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White salted noodles were prepared through reconstitution of fractionated flour components with blends of waxy and regular wheat starches to determine the effects of amylose content on textural properties of white salted noodles without interference of protein variation. As the proportion of waxy wheat starch increased from 0 to 52% in starch blends, there were increases in peak viscosity from 210 to 640 BU and decreases in peak temperature from 95.5 to 70.0°C. Water retention capacity of waxy wheat starches (80–81%) was much higher than that of regular wheat starch (55–62%). As the waxy wheat starch ratio increased in the starch blends, there were consistent decreases in hardness of cooked noodles prepared from reconstituted flours, no changes in springiness and increases in cohesiveness. White salted noodles produced from blends of regular and waxy wheat flours became softer as the proportion of waxy wheat flour increased, even when protein content of flour blends increased. Amylose content of starch correlated positively with hardness and negatively with cohesiveness of cooked white salted noodles. Protein content of flour blends correlated negatively with hardness of cooked noodles, which were prepared from blends of regular (10.5% protein) and waxy wheat flours (> 16.4% protein).  相似文献   

The uniaxial elongational and shear rheology of doughs varying in either the protein content or glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio were investigated. Increasing the protein content at constant glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio increased the strain‐hardening properties of the dough, as shown by increasing elongational rupture viscosity and rupture stress. Glutenin and gliadin had a more complex effect on the elongational properties of the dough. Increased levels of glutenin increased the rupture viscosity but lowered the rupture strain, while elevated gliadin levels lowered the rupture viscosity but increased the rupture strain. These observations provide rheological support for the widely inferred role of gliadin and glutenin in shaping bread dough rheology, namely that gliadin contributes the flow properties, and glutenin contributes the elastic or strength properties. The shear and elongational properties of the doughs were quite different, reflecting the dissimilar natures of these two types of flow. Increasing protein content lowered the maximum shear viscosity, while increasing the glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio increased maximum shear viscosity. Strong correlations between the results of basic and empirical rheology were found. These basic, or fundamental, rheological measurements confirmed prior empirical studies and supported baking industry experience, highlighting the potential of basic rheology for bread and wheat research.  相似文献   

The effect of amylose content of starch on processing and textural properties of instant noodles was determined using waxy, partial waxy, and regular wheat flours and reconstituted flours with starches of various amylose content (3.0–26.5). Optimum water absorption of instant noodle dough increased with the decrease of amylose content. Instant noodles prepared from waxy and reconstituted wheat flours with ≤12.4% amylose content exhibited thicker strands and higher free lipids content than wheat flours with ≥17.1% amylose content. Instant noodles of ≤12.4% amylose content of starch exhibited numerous bubbles on the surface and stuck together during frying. Lightness of instant noodles increased from 77.3 to 81.4 with the increase of amylose content of starch in reconstituted flours. Cooking time of instant noodles was 4.0–8.0 min in wheat flours and 6.0–12.0 min in reconstituted flours, and constantly increased with the increase in amylose content of starch. Hardness of cooked instant noodles positively correlated with amylose content of starch. Reconstituted flours with ≤12.4% amylose content of starch were higher in cohesiveness than those of wheat flours of wild‐type and partial waxy starches and reconstituted flours with ≥17.1% amylose content. Instant fried noodles prepared from double null partial waxy wheat flour exhibited shorter cooking time, softer texture, and higher fat absorption (1.2%) but similar color and appearance compared with noodles prepared from wheat flour of wild‐type starch.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties and protein composition of 39 selected wheat flour samples were evaluated and correlated with the textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles. Flour samples were analyzed for their protein and wet gluten contents, sedimentation volume, starch pasting properties, and dough mixing properties by farinograph and extensigraph. Molecular weight distribution of wheat flour proteins was determined with size‐exclusion (SE) HPLC, SDS‐PAGE, and acid‐PAGE. Textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles were determined through texture profile analysis (TPA). Hardness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles were found to be related to the dough mixing properties. Both protein content and protein composition were found to be related to TPA parameters of noodles. The amount of total flour protein was positively correlated to hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of noodles. The absolute amounts of different peak proteins obtained from SE‐HPLC data showed positive correlations with the hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and springiness of noodles. The proportions of these peak proteins were, however, not significantly related to texture parameters. The proportions of low‐molecular‐weight glutenins/gliadins and albumins/globulins, as observed from SDS‐PAGE, were correlated positively and negatively, respectively, to the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles. Among the alcohol‐soluble proteins (from acid‐PAGE data), β‐gliadins showed strong correlations with the texture properties of cooked noodles. For the selected flour samples, the total protein content of flour had a stronger relationship with the noodle texture properties than did the relative proportion of different protein subgroups. Prediction equations were developed for TPA parameters of cooked noodles with SE‐HPLC and rapid visco analysis data of the 30 flour samples, and it was found that about 75% of the variability in noodle hardness, gumminess, and chewiness values could be explained by protein composition and flour pasting properties combined together. About 50% of the variations in cohesiveness and springiness were accounted for by these prediction equations.  相似文献   

Fresh and dried white salted noodles (WSN) were prepared by incorporating up to 40% flour from hull‐less barley (HB) genotypes with normal amylose, waxy, zero amylose waxy (ZAW), and high amylose (HA) starch into a 60% extraction Canada Prairie Spring White (cv. AC Vista) wheat flour. The HB flours, depending on genotype, contained four to six times the concentration of β‐glucan of the wheat flour, offering potential health benefits. The HB‐enriched noodles were made with conventional equipment without difficulty. Noodles containing 40% HB flour required less work input during sheeting, probably due to higher optimum water absorption and weakening of the dough due to dilution of wheat gluten. The addition of HB flour had a negative impact on WSN color and appearance, as evident from decreased brightness, increased redness, and more visible specking. The impact of HB flour on cooked WSN texture varied by starch type. Enrichment with HA or normal starch HB flour produced WSN with bite and chewiness values equivalent to or superior to the wheat flour control. Addition of waxy and ZAW HB flour resulted in WSN with lower values for bite and chewiness. The diversity of HB starch types allows tailoring of WSN texture to satisfy specific markets. HB flour also has potential as an ingredient in novel noodle products targeting health‐conscious consumers who associate darker colored cereal‐based foods with superior nutritional composition.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of cooked white salted noodles made from eight wheat cultivars with varied amylose content were analyzed at small and large deformation. Their dynamic shear viscoelasticity was measured using a rheometer with parallel plate geometry. Compressive force and creep‐recovery curves were measured using various probes and sample shapes. Noodles with lower amylose content showed a lower storage shear modulus (G′) and a higher frequency dependence of G′. The G′ values of noodles were highly correlated with amylose content in wheat flour and with G′ values of 30 and 40% starch gels. Remarkable differences in the characteristics of creep‐recovery curves were observed between cultivars. The difference in amylose content in wheat flour reflected the creep‐recovery properties of noodles. A negative correlation was demonstrated between amylose content and both maximum creep and recovery compliance. The compressive force required for 20, 50, 80, and 95% strains was compared. At 20 and 50% strain, noodles made from lower amylose wheat flour showed lower compressive force. Noodles of waxy wheat had a higher compressive force than nonwaxy noodles when the strain was >80%, indicating the waxy wheat noodles are soft but difficult to completely cut through.  相似文献   

Several reduction grinding conditions were used on a Canadian Western Red Spring (CWRS) farina to yield flours of comparable protein content within three specific particle size ranges (132–193, 110–132, 85–110 μm) at three starch damage levels (3.0, 3.9, 7.0 Megazyme units). White salted noodles (1% w/w NaCl) were initially processed at a fixed absorption (32%). Dynamic oscillatory and large deformation creep measurements indicated that doughs with lower starch damage, thick or thin, exhibited lower G′ (storage modulus), higher tan δ (G″ [loss modulus]/G′) values, and greater maximum strain during creep than doughs with higher starch damage. There were no clear trends between work input during sheeting and either starch damage or particle size. Instrumental texture analysis of raw noodles showed no significant differences due to either starch damage or flour particle size. Flours with fine particle size gave cooked noodles with the best textural attributes, whereas starch damage exhibited no consistent relationship with cooked noodle texture. Cooking loss was greatest in samples with highest starch damage and coarsest particle size; water uptake was inversely related to starch damage and particle size. Experiments were repeated at adjusted water absorptions (32–36.5%) for fine and coarse flours with highest and lowest starch damage. Differences in raw noodle dough rheological properties were largely eliminated, confirming that differences noted at constant absorption were primarily due to flour water absorption. Work input during sheeting was inversely related to starch damage and was higher for fine particle size. Cooking losses were highest for higher starch damage and fine particle size. Water uptake was highest for fine particle size, but in contrast to cooking loss, was higher at lower starch damage. Textural parameters indicated superior cooking quality when particle size was finer and starch damage was lower. Flour particle size and starch damage (as indicated by water absorption) are both primary quality determinants of white salted noodle properties and, to some extent, exert their influence independently.  相似文献   

In this study, 3% aqueous high‐amylose maize starch (Hylon VII) dispersions were heated to temperatures of 140–165°C. The onset and rate of gel formation was observed using a small‐strain oscillation rheometer as a function of temperature from 90 to 25°C. The gel formation clearly began earlier in high‐amylose starch paste preheated at lower temperatures, but the rate of gelation was slower and the resulting gel was weaker in comparison with starch pastes preheated at higher temperatures. In addition, the structure of the final gels was studied using large deformation compression measurements. The most rigid gel structure on the basis of small and large deformation tests was obtained for high‐amylose starch gel preheated to 150–152°C, depending on the type of measurement. The rate of gelation was also fastest in that temperature range. High‐amylose gels heated to higher temperatures lost their rigidity. The molecular weight distribution of starch molecules was measured by size‐exclusion chromatography. Heating caused extensive degradation of amylopectin, which had a great effect on amylose gel formation and the final gel properties of high‐amylose maize starch. Micrographs of Hylon VII gels showed that phase separation of starch components visible in light microscopy occurred on heating to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

High‐amylose (80%) corn starch was modified by hydroxypropylation with different molar substitution (MS). The unique microstructure of high‐amylose starch keeps its granules intact after hydroxypropylation. However, the microstructures and thermal properties strongly depend on the MS of hydroxypropylation. With increasing MS, the granule size was increased, which is partly due to disrupted granule structure, particularly in the amorphous region. Unlike normal starch, the modified high‐amylose corn starch showed a narrow gelatinization range measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which can be explained by destruction of amylose‐lipid complex. Internal microstructures and morphologies of hydroxypropylated starch were investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy and to further explore the mechanism of chemical reaction and phase transitions.  相似文献   

Starch is a crucial component determining the processing quality of wheat‐based products such as Chinese steamed bread (CSB) and raw white noodles (RWN). Flour from wheat cultivar Zhongmai 175 was used for fractionation into starch, gluten, and water solubles by hand washing. The starch fraction was successfully separated into large (>10 μm diameter) and small starch granules (<10 μm diameter) by repeated sedimentation. Flour fractions were reconstituted to original levels in the flour by using constant gluten and water solubles and varying the weight ratio of large and small starch granules. As the proportion of small granules increased in the reconstituted flours, farinograph water absorption increased, and amylose content, pasting peak viscosity, trough, and final viscosity decreased. Starch granule size distribution significantly affected processing quality of CSB and RWN. Superior crumb structure score (12.0) was observed in CSB made from reconstituted flour with 35% small starch granules. CSB made from reconstituted flours with 30 and 35% small starch granules exhibited the highest total scores, with values of 85.4 and 83.3, respectively. Significant improvements in color, viscoelasticity, and smoothness of RWN were obtained with an increase in small starch granule content, and reconstituted flours with 30–40% small starch granules produced RWN with moderate firmness.  相似文献   

Protein characteristics of wheat flours from various wheat classes, and of commercial flours for making noodles, were evaluated to determine the effects of protein content and quality on processing and textural properties of white salted noodles, as well as to identify protein quality required for making white salted noodles. SDS sedimentation volume based on constant protein weight, mixograph mixing time, and proportions of salt‐ and alcohol‐soluble protein of three commercial flours for making noodles were more similar to those of hard wheat than to soft wheat flours. SDS sedimentation volume of commercial flours for making noodles based on constant protein weight ranged from 38.5 to 40.0 mL and was higher than those of most soft wheat flours. Mixograph mixing time and proportion of salt‐soluble protein of hard and commercial flours for making noodles were >145 sec and mostly <13.8%, respectively, while those of club and soft wheat flours were < 95 sec and >15.0%. Both protein content and protein quality, as determined by SDS sedimentation volume based on constant protein weight, mixograph mixing time, proportion of salt‐soluble protein, and score of HMW‐GS compositions correlated with optimum water absorption of noodle dough and hardness of cooked white salted noodles.  相似文献   

Structures and properties of starches isolated from different botanical sources were investigated. Apparent and absolute amylose contents of starches were determined by measuring the iodine affinity of defatted whole starch and of fractionated and purified amylopectin. Branch chain-length distributions of amylopectins were analyzed quantitatively using a high-performance anion-exchange chromatography system equipped with a postcolumn enzyme reactor and a pulsed amperometric detector. Thermal and pasting properties were measured using differential scanning calorimetry and a rapid viscoanalyzer, respectively. Absolute amylose contents of most of the starches studied were lower than their apparent amylose contents. This difference correlated with the number of very long branch chains of amylopectin. Studies of amylopectin structures showed that each starch had a distinct branch chain-length distribution profile. Average degrees of polymerization (dp) of amylopectin branch chain length ranged from 18.8 for waxy rice to 30.7 for high-amylose maize VII. Compared with X-ray A-type starches, B-type starches had longer chains. A shoulder of dp 18–21 (chain length of 6.3–7.4 nm) was found in many starches; the chain length of 6.3–7.4 nm was in the proximity of the length of the amylopectin crystalline region. Starches with short average amylopectin branch chain lengths (e.g., waxy rice and sweet rice starch), with large proportions of short branch chains (dp 11–16) relative to the shoulder of dp 18–21 (e.g., wheat and barley starch), and with high starch phosphate monoester content (e.g., potato starch) displayed low gelatinization temperatures. Amylose contents and amylopectin branch chain-length distributions predominantly affected the pasting properties of starch.  相似文献   

The effects of amylose content on thermal properties of starches, dough rheology, and bread staling were investigated using starch of waxy and regular wheat genotypes. As the amylose content of starch blends decreased from 24 to 0%, the gelatinization enthalpy increased from 10.5 to 15.3 J/g and retrogradation enthalpy after 96 hr of storage at 4°C decreased from 2.2 to 0 J/g. Mixograph water absorption of starch and gluten blends increased as the amylose content decreased. Generally, lower rheofermentometer dough height, higher gas production, and a lower gas retention coefficient were observed in starch and gluten blends with 12 or 18% amylose content compared with the regular starch and gluten blend. Bread baked from starch and gluten blends exhibited a more porous crumb structure with increased loaf volume as amylose content in the starch decreased. Bread from starch and gluten blends with amylose content of 19.2–21.6% exhibited similar crumb structure to that of bread with regular wheat starch which contained 24% amylose. Crumb moisture content was similar at 5 hr after baking but higher in bread with waxy starch than in bread without waxy starch after seven days of storage at 4°C. Bread with 10% waxy wheat starch exhibited lower crumb hardness values compared with bread without waxy wheat starch. Higher retrogradation enthalpy values were observed in breads containing waxy wheat starch (4.56 J/g at 18% amylose and 5.43 J/g at 12% amylose) compared with breads containing regular wheat starch (3.82 J/g at 24% amylose).  相似文献   

In search of a way to improve the nutritional profile of noodles, we prepared them with various mixtures of durum wheat flour and isolated plantain starch, and tested their proximal composition. Cooked noodles were assessed for in vitro starch digestibility, indigestible fraction content, and predicted glycemic index. The protein content declined with the addition of plantain starch. Both total starch (TS) level and the content of starch available for digestible enzymes (AS) decreased as the plantain starch level increased, a pattern that may be related to increased starch lixiviation during cooking of noodles containing plantain starch. There was an inverse pattern for resistant starch (RS). RS content in control (durum wheat flour) noodles was ≈50% lower than in the samples containing plantain starch. The soluble indigestible fraction (SIF) content in all samples was higher than the insoluble counterpart (IIF). The total indigestible fraction varied according to the wheat substitution level. Although the hydrolysis index (HI) and predicted glycemic index (pGI) of plantain starch noodles were moderate and decreased as the plantain starch proportion rose. These composite noodles exhibited higher indices than the control sample, a phenomenon that may also be dependent on the product physical structure. Results indicate that in spite of the increased starch digestion rate, plantain starch noodles are a better source of indigestible carbohydrates than pure wheat starch pasta. This might have dietetic applications.  相似文献   

Whole grain oats are widely regarded as conferring significant health benefits. Composite flour of whole grain oat flour, wheat flour, and tapioca starch in the ratio 1:1:0.16 was formulated to make oat noodles with the addition of gluten at various levels. The influence of gluten on pasting and gelling properties of composite flour, and on cooking, textural, and sensory properties of salted oat noodles was evaluated. Addition of gluten decreased the paste viscosity, reduced hardness and springiness of gel, reduced cooking yield, cooking loss, and broken ratio during cooking, and increased the tensile strength and firmness of cooked noodles. Scanning electron microscopy showed that gluten tightened the network of protein in the noodles by forming oriented fibrils. Addition of gluten had little effect on the color of raw and cooked oat noodles, which were somewhat yellow. Sensory evaluation indicated that addition of gluten could enhance the overall acceptability of cooked oat noodles. This study may stimulate further interest in using functional whole grain cereal ingredients in developing healthy staple foods.  相似文献   

A high‐amylose, non‐floury corn, a floury corn, and a 1:1 blend were made into masa and then tortillas. The masa flour made with the high‐amylose corn had a greater amount of resistant starch (RS 28.8%) and a greater amount of total dietary fiber (TDF 42.1%) than that with the floury corn (RS 2.9%, TDF 9.6%), producing a high‐fiber tortilla. The masa was evaluated for pasting properties using a Rapid ViscoAnalyser (RVA). The high‐amylose masa slurry gelatinized little at 95°C. The floury masa had the greatest peak viscosity, whereas the 1:1 blend was intermediate in value. Sensory evaluations of the tortillas for the textural attributes showed the floury tortillas to be chewier, more rollable, and grittier than the high‐amylose tortillas, whereas the blend tortillas were intermediate for most attributes. The cutting force of the high‐amylose tortillas, measured on a texture analyzer, was very low; the blend and floury tortillas required more force. Chewiness was correlated to rollability (r = 0.99, P = 0.05). The %RS and %TDF were correlated to rollability (r = –0.99), and cutting force (r = 0.99). The floury and blend tortillas had firm textures expected of desirable tortillas, whereas the high‐amylose tortillas broke under little force, and would not roll. The high‐amylose tortillas had high amounts of RS and TDF but poor texture. The blend tortillas retained most floury tortilla textural properties, making them suitable products for consumer use.  相似文献   

Many applications have been developed for aqueous dispersions of jet‐cooked starch‐oil composites prepared by excess steam jet cooking. Previous formulations have typically contained 20–50% oil by weight based on the weight of starch. To expand the range of potential applications, new preparation methods were investigated to increase the oil content to as high as four times the weight of starch. High‐amylose corn starch was cooked in an excess‐steam jet cooker in the presence of oleic acid, and soybean oil was added to form the starch‐oil composites. Amylose is removed from solution by forming helical inclusion complexes with the oleic acid and, if the materials are cooled sufficiently quickly, the helical inclusion complexes only form small aggregates and shells around the oil droplets. Depending on the composition and preparation method, a wide range of stable, high‐oil materials from low‐viscosity liquids to smooth pastes can be formed. The flow, textural, and structural properties of these materials are shown. The materials can be used in a wide range of applications, including spray lubricants, lotions, and for fat delivery in cake mixes.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of mixing process parameters (degree of vacuum, water addition, and mixing time under vacuum) on the cooking and sensory quality properties of Chinese white noodles were investigated by using one commercial‐scale noodle production line and one typical commercial wheat flour. Noodle appearance, firmness, elasticity, smoothness, and total quality scores were significantly improved as the degree of vacuum increased from 0 to 0.06 MPa, although lower sensory scores and larger cooking losses occurred when noodles were mixed at 0.08 MPa. Noodles with a water addition of 35% had the highest total score and the highest scores for each sensory factor. As mixing time increased, the sensory score of cooked noodles increased initially and then decreased. With a mixing time of 7 min, the sensory score was the highest and cooking loss was the lowest. The results of response surface methodology indicated that fresh noodle quality was most affected by the water addition, followed by vacuum degree. Added water was a more important source of variation for appearance, firmness, stickiness, smoothness, total score, and cooking loss than degree of vacuum and mixing time, whereas degree of vacuum was the predominant source of variation for color and elasticity. The interactions between the factors had little effect on sensory and cooking properties. The optimal mixing conditions were determined to be as follows: degree of vacuum, 0.06 MPa; added water, 35.6%; and mixing time, 7.25 min. Furthermore, vacuum mixing produced a more even, coherent, and closed microstructure for the sheeted dough than nonvacuum mixing.  相似文献   

Germinated brown rice is popular in Asia for its increased γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) content and sweeter and softer texture compared with conventional brown rice. However, most studies investigated germinated rice properties on medium‐grain or aromatic rice. The objective of this study was to compare differences between a medium‐grain (Jupiter) and a long‐grain (Wells) rice under similar germination conditions on their milling, physicochemical, and textural properties over the course of germination. Rough rice was soaked in water at 25°C for 12 h and then incubated at 30–34°C for four germination durations. Wells had a higher breakage percentage and a greater weight decrease than Jupiter during germination. Wells had a significantly lower GABA content before germination and at the first two germination durations than Jupiter, but the GABA content in Wells significantly increased at the third germination duration to become significantly higher than that of Jupiter. There were no significant changes in gelatinization temperatures and pasting properties of germinated rice from both cultivars at different germination durations. The cooked rice hardness from Wells decreased at the longest germination duration, whereas Jupiter showed a more significant decrease in cooked rice stickiness from germination. The results demonstrate that the impacts of germination on physical, chemical, and textural properties of rice were affected by grain type and germination duration.  相似文献   

High‐amylose corn starch was cooked in an excess‐steam jet cooker in the presence of 5% oleic or palmitic acid, based on amylose. The cooked product was rapidly cooled in an ice bath and then freeze‐dried or drum‐dried. Amylose was removed from solution by forming helical inclusion complexes with the fatty acid, and the inclusion complexes formed submicron spherical particles upon cooling. The dried material was reconstituted to form a paste that exhibited gel‐like properties upon standing, but that flowed readily when shear was applied. The rheological properties of these pastes were measured to determine the effects on the flow properties of 1) the solids concentration in the reconstituted paste, 2) the method of sample drying and reconstitution, and 3) the fatty acid used. The materials were very spreadable, and at the highest concentrations their flow properties were similar to a commercial shortening. The pasting properties of the dried solids were also examined.  相似文献   

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