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在阳台上水培苦苣,通过测量苦苣的形态指标、叶绿素、产量和品质等指标,以期筛选出比较适合阳台水培苦苣的营养液配方。结果表明,经郑州市蔬菜研究所的营养液配方处理的阳台水培苦苣株高、叶片数、叶面积、叶绿素含量、产量、VC含量、可溶性糖含量、总蛋白质含量均显著高于其他各处理,硝酸盐含量较低。  相似文献   

无土栽培作为新发展起来的一种栽培技术,是当今农业现代化生产技术的代表.无土栽培技术可分为多种类型,其中以水培方式最为常见.现研究不同营养液配方对水培莴苣的影响.  相似文献   

水培营养液配方对不同叶菜产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究不同水培营养液对不同类型绿叶蔬菜产量和品质的影响,寻求适合华南地区叶菜生长的营养液配方,采用穴槽无土栽培种植方式,比较了日本园试配方与霍格兰配方对苋菜、芥菜、菜心、生菜、油麦菜生长情况、产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在所有供试蔬菜种类中,使用日本园试配方的蔬菜产量显著高于霍格兰配方,株高、茎粗、叶宽、叶长等外观品质多数较霍格兰配方更具优势,且日本园试配方处理下油麦菜、菜心和苋菜的VC含量较高。因此,日本园试配方更适合华南地区小型蔬菜生产企业实际生产中单一配肥池培养多种叶菜的生产模式。  相似文献   

不同营养液配方对黄瓜营养液育苗效果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以"津优35"黄瓜为试材,研究了日本园试、山崎黄瓜、霍格兰德和施耐德、霍格兰德和阿农4种经典配方对黄瓜营养液育苗效果的影响,以期筛选出适合黄瓜营养液育苗的营养液配方。结果表明:霍格兰德和阿农配方养分含量适中,其处理黄瓜植株根系活力强、根冠比大,植株健壮,壮苗指数分别比日本园试、山崎黄瓜、霍格兰德和施耐德配方高出46.58%、13.83%和17.58%,是适合黄瓜营养液育苗的配方。  相似文献   

试验是在湖南农学院蔬菜温室中进行,供试品种,长沙刺黄瓜。试验时间:1987年3月—6月. 试验黄瓜于3月18日播种,用塑料盘盛2/3盆1号营养液(附表),盖上泡沫板,板上按8×8厘米见方打直径1.5厘米的孔,然后用大小为6×4厘米的农用薄膜将玻璃纤维象卷烟一般卷成直径为1.3厘米的圆筒(松紧适度);再将圆筒插入泡沫板孔中,下端伸入营养液中,上端露出泡沫板外,  相似文献   

水培环境配合一定设施条件,可以实现蔬菜的周年生产,增产效果显著。营养液的配制和管理是无土栽培的关键环节,本文研究了水培条件下不同营养液配方对韭菜生长发育和品质的影响。结果表明,在本试验条件下,日本千叶农试葱配方处理的韭菜产量、可溶性糖含量最高,硝酸盐含量及用肥量适中,综合评价产量、品质、成本等因素条件,日本千叶农试葱配方处理表现最优,对于促进水培韭菜的生长发育,提高其品质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

无土栽培技术是近百年来新发展起来的一种栽培技术,是当今农业现代化生产技术的代表,无土栽培技术就是不用天然土壤,而利用含有植物生长发育所必须的元素的营养液来提供营养,并使得植物能够正常地完成整个生命周期的种植技术。无土栽培技术可以分为多种类型,其中以水培方式最为常见,水培是指植物根系直接生长在营养液层中的栽培技术。水培作物一般生长周期短,复种指数高,生产经济效益高,产品质量好,具有鲜嫩,洁净,口感好,是解决蔬菜淡季供应的有效方式,可进行周年生产。水培生产的成功与否,取决于营养液配方是否合适,因此,研究不同营养液配方对水培苦苣的影响具有一定的理论意义和使用价值。  相似文献   

研究了不同配方营养液对鹅掌柴水培养生长的影响。结果表明:配方4培养鹅掌柴的鲜重、株高、根数、根长、叶数增长量均显著高于其它配方处理。  相似文献   

采用单因素随机区组设计,通过3种营养液及土培筛选非洲细叶万寿菊适合营养液配方。结果表明:调整配方二的营养液最适合非洲细叶万寿菊叶子的生长;调整配方一的营养液最适合非洲细叶绿菊的叶子、茎、花朵的成长。  相似文献   

白鹤芋为室内水培的珍品,现实生活中人们使用多种营养液配方水培白鹤芋,作者为筛选出适合其生长的营养液配方进行本试验,试验在使用不同配方营养液栽培45 d后,通过对其根长、株高、鲜重、新生叶片数进行数据分析,得出结论:5号营养液配方最适合栽培白鹤芋,即建议在生产中使用此营养液配方,配方为每1 L水中硝酸钙1.790 g,硝酸钾0.526 g,硝酸铵0.082 g,硫酸镁0.54 g,硫酸铵0.187 g,磷酸二氢钾0.62 g,氯化钾0.62 g,NaFe-EDTA 30 mg,硼酸2.86 mg,四水硫酸锰2.13 mg,七水硫酸锌0.22 mg,五水硫酸铜0.08 mg,四水钼酸铵0.02 mg。  相似文献   

为了探索黄瓜椰糠栽培中适宜的流出液EC值指标,根据流出液EC值的高低来调节灌溉液浓度,实现肥料的合理施用。试验设置了1.8、2.2和2.6 mS·cm^-1三个流出液EC值指标,灌溉液浓度的“增减量(/g·L^-1)=(EC值设定值-EC值测定值)×流出率/%”。此模型不仅考虑了EC值设定值与测定值的差异,而且考虑了流出率因素。通过“配液浓度=在用浓度+增减量”,对灌溉液浓度进行连续调控。结果显示,伴随灌溉液浓度的升高与降低,流出液EC值围绕设定值上下波动,基本实现了稳定。流出液中氮、磷、钾、钙、镁元素的含量与EC值设定值正相关,反映了肥料供应水平的高低。当流出液EC值设定在2.2和2.6 mS·cm^-1时,黄瓜的产量差异不显著,却又都比EC值在1.8 mS·cm^-1设定值时显著增加。所以,2.2~2.6 mS·cm^-1可作为黄瓜椰糠栽培适宜的流出液EC值控制区间。  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted with greenhouse cucumber and pepper plants to determine the effects of oxygen enrichment of the irrigation water on yield and fruit shelf-life. The experiments were carried out in soilless culture in research greenhouses. Depending on the experiment, treatments included sub-ambient (2 mg L−1), ambient (5–6 mg L−1), medium (16 mg L−1) and high (30–40 mg L−1) levels of oxygen in the supply tank. Cucumber plants were grown in yellow cedar sawdust and pepper plants in either sawdust or perlite. Oxygen enrichment resulted in a promotion of cucumber yield in only one experiment; in two other experiments, none of the oxygen treatments, including those at sub-ambient levels, had an effect. There were no effects of oxygen enrichment on pepper yield. However, in both cucumber and pepper, fruit shelf-life was extended in oxygen-enriched treatments. In terms of system efficacy, oxygen levels in the irrigation water were measured at the dripper and found to decrease by 20–67% of initial values compared to the supply tank values, depending on the initial oxygen concentration and on the experiment. Oxygen concentrations decreased even further to virtually ambient levels when measured in the drain water or in the substrate reservoir. Cucumber plant growth was promoted under conditions which facilitated consistently high oxygen in the root zone, achieved through heavy irrigation (1 min in two) with oxygen-enriched nutrient solution of plants grown in saturated substrate (pumice). However, those extreme irrigation rates would not be practical for commercial cucumber or pepper production. Overall, this study demonstrates that oxygen enrichment of porous substrates under typical hydroponic conditions is difficult and possibly because of this, effects on yield are infrequent. However, fruit shelf-life may be improved.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对温室黄瓜生长及产量品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以黄瓜为材料于温室盆栽条件下,研究丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizas fungi,AMF)Glomous ver-siforme(GV)对黄瓜生长的影响。结果表明:苗期接种GV真菌后可提高黄瓜的株高,叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素及可溶性糖含量;提高了黄瓜产量;黄瓜中总糖、干物质重量和维生素C、N、P、K、Zu、Cu等营养物质含量也有增加。  相似文献   

NaCl was applied to nutrient solution (5 dS m−1 versus 1.4 dS m−1 in the control) of hydroponically-grown tomato and its effects on taste grading and chemical composition of fruit were investigated. Taste panels indicated NaCl treatment increased sweetness, acidity, umami (i.e. the taste of deliciousness) and overall preference. Hexose concentration of the fruit grown on NaCl treated plants significantly increased; and at the same time, chloric ion, organic and amino acids in general had higher concentrations in NaCl treated plants than the control. Our results showed that (1) consumer grading of the tomato fruit was influenced not only by sugar content but also by the organic and amino acids; (2) increased concentration of soluble solids in the fruit of NaCl treated plants was not the result of simple overall condensation due to the reduction of water transport. The relation of diversified consumer preference, fruit chemical composition, and appropriate evaluation of tomato fruit are also discussed.  相似文献   

无基质营养液育苗的营养液浓度对黄瓜幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用无基质营养液培育黄瓜幼苗,研究不同营养液浓度对黄瓜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:低浓度(0.5倍和1.0倍全价营养液)处理下,黄瓜幼苗低矮、细弱、生物量低、抗性弱、根体积小、壮苗指数低,这与低浓度营养供应不足进而减慢生长发育进程有关|高浓度(2.0倍)条件下,幼苗前期生长受到抑制,由于幼苗后期胁迫作用未消除,虽然生长有所加快,但幼苗健壮度较低|1.5倍营养液处理显著促进了幼苗的生长,有效地提高了幼苗的生物量、壮苗指数和根系活力,较好地协调了幼苗的生长速率和抗性,胁迫作用不明显,促进作用大于胁迫作用。因此,在黄瓜无基质营养液育苗条件下,1.5倍全价营养液为最适浓度。  相似文献   

This research was carried out to determine the effects of different nutrient solution formulations on the growth of nursery fig trees in substrate culture, which is one of the soil-less culture techniques. The hardwood cuttings of Ficus carica L. cv. “Sar?lop” (Calimyrna) were planted into pots filled with 13 L of perlite. Five different nutrient solution formulations were tested on the quality and growth progress of nursery fig trees. The trials were conducted in two different growing conditions, namely, high-tunnel and open-field conditions in substrate culture. To observe the effect of different nutrient solution formulations on nursery fig trees, some morphological and biochemical characteristics were determined. It was concluded that the use of Hewitt's and Hoagland's nutrient solution formulations led to increased growth of nursery fig trees in high-tunnel and open-field conditions, respectively.  相似文献   

营养液浓度对秸秆基质栽培黄瓜生长和产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以津优2号黄瓜为试验材料,研究了不同浓度的营养液对小麦秸秆基质栽培黄瓜的生长势、叶片光合特征、产量的影响.结果表明,以50%秸秆 50%蛭石为基质,浇l倍营养液黄瓜的株高、茎粗、叶片数、叶面积、叶片叶绿素含量、光合速率、蒸腾速率、产量最高.  相似文献   

The research was conducted in two successive seasons to compare the effect of nutrient sources, organic manure and inorganic conventional nutrient solution, in cucumber production performed with different local substrates. In fall, the experiment was designed to test three factors, namely cultivar [(a) Armada, (b) Gordion], nutrient source [(a) inorganic nutrient solution, (b) solid organic manure] and substrate [(a) 3 + 1 perlite + clinoptilolite, (b) 1 + 1 perlite + clinoptilolite, (c) 3 + 1 tuff + clinoptilolite, (d) 1 + 1 tuff + clinoptilolite, v/v]. Results showed that organic manuring decrease the total yield by 22.4% in comparison to inorganic nutrient solution. In organic manure treatment, vigorous variety (Armada) gave higher yield than less vigorous variety (Gordion). In the spring season, the tested factors were decreased to two and tested as nutrient source [(a) inorganic nutrient solution, (b) solid organic manure, (c) organic nutrient solution] and substrate. Armada was the only cultivar. Compared to that of the inorganic nutrient solution, total yield was reduced by 10.9% in the organic nutrient solution system and 31.3% in solid organic manure treatment.  相似文献   

徐彦军 《长江蔬菜》2013,(20):57-60
以黄瓜品种中农8号为材料,研究不同基肥对大棚桶栽黄瓜生长、产量的影响。结果表明,处理4(CK,以硫酸钾型复合肥作为基肥)黄瓜植株生长情况良好,成株期结瓜数、单瓜鲜质量和产量都最高,分别为5个、387g和77.4kg/40株;处理2(以农家肥作为基肥)黄瓜生长、产量表现也较好,且处理4与处理2的产量无显著性差异,即以农家肥作为当地棚栽黄瓜基肥也较适宜;以烟草育苗专用肥作为基肥对黄瓜幼苗期根系生长有积极的作用,但成株期黄瓜产量较低,不宜作为棚栽黄瓜基肥。  相似文献   

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