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通过长白落叶松种源试验的结果,揭示了长白落叶松的地理变异规律与模式。主要特点是:呈现纬向为主,经向为辅,经纬双重正向的渐变模式。影响长白落叶松地理变异的主导气候因子是温度,其次为水份。利用长白落叶松种源生长与其环境因子线性相关显著的性状,采用主分量分析方法,将长白落叶松划分成四大种源区,即白刀山种源区(编号Ⅰ)、小北湖种源区(编号Ⅱ)大石头种源区编号(Ⅲ)、和白河种源区(编号Ⅳ)。  相似文献   

通过对苇河地区的长白落叶松子代林的树高、胸径测定,计算材积,进而分析其生长性状的变异幅度。结果表明:长白落叶松树高、胸径、材积都存在着较为丰富的变异,其中树高变异最小,变异系数为14.52%;材积变异最大,变异系数为53.08%。长白落叶松不同区组生长性状即树高、胸径、材积均存在不同程度的变异,为优良区组选择奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

本文对13个地理种源的长白落叶松进行了育苗试验。试验结果表明,汪清种源为本地的最佳种源,大海林和小北湖种源可作为本地推广育苗的参考种源。  相似文献   

长白落叶松生长和材质性状地理变异的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对16年生长白落叶松6个种源进行生长和材性分析,结果表明:(1)树高、胸径、冠幅3个生长性状种源间的变异较大,基本密度、管胞长度、管胞宽度、管胞长宽比4个木材材质性状种源间变异较小,遗传变异主要存在于种源内个体间;(2)基本密度受较弱的遗传控制,其余6个性状分别受中等至较强的遗传控制;(3)长白落叶松生长和材性地理变异的基本模式是以纬向为主,温度、年降水量等环境因子是影响长白落叶松生长和材性的主导因子;(4)较低纬度、低海拔的白刀山种源为生长和材质兼优的优良种源,其次是大海林和和龙种源。  相似文献   

以东北林业大学帽儿山试验林场31年生长白落叶松种源试验林为研究对象。首先对林木碳储量研究中非破坏性取样方法进行探究,通过对比树干1.3 m处木芯样品含碳率与树干平均含碳率数据,发现二者存在较强的线性关系,利用回归分析计算出直线方程y=0.908 2x+4.379 4,R2=0.842 5,方程拟合程度达到理想水平,利用1.3 m处木芯样品含碳率推算树干平均含碳率方法可行。对不同种源长白落叶松的生长、材性、含碳率、干材生物量、碳储量等性状进行测定,结合方差分析、多重比较、相关分析等数理统计方法,最终筛选出生长优良,固碳能力强的种源。结果显示:干材生物量与碳储量存在较丰富的变异,平均变异系数分别为21.33%和21.30%。相关分析结果显示,碳储量与生长性状、干材生物量呈极显著正相关,与综纤维素含量和木质素含量相关不显著。通过方差分析与Duncan法多重比较,最终选择出小北湖与白刀山两个种源为高固碳能力种源。小北湖与白刀山种源单株干材碳储量分别为74.38 kg和69.27 kg,二者平均值高出总平均值27.83%,比对照CK高出54.45%。以现有试验林为标准,若选择小北湖种源,则每公顷固碳27 297.46 kg,比利用碳储量最小的露水河种源造林每公顷固碳量高47.85%。  相似文献   

通过26年生长白落叶松种源试验的调查分析表明:长白落叶松在加格达奇试验区其性状及变异是稳定的,可以进行早期选择。各种源间的胸径、树高、材积生长都存在较显著差异。9个种源的生长性状可划分为5个种源区,即:Ⅰ、鸡西种源区;Ⅱ、小北湖种源区(包括小北湖、大海林);Ⅲ、白刀山种源区(包括白刀山、穆棱);Ⅳ、露水河种源区(包括露水河、白河);Ⅴ、天桥岭种源区(包括天桥岭、和龙)。种源选择的效果较为明显。低海拔、低等效纬度的鸡西种源为加格达奇试验点的最佳种源,大海林、小北湖种源也是可选种源。  相似文献   

对龙江县错海林场11年生长白落叶松11个种源和10年生兴安落 叶松17个种源试验林进行观察研究,结果表明:各种源主要生长性状遗传分化明 显,遗传变异稳定,种源生长早晚期高度相关,4~5年可作为种源早期选择的初选 年龄;种源地理变异,长白落叶松是以经度为主要变异方向。兴安落叶松则是以 经度、纬度、海拔为主要的三重渐变;分别将长白和兴安落叶松种源划分三个类型, 即速生丰产型、中等类型和慢生低产型;选出优良种源,长白为大海林、白刀山和 小北湖三个,11年生时,树高、胸径和材积可分别获得11.2%、15.5%和38.5% 的遗传增益。兴安选出优良种源两个,即友好和乌伊岭种源,10年生时,树高、胸 径和材积可分别获得14.6%、30.3%和77.4%的遗传增益。  相似文献   

对辽宁大孤家12个日本落叶松×长白落叶松混合授粉及单系授粉杂交组合及4个相应母本自由授粉家系进行扦插生根变异及其测定林3-5年生长变异的分析,研究父母本对组合间生根和生长性状变异的贡献,并在此基础上选出高生长量及生根力的杂交组合.研究表明:无论是生根性状还是幼林生长性状,日×长杂种组合间均存在着显著遗传变异,父、母本效应明显,组合间具有很大的选择潜力;生根性状间、生长性状间存在着紧密的相关关系,但生根与幼林生长性状之问相关不紧密,可以开展生根与生长性状的独立选择;利用隶属函数法选出了生根最优、生长与生根兼优的杂交组合(或家系),选出的4个生根与生长兼优的家系5年生平均树高、地径和保存率分别比4个母本对照家系的平均值提高24.7%、28.9%和55.6%,而生根性状与其基本一致.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of provenance test for 10 years in the total natural range ofLarix olgensis from 10 seeds collection sites, the geographic variation patterns have been made by means of canonical correlation analysis: (1) The basic variation patterns of growth characters is in vertical gradual change along the elevation gradient as principal, and gradual change along the latitude as supplement. (2) The Xiaobehu provenance with low elevation and low equivalent latitude is the good gene resource center ofL. olgensis. It has the genetic characters of rapid growth, high stability and fine timber quality. (3) The synthetical interaction between water and heat factors is the major factor to produce the variation ofL. olgensis and the temperature is the principal one. (4) Among the genetic variations of geographic population characters, the variation of growth is the most obvious one, and it could be taken as the main character for provenance division. (5) By allocating the seeds from the low equivalent latitude region to the northern suitable afforestation areas, the greater genetic gain could be obtained. (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

Larix olgensis is a major reforestation species in areas of the northeast part of China. Rooted cutting for vegetative propagation on this Larch has been carried out since 1990, and later the bulk method of hardwood cutting propagation also has been studied. The result is as follows: (1) Cuttings from physiologically juvenile trees are easy to root, and develop better roots. In addition, there are many methods to enhance the cuttings rooting. (2) The good time for seedling transplanting is in the middle of August. Treatments with plant hormones and rare-earth compounds can improve the seedling survival rate, and the survival rate of the seedlings soaked in chelate rare-earth molybdenum compound (300×10−6) for 3 hours reached 94.00%, 19.49% higher than that of the control. (3) Methods of maintaining juvenility such as hedging, is essential to further developments for operational planting of vegetative propagates. Hedges in 5 years old can produce 91.75 shoots per tree, exceeding the control to 152.2%. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

After the treatment of pollen oflarix olgensis at the different low temperature, the pollen vitality was observed by using fluorescent staining method. Several conclusions were obtained: 1) 0°C–3°C is the best temperature range for storing pollen ofLarix olgensis. 2) At the same temperature, humidity is the key factor influencing the pollen vitality. 3) Different clones shows different resistance to low temperature. Among the ten clones 2# clone shows the highest resistance.  相似文献   

The net photosythetical rate, respiration rate, light compensation point and light saturation point ofLarix olgensis andFraxinus manshurica were measured by Model-865 Co2 Infrared Analyzer under controlled conditions (in coviron phytotron). For net photosythetical rate ofLarix ogensis andFraxinus manshurica, the optimum air temperature was 25, 28 °C respectively, the optimum soil water potantial was −20, −10 kPa repectively, the optimum soil water content was 20.31 %, 23.42% respectively, and the optimum air humidity was 90%. The optimum soil water potantial of respiration rate was −30 kPa. The light compensation point for the two species was 3.36, 4.8 μ mol / m2s respectively and light saturation was 804, 880 μ mol / m2s. The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

桤木种源苗期生长和固N能力的变异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1996年秋采集桤木自然分布区四川盆地及其周边地区的19个产地的种子用于种源试验研究。苗期研究结果表明,在不同种源之间,种子性状(千粒质量、发芽率)、苗木生长性状(高径生长、分枝数、根茎比)、固N性状(根瘤量、固N酶活力、叶N量)和抗冻性等均存在显著或极显著的差异。不同性状变异量的相对大小和种源遗传力估计值高低顺序是:抗冻性>生长性状>固N性状。苗木生长性状与固N性状之间存在着较高的正向遗传相关,与抗冻性之间也有一定正相关。应用综合指数法筛选出南江、都江堰和金堂3个最优种源,可供生产单位参考应用。桤木苗木大多数性状与种子产地海拔高度呈负相关,与经度呈正相关,而与纬度关系轻微,呈现出以垂直为异为主、经向变异为次、纬向变异不明显的地理变异特点。  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and respiration rate (R) of different directions and levels of crownof Larix olgensis Henry, growing at Erlongshan Forest Farm, were different. Pn of 14-year-oldL. olgensis was the biggest at the west of crown, and the lowest at the east of crown. Diurnal process of Pn of the south of crown showed monopeak curve pattern. Diurnal processes of Pn and R of 7-year-old and 16-year-oldL. olgensis showed bipeak curve pattern. Seasonal process of Pn ofL. ol-gensis showed monopeak curve pattern. Light compensation and saturation points ofL. olgensis were 18 and 1080 μ molm−2 s−1 respectively. Chlorophyll content of different directions and levels of crown ofL. olgensis were different. Chlorophyll content increased with the passage of time (May 22 – September 13), and reached its biggest content at August, then decreased. Seasonal process of chlorophyll content, like that of Pn, showed monopeak curve pattern. Chlorophyll content related to Pn positively.  相似文献   

By taking three forecasting methods (sample trees, sample branches and climate factors prediction) the forecasting equation of seed were established through correlation analysis and regression analysis on seed crop of Qingshan and QinheLarix olgensis seed orchard. The research results showed that it gave more accurate prediction with less working load by taking pistillate numbers of four sample branches at middle layer of crown to predicate seed crop. And the short-term prediction equation of this method was established. The correlation analysis between seed crop and climate factors showed that the relative humidity May and June, annual evaporative amount, and accumulated temperature above 10°C, possess the highest effect on bud differentiation and seed crop, then the middle-term predication equation of climate factors was established.  相似文献   

2009年3~7月在镇沅县古城乡,以滇西南5个州(市)9个县选出的西南桦用材优树为材料,开展不同地理种源的西南桦苗期生长性状变异分析,结果表明:不同地理种源西南桦苗期生长存在极显著差异,其中以景洪和江城种源表现最好,而镇沅种源表现最差;苗期生长性状与产地纬度、海拔呈极显著的负相关,同年均温、≥18C积温呈极显著的正相关...  相似文献   

通过对引种在厦门地区9个樟树种源的生长性状进行调查,结果表明,不同地理种源的樟树生长差异较大,综合地径和树高生长的情况,总体生长表现比较好的种源是广东揭阳(GD1)、广东和平(GD2)、广东梅州(GD3)、福建南靖(FJ1),地径平均值达3.1~3.4cm,树高平均值为221.7~236.6cm,这些种源适于厦门地区栽培和推广。方差分析结果表明,樟树不同地理种源各生长性状差异显著。选择种源时,应尽量选择同一种源区内的地理气候因子相近的地区作为种源区进行引种,以保证引种后幼树生长状况良好。  相似文献   

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