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为了明确浙沪小麦田杂草发生情况及优势杂草控制技术,采用唐氏五级目测法和随机取样计数法相结合的方法,对上海和浙江的116块冬小麦田杂草进行了抽样调查,同时采用盆栽试验和田间小区试验测定了7种除草剂对主要危害杂草的防效。结果表明,浙沪冬小麦田共调查到杂草43种,隶属于14科,其中菊科杂草种类最多,有10种,其次是禾本科杂草9种,再次是石竹科杂草5种。杂草群落组成以禾本科杂草为主,优势杂草为日本看麦娘Alopecurus japonicus Steud.、菵草Beckmannia syzigachne(Steud.) Fern.、棒头草Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud.、硬草Sclerochloa dura(L.) Beauv.、早熟禾Poa annua L.、鹅肠菜Myosoton aquaticum(L.) Moench、救荒野豌豆Vicia sativa L.、猪殃殃Galium spurium L.和小藜Chenopodium ficifolium Smith。室内除草活性及田间药效试验结果表明,日本看麦娘可用15%炔草酯WP、5%唑啉草酯EC、30 g/L...  相似文献   

The indigenous Lachnagrostis filiformis colonized extensive areas of dry lake beds in Victoria, Australia, during the drought from 1997 to 2009. Large numbers of the plants' detached seed heads disperse in the wind, lodging against nearby housing, fences and other obstacles. This accumulation of material creates a fire hazard, degrades townships' aesthetics and presents a nuisance to the communities of lake‐side towns. This study aimed to examine the effects of various control methods on L. filiformis in the short and long term. Although herbicide applications, slashing, grazing and burning were found to be effective in controlling the blown L. filiformis seed heads in the short term, they failed to prevent subsequent reinvasion and can increase its abundance in the long term. The late application of herbicide resulted in an increase in the foliage cover and seed‐head biomass of L. filiformis by up to 37% and 150%, respectively, in the year following the treatment application. The results from this study highlight how management focused on achieving short‐term goals, without consideration of the successional trajectory after implementation, can not only fail but be counter‐productive in the long term. In order to achieve sustainable management, the fundamental ecological processes that promote the establishment and persistence of the weed need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Increased infestation of aggressive creeping perennial weeds is a significant problem in urban vegetation management programs. These weeds produce vigorous biomass and extensive underground networks of either rhizomes or creeping roots that easily regrow from numerous buds. Foliar application of proper systemic herbicides has been a most effective way to suppress regrowth from underground creeping organs; however, killing the mature plants has disadvantages from aesthetic, economic, and ecological viewpoints. Therefore, we intended to test the possibility of soil‐injection of soil‐active herbicides for effective control of the perennial weeds which develop underground network systems. A pot experiment using combinations of seven species (seven rhizomatous and two having creeping roots) and five chemicals (four herbicides and a plant growth regulator) was conducted to assess whether and how chemicals diffused in soil affect the sprout and growth of buds on creeping organs. All the tested herbicides completely inhibited bud sprouting in one and more species when applied at median or high rates, while most of the flurprimidol‐applied segments sprouted but shoot elongation was significantly reduced. Characteristics of each herbicide were also reflected in the selectivity and features of new outgrowth. The results indicated that chemicals existing in soil were undoubtedly absorbed and affected bud activities. It is concluded that soil injection that delivers the probable soil‐active chemicals to subterranean creeping systems could be a promising technology for controlling noxious creeping perennials.  相似文献   

Contaminant seeds in crop seed lots constitute a pathway for plant species introduction into new areas, and these non‐native weeds may be an environmental problem if they become invasive. Seed certification is a process that regulates and guarantees the quality of seed lots, including their purity. In this study, we assessed weed contamination in certified and non‐certified seed lots (n = 116) from 12 crop species commonly cultivated in the Balearic Islands. Contaminant seeds were separated using sieves, and then manually under a stereomicroscope, before they were germinated to confirm taxonomic identity. Weight, number and diversity of the contaminant seeds per kilogram of seed lot, number released per hectare according to sowing rate, and taxonomic identity and biogeographical origin of contaminant species were recorded. Although certification reduced the number of contaminant seeds in the seed lots, it did not entirely eliminate contaminants, because we found up to 2000 contaminant seeds kg?1 of certified ryegrass and sulla. Overall, contaminant seeds represented 118 taxa; of which, 82 were identified to species level, 70% of species were native, 19% were cultivated, and 11% were non‐native. Two of the identified taxa were first records for the Balearic Islands. In conclusion, contaminant seeds in imported crop seed lots represent a non‐negligible pathway for plant species introduction.  相似文献   

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