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To evaluate the ethanol production performance of waxy sorghum hybrids and the effects of location and harvest year on ethanol yield, samples of four waxy sorghum hybrids collected from two Nebraska locations (Mead and Lincoln) in both 2009 and 2010 were tested for ethanol production in a dry‐grind process. No significant difference (P = 0.216) in starch contents was observed among the four hybrids, but starch contents of the hybrids were significantly affected by growth location (P = 0.0001) and harvest year (P = 0.0258). Location, hybrid, and harvest year all had significant effects on ethanol fermentation efficiency in the dry‐grind process. Lincoln sorghum samples showed higher (P = 0.022) ethanol fermentation efficiency (90.4%) than did Mead sorghum samples (90.0%). Sorghums harvested in 2010 had higher (P < 0.001) ethanol fermentation efficiency (91.1%) than those harvested in 2009 (89.3%). The 2009 sorghum flours had more amylose‐lipid complexes than the 2010 samples did, and amylose‐lipid complexes as previously reported had adverse effects on ethanol fermentation. Residual starch contents in distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) were significantly affected by hybrid and harvest year (P < 0.0001), but we observed no difference in protein content in DDGS from the four hybrids.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to understand the key factors affecting ethanol production from grain sorghum. Seventy genotypes and elite hybrids with a range of chemical compositions and physical properties selected from ≈1,200 sorghum lines were evaluated for ethanol production and were used to study the relationships of composition, grain structure, and physical features that affect ethanol yield and fermentation efficiency. Variations of 22% in ethanol yield and 9% in fermentation efficiency were observed among the 70 sorghum samples. Genotypes with high and low conversion efficiencies were associated with attributes that may be manipulated to improve fermentation efficiency. Major characteristics of the elite sorghum genotypes for ethanol production by the dry-grind method include high starch content, rapid liquefaction, low viscosity during liquefaction, high fermentation speed, and high fermentation efficiency. Major factors adversely affecting the bioconversion process are tannin content, low protein digestibility, high mash viscosity, and an elevated concentration of amylose-lipid complex in the mash.  相似文献   

The Rapid Visco‐Analyzer (RVA) was used to characterize the pasting properties of 68 sorghum grains with a standard 23‐min temperature profile. The results showed a strong linear relationship between ethanol yield and final viscosity as well as setback. Ethanol yield increased as final viscosity decreased. A modified RVA procedure (10 min) with an application of α‐amylase was developed to simulate the liquefaction step in dry‐grind ethanol production. There was a remarkable difference in mashing properties among the sorghum samples with the normal dosage of α‐amylase. The sorghum samples which were difficult to liquefy in the mashing step had much higher peak viscosities than the samples that were easily liquefied. The results also showed that the relationship between conversion efficiency and mashing property was significant. Tannins cause high mash viscosities. There was a strong linear relationship between tannin content and final viscosity as well as peak viscosity. The modified RVA procedure is applicable not only for characterization of mashing properties but also for optimization of α‐amylase doses for starch liquefaction.  相似文献   

The use of a renewable biomass that contains considerable amounts of starch and cellulose could provide a sugar platform for the production of numerous bioproducts. Pretreatment technologies have been developed to increase the bioconversion rate for both starch and cellulosic‐based biomass. This study investigated the effect of decortication as a pretreatment method on ethanol production from sorghum, as well as investigating its impact on quality of distillers' dry grains with solubles (DDGS). Eight sorghum hybrids with 0, 10, and 20% of their outer layers removed were used as raw materials for ethanol production. The decorticated samples were fermented to ethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Removal of germ and fiber before fermentation allowed for greater starch loading for ethanol fermentation and resulted in increased ethanol production. Ethanol yields increased as the percentage of decortication increased. The decortication process resulted in DDGS with higher protein content and lower fiber content, which may improve the feed quality.  相似文献   

38个粒用高粱品种芽期耐盐性的综合鉴定及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为筛选适合盐碱地种植的粒用高粱品种,在150 mmol·L-1NaCl浓度下对38个粒用高粱品种进行芽期耐盐性的筛选和评价。结果表明,盐胁迫下,38个高粱品种除根冠比外,发芽势、发芽率、根长和叶长均受到不同程度的抑制;各性状的相对值以相对根冠比(CV=62.84%)和相对根长(CV=44.55%)的变异较大;各性状的盐害率则以发芽率的盐害率(CV=39.86%)变异最大。盐胁迫下,相对发芽势与相对发芽率呈显著正相关(R=0.341),而二者与相对根长(R=0.214;R=-0.041)和相对叶长(R=0.041;R=0.205)之间无显著相关性。通过主成分分析确定了2类主成分,分别反映根部生长状况和萌发状况;同时根据各因子的载荷矩阵确定相对根冠比、相对发芽势和相对发芽率可以作为高粱耐盐性的鉴定指标。主成分得分值和模糊隶属函数值间呈显著正相关,表明可以通过二者的综合得分进行高粱耐盐性评价和分类。同时,本研究筛选出了耐盐性品种通杂141、晋粱白2号、吉杂137、龙米粱1号和吉杂148。本研究结果为芽期高粱耐盐性品种的筛选提供了理论基础和鉴定方法。  相似文献   

Ozone has been reported as being able to degrade macromolecules such as cellulose, starch, lignins, and tannins in the textile, pulping, and water‐treatment industries. Thus, we hypothesized that ozone treatment may also inactivate tannin activity and increase fermentation efficiency of tannin sorghum lines. The objective of this research was to study the physicochemical properties of ozone‐treated whole tannin grain sorghum flour and its fermentation performance in ethanol production. Results showed that the ethanol yields from ozone‐treated tannin grain sorghums were significantly higher than yields from the untreated flour. The fermentation efficiency of ozone‐treated tannin grain sorghum was approximately 90%, which was 8–14% higher than that of untreated samples at the 36th hr of fermentation. At the end of 72 hr of fermentation, the efficiencies of ozone‐treated sorghum flour were 2–5% higher than those of untreated samples. Measured tannin levels of ozone‐treated samples decreased significantly from 3.8 to 2.7%. Gel‐permeation chromatographic results indicated that both degradation and polymerization processes might have happened to starch molecules during ozone treatment. Rapid Visco Analyzer data showed that the setback of viscosity of ozone‐treated flour was lower than that of untreated flours. Distillers dried grains with solubles made from ozone‐treated sorghum were low in residual starch (<1%) and high in crude protein (≈35%). Therefore, ozonation could be a novel and useful method to improve ethanol yield and fermentation efficiency of tannin grain sorghum.  相似文献   

The single kernel characterization system (SKCS) has been widely used in the wheat industry, and SKCS parameters have been linked to end‐use quality in wheat. The SKCS has promise as a tool for evaluating sorghum grain quality. However, the SKCS was designed to analyze wheat, which has a different kernel structure from sorghum. To gain a better understanding of the meaning of SKCS predictions for grain sorghum, individual sorghum grains were measured for length, width, thickness (diameter), and weight by laboratory methods and by the SKCS. SKCS predictions for kernel weight and thickness were highly correlated to laboratory measurements. However, SKCS predictions for kernel thickness were underestimated by ≈20%. The SKCS moisture prediction for sorghum was evaluated by tempering seven samples with varying hardness values to four moisture levels. The moisture contents predicted by SKCS were compared with a standard oven method and, while correlated, SKCS moisture predictions were less than moisture measured by air oven, especially at low moisture content. Finally, SKCS hardness values were compared with hardness measured by abrasive decortication. A moderate (r = 0.67, P < 0.001) correlation was observed between the hardness measurements. The SKCS predictions of kernel weight and diameter were highly correlated with laboratory measurement. Moisture prediction, however, was substantially lower by the SKCS than as measured by an air oven method. The SKCS should be suitable for measuring sorghum grain attributes. Further research is needed to determine how SKCS hardness predictions are correlated to milling properties of sorghum grain.  相似文献   

Correlations among grain sorghum quality factors (proximate composition, physical properties, and water absorption properties) were evaluated. Samples of 46 commercial hybrids (24 and 22 from crop years 1993 and 1994) were analyzed for starch, protein, crude free fat, test weight, absolute density, 1,000 kernel weight, percent kernel abraded, water absorption index, initial water absorption rate, and moisture saturation point. Test weight, absolute density, and percent kernel abraded were positively correlated among themselves (r > 0.5). Protein was negatively correlated with both test weight and absolute density (r < -0.5), while moisture saturation point showed negative correlations with test weight, absolute density, 1,000 kernel weight, and percent kernel abraded (r < -0.4). Principal component factor analysis through the covariance matrix explained 95% of the total variation of quality factors among hybrids (two factors), and, through the correlation matrix, 85% of the total variation (five factors). Water absorption rate decreased with increasing starch content of grain sorghum kernels as water absorption rate increased and amount of water for saturation decreased with softening of kernels.  相似文献   

Seed protein and starch composition determine the efficiency of the fermentation process in the production of grain‐based ethanol. Sorghum, a highly water‐ and nutrient‐efficient plant, provides an alternative to fuel crops with greater irrigation and fertilizer requirements, such as maize. However, sorghum grain is generally less digestible because of extensive disulfide cross‐linking among sulfur‐rich storage proteins in the protein– starch matrix. Thus, the fine structure and composition of the seed endosperm directly impact grain end use, including fermentation performance. To test the hypothesis that kafirin (prolamin) seed storage proteins specifically influence the efficiency of ethanol production from sorghum, 10 diverse genetic lines with allelic variation in the β‐, γ‐, and (δ‐kafirins, including three β‐kafirin null mutants, were tested for ethanol yield and fermentation efficiency. Our selected lines showed wide variation in grain biochemical features, including total protein (9.96–16.47%), starch (65.52–74.29%), and free amino nitrogen (FAN) (32.84–73.51 mg/L). Total ethanol yield (ranging from 384 to 426 L/metric ton), was positively correlated to starch content (R2 = 0.74), and there was a slight positive correlation between protein digestibility and ethanol yield (R2 = 0.52). Increases in FAN content enhanced fermentation efficiency (R2 = 0.65). The highest ethanol producer was elite staygreen breeding line B923296, and the line with the highest fermentation efficiency at the 72 h time point was inbred BT×623. A large‐seeded genotype, KS115, carrying a novel γ‐kafirin allele, was rich in FAN and exhibited excellent short‐term fermentation efficiency at 85.68% at the 20 h time point. However, the overall ethanol yield from this line was comparatively low at 384 L/metric ton, because of insufficient starch, low digestibility, and high crude protein. Multivariate analysis indicated an association between the β‐kafirin allele and variation in grain digestibility (P = 0.042) and FAN (P = 0.036), with subsequent effects on ethanol yield. Reversed‐phase HPLC profiling of the alcohol‐soluble kafirin protein fraction revealed diversity in protein content and composition across the lines, with similarities in peak distribution profiles among β‐kafirin null mutants compared with normal lines.  相似文献   

Rapid and effective methods are needed to analyze large numbers of grain samples for iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) to select cultivars that are denser in these minerals. This study was conducted for the comparative evaluation of ground and unground grain samples for determining total Fe and Zn in pearl millet and sorghum cultivars with a range in seed size. In general, the results of the study with 50 pearl millet and 49 sorghum cultivars showed that grain Fe and Zn, in these relatively small-seeded crops, can be routinely determined using unground samples. Highly significant positive correlations were found between the values of Fe and Zn in grains of these crops determined using ground and ground samples.  相似文献   

Effects of debranching time, storage time, and storage temperature on production and structural properties of slowly digestible starch (SDS) were investigated. Waxy sorghum starch was hydrolyzed by isoamylase for various times (0–24 hr), and the variously debranched products were stored at ‐30, 1, and 30°C for 1–6 days. Optimal conditions for SDS production were isoamylase treatment for 8 hr and storage at 1°C for three days, resulting in SDS content of 27.0% in the optimum product. Microscopic observation revealed that rapidly digestible starch (RDS) and SDS were removed from the edges and surfaces of the optimum product by α‐amylase digestion. Digestion conditions that removed RDS and SDS resulted in a residue with a higher transition temperature and enthalpy than raw starch on a differential scanning calorimetric thermogram. Removal of RDS alone did not cause distinct decrements of peak temperature (Tp) and enthalpy (ΔH) compared with stored starch. The optimum SDS product showed an amorphous type of X‐ray diffractogram. Digestive removal of RDS from the optimum product gave a residue with X‐ray peaks similar to B type, which supports that it is partly crystalline. Removal of RDS and SDS gave broader peaks in the X‐ray pattern.  相似文献   

Fermentation performance of eight waxy, seven nonwaxy soft, and 15 nonwaxy hard wheat cultivars was compared in a laboratory dry‐grind procedure. With nitrogen supplements in the mash, the range of ethanol yields was 368–447 L/ton. Nonwaxy soft wheat had an average ethanol yield of 433 L/ton, higher than nonwaxy hard and waxy wheat. Conversion efficiencies were 91.3–96.2%. Despite having higher levels of free sugars in grain, waxy wheat had higher conversion efficiency than nonwaxy wheat. Although there was huge variation in the protein content between nonwaxy hard and soft wheat, no difference in conversion efficiency was observed. Waxy cultivars had extremely low peak viscosity during liquefaction. Novel mashing properties of waxy cultivars were related to unique pasting properties of starch granules. With nitrogen supplementation, waxy wheat had a faster fermentation rate than nonwaxy wheat. Fermentation rates for waxy cultivars without nitrogen supplementation and nonwaxy cultivars with nitrogen supplementation were comparable. Ethanol yield was highly related to both total starch and protein content, but total starch was a better predictor of ethanol yield. There were strong negative relationships between total starch content of grain and both yield and protein content of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS).  相似文献   

In our wheat breeding program to introduce the low amylose character of Tanikei A6099 to elite lines, five waxy lines were unexpectedly obtained from 249 doubled haploid lines of the F1 hybrid of Saikai 168 × Tanikei A6099. The amylose content of all the waxy lines was <1% and the blue value was <0.1. Starch granule-bound proteins were extracted and subjected to modified sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The waxy lines lacked the Wx protein. Starch paste viscosity measurements gave pasting profiles of waxy wheat starch that were quite different from those of nonwaxy wheats but similar to those of waxy maize. However, the peak viscosity of waxy wheats was much higher than that of the waxy maize.  相似文献   

The effects of heat stress (mean day/night temperatures were 29/18 and 35/18°C for control and heat stress treatments, respectively) at 1–10 or 11–20 days after pollination (DAP) on grain yield and quality of two waxy maize varieties, Suyunuo5 and Yunuo7, were studied. The decrease in grain number and fresh grain yield was more severe when heat stress was introduced early. The responses of grain weight and its components to heat stress were dependent on the variety and heat stress stage. Heat stress increased the starch granule size and volume percentage of diameter larger than 17 μm in both varieties. Crystallinity, iodine binding capacity, and pasting and gelatinization temperatures were increased in both varieties under heat stress at 11–20 DAP; however, the response to early‐stage heat stress was variety dependent. Peak viscosity and retrogradation percentage were increased by heat stress at either stage. These results suggest that heat stress decreases fresh grain yield and accelerates grain filling rate; it increases starch content, starch granule size, crystallinity, and iodine binding capacity as well as decreases the protein content in Yunuo7, thus making the grain less tender and prone to retrogradation. Warm conditions should shorten the time to harvest in fresh waxy maize production.  相似文献   

Grains of two regular and two waxy barley cultivars were milled into break and reduction stream flours using a wheat milling mill, granulated to facilitate feeding and flow through the barrel, and extruded to form expanded products using a modified laboratory single‐screw extruder. As moisture content of barley granules decreased from 21 to 17%, the expansion index of extrudates increased from 1.81 to 2.68, while apparent modulus of compression work (AMCW) decreased from 17.1 × 104 to 7.8 × 104 N/m2. Break stream flours of both regular and waxy barley produced extrudates with higher expansion index (2.72–3.02), higher water absorption index (WAI), and lower AMCW than extrudates from reduction stream flours. Extrudates produced from regular barley had generally higher expansion and lower density than those produced from waxy barley. The specific mechanical energy (SME) was greater during extrusion of regular than of waxy barley. Barrel temperatures of 130, 150, and 170°C for the feeding, compression, and metering sections, respectively, resulted in higher SME, higher expansion index, lower water absorption index and lower AMCW of extrudates compared with a constant extruder barrel temperature of 160°C. Increased screw speed generally resulted in larger expansion index and increased WAI of extrudates. With increased feed rate from 89 to 96 g/min, the expansion index of extrudates decreased from 3.20 to 2.78 in regular barley and 3.23 to 2.72 in waxy barley, and harder extrudates were produced.  相似文献   

为确定粒用高粱EMS处理的最佳浓度和时间,并创制粒用高粱新种质,本研究以粒用高粱亲本系2055B和10125为试验材料,采用不同时间和不同浓度甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理,调查EMS诱变对高粱出苗、叶色、叶形、穗型、育性及生育期等农艺性状的影响。结果表明,两粒用高粱亲本系的出苗率、幼苗成活率、结实率均随着EMS诱变时间和浓度的增加而降低,突变率则随着EMS诱变时间和浓度的增加而升高。同一水平EMS处理对两亲本的抑制作用不同,恢复系10125的出苗率、成苗率、结实率受抑制作用均小于保持系2055B。综合考虑出苗率、结实率和突变率等数据,2055B的最佳诱变处理时间和浓度为14 h和0.25%,10125的最佳诱变处理时间和浓度是14 h和0.3%。通过对诱变后M2代进行表型观察、鉴定和筛选,获得了早熟、矮秆、分蘖等性状的突变材料,初步构建了粒用高梁EMS突变体库,为开展高粱育种和功能基因定位提供了新种质和基础材料。  相似文献   

One nonwaxy (covered) and two waxy (hull-less) barleys, whole grain and commercially abraded, were milled to break flour, reduction flour, and the bran fraction with a roller mill under optimized conditions. The flour yield range was 55.3–61.8% in whole grain and increased by 9–11% by abrasion before milling. Break flours contained the highest starch content (≤85.8%) independent of type of barley and abrasion level. Reduction flours contained less starch, but more protein, ash, free lipids, and total β-glucans than break flours. The bran fraction contained the highest content of ash, free lipids, protein, and total β-glucans but the lowest content of starch. Break flours milled from whole grain contained 82–91% particles <106 μm, and reduction flours contained ≈80% particles <106 μm. Abrasion significantly increased the amount of particles <38 μm in break and reduction flours in both types of barley. Viscosity of hot paste prepared with barley flour or bran at 8% concentration was strongly affected by barley type and abrasion level. In cv. Waxbar, the viscosity in bran fractions increased from 428 to 1,770 BU, and in break flours viscosity increased from 408 to 725 BU due to abrasion. Sugar snap cookies made from nonwaxy barley had larger diameter than cookies prepared from waxy barley. Cookies made from break flours were larger than those made from reduction flours, independent of type of barley. Quick bread baked from nonwaxy barley had a loaf volume similar to that of wheat bread, whereas waxy barley bread had a smaller loaf volume. Replacement of 20% of wheat flour by both waxy and nonwaxy barley flour or bran did not significantly affect the loaf volume but did decrease the hardness of quick bread crumb.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to develop a rapid method for extracting proteins from mashed and nonmashed sorghum meal using sonication (ultrasound), and to determine the relationships between the levels of extractable proteins and ethanol fermentation properties. Nine grain sorghum hybrids with a broad range of ethanol fermentation efficiencies were used. Proteins were extracted in an alkaline borate buffer using sonication and characterized and quantified by size‐exclusion HPLC. A 30‐sec sonication treatment extracted a lower level of proteins from nonmashed sorghum meal than extracting the proteins for 24 hr with buffer only (no sonication). However, more protein was extracted by sonication from the mashed samples than from the buffer‐only 24‐hr extraction. In addition, sonication extracted more polymeric proteins from both the mashed and nonmashed samples compared with the buffer‐only extraction method. Confocal laser‐scanning microscopy images showed that the web‐like protein microstructures were disrupted during sonication. The results showed that there were strong relationships between extractable proteins and fermentation parameters. Ethanol yield increased and conversion efficiency improved significantly as the amount of extractable proteins from sonication of mashed samples increased. The absolute amount of polymeric proteins extracted through sonication were also highly related to ethanol fermentation. Thus, the SE‐HPLC area of proteins extracted from mashed sorghum using sonication could be used as an indicator for predicting fermentation quality of sorghum.  相似文献   

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