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Cystic echinococcosis is a major emerging zoonosis in many Eastern European and Asian countries. Post slaughter examinations of 684 pig livers in Lithuania revealed significantly higher numbers of Echinococcus granulosus infections in animals from family farms (13.2%; 95% CI 10.7–16.2) as compared with those from industrial farms (4.1%; 95% CI 0.8–11.5). The prevalence was also significantly higher in pigs older than 1 year than in younger ones. In addition, in 0.5% of the pigs from the family farms, infertile and calcified E. multilocularis lesions were identified by PCR. Faecal samples from rural dogs (n = 240) originating from 177 family farms in 12 villages were investigated for taeniid eggs with two methods. Significantly more dogs excreting taeniid eggs were diagnosed with the flotation/sieving method (n = 34) as compared to the modified McMaster method (n = 12). Multiplex PCR performed with DNA from taeniid eggs isolated from faeces of 34 dogs revealed 26 infections with Taenia spp., 9 with E. granulosus and 2 with E. multilocularis (4 cases with concurrent Taenia spp. and E. granulosus or E. multilocularis infections). Genotyping of E. granulosus cyst tissues from 7 pigs, 1 head of cattle and from E. granulosus eggs from 8 dog faeces revealed the genotype G6/7 (‘pig/camel strain’) in all cases. The high infection pressure with Echinococcus spp. in family farms necessitates initiating control programs.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the occurrence of ovine lentivirus (OvLV) infection in sheep with chronic respiratory disease on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya. All seven Merino crossbred sheep with chronic dyspnoea and emaciation examined for gross and microscopic lesions had lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP), and one also had pulmonary abscesses. Two of the sheep with LIP also had lesions of ovine pulmonary carcinoma (OPC, jaagsiekte). Using in situ hybridization, OvLV DNA localized to a high proportion of pulmonary macrophages in lungs with lesions of LIP. Lung tissue samples from six of these sheep were positive for a syncytium-inducing virus in cultures of lamb testis cells. Thin-section electron microscopy of infected cells showed virions with morphogenesis typical of lentiviruses. In a western blotting assay, monoclonal antibodies to the OvLV capsid (CA, p27) and matrix (MA, p15) proteins of a North American OvLV isolate reacted with similar-sized bands of the virus, and serum from six of the sheep were reactive with CA from the Kenyan viral isolate. Using an OvLV agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test, all seven sheep were positive for serum antiviral antibody, as were 29% of 63 clinically normal sheep from Laikipia District. However, when sera from the healthy sheep were tested in a western blot assay, only 52% had IgG reactive to the OvLV CA, indicating a high rate of false negative reactions with the AGID test. Serum samples from 87 Red Maasai or Dorper crossbred sheep from two farms in other parts of Kenya were OvLV seronegative by both the AGID test and the western blot assay. These results document the first identification of OvLV as a cause of chronic respiratory disease in sheep in Kenya and show a high rate of infection in sheep flocks, with a high prevalence of chronic respiratory disease.  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbitone against signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity was studied in 26 male crossbred sheep. Grazing on signal grass significantly decreased the concentration of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes, viz. aminopyrine-N-demethylase, aniline-4-hydroxylase, UDP- glucuronyltransferase and glutathione-S-transferase in liver and kidneys of affected sheep.Oral administration of phenobarbitone (30 mg/kg body weight) for five consecutive days before grazing on B. decumbens pasture, and thereafter, for three consecutive days every two weeks, resulted in significant increases in hepatic and renal activities of drug-metabolizing enzymes. The induction of drug metabolizing activity in sheep grazing on signal grass group was found to be lower than in animals given phenobarbitone alone. Induction by phenobarbitone provided a degree of protection against the toxic effects of B. decumbens as indicated by the delay in the appearance of signs of toxicity. Furthermore, these were much milder compared to those in the sheep not treated with phenobarbitone. The present study suggests that phenobarbitone-type cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme-induction may increase resistance against signal grass (B. decumbens) toxicity in sheep.  相似文献   

The close emotional tie between people and companion animals is a beneficial relation known as the human-animal bond. However, pet dogs and cats can play an important role in the transmission of helminthic zoonotic agents such as the tapeworms Echinococcus and the roundworms Toxocara which are directly transmitted from pets to the human environment without the involvement of vectors or intermediate hosts. In humans, echinococcosis has emerged in Europe and toxocarosis is still persisting in large endemic areas despite the availability of highly efficient anthelminthics for dogs and cats. Ecological changes significantly contributed to these trends: the high wild fox populations and the high density of freely roaming dogs and cats maintain a permanent infection pressure of these and other parasites. Further, the establishment of urban recreational environments closer to natural ecological systems boosted vole populations that represent urban reservoirs for zoonotic helminths. A good understanding of the parasites’ biology and epidemiology including the transmission to humans is required for planning and implementing effective prevention strategies. The continuous education of veterinarians and the information of the pet owners by providing uniform recommendations are of priority importance. A close collaboration between veterinary and public health professionals in a ‘One Health’ concept is required.  相似文献   

This paper provides macroscopic and histological evidence on the statistically significant protective effects of S3Pvac-phage vaccination against porcine cysticercosis and hydatidosis. The study included 391 rustically bred pigs (187 vaccinated and 204 controls). Vaccination significantly reduced the prevalence of cysticercosis by 61.7%. Vaccination also significantly reduced by 56.1% the prevalence of hydatidosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus in pigs. The presence of the vaccine epitopes in both cestodes is probably involved in the cross-protection observed. Increased inflammation was found in 5% of cysticerci recovered from controls, versus 24% from vaccinated pigs (P<0.01). Hydatid cysts were non-inflammatory in either group. Vaccination was effective to prevent one single disease, but it failed to prevent the simultaneous infections with both parasites in a same pig. The widening of the S3Pvac-phage vaccine protective repertoire to include hydatidosis is a convenient feature that should reduce the prevalence of two frequent zoonoses that affect rustic porcine breading with a single action. Thus, the costs of two different vaccination programs would be reduced to a single one with significant reduction in both zoonoses.  相似文献   

细毛羊KRT26基因多态性及其与羊毛细度的关联性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在揭示影响绵羊重要经济性状的功能基因的分子遗传特征及其与细毛羊群体的遗传关系,为高效选育绵羊品种经济性状及其种质资源的保护与利用提供分子遗传学依据。试验利用PCR-SSCP、DNA测序和生物信息学对289个细毛羊的KRT26基因进行遗传变异分析及其与细毛羊羊毛细度的关联性分析。结果表明,KRT26基因在该细毛羊群体中存在AA、AB、BB 3种基因型,其基因型频率分别为0.221、0.426和0.353,A、B等位基因频率分别为0.434、0.566,细毛羊群体的多态信息含量为0.371,呈中度多态水平,且处于Hardy-Weinberg非平衡状态(P0.05)。经过BioEdit软件比对序列和Chromas软件分析测序结果显示,KRT26基因发现5处碱基突变:83bp(G/C)、86bp(T/C)、112bp(C/T)、140bp(G/A)和247bp(C/T),并通过氨基酸序列的比对结果表明,2处发生了氨基酸的替代,即Val/Ile和Asn/Lys。KRT26基因在细毛羊群体中AA基因型个体极显著高于AB和BB基因型(P0.01)。因此,KRT26基因可能作为羊毛细度性状的一个新的分子标记。  相似文献   

Using the binding and translocation domain of Pseudomonas exotoxin A [domain III deleted PE termed PE(ΔIII)] as a vehicle, this study characterized and evaluated a novel application of PE toxin in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae adhesin used as an immunogen. PCR and sequence analysis revealed that 16 copies of AAKPV(E) in tandem repeat region 1 (RR1) of M. hyopneumoniae 97 kDa adhesion were successfully fused to the downstream of PE(ΔIII) to create a subunit vaccine, i.e. PE(ΔIII)-RR1. This chimeric protein, over-expressed in inclusion bodies of E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS, was characterized by a monoclonal antibody (MAb) F2G5 prepared against RR1 of the 97 kDa adhesin and was readily purified. The data indicated that the epitope recognized by MAb F2G5 was located in the structure of PE(ΔIII)-RR1. Using ELISA and Western blot analyses, the specific IgG immune response against RR1 and whole adhesin in mice immunized with PE(ΔIII)-RR1 was found more marked than that in mice immunized with the M. hyopneumoniae whole cells. Similarly, PE(ΔIII)-RR1 also stimulated a remarkable IgG response against RR1 in pigs compared to that in pigs immunized with the conventional M. hyopneumoniae vaccine. The PE(ΔIII)-RR1 would be potentially useful for the future development of a M. hyopneumoniae adhesin vaccine.  相似文献   

新城疫(Newcastle disease,ND)是危害禽类的一种接触性致死性传染病,OIE将其列为A类疫病。各养殖户对该病高度重视,主要采用全程免疫接种的方式加以预防,使急性新城疫得到有效控制,但随之而来的是,非典型新城疫发病率有所提高。吉林市某公园观赏动物丹顶鹤发生疫情,经临床剖检及实验室诊断确诊为非典型新城疫(CND)与大肠杆菌(E.col)混合感染,经高免卵黄抗体特异性疗法配合抗菌治疗及有效的消毒防疫措施,使疫情得到控制。  相似文献   

The present study revealed several previously not recognized etiological details in the development of necrotic enteritis (NE) in broilers. We provide evidence that the pathological process leading to mucosal epithelium necrosis follows morphologically distinct phases commencing at the basal domain of the mucosal epithelium and then progressively invading the entire lamina propria. Initially mucosal epithelium appears normal, but as the pathological changes progress throughout the lamina propria, the adjacent enterocytes begin to show features of necrotic cell death and the necrotic process of the epithelium progresses from being focal to locally extensive.Ultra-structural examination showed that primary changes occur at the level of basal and lateral domains of the enterocytes, whereas the apical domain of enterocytes remains intact even in the face of advanced necrotic changes. This indicates that the mucosal necrosis does not result from direct damage to the mucosal epithelium. Rather, the necrotic death of enterocytes is a consequential effect of the destruction of lamina propria, the extra-cellular matrix, and intercellular junctions.The nature of these morphological changes indicates that initiation of the pathological process leading to NE involves proteolytic factors affecting the extra-cellular matrix and cellular junctions. Further studies revealed that, indeed, the elevated activity of collagenolytic enzymes in the mucosal milieu and in intestinal tissue represents an integral component of the pathological process leading to NE. In the first instance we discovered that Clostridium perfringens strains isolated from field cases of NE secrete several potent collagenolytic enzymes. In the second instance we observed that, in comparison to controls, broilers challenged with C. perfringens isolated from field cases of NE show high levels of several collagenolytic enzymes in the intestinal tissue. A major component of the overall collagenolytic activity detected in the intestinal tissue was identified by zymography as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Dominant activity was associated with MMP-2. We confirmed using immuno-histochemistry that this enzyme is expressed at high levels in mucosal tissue showing signs of NE.The high levels of collagenolytic activities, in particular associated with MMP-2, demonstrated in our studies are consistent with the nature of morphological changes observed primarily in extra-cellular matrix (ECM) at the basal domain of enterocytes, as well lateral domains of enterocytes. The lack of changes at the level of apical domain of mucosal epithelium indicates that the lipolytic aspect of alpha toxin in NE is not an essential factor in primary lesions development. Taken together, our findings indicate that the early lesions leading to NE are associated with virulence factors that induce proteolytic activity, rather than lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed Ostertagia ostertagi antibodies by indirect ELISA in milk samples in two cattle systems in Mediterranean Spain to indirectly monitor gastrointestinal nematode (GI) parasitism effects on production. Individual samples from 10 animals and the corresponding milk herd samples were collected from 133 herds in Girona (intensive management) and 123 herds in Minorca (extensive management). Both locations showed high and significant positive relationships between average optical density ratios (ODR) of individual animals and ODR in their milk tank. Although antibodies levels were low, there were significantly higher in Minorca. Negative correlations between ODR values and milk production were found in both systems. Importantly, in Minorca, average herd milk production was higher in the herds that treated their animals against GI nematodes compared to those that did not treat. The ELISA technique was valuable to indirectly assess differences in the level of GI nematode infection even in cattle production systems with low levels of infection.  相似文献   

Local and systemic cytokine responses were studied in 3 groups of cattle, with 4 animals each, experimentally infested with Hypoderma lineatum (De Villers) first instars (L1). The first group was undergoing a primary infestation (G-1), the second group was undergoing a secondary infestation (G-2) and the third group was infested for their third consecutive year (G-3). Cattle were infested with 25 L1 deposited on the skin. Blood and skin samples were taken at 0, 6, 12, 48, 96 and 144 h post-infestation (h.p.i.). Interleukin 10 (IL-10), IL-4 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) production was studied by immunohistochemistry and sandwich ELISAs. IL-4+ cells showed a significant increase at 6 h.p.i. in both reinfested groups (G-2 and G-3) when compared with G-1. In all groups the number of IL-4+ cells decreased significantly at 48 h.p.i. IL-10+ cells increased in G-1 at 6 and 48 h.p.i., whereas in both reinfested groups increased at 12 h.p.i. with a peak at 48 h.p.i. IFN-γ+ cells showed a significant increment at 6 h.p.i. in all groups, followed by a rapid descent at 12 (G-1 and G-2) and 48 h.p.i. (G-3). Penetration of the skin by H. lineatum did not have any significant effect on IFN-γ serum concentrations and, except for IL-10 there were no correlation between local production and serum concentrations of cytokines. The increase of both Th1 (IFN-γ) and Th2-type cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10) indicates that bovine T-cell response during the first phases of the infestation by H. lineatum is apparently a Th0 response.  相似文献   

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