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为探明安徽省直播冬油菜种植中适宜的氮肥用量、氮肥种类和施氮方式,通过田间小区试验,研究尿素不同用量及等氮量尿素和控释尿素不同施用方式对直播冬油菜产量、氮肥累积量及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:施氮水平和施氮方式对直播冬油菜产量具有显著影响,成株率与产量之间呈显著正相关,施氮量180 kg N·hm-2条件下,尿素分次施用处理(N180)和控释尿素一次性施用处理(CRU180)在生育中后期能有效提高直播冬油菜密度。施氮量240 kg N·hm-2、尿素分次施用处理(N240)角壳和茎秆氮素累积量分配比例增加,籽粒分配比例减少,氮肥表观利用率、氮肥农学效率、氮肥生理效率和氮肥偏生产力显著降低,籽粒产量不增反降,较CRU180和N180分别降低2.87%和9.67%。各施氮处理中,N180处理产量最高,较其他施氮处理显著增产7.53%~82.15%。施氮量180 kg N·hm-2条件下,相比尿素一次性施用处理(U180),CRU180和N180显著增产8.53%和16.69%,籽粒氮素累积量显著增加8.80%和16.02%,氮肥表观利用率显著增加11.68%和14.30%,氮素农学效率显著增加12.53%和24.46%,氮素生理效率增加0.74%和9.13%,氮肥偏生产力显著增加8.59%和16.76%。综合本试验直播冬油菜产量、氮素累积量和氮肥利用率结果来看,合理的氮肥用量和氮肥品种可以有效增加直播冬油菜的成株率和氮素累积量,进而增加产量、提高氮肥利用率。安徽省直播冬油菜施氮量180 kg N·hm-2,尿素分次施用和控释尿素一次性施用,均能达到产量和氮肥利用率的双向提升。考虑到直播冬油菜轻简化发展大趋势,建议采用控释尿素一次性基施。  相似文献   

油菜专用控释尿素用量对冬油菜产量和氮素吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
【目的】明确不同冬油菜种植区域油菜专用控释尿素用量对冬油菜产量和氮素吸收的影响,验证油菜专用控释尿素一次性施用的可行性和适宜用量,为指导冬油菜轻简化生产提供依据。【方法】于2015-2016年分别开展油菜专用控释尿素静水释放试验和田间埋袋养分释放以及控释尿素用量施用效果田间试验。油菜专用控释尿素用量试验布置于冬油菜3个主产地区--湖南衡阳、江西九江和湖北武穴。试验共设5个氮肥用量梯度,分别为0、60、120、180和240 kg N·hm-2,探究油菜专用控释尿素对不同区域冬油菜产量和氮素吸收的影响。【结果】田间埋袋试验结果表明,油菜专用控释尿素的缓释期在150 d左右,累积释放量为83.4%,与冬油菜氮素需求吻合。施用油菜专用控释尿素可以调控收获密度,增加冬油菜的单株角果数和每角粒数。与不施氮处理相比,单株角果数、每角粒数分别增加15.0-81.5角/株和0.2-2.4粒/角,收获密度随氮肥用量增加或降低协调群体与个体。3个产地的籽粒产量均在施氮量达到180 kg N·hm-2时最高,分别较不施氮增产1 118、1 088和2 049 kg·hm-2。用线性加平台模型拟合的最佳控释尿素用量,湖南衡阳、江西九江和湖北武穴分别为174、180和192 kg N·hm-2。油菜专用控释尿素施用显著增加地上部生物量、氮素含量和氮素积累量。在收获期时,随氮肥用量增加,茎秆中的氮素分配比例逐渐增加,籽粒中氮素积累分配比例减小,而角壳的氮素分配比例保持在10%左右。不同时期氮肥利用率存在差异,苗期最小,花期最大,收获期居中,分别为19.20%-23.45%、50.69%-56.89%和39.39%-46.71%。苗期和花期的氮肥利用率随着施氮量的增加,出现先增加后降低的趋势,在控释尿素用量为180 kg N·hm-2时达到最大;收获期的氮肥利用率随着施氮量的增加呈降低趋势。【结论】油菜专用控释尿素一次性施用可以增加油菜各生育时期的氮素吸收、促进油菜生长发育,提高收获密度、单株角果数和每角粒数,增加油菜产量。不同冬油菜主产区所需专用控释尿素推荐用量差异不大,平均为180 kg N·hm-2。  相似文献   

安徽省冬油菜的施肥现状及肥料利用率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 冬油菜是我国重要的油料作物,合理施肥是保证冬油菜产量的重要措施。明确当前冬油菜的施肥现状和存在问题指导科学施肥。【方法】 以安徽省冬油菜种植为例,于2017—2018年在全省冬油菜主产区进行农户抽样调查,调查内容包括:肥料品种、肥料用量、施肥方式、种植面积和产量水平。根据调查结果进行统计分析当前油菜种植过程中的施肥情况,并以全省冬油菜平均产量和平均施肥量为基准,采用Cate-Nelson方法(十字交叉法)评估冬油菜氮、磷和钾肥施用与油菜产量的关系,以此探索冬油菜种植中施肥增产增效的主要途径。【结果】 调查结果表明,安徽省油菜种植中均施用了化肥,施用有机肥农户比例为59.0%。全省化学氮、磷和钾肥平均用量为160、63和65 kg·hm-2。总的来说,全省化肥平均用量更加趋于合理化,但是施肥分级结果表明全省依然存在氮、磷和钾肥施肥不足和过量的现象。全省化肥施用方式以人工施肥为主,机械化施肥比例较低。Cate-Nelson分析方法结果表明,全省仅有23.8%、20.2%和21.0%农户在冬油菜种植中实现了氮、磷、钾肥高产高效。这说明全省冬油菜种植中增产增效还有很大的空间。【结论】 总的来说,安徽省冬油菜种植中化肥平均用量趋于合理化,但是在施肥方式、养分运筹和肥料品种上面还存在问题。在施肥方式上机械化施肥比例不足,仅为38.8%;在养分运筹上,虽然氮肥用量普遍实现了分次施用,但是以施用两次为主,与油菜养分吸收规律不匹配。除此之外,在施肥品种上存在偏施化肥,有机替代和轻简化施肥比例较低。  相似文献   

华中区域直播冬油菜临界氮浓度稀释曲线的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确华中区域直播冬油菜的氮素稀释曲线模型及其适用性,探讨以氮素营养指数评价油菜氮素营养状况的可行性。【方法】通过2015—2016和2016—2017两个年度设置的不同氮肥用量(2015—2016年度氮肥用量为0、60、120、180和240 kg N·hm -2,2016—2017年度氮肥用量为0、60、120、180、240、300和360 kg N·hm -2)的田间试验,研究不同氮肥用量下从苗期到花期油菜各生育时期地上部生物量和植株氮素含量变化,建立直播冬油菜地上部临界氮素浓度稀释曲线模型。并利用该模型和植株氮素含量计算氮素营养指数,明确氮肥用量对油菜植株各个时期氮素营养指数的影响,探究油菜产量和氮素营养指数的关系,确定各时期适宜的氮素营养指数。 【结果】氮肥施用显著增加油菜地上部生物量和氮素含量,不同氮肥处理间差异显著。直播冬油菜地上部临界氮素浓度和地上部生物量符合幂指数的关系(Ncnc=3.49DM -0.26)。该模型可以将独立的两个试验的氮限制和非氮限制组数据区分开,模型拟合的氮素浓度和植株实际氮素浓度线性相关,RMSE和n-RMSE分别为0.37和13%,模型具有较好的稳定性。在试验氮肥用量范围内,各点不同时期氮素营养指数随氮肥用量的增加而增加,且氮素营养指数对氮肥用量的响应与产量相似。氮肥施用显著增加油菜产量,尽管不同试验点直播冬油菜产量对氮肥用量的响应存在差异,但各点相对产量和不同时期的氮素营养指数均呈一元二次曲线关系,各生育时期氮素营养指数可以准确地反映油菜氮素营养状况。直播冬油菜相对产量为1时,越冬期、薹期和花期的氮素营养指数分别为1.35、1.26和1.03。 【结论】油菜氮素稀释曲线模型Ncnc=3.49DM -0.26和氮营养指数能够评价华中区域直播冬油菜氮素营养状况,用于植株氮素诊断。  相似文献   

Excessive nitrogen(N) fertilization with a high basal N ratio in wheat can result in lower N use efficiency(NUE) and has led to environmental problems in the Yangtze River Basin, China. However, wheat requires less N fertilizer at seedling growth stage, and its basal N fertilizer utilization efficiency is relatively low; therefore, reducing the N application rate at the seedling stage and postponing the N fertilization period may be effective for reducing N application and increasing wheat yield and NUE. A 4-year field experiment was conducted with two cultivars under four N rates(240 kg N ha–1(N240), 180 kg N ha–1(N180), 150 kg N ha–1(N150), and 0 kg N ha–1(N0)) and three basal N application stages(seeding(L0), fourleaf stage(L4), and six-leaf stage(L6)) to investigate the effects of reducing the basal N application rate and postponing the basal N fertilization period on grain yield, NUE, and N balance in a soil-wheat system. There was no significant difference in grain yield between the N180 L4 and N240 L0(control) treatments, and the maximum N recovery efficiency and N agronomy efficiency were observed in the N180 L4 treatment. Grain yield and NUE were the highest in the L4 treatment. The leaf area index, flag leaf photosynthesis rate, flag leaf nitrate reductase and glutamine synthase activities, dry matter accumulation, and N uptake post-jointing under N180 L4 did not differ significantly from those under N240 L0. Reduced N application decreased the inorganic N content in the 0–60-cm soil layer, and the inorganic N content of the L6 treatment was higher than those of the L0 and L4 treatments at the same N level. Surplus N was low under the reduced N rates and delayed basal N application treatments. Therefore, postponing and reducing basal N fertilization could maintain a high yield and improve NUE by improving the photosynthetic production capacity, promoting N uptake and assimilation, and reducing surplus N in soil-wheat systems.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 2008-2010 to investigate the effects of NPK fertilization on seed yield and economic benefit of a new hybrid cultivar of winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.)- Xiangzayou763,and to determine the optimum NPK ratio and dose in Hunan,China.The results showed that NPK ratio(1:0.50:0.50) with 180 kg/hm2 N,90 kg/hm~2 P_2O_5 and 90 kg/hm~2 K_2O was the optimum combination for the highest seed yield(2 231.13 kg/hm2) and economic benefit(9 816.97 Yuan/hm~2),of which 1 641.23 Yuan/hm~2 being set for fertilizer investment(VCR=4.11).Besides,the effects of N,P and K fertilizers on seed yield and oil production of winter oilseed rape were not identical.N had the greatest effect on plant growth of winter oilseed rape,followed by P and K.Total leaf number,green leaf number,leaf length and width,rhizome diameter,branch number,dry weight per plant and other agronomic characters in high N treatments were higher than those in low N treatments.By correlation and path analysis of yield components,the contribution rate to seed yield was found:effective silique number per plant>seed number per silique>1 000-seed weight.  相似文献   

我国冬油菜典型种植区域土壤养分现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确当前生产条件下我国长江流域冬油菜典型种植区域土壤肥力现状,尤其是土壤中微量元素养分含量,以期为冬油菜合理施肥提供参考。【方法】于2018年4—5月在我国长江流域14个省(市)冬油菜典型种植区域采集油菜收获后耕层土壤样品430个,测定土壤基础理化性质(土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾和pH)以及中微量元素(有效钙、镁、硫、铁、锰、铜、锌和硼)含量,参考第二次全国土壤普查以及油菜种植土壤速效磷、速效钾和有效硼的分级指标,明确我国长江流域冬油菜主产区油菜种植土壤养分现状,并分析了不同区域(长江上游、中游和下游)、种植制度(水旱轮作油菜和旱地油菜)和产量水平(<2 000 kg·hm-2、2 000—3 000 kg·hm-2和>3 000 kg·hm-2)下油菜种植土壤的养分分布特征。【结果】长江流域冬油菜典型种植区域耕层土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、pH、有效钙、有效镁、有效硫、有效铁、有效锰、有效铜、有效锌和有效硼平均含量分别为25.9 g·kg-1、1.47 g·kg  相似文献   

Improving both grain yield and resource use efficiencies simultaneously is a major challenge in rice production. However, few studies have focused on integrating dense planting with delayed and reduced nitrogen application to enhance grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and radiation use efficiency (RUE) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the double rice cropping system in South China. A high-yielding indica hybrid rice cultivar (Yliangyou 143) was grown in field experiments in Guangxi, South China, with three cultivation managements: farmers’ practice (FP), dense planting with equal N input and delayed N application (DPEN) and dense planting with reduced N input and delayed N application (DPRN). The grain yields of DPRN reached 10.6 and 9.78 t ha–1 in the early and late cropping seasons, respectively, which were significantly higher than the corresponding yields of FP by 23.9–29.9%. The grain yields in DPEN and DPRN were comparable. NUE in DPRN reached 65.2–72.9 kg kg–1, which was 61.2–74.1% higher than that in FP and 24.6–30.2% higher than that in DPEN. RUE in DPRN achieved 1.60–1.80 g MJ–1, which was 28.6–37.9% higher than that in FP. The productive tiller percentage in DPRN was 7.9–36.2% higher than that in DPEN. Increases in crop growth rate, leaf area duration, N uptake from panicle initiation to heading and enhancement of the apparent transformation ratio of dry weight from stems and leaf sheaths to panicles all contributed to higher grain yield and higher resource use efficiencies in DPRN. Correlation analysis revealed that the agronomic and physiological traits mentioned above were significantly and positively correlated with grain yield. Comparison trials carried out in Guangdong in 2018 and 2019 also showed that DPRN performed better than DPEN. We conclude that DPRN is a feasible approach for simultaneously increasing grain yield, NUE and RUE in the double rice cropping system in South China.  相似文献   

长江流域水稻-油菜轮作体系氮肥增产增效综合调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江流域是我国水稻、油菜主要产区,水稻-油菜轮作是主要种植模式。施肥是维持和提升轮作系统生产力的物质基础,肥料尤其是氮肥的施用对提高产量起着至关重要的作用,但过量或不合理施用不仅造成作物抗逆能力弱、氮肥利用率低、品质和经济效益差,而且导致养分在环境中累积,影响大气、水体质量和人畜健康。本文针对长江流域水稻-油菜轮作体系耕层土壤碳氮含量低,氮肥用量高、损失严重、氮肥利用率低的问题,通过水稻-油菜轮作体系周年养分运筹、土壤碳氮协同调控、缓/控释肥料施用对氮损失的阻控、施肥方法的改进、高产高效栽培等技术协同优化建立综合调控模式,以期为长江流域水稻-油菜轮作体系氮肥增产增效提供理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

【目的】合理施肥是保证和维持油菜产量的关键。面对目前集约化的种植管理模式,肥料的粗放管理和施用势必造成养分效率的下降,从而影响油菜产量。本研究通过比较长江流域冬油菜种植区域农民习惯施肥与推荐施肥的产量和养分利用效率差异,为冬油菜肥料合理施用、提高肥料利用效率提供策略。【方法】选取2005—2016年长江流域(包括四川、贵州、湖北、湖南、安徽、江苏和浙江7个省份)的535个油菜田间试验,分析不施肥(CK)、农民习惯施肥(FP)和推荐施肥(RF)处理间以及长江流域各区域间的油菜产量和产量分布特征,比较不同施肥处理的增产效果,以及氮、磷、钾肥料用量和偏生产力的差异,计算RF处理与FP处理间施肥量的差值,评估长江流域氮、磷、钾肥的减施潜力。【结果】长江流域CK处理冬油菜产量主要分布在500—1 500 kg·hm~(-2),FP处理主要分布在1 500—3 000 kg·hm~(-2),RF处理最高,集中在2 000—3 000 kg·hm~(-2),土壤基础地力对RF处理油菜产量的贡献率为45.1%—49.7%;3个不同处理在区域间油菜的平均产量均表现为长江下游中游上游。长江上、中、下游FP处理油菜产量均值分别为2 033、2 182和2 542 kg·hm~(-2),RF处理油菜产量较FP分别增产16.7%、16.5%和13.9%,增产点比例达77.5%—94.9%。随着地力水平的提升,各个处理油菜增产率均表现出逐渐下降的趋势,RF处理在不同地力水平下亦呈现出明显的优势。比较RF与FP处理施肥量发现,长江流域FP处理施肥量均值为162.5—239.5 kg N·hm~(-2)、58.6—82.0 kg P_2O_5·hm~(-2)和45.5—60.8 kg K_2O·hm~(-2),而RF处理施肥量均值则为162.2—233.6 kg N·hm~(-2)、67.2—94.1 kg P_2O_5·hm~(-2)和73.6—108.5 kg K_2O·hm~(-2),两种施肥处理氮肥用量未表现出显著的差异,FP处理磷、钾肥用量偏低。与RF处理相比,PF处理氮肥可减施的点位比例最大,长江流域45.6%的点位能够减氮,25.6%的点位可以减磷,钾肥减施点位的比例仅为13.2%。同时,需要增施氮、磷、钾肥的比例分别为37.8%、60.0%和75.9%。区域间肥料用量以长江下游适宜点位比例最大,氮、磷、钾肥适宜用量的点位比例分别为25.0%、22.8%和17.1%。长江流域FP处理的氮、磷、钾肥偏生产力均值分别为11.1—14.2、28.6—45.8和38.3—47.6 kg·kg~(-1)。RF在FP处理的基础上提高了氮肥偏生产力12.9%—15.9%,但与其他发达国家相比仍处于较低水平;而RF处理的磷、钾偏生产力与FP相比有所下降,平均降低幅度分别为6.9%和19.6%,也表明目前推荐的施肥量仍然存在减肥的空间。【结论】与农民习惯施肥相比,推荐施肥显著增加了油菜产量,且农民习惯的肥料用量存在较大的调整空间。  相似文献   

菜籽油是我国居民主要食用的优质植物油之一,而黄淮及其以北冬油菜区也是我国重要油菜产区之一,但该区冬春干旱和冷冻制约着油菜的高产稳产,加上种管粗放,产量低而效益不高,影响农民种植的积极性。对此我们通过多年的试验调查研究,总结出北方油菜安全越冬的主要栽培措施:以抗旱保墒为中心,早耕整地,选好抗旱耐寒品种;9月中旬至10月上旬播种,667 m~2留苗3万~4万株;纯氮10~12 kg,五氧化二磷5~6 kg,氧化钾5 kg,硼砂约0.5 kg;在6叶期喷施多效唑,防止缩颈延伸,培育壮苗。采用沟播、培土、灌越冬水、防治病虫害、实施全程机械化种植等,以减轻冻害、稳定产量、提高效益。  相似文献   

【目的】杂草是限制油菜丰产的重要因素之一,养分的合理管理对杂草防控起到关键作用。本研究在大田条件下,探究氮、磷、钾肥施用量对油菜与杂草生物量及养分竞争的影响,为生态控草和农业可持续发展提供依据。【方法】在湖北省武穴市开展田间试验,采用单因素试验设计,设置氮(0、90、180和270 kg N·hm-2,分别用N0、N1、N2和N3表示)、磷(0、45、90和135 kg P2O5·hm-2,分别用P0、P1、P2和P3表示)、钾(0、60、120和180 kg K2O·hm-2,分别用K0、K1、K2和K3表示)各4个不同用量梯度田间试验。在油菜成熟期,测定油菜籽产量、油菜和杂草的生物量及相应的养分含量,计算养分积累量,分析油菜与杂草的养分竞争关系及其对肥料用量的响应。【结果】施肥显著提高油菜籽产量、地上部总生物量和相应的养分积累量,在氮、磷、钾3种养分中,油菜生长和养分吸收对缺磷最敏感。N0、P0和K0处理的油菜籽产量分别为560、227和1 490 k...  相似文献   

Intercropping is an important agronomic practice. However, assessment of intercropping systems using field experiments is often limited by time and cost. In this study, the suitability of using the DeNitrification DeComposition(DNDC) model to simulate intercropping of maize(Zea mays L.) and soybean(Glycine max L.) and its aftereffect on the succeeding wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) crop was tested in the North China Plain. First, the model was calibrated and corroborated to simulate crop yield and nitrogen(N) uptake based on a field experiment with a typical double cropping system. With a wheat crop in winter, the experiment included five treatments in summer: maize monoculture, soybean monoculture, intercropping of maize and soybean with no N topdressing to maize(N0), intercropping of maize and soybean with 75 kg N ha~(–1) topdressing to maize(N75), and intercropping of maize and soybean with 180 kg N ha~(–1) topdressing to maize(N180). All treatments had 45 kg N ha~(–1) as basal fertilizer. After calibration and corroboration, DNDC was used to simulate long-term(1955 to 2012) treatment effects on yield. Results showed that DNDC could stringently capture the yield and N uptake of the intercropping system under all N management scenarios, though it tended to underestimate wheat yield and N uptake under N0 and N75. Long-term simulation results showed that N75 led to the highest maize and soybean yields per unit planting area among all treatments, increasing maize yield by 59% and soybean yield by 24%, resulting in a land utilization rate 42% higher than monoculture. The results suggest a high potential to promote soybean production by intercropping soybean with maize in the North China Plain, which will help to meet the large national demand for soybean.  相似文献   

为研究种植密度与施氮量对机采棉冠层叶面积指数、透光率和果枝长度等的影响,采用裂区试验设计,主区设2个种植密度D18(18万株/hm~2)和D24(24万株/hm~2),副区设4个施氮量N0(0kg/hm~2)、N170(170kg/hm~2)、N320(320kg/hm~2)和N470(470kg/hm~2)。结果表明,同一施氮量下,随种植密度增大,单株结铃数、单铃重与衣分减小,冠层上、中和下部叶面积指数增大,冠层上、中和下部果枝长度呈先降后增的趋势,冠层开度降低,冠层上、中和下部单铃重逐渐降低。同一种植密度下,当种植密度为D18时,随施氮量的增加,单株结铃数、单铃重、衣分、籽棉产量、皮棉产量、DIFN、冠层上、中和下部叶面积指数及果枝长度均呈上升趋势,表现为N470N320N170N0,种植密度D24条件下呈先升后降的趋势,表现为N320N470N170N0。D24N320处理虽然较最高籽棉产量略低,但差异不显著,其增产率及氮肥农学利用效率最高,在减少氮肥投入量的同时也减轻了由此产生的环境污染。因此,当种植密度为24万株/hm~2、施氮量为320kg/hm~2是本试验条件下最理想的种植密度与施氮量。  相似文献   

Under the limited cultivated land area and the pursuit of sustainable agricultural development,it is essential for the safety of grain production to study agricultural management approaches on narrowing the winter wheat yield gap and improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in China.In this study,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat Model is used to simulate winter wheat yield under different agricultural treatments,and we analyze yield gaps and NUE with different management scenarios at regional scales and evaluate the suitable approaches for reducing yield gap and increasing NUE.The results show that,the potential of narrowing yield gap ranges 300–900 kg ha~(–1) with soil nutrients increase,400–1 200 kg ha~(–1) with sowing date adjustment and 0–400 kg ha~(–1) with planting density increase as well as 700–2 200 kg ha~(–1) with adding nitrogen fertilizer.Contribution rates of management measures of soil nutrients,sowing date adjusting,planting density,and nitrogen fertilizers are 5–15%,5–15%,0–4%,and 10–20%,respectively.Difference in nitrogen partial productivity ranges 3–10 kg kg~(–1) for soil nutrients,1–10 kg kg~(–1) for sowing date adjusting,1–5 kg kg~(–1) for planting density increase,and–12–0 kg kg~(–1) for adding nitrogen fertilizers,respectively.It indicates that four treatments can narrow yield gap and improve the NUE in varying degrees,but increasing nitrogen fertilizer leads to the decrease of NUE.  相似文献   

[目的]分析氮肥对不同冬油菜品种越冬期营养生长和氮素吸收的影响。[方法]连续两年(2009-2011)田间试验,以早熟品种中油116和中晚熟品种中油杂12号为材料,设5种氮肥用量(0,90,180,270,360kg/hm2)。在越冬期对油菜干重,根系和地上部氮含量及比例,叶片硝酸还原酶活性进行测定,并对籽粒产量进行考查。[结果]中油116在施氮量从0增加到180kg/hm2时,地上部干重迅速增加;而在施氮量从180kg/hm2增加到360kg/hm2时,地上部干重缓慢增加。中油杂12号的地上部干重随施氮量的增加呈单峰曲线变化,在270kg/hm2时达到最大值。当施氮量从90kg/hm2到180kg/hm2时,地上部和根中的氮含量及比例均迅速增加,并且中油杂12号根中的氮含量及比例高于中油116。两个品种的硝酸还原酶活性在施氮量从90kg/hm2到180kg/hm2时增加最为明显。[结论]合理施用氮肥能够显著增加不同熟期油菜品种越冬期的干重及氮素吸收,并提高油菜产量。  相似文献   

In 2010, Chinese maize yields increased from 961.5 kg ha?1 in 1949 to 5 453.8 kg ha?1. This increase is the result of genetic improvements, an increase in nitrogen application, and refinement of planting densities. The objective of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for maize production research by analyzing the maize yield gain characteristics. Six varieties of maize were selected for the study; each selection is representative of a typical or commonly used maize variety from a specific decade, beginning from the 1950s and continuing through each decade into the 2000s. The selections and their corresponding decade were as follows: Baihe, 1950s; Jidan 101, 1960s; Zhongdan 2, 1970s; Yedan 13, 1980s; Zhengdan 958, 1990s; and Xianyu 335, 2000s. Each variety was planted under four different densities (37 500, 52 500, 67 500, and 82 500 plants ha?1) and four different nitrogen applications (0, 150, 225, and 300 kg ha?1) to study the effects on yield gain characteristics. The obtained results demonstrated that there was a maize yield increase of 123.19% between the 1950s variety and the 2000s variety. Modern Chinese maize varieties had a higher yield advantage. They also displayed the additional potential to acquire higher yield under increased planting densities and nitrogen applications. At the present cultivation levels (planting at 67 500 plants ha?1 with 225 kg ha?1 nitrogen application), the contribution types and corresponding yield increase percentages were as follows: genetic improvement, 45.37%; agronomic-management improvement, 30.94%; and genotype× agronomic-management interaction, 23.69%. At high-yielding cultivation levels (planting at 82 500 plants ha?1 with 300 kg ha?1 nitrogen application), the contribution types and corresponding yield increase percentages were as follows: genetic improvement, 31.30%; agronomic-management improvement, 36.23%; and genotype × agronomic-management interaction, 32.47%. The contribution of agronomic-management and genotype × agronomic-management interaction to yield increase would be larger with the corresponding management improvement. To further increase maize grain yield in China, researchers should further examine the effects of agronomic-management on maize yield and the adaptation of variety to agronomic-management.  相似文献   

With an increasing population and changing diet structure, summer maize is increasingly becoming an important energy crop in China. However, traditional farmer practices for maize production are inefficient and unsustainable. To ensure food security and sustainable development of summer maize production in China, an improved, more sustainable farmer management system is needed. Establishing this system requires a comprehensive understanding of the limitations of current farming practice and the ways it could be improved. In our study, 235 plots from three villages in the North China Plain(NCP) were monitored. Maize production on farms was evaluated; our results showed that the maize yield and nitrogen partial factor productivity(PFP_N) were variable on smallholder farms at 6.6~(–1)3.7 t ha~(–1) and 15.4–88.7 kg kg~(–1), respectively.Traditional farming practices also have a large environmental impact(nitrogen surplus: –64.2–323.78 kg ha~(–1)). Key yield components were identified by agronomic diagnosis. Grain yield depend heavily on grain numbers per hectare rather than on the 1 000-grain weight. A set of improved management practices(IP) for maize production was designed by employing a boundary line(BL) approach and tested on farms. Results showed that the IP could increase yield by 18.4% and PFP_N by 31.1%, compared with traditional farmer practices(FP), and reduce the nitrogen(N) surplus by 57.9 kg ha~(–1). However,in terms of IP effect, there was a large heterogeneity among different smallholder farmers' fields, meaning that, precise technologies were needed in different sites especially for N fertilizer management. Our results are valuable for policymakers and smallholder farmers for meeting the objectives of green development in agricultural production.  相似文献   

North China Plain(NCP) is the primary winter wheat production region in China, characterized by smallholder farming systems. Whereas the winter wheat average yield of smallholder farmers is currently low, the yield potential and limiting factors driving the current yield gap remain unclear. Therefore, increasing the wheat yield in NCP is essential for the national food security. This study monitored wheat yield, management practices and soil nutrient data in 132 farmers' fields of Xushui County, Baoding City, Hebei Province during 2014–2016. These data were analyzed using variance and path analysis to determine the yield gap and the contribution of yield components(i.e., spikes per hectare, grain number per spike and 1 000-grain weight) to wheat yield. Then, the limiting factors of yield components and the optimizing strategies were identified by a boundary line approach. The results showed that the attainable potential yield for winter wheat was 10 514 kg ha~(–1). The yield gaps varied strongly between three yield groups(i.e., high, middle and low), which were divided by yield level and contained 44 farmers in each group, and amounted to 2 493, 1 636 and 814 kg ha~(–1), respectively. For the three yield components, only spikes per hectare was significantly different(P0.01) among the three yield groups. For all 132 farmers' fields, correlation between yield and spikes per hectare(r=0.51, P0.01), was significantly positive, while correlations with grain number per spike(r=–0.16) and 1 000-grain weight(r=–0.10) were not significant. The path analysis also showed that the spikes per hectare of winter wheat were the most important component to the wheat yield. Boundary line analysis showed that seeding date was the most limiting factor of spikes per hectare with the highest contribution rate(26.7%), followed by basal N input(22.1%) and seeding rate(14.5%), which indicated that management factors in the seeding step were the most important for affecting spikes per hectare. For desired spikes per hectare(6.598×10~6 ha~(–1)),the seeding rate should range from 210–300 kg ha~(–1), seeding date should range from 3th to 8th October, and basal N input should range from 90~(–1)80 kg ha~(–1). Compared to these reasonable ranges of management measures, most of the farmers' practices were not suitable, and both lower and higher levels of management existed. It is concluded that the strategies for optimizing yield components could be achieved by improving wheat seeding quality and optimizing farmers' nutrient management practices in the NCP.  相似文献   

Soil management practices affect rhizosphere microorganisms and enzyme activities, which in turn influence soil ecosystem processes. The objective of this study was to explore the effects of different nitrogen application rates on wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) rhizosphere soil microorganisms and enzyme activities, and their temporal variations in relation to soil fertility under supplemental irrigation conditions in a fluvo-aquic region. For this, we established a split-plot experiment for two consecutive years(2014–2015 and 2015–2016) in the field with three levels of soil moisture: water deficit to no irrigation(W1), medium irrigation to(70±5)% of soil relative moisture after jointing stage(W2), and adequate irrigation to(80±5)% of soil relative moisture after jointing stage(W3); and three levels of nitrogen: 0 kg ha~(–1)(N1), 195 kg ha~(–1)(N2) and 270 kg ha~(–1)(N3). Results showed that irrigation and nitrogen application significantly increased rhizosphere microorganisms and enzyme activities. Soil microbiological properties showed different trends in response to N level; the highest values of bacteria, protease, catalase and phosphatase appeared in N2, while the highest levels of actinobacteria, fungi and urease were observed in N3. In addition, these items performed best under medium irrigation(W2) relative to W1 and W3; particularly the maximum microorganism(bacteria, actinobacteria and fungi) amounts appeared at W2, 5.37×10~7 and 6.35×10~7 CFUs g–1 higher than those at W3 in 2014–2015 and 2015–2016, respectively; and these changes were similar in both growing seasons. Microbe-related parameters fluctuated over time but their seasonality did not hamper the irrigation and fertilization-induced effects. Further, the highest grain yields of 13 309.2 and 12 885.7 kg ha~(–1) were both obtained at W2 N2 in 2014–2015 and 2015–2016, respectively. The selected properties, soil microorganisms and enzymes, were significantly correlated with wheat yield and proved to be valuable indicators of soil quality. These results clearly demonstrated that the combined treatment(W2 N2) significantly improved soil microbiological properties, soil fertility and wheat yield on the Huanghuai Plain, China.  相似文献   

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