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王胜  黄健  刘艳玲 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):94-97
发酵饲料具有绿色、安全、高效等特点,能提升饲料品质、提高饲料利用效率,改善动物亚健康状态,是一种优质的饲料伴侣,长期使用发酵饲料对抗生素减量使用、食品安全、环境污染等养殖行业面临的共性问题,提供了有效的解决方案,文章就发酵饲料的定义、分类及其在养猪生产中的应用等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

We have identified the feed offered to native pigs in a case study of smallholder in northern Thailand. We examined the types and fresh weights of pig feed over two 10-day periods in household A, in September 2006 (rainy season) and in December 2006 and January 2007 (dry season). The study results are as follows. (1) They offered 18 types of feed in total during the rainy and dry seasons, of which seven types were common to the rainy and dry seasons, five types were offered during the rainy season only, and six types during the dry season only. (2) They offered agricultural products as 34% of feed (rainy season) and 61% of feed (dry season), and natural plants used exclusively for pig feed as 66% of feed (rainy season) and 39% of feed (dry season). (3) The feed combinations at each feeding time differed 80% of the time during both the rainy and dry seasons. These results show not only that they offered diverse combinations of agricultural products and natural plants as pig feed, but also that they changed feed kinds in both the rainy and dry seasons.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Risk factors for the development of gastric squamous ulcers include various management procedures, such as intermittent feed deprivation that can occur during weight management regimens or stall and dry lot confinement. Objectives: To investigate the effect of intermittent feed deprivation relative to continuous feed intake on proximal intragastric pH, specifically in the region of the squamous mucosa of the lesser curvature. Methods: In 6 horses, pH electrodes were placed just inside of the oesophageal sphincter in the stomach for each of two 72 h protocols (A and B) in a randomised, cross‐over design. Protocol A consisted of 12 h fed, 12 h fasted, 24 h fed and 24 h fasted, in sequence. Protocol B consisted of 72 h fed. During the fed periods of each protocol, horses had ad libitum access to coastal Bermuda hay and were fed sweet feed (1 kg, b.i.d.). Horses had ad libitum access to water at all times. Results: Proximal intragastric pH was significantly lower during protocol A, than during protocol B. However, hourly mean pH was significantly different only during the day and evening hours between protocols. During protocol B, mean proximal pH decreased significantly from 03.00 to 09.00 compared to 19.00 to 23.00 h. A moderate positive correlation of hay intake vs. proximal gastric pH could be established. Conclusions: Intermittent feed deprivation decreased proximal gastric pH in horses relative to those horses for which feed was not restricted. However, the effect was only significant when fasting occurred during the day and evening hours, as a nocturnal decrease in pH occurred simultaneously in the fed horses. Potential relevance: Episodes of daytime feed deprivation should be avoided if possible, as proximal gastric acid exposure rapidly increases during such events.  相似文献   

The effect of fibre degrading enzymes in combination with Lactobacillus plantarum on feed viscosity and pH and on solubilisation of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) was studied in vitro using diets composed of cereals and soybean meal. The diet was incubated over time up to 24 h as liquid feed or liquid feed added L. plantarum and in addition both feeds were treated without or with fibre degrading enzymes.

Spontaneous fermentation developed in the liquid feed without L. plantarum and became noticeable after a period of 6 to 8 h, when pH began to drop. From 8 to 24 h there was a slow but steady reduction in pH down to a level of about pH 4.3. This development was irrespective of enzyme supplementation level. The L. plantarum treatment had already reached a pH of 4.2 after 8 h and a pH of 3.6 after 24 h.

The viscosity was reduced with supplementation with a high enzyme dose (6000 FXU and 600 FBG per kg diet), compared to the control diet (without enzymes). Treatment with L. plantarum (1.8 × 1011 CFU/kg feed) increased the viscosity over time, even with enzyme supplementation, compared to the control treatment.

Diets without and with enzyme supplementation and pre-treated as dry feed (control), liquid feed (incubated for 8 h) or liquid feed fermented with L. plantarum (incubated for 24 h), were subjected to an in vitro digestion procedure. Both pre-treatment as liquid feed and enzyme supplementation lead to a reduction in dry matter and in the insoluble NSP fraction during digestion in comparison with the control based on the original dry feed.

It may be concluded that enzyme supplementation to liquid or fermented feed may cause a reduction in the insoluble dietary fibre content as well as a reduction in feed viscosity, while the pH is not influenced.  相似文献   

饲料中黄曲霉毒素(AFB1)容易超标,检出率达80%~100%,毒性大,具强致癌性,可抑制生猪免疫机能,降低动物生产性能,引起动物继发感染,还会在动物产品中残留而威胁人类健康,给生猪养殖带来经济损失,降低猪肉食品安全性。本文通过使用先进固体发酵系统设备和益生菌发酵技术,采用单因素试验和响应面中试优化,获得发酵降解猪饲料AFB1的最佳工艺参数为硒浓度0.3 mg/kg,发酵时间12 h,量子波强度30 Hz,益生菌菌种组合CGMCC NO.17328混合CGMCC NO.15611。该工艺将猪饲料AFB1量从63.41μg/kg降解到2.98μg/kg,降解率达到95.30%,AFB1含量达到国家饲料安全标准。生产工艺适合养猪场低成本快速生产AFB1达标猪饲料。  相似文献   

发酵饲料作为一种新型绿色环保的功能性饲料,具有提高饲料营养价值、降低抗营养因子含量、改善饲料适口性、有益动物肠道健康、促进动物生长发育、改善动物产品质量和减排环保等特点.文章对发酵饲料的定义和益处进行了简要的概述,重点讨论了其对猪肉品质的影响、机理和其在猪肉生产上的应用,以期为发酵饲料的合理开发与高效应用提供参考.  相似文献   

Weanling pigs (n = 188) were used in a 5-wk experiment to determine the effects of a bolus of direct fed microbials (DFM) at weaning and/or feeding DFM on growth performance and gastrointestinal histology. Dietary treatments were: 1) basal negative control (NC), 2) Trt. 1 + DFM in a bolus at weaning, 3) Trt. 1 + DFM in the feed for d 1–34, 4) Trt. 1 + DFM in a bolus at weaning, and in the feed for d 1–34, and 5) Trt. 1 + in-feed antibiotics (carbadox, 55 ppm). Dietary antibiotics (Trt. 5) improved ADG (P < 0.05) during phase 2 (d 7–21) compared to pigs fed DFM (Trt. 3). A bolus dose of DFM at weaning, with or without subsequent DFM in the feed (Trt. 2 and 4), resulted in similar growth performance to pigs on Trt. 1 or 5. However, providing DFM in the feed alone (Trt. 4), resulted in a reduced ADG during phases 1 (d 1–7; P < 0.05) and 2 (d 7–21; P < 0.10) compared to pigs fed the antibiotic diet (Trt. 5). Overall ADFI was higher for pigs fed antibiotics (Trt. 5) compared to all other treatments, except pigs given a bolus dose of DFM at weaning and provided with DFM in the feed (Trt. 4). On d 34, duodenal villus height was higher (P < 0.05) for pigs fed the antibiotic diet (Trt. 5) compared to pigs receiving the bolus dose of DFM at weaning with no subsequent treatment (Trt. 2). Ileal crypt depths were greater (P < 0.05) for pigs on the positive control diet (Trt. 5) compared to all other treatments on d 7. Cellular proliferation rates in ileal crypts were increased (P < 0.05) on d 21 for pigs fed antibiotics (Trt. 5) compared to pigs fed the negative control diet (Trt. 1). On d 34, increased ileal crypt proliferation rates (P < 0.05) were observed in pigs receiving DFM through the feed (Trt. 4) only compared to pigs receiving the combination bolus and in-feed DFM (Trt. 5) and pigs fed the negative control diet (Trt. 1).  相似文献   

The embryo culture technique has been improving, but the detailed demands for energy substrates such as glucose, fructose, pyruvate and lactate of preimplantation embryos are still unclear. In the present study, the demands of pig preimplantation embryos at each different developmental stage were investigated by use of parthenogenetic diploids as a model of pig preimplantation embryos. Pig parthenogenetic diploids showed different use of glucose and fructose before and after the 4-cell stage. Although glucose supported the development of pig embryos throughout the preimplantation stages and even maintained the expansion and hatching of blastocysts, it suppressed development to the blastocyst stage when glucose coexisted with pyruvate and lactate from 4 h after activation, but not after 48 h (early 4-cell stage). Since ketohexokinase that metabolizes fructose was not expressed in 2-cell and 4-cell diploids, a medium that included only fructose as a major energy substrate did not support early cleavage of pig diploids beyond the 4-cell stage, and almost no diploids developed to the morula stage just as in a medium without carbohydrates. These results may explain the different suppressive effects on pig preimplantation development between glucose and fructose when pyruvate and lactate were present in a medium. In addition, 4-cell diploids that had been cultured in a medium with pyruvate and lactate developed to the expanded blastocyst stage without any carbohydrates as a major energy substrate. These results show that the demands for carbohydrates are different depending on the developmental stage in pig preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was (1) comparison of four multi-step methods used for Salmonella isolation from meat- and bone powder; (2) elaboration of a new sensitive method of Salmonella isolation from this product; (3) evaluation of a new solid selective medium (BxLH) described by the authors for Salmonella isolation in comparison to brilliant green agar (BGE) according to Edel and Kampelmacher. The study was carried out on 173 meat- and bone powder samples naturally contaminated with Salmonella oranienburg. The samples were examined for the Salmonella presence by means of four compared methods (Methods 1 to 4). The new method of isolation proposed by the authors (Method 3) proved to be the most effective among all compared for Salmonella recovery. It seems that the superiority of Method 3 in comparison to the other applied was a result of, (1) homogenization of the investigated samples in distilled water before preincubation followed by maintenance at room temperature for 2–4 h; (2) the use of a new selective BxLH agar; (3) the use of multiple plating after selective enrichment. The BxLH medium was shown to be more suitable for Salmonella isolation than BGE agar because of more efficient inhibition of other bacterial growth with simultaneously abundant growth of the Salmonella organisms. The additional advantage offered by BxLH agar was the fact that lactose-positive salmonellas grow as typical representatives of this genus. This enables their identification, in contrast to the situation when lactose containing media are used, where the colonies of such salmonellas are similar to the colonies of, for example, Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

用原位杂交法研究了10头长白猪(n=5)和梅山猪(n=5)颈前神经节、脊髓颈部和胃内Ob—Rb mRNA的分布定位。实验结果表明,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元位于长白猪和梅山猪颈前神经节、脊髓颈部和胃内。在颈前神经节,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元散在分布,胞体呈圆形或卵圆形。在脊髓颈部,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元分布于背侧角和腹侧角,以背侧角分布密集。在胃内,Ob—Rb mRNA标记细胞分布于黏膜层和黏膜下层。长白猪和梅山猪上述结构内Ob—Rb mRNA的分布定位无明显差异。  相似文献   

IL-27 is the newest member of the IL-12 cytokine family and plays an important role in the immune regulation. It is composed of two subunits, p28 and EBV-induced gene 3(EBI3). Although human and mouse IL-27 p28 genes have been cloned, pig IL-27 p28 gene has not ever been reported. In the present study, we have cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA of IL-27 p28 from pig. The open reading frame of pig IL-27 p28 gene is 720 bp, which encodes a protein of 239 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 26.6 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of pig IL-27 p28 showed a high degree of homology to human (63%) and mouse (58%). It was a 4-helix cytokine and belonged to 4-helix cytokine superfamily. Pig IL-27 p28 has one transmembrane region, one signal peptide, and one N-glycosylation site, two Protein kinase C phosphorylation sites, three Casein kinase II phosphorylation sites and one N-myristoylation site. For the expression of pig IL-27 p28 protein in a eukaryotic expression system the recombinant plasmid was constructed. The expression of pig IL-27 p28 in mammalian cells were confirmed by flow cytometry analysis, immunofluorescence and Western blot. The analysis also confirmed a cross reactivity with anti-mouse IL-27 p28 antibody. This is the first report of cloning and characterization of IL-27 p28 in pig.  相似文献   

Human trichinellosis is a foodborne disease caused by ingestion of infective Trichinella muscle larvae via pork or meat of other food animals which are susceptible to this zoonotic parasite. There are new approaches for a risk-oriented meat inspection for Trichinella in pigs which are accompanied by monitoring programmes on herd level to control freedom from this parasite. For this purpose, testing schemes utilizing serological tests with a high sensitivity and specificity are required.This study aimed at the evaluation of an ELISA and a Western Blot (WB) for the detection of anti-Trichinella-IgG in terms of sensitivity and specificity taking results of artificial digestion as gold standard. For this purpose, 144 field sera from pigs confirmed as Trichinella-free as well as 159 sera from pigs experimentally infected with T. spiralis (123), T. britovi (19) or T. pseudospiralis (17) were examined by ELISA (excretory–secretory antigen) and WB (crude worm extract). Sera from pigs experimentally infected with four other nematode species were included to investigate the cross-reactivity of the antigen used in the WB. For all Trichinella-positive pig sera, band pattern profiles were identified in the WB and results were analysed in relation to ELISA OD% values.Testing of pig sera revealed a sensitivity of 96.8% for the ELISA and 98.1% for the WB whereas the methods showed a specificity of 97.9 and 100%, respectively. WB analysis of Trichinella-positive pig sera revealed five specific band patterns of 43, 47, 61, 66, and 102 kDa of which the 43 kDa protein was identified as the predominant antigen. The frequency of the band pattern profile was irrespective of the dose and the period of infection as well as the Trichinella species investigated.In conclusion, monitoring in swine farms for Trichinella antibodies should be based on screening pig sera by means of ELISA followed by confirmatory testing through WB analysis.  相似文献   

Nineteen Streptococcus suis type 2 isolates that had been analyzed previously for hemolysin production, ribotype, and virulence in pigs were examined for presence of the gene coding for suilysin by PCR amplification, and southern blot and hybridization techniques. Based on southern blot and hybridization analysis, all isolates tested contained at least a portion of the suilysin gene. PCR amplification of the entire gene resulted in gene fragments from five of the seven highly virulent isolates and none of the moderately virulent or avirulent isolates. Additional PCR analysis showed that mutation or deletions at the 5′ end of the suilysin gene in the less virulent isolates prevented amplification of the sly gene fragment from those isolates. The MRP+ (muramidase-released protein) EF+ (extracellular protein) phenotype was also expressed by the same five highly virulent/sly+ isolates.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the current study was to determine the effects of the central dopaminergic system on N/OFQ-induced feed intake in 3-h feed-deprived neonatal broilers.

2. In experiment 1, chicken received intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of a control solution, SCH 23 390 (D1 receptors antagonist, 5 nmol), N/OFQ (16 nmol) or their combination (SCH23 390 + N/OFQ). In experiment 2, a control solution, AMI-193 (D2 receptors antagonist, 5 nmol), N/OFQ (16 nmol) or their combination (AMI-193 + N/OFQ) were ICV injected into chickens. In experiment 3, birds received ICV injections of a control solution, NGB2904 (D3 receptors antagonist, 6.4 nmol), N/OFQ (16 nmol) and co-injection of NGB2904 + N/OFQ. In experiment 4, ICV injections of the control solution, L-741,742 (D4 receptors antagonist, 6 nmol), N/OFQ (16 nmol) or their combination (L-741,742 + N/OFQ) were applied to broilers. In experiment 5, birds were ICV injected with control solution, L-DOPA (dopamine precursor, 125 nmol), N/OFQ (16 nmol) and L-DOPA + N/OFQ. Cumulative feed intake was recorded until 120 min after injection.

3. According to the results, ICV injection of N/OFQ significantly increased feed intake (P < 0.05). Co-injection of N/OFQ and D1 receptor antagonist (SCH 23390) amplified hyperphagic effect of N/OFQ (P < 0.05). The N/OFQ-induced feed intake was increased by the D2 receptor antagonist (P < 0.05). The hyperphagic effect of N/PFQ was weakened by co-injection of L-DOPA + N/OFQ (P < 0.05).

4. These results suggested that an interaction exists between dopamine and N/OFQ via D1 and D2 receptors on central feed intake in neonatal broiler chickens.  相似文献   

This review summarizes evidence for associations between Salmonella prevalence in market-weight swine and changes in feeding management practices or feed characteristics. A systematic review of the topic was conducted with the goal of minimizing the impact of bias on the review conclusions. Potential interventions included feed withdrawal from swine prior to slaughter, feed acidification, heat treatment of feed, pelletized feed versus mash, course versus fine grind, and wet versus dry feeds. In the reviewed literature, Salmonella prevalence was measured either by culture or by the presence of antibodies to Salmonella. The evidentiary value of studies was assessed, and studies that failed to meet predetermined standards were excluded. 7694 potentially relevant references were identified by an extensive literature search; however, 2623 references that were not published in English were excluded, because funds for translation were not available. Of the remaining references, only 277 were considered relevant to the review topic by two independent reviewers, and assessed for methodological quality. During quality assessment, 233 references were excluded because they failed to report design features that limit the introduction of bias or were conducted in a non-target population such as gnotobiotic, neonatal, nursery, or recently weaned pigs and sows. Forty-four publications passed the quality assessment conducted by 2 independent reviewers, but only 15 of the 44 publications reported studies that tested hypotheses associated with feeding management practices and feed characteristics and Salmonella prevalence in market-weight swine. The most common study design was cross-sectional (7/15). The included studies failed to provide strong evidence of an association between any of the potential interventions and Salmonella prevalence, due to the potential for confounding, and the failure to document temporal association between the intervention and Salmonella prevalence. The strongest evidence of an association was found for feed form, i.e. the use of non-pelleted may be potential interventions associated with reduced Salmonella prevalence. The uncertainty is primarily based on studies containing moderate to low evidentiary value or insufficient numbers of tested individuals, resulting in a low degree of confidence that results could be extrapolated to the target population. Therefore, the conclusion of the review is that there should be a low level of comfort among qualified scientists that the claimed association between non-pelleted feed and reduced Salmonella prevalence is scientifically valid. There is no strong evidence regarding associations between presence of Salmonella and the other feed characteristics examined.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the association between herd level risk factors for introduction and transmission of Salmonella in farms with three different production systems: organic, outdoor (non-organic) and indoor finishing-pig farms, and the presence of seropositive animals in the herds. Potential risk factors for Salmonella in the three pig production systems were identified through a literature review, and management information as well as serological data were collected in 34 pig farms: 11 organic farms, 12 outdoor farms, and 11 indoor farms. There were no general differences in the proportion of Salmonella seropositive animals in the organic, outdoor, and indoor pig farms. Correspondence analysis showed that the occurrence of seropositive animals in the herds was mostly associated to the risk of introducing Salmonella in the herds by purchasing and transporting growing pigs. No associations between herd risk factors for transmission and survival of Salmonella and seropositive animals in the herds were found.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate effects of feeding sorghum-sudan- or alfalfa-based diets on intake, first compartment stomach characteristics, digestibility, nitrogen balance and energy metabolism in alpacas at low altitude (793 m). Six mature alpacas (42 ± 2.3 kg of body weight) were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment. The treatments were: sorghum-sudan diets (SSD), alfalfa hay diets (AHD) and fresh alfalfa diets (FAD), respectively. Alpacas were housed in metabolism crates and diets were fed for 21 days with 11 d of adaptation and 10 d of sampling. Alpaca was supplemented concentrate with 160 g per alpaca per day and forages were fed at 12 h intervals with water provided ad libitum. First compartment stomach pH and ammonia N were unaffected by forage source, whereas total VFA concentration was different between diets, with the least for FAD (46.8 mM), followed by AHD (51.8 mM) and the highest for SSD (56.1 mM). Ratio of acetate to propionate was greater for AHD and SSD than for FAD diets. The molar proportion of acetate decreased, whereas the molar proportion of propionate increased for FAD relative to AHD and SSD. Redox potential was lower for SSD than for FAD. Surface tension was greater for FAD than for SSD and AHD. Osmolality was lower for FAD than for SSD and AHD. First compartment pressure and methane production tended to be higher for FAD than for SSD (P < 0.06) and AHD (P < 0.07). Digestibilities of DM, OM and EE were not different between diets. However, the digestibility of CP was lower for AHD relative to SSD and FAD. Digestibilities of NDF and ADF were greater for SSD than for AHD and FAD. Intakes of gross energy (GE) and N were greater for AHD than for FAD and SSD. Digestible energy (DE) was the highest in AHD followed by SSD and FAD. Metablizable energy (ME) was different with the lowest for FAD (3.9 MJ/day), followed by SSD (5.4 MJ/day) and the highest for AHD (8.1 MJ/day). Energy retained was followed the same trend as ME. The results demonstrate variable responses of alpacas to feeding sorghum-sudan or alfalfa diets in terms of dry matter intake, first compartment stomach characteristics, digestibility, nitrogen balance and energy metabolism at low altitude.  相似文献   

A total of 413 pig faecal samples were collected from pre-weaners (119), starters (131), pre-growers (123) and sows (40) from a farm with a closed breeding system segmented into two breeding complexes and a growing complex in the region of Vysočina, Czech Republic and screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium using staining methods and genotyping (SSU rRNA). Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by microscopy in the faeces of 21.1% of the samples (87/413). Sequence analyses and RFLP identified C. suis in 44, Cryptosporidium pig genotype II in 23 and C. muris in 2 samples. No mixed infections were found.Pigs under 7 weeks of age were infected with C. suis only. Cryptosporidium pig genotype II was found in animals from 7 weeks of age. No relationship was found between diarrhoea and any Cryptosporidium infection in any of the different age groups (P < 0.05). The pre-weaned pigs shed significantly more Cryptosporidium oocysts than older pigs and it was associated with C. suis infection.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different feed withdrawal and lairage times prior to slaughter on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) weight and on the fermentation pattern and numbers of Enterobacteriaceae in the cecum of pigs. A total of 72 finishing pigs (6 pens, 12 animals each) were included in the study and were sent to the slaughterhouse on three consecutive days. On each day pigs from two pens were deprived of feed for either 2 or 12 h before leaving the farm. Pigs from each of the two pens were divided in sub-groups (4 pigs each) on the moment of loading onto the truck and followed the same distribution at the slaughterhouse. Once there, each sub-group corresponding to the same feed withdrawal time was held in different holding pens for 0, 5 or 10 h before slaughter. The weight of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) was determined and cecal content was collected to evaluate pH, short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and ammonia (NH3) concentrations as well as lactobacilli and Enterobacteriaceae numbers. Total GIT weight decreased as feed withdrawal (P < 0.0001) and lairage time (P < 0.001) increased within a range between 6.69 and 4.59 kg. Cecal pH increased with feed withdrawal (P < 0.0001) and lairage time (P = 0.0001) (ranging from 5.79 to 6.79) in parallel to a decrease in the total SCFA concentration (P < 0.005) (from 211 to 100 mM). The percentages of acetic and propionic acid were not modified by the experimental treatments but significant decreases were registered in the percentage of butyric acid with the increased times of both withdrawal (P < 0.0001) and lairage (P < 0.005). The percentage of valeric and branched SCFA and also NH3 concentration showed an increase with withdrawal (P < 0.005, P < 0.0001 and P < 0.005 respectively) and lairage (P < 0.005, P < 0.0001 and P < 0.001 respectively). Lactobacilli numbers decreased as lairage time increased (from 9.97 to 8.63 log 16S rRNA gene copies/g FM; P < 0.05) and Enterobacteriaceae numbers increased with both, feed withdrawal (P < 0.05) and lairage (P < 0.05) (ranging from 8.53 to 9.95 log 16S rRNA gene copies/g FM).The previous to slaughter increase in feed withdrawal and lairage times decreased the GIT weight but involved changes in the gut microbial ecosystem caused through changes in the fermentation pattern that lead to the increase of Enterobacteriaceae numbers. This increase could represent a higher risk of carcass contamination by the enteropathogens of this group such as Salmonella. However this potential risk should be further investigated.  相似文献   

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