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The improving effects of transglutaminase (TGase) were investigated on the frozen dough system and its breadmaking quality. Rheological properties and microstructure of fresh and frozen doughs were measured using a Rapid Visco‐Analyser (RVA), dynamic rheometer, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The frozen doughs with three storage periods (1, 3, and 5 weeks at –18°C) were studied at three levels (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5%) of TGase. As the amount of TGase increased, hot pasting peak viscosity and final viscosity from the RVA decreased, but breakdown value increased. The TGase content showed a positive correlation with both storage modulus G′ (elastic modulus) and the loss modulus G″ (viscous modulus): G′ was higher than G″ at any given frequency. The SEM micrographs showed that TGase strengthened the gluten network of fresh, unfrozen dough. After five weeks of frozen storage at –18°C, the gluten structure in the control dough appeared less continuous, more disrupted, and separated from the starch granules, while the dough containing 0.5% TGase showed less fractured gluten network. Addition of TGase increased specific volume of bread significantly (P < 0.05) with softer bread texture. Even after the five weeks of frozen storage, bread volume from dough with 1.5% TGase was similar to that of the fresh control bread (P < 0.05). The improving effects of TGase on frozen dough were likely the result of the ability of TGase to polymerize proteins to stabilize the gluten structure embedded by starch granules in frozen doughs.  相似文献   

The combination of Rhizopus chinensis lipase (RCL) and transglutaminase (TG) was previously reported to improve the quality of frozen dough bread. In this study, the effects of RCL, TG, and their combination on the modification of glutenin macropolymer (GMP) and rheological properties of dough during frozen storage were investigated. Frozen storage changed both GMP and rheology properties of dough. TG treatment significantly decreased the ratio of high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits to low‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits and GMP content in fresh dough, and GMP particle size increased. The effect of RCL on GMP properties was not significant, but its combination with TG dramatically increased the proportion of the larger particles and weighted average volume (D4.3) in GMP. The treatment with the enzyme combination could have inhibited the depolymerization of GMP, which slowed down the decrease rate of some parameters such as GMP content, proportion of larger particles, D4.3, and release of free amino and thiol groups during frozen storage. The modification of GMP properties by enzyme treatment weakened the effect of the freezing process on rheological properties of dough, especially TG treatment and its combination with RCL. Correlation between GMP particle size and dough properties (dough tensile force and elastic modulus) after freezing and enzyme treatment were confirmed.  相似文献   

Empirical and fundamental rheology measurements were made on fresh and frozen dough to investigate the effects of freezing, frozen storage, and additives. These results were compared with results of a standard baking test. Four formulations were tested: a control dough, and doughs with additions of 100 ppm of ascorbic acid (AA), 0.5% sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL), and 0.5% diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides (DATEM). Rheological and baking tests were performed on fresh doughs and on doughs after two, five, and eight weeks of frozen storage. Resistance to extension was higher for doughs with additives in fresh and frozen doughs. There was a decrease in resistance to extension due to freezing. Complex modulus in fresh doughs was highest for doughs with SSL. There was a decrease complex modulus after freezing and thawing. In frozen doughs at 10 Hz, doughs with additives had higher complex modulus values and lower phase angle values when compared to the control. The additives used all had a positive effect on proof time, loaf volume, and crumb firmness, and all formulations deteriorated in quality during frozen storage. Resistance to extension and complex modulus were positively correlated with loaf volume (r = 0.86 and r = 0.64, P < 0.01). Phase angle was negatively correlated with loaf volume (r = -0.74, P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Dairy ingredients are added to bakery products to increase nutritional and functional properties. Sodium caseinate (SC) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) were incorporated into frozen dough. WPC was subjected to heat treatment (WPCHT) to eliminate undesirable weakening of the gluten network. 2% SC or 4% SC decreased proof time, increased loaf volume, and improved texture. Effects of adding 4% SC on baking quality were similar to adding ascorbic acid (AA) and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides (DATEM). WPC increased proof time, decreased volume, and negatively affected texture. Heat treatment of WPC improved baking performance. Bread with WPCHT had volume similar to that of the control without dairy ingredients. Adding 4% SC decreased resistance to extension (R5cm measured with the extensigraph), while adding 4% WPC increased extensibility. Dynamic oscillation testing determined the effects of the ingredients on fundamental rheological properties. WPC decreased storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″), while heat treatment of WPC increased G′ and G″. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed that milk proteins affect frozen dough ultrastructure. Frozen doughs with SC had an enhanced gluten network compared with the control, while untreated WPC appeared to interfere with the gluten network.  相似文献   

Flour mill streams obtained by milling grain of 10 bread wheat cultivars grown in the Skopje region of Macedonia were analyzed for rheological and breadmaking quality characteristics and for composition of gliadins and HMW‐GS. The objective of this study was to examine the relationships between the composition of gluten proteins and breadmaking quality, as well as to determine the importance of gluten proteins for technological quality of flour mill streams. The grain was milled in an experimental mill according to a standardized milling procedure, with three break and three reduction passages. The addition of two vibratory finishers in the milling scheme enabled better separation of bran. A small‐scale baking method for evaluation of the breadmaking properties was developed, and electrophoretic methods including acid‐PAGE and SDS‐PAGE were used to determine the composition of the gluten proteins. There were significant differences in the degree of dough softening of individual and total flour fractions of the flour mill streams for cultivars with different alleles from six loci, for farinograph water absorption from seven loci, and for bread loaf volume and crumb quality score from six loci. The Glu‐1 quality scores for the wheat cultivars investigated were 3–9 and proved to be a useful indicator of breadmaking quality. The novel feature of the investigation related to the breadmaking potential of the flour mill streams compared with straight‐run flours.  相似文献   

The effect of transglutaminase (TG) on glutenin macropolymer (GMP) properties could help to understand changes in bread quality. The aim of the present study was to analyze modifications in GMP and dough properties caused by TG addition. Transglutaminase introduced cross‐links to gluten proteins, mainly high molecular weight glutenins. This effect modified the protein structure and markedly increased dough strength. These changes in the structure of glutenins increased SDS solubility and decreased GMP content and GMP storage modulus. However, TG increased GMP particle size, notably at higher doses. TG affected rheological characteristics of dough in that increasing TG doses decreased tan δ, and increased G'. In all the studies conducted, the TG increased GMP polymer size, but contrary to what was expected, this increase did not involve an increase in GMP content. These results confirmed the effect of TG on dough quality and the great differences found with different TG doses.  相似文献   

The highly variable environmental conditions across the Pacific Northwest (PNW) influence the milling and baking quality of wheat grain produced in this region. This study was conducted to compare the flour composition, dough rheology, and baking quality of soft and hard spring wheat grain produced in diverse environments. Thirteen soft and five hard spring wheat cultivars were grown at Lind, WA (semiarid) and Fairfield, WA (high precipitation) for three years. Grain was evaluated for flour composition, rheology, and experimental baked product quality. Flour composition, rheological properties, and baking qualities were primarily influenced by the environment. Protein contents, microSDS values, and water absorption levels were significantly (P < 0.0001) higher for all cultivars grown at Lind compared with those from Fairfield. Cookie diameters were larger (P < 0.0001) for soft flours from Fairfield, whereas loaf volumes were higher (P < 0.0001) for hard wheat flours from Lind. Results indicate that producing soft or hard wheat outside of its optimal climatic zone reduces experimental baked product quality.  相似文献   

Protein modification via covalent bonds by using microbial transglutaminase (TGase) has generated many processing functionality improvements in specific food ingredients. In this study, TGase was added into different cake portions (foam and yolk batter) at levels of 0, 0.5, and 1.0% (w/w, total protein weight basis). The treatment of 0.5% TGase in the yolk batter portion significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased its emulsion activity. The addition of 1.0% TGase in the yolk batter portion significantly increased both foam stability and emulsion activity of cake batter, whereas the addition in the foam portion only increased the emulsion activity of cake batter significantly (P ≤ 0.05). As the addition of TGase, in foam or in the yolk batter portion, rose from 0 to 1.0%, the specific volume of chiffon cake increased. Cakes with 1.0% TGase in the foam portion had the maximum specific volume, 7.078 mL/g, and the softest texture. SDS‐PAGE was used to analyze the modifications of TGase to the protein fractions from different cake portions. The effect of TGase on protein fractions from the yolk batter portion was more evident than that on protein fractions from the foam portion. However, there was no significant difference between the protein fractions of cake batters with the same level of TGase in the foam and yolk portions, which suggested that the main substrates of TGase were yolk protein and wheat protein, instead of egg white protein.  相似文献   

In the previous study, we investigated effect of physical state of nonpolar lipids of gluten‐starch model dough. This experiment examined a real wheat flour dough system to assess the role of fat crystals in the breadmaking processes. These experiments were performed with a baking test and an investigation of wheat flour dough through rheological measurements (both large and small deformations), scanning electron microscopy, and ultracentrifugation. As a result, we found that the added oil was absorbed in the gluten structure, causing the aggregation of the gluten, which gave rise to more elastic behavior. In contrast, solid fat seemed to be distributed uniformly between the starch granules in the dough, reducing the friction between the starch granules and facilitating thin gluten gel layers. These properties lead to the lower G′ value and the increased viscous behavior, which yields an increase in loaf volume. In addition, the supposed mechanism behind the large loaf volume described in the previous study was that fat provides a uniform distribution of the dough components, and that the dough can thus expand easily, resulting in a larger loaf volume, which was supported in the wheat flour dough system. In conclusion, we found that thin, expandable gluten films and the uniform dispersion of gluten and starch granules in the dough are prerequisites for attaining better baking performance.  相似文献   

The effect of flour type and dough rheology on cookie development during baking was investigated using seven different soft winter wheat cultivars. Electrophoresis was used to determine the hydrolyzing effects of a commercial protease enzyme on gluten protein and to evaluate the relationships between protein composition and baking characteristics. The SDS‐PAGE technique differentiated flour cultivars based on the glutenin subunits pattern. Electrophoresis result showed that the protease degraded the glutenin subunits of flour gluten. Extensional viscosities of cookie dough at all three crosshead speeds were able to discriminate flour cultivar and correlated strongly and negatively to baking performance (P < 0.0001). The cookie doughs exhibited extensional strain hardening behavior and those values significantly correlated to baking characteristics. Of all rheological measurements calculated, dough consistency index exhibited the strongest correlation coefficient with baking parameters. The degradation effects of the protease enzyme resulted in more pronounced improvements on baking characteristics compared with dough rheological properties. Stepwise multiple regression showed that the dough consistency index, the presence or absence of the fourth (44 kDa) subunit in LMW‐GS and the fifth subunit (71 kDa) subunit in HMW‐GS were predominant parameters in predicting cookie baking properties.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TGase) can improve the functional characteristics of proteins by introducing covalent bonds inter‐ or intrachains. Temperature and pH interfere with the protein structure and the catalytic activity of enzymes. Because these three factors can act synergistically, TGase, citrate buffer, and temperature were evaluated for their effects on the rheological and chemical changes in low‐protein wheat flour dough. Dough strength, measured by microextension test, significantly increased with increasing levels of TGase (8 U/g of protein), with changes in pH of the citrate buffer (pH 6.5), and by the effect of interaction between these factors. The same trend was observed in the size‐exclusion HPLC measurements, indicating that these two parameters have the effect of increasing gluten protein aggregation. Temperature had a significant effect on dough extension, measured by microextension test. The changes in secondary structure of gluten protein were investigated by FTIR second‐derivative spectra (amide I region, 1,600–1,700 cm−1) and showed an increase in β‐sheet structures initiated by TGase, citrate buffer pH, and their interaction.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine treatments that directly influence Norwegian lean doughs destined to be frozen. Therefore a strip-block experimental design with four dough treatment factors (wheat flour blend, diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides [DATEM], water absorption, and dough temperature) and two storage factors (frozen storage time and thawing time) was used. Four levels were selected for frozen storage time and two levels were selected for the remaining factors. After frozen storage (2–70 days), the doughs were thawed and baked. Principal component analysis showed that to obtain a high loaf volume and bread score after freezing, a high dough temperature after mixing (27°C) was essential. The highest form ratio (height/width) level was obtained after 28 days of frozen storage and with a short thawing time (6 hr). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of dough treatments showed that an increase in dough temperature from 20 to 27°C after mixing resulted in a significant increase in loaf volume (1,653 to 2,264 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (1.7 to 3.2), and a reduction in loaf weight (518.4 to 512.5 g) and crumb score (7.9 to 5.9, i.e., a more open bread crumb). Also, the addition of DATEM significantly increased loaf volume (1,835 to 2,081 mL), form ratio (0.64 to 0.69), and bread score (2.2 to 2.6). Frozen dough storage time significantly affected loaf volume, loaf weight, bread score, and crumb score. Increasing thawing time from 6 to 10 hr significantly increased loaf volume (1,855 to 2,121 mL), and reduced the form ratio (0.69 to 0.63) and loaf weight (516.8 to 511.4 g). ANOVA of the interaction between dough treatment and frozen storage time showed that decreasing water absorption significantly increased the loaf volume.  相似文献   

The effects of ferulic acid and transglutaminase (TG) on the properties of wheat flour dough and bread were investigated. Ferulic acid and TG were blended with hard wheat flour at levels of 250 and 2,000 ppm of flour weight, respectively. The addition of ferulic acid reduced the mixing time and mixing tolerance. The addition of TG did not obviously affect the mixing properties. Significant effects of ferulic acid plus TG on the rested dough texture were observed for overmixed dough. The maximum resistance (Rmax) of the dough was significantly reduced with the addition of ferulic acid but increased with the addition of TG. The addition of TG with ferulic acid restored the Rmax reduced by ferulic acid alone. The proportion of SDS‐soluble high molecular weight proteins in the dough increased with the addition of ferulic acid and decreased with TG, when assessed with size‐exclusion HPLC fractionation. Although the addition of TG improved the handling properties of the dough made sticky with added ferulic acid, it did not improve the quality of the bread with added ferulic acid as measured by loaf volume and firmness.  相似文献   

The dough properties and baking qualities of a novel high‐amylose wheat flour (HAWF) and a waxy wheat flour (WWF) (both Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated by comparing them with common wheat flours. HAWF and WWF had more dietary fiber than Chinese Spring flour (CSF), a nonwaxy wheat flour. Also, HAWF contained larger amounts of lipids and proteins than WWF and CSF. There were significant differences in the amylose and amylopectin contents among all samples tested. Farinograph data showed water absorptions of HAWF and WWF were significantly higher than that of CSF, and both flours showed poorer flour qualities than CSF. The dough of WWF was weaker and less stable than that of CSF, whereas HAWF produced a harder and more viscous dough than CSF. Differential scanning calorimetry data showed that starch in HAWF dough gelatinized at a lower temperature in the baking process than the starches in doughs of WWF and CSF. The starch in a WWF suspension had a larger enthalpy of gelatinization than those in HAWF and CSF suspensions. Amylograph data showed that the WWF starch gelatinized faster and had a higher viscosity than that in CSF. The loaves made from WWF and CSF were significantly larger than the loaves made from HAWF. However, the appearance of bread baked with WWF and HAWF was inferior to the appearance of bread baked with CSF. Bread made with WWF became softer than the bread made with CSF after storage, and reheating was more effective in refreshing WWF bread than CSF bread. Moreover, clear differences in dough and bread samples were revealed by scanning electron microscopy. These differences might have some effect on dough and baking qualities.  相似文献   

Monoacylglycerol‐stabilized oil in water emulsion (MAG gel) is an alternate shortening that is free of trans fatty acids, and low in saturated fatty acids. However, the behavior of MAG gels in comparison to other lipids has not been studied. This study investigated effects of structured MAG gel, a mixture of MAG gel unstructured components (Mixture), canola oil (Oil), or interesterified soy shortening (IE Soy) at different levels (6–24%) on hard or soft wheat dough properties. Doughs were prepared with different lipid types at equivalent lipid contents. Dough mixing and water absorption parameters were evaluated using a farinograph; gluten behavior was measured using a gluten peak tester (GPT); and pasting characteristics were measured using a micro‐viscoamylograph (MVAG). Water absorption values decreased with increasing lipid content. Dough development times were similar between the MAG gel and IE Soy, but farinogram curve characteristics during mixing were similar between MAG gel, Mixture, and Oil. The trend for peak max time in GPT was similar between MAG gel and IE Soy exhibiting delayed gluten aggregation; whereas Mixture and Oil exhibited earlier gluten aggregation. In MVAG, starch interaction with monoglyceride component of MAG gel and Mixture appeared to be the dominating factor resulting in increased pasting temperature and a second viscosity peak during cooling at higher levels of lipid addition.  相似文献   

Freezing and prolonged frozen storage of dough results in constant deterioration in the overall quality of the final product. In this study the effect of wheat bran and wheat aleurone as sources of arabinoxylan (AX) on the quality of bread baked from yeasted frozen dough was investigated. Wheat fiber sources were milled to pass through a 0.5 mm screen, prehydrated for 15 min, and incorporated into refined wheat flour at 15% replacement level. Dough products were prepared from refined flour (control A), whole wheat flour (control B), aleurone composite flour (composite flour A), and bran composite flour (composite flour B) and stored at –18°C for 28 weeks. Dough samples were evaluated for breadmaking quality at zero time, 14 weeks, and 28 weeks of storage. Quality parameters evaluated were loaf weight, loaf specific volume, and crumb firmness. Composite flour bread samples showed the most resistance to freeze damage (less reduction in the overall product quality), indicating a possible role of some fiber components (e.g., AX) in minimizing water redistribution in the dough system and therefore lessening adverse modifications to the gluten structure. The data suggest that the shelf life of frozen dough and quality of obtained bread can be improved with the addition of an AX source.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(2):215-222
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum ) production worldwide is substantially less than that of common wheat (T. aestivum ). Durum kernels are extremely hard; thus, most durum wheat is milled into semolina, which has limited utilization. Soft kernel durum wheat was created by introgression of the puroindoline genes via homoeologous recombination. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the puroindoline genes and soft kernel texture on flour, water absorption, rheology, and baking quality of durum wheat. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada, back‐cross derivatives of the durum varieties Svevo and Alzada, were compared with Svevo, a hard durum wheat, Xerpha, a soft white winter wheat, and Expresso, a hard red spring wheat. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada exhibited soft kernel texture; low water, sodium carbonate, and sucrose solvent retention capacities (SRCs); and reduced dough water absorptions similar to soft wheat. These results indicate a pronounced effect of the puroindolines. Conversely, SDS flour sedimentation volume and lactic acid SRC of the soft durum samples were more similar to the Svevo hard durum and Expresso samples, indicating much less effect of kernel softness on protein strength measurements. Alveograph results were influenced by the inherent differences in water absorption properties of the different flours and their genetic background (e.g., W and P were markedly reduced in the Soft Svevo samples compared with Svevo, whereas the puroindolines appeared to have little effect on L ). However, Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada differed markedly for W and L . Soft durum samples produced bread loaf volumes between the soft and hard common wheat samples but larger sugar‐snap cookie diameters than all comparison samples. The soft durum varieties exhibited new and unique flour and baking attributes as well as retaining the color and protein characteristics of their durum parents.  相似文献   

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