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丁酸钠对断奶仔猪生产性能和肠道形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究日粮中添加不同质量浓度的丁酸钠对断奶仔猪生产性能、消化器官发育和肠道黏膜形态结构的影响.选用体质量平均为(6±0.05)kg 21日龄断奶的96头杜×长×大仔猪,,随机分成对照组、试验1组和试验2组3个处理组,每处理组4个重复,每重复8头仔猪.丁酸钠的添加质量浓度分别为0、1和2 g/kg.在断奶后3、7和14 d从各重复中分别取1头仔猪屠宰取样.结果表明:日粮中添加丁酸钠能提高仔猪平均日增质量,促进消化器官的生长发育,特别是提高胃相对质量和胰腺相对质量.断奶后14 d,试验1组和2组的十二指肠绒毛高度分别比对照组高15.5 %(P>0.05)和23.9 %(P<0.05),空肠绒毛高度分别比对照组高14 %(P<0.01)和6 %(P<0.05).结果表明:日粮中添加丁酸钠能改善断奶仔猪肠道黏膜形态结构,促进消化器官的生长发育,从而提高生产性能.  相似文献   

本试验以初始体质量(48.87±3.13)g的匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)为研究对象,在基础饲料中分别添加0、1.0、2.5、5.0、7.5 g/kg的包膜丁酸钠,配制成5种等氮等能的试验饲料,研究不同浓度包膜丁酸钠对匙吻鲟生长和肠道黏膜形态的影响。试验在水库网箱中进行,每网箱饲喂15尾,每处理组3个重复,投喂量为鱼体质量的3%~5%,日投喂3次,试验持续10周。试验结果表明:在饲料中添加丁酸钠对匙吻鲟有一定的促生长作用,显著提高了匙吻鲟肠道绒毛高度/隐窝深度的比值。当丁酸钠添加量为1.0 g/kg时,匙吻鲟增重率和特定生长率最高,比对照组分别提高了16.87%和9.3%(P0.05);丁酸钠添加量为1.0 g/kg时,匙吻鲟肠道绒毛高度显著升高,比对照组提高153.4%(P0.05)。综上,饲料中添加适量的丁酸钠可通过显著提高匙吻鲟肠绒毛高度,从而促进其生长,并且适宜添加量为1.0 g/kg。  相似文献   

包被丁酸钠对断奶仔猪肠道健康的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包被丁酸钠作为一种无污染、无残留可代替抗生素的新型绿色添加剂被广泛地应用到断奶仔猪生产中,对断奶仔猪的生长性能以及肠道微生态平衡有重要作用。该文通过阐述包被丁酸钠的生物学作用以及作用机理进行研究探讨,为其在生产实践中应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

文章旨在评估日粮添加不同水平的包被丁酸钠对夏季高温肉鸡生长性能、免疫器官发育及肠道绒毛形态的影响。试验将体重接近的432只1日龄肉鸡随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每个重复48只。对照组肉鸡在1~42 d时饲喂基础日粮,T1和T2组肉鸡在1~42 d分别饲喂基础日粮+15和30 mg/kg包被丁酸钠。整个试验期分为1~21 d和22~42 d两个阶段。结果:与对照组相比,15和30 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组42 d肉鸡的体重分别显著提高2.29%和2.23%(P<0.05),同时15 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组22~42 d肉鸡平均日增重和饲料报酬分别显著提高3.60%和5.26%(P<0.05)。对照组肉鸡在整个试验期的死亡率较15和30 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组分别显著提高334.37%和297.14%(P<0.05)。15和30 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组21 d肉鸡法氏囊相对重量较对照组显著提高40%和50%(P<0.05),同时42 d肉鸡脾脏和胸腺相对重量较对照组分别显著提高40%、50%和40.63%、46.88%(P<0.05)。15 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组肉鸡空肠绒毛高度和绒毛高度/隐窝深度值显著高于对照组(P<0.05),同时15和30 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组回肠绒毛高度及绒毛高度/隐窝深度值均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,15 mg/kg包被丁酸钠组肉鸡回肠隐窝深度显著降低7.94%(P<0.05)。结论:在本研究条件下,包被丁酸钠可提高肉鸡免疫器官相对重量,降低夏季高温死亡率,综合考虑日增重和饲料报酬,1~42 d肉鸡日粮中包被丁酸钠的适宜添加水平为15 mg/kg。 [关键词]丁酸钠|肉鸡|生长性能|免疫|肠道健康  相似文献   

试验选用体重约40kg健康的三元杂交(杜×大×长)猪120头(阉公母各半)随机分为4组:对照组(基础饲粮)、丁酸钠组(基础饲粮+1kg丁酸钠)、抗生素组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素60mg/kg)和复合组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素30mg/kg+丁酸钠1kg)。试验时间为72d,期间观察猪只的皮毛状况,试验结束时进行称重。测定4组猪的日增重、采食量和料肉比。结果表明:37~70kg阶段日增重3个试验组分别比对照组提高1.03%、3.80%、4.30%;70~98kg阶段日增重分别比对照组提高1.43%、3.63%、4.05%;37~98kg的全过程日增重分别比对照组提高1.26%、3.65%、4.22%。37~70kg阶段采食量试验组较对照组有上升的趋势,70~98kg阶段和全程试验组料肉比有下降。整个阶段试验各组的肤色、毛况显著优于对照组(P0.05),丁酸钠组和复合组优于抗生素组。  相似文献   

试验选用体重约40kg健康的三元杂交(杜×大×长)猪120头(阉公母各半)随机分为4组:对照组(基础饲粮)、丁酸钠组(基础饲粮+1kg丁酸钠)、抗生素组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素60mg/kg)和复合组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素30mg/kg+丁酸钠1kg)。试验时间为72d,期间观察猪只的皮毛状况,试验结束时进行称重。测定4组猪的日增重、采食量和料肉比。结果表明:37~70kg阶段日增重3个试验组分别比对照组提高1.03%、3.80%、4.30%;70~98kg阶段日增重分别比对照组提高1.43%、3.63%、4.05%;37~98kg的全过程日增重分别比对照组提高1.26%、3.65%、4.22%。37~70kg阶段采食量试验组较对照组有上升的趋势,70~98kg阶段和全程试验组料肉比有下降。整个阶段试验各组的肤色、毛况显著优于对照组(P<0.05),丁酸钠组和复合组优于抗生素组。  相似文献   

本试验研究了肉兔日粮中添加包被精油与包被氧化锌对肉兔生产性能与经济效益的影响。试验共选取600只体重相近、健康状态良好的35日龄同期断奶伊拉商品肉兔,随机分为4组(每组6个重复,每个重复25只兔):对照组饲喂基础日粮,精油组饲喂添加1 000 mg/kg包被精油的基础日粮,精油+氧化锌组饲喂添加500 mg/kg包被精油和250 mg/kg包被氧化锌的基础日粮,氧化锌组饲喂添加250 mg/kg包被氧化锌的基础日粮。试验持续35 d,统计分析平均日采食量(ADFI)、平均日增重(ADG)、料肉比、腹泻率和死亡率(%)等指标。结果显示,与对照组相比,在日粮中添加1 000 mg/kg包被精油能显著降低肉兔腹泻率和死亡率,并提高经济效益;日粮中添加500 mg/kg包被精油和250 mg/kg包被氧化锌能显著降低死亡率,并显著提高经济效益;日粮添中添加250 mg/kg包被氧化锌对肉兔采食量、增重、腹泻率、死亡率和经济效益均无显著影响。综上所述,在肉兔饲粮中添加1 000 mg/kg包被精油或500 mg/kg包被精油联合250 mg/kg包被氧化锌能改善肉兔的健康状况,并提高经济效益。  相似文献   

为解决育肥猪采食量和生产进入停滞期的难题,试验选取体重90 kg左右的杜洛克×长白×大白三元杂交阉割公猪30头,随机分为对照组和试验组,每组各15头。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组饲喂添加0.4%丁酸钠和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)微胶囊包被剂的日粮,记录每组每日采食量。并在试验的第14天和第28天静脉采血,检测血生化指标。结果显示:在饲喂至第14天,试验组间接胆红素显著降低(P = 0.046),γ-谷氨酰转移酶有降低趋势(P = 0.099)|饲喂至第28天,试验组育肥猪增重提高11.51%,料肉比降低1.93%,谷草转氨酶活性显著降低(P = 0.009),谷丙转氨酶活性有降低趋势(P = 0.056)。结果表明,日粮中添加丁酸钠-DHA微胶囊包被制剂可提高生长后期育肥猪的采食量和日增重,改善血脂代谢,缓解后期生长速度放缓问题,从而提高经济效益。 [关键词] 丁酸钠-DHA微胶囊包被剂|生产性能|经济效益|育肥猪  相似文献   

为比较添加不同浓度丁酸钠对地方家禽彭县黄鸡生产性能、屠宰性能和肠道菌群的影响,选取健康且体重相近的100日龄彭县黄鸡(公鸡)共288羽,随机分成4组,每组4个重复,每个重复18羽。其中:S0为对照组,S1、S2、S3组分别在基础日粮中添加0.025%、0.05%和0.1%的丁酸钠。结果:日粮中添加0.05%的丁酸钠能显著提高彭县黄鸡105~152日龄阶段的增重、日增重和活重(P<0.05);当添加量在0.05%和0.1%水平时,能显著降低料重比(P<0.05)。日粮中添加0.05%的丁酸钠能显著提高腹脂重(P<0.05),显著降低腺胃重和腺胃率(P<0.05)。此外,日粮中添加不同水平丁酸钠对彭县黄鸡的肠道双歧杆菌、乳酸菌和沙门菌数量均无显著影响(P>0.05),但添加0.05%的丁酸钠可在一定程度上增加肠道双歧杆菌数量,降低沙门菌的数量。综合考虑,彭县黄鸡后期日粮中丁酸钠的适宜添加剂量为0.05%。  相似文献   

Adding organic acids to piglet diets is known to be helpful in overcoming postweaning syndrome, and butyric acid is known to be the main energy source for the epithelial cells of the large intestine and the terminal ileum. This study investigated the effect of sodium butyrate (SB) on in vitro and in vivo swine microflora, piglet growth performance, and intestinal wall morphology. During a 24-h in vitro cecal fermentation, total gas production and maximal rate of gas production were reduced linearly by SB (P < 0.001). Ammonia in cecal liquor was increased linearly by SB after 4, 8, and 24 h of fermentation (P < 0.001). In the in vivo study, 48 piglets housed in individual crates were allotted to 4 treatment groups (12 animals per treatment) for 6 wk. Piglets received a basal diet with a) no addition (control), or with SB at b) 1,000 ppm, c) 2,000 ppm, or d) 4,000 ppm. After 6 wk, 6 animals per treatment were killed, and samples of intestinal content and mucosa were collected. Sodium butyrate did not improve the animal growth performance. In the cecum, SB increased pH and isobutyric acid concentration (linear, P < 0.05) and tended to increase ammonia concentration (P = 0.056). Intestinal counts of clostridia, enterobacteriaceae, and lactic acid bacteria as well as intestinal mucosal morphology were not affected by feeding SB. This study showed that SB influenced the cecal microflora in an in vitro system, reducing the total gas production but increasing ammonia concentrations. When fed to piglets, SB did not improve the animal growth performance, increased cecal pH, and tended to increase cecal ammonia concentrations. Further studies will be needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying the effects observed when SB is fed to piglets.  相似文献   

赵民  徐小芳  余荣 《饲料工业》2012,33(20):33-34
试验研究包膜丁酸钠对青脚麻种鸡生产性能的影响,为包膜丁酸钠在种鸡上的应用提供理论参考。将11 000只27周龄健康的青脚麻种鸡随机分为2个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复1 100只,分别为对照组(基础日粮)和试验组(基础日粮+500 mg/kg包膜丁酸钠)。试验期为60 d。试验结果表明,与对照组相比,包膜丁酸钠组蛋鸡产蛋率提高2.76%,差异显著(P<0.05),高峰产蛋率提高6.28%,差异显著(P<0.05),种蛋合格率提高3.16%,差异显著(P<0.05),死淘率降低49.28%,差异显著(P<0.05)。由此可见,包膜丁酸钠可改善青脚麻种鸡的生产性能。  相似文献   

不同水平的丁酸钠对肉仔鸡小肠肠道形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究丁酸钠对肉仔鸡小肠形态的影响,试验选用1日龄健康艾维茵肉仔鸡200只,随机分为5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复10只鸡。5个处理分别为:Ⅰ组[基础日粮+0mg/kg丁酸钠(对照组)]、Ⅱ组(基础日粮+250mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅲ组(基础日粮+500mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅳ组(基础日粮+750mg/kg丁酸钠)、Ⅴ组(基础日粮+1000mg/kg丁酸钠)。试验结果表明:①在肉仔鸡玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加750mg/kg丁酸钠能显著提高21日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠和空肠的绒毛高度和V/C值(P<0.05),显著提高42日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠的绒毛高度(P<0.05);②在肉仔鸡玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加1000mg/kg丁酸钠能显著提高21日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠的V/C值和42日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠绒毛高度(P<0.05),极显著提高42日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠V/C值(P<0.01),显著提高21日龄肉仔鸡空肠的绒毛高度和V/C值,显著提高42日龄肉仔鸡空肠的V/C值(P<0.05),显著降低42日龄肉仔鸡空肠隐窝深度(P<0.05);③添加250、500和750mg/kg丁酸钠能显著提高21日龄肉仔鸡空肠肌层厚度(P<0.05),添加1000mg/kg丁酸钠与添加500mg/kg丁酸钠相比,能显著提高42日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠黏膜厚度和肌层厚度(P<0.05)。本试验条件下,在肉仔鸡基础日粮中分别添加750mg/kg和1000mg/kg丁酸钠对改善肉仔鸡小肠组织学形态综合指标影响显著,且添加1000mg/kg丁酸钠改善最显著,推荐为最适添加量;在生产应用上,考虑节约成本等经济情况,推荐可以添加750mg/kg丁酸钠。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of dietary sodium butyrate on growth performance and response to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in weanling pigs. In a 28-d experiment, 180 pigs (initial BW 6.3 kg) were fed 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, or 0.4% sodium butyrate, or 110 mg/kg of dietary tylosin. There was no effect of dietary sodium butyrate or tylosin on overall G:F, but there was a linear trend (P < 0.07) toward decreased ADFI and ADG as levels of sodium butyrate increased. In a second 28-d experiment, 108 pigs (initial BW 6.3 kg) were assigned to 1 of 3 dietary treatments: 1) no antibiotics, 2) 0.2% sodium butyrate, or 3) 55 mg/kg of carbadox. On d 14, a subset of pigs from the no-antibiotic and butyrate treatment groups was challenged with E. coli LPS or injected with sterile saline in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (+/-LPS challenge; +/-dietary butyrate; n = 6 pigs/treatment group). Four hours after LPS challenge, blood samples were obtained, and samples of LM, liver, and ileum were collected for gene expression analysis. Serum samples were analyzed for IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein, cortisol, IGF-I, insulin, and metabolites. The relative abundance of tissue cytokine and IGF-I mRNA was measured by real-time PCR. Feeding diets containing sodium butyrate or carbadox did not alter ADG or ADFI compared with pigs fed the control diet. From d 0 to 14, pigs fed diets containing 0.2% sodium butyrate had decreased (P < 0.05) ADG and tended (P < 0.06) to have decreased G:F compared with animals fed diets containing carbadox. Challenge with LPS increased (P < 0.05) serum cytokines and cortisol and decreased (P < 0.05) serum glucose and triglycerides. Injection with LPS increased (P < 0.05) the relative abundance of hepatic IL-6 and TNFalpha mRNA, increased (P < 0.05) LM TNFalpha mRNA content, and decreased (P < 0.05) IGF-I mRNA in LM. For serum cortisol, there was an interaction (P < 0.05) between dietary butyrate and LPS. The increase in serum cortisol attributable to LPS was greater (P < 0.05) in pigs fed butyrate than in pigs fed the control diet. There tended (P < 0.10) to be an interaction between LPS and diet and for butyrate to increase the relative abundance of IL-6 mRNA in LM. Carbadox did not alter cytokine or IGF-I mRNA or serum metabolites, but did decrease (P < 0.05) serum TNFalpha. These data indicate that dietary sodium butyrate does not enhance growth performance, but may regulate the response to inflammatory stimuli in weanling pigs.  相似文献   

为比较添加不同浓度丁酸钠和枯草芽孢杆菌单用和联用对地方家禽彭县黄鸡屠宰性能、脂肪酸、肠道菌群的影响,试验选取健康且体重相近的100日龄彭县黄鸡(公鸡)共288羽,随机分成四个组,每组四个重复,每个重复18羽。Y0为对照组,饲喂基础日粮,Y1、Y2、Y3组分别在基础日粮中添加0.05%丁酸钠、0.03%枯草芽孢杆菌、0.05%丁酸钠+0.03%枯草芽孢杆菌。152日龄屠宰,测定屠宰性能、腿肌脂肪酸含量和盲肠菌群含量和pH。结果表明:日粮中添加0.05%的丁酸钠能提高活重、腹脂重,较对照组分别提高3.50%、369.30%(P<0.05);降低腺胃率、致病菌沙门氏菌的数量,较对照组分别降低18.75%、83.58%(P<0.05)。日粮中添加0.03%的枯草芽孢杆菌能提高活重、肌胃重、肌胃率(P<0.05),较对照组分别提高4.3%、17.08%、16.33%;降低饱和脂肪酸中的硬脂酸C18:0含量,较对照组降低18.39%(P<0.05)。日粮中添加0.05%丁酸钠+0.03%枯草芽孢杆菌能降低屠体重、全净膛重、全净膛率和半净膛率,较对照组分别降低2.52%、6.95%、8.29%、6.90%(P<0.05);提高肌胃重、γ-亚油酸C18:3n6的水平、双歧杆菌数量,较对照组分别提高15.52%、31.25%、652.19%(P<0.05)。综上,单独添加0.05%丁酸钠、0.03%枯草芽孢杆菌均能在提高屠宰性能、改善肠道微生物菌群、改善肉质脂肪酸水平方面起到有利作用,而二者联用并不理想。  相似文献   

本试验在基础日粮基础上,分别添加100、200、300、500和800 mg/kg包膜丁酸钠颗粒的5种不同添加组合的饲料饲喂肉仔鸡,以研究包膜丁酸钠对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响。试验结果表明:其中500 mg/kg包膜丁酸钠添加组的料重比最低,从低到高依次是500 mg/kg组>800 mg/kg组>300 mg/kg组>200 mg/kg组>100 mg/kg组。从本试验来看,包膜丁酸钠具有提高肉仔鸡生产性能的效果,肉仔鸡配合日粮中添加500mg/kg包膜丁酸钠的效果最佳。  相似文献   

Gluconic acid (GA) derives from the incomplete oxidation of glucose by some Gluconobacter strains. When fed to nonruminant animals, GA is only poorly absorbed in the small intestine and is primarly fermented to butyric acid in the lower gut. This study investigated the effect of GA on in vitro growth response and metabolism of swine cecal microflora and on animal growth performance, intestinal wall morphology, and intestinal microflora. During a 24-h in vitro cecal fermentation, total gas production and maximum rate of gas production were increased by GA (linear, P < 0.001). Ammonia in cecal liquor was reduced by GA after 4, 8, and 24 h of fermentation (quadratic, P < 0.01). After 24 h of fermentation, total short-chain fatty acids, acetic acid, propionic acid, n-butyric acid, acetic to propionic acid ratio, and acetic + butyric to propionic acid ratio were linearly increased by GA (P < 0.001). In the in vivo study, 48 piglets were divided into 4 groups and housed in individual cages for 6 wk. Piglets received a basal diet with a) no addition (control) or with GA addition at b) 3,000 ppm, c) 6,000 ppm, or d) 12,000 ppm. After 6 wk, 4 animals per treatment were killed, and samples of intestinal content and mucosa were collected. Compared with control, GA tended to increase average daily gain (+13 and +14% for GA at 3,000 and 6,000 ppm, respectively; P of the model = 0.11; quadratic, P < 0.05). Daily feed consumption and gain to feed ratio were not influenced by GA. Intestinal counts of clostridia, enterobacteriaceae, and lactic acid bacteria were not affected by GA. Gluconic acid tended to increase total short-chain fatty acids in the jejunum (+174, +87, and +74% for GA at 3,000, 6,000, and 12,000 ppm, respectively; P of the model = 0.07; quadratic, P = 0.07). Morphological evaluation of intestinal mucosa from jejunum, ileum, and cecum did not show any significant differences among treatments. This study showed that feeding GA influences the composition and activity of the intestinal microflora and may improve growth performance of piglets after weaning.  相似文献   

丁酸钠对断奶仔猪生产性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用24日龄断奶仔猪45头,随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每重复5头仔猪。对照组饲喂基础日粮,2个试验组在基础日粮中分别添加0.05%和0.1%的丁酸钠,试验期为26d。试验结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组日增重分别提高8.01%和17.84%;腹泻率分别下降69.4%和75.0%;每头仔猪毛利收入分别提高15.39%和33.1%。试验表明,丁酸钠对断奶仔猪的生长有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), coated sodium butyrate (CSB), and their combination on growth performance, immune parameters, and intestinal barrier of broilers. A total of 192 1-day-old chicks were assigned to a 2 × 2 factorial design including two dietary additives (0 and 150 mg/kg XOS and 0 and 400 mg/kg CSB). This trial lasted for 42 days. CSB supplementation increased the thymus and bursa index, blood myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, and IgG and IgM concentrations, whereas adding XOS only improved IgM concentration (p < .05). A significant interaction was observed for MPO activity. Furthermore, broilers fed CSB and their interaction exhibited increased ileal villus height/crypt depth (VH/CD) and goblet cells numbers in the ileum, as well as decreased ileal CD (p < .05). Broilers fed XOS and CSB individually showed higher ileal VH, the number of goblet cells in the duodenum and jejunum (p < .05). Moreover, XOS and CSB individual supplementation upregulated the expression of claudin3 in the ileum (p < .05). Simultaneously, a significant interaction was found for the ileal expression of claudin3. Overall, XOS and CSB supplementation could improve the development of immune organs, the small intestine morphology, and the intestinal physical barrier of broilers. Although no clear synergy of XOS and CSB was detected, the combination had positively affect broilers intestinal barrier and immune parameters.  相似文献   

40头妊娠85 d健康二元杂交经产母猪(胎次、体况、前胎产仔数一致),随机分为2组,每组20个重复,每个重复1头,分别为对照组(基础日粮)、处理组(妊娠期:基础日粮+800 g/t微囊丁酸钠;哺乳期:基础日粮+500 g/t微囊丁酸钠)。结果表明,饲粮中添加微囊丁酸钠能够显著提高母猪生产后期采食量(4.56%),显著降低母猪哺乳期的体失重(P<0.05),提高仔猪断奶日增重(P<0.05)和断奶体重。此外,处理组弱仔率较对照组下降35.72%,窝断奶仔猪数和断奶仔猪均重有上升趋势(P=0.07,P=0.14)。由此可见,微囊丁酸钠可改善母猪生产性能,提高仔猪平均日增重。  相似文献   

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