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邹月利  陶波 《植物保护》2012,38(6):86-89
试验采用高效液相色谱法测定不同条件下反应液中氯嘧磺隆除草剂的降解率,确定氯嘧磺隆高效降解菌株黑曲霉(TR-H)的最佳降解条件。结果表明:当氯嘧磺隆的初始浓度为10.0mg/L、接种量为5.0mL菌悬母液、反应液的温度为30.0℃、恒温振荡培养7d,真菌黑曲霉(TR-H)可以降解96.4%以上的氯嘧磺隆。  相似文献   

Chlorimuron ethyl uptake into excised soybean root tissue was investigated using 14C-labelled herbicide. Chlorimuron ethyl accumulated in the root tissue, reaching a maximum concentration after 2 h and then declining over the next 2 h. The herbicide did not accumulate against a concentration gradient. The tissue concentration was linearly correlated with the external herbicide concentration. The Q10 between 15 and 25°C was 1.6. Addition of KCN and anoxia reduced uptake. The efflux of 14C that had accumulated in root tissue segments occurred in two phases: a rapid phase with a T½ value of 6.3 min and a slower phase with a T½ value of 172 min. Chlorimuron ethyl uptake and efflux in excised soybean root tissue closely resembled that previously observed in velvetleaf, a sensitive weed species.  相似文献   

A major factor responsible for the selectivity of chlorsulfuron [2-chloro-N-[(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)aminocarbonyl]benzenesulfonamide] (formerly DPX-4189), as a postemergence herbicide for small grains is the ability of the crop plants to metabolize the herbicide. Chlorsulfuron is the active ingredient in Du Pont “Glean” weed killer. Tolerant plants such as wheat, oats, and barley rapidly metabolize chlorsulfuron to a polar, inactive product. This metabolite has been characterized as the O-glycoside of chlorsulfuron in which the phenyl ring has undergone hydroxylation followed by conjugation with a carbohydrate moiety. Sensitive broadleaf plants show little or no metabolism of chlorsulfuron.  相似文献   

The bipyridylium herbicide morfamquat damages dicotyledon plants in a similar way to paraquat but unlike paraquat, has little activity on Gramineae such as cocksfoot, wheat and maize. Results are presented which show that this selective action is not due to differences in the amounts of chemical taken up by treated leaves of susceptible and resistant plants or to differences in the degree of movement in plants. Freeze-thaw experiments show that the plasmalemma and tonoplast membranes of sensitive and resistant weeds are less permeable to morfamquat than to paraquat. Whilst this could account for differences in activity of the two herbicides on cocksfoot, further evidence is given which shows that selectivity is not due to differences in morfamquat movement from free space to cytoplasm. Differential movement from cytoplasm into the chloroplasts of resistant and susceptible species may be the basis of the selective action, but several other mechanisms of selectivity are also mentioned.  相似文献   

对40个供试菜用大豆品种进行了抗2个SMV流行株系的鉴定。结果表明,有4个品种抗SC-3株系,分别是‘苏鲜4号’、‘浙鲜豆5号’、‘奎丰4号’和‘KVS124’;‘浙农8号’和‘苏鲜4号’抗SC-7株系,‘苏鲜4号’兼抗SC-3和SC-7株系。这些品种可作为抗源用于抗病品种选育和与抗性遗传相关的研究。此外,还鉴定筛选出‘通豆6号’、‘青酥2号’、‘青酥4号’、‘青酥5号’和‘青酥6号’等5个品种对SMV的主要流行株系SC-3表现耐病,这些品种可直接用于菜用大豆的生产。研究还显示,来自江苏地区的育成品种抗性相对较好,而来自上海崇明的地方大豆品种资源抗性普遍较差,这可能与该地区流行的SMV株系的类型相关。  相似文献   

Membrane-baesd yeast two-hybrid system is an effective method for research on interaction between Soybean mosaic virus-encoded membrane-associated proteins and host factors, while the Gateway technology without the use of restriction enzyme cloning techniques is easier for construction of virus-induced host cDNA library. In this study, both membrane-based yeast two-hybrid system and GatewayTM systems were used. With TRIZOL regent, total RNA was extracted from soybean leaves infected with soybean mosaic virus. SMV-induced soybean primary cDNA library constructed by Gateway technology was recombined into a reconstructed prey vector for membrane-based yeast two-hybrid system. The capacity and quality tests showed that the library titer was 1.7 ? 106cfu/mL and the length of inserted cDNA fragments ranged from 0.5 to 2 kb. It is available for research on interaction between the virus-encoded membrane protein and host.  相似文献   

采用盆栽法,以抗旱性不同的3个马铃薯栽培种为研究对象,于播种前以25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂为沟施药剂处理(A),正常浇水为对照(CK,土壤体积含水量θw:60%~70%),干旱为水分处理(D,θw:30%~40%),以及干旱与药剂共同处理(A-D)。通过测定叶片光合参数、抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸含量及马铃薯单株产量与品质等指标,探讨施用嘧菌酯对改善马铃薯干旱胁迫耐受性的生理基础。结果表明:嘧菌酯可有效增强马铃薯叶片净光合速率和气孔导度;在正常水分条件下,施用嘧菌酯可引起叶片过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性的增强,具有延缓植株衰老的作用;在干旱胁迫条件下施用嘧菌酯可降低叶片MDA和脯氨酸含量,提高植株耐旱性。A较CK处理青薯9号、陇薯6号和大西洋单株产量分别增加30.74%、59.87%和5.90%,A-D较D处理分别增产15.17%、43.43%和16.49%;A处理青薯9号、陇薯6号和大西洋综合品质得分分别为1.184、2.856和0.621,A-D处理分别为-1.112、-0.240和-0.349。可见,嘧菌酯有利于干旱胁迫条件下马铃薯块茎品质的提高。  相似文献   

Primisulfuron‐resistant (AR and MR) and ‐susceptible (AS and MS) Bromus tectorum biotypes were collected from a Poa pratensis field at Athena, Oregon, and in research plots at Madras, Oregon. Studies were conducted to characterize the resistance of the B. tectorum biotypes. Whole plant bioassay and acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme assay revealed that the AR biotype was highly resistant to the sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, primisulfuron and sulfosulfuron and to a sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone (SCT) herbicide, propoxycarbazone‐sodium. However, the AR biotype was not resistant to imazamox, an imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide. Results of the whole plant bioassay studies showed that the MR biotype was moderately resistant to all ALS inhibitors tested. However, there were no differences in ALS sensitivities between the MR and MS biotypes. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence analysis of the als gene demonstrated a single‐point mutation from C to T, conferring the exchange of the amino acid proline to serine at position 197 in the AR biotype. However, this mutation was not found in the MR biotype. Results of this research indicate that: the resistance of the AR biotype to SU and SCT herbicides is based on an altered target site due to a single‐point mutation; resistance in the MR biotype is not due to a target site mutation.  相似文献   

大豆干种子中大豆花叶病毒的RT-PCR检测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 应用改进的SDS-酚氯仿法,在沉淀RNA前先加入1/4体积无水乙醇、1/10体积5mol/L乙酸钾沉淀多糖,然后再用异丙醇沉淀RNA,成功地从大豆干种子中提取了大豆花叶病毒(SMV)总RNA;应用RT-PCR技术对大豆种子中携带的SMV进行了检测,同时以DAS-ELISA方法作比较,建立了能直接以大豆干种子为检测对象的SMV快速、灵敏、特异的RT-PCR检测技术。  相似文献   

14C-5(ring)-metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-as triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in ‘Russet Burbank’ and ‘Chipbelle’ potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars after root treatment in hydroponic solution. Plants were treated at the four- to five-leaf stage and harvested 1, 4, and 8 days later. Extraction was made by homogenizing dried samples in 80% methanol and partitioning against diethyl ether. Metabolites were partially characterized by thin-layer chromatography (t.l.c.) and compared to known standard chemicals, except for conjugates for which we had no synthetic standards. Ether-soluble chemicals [metribuzin and diketo (DK), deaminated (DA), and deaminated diketo (DADK) forms] comprised 55, 37, and 36% of the total 14C in Chipbelle plants and in Russet Burbank 30, 15, and 13% at 1, 4, and 8 days, respectively. Metribuzin and DK, DA, and DADK were present in all organs of each cultivar, but Russet Burbank leaves had only 5% as much free metribuzin as did Chipbelle. Most radioactivity in the leaves was a conjugate form which comprised 81 and 46% of the total 14C in Russet Burbank and Chipbelle leaf blades at 8 days, respectively. There were five water-soluble conjugates separated which included two ninhydrin-reacting compounds and three conjugates reacting as sugars. The major foliar conjugates reacted as sugars and the major root conjugates reacted as peptides or amino acid for both cultivars. Terminal (insoluble) residues comprised 63 and 66% of total radioactivity in roots of Russet Burbank and Chipbelle, respectively after 4 or 8 days. The major mechanism of Russet Burbank tolerance to metribuzin is conjugation of metribuzin or DA, DK, or DADK derivatives to plant sugars or peptides. Mécanisme de tolérance à la métribuzine; le métabolisme de l'herbicide—base de la sélectivité sur pommes de terre Le mécanisme du métabolisme de la C14 métribuzine [4-amino-6-tert butyl-3- (methylthio)-as triazine 5 (4H)-one] a étéétudié sur les cultures de pommes de terre ‘Russet Burbank’ et ‘Chipbelle’ après traitement des racines dans une solution hydroponique. Les plants étaient traités au stade 4–5 feuilles et récoltes 1, 4 et 8 jours plus tard. L'extraction était faite à partir d'échantillons secs homogènes dans une solution à 80% de méthanol et séparés par du diéthylether. Les métabolites ont été en partie caractérisées par chromatographie sur couche mince (CCM) et comparés à des standards chimiques, excepté pour les composés pour lesquels il n'y a pas de standards de synthèse. Les substances chimiques solubles dans l'éther [métribuzine et diketo (DK), formes désaminèes (DA) et formes diketo désaminées (DADK)] comprenaient 55, 37 et 36% du total du C14 dans les plants Chipbelle et 30, 15 et 13% dans les Russet Burbank à respectivement 1, 4 et 8 jours. Metribuzine et DK, DA et DADK étaient présents dans tous les organes de chaque cultivarmais les feuilles de Russet Burbank avaient seulement 5% de la quantité de métribuzine libre présente dans Chipbelle. La plus grande partie de la radioactivité dans les feuilles était liée à une forme conjuguée comprenant respectivement 81 et 46%, du C14 total dans les limbes des feuilles de Russet Burbank et de Chipbelle. II y avait 5 composés solubles dans I'eau qui comprenaient 2 composés réagissant à la ninhydrine et 3 composés réagissant comme des sucres. La majeure partie des composés foliaires réagissait comme des sucres et la majeure partie des composés racinaires comme des peptides et des aeides aminés pour les deux cultivars. Les résidus finaux (insolubles) comprenaient respectivement 63 et 66%, de la radioactivité totale dans les racines de Russet Burbank et Chipbelle après 4 ou 8 jours. Le principal mécanisme de la tolérance de Russet Burbank à la métribuzine est la conjugaison de la métribuzine ou des dérivés DA, DK ou DADK aux sucres ou peptides de la plante. Mechanismus der Toleranz gegenüber Metribuzin: Herbizid-Metabolismus als Basis der Toleranz der Kartoffel (Solanum tuberosum L.) Der Metabolismus von 14C-ringmarkiertem Metribuzin wurde durch Applikation in Hydroponik an den Kartoffelsorten ‘Russet Burbank’ und ‘Chipbelle’ untersucht. Die Pflanzen wurden im 4- bis 5-Blatt-Stadium behandelt, und I, 4 und 8 Tage später wurden Proben entnommen, die nach dem Trocknen mit 80% igem Methanol extrahiert und in die Diethylätherphase überführt wurden. Die Metaboliten wurden teilweise dünnschicht chromatographisch im Vergleich zu bekannten Standards charakterisiert. Die etherlöslichen Stoffe [Metribuzin sowie die Diketo-(DK), die deaminierte (DA) und die deaminerte Diketoform (DADK)] ergaben bei den 3 Probe-nahmeterminen 55, 37 und 36% des gesamten 14C bei der Sorte ‘Chipbelle’ bzw. 30, 15 und 13% bei ‘Russet Burbank’. Das Metribuzin sowie DK, DA und DADK waren in allen Pflanzenteilen zu finden, aber die ‘Russet-Burbank’-Blätter enthielten nur 5% der Metribuzinmenge bei ‘Chipbelle’. Die Hauptaktivität lag in den Blättern (8 Tage nach der Applikation) in konjugierter Form vor und representierte 81% der Gesamtaktivität bei ‘Russet Burbank’, 46% bei ‘Chipbelte’. Es wurden 5 wasserlösliche Verbindungen gefunden, von denen 2 auf Ninhydrin reagierten und 3 als Zucker identifiziert wurden. Bei beiden Sorten waren die meisten Verbindungen in den Blättern Zucker, in den Wurzeln Peptide oder Aminosäuren. Die unlöslichen Rückstände der Proben enthielten beim 2. und 3. Probenahmelermin 63 bzw. 66%, der gesamten 14C-Aktivität. Der wichtigste Mechanismus der Toleranz von ‘Russel Burbank’ gegenüber Metribuzin besteht in der Bindung des Wirkstoffs oder der Metabolite DA, DK und DADK an Zucker oder Peptide.  相似文献   

This laboratory reported that isopropyl-3-chlorocarbanilate-phenyl-U-14C (chlorpropham-phenyl-14C) was absorbed, translocated, and metabolized by soybean plants. Both polar metabolites and insoluble residues were found in roots, whereas only polar metabolites were found in shoot tissues. In both roots and shoots the polar metabolites were shown to be the O-glucoside of isopropyl-2-hydroxy-5-chlorocarbanilate (2-hydroxy-chlorpropham). In shoot tissue there were other polar metabolites that were not identified. The experiments with soybeans have been repeated, but with new isolation and purification procedures. The plants were root treated with both chlorpropham-phenyl-14C and isopropyl-3-chlorocarbanilate-2-isopropyl-14C. The roots and shoots were extracted and separated into the polar, nonpolar, and insoluble metabolic components, using the Bligh-Dyer extraction method. The polar metabolites were separated by gel permeation chromatography. Further purification was accomplished on Amberlite XAD-2. The polar metabolites from the shoot and root tissues were hydrolyzed either by β-glucosidase or hesperidinase. The enzyme liberated aglycones were derivatized and separated by gas-liquid chromatography, and the components were characterized by mass spectrometry or NMR. The results of this study showed that the polar metabolites of soybean shoots were 2-hydroxy-chlorpropham and isopropyl-4-hydroxy-3-chlorocarbanilate (4-hydroxy-chlorpropham). These two hydroxy-chlorpropham metabolites were found in soybean shoots at a ratio of approximately 1:1. The only aglycone found in root tissue was 2-hydroxy-chlorpropham. Using the new procedures, no evidence was obtained for the presence of the unidentified polar metabolites that were previously observed in shoot tissues.  相似文献   

Metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. Tracy]. Pulse treatment studies with seedlings and excised mature leaves showed that [5-14C]metribuzin was absorbed rapidly and translocated acropetally. In seedlings, >97% of the root-absorbed 14C was present in foliar tissues after 24 hr. In excised leaves, 50–60% of the absorbed 14C remained as metribuzin 48 hr after pulse treatment, 12–20% was present as polar metabolites, and 20–30% was present as an insoluble residue. Metabolites were isolated by solvent partitioning, and were purified by adsorption, ion-exchange, thin-layer, and high-performance liquid chromatography. The major metabolite (I) was identified as a homoglutathione conjugate, 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-S-(γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-β-alanine)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one. Metabolite identification was confirmed by qualitative analysis of amino acid hydrolysis products, fast atom bombardment (FAB), and chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry, and by comparison with a reference glutathione conjugate synthesized in vitro with a hepatic microsomal oxidase system from rat. Minor metabolites were identified as an intermediate N-glucoside conjugate (II), a malonyl N-glucoside conjugate (III), and 4-malonylamido-6-tert-butyl-1,2,4-triazin-3,5(2H,4H)-dione (N-malonyl DK, IV) by CI and FAB mass spectrometry. Alternative pathways of metribuzin metabolism are proposed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the physiological causes of differences in phytotoxic symptoms shown in barnyardgrass from foliar applications of the herbicides fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and cyhalofop-butyl. When these were applied to the third leaves of the whole plant, the chlorosis and desiccation in the third leaf was greater in fenoxaprop-P-ethyl than cyhalofop-butyl. However, initial growth inhibition of the fourth leaf was greater when using cyhalofop-butyl than when using fenoxaprop-P-ethyl. In the shoot regrowth test, regrowth at five days after treatment (DAT) was smaller in cyhalofop-butyl than in fenoxaprop-P-ethyl; the regrowth at 10 DAT exhibited the reverse trend. The chlorosis (decrease of chlorophylls: carotenoids ratio) in barnyardgrass leaf segments that were floated on herbicide solution was greater in the fenoxaprop-P-ethyl treatment. These results indicate that different herbicidal responses induced by the two herbicides are likely to be related to differential translocation and metabolism. The relatively light chlorosis and desiccation in treated leaves, severe cessation of initial growth (but a lower final herbicidal efficacy in the cyhalofop-butyl treatment) are probably related to its rapid translocation to the meristem region from the treated leaf, followed by faster metabolism. In contrast, the relatively greater chlorosis and desiccation compared to inhibition of initial growth in the fenoxaprop-P-ethyl treatment is likely to be related to its relatively slower translocation and metabolism in the treated leaf.  相似文献   

Translocation of fluazifop-butyl in soybean plants and hydrolysis of the ester to fluazifop-acid were investigated in a field experiment. The herbicide was translocated rapidly from the leaves to the roots, but the concentration in the leaves remained about 10-fold higher than that in the roots. Rapid hydrolysis of fluazifop-butyl to fluazifop-acid was observed, and residues of the metabolite were found to persist much longer in the plant than the active compound. Increased temperatures resulted in more rapid hydrolysis. No traces of active compound or of its main metabolite were found in the seeds after harvest. A reversed-phase HPLC method for simultaneous détérmination of fluazifop-butyl and fluazifop-acid residues in soybean plants was developed. Transport, metabolisme et residus du fluazifop-butyl chez les plantes de soja Le transport du fluazifop-butyl dans les plantes de soja et l'hydrolyse de Tester en fluazifop-acide ont étéétudiés dans une experimentation de plein champ. L'herbicide a été vehiculé rapidement des feuilles vers les racines, mais la concentration dans les feuilles est demeurée 10 fois plus haute que celle dans les racines. Une hydrolyse rapide de la forme ester en acide a été observee, et les residus du metabolite se sont reveles beaucoup plus persistants dans la plante que le composé actif. Une augmentation des températures a accéléré l'hydrolyse. Aucunes traces de la matière active ou de son principal métabolite n'ont été trouvées dans les graines après la récolte. Une methode HPLC en phase inverse pour la détérmination simultanée des residus de fluazifop-butyl et de fluazifop-acide chez le soja a été développée. Translokation, Metabolismus und Ruckstande von Fluazifop-butyl in Sojabohnen-Pflanzen Die Translokation von Fluazifop-butyl in Sojabohnen-Pflanzen und die Hydrolyse des Esters zu Fluazifop-Saure wurden in einem Freilandversuch untersucht. Das Herbizid wurde von den Blattern in die Wurzein schnell transloziert, doch in den Blattern blieb die Konzentration etwa 10mal großer als in den Wurzein. Es wurde eine schnelle Hydrolyse des Fluazifop-butyls zu Fluazifop-Saure beob-achtet, und die Ruckstande des Metaboliten in den Pflanzen erwiesen sich als viel bestandiger als der Wirkstoff. Bei hoheren Temperaturen lief die Hydrolyse schneller ab. In den Samen wurden nach der Ernte keine Ruckstande des Wirkstoffs oder seiner Hauptmetaboliten gefunden. Eine Reversed-Phase-HPLC-Methode zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung von Ruckstanden von Fluazifop-butyl und Fluazifop-Saure in Sojabohnen-Pflanzen wurde entwickelt.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most important environmental stresses that severely reduce plant growth and crop productivity. This study was carried out to investigate the difference in the response of six soybean cultivars (Giza 21, 22, 35, 82, 83 and 111) under water stress and the genetic difference between these cultivars using retroelements technique. The results showed that drought stress caused reduction in morphological criteria, photosynthetic pigments, starch, phospholipids, glycolipids, pectin, cellulose and lignin in shoots of all soybean cultivars except Giza 22 and Giza 83. On the other hand, there was a considerable increase in root length, soluble sugars, proline, glycine betaine, total lipids and hemicellulose contents in the shoots of the soybean cultivars in response to water stress. The soybean cultivars Giza 22 and 83 were more drought tolerant than the other cultivars while Giza 21 and Giza 111 were the most sensitive. Inter-primer binding sites (iPBS) and inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) techniques were used to fingerprint the six soybean cultivars using a set of eight primers. The techniques successfully tagged each cultivar with specific bands and detected molecular genetic markers related to drought tolerance in soybean.  相似文献   

根系分区灌水的生理基础及其在果树上的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根系分区灌水是一种新型的灌水技术,可以在不影响产量的前提下提高水分利用率。从根系分区灌水概念的提出、生理基础及其在果树上的应用现状等方面对这一技术进行了综述,并分析了根系分区灌水在果树上的应用前景、存在问题及进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

In this study, the physiological basis for antagonism induced by mixtures of quizalofop‐ethyl and bromoxynil was investigated in maize seedlings. In sequential applications, antagonism was observed when bromoxynil was applied before quizalofop‐ethyl or in a mixture with quizalofop‐ethyl, but was minimal when bromoxynil was applied afterwards. The degree of antagonism differed with application rates of bromoxynil and with the timing of the treatment. When test herbicides were applied locally to the second leaf, the inhibition of photosystem II (PS‐II) in the herbicide‐treated leaf was higher with the mixture than with bromoxynil or quizalofop‐ethyl alone. Subsequent growth of the untreated third leaf inhibited by quizalofop‐ethyl alone then recovered, depending on the dose of bromoxynil. There was no evidence that bromoxynil affected absorption of quizalofop‐ethyl. In local applications at different positions on the second leaf, antagonism was only observed when quizalofop‐ethyl was applied to the distal part of the leaf and bromoxynil applied to the proximal part. The antagonism of bromoxynil + quizalofop‐ethyl did not occur at the level of acetyl CoA carboxylase and Hill reaction, as revealed by in vitro assays. These results suggest that bromoxynil inhibits the phloem transport of quizalofop‐ethyl and thus antagonises its whole‐plant activity in maize.  相似文献   

In the present study, 98.8 mm of bentazon was applied to 3‐leaf stage rice seedlings. Two tolerant lines, M202 and cv. TNG67, showed slightly visible injury, photosystem II inhibition, as well as a low level of lipid peroxidation 7 days after application compared with the susceptible lines. Further physiological study of the mechanism of differential tolerance among Japonica and Indica types indicated that, although the tolerant Japonica lines M202 and cv. TNG67 absorbed more 14C‐bentazon, most of the 14C remained in the treated leaf or translocated to older leaves. However, two susceptible lines, FSK (Japonica) and IR36 (Indica), absorbed less 14C‐bentazon throughout the experiment, and most of the 14C was translocated from the treated leaves to younger leaves, which might result in the death of developing tissues. In addition, more bentazon residue and less polar metabolites were detected in these two susceptible lines. It is proposed that the higher tolerance of lines M202 and TNG67 to bentazon could be mainly due to a higher rate of metabolism of this herbicide, and partially due to less translocation to developing tissues.  相似文献   

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