水稻的生物量分别增加44.92%、29.08%和46.89%。喷施3种形态硅均促进了水稻对氮的吸收和累积。在不同形态硅的处理之间,有机硅在提高水稻叶绿素含量上优于其它两种形态硅。  相似文献   

Under controlled-environment conditions, ethametsulfuron-methyl doses that inhibited growth by 50% (ED(50)) were >100 and <1 g of active ingredient (ai) ha(-)(1) for ethametsulfuron-methyl-resistant (R) and -susceptible (S) wild mustard, respectively. There were no differences between the two biotypes with regard to absorption and translocation of the herbicide. Three days after treatment, approximately 90, 5, and 2% of the applied [(14)C]ethametsulfuron-methyl was found in the treated leaf, foliage, and roots of each biotype, respectively. Acetolactate synthase extracted from the two biotypes was equally sensitive to both ethametsulfuron-methyl and chlorsulfuron. These results indicate that resistance was not due to differences in the target site, absorption, or translocation. However, ethametsulfuron-methyl was metabolized more rapidly in the R than the S biotype. Approximately 82, 73, 42, 30, and 17% of the recovered radioactivity remained as ethametsulfuron-methyl in R wild mustard 3, 6, 18, 48, and 72 h after treatment, respectively. Conversely, 84, 79, 85, and 73% of the (14)C was ethametsulfuron-methyl in the S biotype 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment, respectively. On the basis of these results, it is proposed that resistance is due to enhanced metabolism of ethametsulfuron-methyl in the R biotype.  相似文献   

喷施小分子有机物对小油菜生长发育和养分吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
【目的】 某些小分子有机物具有良好的渗透、 保湿及粘着性,与养分混合喷施可促进作物生长和养分吸收,在农业生产上常被用作肥料助剂,但关于小分子有机物本身对作物生长发育、 养分吸收等方面影响的研究目前鲜有报道,本文利用小油菜盆栽试验,喷施不同小分子有机物(山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠、 甘氨酸),以研究小分子有机物对作物生长发育、 养分吸收的影响和明确不同小分子有机物的最佳喷施浓度。【方法】采用盆栽试验,作物选用小油菜,小分子有机物选用山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠和甘氨酸,每种小分子有机物各设4个喷施浓度: 山梨醇为30、 90、 150和300 mg/kg,葡萄糖酸钠为150、 300、 600和1200 mg/kg,甘氨酸为60、 120、 250和500 mg/kg,以喷施清水为对照,共13个处理,每个处理四次重复,采用随机区组排列。小油菜三叶期开始喷施,之后每隔7天喷施一次,共喷施4次。小油菜收获后,测定生物量、 叶片SPAD值以及植株硝态氮、 可溶性糖、 可溶性蛋白与氮、 磷、 钾养分的含量,分析喷施小分子有机物对小油菜产量、 品质、 养分吸收的影响,并采用回归分析方法研究小分子有机物喷施浓度与上述各测定指标的相关性。【结果】1)与对照(喷清水)相比,喷施山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠和甘氨酸的小油菜生物量平均增加了9.80%、 26.37%、 25.40%,其中,以喷施山梨醇300 mg/kg、 葡萄糖酸钠 600 mg/kg和甘氨酸250 mg/kg的小油菜生物量增幅最大,分别为25.60%、 31.87%、 35.87%;2)与喷清水对照相比,喷施3种小分子有机物均可改善小油菜品质、 促进养分吸收,其中,喷施适宜浓度的山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠和甘氨酸可显著降低小油菜硝态氮含量,明显提高可溶性糖含量和SPAD值,显著促进小油菜对氮、 磷、 钾养分的吸收;3)根据回归分析结果,3种小分子有机物喷施浓度与小油菜生物量、 品质和养分吸收量均呈二次曲线相关,表明在适宜的喷施浓度下,山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠和甘氨酸均具有促进作物生长和吸收养分的作用,其中,以山梨醇150~300 mg/kg、 葡萄糖酸钠600~1200 mg/kg、 甘氨酸120~250 mg/kg喷施效果最佳。【结论】 小分子有机物山梨醇、 葡萄糖酸钠和甘氨酸叶面喷施可促进小油菜生长和对养分(氮、 磷、 钾)的吸收、 提高产量、 改善品质,可作为作物的叶面有机营养剂直接施用,并可进一步研究作为有机水溶性肥料的助剂。  相似文献   

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