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自2003年起在高密度养殖区发生的对虾白浊偷死病到2013年已有十个年头了.原来主要在夏秋高温闷热天气易发、死亡量较大,现在表现为全年养殖中都发生白浊偷死病且死亡量均较大,从主要发生于粤西、海南高位池养殖场到目前广西、珠三角、福建、浙江、江苏的土池均发生较严重的白浊偷死病.现在白浊偷死开始发病的时间越来越早、规格越来越小,所以,如何控制好对虾白浊偷死病成了养虾成功的关键. 1 高位池发病症状及危害情况 高位池的发病症状及流行情况:白浊偷死病造成的死虾通常无明显的症状,部分死虾可见对虾腹部肌肉不透明,发白.  相似文献   

正2019年3月,大连海洋大学大连市海珍品疾病防控重点实验室接诊了一例中华小长臂虾肌肉白浊病例,与已报道的虾类肌肉白浊病均有较大差异,现将诊断情况报道如下。一、发病情况2018年10月,辽宁省盘锦地区某养殖场发现部分养殖的中华小长臂虾出现肌肉混浊、不透明的现象,临床发病率50%左右。病虾主要表现为活力较弱,身体有水肿感,全身肌肉浑浊、发白,  相似文献   

<正>传染性肌肉坏死病是南美白对虾的一种新的高死亡率病毒性疫病。该病与肌肉白浊病(诺达病毒引起的一种疫病)在表观症状和组织病理变化上非常类似,在外观上都表现为肌肉白浊,但不属于同一种病。该病最初于2002年8月暴发于巴西Piaui州的南美白对虾养殖场。2004年,经美国亚利桑那大学水产病害实验室研究,确定为一种新的对虾疫病,暂定为传染性肌  相似文献   

病名:罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病 又叫罗氏沼虾苗种肌肉白浊病、白体病、白尾病。钱冬等(2003)报道,罗氏沼虾苗种肌肉白浊病的病原是诺达病毒;姜兰等(2002)报道,病原是木糖葡萄球菌。  相似文献   

正据印度媒体Business Standard报道,泰国暂时禁止从印度进口虾类产品,因怀疑印度原料虾带有传染性肌肉坏死病病毒。经过核实,泰国领事馆商务部工作人员确认了这一消息,商务部工作人员称,未来3个月内,共五大类印度虾类产品被禁止出口至泰国,包括南美白虾(学名凡纳对虾,Penoeus vannamai)、草虾(学名斑节对虾,Pernaeus monodon)、虎纹对虾(Penaeus esculentus)、明虾(Fenneropenaeus)和蓝  相似文献   

弧菌感染中国对虾患“肌肉白浊病”的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从患肌肉白浊病的中国对虾的血淋巴液中分离获得的两株弧菌AE_6和AE_7,运用浸染及肌肉注射法感染健康对虾,并对发病过程及症状进行观察,证明被感染的对虾出现的症状与原发病的相同,幼虾死亡率与水体中含菌量密切相关,注射病菌的对虾死亡率达100%,抗菌药可有效地抑制病菌感染。  相似文献   

众所周知,中草药价格通常比西药便宜、易获得、且毒副作用小,因此是较理想的预防水生生物病害的药物。本试验使用药物:柏兰根、大青叶、黄芩、菊花、黄柏、金银花、仙鹤草;试验菌株,已感染获得成功的对虾黄鳃病、肌肉白浊病病原菌二种A、G;每种药物的抑菌效果用抑菌圈直径表示。一定浓度的  相似文献   

脊尾白虾杆状病毒病研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脊尾白虾是一种野生的经济虾类,广温,广盐,杂食性,分布面极广,繁殖季节长。我们已在其病虾的肌肉,中肠等组织中发现C亚群杆状病毒,其形态结构及宿主的细胞病理学特征均与引起中国对虾,长毛对虾,日本对虾等养殖对虾病毒性流行病的C亚群杆状病毒类同。由此认为,脊尾白虾是我国养殖对虾病毒性流行病病原的常年媒介体。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病,又称白尾病(WTD),是由罗氏沼虾野田村病毒引起的一种急性病毒性疾病,主要危害罗氏沼虾苗种,以急性死亡、病虾肌肉呈白斑或白浊状为特征。我国将其列为二类疫病,OIE将其列为必须通报疾病。  相似文献   

1.对虾病害有哪些类型? 从不同的病原体来划分,由细菌、真菌、病毒引起的为传染性虾病,如弧菌感染引起的“红腿病”、“白斑病”,霉菌或细菌感染引起的黑壳或黑斑病、黑鳃病等;由寄生虫或附生生物引起的为侵袭性虾病,如微孢子虫寄生在肌肉中引起的“棉花虾”病,聚缩虫或蓝绿藻类附生在体表引起的“绿毛虾”病等;此外,还有一些因环境条件如高温、缺氧引起的疾病,如肌肉白浊病、弯体病等。  相似文献   

Incidence of post‐larval mortalities of 30–100% was reported from commercial freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) hatcheries in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu (south‐eastern states of India) since 2001. Infected postlarvae (PL) exhibited clinical symptoms with lethargy, anorexia and whitening of abdominal muscles and the disease was identified as white muscle disease (WMD). The waterborne infection of WMD was induced in the laboratory by exposing uninfected and healthy M. rosenbergii PL to the filtered muscle homogenates of the naturally infected PL, resulting in mortality that reached 99% within 10 days post infection. Histopathological examination of the infected animals revealed highly necrotic musculature. Degenerated muscle areas showed aggregations of melanized nuclei, many of which looked like inclusion bodies. Bacteriological examination of affected PL showed the presence of Staphylococcus spp. as a predominant organism, while laboratory challenge of healthy PL with this bacterial isolate did not reproduce WMD.  相似文献   

2014年7月,津冀沿海地区池塘养殖三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)暴发疾病,导致大量死亡。患病梭子蟹有两种不同表现症状:一种症状为停止摄食,空胃、空肠,行动迟缓;肌肉白浊、不透明,最后乳化呈牙膏状;该病死亡率达60%~70%,称之为"肌肉白浊病"。另一种症状为壳软,停止摄食,行动迟缓;肌肉变白浊、水样变化、萎缩;体腔液及组织坏死液化后从组织中大量渗出,不凝固;死亡率可达90%以上,称之为"牛奶病"。通过疾病流行特征、组织病理、病原超微结构等分析,初步判断肌肉白浊病由一种微孢子虫感染而致,虫体大小(1544±250)nm,呈椭球形,极丝圈数8~9圈,具孢壁[厚(130±22)nm],纤毛(长120~500 nm)、极体[(726±200)nm]、极管、固定盘、质膜、核等结构;牛奶病则是由一种血卵涡鞭虫(Hematodinium sp.)感染而致,虫体大小8~10μm,卵圆形,体表多皱褶、凸起,由细胞壁、多核、纤毛等组成。两种患病蟹的肌肉组织病变明显不同:患肌肉白浊病的蟹肌纤维断裂、溃散、浆质化,肌束减少并被团状集聚的寄生虫充斥、占据。电镜观察显示肌纤维细胞破碎、融合,出现大量空泡结构;肌纤维细胞的线粒体、内质网等细胞器解体、消失。患牛奶病的蟹肌束间隙变大,大量血卵涡鞭虫或充斥在间隙中或附着在肌纤维上,导致肌纤维断裂、离散解体,甚至溶解性坏死,组织呈水样变化。电镜观察也证实这两种寄生虫可同时感染三疣梭子蟹个体的同一组织;当肌纤维细胞破碎融合后,两种寄生虫均能寄生在融合后的胞浆中。从发病史来看,肌肉白浊病和牛奶病的发生有蔓延趋势,死亡率趋向更高,已逐步成为三疣梭子蟹养殖的重要疾病。  相似文献   

Temporary aquatic habitats are not widely appreciated fish habitat. However, fish navigate the transient waters of intertidal zones, floodplains, intermittent and ephemeral streams, lake margins, seasonally frozen lakes and streams, and anthropogenic aquatic habitats across the globe to access important resources. The selective pressures imposed by water impermanence (i.e., freezing, drying, tidal fluctuations), however, operate similarly across taxa and ecosystems. These similarities are formalized into a conceptual model relating habitat use to surface water phenology. Whereas all necessary life history functions (spawning, foraging, refuge, and dispersal) can be accomplished in temporary habitats, the timing, duration, and predictability of water act as a “life history filter” to which habitats can be used and for what purpose. Habitats wet from minutes to months may all be important—albeit in different ways, for different species. If life history needs co‐occur with accessibility, temporary habitats can contribute substantially to individual fitness, overall production and important metapopulation processes. This heuristic is intended to promote research, recognition and conservation of these frequently overlooked habitats that can be disproportionately important relative to their size or brevity of existence. There is a pressing need to quantify how use of temporary aquatic habitats translates to individual fitness benefits, population size and temporal stability, and ecosystem‐level consequences. Temporary aquatic habitats are being impacted at an alarming rate by anthropogenic activities altering their existence, phenology, and connectivity. It is timely that scientists, managers and policymakers consider the role these habitats play in global fish production.  相似文献   

鲑鳟鱼类是典型的冷水性鱼类,经济价值高,是世界重要经济养殖鱼类之一。然而,随着其养殖产量攀升,养殖密度增大,养殖环境恶化,鲑鳟鱼类寄生虫病的发生和危害也日趋频繁和严重,严重制约了产业的健康发展。鲑鳟鱼常见的、危害较为严重的寄生虫主要包括三代虫(Gyrodactylus)、鱼虱(Caligus rogercresseyi)、阿米巴原虫(Neoparamoeba perurans)、脑碘泡虫(Myxobolus cerebralis)、苔藓鲑四囊虫(Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae)和库道虫(Kudoa spp.)。这些寄生虫生活史简单,繁殖速度快,大多寄生在鱼体表面及体内的各种组织器官上,导致鱼体生长缓慢、抵抗力下降,引起鱼体损伤并造成死亡。在防治方法上,通过物理控制、化学药物和免疫治疗相结合的方法进行综合防控。本文对鲑鳟鱼常见寄生虫病领域的研究和成果进行简要综述,以期为鲑鳟鱼寄生虫病的研究和防治提供参考。  相似文献   

罗非鱼综合加工利用与质量安全控制技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过多年发展,目前中国罗非鱼产业正处于从规模产量型向质量效益型转变的关键时期,对罗非鱼原料进行高值化综合加工利用,同时确保产品的质量安全,是提高中国罗非鱼产业竞争力的必由之路。要实现这一目标必须依靠技术创新来实现产业升级,以保障中国罗非鱼产业可持续稳定发展。文章综述了近年来国内外在罗非鱼综合加工利用与质量安全控制方面的研究进展及发展趋势,旨在为中国罗非鱼产业的健康发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

杜军  鄢波 《河北渔业》2010,(5):50-53
提出科技进步评价理论与方法在发展广东海洋经济中的应用研究构想,并就研究的意义与国内外研究现状进行分析与述评;接着就研究的基本思路、主要观点、目标以及拟解决的关键问题、拟采取的研究方案进行概述;最后就研究的预期指标及社会经济效益、主要创新之处进行简介。  相似文献   


The paper reviews freshwater and coastal aquaculture practices in Thailand, and compares the productivity, costs, and benefits across various types of cultivation and various intensities of production. The paper is based on data that were collected in surveys conducted during 1998–2001 by the Department of Fisheries (DOF), Thailand and the WorldFish Center. More than 22% of Thailand's fish supply comes from aquaculture, with coastal aquaculture accounting for more than 88% of this in terms of value. Intensive culture of shrimp is the dominant form of coastal aquaculture, occupying 69% of the area under production. However, in some regions, the average net profit/kg of intensive shrimp culture is negative, and semi-intensive farming, with relatively lower fixed investment and operating costs, delivers the highest rate of return on investment. On the coast, grouper and sea bass are the most important cage-cultivated species, achieving an economic rate of return as high as 92%. In the same environment, culture of mollusks, such as green mussels, oysters, and blood cockles, is widespread. It can also be economically sustainable, with relatively low capital and operating costs. Although the relative share of freshwater aquaculture production is declining, the level of output has been increasing rapidly. While the average production from monoculture of carnivorous species is higher than that from polyculture, the average capital investment and operating costs associated with the former are also higher. The expansion of freshwater polyculture and of mollusk culture in coastal areas would greatly assist poor fish farmers.  相似文献   

A monitoring program for the prevalence and intensity of sea lice infestations of wild and escaped farmed salmon has been underway on the Magaguadavic River since 1992. Fish are screened in a fish ladder trap located in freshwater a short distance above the head of tide. No trends with time were evident in observed sea lice burdens, and in all years the majority of salmon, both wild and escapees, had no or low levels of infestation with sea lice. In the spring of 2002, 23 landlocked salmon moving to sea from the Magaguadavic River were acoustically tagged. Two fish returned to the river after a brief period of residence in Passamaquoddy Bay, with significant dermal damage from sea lice. These fish were tracked to areas close to commercial salmon farms.  相似文献   

头足类耳石微化学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
耳石是位于平衡囊内起平衡作用的一对钙化组织,它是头足类的加速度感应器,记录其生命周期内的生物和生态信息。随着鱼类耳石微化学研究及应用的日趋成熟与完善,头足类耳石的相应研究也逐渐兴起。目前头足类耳石微化学的研究内容主要包括无机和有机大分子、微量元素、同位素、微化学标记等方面,其中微量元素是应用研究的重点,在头足类种群识别、生活史分析及栖息环境重建等方面发挥了重要作用。分析认为,头足类微量元素在与栖息环境尤其水温关系的研究中取得了很好的结果,被认为是测定头足类生活水温的温度计。然而,涉及种群识别、生活史分析以及与盐度和食物关系的研究还不够充分,且多集中于Sr/Ca的研究。因此,建议在今后的研究中要综合多种研究方法按时间和空间序列从日轮水平分析多种微量元素的含量与变化。  相似文献   

China and Hungary are major providers of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in East Asia and Europe respectively. However, the genetic variation and relationship of this species in the two countries have been poorly understood. In this study, mitochondrial COII‐tRNALys and D‐loop sequences were analysed to investigate the genetic structure and relationships of the representative wild and domesticated common carps distributed in China and Hungary. The results indicated that the genetic diversities of the Chinese common carps are higher than those of Hungarian common carps, and the diversities of the wild common carps are higher than those of domesticated common carps in both the countries. Analysis of molecular variance and pairwise FST demonstrated a significant genetic divergence between the Chinese and the Hungarian common carps, and between the wild and the domesticated common carps. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis and statistical parsimony network showed an obvious genetic differentiation between the Chinese and the Hungarian common carps, between the wild and the domesticated common carps. However, a few specimens and haplotypes from the Chinese wild common carps appeared in the Hungarian common carps, demonstrating that there was no absolutely isolated and possible genetic linker between the Chinese and the Hungarian common carps.  相似文献   

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