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Policy makers rely on risk‐based maps to make informed decisions on soil protection. Producing the maps, however, can often be confounded by a lack of data or appropriate methods to extrapolate using pedotransfer functions. In this paper, we applied multi‐objective regression tree analysis to map the resistance and resilience characteristics of soils onto stress. The analysis used a machine learning technique of multiple regression tree induction that was applied to a data set on the resistance and resilience characteristics of a range of soils across Scotland. Data included both biological and physical perturbations. The response to biological stress was measured as changes in substrate mineralization over time following a transient (heat) or persistent (copper) stress. The response to physical stress was measured from the resistance and recovery of pore structure following either compaction or waterlogging. We first determined underlying relationships between soil properties and its resistance and resilience capacity. This showed that the explanatory power of such models with multiple dependent variables (multi‐objective models) for the simultaneous prediction of interdependent resilience and resistance variables was much better than a piecewise approach using multiple regression analysis. We then used GIS techniques coupled with an existing, extensive soil data set to up‐scale the results of the models with multiple dependent variables to a national level (Scotland). The resulting maps indicate areas with low, moderate and high resistance and resilience to a range of biological and physical perturbations applied to soil. More data would be required to validate the maps, but the modelling approach is shown to be extremely valuable for up‐scaling soil processes for national‐level mapping.  相似文献   

The procedure for applying phosphorus (P) fertilizer to soil can be divided into three consecutive steps: (i) Measurement of soil‐P availability, (ii) calibration of the soil‐P fertility level and (iii) estimation of the recommended P dose. Information on each of these steps was obtained for 18 European countries and regions with the aim of comparing P fertilizer recommendation systems at the European scale. We collected information on P fertilizer recommendations through conventional or grey literature, and personal contacts with researchers, laboratories and advisory services. We found much variation between countries for each of the three steps: There are more than 10 soil‐P tests currently in use, apparent contradictions in the interpretation of soil‐P test values and more than 3‐fold differences in the P fertilizer recommendations for similar soil‐crop situations. This last result was confirmed by conducting a simple experimental inter‐laboratory comparison. Moreover, soil properties (pH, clay content) and crop species characteristics (P responsiveness) are used in some countries in the calibration and recommendation steps, but in different ways. However, there are also common characteristics: soil‐P availability is determined in all countries by extraction with chemical reagents and the calibration of the soil‐P test values, and the fertilizer recommendations are based on the results from empirical field trials. Moreover, the fertilizer recommendations are nearly all based on the amount of P exported in the crops. As long as rational scientific and theoretical backgrounds are lacking, there is no point in trying to synchronize the different chemical methods used. We therefore call for a mechanistic approach in which the processes involved in plant P nutrition are truly reproduced by a single standard method or simulated by sorption‐desorption models.  相似文献   

Plant nutrition requires organic nitrogen to be mineralized before roots can absorb it. A 13‐year field study was conducted on typical rain‐fed Mediterranean Vertisol to determine the effects of tillage system, crop rotation and N fertilizer rate on the long‐term NH4+–N content in the soil profile (0–90 cm). The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with a split–split plot arrangement and three replications. The main plots tested the effects from the tillage system (no‐tillage and conventional tillage); the subplots tested crop rotation with 2‐year rotations (wheat–wheat, wheat–fallow, wheat–chickpea, wheat–faba bean and wheat–sunflower) and the sub‐subplots examined the N fertilizer rate (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N/ha). Soil NH4+–N content was greatest in the rainiest years and greater under the no‐tillage (NT) system than the conventional tillage (CT) system (57 and 48 kg/ha, respectively). The deepest soil (30–60 and 60–90 cm) contained a greater NH4+–N content (21.0 and 21.4 kg/ha, respectively) than the shallowest soil (19.5 kg/ha in 0–30 cm). This observation may be related to Vertisol characteristics, especially crack formation that allows greater mineralization in the deepest layers by displacing organic matter.  相似文献   

Field trials have demonstrated the potential of soil conservation technologies but have also shown significant spatial–temporal yield variability. This study considers the Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment – Desertification Mitigation Cost‐Effectiveness modelling approach to capture a greater range of climatic conditions to assess the potential effect of an improved agricultural management practice emerged from field trials as a promising strategy for enhancing food security and reducing soil and land degradation. The model considers the biophysical and socio‐economic benefits of the improved soil conservation technique (T3) – residue mulch combined with pigeon pea hedges and an organic amendment, against a local baseline practice (T0). The historic rainfall statistics and 50‐year rainfall realizations provide a unique time series of rainfall and an envelope of the potential crop yield. Envelopes of potential biomass production help express the agricultural risk associated with climate variability and the potential of the conservation measures to absorb the risk, highlighting the uncertainty of a given crop yield being achieved in any particular year. T3 elevates yield under both sub‐humid and semi‐arid climates with greater security for sub‐humid areas even though risk of crop failure still exists. The technology offered good potential to increase yields by 20% in 42% of the dryland area in Santiago Island and reduce erosion by 8·6 Mg ha−1, but in terms of cost‐effectiveness, it might be prohibitively expensive for farmers lacking inputs. The findings can enable the assessment of policy options at larger scale or influence adoption of improved conservation measures under the climatic variability of the Cabo Verde drylands and resilience to future climate change. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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