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A llama (Lama glama) died after 1 wk of obstipation, lethargy, and rolling. Necropsy showed that the stomach and small intestine were distended with gas and fluid. The cecum was impacted with dry contents and the colon was empty. No gross lesions were found in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract or other organs. Histologic changes consisted of chromatolysis of neurons of autonomic ganglia, enteric plexi, and the accessory cuneate nucleus, consistent with lesions associated with dysautonomia in other domestic animals.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old intact female llama was euthanized following acute onset of spastic tetraparesis and recumbency with inability to rise. Postmortem examination revealed caudal cervical spinal cord compression due to a mass within the ventral spinal canal arising from the C6-C7 intervertebral disk space and attached to an irregularly thickened annulus fibrosis. On histopathologic examination, the mass was composed of amorphous acellular basophilic to amphophilic material admixed with irregularly arranged collagen bundles. The amorphous material was metachromatic and contained multiple small foci of markedly vacuolated round cells, characteristic of origin from the nucleus pulposus. Severe necrosis of all white matter tracts with astrocytic reaction was present in the overlying spinal cord segment. Ascending and descending Wallerian degeneration and dissecting interstitial astrogliosis were present within white matter tracts above and below the lesion, respectively. The diagnosis was compressive myelopathy due to chronic extrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the C6-C7 intervertebral disk. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of intervertebral disk disease in a camelid.  相似文献   

In a breeding stallion with azoospermia clinical andrological evaluation, transscrotal testicular ultrasonography, testicular biopsy and hormonal analysis were carried out.For differentiation of testicular versus obstructive azoospermia a testicular biopsy was carried out. The histological examination revealed testicular degeneration.  相似文献   

Peroneal nerve paralysis in a heifer developed during an 11-day period of recumbency following dystocia. The condition did not improve during the next 42 days and the heifer was slaughtered. On the basis of microscopic findings, it was concluded that 3 to 4 months would have been required to reestablish normal limb function.  相似文献   

Lymphosarcoma in a llama   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A 5-year-old, female llama (Lama glama) developed acute, progressive neurological disease, characterized by recumbency, muscle fasciculations, intermittent convulsions/opisthotonos, and absent menace responses. Postmortem histopathologic lesions, limited to the cerebral cortex, consisted of necrosis of the superficial and deep laminae. The clinical disease and microscopic lesions were consistent with polioencephalomalacia.  相似文献   

A 17-month-old Warmblood filly was referred to our clinic for evaluation of congenital facial nerve (FN) paralysis. Clinical examination revealed a right-sided facial paralysis with mild masticatory muscle atrophy, mild dysphagia and exposure keratitis. Apart from the FN deficits, neurological examination of the remaining cranial nerves showed no abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination using a 3.0 Tesla scanner showed that in comparison to the left FN, the intracranial section of the right FN between the pons and internal acoustic canal was thinner, whereas it appeared indistinct and thickened within the internal acoustic canal and facial canal. Signs of meningitis or encephalitis were not present on MRI. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed mild pleocytosis. The owner of the filly requested euthanasia due to the guarded prognosis. At necropsy, the intracranial section of the right FN was macroscopically thinner than the left side and within the facial canal, a 5 mm tissue stump could be identified with an absent extracranial part of the right FN. Histological examination of the brain stem showed different architecture of the left and right motor nuclei of the FN: in the left nucleus, motor neurons of a normal size and well stainable Nissl bodies were present, whereas in the right nucleus, neurons with Nissl bodies were decreased in number and size. Further, a cytoplasmic rich cell population with a nucleus size compatible with normal neurons was present. These cells were suspected to be atrophic neurons. The tissue stump within the facial canal was histologically identified as connective tissue. Unilateral malformation of the FN has not previously been described in the horse. This filly showed a right-sided, intracranial hypoplasia accompanied by an extracranial aplasia of the FN causing complete, congenital facial nerve paralysis, which corresponded to a difference in the architecture of the affected motor nucleus of the FN.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old female llama was examined because of chronic otitis media and externa of 7 months' duration. Radiographically, the tympanic bullae appeared thicker than normal, and the ventral borders were poorly defined; the left external acoustic meatus (ear canal) appeared to be narrower than the right. The llama was treated with penicillin, and the ear canals were lavaged daily. Contrast radiography was performed on day 15 to determine the shape and size of the ear canals and evaluate the integrity of the tympanic membranes. Contrast medium was visible radiographically in the left tympanic bulla, indicating that the left tympanic membrane was ruptured, but the right tympanic membrane appeared to be intact. The left ear canal was narrower than the right, and the bony ear canals had a well-defined sigmoid shape. The right ear improved with medial treatment alone, but the left ear did not. Therefore, lateral ear canal resection was performed. After surgery, however, exudate was still evident in the left ear canal, and the llama became more lethargic and more reluctant to eat. Lateral bulla osteotomy was attempted, but no purulent material was obtained, and curettage of the bulla resulted in hemorrhage. Because of this and because of the llama's poor physical condition, a decision was made to euthanatize the llama. The sigmoid shape of the bony ear canal and the multicompartmental nature of the tympanic bulla make surgical treatment of otitis media and externa in llamas difficult. Further study of surgical treatments for otitis media in llamas is needed.  相似文献   

A 1-month-old male cria was examined because of diffuse hyperkeratosis and conjunctivitis that had existed since birth. The mucocutaneous junction of the nostrils as well as the neck, coronary bands, and axillary and inguinal regions were the most severely affected areas. Orthokeratosis involving the epidermis and follicular infundibula was observed on skin biopsy specimens. Electron microscopy revealed 4 to 6 granular layers and inter- and intracellular vacuolation in the stratum corneum; diagnosis of ichthyosis was established.  相似文献   

Teratomas are neoplasms of embryonal origin in domestic animals and are generally associated with reproductive organs. We report a case of teratoma involving the right kidney in a young llama that presented clinically with signs of mild colic and constipation.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old broodmare was referred for weight loss and left facial nerve paralysis. Bilateral temporohyoid osteoarthropathy was diagnosed based on proliferation of the temporohyoid joints and stylohyoid bones on radiographs and guttural pouch endoscopy. The left side was more severely affected. Treatment resulted in little or no improvement.  相似文献   

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