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Pressure chamber measurements of leaf water potential (ψ1) provide a useful means to quantify plant responses in both research and managerial circumstances. However, day-to-day variation in climatic parameters affect transpiration rate and cause proportionate variability in ψ1 values that can lead to significant errors in forcasting a needed irrigation. A procedure was developed from field studies in the San Joaquin Valley, California, U.S.A. that allows cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ψl's to be adjusted to common climatic evaporative demand conditions. The derived adjustment factors are sensitive to increased soil-plant flow resistances encountered during drying cycles between irrigations. Validation of the procedure was very successful for all climatic conditions and contrasting plant ages of an entire growing season.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the relationship between midday measurements of vine water status and daily water use of grapevines measured with a weighing lysimeter. Water applications to the vines were terminated on August 24th for 9 days and again on September 14th for 22 days. Daily water use of the vines in the lysimeter (ETLYS) was approximately 40 L vine−1 (5.3 mm) prior to turning the pump off, and it decreased to 22.3 L vine−1 by September 2nd. Pre-dawn leaf water potential (ΨPD) and midday Ψl on August 24th were −0.075 and −0.76 MPa, respectively, with midday Ψl decreasing to −1.28 MPa on September 2nd. Leaf g s decreased from ~500 to ~200 mmol m−2 s−1 during the two dry-down periods. Midday measurements of g s and Ψl were significantly correlated with one another (r = 0.96) and both with ETLYS/ETo (r = ~0.9). The decreases in Ψl, g s, and ETLYS/ETo in this study were also a linear function of the decrease in volumetric soil water content. The results indicate that even modest water stress can greatly reduce grapevine water use and that short-term measures of vine water status taken at midday are a reflection of daily grapevine water use.  相似文献   

Midday leaf water potential (Ψmd) was monitored for 3 years at a commercial vineyard (cv. Pinot Noir) under four irrigation strategies. Three treatments were established based on irrigating vines with 4–6 mm/day, when daily measured Ψmd was more negative than the pre-defined threshold. After the first experimental year, thresholds were adjusted for each treatment as: (1) Control (C), irrigated when Ψmd was less than −0.6 MPa at the beginning of the season and gradually fell to −0.8 MPa at about mid-June, after which the threshold was maintained at −0.8 MPa until harvest. (2) Control–Deficit (CD), irrigated as C from bud-break to mid-June (around the middle of Stage II of fruit growth), and from then until harvest when Ψmd decreased below −1.2 MPa. (3) Deficit–Deficit (DD), irrigated when Ψmd was less than −1.0 from bud break to mid-May (about the middle of fruit growth Stage I), and after that time the Ψmd threshold became −1.2 MPa until harvest. A fourth treatment was applied following a soil water budget approach (WB). All treatments were replicated five times but irrigation in the Ψmd-based treatments were independently applied to each of the replicate plots, whereas irrigation for WB was applied equally to all replications. The more site-specific information obtained from Ψmd thresholds in C provided substantial advantages for yield homogeneity and repeatability of results with respect to WB, thus demonstrating the method’s greater ability to account for spatial variability. Average applied water for the 3 years in C, CD, and DD was 374, 250, and 178 mm, respectively, while the yields were 11.8, 9.2, and 6.1 kg/vine, respectively. The CD treatment produced better juice quality than C, and was superior in other quality parameters to both C and DD. However, over the study period, an important carryover effect was observed in the yields and the grape size of CD, which tended to diminish from year to year relative to C.  相似文献   

Leaf water indices based on leaf reflectance may depend not only on the variable of interest, leaf water content, but may also be influenced by a variety of extraneous variables, leading to considerable data variability if such extraneous variables are not eliminated or taken into account. Here, we examined the nature of three potential extraneous variables: homogeneity of the leaf target area, the distance between a primary reflecting leaf and background material, and measurement sensitivity at various wavelengths. Although leaf water indices appear to be homogeneously distributed between major leaf veins, they may fluctuate substantially in areas where major veins are present. Leaf water indices may also depend to some extent on the distance between a primary reflecting leaf and any reflecting background material, at least for small distances. Leaf water indices utilizing the 970 or 1200 nm water absorption bands have been shown to be rather insensitive to changes in leaf water content, potentially resulting in low signal-to-noise ratios, an additional source of data variability.  相似文献   

In the Trás-os-Montes region, almond orchards are usually planted in the dry soils on the upper valley of the Douro river and are typically cultivated under non-irrigated conditions, leading to low yields. This study aimed to compare the physiological responses of five almond varieties (Francoli, Ferragnès, Glorieta, Lauranne and Masbovera) growing under non-irrigated and irrigated conditions. In irrigated conditions, all cultivars had higher photosynthetic rates, with maximum rates in a range of 10–12 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Study of daily photosynthesis (June–August) indicates that, irrigated plants showed maximal values at 11 h (32 °C), while in water stressed ones highest values were found at 9 h (28 °C). The irrigation induced an increase in photosynthesis of around 173% in Lauranne, 187% in Francoli, 204% in Glorieta, 266% in Masbovera and 331% in Ferragnès. In relation to values of water potential that allow half-rate of photosynthesis (ψw50), they were calculated as −2.95, −2.50, −3.10, −3.20 and −3.30 MPa for Ferragnès, Glorieta, Masbovera, Francoli and Lauranne, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, the financial implications of variations in produce market value, yield, plant density, workrate and reduced cultivation have been evaluated using a model of a horticultural enterprise, in order to estimate the likely value of developing gantry systems for leaf vegetable production.Experimental data on the effect of gantry systems of production on these factors is not available. However, the results of this study indicate that for 1985 costs, the potential benefits are large. Capital expenditures of £167, £82, £62 and £28/ha can be justified, respectively for every 1% improvement in market value, yield, plant density and harvest workrate; while, conversely, £32/ha less capital expenditure can be justified for every 1% reduction in overall workrate. As a first order approximation, these independent effects are linearly cumulative.The utilization in terms of area/gantry is studied for versatile gantries which are able to perform all operations on a leaf vegetable crop, and specialist machines which perform one or a limited number of tasks. A harvesting only gantry, operated by six workers, would cover approximately 26 ha of leaf vegetables annually. This figure is reduced to about 22 ha for a versatile machine doing all operations. A gantry performing spray and fertilizer applications only will cover 160 ha and a cultivation-only gantry 70 ha.A simplified assessment of gantry costs and benefits has been used to calculate optimum gantry span which is found to lie between 5 and 9 m.  相似文献   

Summary The measurement of water consumption in the field is normally restricted to research purposes, although the development of practical field criteria for timing water application is required to improve crop productivity. To develop such criteria irrigation experiments on Soybean were conducted from flowering to grain filling at four locations which differed in their soil properties and the convective contribution of their climates to potential evapotranspiration. The energy balance, predawn leaf water potential (PLWP), soil moisture depletion, and a crop water stress index (CWSI) based on foliage temperature were measured. The range of soil, atmospheric, phenological and irrigation conditions, produced a common, linear relation between relative evapotranspiration (rET) and the logarithm of -PLWP. Correlation with the temperature based CWSI was weak. A similar relation with PLWP for other C3 plants was also derived from data in the literature. This relation could be helpful for irrigation scheduling once the critical values of rET for crop productivity are known.  相似文献   

Drip irrigation of cotton with saline-sodic water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A two-year study was conducted in the Negev region of Israel, using the drip method, to determine the effect of four levels of water quality (EC =1.0, 3.2, 5.4 and 7.3 dS/m) in combination with three soil amendment treatments (gypsum spread on the soil surface along the drip laterals after planting, injection of H2SO4 into the water during each irrigation, and a control) on plant response, salt distribution in the soil profile, and soil sodification processes. Salinity did not reduce yields even at the highest level, in spite of sodium and chloride accumulation. The highest seed cotton yield (6.4 t/ha) was obtained with the local well water (EC =3.2 dS/m), indicating an optimal response to salinity. The addition of soil amendments during the irrigation season, although reducing exchangeable sodium accumulation near the emitter, endangers the next crop by increasing sodium accumulation under the plant row. It is therefore, recommended that the amendment be applied only before the winter.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Israel. No. 1131-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

The following two topics were examined: (1) The variability in the measurement of leaf water potential (LWP), stem water potential (SWP), maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS), and soil water tension (SWT) in apple, nectarine and pear orchards; and (2) The validity of a leaf-selection procedure for SWP measurements in commercial apple orchards. 27 trees were selected in an apple orchard, 27 in a nectarine orchard, and 30 in a pear orchard. The trees were close to each other. The measurements comprised of: midday SWP in apple, nectarine and pear; midday LWP in apple; MDS in apple and nectarine; and SWT in pear. The mean and standard errors (SEs) of each water status indicator in each species were calculated for an increasing sample size. The sample sizes required for stable averages were: SWP – 4, 5, and 8 trees for apple, nectarine and pear, respectively; MDS – 17 and 16 trees for apple and nectarine, respectively; SWT – 21 for pear trees. The relative SEs (i.e. percent of population mean) were 2.4, 6.1 and 10.1% in SWP/LWP, MDS and SWT, respectively. Possible explanations for the differing variability of the various water status indicators are discussed. The results show that smaller samples were sufficient to represent SWP and LWP properly than what was required for MDS and SWT. 9 commercial apple plots were selected and about 25 randomly selected leaves were used for midday SWP measurements in each plot (i.e. experimental sets). About 5 leaves on closely adjacent “representative” trees were selected in each of the commercial plots (i.e. commercial sets) and midday SWP was measured. The average difference in SWP between the experimental and the commercial sets was –0.127 MPa. The choice of closely adjacent trees increased the deviation from the experimental sets. The use of a reasonable sample size (n=7) may enable midday SWP to be measured within ±0.15 MPa in most commercial orchards.  相似文献   

Irrigation performance and water productivity can be benchmarked if estimates of spatially distributed yield and crop water use are available. A commonly used method to estimate crop evapotranspiration in irrigated areas is to multiply reference evapotranspiration values by appropriate crop coefficients. This study evaluated convenient ways to derive such coefficients using multispectral vegetation indices obtained by remote sensing. Detailed ground radiometric measurements were taken in small plots perpendicular to the crop rows to obtain canopy reflectance values. Ancillary measurements of green ground cover, plant height, leaf area index and biomass were taken in the cropped strip covered by the radiometer field-of-view. The results were up-scaled using 10 Landsat-5 and 1 Landsat-7 images. Crop measurements and ground radiometry were made at the time of Landsat overpass on two commercial fields, one grown with sugarbeet and the other with cotton. Crop height and ground cover were determined weekly in these two fields, three additional sugarbeet fields and one additional cotton field. The ground and satellite observations of canopy reflectance yielded similar results. Two vegetation indices, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) were evaluated. Both indices described the crop growth well, but SAVI was used in further evaluations because it could be conveniently related to both ground cover and the basal crop coefficient using a simple model. Based on these findings, crop water use variability was analyzed in a large sample of sugarbeet and cotton fields, within a homogeneous irrigation scheme in Southern Spain. The yield versus evapotranspiration data points were highly scattered for both cotton and sugarbeet. The yield values obtained from the sugarbeet fields and cotton fields were substantially lower than values predicted by a linear yield function, and close to a curvilinear yield function, respectively. Evapotranspired water productivity varied in the cotton fields from 0.3 to 0.78 kg m−3, and in the sugarbeet fields from 7.15 to 14.8 kg m−3.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in northwestern Negev to determine the effect of the amount of water and its salinity level on the yield of Pima cotton (cv. S5). Irrigations were applied by means of a double line-source sprinkler system using two parallel lines, each supplied with water of a different salinity. The water salinity ranged from 2 to 7.5 dS m−1 and the seasonal water application ranged from 30.0 to 68.0 cm. With water amounts of up to 50.0 cm (42% of Class A evaporation), an increase in water salinity caused a reduction in the seed cotton yield and the salinity threshold increased with an increasing amount of water. The maximum yield of seed cotton (about 5000 kg ha−1) was obtained with a water application of 50 cm and a water salinity between 4 to 5 dS m−1. With seasonal water applications exceeding 50 cm, an increase in salinity increased the yield. This is attributed to a depression of excessive vegetative growth in the presence of large amounts of water.  相似文献   

Summary A field study was conducted on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. c.v. Acala SJ-2) to investigate the effects of soil salinity on the responses of stress indices derived from canopy temperature, leaf diffusion resistance and leaf water potential. The four salinity treatments used in this study were obtained by mixtures of aqueduct and well water to provide mean soil water electrical conductivities of 17, 27, 32 and 38 dS/m in the upper 0.6 m of soil profile. The study was conducted on a sandy loam saline-alkali soil in the lower San Joaquin Valley of California on 30 July 1981, when the soil profile was adequately irrigated to remove any interference of soil matric potential on the stress measurements. Measurements of canopy temperature, leaf water potential and leaf diffusion resistance were made hourly throughout the day.Crop water stress index (CWSI) estimates derived from canopy temperature measurements in the least saline treatment had values similar to those found for cotton grown under minimum salinity profiles. Throughout the course of the day the treatments affected CWSI values with the maximum differences occurring in mid-afternoon. Salinity induced differences were also evident in the leaf diffusion resistance and leaf water potential measurements. Vapor pressure deficit was found to indicate the evaporative demand at which cotton could maintain potential water use for the various soil salinity levels studied. At vapor pressure deficits greater than 5 kPa, cotton would appear stressed at in situ soil water electrical conductivities exceeding 15 dS/m. The CWSI was as sensitive to osmotic stress as other, more traditional plant measures, provided a broader spatial resolution and appeared to be a practical tool for assessing osmotic stress occurring within irrigated cotton fields.  相似文献   

Measurement of plant water status by the pressure chamber technique   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Summary The pressure chamber has been widely used in the measurement of total water potential and pressure-volume relations of leaves, twigs and, to a lesser extent, roots. Some of the benefits and precautions in its use in these studies are reviewed and discussed. The pressure chamber has also been used to determine hydraulic resistances of plants, to collect xylem sap, to determine the water potential at various points in the xylem and to establish membrane damage of plants. Developments in this field are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Concurrent diurnal measurements of water potential, osmotic potential and conductance were made on leaves of lucerne grown under weekly (W) and fortnightly (F) irrigation on gypsum-treated (G) and untreated soil (C). Measurements were made throughout the period of vegetative growth.Leaf water potentials were lower both at dawn and in the afternoon under fortnightly as compared to weekly irrigation. Gypsum application led to a slower decline in water potential under fortnightly irrigation, although the effect was small compared with more frequent irrigation. Stomatal conductance was reduced under treatments FG and FC during the later stages of vegetative growth, coinciding with leaf water potentials of less than c. –1.6 MPa.The relationship between leaf water potential and turgor potential changed with time such that positive turgor was maintained as leaf water potential declined. Turgor maintenance was achieved through a decrease in leaf osmotic potential. These data suggest that lucerne is capable of osmotic adjustment.Stomatal conductance declined rapidly below a leaf turgor potential of c. 0.1 MPa. It is hypothesised that osmotic adjustment enabled stomatal adjustment, which contributed to continued assimilation despite increasing soil moisture deficits.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, molecularly thick films of compounds such as hexadecanol and octadecanol have been shown to retard the evaporation of water. While such monolayers offer the prospect of an economical solution to the evaporative loss of water from storages there are practical difficulties arising mainly from the short lifetimes of these monolayers on the water surface. This review article describes the relevant laboratory experiments and results, and then discusses the problems that have arisen in field applications. It is clear that better monolayer materials are required and that better methods of monolayer distribution would also be helpful. Although no resolution of these difficulties is available at present it is hoped that a better understanding of the problems will stimulate further research.  相似文献   

为了缓解华北平原淡水资源的不足,合理调配水资源,在中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站进行了淡水阶段性缺水灌溉试验研究,结果表明,当某生育阶段灌水被取消时,不但使作物在本生育阶段受水分胁迫,而且在后续生育阶段也受到一定程度的水分胁迫。相比阶段性缺水来说,旱作对叶面积指数和产量的影响程度最大。与充分灌溉的叶面积指数相比,缺水阶段的减小并不是最大的,缺水阶段之后的叶面积指数减少更大,从节水和对作物生长的影响2个方面综合考虑,缺灌浆水对叶面积指数和产量的影响程度最小。在淡水资源缺乏的区域采用阶段性缺水灌溉是节约水资源的重要途径。  相似文献   

为了揭示棉花生长发育对咸水灌溉的响应特征,采用小区对比试验,研究了不同矿化度咸水灌溉对棉花出苗、株高、叶面积、果枝数、地上部干质量等形态指标以及产量构成、耗水量和水分利用率的影响.结果表明,棉花出苗率和成苗率随着灌溉水矿化度的增大而减小,但3 g/L灌水处理与对照间的差异不具有统计学意义,而5,7 g/L处理与对照间差异极具统计学意义.在移栽补全苗情况下,咸水灌溉对棉花形态生长指标产生了一定的抑制效应,灌溉水矿化度愈大,抑制作用愈大;对株高、叶面积和地上部干质量的影响在蕾期最明显,花铃期之后开始逐渐减弱;对果枝数和棉铃生长的影响程度随着棉花生育进程的推进而降低.处理间棉花的耗水量差异不具有统计学意义,籽棉产量和水分利用率的大小顺序,按灌水处理依次为3,1,5,7 g/L,其中7 g/L处理与对照间的差异具有统计学意义.与灌水前初始值相比,试验结束后1,3 g/L灌水处理的0~40 cm土层盐分未增加,5,7 g/L灌水处理则形成了积盐.研究结果可为咸水安全利用提供重要参考.  相似文献   

<正>衣分率是衡量棉花品种和加工生产的重要指标,也是衡量棉花经济效益高低的重要标志,在以棉花为支柱产业的植棉团场,衣分率成为筛选棉花品种和考核加工企业的首要标志。  相似文献   

Summary Cotton was grown under sprinkler irrigation on a silty clay soil at Keiser, Arkansas, for the 1987, 1988 and 1989 growing seasons. Irrigation treatments consisted of maximum soil water deficits (SWD) of 25, 50 and 75 mm and a nonirrigated control. While the irrigated treatments were significantly different from the control for plant height and total seedcotton yield, significant differences among the three irrigated treatments were only observed for plant height. Yields were significantly lower in 1989 than in the other two years of the study, due in part to later planting. The 3-year averages for total seedcotton yield were 3280 and 2870 kg ha–1 for irrigated and nonirrigated, respectively, for an average increase corresponding to irrigation of 416 kg ha–1 or 14.5% of the nonirrigated yield. The maximum increase was observed in 1988 as 602 kg ha–1 or 20.6% of the nonirrigated yield for that year. The 75 mm allowable SWD was the most efficient treatment and resulted in a 3-year average of 3.85 kg ha–1 additional seedcotton (above the nonirrigated) harvested for each 1 mm of irrigation applied. Maintaining the SWD below a 75 mm maximum required an average of four irrigations and 110 mm of irrigation water per year.  相似文献   

生物可降解地膜对棉花产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探求华北平原棉花可降解地膜覆盖替代普通膜覆盖的可行性,解决白色污染问题,试验设置4种处理:6 μm PE普通地膜(PE)、8 μm生物可降解地膜(M1)、6 μm生物可降解地膜(M2)及不覆盖地膜(CK),分析比较各处理对棉花出苗率、叶面积指数(LAI)、农田耗水速率、产量及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响.结果表明,与处理CK相比,覆盖地膜显著提高了棉花出苗率,但3种覆膜处理间差异不具有统计学意义;在棉花生育前期,2种生物可降解地膜处理的LAI显著低于PE处理的.3种覆膜处理之间的籽棉产量和霜前花率的差异均不具有统计学意义.3种覆膜处理间WUE的差异不具有统计学意义,但均显著高于CK的.2种生物可降解地膜处理相较于PE,对棉花的出苗率、霜前花率、籽棉产量及WUE的差异均不具有统计学意义.相较于PE,使用6 μm生物可降解膜不会造成棉花耗水量升高,而8 μm可降解膜则显著增加了棉花的耗水量.因此6 μm生物降解膜取代PE膜较好.  相似文献   

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