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We identified risk factors associated with falling during steeplechase racing. We used retrospective data from all steeplechase runs on UK racecourses during 1999: 10,866 starts with 647 horse falls. The relationship between continuous variables and falling was assessed using generalised additive models (GAMs). Polynomial fits then were included in a multilevel, multivariable logistic-regression model. The number of runners had a linear, positive association with the risk of falling. The distance of the race had a non-linear relationship with the risk of falling; the risk steadily increased in races up to 23 furlongs (1furlong approximately equals 198 m), and then decreased in longer races. Age also had a significant, non-linear relationship with the risk of falling: a decreasing risk up to 12 years of age followed by an increasing risk in older horses. Horses that wore visors and had raced previously were associated with a decrease in the risk of falling. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) showed that although most of the variation resided at the start (level 1), a proportion of variation in the risk of falling could be attributed to horse and race. Trainer and jockey contributed very little to the variation in the risk of falling.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Equine fatalities during racing continue to be a major welfare concern and falls at fences are responsible for a proportion of all equine fatalities recorded on racecourses. OBJECTIVES: To identify and quantify risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt (NH) racing and to report the frequency of falling and falling-associated fatalities. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 2879 horse starts in hurdle and steeplechase races on 6 UK racecourses. Any horse that suffered a fall at a steeplechase or hurdle fence during the race was defined as a case. Data were obtained by interview and observations in the parade ring and from commercial databases. Multivariable logistic regression models, allowing for clustering at the level of the track, were used to identify the relationship between variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: There were 124 falling cases (32 in hurdling and 92 in steeplechasing) identified. The injury risk of fallers was 8.9% and fatality risk 6.5%. Duration of journey to the racecourse, behaviour in the parade ring and weather at the time of the race were associated with falling in both hurdle and steeplechase racing. Age, amount of rainfall and going were also associated with falling in steeplechase racing. CONCLUSIONS: Falls at fences are significant contributors to equine fatalities during NH racing. Potentially modifiable risk factors identified were the condition of track surfaces and journey time to the racecourse. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: It is hoped that information from this study may be used in future interventions to improve horse and jockey safety in racing. The study has also identified areas requiring further research, such as equine behaviour and its effect on racing performance, and the effect of light conditions on jumping ability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the types of injuries sustained by horses that competed in steeplechase races and determine the prevalence of and risk factors for those injuries. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 2,680 horses that competed in various types of steeplechase races from 1996 through 2000. PROCEDURE: Data regarding races; environment; equipment problems; the number of horses that entered, started, and finished races; the number of riders that fell; and the number of horses that were slowed or stopped by the rider, ran off the course, fell, and sustained injuries or physical abnormalities during races were collected on a standard form by the official veterinarian who attended each meet. Data from all meets were not recorded; however, in recorded meets, data from every race were reported. RESULTS: Data for 197 hurdle, 65 timber, 76 flat, and 8 mixed races were recorded. Nine (3.4/1,000 horses that started in races) horses died or were euthanatized, and 7 of those were associated with catastrophic musculoskeletal injury. Seven fractures were recorded. Four fractures involved forelimbs, 1 involved a hind limb, and 2 involved the cervical portion of the vertebral column. All horses with fractures were euthanatized. Deep or hard course conditions were associated with an increased risk of breakdown injuries. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Successful development and implementation of strategies to prevent injuries and death in horses in steeplechase races depend on a clear understanding of the types and prevalence of injuries involved and risk factors associated with those injuries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) immediately after racing among racehorses that finished well behind the winners and examine potential risk factors for AF in these horses. DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: 39,302 racehorses representing 404,090 race starts in races sanctioned by the Japan Racing Association between 1988 and 1997. PROCEDURE: Horses that finished > or = 4 (turf races) or 5 (dirt races) seconds behind the winner or that did not complete the race were examined for AF within 5 minutes after the race. Logistic regression and chi2 analyses were used to determine whether sex, age, race distance, race surface, year, or development of epistaxis was associated with development of AF. RESULTS: Estimated minimum frequency of AF was 0.03% (123 instances of AF following 404,090 race starts), and estimated minimum prevalence of AF among racehorses was 0.29% (115 horses with AF among 39,302 racehorses). Estimated frequency of AF among horses that finished slowly or did not finish was 1.39% (120 instances of AF among 8,639 examinations), and estimated prevalence of AF in horses that finished slowly was 1.23% (92 instances of AF among 7,500 horses) or 1.01% when only the first time a horse finished slowly was considered (76 instances of AF among 7,500 horses). Atrial fibrillation was paroxysmal in most horses. Among horses that finished slowly, 4-year-old and older horses and horses that raced on turf were more likely to develop AF. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the likelihood of AF among racehorses that finish slowly is related to age and racing surface.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Falls during racing present a risk of injury to both horse and jockey and a risk of fatality to horses. OBJECTIVES: To use video recordings of races to describe the circumstances surrounding horse falls at hurdle and steeplechase fences and to identify and quantify within-race risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt racing in the UK. METHODS: A retrospective, matched, nested case-control study using video recordings of races was conducted on 6 UK racecourses. Cases and controls were matched on both race type and jump number at which the fall occurred. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationship between predictor variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: The risk of falling was significantly associated with whip use and race progress. Horses which were being whipped and progressing through the race were at greater than 7 times the risk of falling compared to horses which were not being whipped and which had no change in position or lost position through the field. CONCLUSIONS: This study has identified whip use and the position of the horse with respect to others in the field as potential risk factors for horse falls. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: If these findings are confirmed by the use of intervention trials (e.g. with whip-free or restricted whip use races), modifications could be introduced which would reduce the frequency of horse falls, leading to improved equine welfare.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Fractures below the level of the radius or tibia (distal limb fractures) are the most common cause of equine fatality on UK racecourses; however, little is known about their epidemiology or aetiology. Identification of risk factors could enable intervention strategies to be designed to reduce the number of fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To identify horse-level risk factors for fatal distal limb fracture in Thoroughbreds on UK racecourses. METHODS: A case-control study design was used. Fractures in case horses were confirmed by post mortem examination and 3 matched uninjured controls were selected from the race in which the case horse was running. One hundred and nine cases were included and information was collected about previous racing history, horse characteristics and training schedules. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify the relationship between a number of independent variables and the likelihood of fracture. RESULTS: Horses doing no gallop work during training and those in their first year of racing were at significantly increased risk of fracture on the racecourse. Case horses were also more likely to have trained on a sand gallop, i.e. a gallop described by trainers as being primarily composed of sand. CONCLUSIONS: Modifications to training schedules, specifically within the first year of racing, may have a large impact on the risk of fatal distal limb fracture on the racecourse. Horses should do some gallop work in training and our results suggest that the minimum distance galloped should be between 805-2012 m (4-10 furlongs)/week. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The information from this study can be used to alter training schedules in an attempt to reduce the incidence of fatal distal limb fracture in Thoroughbred racehorses. Training should include some gallop work, and further studies, recording the exact level of work, will help to identify an optimum range of training speeds and distances which will reduce the liklihood of catastrophic fracture on the racecourse.  相似文献   

Between March 1, 2000 and August 31, 2001, a case-control study was conducted on 12 racecourses in England and Wales to identify and quantify the risk factors associated with horse falls in hurdle races. The cases and controls were defined so that variables relating to the horse, the jockey, the race and racecourse, and the jump could be considered. The cases were defined as a jumping effort at a hurdle flight that resulted in a fall, and the controls were defined as a successful jump over a hurdle at any of the 12 racecourses within 14 days before or after the case fall. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationships between the predictor variables and the risk of falling. The risk of falling was significantly associated with the position of the jump in the race, and with the distance and speed of the race. A horse's previous racing experience and history were also significantly associated with the risk of falling and horses participating in their first hurdle race were at almost five times greater risk of falling than horses that had hurdled before.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was carried out to identify factors which predisposed Thoroughbred horses to severe injuries, as compared to less severe injuries, while racing on New York Racing Association (NYRA) tracks during the period of January 1986 to June 1988. A severe injury was defined as an injury which led to humane destruction of the horse. A less severe injury was defined as a horse which didn't race within 6 months following a muscular, ligament, tendon, or skeletal injury on the racetrack. The data were obtained from the Horse Identification Department records kept by the Chief Examining Veterinarian of NYRA and included 55 severely injured horses and 245 less severely injured horses. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with the risk of severe injuries compared to less severe injuries in those horses. There was a significant association between track and the risk of severe injury (horses raced on Belmont and Saratoga were more likely to develop a severe injury compared to horses raced on Aqueduct Main). The track surface was also associated with the risk of severe injury (horses raced on a firm turf had a significantly lower risk of severe injury associated with the track was significantly modified by the track condition (horses raced at Belmont when it was muddy had a significantly increased risk compared to Aqueduct dirt). Horses were more likely to experience severe injury in the early part of the race (less than or equal to 6 furlongs) than the latter part of the race (greater than 6 furlongs). The risk of severe injury decreased with the age of the horse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors significantly associated with an epidemic of fibrinous pericarditis during spring 2001 among horses in central Kentucky. DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: 38 horses with fibrinous pericarditis and 30 control horses examined for other reasons. PROCEDURE: A questionnaire was developed to solicit information regarding a wide range of management practices and environmental exposures from farm owners or managers. RESULTS: The following factors were found in bivariate analyses to be significantly associated with an increased risk of pericarditis: being from a farm with mares and foals affected by mare reproductive loss syndrome, exposure to Eastern tent caterpillars in or around horse pastures, younger age, shorter duration of residence in Kentucky and at the farm of current residence, being fed hay grown outside Kentucky, a lack of access to pond water, access to orchard grass for grazing, and a lack of direct contact with cattle. In multivariate logistic regression analyses, only variables related to caterpillar exposure and age were significantly associated with fibrinous pericarditis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELVANCE: Results suggest that fibrinous pericarditis in horses may be associated with mare reproductive loss syndrome. Exposure to Eastern tent caterpillars was the greatest risk factor for development of fibrinous pericarditis. The distribution of times of diagnosis of fibrinous pericarditis was consistent with a point-source epidemic.  相似文献   

The héritabilitý of performance in thoroughbreds was studied using the Timeform Ratings for horses which raced during 1970. Timeform Ratings are based on the relative performance of all horses racing in a given year. 794 Individual three year old records, representing 96 sires which had five or more progeny, were used.The mean ratings for sires, dams and progeny were 128.5, 93.6 and 81.4 respectively; among the progeny the ratings for colts, fillies and geldings were 88.3, 79.1 and 77.1 respectively. Calculations made suggest that while stallion selection is effective in selecting sires with high performance ratings it does not appear that the selection of dams is very closely related to performance. There was no evidence of assortative mating.Paternal half sib and regression of offspring on sire analyses of the data yielded heritability estimates of 0.35 ± 0.11 and 0.74 ± 0.20 respectively. Further regression analyses on a reduced set of data (553 progeny records) of offspring on sire, offspring on dam and offspring on mid parent value gave heritabilities 0.56 ± 0.20, 0.36 ± 0.10 and 0.34 ± 0.08respectively. The possible reason for the substantially higher heritability estimates from the regressions of offspring on sire are discussed. It is concluded that the best measure of heritability of performance is 35%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect and characterize latent equine herpes virus (EHV)-1 and -4 from the submandibular (SMLN) and bronchial lymph (BLN) nodes, as well as from the trigeminal ganglia (TG) of 70 racing Thoroughbred horses submitted for necropsy following sustaining serious musculoskeletal injuries while racing. A combination of nucleic acid precipitation and pre-amplification steps was used to increase analytical sensitivity. Tissues were deemed positive for latent EHV-1 and/or -4 infection when found PCR positive for the corresponding glycoprotein B (gB) gene in the absence of detectable late structural protein gene (gB gene) mRNA. The EHV-1 genotype was also determined using a discriminatory real-time PCR assay targeting the DNA polymerase gene (ORF 30). Eighteen (25.7%) and 58 (82.8%) horses were PCR positive for the gB gene of EHV-1 and -4, respectively, in at least one of the three tissues sampled. Twelve horses were dually infected with EHV-1 and -4, two carried a latent neurotropic strain of EHV-1, six carried a non-neurotropic genotype of EHV-1 and 10 were dually infected with neurotropic and non-neurotropic EHV-1. The distribution of latent EHV-1 and -4 infection varied in the samples, with the TG found to be most commonly infected. Overall, non-neurotropic strains were more frequently detected than neurotropic strains, supporting the general consensus that non-neurotropic strains are more prevalent in horse populations, and hence the uncommon occurrence of equine herpes myeloencephalopathy.  相似文献   

Research on the racing performance of quarter horses has been used to develop genetic prediction summaries on all horses with at least one start on record at the American Quarter Horse Association. In the 1987 summary, records from a total of 212,065 horses were used to give genetic predictions on stallions, mares, geldings, fillies, and colts. A reduced animal model was used that incorporated the repeated records of individuals. The individual race was the contemporary group after the data were adjusted for distance, sex, and age. Estimates of heritability of .24 and repeatability of .32 suggest that increased racing performance can be achieved if the predictions are used by breeders. Continued research in variance component estimation includes the genetic covariances among the several distances, maternal influence, and genetic parameters for racing longevity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the lymphocyte proliferation response in horses 12 to 16 hours after completion of a race. ANIMALS: 8 Thoroughbreds that competed in 14 races and 3 control Thoroughbreds that did not race. PROCEDURE: Horses participated in races during the late afternoon or evening. Venous blood samples were collected on a morning before a race (1 or 2 days before the race or on the day of the race), on the afternoon of a race (40 to 60 minutes after the race), and on the morning of the day after a race (12 to 16 hours after the race). Lymphocyte proliferation responses and WBC count were measured in samples obtained in the mornings. Plasma cortisol was measured in all samples. RESULTS: Lymphocyte proliferation responses were significantly reduced and WBC counts significantly increased 12 to 16 hours after a race. Plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly increased 40 to 60 minutes after a race. In samples from the control horses, lymphocyte proliferation responses, WBC counts, or plasma cortisol concentrations did not differ significantly among time periods. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A decrease in proliferative responses of circulating lymphocytes can be found as late as 12 to 16 hours after a horse participates in a race. Although the clinical consequences of these exercise-related alterations of the immune response are not yet known, managers of horses should take into account that the immune system of a horse may be affected by racing.  相似文献   

Abnormal pulmonary radiopacities were identified in 13 racing horses in which a diagnosis of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) had been confirmed. The lesions were in the caudal lung lobe in all horses; seven were on the right and three on the left, and the laterality for three could not be determined. In ten horses the opacities, which were large and peripherally located, obliterated the thoracophrenic angle. They merged with the silhouette of the diaphragm and had a circular or ovoid surface directed toward the hilum. The intensity of opacification of the consolidated areas varied, and they often were not sharply marginated. Dorsal displacement of the pulmonary arteries was noted in the region of the radiopacity in seven horses. Varying volumes of pleural effusion were observed in nine horses. Serial radiographic examinations were performed in seven horses. The pulmonary radiopacities cleared within ten days in two horses. In the remaining five horses, gradual resolution, characterized by a reduction in lesion size with improved margination, occurred during several months. The central region of the radiopaque lesion commonly had a patchy appearance, suggesting cavitation. Normal pulmonary vascular and interstitial markings were evident following complete resolution of these lesions. The cause of these abnormal pulmonary opacities has not been determined. Pathologic-radiologic correlations will be required to improve understanding of the pathophysiology of EIPH in the racing horse.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Lateral condylar fractures of the third metacarpus/metatarsus are the most common cause of equine fatality on UK racecourses. Identification of risk factors for such injuries and the subsequent implementation of intervention strategies could significantly reduce the total number of racecourse fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To identify horse-, race- and course-level risk factors for fatal lateral condylar fracture in Thoroughbreds on UK racecourses. METHODS: Case-control study designs were used. Case horses were defined as those that were subjected to euthanasia having sustained an irreparable lateral condylar fracture while racing at any of the 59 UK racecourses. Case races were defined as those in which one or more horses sustained a fatal lateral condylar fracture. Three controls for each case horse were selected at random from the race in which the case was running. Three controls for each case race were selected at random from all races of the same type held in the same year. Ninety-eight cases were included in the study. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify the relationship between a number of independent variables and the likelihood of fracture. RESULTS: Horses doing no gallop work during training and those in their first year of racing were at significantly increased risk of fracture on the racecourse. Case horses were also more likely to have started racing as 3- or 4-year-olds. Fractures were found to be more likely in longer races with a larger number of runners, races in which professional jockeys were not permitted to ride and races in which the going was described as firm or hard. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Modifications to training schedules, specifically within the first year of racing, may have a large impact on the risk of fatal lateral condylar fracture on the racecourse. Horses should do some gallop work in training and our results suggest that the minimum distance galloped should be between 201 m (1 furlong) and 1609 m (8 furlongs) per week. The association with age at first race requires further investigation for flat and National Hunt racing separately. A reduction in the number of races taking place on very firm going could have an impact on the number of lateral condylar fractures.  相似文献   

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