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测定森林土壤中的CO2 和N2O 的释放,在评价森林平衡大气中CO2 和N2O的作用方面有着重要的意义.为了量化立地对净碳矿化和N2O氮释放温度依赖性的影响,在德国的索尔森林,调查了三毛举林,挪威云杉和混合林三种相邻的地被物,并进行了3个月不同温度的培养试验.结果表明,3种森林地被物的净碳矿化率和N2O氮的释放量随温度上升呈现指数性增长.在一定温度范围内(1(20oC),利用温度系数函数(Q10)拟合通量率来描述森林地被物的温度敏感性.各试验点的森林地被物的温度敏感性拟合曲线与净碳矿化和N2O氮释放率都显正相关.各试验林的全部数据表明,每个单位的净碳矿化和N2O氮释放的温度系数函数值(Q10)分别为1.73(2.10和2.81(3.58,可用以描述试验地净碳矿化和N2O氮释放率对温度的依赖性.在三毛举和云杉的单一树种和混合种中,净碳矿化率 和N2O 氮释放率的温度依赖性没有明显的差异,表明净净碳矿化率和N2O 氮释放量不受不同树种凋落物质量的影响.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of forest thinning on soil nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and transformation in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation at high elevation to provide basic data for forest management. We chose four study plots for control, light, medium and heavy thinning treatment, and three sub-plots for buried bag studies at similar elevations in each treatment plot to measure the net N mineralization and nitrification rates in situ. The contents of soil inorganic N(ammonium and nitrate) were similar between treatments, but all varied with season, reaching maxima in September 2003 and 2004. The seasonal maximum net Nmin rates after four treatments were 0.182, 0.246, 0.303 and 0.560 mg·kg-1·d-1 in 2003, and 0.242,0.258,0.411 and 0.671 mg·kg-1·d-1in 2004, respectively. These estimates are approximate with the lower annual rates of N mineralization for this region. Forest thinning can enhance net N mineralization and microbial biomass carbon. The percentage of annual rates of Nmin for different levels of forest thinning compared with the control plot were 13.4%, 59.8% and 154.2% in 2003, and 0.1%, 58.8% and 157.7% in 2004 for light, medium, and heavy thinning, respectively. These differences were related to soil moisture, temperature, precipitation, and soil and vegetation types. Well-planned multi-site comparisons, both located within Taiwan and the East-Asia region, could greatly improve our knowledge of regional patterns in nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

Saplings of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies were grown under conditions of intra and interspecific competition in a 2-year phytotron study under combinations of ambient and elevated ozone (+O3 which is 2 × O3, but <150 nl l−1) as well as carbon dioxide concentrations (+CO2 which is amb. CO2 + 300 μl CO2 l−1) in a full factorial design. Saplings were analysed for various mineral nutrients in different plant organs as well as biomass production and crown development. The study was based on the assumption that nutritional parameters important for growth and competitiveness are affected by stress defence under limiting nutrient supply. The hypotheses tested were (1) that nutrient uptake-related parameters (a) as well as efficiencies in nutrient use for above-ground competition (b) of beech rather than spruce are impaired by the exposure to elevated O3 concentrations, (2) that the efficiency in nutrient uptake of spruce is enhanced by elevated CO2 concentrations in mixed culture, and (3) that the ability to occupy above-ground space at low nutrient cost is co-determinant for the competitive success in mixed culture. Clear nitrogen deficiencies were indicated for both species during the 2-year phytotron study, although foliar nitrogen-biomass relationships were not so close for spruce than for beech. O3 stress did not impair nutrient uptake-related parameters of beech; thus hypothesis (1a). was not supported. A negative effect of elevated O3 (under amb. CO2) on the N and P based efficiencies in above-ground space occupation (i.e. lower crown volume per unit of N or P invested in stems, limbs and foliage) of beech supported hypothesis (1b). It appeared that ozone stress triggered a nutrient demand for stress defence and tolerance at the expense of above-ground competition (trade-off). Crown volume of beech under O3 stress was stabilized in monoculture by increased nutrient uptake. In general, the +CO2-treatment was able to counteract the impacts of 2 × O3. Elevated CO2 caused lower N and S concentrations in current-year foliage of both tree species, slightly higher macronutrient amounts in the root biomass of spruce, but did not increase the efficiencies in nutrient uptake of spruce in mixed culture. Therefore hypothesis (2) was not supported. At the end of the experiment spruce turned out to be the stronger competitor in mixed culture as displayed by its higher total shoot biomass and crown volume. The amounts of macronutrients in the above-ground biomass of spruce individuals in mixed culture distinctly exceeded those of beech, which had been strongly reduced by interspecific competition. The superior competitiveness of spruce was related to higher N and P-based efficiencies in above-ground space occupation as suggested in hypothesis (3). This article belongs to the special issue “Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands”.  相似文献   

Soil respiration and soil carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were investigated in a tropical monsoon forest in northern Thailand, from 1998 to 2000. Soil respiration was relatively high during the rainy season and low during the dry season, although interannual fluctuations were large. Soil moisture was widely different between the dry and wet seasons, while soil temperature changed little throughout the year. As a result, the rate of soil respiration is determined predominantly by soil moisture, not by soil temperature. The roughly estimated annual soil respiration rate was 2560gCm–2year–1. The soil CO2 concentration also increased in the rainy season and decreased in the dry season, and showed clearer seasonality than soil respiration did.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 production seasonality at a number of depths was investigated in a temperate forest in Japan and in a tropical montane forest in Thailand. The CO2 production rates were evaluated by examining differences in the estimated soil CO2 flux at adjacent depths. The temperate forest had clear temperature seasonality and only slight rainfall seasonality, whereas the tropical montane forest showed clear rainfall seasonality and only slight temperature seasonality. In the temperate forest, the pattern of seasonal variation in soil respiration was similar at all depths, except the deepest (0.65 m–), and respiration was greater in summer and less in winter. The contribution of the shallowest depth (around 0.1 m) was more than 50% of total soil-surface CO2 flux all year round, and the annual mean contribution was about 75%. CO2 production mostly appeared to increase with temperature in shallower layers. In contrast, in the tropical forest, soil CO2 production seasonality appeared to differ with depth. The CO2 production rate in the shallowest layer was high during the rainy season and low during the dry season. Soil CO2 production at greater depths (0.4 and 0.5 m–) showed the opposite seasonality to that in the shallower layer (around 0.1 m). As a result, the contribution from the shallow depth was greatest in the tropical forest during the rainy season (more than 90%), whereas it decreased during the dry season (about 50%). CO2 production appeared to be controlled by soil water at all depths, and the different ranges of water saturation seemed to cause the difference in seasonality at each depth. Our results suggest the importance of considering the vertical distribution of soil processes, particularly in areas where soil water is a dominant controller of soil respiration.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to examine the pattern of development of herbaceous plant species, woody species regeneration and soil physical characteristics after tree uprooting in 20-ha areas of Experimental Forest Station of Tarbiat Modares University located in a temperate forest of Mazandaran province in the north of Iran. Soil bulk density, soil texture and moisture from pit and mound (PM) were measured in the laboratory. Results show that the soil bulk density was most in soil deeper layers at mound top, and the soil moisture content was most in soil deeper layers at Pit bottom. Our study supports that the micro-topography of PM (pit and mound) topography will create a mosaic of environmental conditions. This environmental heterogeneity could be responsible for the diversity of herbaceous plant species and regeneration of woody species. It is recommend that the fallen trees with PM structure should remain in the protected area without clearing as the best option for forest restoration. This information can be useful for forest management that attempts to emulate natural processes.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of a closed canopy Sitka spruce forest over 2 years, using either eddy covariance or inventory techniques. Estimates for annual net uptake of carbon (C) by the forest varied between 7.30 and 11.44 t C ha−1 year−1 using ecological inventory (NEPeco) measures and 7.69–9.44 t C ha−1 year−1 using eddy covariance-based NEP (-NEE) assessments. These differences were not significant due to uncertainties and errors associated with estimates of biomass increment (15–21%) and heterotrophic respiration (12–19%). Carbon-stock change inventory (NEPΔC ) values were significantly higher (27–32%), when compared to both NEPeco- and -NEE-based estimates. Additional analyses of the data obtained from this study, together with published data, suggest that there was a systematic overestimation of NEPΔC -based assessments due to unaccounted decomposition processes and uncertainties in the estimation of soil-C stock changes. In contrast, there was no systematic difference between NEPeco and eddy covariance assessments across a wide range of forest types and geographical locations.  相似文献   

Modification of forest vegetation caused by an overabundance of mammalian herbivores has been reported in temperate and subarctic regions all over the world. However, the indirect effects of these herbivores on the structure and functions of soil decomposer systems are not fully understood, especially in temperate forests. We investigated the early effects of sika deer invasion on soil decomposer systems in a Japanese temperate forest using two large-scale experimental enclosures with low and high densities of deer (LD: 25 ha, 4 deer km−2; HD: 6.25 ha, 16 deer km−2) including control plots without deer (WD). Three years after deer introduction the understory cover of dwarf bamboo (Sasa nipponica) declined due to deer browsing in both enclosures. At the same time, measurements were made of the soil microbial community, soil nematode community, soil nitrogen (N) mineralization rate, and carbon (C) and N content in dwarf bamboo leaves. In LD, soil microbial biomass was lower from WD, probably due to the decrease of fresh aboveground litter from dwarf bamboo. Surprisingly, there were no cascading effects on total abundance of soil nematodes and soil total N mineralization potential which were unaffected by deer in the LD treatment, while soil NH4+-N content was lower and soil nematode community structure was different (abundance of 4 families was higher and that of 3 families was lower, but the functional structure was not different) from WD. Specifically, the responses to deer introduction varied between microbes and nematodes, and the change of balance in the microbial food webs may have altered N mineralization processes. In contrast, in the HD treatment, all the variables measured were not significantly different from those of WD treatment. Intensive browsing by deer may have cancelled out the effects of the decrease in aboveground litter input on the soil decomposer systems through other pathways, such as a transitory increase in belowground litter input caused by induced changes in allocation patterns of bamboo. No changes in total N mineralization potential, leaf N, and composition of understory vegetation in both enclosures indicated that deer introduction did not facilitate nor retard N cycling regardless of deer density. This study showed that sika deer browsing can affect soil decomposer systems at an early stage of invasion even at low density, which contrasts with previous studies on the subject. Linking our findings of early-stage effects of deer on soil decomposer systems to longer-term dynamics of understory vegetation and tree regeneration will be needed to evaluate the adequacy of deer management practices with respect to the sustainability of soil nutrient supplies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on soil N process at Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province, northeastern China (42°24′N, 128°06′E, and 738 m elevation). A randomized complete block design of ambient and elevated CO2 was established in an open-top chamber facility in the spring of 1999. Changpai Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestriformis seeds were sowed in May, 1999 and CO2 fumigation treatments began after seeds germination. In each year, the exposure started at the end of April and stopped at the end of October. Soil samples were collected in June and August 2006 and in June 2007, and soil nitrifying, denitrifying and N2-fixing enzyme activities were measured. Results show that soil nitrifying enzyme activities (NEA) in the 5–10 cm soil layer were significantly increased at elevated CO2 by 30.3% in June 2006, by 30.9% in August 2006 and by 11.3% in June 2007. Soil denitrifying enzyme activities (DEA) were significantly decreased by elevated CO2 treatment in June 2006 (P < 0.012) and August 2006 (P < 0.005) samplings in our study; no significant difference was detected in June 2007, and no significant changes in N2-fixing enzyme activity were found. This study suggests that elevated CO2 can alter soil nitrifying enzyme and denitrifying enzyme activities. Foundation project: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90411020) and Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (2002CB412502).  相似文献   

本文利用土壤培养实验和双指数模型(把土壤有机碳划分为活性碳和缓效性碳库)的方法,来分析确定长白山和祁连山的土壤有机碳的动态变化。分析和拟合土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2的速率。结果表明:活性碳库占总有机碳的1.0%–8.5%,平均驻留时间的平均值为24天;缓效性碳库占总有机碳的91%–99%,平均驻留时间的平均值为179年。根据缓效性碳的大小和平均驻留时间可以得知,祁连山森林土壤的有机碳较长白山的难分解。通过分析影响森林土壤有机碳矿化的因素––土壤粘粒含量、海拔和温度,结果显示两种森林土壤有机碳的分解快慢与其温度正相关,并且长白山和祁连山的累积的土壤有机碳和缓效性碳的含量随土壤粘粒含量的增加而呈线性增加,其相关系数分别为0.7033和0.6575,充分表明温度和土壤粘粒含量对土壤有机碳的矿化有较大的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of fertilizer treatment on nutrient transfers to the forest floor were examined in regrowth Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell. forest. Dry weight and nutrient content of leaf litterfall and total litterfall were measured for 3 years in a stand to which two levels of N (0, 200 kg ha-1 year-1) were applied each year at each of three levels of a single initial application of P (0, 30, 200 kg ha-1). Annual accessions of litter to the forest floor were significantly increased by additions of both N (by 17%, 18% and 21% in the 3 years) and 200 kg P ha-1 (by 8%, 8% and 4% in the 3 years) but there was no interaction between effects of N and P treatments. Fertilizer application also had a significant effect on the nutrient content of leaf litterfall and total litterfall. Concentration of N in leaf litterfall was 9% to 23% greater on plots treated with N fertilizer compared to untreated plots. The amounts of N in litterfall were about 30% greater on N-treated compared to untreated plots. On plots treated with 200 kg P ha-1, P concentrations in leaf litter were 50% to 100% greater than in litter from plots receiving no P. Application of 200 kg P ha-1 increased the amounts of P in annual litterfall by 32% to 87%. The greatest increase in P accessions occurred soon after fertilizer treatment. The amounts of Ca, K, and Na in litterfall were also significantly increased by fertilizer application. For Ca and K this was due partly to increases in element concentrations in litterfall following application of treatments. The effect of fertilizers on internal recycling of plant nutrients and on litter accumulation and nutrient dynamics in forest floor litter is discussed.  相似文献   

Deciduous broad-leaved forests (DBF), Larix principis-rupprechtii (LF) and Pinus tabulaeformis plantations (PF) are three typical forest communities in the warm temperate zone of the Dongling Mountains. In this study, we used an indirect method, hemispheric photography, to measure and analyze the dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) and canopy openness of the three forest communities. The results show that the LAI values of DBF and LF increased gradually with plant growth and development. The highest LAI value appeared in August, while canopy openness changed inversely with LAI. The lowest value appeared in November. DBF maintained a higher LAI in August and had a more open canopy in November compared with LF. For PF, we observed little changes in the LAI and canopy openness which was attributed to the leaf retention of this evergreen species. However, a similar relation between LAI and canopy openness was found for the three forest communities: canopy openness varied inversely with LAI. The relation is exponential and significant. Therefore, canopy openness is a good indicator of LAI in forests. This result can be used to test the validity of the LAI based on remote sensing and to provide a reference for the study of the canopy heterogeneity and its effect. This also benefits modeling for fluxes of carbon, water and energy from the level of the stand to landscape. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 431–436 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy (UVRRS) was used to study the formation of aromatic and/or lignin-carbohydrate (LC) structures at the reducing end groups of O-alkyl-substituted cellulose under conditions simulating the initial phase of kraft pulping. The derivatives studied were methyl cellulose (MC) with degree of substitution (DS) of 1.64–1.95, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with DS ∼0.6, and a lignin model compound, creosol. The total alkali concentrations in the treatments were 0.1 M and 0.5 M and the sulfidities were 1%, 10%, and 30%. HS ions and creosol are both strong nucleophiles and they compete for the hot-alkali-generated unsaturated electrophilic reaction sites in the reducing end groups of the polysaccharides. The results indicated that conditions similar to those in the initial phase of conventional kraft cooking (high OH and low HS ion concentrations) increased the aromatic nature of the end groups and conditions similar to those in the initial phase of super batch cooking (low OH and high HS ion concentrations) partly inhibited the formation of aromatic and LC end groups.  相似文献   

The diversity, spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of dead wood were examined within the near-natural beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) of Serrahn (North-eastern Germany). Data were collected in an 8 ha sample plot and in two permanent plots (0.36 and 0.25 ha) that had been established at the end of the 1960s. The mean volume of dead wood was 94 m3 ha−1, amounting to 14% of the total volume of all trees. The dead wood displayed a large variation in dead wood type, tree size and decay class. Standing dead wood accounted for about one-third of the total dead wood volume. The densities of standing dead trees were about 10% of the densities of the living trees over a wide range of diameters. The overall spatial distribution of dead trees exhibited a random pattern. Among the different dead wood types, standing entire dead trees and uprooted trees deviated from this pattern by displaying a significantly aggregated pattern. In the permanent plots a high mortality of overstorey trees was observed (1.3% year−1) and the average amount of dead wood increased greatly from 2.9 to 111.6 m3 ha−1 over the 35-year observation period. The near-natural beech forests of Serrahn have experienced a long period of low human interference. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the structure and dynamics of dead wood are strongly affected by the last major disturbance events that took place at the end of the Middle Ages. Information about the forest history is therefore a basic requirement when interpreting the results obtained in near-natural forests.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the characteristics of the spatial structure and development dynamics of three predominant tree populations, Quercus aliena var. acutiserrata Maxim.(QA), Acer caesium subsp. giraldii (Pax) E. Murr.(AC), and Ulmus propinqua Koidz (U. japonica) Sag (UG), in a virgin old-growth oak broad-leaved mixed forest in the Qinling Mountains, China. We employed a bivariate distribution of the structural parameters (mingling, dominance, and uniform angle index) based on the relationship between nearest neighbor tree groups and found that all predominant populations with a high species mixture and random distribution pattern. However, QA and UG are recessional populations, and AC is a progressive population. Predominant populations showed a consistent tendency during stand development that the spatial structures became increasingly mixed; the distribution pattern gradually transformed from clumped to random, and the segregation among the tree species increased. This finding demonstrates that the populations are forming a steady-state forest structure. The QA population will continue to maintain its predominance in the forest in the future, and AC will survive and grow as an associated species over the long term. However, UG will decline, and the forest will ultimately become an oak-dominated climax forest community if there are no large-scale disturbances.  相似文献   

Annual amounts of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall were measured in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest to examine the contribution of a liana species, Mucuna macrocarpa Wall., to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall production and nitrogen input. The total litterfall in the study plot was 7.1 t ha−1 year−1. The amount of litterfall varied with topography and was greatest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Macuna macrocarpa litterfall was absent on the ridges although it accounted for the largest percentage, 32%, of total leaf litter production in the valley. Nitrogen input by litterfall was 69 kg ha−1 year−1 in the plot. Nitrogen input by litterfall was also largest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Leaf litter of M. macrocarpa had approximately twice the nitrogen concentration of litterfall of other species. Macuna macrocarpa accounted for 42% of nitrogen input by leaf litter in the valley. The abundance and the high nitrogen concentration of M. macrocarpa intensified differences in the amount of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall between valleys and ridges. It was concluded that a liana species, M. macrocarpa, can contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall and may subsequently affect nutrient cycling in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island.  相似文献   

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