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Mammary duct ectasia in dogs: 51 cases (1992-1999)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and pathologic characteristics of mammary duct ectasia in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 51 dogs with mammary duct ectasia. PROCEDURE: Information regarding body condition, history, number and location of affected mammary glands, appearance of lesions, surgical treatment, nonsurgical treatment, and evidence of recurrence or development of mammary neoplasia was obtained from surveys sent to referring veterinarians. Results of information from examination of histologic sections and referring veterinarians were evaluated for all mammary duct ectasia biopsies performed between 1992 and 1999. RESULTS: Duct ectasia was the primary diagnosis in 51 of 1,825 (2.8%) mammary biopsy specimens and comprised 48% of nonneoplastic mammary diseases. Affected dogs were evenly distributed over a range of 1 to 13 years of age, with a mean age at the time of diagnosis of 6.1 +/- 3.1 years. All dogs were female (31 sexually intact, 20 spayed); 10 of 26 had whelped. Duct ectasia was described as nodular (26 dogs), cystic (13), and multiglandular (11) and located in caudal (31) more often than cranial (14) or middle glands (10). Ectasia recurred in 3 dogs. One dog had a history of previously excised mammary adenocarcinoma; another subsequently developed mammary carcinoma. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Duct ectasia affected mature, sexually intact and spayed female dogs over a wide age range. Certain breeds were affected more commonly than expected. Increased risk for mammary neoplasia was not evident. Duct ectasia should be considered as a cause for mammary enlargement, especially in young dogs or when its cystic nature is evident. Mastectomy is usually curative, and neoplasia should be ruled out in dogs with ectasia.  相似文献   

Research carried out during the last 4 years (1996-1999) of an 11-year study of the prevalence of internal parasites naturally transmitted to horse foals born on the same pasture on a farm in central Kentucky is presented here. Horses in this herd were not treated with any antiparasitic compound for over 20 years except for a replacement stallion in 1994. A total of 22 species, including 12 species of small strongyles, were recovered in the 4-year period. Transmission patterns of all species (n=35) of endoparasites recovered are compared for the 11-year study. Some of the changes were an increase in number of Thelazia lacrymalis and Anoplocephala perfoliata and a decrease in Gasterophilus intestinalis, Parascaris equorum, and Strongylus vulgaris. Clinical problems associated with parasitism were not observed in any of the 92 foals in the long-term investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine historical and clinical findings, treatment, and outcome for cattle with small intestinal obstruction caused by a trichobezoar. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 15 cattle. PROCEDURES: Medical records of cattle with a diagnosis of small intestinal obstruction by a trichobezoar from 1992 to 2002 were reviewed. Information pertaining to various aspects of diagnosis, treatment, and outcome was collected from records. RESULTS: Trichobezoars were more common in young cattle, and affected cattle did not deteriorate clinically as rapidly as cattle with other types of intestinal obstruction. The most common initial owner complaints included decreased or absent fecal output, inappetance, abdominal distension, and signs of abdominal pain. Common clinical findings were dehydration, decreased or absent rumen motility, signs of depression, splashing sounds during succussion of the abdomen, and a pinging sound on percussion of the abdomen. The jejunum was obstructed in 10 cattle. Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and chronic inflammation were common laboratory findings. All 4 cattle that underwent abdominocentesis had peritonitis. The obstructing trichobezoar was removed surgically in 9 cattle, of which 7 survived and 2 died. The 6 cattle treated medically died or were euthanized. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Obstruction of the small intestine by a trichobezoar is uncommon, but it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cattle with signs of intestinal obstruction, particularly if they are younger than 4 years of age and have a history of nonacute signs of intestinal obstruction. Surgical removal appears to be a favorable method of treatment and should be considered when this condition is suspected.  相似文献   

Seventeen cases (i.e., 14 dogs and three cats) were identified as having Mycoplasma spp. as the sole bacterial isolate cultured from airway washings in 224 cases evaluated for lower respiratory disease that was present in each case. Primary diagnoses included pneumonia (35.3%), airway collapse (35.3%), and bronchitis (29.4%). Fourteen cases had follow-up information available. Of these cases, eight showed resolution or improvement with antimycoplasmal drugs. Mycoplasma spp. is recognized as a primary cause of respiratory disease in several species, including humans. The relationship between Mycoplasma spp. and respiratory disease detected in some of these cases suggests some Mycoplasma spp. may act as primary pathogens in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A survey to determine current prevalence of several species of endoparasites in equids (n=350) at necropsy was conducted at the Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center in central Kentucky (1995-1999). Thelazia lacrymalis were found in 42% of the 1- to 4-year olds (n=132), which was the only age group examined for these parasites. Five- to 30-year olds (n=157), examined for Onchocerca spp. worms/lesions, had a prevalence of 24%. In > or =1-year olds (n=324), the infection rate for Gasterophilus intestinalis was 12% for second instars and 14% for third instars and for Gasterophilus nasalis was 2% for second instars and 2% for third instars. For Anoplocephala perfoliata (n=268 equids), prevalence was 52%. Data were compiled for the equids according to breed, age, sex, month of necropsy, and number of parasites. Arterial lesions caused by migrating Strongylus vulgaris larvae were observed in a low number (3 of 52) of equids. Specific examination for Parascaris equorum revealed that 46% of 13 weanlings and 10% of 20 older horses were infected. Anoplocephala magna were found in one of the weanlings. Compared to previous studies (about 15-25 years ago) in Kentucky, the present survey indicated the genera Onchocerca and Gasterophilus greatly declined but Thelazia, Anoplocephala, and Parascaris did not.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report the postoperative outcome in horses undergoing jejunoileal anastomosis performed with a 2-layer simple continuous technique. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 7 horses. PROCEDURE: Information regarding signalment, clinical signs, findings at surgery, and postoperative complications was obtained from medical records of horses that underwent exploratory ventral midline celiotomy, small intestinal resection, and jejunoileal anastomosis to correct various small intestinal strangulating lesions. Follow-up information was obtained via telephone conversations with owners or trainers. RESULTS: Six males and 1 female of various breeds aged 10 months to 27 years and weighing 312 to 785 kg (686.4 to 1,727 lb) were included. The most common complications were mild to moderate tachycardia and mild to moderate signs of abdominal pain. Two horses developed incisional infections and soft, fluctuant swelling at the incision site following resolution of the infection. Follow-up time ranged from 7 to 17 months after surgery. Owners reported no further colic episodes and no diet change necessary following surgery. All horses had returned to their intended level of use. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Advantages to the jejunoileal technique include maintaining the normal ileocecal valve and a postoperative recovery period similar to that described following other small intestinal anastomoses. Jejunoileal anastomosis is a viable alternative to ileal bypass. This technique appears to result in a postoperative complication rate similar to that reported following jejunojejunostomy procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine current population characteristics of, clinical findings in, and survival times for cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 260 cats with HCM. PROCEDURE: Information was obtained from the medical records. Cats were classified into 1 of 4 clinical groups (congestive heart failure [CHF] group, arterial thromboembolism [ATE] group, syncope group, or cats without clinical signs [subclinical group]) on the basis of the primary clinical signs at the initial examination. RESULTS: 120 cats were classified in the CHF group, 43 in the ATE group, 10 in the syncope group, and 87 in the subclinical group. Antecedent events that may have precipitated CHF included i.v. fluid administration, anesthesia, surgery, and recent corticosteroid administration. Median survival time was 709 days (range, 2 to 4,418 days) for cats that survived > 24 hours. Cats in the subclinical group lived the longest (median survival time, 1,129 days; range, 2 to 3,778 days), followed by cats in the syncope group (654 days; range, 28 to 1,505 days), cats in the CHF group (563 days; range, 2 to 4,418 days), and cats in the ATE group (184 days; range, 2 to 2,278 days). Causes of death included ATE (n = 56), CHF (49), sudden death (13), and noncardiac causes (27). In univariate analyses, survival time was negatively correlated with left atrial size, age, right ventricular enlargement, and thoracentesis. Cats with systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve lived longer than cats without this echocardiographic finding. In multivariate analyses, only age and left atrial size remained significant predictors of survival time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although overall survival time for cats with HCM was similar to earlier reports, survival times for cats with CHF or ATE were longer than previously reported.  相似文献   

The medical records of 19 horses with acute hemoperitoneum were reviewed. The causes for the hemoperitoneum were idiopathic (8 horses), splenic hematoma with capsular tear (7), bleeding from the reproductive tract (3), multicentric hemangiosarcoma (1), and systemic amyloidosis (1). The affected horses were between 4 and 32 years of age (median 11.5 years). The most consistent findings on initial examination were depression, tachycardia, tachypnea, pale mucous membranes, prolonged capillary refill time, colic, and abdominal discomfort. Less common clinical signs included abdominal distention, profuse sweating, ataxia, and broad ligament mass palpated on rectal examination. Clinicopathologic abnormalities commonly detected were anemia, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoproteinemia, hypocalcemia, azotemia, increased creatinine kinase, and sorbitol dehydrogenase activity. Hemoperitoneum was diagnosed on the basis of abdominocentesis, transabdominal ultrasonography, and postmortem examination. Sixteen horses were treated, and 3 horses were euthanized at owners' request because of severe clinical signs. The treatment consisted of the administration of intravenous fluids, plasma or blood transfusion, nonsteroidal drugs, antimicrobial drugs, and antifibrinolytic and procoagulant agents. Rapid clinical deterioration was observed in 2 horses, necessitating euthanasia. The remaining 14 horses survived the abdominal bleeding (survival rate 74%) and were discharged 3-15 days (median 7.0 days) after presentation. Postmortem examination of the 6 nonsurvivors showed massive abdominal hemorrhage from splenic hematoma with capsular tear (2 horses), multicentric hemangiosarcoma with liver rupture (1), systemic amyloidosis with splenic hematoma and capsular tear (1), and bilateral ruptured ovarian hematomas (1). In one horse, no origin of the bleeding could be determined during postmortem examination.  相似文献   

The geographical spread of grass sickness between 1909 and 1999, particularly in England and Wales, is described, and the experimental investigations to identify a causal agent are summarised. The epidemiological techniques used to investigate grass sickness vary from clinical observations, to more advanced methods such as case-control studies using logistic regression analyses. Several risk factors for grass sickness have been reported consistently (age, time of year and recent movement to new pasture or premises) and several others have been reported for which the findings remain inconsistent (weather, pasture type, breed, supplementary feeding and use of anthelmintics).  相似文献   

The clinical records of 23 dogs (1990-1999) with histopathologically confirmed bacterial meningoencephalomyelitis were evaluated retrospectively. No breed, age, sex, or weight predisposition was found. All the dogs presented with clinical signs of a brain lesion, whereas 5 of 23 had neck pain. Pyrexia was detected in 11 of 23 dogs on admission. CBCs revealed neutrophilic leucocytosis in 7 of 21 dogs and thrombocytopenia in 3 of 21 dogs. The serum chemistry profiles were abnormal in 15 of 21 dogs. The results of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were abnormal in 13 of 14 dogs and aerobic CSF culture was positive for bacteria in 1of 8 samples. At postmortem examination, the lesions were localized to the central nervous system. Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, and Klebsiella spp were the most frequently isolated bacteria from cultures collected at postmortem examination. Twelve papers reporting 51 total clinical cases of canine bacterial meningoencephalomyelitis were reviewed. The clinical signs and results of the CBC, serum chemistry, blood culture, and CSF analysis were collated and compared with those of this study. The results of the CSF analysis in this study were similar to those in the literature. CSF cultures documented in the literature were positive for Staphylococcus, Pasteurella. Actinomyces, Nocardia spp, and various anaerobic species including Peptostreptococcus, Eubacterium, and Bacteroides spp.  相似文献   

Thirty-six cats with bronchogenic carcinoma metastatic to the digit were identified. The mean age was 12.7 years, with no breed or sex predilection. Records from 19 cases were available for review. These cats presented with a primary complaint of lameness that involved primarily weight-bearing digits and the third phalanx. None had respiratory signs, despite the presence of pulmonary carcinoma. Course of disease was consistent in the 19 cases, with a mean survival time of 58 days from initial presentation. Amputation of affected digits was rarely palliative due to development of lesions in other digits and progressive nonrespiratory disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine patterns of alveolar bone loss (periodontitis) and other lesions evident on full-mouth survey radiographs of cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 147 cats. PROCEDURE: Full-mouth radiographs were evaluated for evidence and severity of alveolar bone loss, odontoclastic resorption lesions (ORL), retained roots, missing teeth, signs of endodontic disease secondary to periodontitis, and apical resorption. RESULTS: 106 (72%) cats had some degree of periodontitis, 100 (68%) were missing teeth, 98 (67%) had ORL, 78 (53%) had expansion of the buccal alveolar bone at 1 or more canine teeth, 75 (51%) had retained roots, 48 (33%) had apical resorption, and 12 (8%) had signs of endodontic disease secondary to periodontitis. Cats < 4 years old were not significantly more likely than the general population to have normal alveolar bone height. Prevalence of ORL increased with age, but cats > or =13 years old were less likely than the general population to have moderate or severe generalized periodontitis. Purebred cats were not significantly more likely to have periodontitis or ORL than mixed-breed cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that periodontitis is common in cats and that horizontal bone loss is the most common radiographic pattern of alveolar bone loss. Purebred cats were not more likely than mixed-breed cats to have ORL or periodontitis, but when they did have periodontitis, it was more likely to be moderate to severe. Cats with ORL were less likely than cats without ORL to have normal alveolar bone height and more likely to have severe focal vertical bone loss.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine outcome of horses with osteomyelitis of the sustentaculum tali (ST), with or without associated tarsal sheath tenosynovitis, following surgical debridement and lavage. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 10 horses in which a diagnosis of osteomyelitis of the ST had been made on the basis of history, physical examination findings, and results of radiography. PROCEDURE: Information on results of diagnostic testing, surgical findings, postoperative treatment, and short-term outcome was obtained from the medical records. Long-term follow-up information was obtained through reevaluation of horses at the teaching hospital and telephone conversations with referring veterinarians, owners, and trainers. RESULTS: Treatment consisted of surgical debridement, intra- and postoperative lavage, and long-term antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment. Eight horses had evidence of involvement of the tarsal sheath. One horse was euthanatized after surgery because of a lack of response to treatment; the other 9 were discharged from the hospital. Severity of lameness had improved, but all still had grade-1 or -2 lameness at the time of discharge. One horse was euthanatized after discharge because of contralateral hind limb laminitis, and another horse was lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 7 horses, 6 returned to their previous use, and 1 was sound but retired for breeding for unrelated reasons. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that horses with osteomyelitis of the ST, with or without concomitant tarsal sheath tenosynovitis, can have an excellent to good outcome and may return to their previous use after surgical debridement of affected tissues and lavage of the tarsal sheath.  相似文献   

Epistaxis was retrospectively evaluated in 35 dogs. Systemic disease was diagnosed in seven dogs and intranasal disease in 29. Nineteen dogs with intranasal disease had neoplasia. Dogs with neoplasia were older (mean 10.0 years) than dogs with nonneoplastic intranasal disease (mean 5.6 years). Signs persisting for >1 month occurred more often in dogs with intranasal than systemic disease. Unilateral epistaxis did not distinguish intranasal from systemic disease. Only dogs with intranasal disease had facial deformity, decreased airflow, or regional sub-mandibular lymphadenopathy. Dogs with systemic disease had a lower packed cell volume (mean 31.8%) than dogs with intranasal disease (mean 42.7%).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with development of small colon impaction in horses and with selection of medical versus surgical treatment and to determine the prognosis for affected horses following medical or surgical management. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 44 horses with primary impaction of the small colon. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, history, clinical findings, treatment (medical vs surgical), hospitalization time, and outcome. For comparison purposes, the same information was collected for 83 horses with primary impaction of the large colon. RESULTS: Diarrhea was the only factor found to be associated with development of small colon impaction. Horses with small colon impaction were 10.8 times as likely to have diarrhea at the time of initial examination as were horses with large colon impaction. Abdominal distension was the only factor associated with use of surgical versus medical treatment. Horses with small colon impaction that were treated surgically were 5.2 times as likely to have had abdominal distension at the time of admission as were horses with small colon impaction that were treated medically. Overall, 21 of 23 (91%) horses treated medically and 20 of 21 (95%) horses treated surgically survived to discharge. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that diarrhea may be a risk factor for development of small colon impaction and that horses with small colon impaction that have abdominal distension at the time of initial examination are more likely to require surgical than medical treatment.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is a lack of long-term follow-up data for outcome of medical treatment of superficial digital flexor (SDF) tendonitis. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether intralesional injection of hyaluronan, beta aminoproprionitrile fumarate (BAPN) or polysulphated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG) or systemic administration of PSGAG yielded better results than a controlled exercise programme alone in the management of SDF tendonitis, with a minimum follow-up period of 2 years after resumption of full work; and to determine whether reinjury rate was related to sports discipline and whether fibre alignment score (FAS) at 4 months could predict outcome. METHODS: In Study 1, 50 horses were managed by controlled exercise alone (Group A), 50 were treated with intralesional injection of hyaluronan (Group B), 20 received intralesional and systemic treatment with PSGAG (Group Ci) and 30 received systemic treatment with PSGAG (Group Cii). Horses in Groups B, Ci and Cii followed the same controlled exercise programme as Group A. In Study 2, 69 horses (Group D) were treated by intralesional injection of BAPN and followed a modified controlled exercise programme. Horses were re-examined clinically and ultrasonographically at intervals. Follow-up data were obtained for horses 2 years after resuming full work and for up to 6 years. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in reinjury rate of the treated limb(s) between Groups A, B, Ci and Cii (42.5-44.4%) (P>0.9). The reinjury rate (16%) in the treated limb(s) in Group D was significantly lower than in the other groups (P<0.001). However, when injury rate of the uninjured limb was considered, the results were similar to Study 1. In Study 2, the FAS at 4 months after treatment was a good predictor of outcome (P<0.001). Reinjury rates for different disciplines were similar in the 2 studies, with the risk of reinjury ascending from showjumpers to event horses to National Hunt and flat racehorses. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with BAPN reduced the risk of reinjury in the treated limb, although the overall rate of subsequent injury was not affected. FAS at 4 months after treatment is a good predictor of outcome in the treated limb(s). POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study provides long-term follow-up data in horses from a variety of sports disciplines that can be used to provide prognostic information.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe preoperative, surgical, and postoperative findings and determine prognostic indicators and treatment recommendations in dogs treated surgically for gallbladder mucocele. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 22 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: Medical records of dogs with gallbladder mucoceles that were treated surgically were reviewed. History, clinical signs, results of selected clinicopathologic analyses and abdominal ultrasonography, surgical procedure performed, results of histologic examination of a liver biopsy specimen, and survival time were recorded. Follow-up information was obtained via telephone interview with owners and referring veterinarians. RESULTS: Dogs were 7 to 15 years of age and had non-specific clinical signs (vomiting, anorexia, and lethargy). Physical examination findings included icterus, signs of depression, and signs of discomfort on palpation of the abdomen. Sixteen dogs had a definitive diagnosis and 6 dogs were strongly suspected of having a gallbladder mucocele on the basis of results of abdominal ultrasonography. Fifteen dogs survived after surgery; 3 of these dogs had bile-induced peritonitis, and 4 had pancreatitis. One dog was euthanatized as a result of severe pancreatitis, and 1 was euthanatized because of acute renal failure; 5 dogs died as a result of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, or bile-induced peritonitis. Hepatic abnormalities were detected histologically in all dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: No predictors of survival were identified. No associations between outcome of surgical treatment (survival vs nonsurvival) and preoperative findings, biliary rupture, surgical procedure performed, results of histologic examination of the liver, or development of pancreatitis were found. Cholecystoduodenostomy and cholecystectomy appear to be acceptable treatments for gallbladder mucocele.  相似文献   

Antihistamines were prescribed for 178 of 271 dogs with a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of California, Davis from 1992 to 1998. Fifty-four percent of 166 dogs given antihistamines responded favorably to these treatments, with 27% of the responses rated as good and 27% rated as moderate. Diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine were the most commonly used antihistamines and were the most frequently effective. Chlorpheniramine and clemastine were administered less frequently and had much lower positive response rates. Responses to antihistamines as a group were significantly better in dogs having onset of clinical signs at younger ages (odds ratios for 1-year increase in age = 0.72, 95% confidence interval = 0.57 to 0.91, P =.005).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cervical vertebral compressive myelopathy (CVCM) is a common cause of myelopathy in horses aged 6 months to 4 years. Little information is available regarding the types of lesions, treatment, and outcomes in horses with CVCM that are > or =4 years old. ANIMALS: Twenty-two affected horses (10 with a confirmed diagnosis of CVCM and 12 presumptive cases) and 210 contemporaneous control horses. METHODS: Horses > or =4 years old that were diagnosed with CVCM between January 1992 and January 2004 were identified from medical records at Texas A&M University and the University of Florida. Data analyzed included history, signalment, neurologic examination findings, lesion location, treatment, and outcome. Signalment was also recorded in a population of contemporaneous controls. RESULTS: Horses identified had a median age of 8.4 years, and there was a greater percentage of male horses among the cases than among the controls. The most common breeds represented were warmblood (n=6) and quarter horse (n=5) types; warmbloods were significantly (P < .05) overrepresented relative to control horses. The caudal cervical vertebral column was the most common site of CVCM lesions, and the C5-C6 (4/9) and C6-C7 (3/9) articulations were most often identified as abnormal via myelography. The most common lesions seen with radiography and myelography were articular process osteophytes. Of the 22 affected horses, 8 were euthanized and a diagnosis of CVCM was confirmed by necropsy for all; 5 of 8 of these horses had spinal cord compression caused, entirely or in part, by articular process osteophytes. Medical management was the therapy chosen in all horses, and administration of corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs resulted in improvement in the greatest number of horses. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: CVCM should be a differential diagnosis in older horses with cervical myelopathy. Articular process osteophytes are the most frequently identified cause of spinal cord compression in this group. Male horses and horses of warmblood or Tennessee Walking Horse breeds may be predisposed to this condition.  相似文献   

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