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The bagasse of mezcal maguey and the fiber of coconut fruit are organic byproducts of the mezcal and copra agro-industries in Oaxaca, Mexico. The effects of different particle sizes and prior usage times as substrates on the production and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) were studied. Three independent and simultaneous experiments were conducted in multi-tunnel greenhouses. Three prior growing cycles of tomato crop, each 150 days in length days of use (DOU), were used for the usage time experiments with mezcal maguey bagasse as the growth medium. In the first experiment, tomato plants grown on substrate with 150 DOU produced the highest yields, the largest number of commercial quality fruits and the fewest non-commercial quality fruits. In the second experiment, the combination of fine particle size and maguey bagasse substrate with 150 DOU produced the highest yields. In the third experiment, fine and medium-sized particles of maguey bagasse and coconut fiber produced the highest yields. The data indicate that both coconut fiber and mezcal maguey bagasse can be used as substrates for tomato cultivation without affecting fruit quality; furthermore, the use of fine and medium-sized particles increases production. Maguey bagasse with up to 150 DOU as a substrate is best for culture, as prior usage beyond this length of time negatively affects production.  相似文献   

矿物土壤改良剂对酸性红壤改良的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用物理方法对白云石、牡蛎壳等进行机械活化处理,提高其化学活性。通过盆栽试验,研究磷矿粉、白云石、牡蛎壳和有机肥及活化处理对酸性土壤的调节作用和对玉米生长效果的影响。结果表明,与不施土壤调理剂处理相比,施用土壤调理剂均能提高土壤pH,降低酸性土壤交换性铝含量,增加土壤交换性钙和交换性镁含量。其中磷矿粉与2倍白云石粉配施效果最好,各指标较空白处理分别提高19.56%,降低25.94%,增加151.22%,87.65%。施用土壤调理剂处理对玉米植株的生长也有明显效果,均能提高玉米苗期的株高,增加玉米鲜重、地上部干重和根冠比。有机肥处理、活化白云石处理以及超细牡蛎壳粉效果较佳,其中有机肥处理效果最为显著,分别在株高、鲜重和根冠比较空白增加99.16%,252.16%,49.06%。  相似文献   

This article highlights the results of a long-term research project on the production of grape stalks engrafted by the desk method. The integrated impact of rootstock varieties, modes of stratification, and different substrates on vegetating vine cuttings, raised in heated greenhouses, and the capacity of their acclimatization after planting was studied. The results of the research show that rootstock variety and modes of stratification influence the output of engrafted vegetating cuttings of vines grown in pots using various substrates. In particular, the engrafted cuttings of variety Rkatsiteli produced on two rootstocks, 5 BB and 101-14, passed stratification (a) in sawdust with local electroheating, (b) on the water with its periodic change, and (c) in the layer of perlite. After preplanting preparations they were planted in pots with six different substrates: (1) soil (control); (2) perlite; (3) sawdust; (4) rice husk + soil + sand (1:1:1); (5) peat + soil + sand (1:1:1); and (6) mold + soil + sand (1:1:1). The cuttings were grown with a covered root system in a heated greenhouse for 35–40 days. Forty-day-old vegetating cuttings, after hardening, were planted into the open ground. Specialties were established during the root and shoot formation on vegetating nursery plant grafts during the rooting period. Optimal substrates for growing engrafted cuttings with a covered root system in heated greenhouses for each rootstock and stratification mode were determined.  相似文献   

用通过稀释方法获得不同pH值的硫酸溶液来模拟南方硫酸型酸雨,利用水平土柱吸渗法测定非饱和土壤水分扩散度,渗透筒法测定土壤饱和导水率,探讨了不同浓度酸性溶液渗透红壤过程中土壤水分入渗特征变化;利用RETC软件拟合不同酸性溶液入渗下红壤的扩散度和水分特征曲线,并与实测的扩散度值进行对比与分析。研究结果表明:不同酸性溶液入渗时,红壤入渗速率、水分扩散度和饱和导水率的大小关系均为(pH=3)(pH=5)蒸馏水(pH=2)(pH=1);RETC软件拟合扩散度与实测值吻合度较高,其剩余标准差均接近0;pH=1溶液使土壤持水能力增强,而pH=5,pH=3,pH=2溶液使土壤持水能力减弱。在硫酸型弱酸溶液(pH≥3)作用下红壤水分入渗能力呈增大趋势,土壤持水能力降低;而当酸性溶液pH3时,红壤入渗能力、持水能力则反之。  相似文献   

Different substrates were evaluated to investigate their effect on nitrate removal and denitrifying bacterial community in soils obtained from wetland. Serial batch kinetic tests were conducted on soils obtained from wetland mixed with glucose and sawdust using KNO3 solution. Column tests were also conducted on soils obtained from wetland mixed with three different substrates (glucose, sawdust, and scoria coated with zero-valent iron) using KNO3 solution. For the batch tests, the nitrate removal efficiency for soil mixed with glucose was comparable to that for soil mixed with sawdust, but the nitrate removal rate for soil mixed with glucose (23.3 NO 3 ? -N mg/L-d) was approximately eight times higher than that for soil mixed with sawdust (2.8 NO 3 ? -N mg/L-d). For column tests among soil samples, nitrate removal efficiency was highest in soil mixed with glucose, which is an easily biodegradable carbon source. Removal efficiency increased with increasing incubation time for both soil samples with glucose and sawdust. A phylogenetic analysis based on nitrate reductase gene demonstrated that the different carbon sources affected both the diversity and compositions of the denitrifying bacterial in soil samples.  相似文献   

采用蒸馏水稀释硫酸溶液获得不同浓度硫酸溶液来模拟不同pH值酸雨,并利用硫酸溶液进行多次积水淋溶红壤试验,揭示多次酸雨淋溶过程中红壤物理特征及入渗特性演变规律。试验结果表明:与对照处理组(蒸馏水)相比较,pH=2的硫酸溶液各次入渗速度平均降低了106%,且随着淋溶次数(x)的增加,平均入渗耗时增加百分比(y)也增加,其关系可用对数函数y=70.94ln(x)+28.53(R2=0.994)描述;pH=3硫酸溶液入渗速度平均降低了20%,随着淋溶次数增加入渗速度衰减;pH=5硫酸溶液各次入渗速度基本保持稳定,且平均入渗速度比对照组快。与初始土壤容重相比较,对照组多次淋溶处理后土壤上层容重减小,下层增大,其他处理各组土壤容重却平均增大了6%,但各处理组的上层土壤容重比下层的小。红壤经不同溶液多次淋溶处理后,其水分入渗速度、扩散度大小关系为:硫酸溶液(pH=5)蒸馏水硫酸溶液(pH=3)硫酸溶液(pH=2)。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨作用下红壤中稀土元素的释放水平大小依次为Pr>Ce>Nd>Tb>Sm>La>Er>Ho>Gd>Dy>Eu>Y>Lu≈Yb,轻稀土元素的释放水平要高于重稀土元素.酸雨对稀土元素的释放有明显的促进作用,且不同元素的CAR1/CCK、CR2/CCK比较接近(CAR1、CAR2和CCK分别表示pH4.5的酸雨、pH3.5的酸雨和对照3种情况下淋出液中稀土元素的含量).CAR1/CCK介于1.43~1.93之间,平均为1.61;CAR2/CCK介于1.76~2.27之间,平均为2.06,经过9 150~10 650 mm的模拟酸雨淋溶以后,pH4.5的酸雨使稀土总累积释放量平均提高37.61%,pH3.5的酸雨使稀土总累积释放量平均提高78.05%.稀土总释放量与Fe、Mn的释放量相关分析表明:多数红壤稀土总释放量与Fe、Mn的释放量呈显著或极显著性相关.初步推断红壤中的稀土释放可能是由于吸附载体Fe-Mn氧化物因H 的输入而解离所致.  相似文献   

通过田间小区模拟酸雨实验,研究酸雨胁迫下赤红壤不同磷素形态变化的方向和程度。结果表明,原位模拟酸雨影响下,一定强度(pH≥4.0)的酸雨胁迫能有效促进有效磷的释放,而当pH〈4.0强度酸雨胁迫时有效磷的释放随pH值降低逐渐受到抑制。随酸雨酸度的增强,土壤酸性磷酸酶和微生物量磷均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,可见一定强度酸雨胁迫能促进溶磷微生物和磷酸酶活性,而当高强度酸雨胁迫时土壤微生物活动逐渐受到抑制。无机磷组分中Al-P、Ca-P和Fe-P含量均随酸雨酸度的增强而降低,土壤O-P含量没有显著变化。相关分析发现,有效磷含量与微生物量磷、酸性磷酸酶呈极显著正相关,表明此时土壤有效磷变化与有机磷矿化关系最为密切。有效磷含量与各种形态无机磷(Al-P、O-P、Ca-P和Fe-P)含量之间也有较强的正相关性,表明土壤生态系统磷素转化是一个自我调节的动态平衡过程,且在一定条件下可以相互转化。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对红壤重金属元素释放的影响研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
经过9150~10650mm的模拟酸雨淋溶以后,与对照相比,pH4.5的酸雨使红壤Cr累积释放量增加4.02%~88.54%,Co增加-2.35%~56.14%.Ni增加5.82%~79.53%.Cu增加-3.45%~82.23%.Cd增加4.87%~83.14%.Pb增加10.64%~99.19%;pH3.5的酸雨使Cr累积释放量增加6.72%~308.42%,Co增加14.17%~134.81%,Ni增加10.06%~140.32%,Cu增加-3.11%~258.89%.Cd增加8.44%~630.84%,Pb增加17.02%~483.15%。几种重金属元素释放对酸雨的敏感性依次是:Pb和Cd释放对酸雨较敏感.其次为Cr和Cu,而Ni和Co的释放对酸雨较不敏感。红壤中Cr,Co.Ni,Cu.Cd,Pb累积释放量差别较大,但不同土壤之间其分布表现出基本一致的特点,释放量大小依次是:Pb〉Co〉Ni〉Cu〉Cr〉Cd。红壤中Cr,Co,Ni,Cu,Cd.Pb的累积释放量(Q)随淋溶量(H)的变化符合二次模型。  相似文献   

以玉米秸秆、土壤和鸡粪为基质,堆肥腐熟后用于日光温室栽培,研究不同氮肥施用量对人工营养基质的理化性质及其对番茄产量的影响。试验结果表明:施氮肥量为60.32kg hm-2的处理最佳,其基质的理化性质最好,番茄产量最高,为60520.49kg hm-2,比对照(土壤栽培)增产25.4%。另外,成本比常量氮肥施用量低。  相似文献   

红壤中铝、锰和铁在酸雨作用下的释放特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
酸雨作用下红壤中Al、Mn和Fe的释放大多具有阶段性特征,旦土壤不同,其阶段性特征存在明显的差异。多数情况下同一土壤中Al和Fe的阶段性释放特征较为相似。3种元素累积释放量(Q)随淋溶量(H)的变化符合二次模型:Q=A B1H B2H2。经过9150~10650mm的酸雨淋溶以后,与对照(pH5.6)相比,pH4.5的酸雨使Al累积释放量增加8.16%~87.49%,Mn增加-4.29%~24.75%,Fe增加5.78%~86.03%;pH3.5的酸雨使Al累积释放量增加68.59%~158.60%,Mn增加26.11%~205.53%,Fe增加8.48%~138.88%。3种元素对酸雨的敏感性依次是:Al>Fe>Mn。其累积释放量在不同土壤之间表现出基本一致的特点:Al和Mn的释放量较为接近,且远远大于Fe的释放量。  相似文献   

天然沸石和石灰混用对酸性黄红壤改良及增产效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
安徽南部地区处在高温高湿的条件下 ,土壤母质强烈风化 ,盐基损失严重 ,阳离子交换量仅为 8~ 10cmdkg- 1土 ,土壤酸性或强酸性 ,pH为 4.3~ 5.4。研究结果表明 :施用石灰 ,土壤pH提高两个单位 ,土壤活性铝含量降低 1/ 3— 2 /3 ,沸石和石灰配合施用可以显著提高土壤速效养分含量 ,促进作物生长 ,增加作物产量。  相似文献   

通过潜流人工湿地装置,采用间歇运行方式考察不同停留时间下土壤、砾石、炉渣基质在以NO3--N、NH4+-N和PO4--P为主要氮组分的模拟污水对污水中氮的净化效能,并研究湿地系统基质与pH变化、NO3--N和NH4+-N净化效率的关系。结果表明,当水力停留时间为10d时,土壤-炉渣湿地的N,P净化效能高于以其他基质构建的湿地。在试验周期内,各基质的人工湿地系统NH4+-N的净化效率均高于NO3--N的净化效率,氮素的净化效能上层大于下层,湿地系统中pH值先降低后升高的拐点可作为NH4+-N氧化反应结束的指示参数。  相似文献   

From acidic tea soils of Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan, some soil properties were determined and 38 strains of acid tolerant microorganisms were isolated. Different Al3+ concentrations were applied to YG media to estimate Al resistance. Selected microbial strains could grow strongly in the liquid media in the presence of 100 mM Al3+ and survive even in 300 mM Al3+ at pH 3.0. Their base sequences of 28S rDNA-D1/D2 were determined and sequence data were searched using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) system. The results of sequencing revealed that the isolates belong to two different species, Cryptococcus sp. and Candida palmioleophila. When cultivated with various Al3+ concentrations, the yeast growth was inhibited at a concentration of 200 mM. Pre-cultivation of these strains with 0–30 mM Al3+ did not promote the growth response caused by Al3+. Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to assess the elimination of Al. The amount of Al remaining in culture media was decreased considerably after cultivation. Due to a capacity for resistance to significant Al concentrations as well as high Al elimination, these acid tolerant and Al resistant yeasts may have potential applications in the bio- and phyto-remediation of Al and acid-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

生物质炭施用量对旱地酸性红壤理化性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王昆艳  官会林  卢俊  徐武美 《土壤》2020,52(3):503-509
我国南方旱地酸性红壤区,土壤酸化与干旱等问题突出。近几年生物质炭在土壤改良方面的研究应用已有较多的文献报道,但针对南方旱地酸性红壤区土壤改良方面的研究与应用相对较少。对此,本研究设置了生物质炭施加量分别为1%、2%、3%、4%及对照CK共5个处理,每个处理5次重复的室内盆栽试验;每盆一次性均匀浇洒1 L蒸馏水后在温室内自然放置,模拟干旱30 d,随后测定土壤含水量、p H、电导率与氮、磷含量。结果表明:土壤pH、电导率、有效磷含量随生物质炭施加量的增加而显著提高,NH4+-N含量降低,而NO3-N含量无显著影响;模拟干旱后的土壤含水量与生物质炭施加量呈二次函数曲线关系,施加低量生物质炭(1%)显著降低了土壤含水量,而高量生物质炭(4%)的施加则使土壤含水量显著提高。本研究为生物质炭在我国南方旱地酸性红壤区土壤改良方面的应用提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

From acidic tea soils of Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan, some soil properties were determined and 38 strains of acid tolerant microorganisms were isolated. Different Al3+ concentrations were applied to YG media to estimate Al resistance. Selected microbial strains could grow strongly in the liquid media in the presence of 100 mM Al3+ and survive even in 300 mM Al3+ at pH 3.0. Their base sequences of 28S rDNA-D1/D2 were determined and sequence data were searched using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) system. The results of sequencing revealed that the isolates belong to two different species, Cryptococcus sp. and Candida palmioleophila. When cultivated with various Al3+ concentrations, the yeast growth was inhibited at a concentration of 200 mM. Pre-cultivation of these strains with 0–30 mM Al3+ did not promote the growth response caused by Al3+. Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to assess the elimination of Al. The amount of Al remaining in culture media was decreased considerably after cultivation. Due to a capacity for resistance to significant Al concentrations as well as high Al elimination, these acid tolerant and Al resistant yeasts may have potential applications in the bio- and phyto-remediation of Al and acid-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid play an important role in plants coping with abiotic stresses. An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid on wheat under drought. Seeds were primed with jasmonic acid (100µM) and salicylic acid (10 Mm). Water stress was applied by withholding water and each treatment was replicated three times with a factorial block design. Application of Salicylic acid and Jasmonic acid mitigated drought effects in wheat. Results revealed that 100µM Jasmonic acid was more effective than 10 mM SA. Drought decreased germination by 26%, whereas application of Jasmonic acid and Salicylic acid ameliorated stress with the increase of germination by 27% and 21%, respectively. An increase in the shoot length of 23% and 20% was observed with Jasmonic acid and Salicylic acid, under drought conditions. The increase in water potential was 60% and 47% with JA and SA while the increase in proline and soluble sugar was 14% and 25% respectively. The application of Jasmonic acid and Salicylic acid has a potential to enhance the growth of wheat plants under drought.  相似文献   

A fluorescence microscope was used for visualization of the anticaging effect of a commercial xylanase on milled wheat, microtome cuts of wheat grains, and digesta samples obtained from piglets 1 or 4 h after feeding a wheat‐based diet (wheat 490 g/kg of diet, barley 100 g/kg of diet, and oats 100 g/kg of diet). Both starchy endosperm and aleurone cell walls were shown to be broken down by Ronozyme WX commercial xylanase. Data obtained by fluorescence microscopy was supplemented with measurements of starch and xylose released as a result of degradation of nonstarch polysaccharides by the xylanase. The results visualize and provide evidence that Ronozyme WX commercial xylanase can overcome the so‐called cage effect. This release of nutrients from their encapsulation in cereal cell wall structures has positive impact on nutrient digestibility and partially explains the positive effect of xylanase supplementation on livestock performance.  相似文献   

水杨酸对水稻叶片抗氧化酶系的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本研究探讨了SA对水稻叶片抗氧化酶系活性及H2O2水平的调节作用。10μg/mL的SA能显著提高处理叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,诱导同株未以SA处理叶片中SOD增加,但对处理和未处理叶片叶过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性抑制作用很弱。相应地,处理叶片中过氧化氢(H2O2)和脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量均明显增加,而未处理叶片中过氧化氢和丙二醛含量增加的时间明显推迟,增幅也较小。结果表明SA提高处理叶片中H2O2含量主要是通过增加SOD活性而不是抑制CAT和APX活性,SA诱导处理叶片抗白叶枯病可能与叶片中H2O2含量增加以及脂质过氧化有关。  相似文献   

Arabinoxylans (AX) are the main nonstarch polysaccharides found in wheat flour. Structural changes of AX in refrigerated dough are linked to deleterious effects on refrigerated dough quality during storage. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of cultivar and growing environment on dough syruping during refrigerated storage in relation to apparent xylanase activity and AX chemistry in hard red spring (HRS) wheat. Eight HRS cultivars that were grown at six locations over two years in North Dakota were evaluated for dough syruping during 15 days of refrigerated storage. When compared with genotypic effect, growing environment had a greater impact on apparent xylanase activity and dough syruping; they were found to have significant associations by log‐linear regression analysis. Specifically, wheat samples produced in a dry environment had lower apparent xylanase activity and degree of dough syruping than those from a wet environment. Some HRS cultivars were identified to be consistently lower in apparent xylanase activity and dough syruping across all growing environments, indicating that those cultivars had more stability over growing environment than other cultivars. These results indicate that certain cultivars that are grown in relatively dry environments in North Dakota are more suitable for use in refrigerated dough formulations.  相似文献   

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