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株间机械除草技术与装置能有效摆脱田间除草的繁重体力劳动并消除化学除草方法所带来的危害,株间机械除草装置的牵引拖拉机在跟踪作物行时总会产生航向偏差,导致除草装置出现横向偏移,甚至无法进入除草的株间区域,同时还会增加伤苗率。为增大株间机械除草的作用区域和降低伤苗率,该文提出了通过作物行信息识别出株间机械除草装置与作物行横向偏移量的方法,并设计了株间机械除草作物行跟踪机构和控制器,实现了株间机械除草跟随作物行。采用正弦波和三角波2种标准信号作为横向偏移补偿量信号,对作物行跟踪控制器的性能进行了测试,试验结果表明:作物行跟踪控制器能较好地控制除草装置跟随横向偏移补偿信号,前进速度为0.5 m/s时正弦波信号跟踪最大误差10 mm,平均误差0.8 mm,三角波信号跟踪最大误差11 mm,平均误差1.2 mm。除草试验表明,作物行跟踪控制系统能较好地控制株间除草装置跟踪作物行,在0.5 m/s前进速度下跟踪最大误差为20.8 mm,平均误差2.5 mm;作物行跟踪控制明显减少了除草爪齿未进入株间区域的比例,在300 mm株距下,可保证93.3%的株间区域有除草爪齿进行除草作业,在200 mm株距下为85.9%;作物行跟踪控制降低了除草爪齿对作物的损伤,伤苗率从20%以上降到了12%以内,提高了株间机械除草的作业效果。  相似文献   

Summary The extent of the weet beet problem in Eastern England is described and the factors to the evolution of weed beet are outlined. Some preliminary experiments designed to distinguish between wild, weed and cultivated populations of beet are described. The response of salt (sodium chloride) solution is a potentially useful discriminating character whereas variation in morphometric characters was not so conclusive. Preliminary results on variation in cytological characters suggest that chiasma frequency is lower in weed than in wild populations and cultivars ofBeta vulgaris. Finally the possible role of crop-related weeds in breeding is discussed.
Die Evolution der Unkrautrüben in Zuckerrübenbeständen
Zusammenfassung Es wird die Verbreitung des Problems der Unkrautrüben im östlichen England beschrieben und die Faktoren, die die Evolution der Unkrautrübenpopulation beeinflussen, werden umrissen. Einige vorläufige Versuche zur Unterscheidung zwischen Wild-, Unkraut- und kultivierten Populationen werden beschrieben. Die Reaktion auf Salzlösung (Natriumchlorid) zeigte sich als eine brauchbare Trennmethode, während die Variation in der morphometrischen Charakterisierung nicht so überzeugend war. Vorläufige Ergebnisse über die Unterschiede in der cytologischen Charakterisierung weisen darauf hin, daß die Chiasmafrequenz in Unkrautrüben geringer ist, als in Wildpopulationen und Kultursorten vonBeta vulgaris. Abschließend wird die mögliche Bedeutung der den Kulturpflanzen verwandten Unkräuter für die Züchtung diskutiert.

Beta L. ë
Beta ë , . , , . ( ) , . , ë , Beta vulgaris. , .

We are deeply impressed by the untimely death of Dr. A. Evans. The editors.  相似文献   

An exposure system for exposing plants to gradients of gaseous air pollutants in the field was tested using sulfur dioxide SO2 and hydrogen fluoride (HF). Well defined linear gradients of SO2 concentration and HF flux were easily produced and were repeatable from exposure to exposure. The gradients were altered by wind speed and direction, but in tightly closed canopies, the alterations were minor. This system has many advantages: a graded series of exposures can be conducted in a small area, plants may be grown using accepted cultural practices, the cost of the apparatus is low, and more than one pollutant can be used, either concurrently or countercurrently. Disadvantages include the requirement for an intensive air monitoring network and an unnatural vertical pollutant profile in the canopy. The gradient system should be used as a supplement to open-top chambers, and not as a replacement for them.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important crop in the southeastern United States, and thus there is a need for additional information on the effects of tillage, weed control methods and row spacing on soybean yields, weed populations and soil properties. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of three weed control methods (none, cultivation, and herbicide) and three row spacings (45, 60 and 90 cm) on soybeans planted in a conventionally prepared seedbed or planted in wheat stubble (no-till (NT)) on a Decatur silty clay loam (Rhodic Paleudult) soil during the 1987 and 1988 growing seasons. Following NT planting, soybean plots produced a seed yield of 3102 kg ha−1 with herbicide, 2911 kg ha−1 with cultivation and 2216 kg ha−1 with no weed control. On a conventionally prepared seedbed, herbicide and cultivation resulted in almost equal seed yields (3898 kg ha−1 and 3954 kg ha−1 respectively) which were significantly higher than those from the no weed control plots (3151 kg ha−1). Soybeans in narrow (45 cm) rows (3997 kg ha−1) consistently out-yielded those in the wider 60 cm rows (3130 kg ha−1) and 90 cm rows (2490 kg ha−1) in both growing seasons, results averaged across years showed that conventionally planted soybeans produced higher yields (3668 kg ha−1) than NT planted soybeans (2743 kg ha−1). The weed infestation was significantly less with herbicide or cultivation than with no weed control and also less in narrow rows (45 cm) than in wider rows (60 and 90 cm). Data on the soil properties (from a depth of 0–15 cm) showed that moisture content, organic matter content and total soil nitrogen were higher in NT plots than in conventional plots. Similarly, disease ratings and infestation of bacterial blight of soybean were significantly higher in NT than in conventional tillage systems.  相似文献   

苗间除草部件入土深度PID自动控制系统设计与台架试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
除草部件入土深度(松土深度)对苗间机械除草装置的作业性能有较大影响。为提高大豆苗间机械除草装置除草部件入土深度的稳定控制、降低伤苗率和埋苗率,该文提出了基于超声波测距的苗间机械除草部件入土深度控制方法。在梳齿式苗间机械除草装置研究基础上,设计了除草部件入土深度控制系统。建立了除草部件入土深度调节液压控制系统的数学模型,并对建立的传递函数在Matlab/Simulink中进行了仿真和PID校正。仿真结果表明:该系统采用PID控制算法对期望松土深度值进行跟踪调节,其稳态响应时间为0.48 s,静差为0.06~0.09 mm。在室内苗间除草台架上进行了超声测距动态试验与松土深度控制试验。超声测距试验表明:应用HC-SR04型超声波模块并结合设计的仿形台对地表进行动态测距不再受地表苗、草等影响,在0.278、0.556和0.833 m/s 3种行进速度下,针对各个样本点的位置与人工测量相比,二者平均对照误差分别为:4.95、5.36和5.90 mm,最大对照误差分别为:6.6、7.4和8.3 mm。除草部件入土深度控制台架试验表明:控制系统能够实现苗间机械除草作业松土深度的稳定控制,在土槽行进速度0.278 m/s时,松土深度可稳定控制在(30±8)mm范围内,满足苗间除草的深度控制要求。该研究为解决苗间除草部件松土深度稳定控制问题提供新思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract. There is a need to develop sustainable nitrogen (N) management systems that minimize environmental losses by maximizing the use efficiency of applied fertilizers, particularly with wide-row annual crops that are often poor at utilizing N. A key approach is to match nitrogen supply with crop demand using improved methods of fertilizer application and timing. One technique is to target liquid 'starter' fertilizers close to the seed, or around the roots of transplants, and to omit or reduce conventional broadcast applications. This paper examines the effects of starter fertilizer combined with various rates of seedbed and/or top-dressed N on the growth and yield of bulb onion ( Allium cepa L.), crisp lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.), forage maize ( Zea mays Bonaf.) and sugarbeet ( Beta vulgaris L.). Starter fertilizer improved early growth and, in combination with reduced rates of supplementary N, gave yields comparable with higher rates of base N with each crop, except sugarbeet. The use of top-dressed N was as effective as base N in supplementing starter fertilizer and had the benefit that it allowed a top-dressing requirement to be estimated accurately using a simple nitrogen balance equation. These results, taken with earlier work, show that starter fertilizers offer clear opportunities for reducing N inputs, while maintaining yield and quality of these crops.  相似文献   

本文在总结分析了温室智能控制技术的基础上,设计了以8031单片机为核心,并扩展8155I/O芯片的日光温室环境机电控制系统的软件部分。该系统在初始设定的基础上,对温室内温室、湿度、光照实现自动控制。  相似文献   

梳脱台高度自动控制系统建模与计算机仿真   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
介绍了基于PID控制算法的梳脱式联合收割机梳脱台高度调节自动控制系统。分析了4LS-150型梳脱式联合收割机液压提升机构及电液比例控制系统原理;建立了梳脱台高度调节液压控制系统的数学模型,并对建立的传递函数在MATLAB中进行了仿真和PID校正。仿真结果表明,将该系统用于梳脱台高度调节自动控制,可以取得令人满意的控制效果。  相似文献   

游隙对双列调心球轴承静力学性能影响及游隙控制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了分析游隙对轴承静力学性能的影响,基于赫兹弹性接触原理和变形协调原理,且在考虑初始游隙和实际接触角变化的前提下,建立了双列调心球轴承在径向和轴向联合载荷下的静力学数学模型。对静力学平衡方程和未知变量的可行域进行分析,提出基于Broyden秩1拟牛顿迭代法的数值求解流程。以调心球轴承BRF12为例,建立其非线性静力学平衡方程组并求解,分析轴承初始游隙对内、外圈相对位移、轴承刚度、负荷分布、实际接触角等的影响情况。分析得出游隙是影响调心球轴承品质的关键因素,需严格控制。分析各游隙及和接触角的几何关系,进而得到各游隙的简单计算公式,提出游隙尺寸控制和测量方法。研究结果可为新型双列调心球轴承的额定静、动载荷计算、动力学分析和优化设计等提供理论参考和依据。  相似文献   

为提升油菜机械离心式集排器的排种性能,实现排种量稳定可控可调,该研究设计了一套机械离心式集排器排种量控制系统。该系统以STM32F103C8T6单片机作为微控制器,利用以光电传感器PG-602为检测元件的落粒检测模块实时检测流经导种管的排种粒数,通过基于霍尔传感器的测速模块实时获取机具前进速度,结合排种粒数和机具前进速度反馈信息构建排种量控制策略,通过动态调节机械离心式集排器工作转速实现排种量均匀稳定控制。搭建了台架测试平台,确定了排种量调控模型为线性关系模型,系统对排种粒数的检测精度不低于96.17%,系统反馈时间为4 s。台架测试结果表明,该系统能够有效降低机具前进速度、内锥筒充种量、种子尺寸和播种株距变化对排种性能的影响。田间试验结果表明,该系统控制下的最大排种量误差为10.00%,平均排种量误差为5.77%,调控合格率为90.68%,田间出苗效果好。研究结果可为离心式集排器精量播种控制系统设计提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. Results of recent research on moisture regimes of surface water soils and on soil credibility are summarized, and proposals are made for the use of results in soil evaluation for selected crops.
Measurements of water table depth show high variability from year to year and during the same season. Soil moisture regimes seem to affect soil management more than crop yield. A probabilistic calendar is needed for the occurrence of topsoil moisture content near the lower plastic limit in periods corresponding to the most important management practices. This is required in order to assess important soil qualities like workability and trafficability.
Soil erosion is greatest when superficial run-off can create rills. This happens when run-off shear stresses exceed a threshold proportional to soil shear strength. Consequently, soil shear strength can be used as a measure of soil resistance to erosion. Probabilistic calendars are needed on the occurrence of heavy rainstorms able to create rills when the soil is most at risk.
Entries for ratings of workability, trafficability and erosion risk are outlined.  相似文献   

农药环境行为及其风险评估是农产品质量安全与生态健康领域重点关注问题,为明确典型农用化合物吡唑醚菌酯在农作物中的行为特征及其暴露风险差异,该研究结合中国农作物主产区分布,运用确定性和概率性双风险模型评估吡唑醚菌酯长期膳食风险,结果表明,吡唑醚菌酯在小麦、花生、黄瓜和西瓜上的原始沉积量高达0.209 mg/kg,半衰期为1.9~9.9 d。作物秸秆中的残留浓度(0.187~75.291 mg/kg)远大于籽粒(≤0.096 mg/kg)。通过膳食途径造成的吡唑醚菌酯暴露会对消费人群造成不可接受的慢性风险,风险商值为123.959%~406.415%。城镇人群的风险显著大于乡村人群(P<0.05),且风险商值随年龄的递增而降低。概率性模型被进一步引入以量化风险评估的不确定性。该研究根据多作物中吡唑醚菌酯残留水平的概率分布,预警其存在高潜在的长期膳食暴露风险。乡村儿童群体的摄入风险明显高于其他群体,需重点关注。  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O), largely because of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use. Commonly, N2O emissions are expressed as a function of N application rate. This suggests that smaller fertilizer applications always lead to smaller N2O emissions. Here we argue that, because of global demand for agricultural products, agronomic conditions should be included when assessing N2O emissions. Expressing N2O emissions in relation to crop productivity (expressed as above‐ground N uptake: ‘yield‐scaled N2O emissions') can express the N2O efficiency of a cropping system. We show how conventional relationships between N application rate, N uptake and N2O emissions can result in minimal yield‐scaled N2O emissions at intermediate fertilizer‐N rates. Key findings of a meta‐analysis on yield‐scaled N2O emissions by non‐leguminous annual crops (19 independent studies and 147 data points) revealed that yield‐scaled N2O emissions were smallest (8.4 g N2O‐N kg−1N uptake) at application rates of approximately 180–190 kg N ha−1 and increased sharply after that (26.8 g N2O‐N kg−1 N uptake at 301 kg N ha−1). If the above‐ground N surplus was equal to or smaller than zero, yield‐scaled N2O emissions remained stable and relatively small. At an N surplus of 90 kg N ha−1 yield‐scaled emissions increased threefold. Furthermore, a negative relation between N use efficiency and yield‐scaled N2O emissions was found. Therefore, we argue that agricultural management practices to reduce N2O emissions should focus on optimizing fertilizer‐N use efficiency under median rates of N input, rather than on minimizing N application rates.  相似文献   

Soil structure can be greatly affected, and hence manipulated, by agricultural management practices, such as crop rotation. This study aims to illustrate how soil structure under a stockless organic system differed between contrasting crop types using quantified data derived from image analysis. Undisturbed soil samples were collected from five organic conversion strategies in the second year of conversion, during two contrasting seasons in 2001 and following one uniform crop (oats) grown on all the plots in 2004. The samples were impregnated and images of soil structure collected at selected depth intervals. The images were analysed for macroporosity, pore size distribution and pore‐perimeter fractal dimension. Significant differences were found between treatments in terms of overall macroporosity (%) and average pore size (mm2) in 2001. The red clover (Trifolium pratense) treatments had the highest soil macroporosity in 2001, but showed a dramatic drop in 2004 accompanied by a reduction in average pore size (mm2). Pore–perimeter fractal dimensions for four of the five crop treatments in 2001 did not show significant differences. However, there was a significant decrease in the fractal dimensions in 2004, indicating the presence of pores with less rough and irregular pore boundaries following a uniform cereal crop. Benefits to soil structure and porosity from clover were large and significant but were not lasting.  相似文献   

针对当前西北干旱地区宽行距作物种植过程中施肥方式不科学,传统撒施肥料用量大、利用率低,该研究结合作物种植农艺特点,提出在作物行方向进行基肥分层深施措施,并研制了基肥对行分层深施机,对仿形单体进行设计,分析了仿形单体的运动学和力学特性,确定了仿形单体质量和仿形弹簧型号。同时研制了一种基于雄性蜣螂头部角状突起的仿生开沟铲,得到仿生开沟铲刃轮廓曲线拟合方程,确定了仿生开沟铲结构及工作参数。通过土槽试验优化了仿生开沟铲前刃角,得出前刃角最佳角度为65°,此时仿生铲相对传统铲的开沟阻力减小42.6%,对土壤的扰动明显减小。样机田间试验表明,分层施肥作业对行精度偏差平均值为2.7 cm,6组施肥铲浅层肥料深度平均值为12.44 cm,浅层施肥深度一致性变异系数为6.12%;深层肥料深度平均值为20.49 cm,深层施肥深度一致性变异系数为4.98%。施肥模式对比试验表明,对行分层施肥的植株长势更好,棉果枝数和单株铃数更多,根系发育更为良好,肥料减施25%,同时棉花平均每公顷增产8.9%,玉米平均每公顷增产8.6%,研究结果表明,对行分层深施肥具有较好的减肥增效作用,对推进棉花生产科学施肥具有重大价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

The effect of winter weed control (WWC) management on 14C-atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) mineralization was investigated in an Entic Haplustoll in Argentina. Three WWC managements were selected: Chemical Fallow (CF) and Cereal Cover Crop (CCC), both under no-tillage, and Reduced Tillage (RT) with chisel and moldboard plow. Soil was sampled at two depths: 0–5 and 5–10 cm, to evaluate the soil stratification induced by the tillage system. To distinguish differences in atrazine degradation in soils with and without previous history of atrazine application two crop sequences were selected: continuous soybean [Glycine max L., Merr.] (CS) without previous atrazine exposure, and soybean–maize (Zea mays L.) rotation (SM) with atrazine application every winter and in alternate springs. The release of 14C-CO2 during laboratory incubations of soils treated with ring labelled 14C-atrazine was determined. Soil organic matter (SOM) distribution was determined with depth and among three soil size fractions: 200–2000 μm, 50–200 μm and <50 μm. Previous atrazine application enhanced atrazine degrading microorganims. Atrazine mineralization was influenced by both WWC management and the tillage system. Chemical fallow showed the highest atrazine mineralization in the two crop sequences. Depth stratification in atrazine degradation was observed in the two WWC treatments under the no-tillage. Depth stratification in the content of soil organic C and relative accumulation of organic C in coarsest fractions (200–2000 and 50–200 μm) were observed mainly in no-till systems. Depth stratification of atrazine degrading activity was mainly correlated to the stratification of fresh organic matter associated with the coarsest fractions (200–2000 μm). Atrazine persistence in soil is strongly affected by soil use and management, which can lead to safe atrazine use through selection of appropriate agricultural practices.  相似文献   

针对农业自动导航、电动自动转向、农机自动控制、精量施药控制等关键技术的集成应用问题,该研究以高地隙喷杆喷雾机为平台,基于机电液一体化控制与软硬件标准化,研制了用于高地隙施药机的自动驾驶系统.根据底盘机构和工作原理设计了电控执行机构,实现发动机启停、转向、油门调节、车速调节、液泵启停、喷杆伸缩的自动控制.设计了基于CAN...  相似文献   

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