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Seed dormancy contributes to species persistence in unpredictable environments and is a key process to be taken into account in weed dynamics models. As the level of seed dormancy, photosensitivity and the dates of dormancy induction and release are difficult to measure, our objective was to relate weed seed dormancy with morphological, chemical or physiological seed traits and with expert knowledge. Dormancy of four species was studied experimentally during a 2‐year seed burial experiment. Experiments were supplemented with data from the literature to increase the number of species analysed, resulting in a data set of 29 species. Proportions of non–dormant seeds were higher for elongated than spherical seeds, even when accounting for phylogenetic relatedness between species. Elongated seeds, which tend to remain on the soil surface in undisturbed habitats, may have been selected for lack of dormancy and immediate germination to limit mortality due to predation. Dormancy increased with seed coat thickness, which can act as a chemical and physical barrier to germination, while no relation was found with seed lipid or protein content. No correlation was found between photosensitivity parameters and any of the species traits analysed. Variations in dormancy dates (induction and release) were highly correlated with average field emergence season estimated from expert knowledge. The observed correlations suggest that the level of dormancy results both from direct and from indirect effects of traits being involved in trade‐offs together with seed mortality.  相似文献   

In Europe, the stem and bulb nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci has been listed as a quarantine pest by EPPO: without any control, it may cause complete failure of alfalfa crops. Movement of nematodes associated with seeds is considered to be the highest‐risk pathway for the spread of this pest. Since the 2010 official withdrawal of methyl bromide in Europe, and in the absence of any alternative chemical, fumigation of contaminated seed batches is no longer possible, which makes the production of nematode‐free alfalfa seeds difficult to achieve and leads to unmarketable seed batches. Thermotherapy is being considered as a realistic alternative strategy, but its efficiency still remains to be validated. The combination of the currently available methods (i.e. use of resistant cultivars, seed production according to a certification scheme, mechanical sieving, seed batch inspection) could significantly reduce the likelihood of seed contamination. However, it does not guarantee a total eradication of the nematode. Although it is already widely distributed all over Europe, reclassification of D. dipsaci as a regulated non‐quarantine pest to reduce the possibility of further introductions and the rate of spread of this pest appears to be a risky strategy because of the lack of up‐to‐date documented data to evaluate damage thresholds and determine acceptable tolerance levels. [[ArtCopyrightmsg]]  相似文献   

Risk assessment of herbicides towards non-target plants in Europe is currently based solely on tests on algae and floating aquatic plants of Lemna sp. Effects on terrestrial non-target species is not systematically addressed. The purpose of the present study was to compare combination effects of herbicide mixtures across aquatic and terrestrial test systems, and to test whether results obtained in the traditional aquatic test systems can be extrapolated to the terrestrial environment. This was done by evaluating ten binary mixtures of nine herbicides representing the seven most commonly used molecular target sites for controlling broadleaved weeds. Data were evaluated statistically in relation to the concentration addition model, and for selected concentrations to the independent action model. The mixtures were tested on the terrestrial species Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Schultz-Bip. (Scentless Mayweed) and Stellaria media (L.) Vill. (Common Chickweed), and on the aquatic species Lemna minor L. (Lesser duckweed) and the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korschikov) Hindak. For the two mixtures of herbicides with the same molecular site of action, the joint effect was additive. For the eight mixtures of herbicides with different sites of action, two of the mixtures were consistently antagonistic across species, while for the remaining six mixtures the joint effect depended on the species tested. This dependence was, however, not systematic, in the sense that none of the species or test systems (terrestrial versus aquatic) had a significantly higher probability of showing synergistic or antagonistic joint effects than others. Synergistic interactions were not observed, but approximately 70% of the mixtures of herbicides with different sites of action showed significant antagonism. Hence, the concentration addition model can be used to estimate worst-case effects of mixtures of herbicides on both terrestrial and aquatic species. Comparing the sensitivity of the species to a 10% spray drift event showed that the terrestrial species were more vulnerable to all herbicides compared with the aquatic species, emphasising the importance of including terrestrial non-target plants in herbicide risk assessment.  相似文献   

Incorrect labelling of plants in trade and misidentification are widespread. Likewise, in trade numerous names are being used for the ornamental aquatic plant known as ‘Kariba weed’, but rarely the correct scientific name Salvinia molesta Mitch. For inspection services of EPPO member countries, correct identification of S. molesta has become important since the species was added to the EPPO A2 List and the List of Union concern in accordance with EU regulation 1143/2014 based on an EPPO Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for the species. Inspections and a targetted survey of Salvinia plants in trade in the Netherlands were performed and additional material was obtained from wild sources in South Africa, Hungary and the United States. Specimen identification was verified by comparison with the herbarium collection at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden and with the sequences available in NCBI GenBank database. This paper provides the tools to correctly identity the relevant Salvinia species.  相似文献   

There has been a recent rapid decline in the efficacy of some, but not all, azole fungicides in controlling the Septoria leaf blotch pathogen of wheat, Mycosphaerella graminicola. Hans J. Cools and Bart A. Fraaije ask the question: can widespread resistance to all azoles develop in this pathogen? Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Strategic spatial patterning of crop species and cultivars could make agricultural landscapes less vulnerable to plant disease epidemics, but experimentation to explore effective disease-suppressive landscape designs is problematic. Here, we present a realistic, multiscale, spatiotemporal, integrodifference equation model of potato late blight epidemics to determine the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and disease spread, and determine the effectiveness of mixing resistant and susceptible cultivars at different spatial scales under the influence of weather. The model framework comprised a landscape generator, a potato late blight model that includes host and pathogen life cycles and fungicide management at the field scale, and an atmospheric dispersion model that calculates spore dispersal at the landscape scale. Landscapes consisted of one or two distinct potato-growing regions (6.4-by-6.4-km) embedded within a nonhost matrix. The characteristics of fields and growing regions and the separation distance between two growing regions were investigated for their effects on disease incidence, measured as the proportion of fields with ≥1% severity, after inoculation of a single potato grid cell with a low initial level of disease. The most effective spatial strategies for suppressing disease spread in a region were those that reduced the acreage of potato or increased the proportion of a resistant potato cultivar. Clustering potato cultivation in some parts of a region, either by planting in large fields or clustering small fields, enhanced the spread within such a cluster while it delayed spread from one cluster to another; however, the net effect of clustering was an increase in disease at the landscape scale. The planting of mixtures of a resistant and susceptible cultivar was a consistently effective option for creating potato-growing regions that suppressed disease spread. It was more effective to mix susceptible and resistant cultivars within fields than plant some fields entirely with a susceptible cultivar and other fields with a resistant cultivar, at the same ratio of susceptible to resistant potato plants at the landscape level. Separation distances of at least 16 km were needed to completely prevent epidemic spread from one potato-growing region to another. Effects of spatial placement of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars depended strongly on meteorological conditions, indicating that landscape connectivity for the spread of plant disease depends on the particular coincidence between direction of spread, location of fields, distance between the fields, and survival of the spores depending on the weather. Therefore, in the simulation of (airborne) pathogen invasions, it is important to consider the large variability of atmospheric dispersion conditions.  相似文献   

Azole resistance in human fungal pathogens has increased over the past twenty years, especially in immunocompromised patients. Similarities between medical and agricultural azoles, and extensive azole (14α‐demethylase inhibitor, DMI) use in crop protection, prompted speculation that resistance in patients with aspergillosis originated in the environment. Aspergillus species, and especially Aspergillus fumigatus, are the largest cause of patient deaths from fungi. Azole levels in soils following crop spraying, and differences in sensitivity between medical and agricultural azoles (DMIs), indicate weaker selection in cropping systems than in patients receiving azole therapy. Most fungi have just one CYP51 paralogue (isozyme CYP51B), but in Aspergillus sp. mutations conferring azole resistance are largely confined to a second paralogue, CYP51A. Binding within the active centre is similar for medical and agricultural azoles but differences elsewhere between the two paralogues may ensure selection depends on the DMI used on crops. Two imidazoles, imazalil and prochloraz, have been widely used since the early 1970s, yet unlike triazoles they have not been linked to resistance in patients. Evidence that DMIs are the origin, or increase the frequency, of azole resistance in human fungal pathogens is lacking. Limiting DMI use would have serious impacts on disease control in many crops, and remove key tools in anti‐resistance strategies. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Mortality of pear psylla to amitraz was studied by means of bioassays. Variation between samples, temporal variation within the season in one orchard and spatial variation between Swiss regions were considered. Variation between samples was large enough to produce different Probit functions and LC50 values. Temporal and spatial variations were too small to indicate resistance. Prediction intervals of the pooled functions using bootstrapping were calculated to determine if future samples come from a population with decreased sensitivity. Probabilistic criteria on the population level were proposed for resistance.  相似文献   

Strigolactones are a class of natural and synthetic compounds that in the past decade have been exciting the scientific community not only for their intriguing biological properties but also for their potential applications in agriculture. These applications range from their use as hormones to modify and/or manage plant architecture, to their use as stimulants to induce seed germination of parasitic weeds and thus control their infestation by a reduced seed bank, to their use as ‘biostimulants’ of plant root colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, improving plant nutritional capabilities, to other still unknown effects on microbial soil communities. More recently, these compounds have also been attracting the interest of agrochemical companies. In spite of their biological attractiveness, practical applications are still greatly hampered by the low product yields obtainable by plant root exudates, by the costs of their synthesis, by the lack of knowledge of their off‐target effects and by the not yet specified or properly identified legislation that could regulate the use of these compounds, depending on the agricultural purposes. The aim of this article is to discuss, in the light of current knowledge, the different scenarios that might play out in the near future with regard to the practical application of strigolactones. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A system to grow tomato plants infected by Meloidogyne javanica under constant temperatures of 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 °C was developed and used to assess how temperature and the application of the biological control bacterium Pasteuria penetrans affected plant growth, the nematode population and endospore production. Each plant was inoculated with 300 second‐stage juveniles (J2) with four or five spores of P. penetrans attached to their cuticles or with 300 nematodes without P. penetrans. Increasing soil temperature increased tomato growth, the number of endospores per female, and the number of galls of M. javanica at the end of 38 days. Increasing temperatures up to 27 °C also increased the number of egg masses produced by M. javanica. Presence of P. penetrans reduced the numbers of galls and egg masses at all temperatures by up to 52.2% and 61.4% at 27 and 30 °C, respectively. Pasteuria penetrans reduced the M. javanica population even at soil temperatures of 18 and 21 °C. However, temperatures of 27 and 30 °C enhanced nematode control and the production of P. penetrans endospores is faster. The system developed in this work is simple and efficient for growing plants under constant temperatures and can be used for different purposes.  相似文献   

Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass, downy brome) is an important invader in western North America, dominating millions of hectares of former semi‐arid shrubland. Stand failure or ‘die‐off’ is relatively common in monocultures of this annual grass. The study reported here investigated whether soil‐borne pathogens could be causal agents in die‐offs. Soils from two die‐off areas and adjacent B. tectorum stands were used in a glasshouse experiment with sterilised and non‐sterilised treatments. Soil sterilisation did not increase emergence, which averaged 80% in both die‐off and non‐die‐off soils. Seedling biomass was higher in die‐off soils, probably due to increased nitrogen availability. Fusarium was isolated from 80% of killed seeds in non‐sterilised soil treatments. In pathogenicity tests with 16 Fusarium isolates, host seeds incubated under water stress (?1.5MPa for 1 week prior to transfer to free water) suffered over twice the mortality of seeds incubated directly in free water (25–83% with water stress vs. 5–43% without water stress). These results suggest that soil‐borne Fusarium could play a role in B. tectorum stand failure in the field, but that low water stress conditions in the glasshouse experiment were not conducive to high levels of disease. Pathogenic Fusarium isolates were obtained from seeds planted in both die‐off and non‐die‐off soils, suggesting that microenvironmental factors that affect levels of water stress might be as important as relative abundance of soil‐borne pathogens in mediating spatial patterns of disease incidence in the field.  相似文献   

The flagellins purified from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci induce a hypersensitive reaction in nonhost tomato cells. To investigate the role of flagella and flagellin in the compatible interaction, we generated two types of flagella-defective mutant. The fliC mutant lost the fliC gene that encodes flagellin protein, whereas the fliD mutant lost the fliD gene that encodes HAP2-capping protein. The two mutants had markedly reduced ability to cause disease symptoms in tobacco leaves. Furthermore, propagation of the mutants in tobacco leaves was less than that in wild-type pv. tabaci. Compared to the inoculation with wild-type pv. tabaci, inoculation with the two mutants did not markedly induce the expression of typical defense response-related genes such as PAL and hsr203J. Complementation of each fliC and fliD gene to the corresponding deficient mutant restored motility and virulence. These results indicate that flagella of P. syringae pv. tabaci are indispensable organelles for complete virulence on host tobacco plants.  相似文献   

Blackleg, caused by a complex of Leptosphaeria species (L. maculans and L. biglobosa), is a fungal disease on Brassica species, especially important in canola (Brassica napus). Since the first report of L. biglobosa in Iran in 2007 and L. maculans in 2008, both species are now of major importance in Iran affecting 10 provinces and 30 regions, with a higher prevalence in the northern provinces of Mazandaran and Golestan. Despite the rapid progression of the disease and the emergence of new Leptosphaeria races in Iran, the research into this pathogen has not progressed at the same rate and is limited to phenotypic characterization studies, pathogenicity research, and to a lesser extent, disease management research. Given the rapid increase in canola cultivation in Iran and changes in the genetic diversity of the pathogen populations, it is likely that blackleg disease will increasingly become a severe threat to Iran’s canola production. Therefore, systematic and prospective studies, along with fundamental research on the pathogen's biology, epidemiology, and genetic diversity, would provide critical information for the development of disease management strategies. Here, we review the research that has been carried out to date on blackleg disease in Iran and describe the extent of progress towards disease control, especially in disease-prone regions.  相似文献   

During the past years, nrDNA ITS sequences have supported the identification of many powdery mildew fungi because comprehensive analyses showed that differences in these sequences have always correlated with the delimitation of different species and formae speciales of the Erysiphales. Published data, obtained using direct sequencing of the PCR products, suggested that even one to five nucleotide differences in the ITS sequences delimit different, albeit closely related, species, and/or indicate differences in host range patterns. Here we show that such differences in the ITS sequences can be detected even in a single sample of a powdery mildew fungus. We sequenced the ITS region in 17 samples, representing six powdery mildew species, both directly and after cloning the PCR products. Among these, samples of O. longipes exhibited two or three, samples of O. neolycopersici three or four, those of an Oidium sp. from Chelidonium majus up to seven, and a sample of another Oidium sp. from Passiflora caerulea two different ITS types determined after cloning. No ITS nucleotide polymorphisms were found in samples of O. lycopersici and Erysiphe aquilegiae. This suggests that some powdery mildew taxa are more variable at the ITS level than others. Thus, although the ITS sequences determined by direct sequencing represent robust data useful in delimitation and phylogenetic analysis of distinct species of the Erysiphales, these need to be used with precaution, and preferably determined after cloning, especially when dealing with closely related taxa at species and sub-species levels. With this method a hitherto undetected genetic diversity of powdery mildews can be revealed.  相似文献   

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