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江苏淤泥质海岸带农林复合经营类型及模式择优   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过面上调查、走访农户、查阅资料的方法,归纳总结了江苏淤泥质海岸带农林复合经营类型,选择优化了农林复合经营模式。研究结果表明:江苏淤泥质海岸带农林复合经营类型主要有生态型、经济型和复合型3种,不同经营类型含有形式多样的经营模式;根据江苏淤泥质海岸带区域特征,建议选择林农、林果、林牧、林渔等复合经营模式作为该地区推广应用的优化模式,其主栽树种以杨树、水杉,农林比例以5:1、林带结构以复合配置为宜。  相似文献   

农作物与经济林树种间作,称为农林复合经营.农林复合经营可以提高单位面积的经济效益,增加农民收入.对农林复合经营的模式以及农林复合经营在乡村林业中的作用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区复合农林业经营类型模式研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对黄土丘陵沟壑区复合农林业经营现状的调查分析,总结出该区林农复合经营的结构、类型和模式,并确定适合该区发展的林农复合经营模式,为本区复合农林业的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

榆林沙区农林复合经营的主要模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
榆林沙区农林复合经营的主要模式有:沙地综合治理模式、荒漠化土地立体开发模式、风沙滩地区区农林复合经营模式、滩地混农林业模式、沙区果园立体种植模式、庭院农林复合经营模式等。  相似文献   

阐述了农林复合经营的概念、特点及意义,总结了我国农林复合经营的发展历史及模式,综述了国内的研究进展,为农林复合经营在实践中的推广和理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

农林复合经营在云南省退耕还林工程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析云南省退耕还林存在着造林树种及模式单一等诸多问题,针对这些问题,阐述了农林复合经营模式在退耕还林中的应用情况,认为在退耕还林中要保持农户长久、高度的积极性和保证长远的经济效益,就必须全面推行农林复合经营模式,让农林复合经营技术成为退耕还林的主要技术手段.  相似文献   

通过对不同农林复合经营模式的试验,采用方差分析和LSD检验,并根据控制水土流失效果和群众接受程度等标准,筛选出3种控制水土及氮磷流失较好的农林复合经营模式,以便在昆明市滇池面山台地治理中应用推广。  相似文献   

杨树农林复合经营研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:杨树农林复合经营是杨树产业的一个重要发展方向,在全球范围逐步受到重视。本文整理了杨树农林复合经营模式、并综述了农林复合经营效益、胁地效应及他感作用等方面的研究进展。在此基础上分析了杨树农林复合经营研究中存在的问题及展望。  相似文献   

对江汉平原2种常见的幼龄杨树与农作物农林复合经营模式的合理经营年限进行了初步探讨。研究发现在不同树龄,杨树农林复合模式的农作物产量、杨树生长量以及净收益有显著变化;在林间郁闭度较低(0.6~0.7)时,农林复合模式净收益较杨树纯林净收益高;在树龄达3 a以上或郁闭度达到0.9时,不宜再采用常规农作物进行农林复合经营。  相似文献   

通过对秭归县境内长江一、二、三级支流的气候、海拔、立地条件等因子的研究 ,建立了二元、三元、多元农林复合经营模式类别 ,在此基础上组建了 1 0 0种能适应不同环境的农林复合经营模式类型 ,在三峡库区具有典型的代表性和广泛的实用性。  相似文献   

本文从黑龙江省西部平原缓丘农区的自然资源、气象状况及社会经济发展状况出发 ,对农林复合经营开发模式的类型及其效益进行探讨 ,提出了农林复合经营开发模式的基础、类型与结构组合设计原则 ,并讨论了农林复合经营开发模式的技术措施 ,为黑龙江省平原缓丘农区的资源合理利用 ,提供了理论依据  相似文献   

"山林复合经营项目"是韩国在1999年为了增加林业从业者的收入而正式实施的,主要包括短期收入、木材生产和复合山地管理3种类型。截至2005年,该项目在韩国国内的168个市(区)都得到了推广。文中主要介绍韩国山林农业系统,分析该系统存在的问题并探讨与之相应的解决方案,提出应在开发更可行的复合农林经营模式的基础上加大对林业从业者的培训和奖励力度并改善对复合农林业的支持制度。  相似文献   

竹和中国的农用林业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者简要介绍了中国古代传统农用林业经营模式历史的基础上,论述了现代农用林业模式的设计原理和顺序。根据应用竹类植物在营建农用林业模式的重要性,提出了将这类模式命名为竹类农用林业模式,同时对中国竹类农用林业的六种主要模式及其营建技术作了初步探讨,认为竹类农用林业模式是世界上许多国家为解决当前面临众多问题时可采用的一种良好的土地经营体制。  相似文献   

辽西地区几种农林复合型水土保持林模式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辽西地区属半干旱丘陵区 ,由于地势起伏 ,雨量集中 ,土壤粘重 ,植被稀疏 ,森林覆盖率低 ,成为我省水土流失比较严重地区。水土流失的结果是导致表土破坏 ,底土裸露 ,土壤理化性质明显恶化 ,土地生产力下降 ,增加了植被恢复的难度。为迅速改变辽西地区贫瘠落后的面貌 ,恢复生态系统平衡。建国以来 ,这一地区开展了大面积人工造林工作 ,据统计资料表明 ,以油松纯林为主的水保林面积达 5 3万hm2 ,这些林分对改善区域生态环境 ,推动国民经济及社会各项事业的发展起到了重要作用。但以大面积纯林为主的油松水土保持林存在树种单一、层次简单、…  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge has influenced native species selection in agroforestry systems worldwide. However, scientific advancements in plant sciences, agroforestry technologies and trade have accelerated species movements and establishment beyond their native range. Managing native and non-native species is an important area of research in agroforestry and this thematic issue includes 13 papers that cover a range of topics from the role of non-native species in agroforestry to management interventions to improve yield. As evident from these papers, non-native plants are still an important component of agroforestry in many parts of the world. Whether native or non-native, management interventions can increase the economic, environmental and social values of these species and that of agroforestry. Collectively, these papers attest to the increasing body of foundational knowledge in agroforestry.  相似文献   

针对云南山区农村的综合治理和开发的现实,面向山区农业的两个转变及体制改革,遵照生态经济原则,从农业生态系统的生态经济协调出发,遵循林农结合系统的“整体、协调、循环、再生”的原则,把云南山区区划为冷温性湿润型、温凉性湿润型、暖温性湿润型、暖温性半湿润型、暖热性湿润型、热性湿润型、热性半干旱型7种林农结合系统,分系统论述该区域的行政范围、自然条件、资源状况、农林生产特点、林农结合的经营模式.经比较分析,归纳与发掘出80种以上的云南山区林农经营模式.每个系统中都有10种以上模式.既反映山区自然的特点,又具有地方、民族特色.  相似文献   

In an effort to assess agroforestry adoption potential among a diverse Pennsylvania landowner population, a mail survey instrument was sent to 250 members of the Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) and 250 members of Woodland Owner Associations (WOA). Current management objectives and production strategies, agroforestry awareness, agroforestry interest, and perceptions regarding the benefits and obstacles to agroforestry adoption were gauged. Market segmentation was performed with a two-step cluster analysis to produce four agroforestry adoption potential models: Timber-Related Practices, Livestock-Related Practices, Specialty Crop-Related Practices, and Non-Adopters. The analyses showed that agroforestry practices could indeed satisfy specific land management objectives within diverse populations. The key to outreach success and adoption will be to engage these landowner groups according to their unique interests and values, and to demonstrate the potential agroforestry has to enhance existing objectives.  相似文献   

In global terms, European farms produce high yields of safe and high quality food but this depends on the use of many off-farm inputs and the associated greenhouse gas emissions, loss of soil nutrients and other negative environmental impacts incur substantial societal costs. Farmers in the European Union receive support through a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that comprises direct payments to farmers (Pillar I) and payments related to rural development measures (Pillar II). This paper examines the ways in which agroforestry can support European agriculture and rural development drawing on the conclusions of 23 papers presented in this Special Issue of Agroforestry Systems which have been produced during a 4-year research project called AGFORWARD. The project had the goal of promoting agroforestry in Europe and focused on four types of agroforestry: (1) existing systems of high nature and cultural value, and agroforestry for (2) high value tree, (3) arable, and (4) livestock systems. The project has advanced our understanding of the extent of agroforestry in Europe and of farmers’ perceptions of agroforestry, including the reasons for adoption or non-adoption. A participatory approach was used with over 40 stakeholder groups across Europe to test selected agroforestry innovations through field trials and experiments. Innovations included improved grazing management in agroforestry systems of high nature and cultural value and the introduction of nitrogen fixing plants in high value timber plantations and olive groves. Other innovations included shelter benefits for arable crops, and disease-control, nutrient-retention, and food diversification benefits from integrating trees in livestock enterprises. Biophysical and economic models have also been developed to predict the effect of different agroforestry designs on crop and tree production, and on carbon sequestration, nutrient loss and ecosystems services in general. These models help us to quantify the potential environmental benefits of agroforestry, relative to agriculture without trees. In view of the substantial area of European agroforestry and its wider societal and environmental benefits, the final policy papers in this Special Issue argue that agroforestry should play a more significant role in future versions of the CAP than it does at present.  相似文献   

池杉在海岸带滨海草甸盐渍土中的生长表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新会市海岸带复合农林业试验区的池杉林带进行了生长调查。结果表明:池杉在pH值为8.15,盐分含量为0.515%的海岸带滨海草甸盐渍土中生长良好,5年生林带平均树高达5.9m以上,胸径达10.7锄以上,已开始起到防护作用;13年生时树高达11.2m,胸径达17.9cm,年平均树高、胸径分别为0.86m和1.38cm,生长较为迅速,可作为我省海岸带复合农林业防护林带的主要树种。地下水位对池杉的树高和胸径生长有一定的影响,在海岸带营造池杉林带时,宜选择地下水位低于50cm的立地。  相似文献   

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