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2004年比较了浙江省4个橘园柑橘全爪螨对炔螨特的敏感性差异,仅发现LC50相差1.1~1.4倍。同一地区的全爪螨田间种群在1998-2004年间对该杀螨剂的敏感性也基本保持不变。结果表明:浙江橘区的柑橘全爪螨对炔螨特仍未产生明显的抗性,仅部分用药较多、用药历史较长地区的敏感性有所下降。连续4年停用炔螨特后的橘园,其柑橘全爪螨对炔螨特的敏感性得到明显恢复。  相似文献   

由于过渡依赖化学农药防治柑橘病虫害,诱发柑橘害螨猖獗,为害程度加剧。为提高害螨综合防控效果,推广以螨治螨技术,本文对影响捕食螨防治柑橘害螨田间效果的果园生态系统、释放时机、田间管理与化学防控等主要因子进行了分析,同时提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

The establishment of predacious mites in commercial orchards may be accelerated by the transfer of pruned wood in winter and summer from donor orchards to release orchards. Following winter pruning, 3-year-old and older wood is collected and transported as soon as possible in bundles to a release orchard for distribution. If the release orchard is composed of dwarf trees, then one or two bundles of 5 kg each are placed vertically at the base of the trunk of every tree in the block (0.5 to 1 ha); if the trees are of standard size, then four or five bundles used. Following summer pruning, annual shoots and suckers are distributed immediately in a release orchard composed of dwarf trees by placing 12–15 branches on the foliage of fruit-bearing branches; if the release orchard is composed of standard trees, then 50 branches are used. The pruned wood should have 20–25 leaves and not less than one predator per leaf. The release orchard should have a light infestation (two or three mites per leaf) of pest tetranychids. These phytophagous mites would serve as food and help establish the predators. The release orchard grower should develop a pest management program based on the same groups of pesticides used in the donor orchard. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 31, 2005.  相似文献   

The penetration and degradation of six pyrethroids were examined in the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, and the results were related to their toxicity as measured by inhibition of respiration using the Warburg technique and mortality using the slide-dip bioassay. FMC-54800 [1,1′-biphenyl-3ylmethyl cis-3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate] was the most toxic pyrethroid to the mites based on both respiration and mortality studies. It and flucythrinate had the highest pharmacokinetic efficiency as determined by delivery and maintenance of internal levels of parent compounds. Permethrin, fenvalerate, and fluvalinate were intermediate in pharmacokinetic efficiency, whereas cypermethrin was significantly lower. The highest intrinsic activity, as estimated by the percentage inhibition of respiration per microgram of internal parent, was possessed by cypermethrin and FMC-54800. Fenvalerate and fluvalinate had intermediate levels, while permethrin and flucythrinate had significantly lower capacities to inhibit respiration. The combination of relatively high pharmacokinetic efficiency and intrinsic activity of FMC-54800 appeared to be responsible for its high toxicity. In addition to these findings, differences in the kinetics for cis and trans isomers were observed for permethrin but not cypermethrin. This study has yielded evidence that acaricidal activity of pyrethroids can be enhanced by optimizing the structure for increased pharmacokinetic efficiency and increased intrinsic activity.  相似文献   

2006年,经2次本底资源调查共得到广州市植绥螨科5属28种,其中尼氏真绥螨是优势种,占采集标本总数的45%。本文还对一些在生物防治上有利用价值的种类作了重点介绍。  相似文献   

"加多混剂"对防治芒果贮藏期病害的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田间药效试验结果表明“加多混剂”在芒果果实膨大期使用,对预防贮藏期炭疽病、蒂腐病防效在80%以上。  相似文献   

防治芒果炭疽病药剂筛选方法的改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对防治芒果炭疽病药剂的筛选方法进行了改进 ,建立了芒果炭疽病药剂筛选叶片测定法。此法与果实采后药剂处理法以及抑菌圈法相比较 ,证明该方法具有准确可靠、简便、取材容易、不受季节限制的优点 ,适于大规模药剂筛选试验。  相似文献   

Forty-five entomopathogenic fungal species and 215 host-pathogen combinations have been observed in Israel during the last two decades.Pathogen-host combinations are given in a list, followed by seasonal occurrence, geographic distribution and host-plant data.Host-pathogen combinations are given in a separate list, followed by the most relevant literature citations. Both lists are indexed. Recent changes in systematics and nomenclature, and seasonal and host preferences are discussed for selected species or groups.  相似文献   

对同工酶技术在螨类研究工作中的应用概况作一简要综述。  相似文献   

The antibiotic MYC 8005, known as an acaricide, appeared to possess strong growth inhibiting properties, not only in immature stages of spider mites but also in larvae of several insect species. Adult mites and insects seemed not to be affected. However, the fecundity of femaleTetranychus cinnabarinus was strongly reduced by deposits of MYC 8005 on the leaves of bean plants. The feeding of adult houseflies and Colorado potato beetles with MYC 8005 resulted in complete or almost complete sterilization of the insects. The sterilizing effect appeared to be caused by inhibition of maturing processes, in particular of yolk formation in the eggs, whereas follicles looked normal. These facts, and the strong reduction of the fat body in treated insects, suggest that the lipid and protein metabolism are disturbed by MYC 8005.  相似文献   

我国芒果树蓟马种类记述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈泽坦 《植物保护》2004,30(4):88-89
芒果由于其特有的品味和营养价值日益受到人们的青睐,现正作为一种重要的热带水果大量种植.据统计我国海南、广东、广西、云南、福建等省(区)芒果种植面积已达12万hm2.蓟马是一种体型微小、繁殖迅速的昆虫,其危害芒果嫩叶、嫩梢,致使其弯曲、皱缩甚至枯萎落叶.芒果幼果受其危害,轻者引起幼果生长缓慢,果面产生黑褐疤痕,果实失去食用价值,造成经济损失;重者引起幼果脱落,果园绝收.由于滥施农药,破坏了天敌自然控制,致使原为潜伏性的芒果蓟马,近年相继上升为芒果重要害虫.本文记述芒果蓟马的种类、分布及其危害和发生习性,为防治提供依据.  相似文献   

捕食性昆虫的标记信息素广泛存在于鞘翅目、脉翅目、双翅目、半翅目和蜱螨目捕食者中,介导捕食性昆虫的猎物搜索、产卵、同类相残和集团内捕食,改变猎物蚜虫的生活史,因而影响捕食者控制目标害虫的能力。标记信息素由幼虫、成虫或卵产生,来源于外分泌腺或消化道。目前已鉴定出几种瓢虫的标记信息素,均为烷烃混合物。捕食性昆虫对标记信息素的反应受标记信息素持效期、昆虫本身状况如产卵习惯、年龄、经历和性别及外部条件如猎物种群密度的影响。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国检疫工作者多次从进口的原糖中发现螨类,本文对在原糖中发现的甜果螨和粗脚粉螨从形态特征、检验方法方面进行了介绍.  相似文献   

Indoxacarb is a novel oxadiazine pro-insecticide that has no toxic effects on the adults, fecundity and eclosion of Amblyseius fallacis (Garman), a predacious phytoseiid, or Agistemus fleschneri Summers, a predacious stigmaeid. It is toxic to Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say), a predacious mirid that has been reported from several Quebec orchards where IPM programs are used. The LC50 for this mirid is about one-half of the recommended dose (0.054 g AI litre(-1)) of indoxacarb for apple orchards. Following an application, the intoxicated mirids remained motionless as their prolegs and posterior had paralyzed. Twenty-four hours later, they appeared smaller, shrunken and severely desiccated.  相似文献   

Field tests, in which several insecticides were applied at equal rates by ground sprayer to oats, rye and alfalfa, showed that residues 1 h after application were much lower for highly volatile compounds than for those of lower volatility. Varying the distance from spray release to target canopy from 10 to 40 cm did not significantly affect the deposits. Results indicate that applying insecticides with a vapour pressure greater than about 10?4 mmHg (20°C) in aqueous media is very inefficient.  相似文献   

Residues were determined at 8-h intervals during the 48 h after application of endosulfan, leptophos, methamidophos, methomyl and mevinphos to head lettuce; of endosulfan, methamidophos and methomyl to cauliflower; and of parathion to onions and carrots. Residues of phosalone and parathion were measured on apple leaves 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 days after application. In addition, the portion of the residue on apple leaves that could be dislodged was measured, as well as the residues on gloves used to handle the apple foliage. There were large differences in the rates of disappearance of the insecticides, differences that must be known in determining safe re-entry periods for workers.  相似文献   

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