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Transanal endoscopic resection and cautery of benign rectal tumours was performed in six dogs with extensive and/or inaccessible rectal neoplasia. The results were encouraging, with three dogs cured and the quality of life of a further two improved for a significant time. The remaining dog died as a result of rectal perforation. Transanal endoscopic treatment of extensive and/or inaccessible benign canine rectal tumours offers an alternative to more radical techniques such as pull-through surgery.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to evaluate dogs with suspected prostatic neoplasia, however, published studies describing MRI characteristics of canine prostatic neoplasia are currently lacking. The aims of the current retrospective case series study were to describe MRI findings of the pelvic region in dogs with a histopathologic or cytologic diagnosis of prostatic neoplasia. Retrospective analysis of these images was then performed by a board-certified veterinary radiologist for shared imaging characteristics. The most consistent characteristics were heterogeneous hyperintensity of the tumor on T2-weighted images (10/10) and short tau inversion recovery images (10/10), prostatic capsular margin distortion by the tumor (10/10), cavitations (10/10), complete effacement of the prostatic architecture (9/10), neurovascular bundle (NVB) compression or invasion (9/10), heterogeneous isointensity of the tumor on T1-weighted images (9/10), and strong contrast enhancement of the tumor (8/10). Additional features included an overlying pattern of distorted radiating striations (7/10), regional lymphadenomegaly (5/10), mineralization within the mass (5/10), urinary bladder trigone involvement (6/10), and post-prostatic urethral involvement (7/10). These findings supported the use of MRI as an adjunct imaging modality for diagnosis and therapeutic planning of prostatic neoplasia and including prostatic neoplasia as a likely differential diagnosis for dogs with these MRI characteristics.  相似文献   

A case of myeloid neoplasia is described in a dog showing signs of anaemia, depression, lethargy, anorexia and enlargement of the liver and spleen which were considered typical of the disease. Rare features of the case included infiltration of neoplastic cells in the bladder wall and a normal peripheral blood total white cell count.  相似文献   

lfosfamide (3-[2-chloroethyl]-2[(2 chloroethyl)amino]tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorine 2-oxide) is an alkylating agent with a broad spectrum of antitumor activity. The efficacy and toxicity of ifosfamide were evaluated in 72 dogs with spontaneously occurring tumors. Forty dogs (56%) had lymphoma, 31 (43%) had sarcomas, and 1 had a metastatic carcinoma. Five dogs received ifosfamide at dosages <350 mg/m2 IV. Neither toxicity nor response were observed, and the remaining dogs received ifosfamide at 350 mg/m2 (n = 18) and 375 mg/m2 body surface area IV (n = 49). Saline diuresis and the thiol compound mesna were used to prevent urothelial toxicity. Fifty-two dogs had measurable tumors and could be evaluated for response. Complete responses were seen in 1 dog with metastatic leiomyosarcoma of the urinary bladder and in 1 dog with metastatic cutaneous hemangiosarcoma. One dog with lymphoma had a partial response for 112 days. Six dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma received ifosfamide postsplenectomy and their median survival time was 147 days. The acute dose limiting toxicity was neutropenia 7 days after administration of ifosfamide. The median and mean neutrophil counts 7 days after ifosfamide at 350 mg/m2 were 2,035 cells/microL and 4,773 cells/microL, respectively (n = 12). The median and mean neutrophil counts 7 days after ifosfamide at 375 mg/m2 were 2,500 cells/microL and 3,594 cells/microL, respectively (n = 37). No dog developed clinical or microscopic evidence of hemorrhagic cystitis. Ifosfamide appears safe to use in tumor-bearing dogs, and the evaluation of combination chemotherapy protocols that include ifosfamide should be considered.  相似文献   

A prospective epidemiologic study of canine testicular neoplasia was undertaken in the Philadelphia area in 1971, with the cooperation of private veterinary practitioners. By the end of 1975, 938 dogs had been monitored for an average of 2 years. The cohort consisted of 609 cryptorchid and 329 age- and breed-matched controls. The incidence of testicular neoplasia in the cryptorchid subcohort was 12.7/1,000 dog-years at risk. Testicular neoplasms did not develop in controls. A large proportion of the dogs were below the average age at onset for this neoplasm. Among dogs over 6 years of age, the incidence was 68.1/1,000 dog-years at risk. The incidence of Sertoli cell tumors and seminoma was approximately twice as high in dogs with unilaterally retained inguinal testicles as in abdominal cryptorchids. Sertoli cell tumors developed in 10 dogs and seminoma developed in 6. One half of the testicular neoplasms that developed did so within the first year of observation. This study demonstrated the feasibility of conducting prospective epidemiologic studies of canine diseases with the assistance of practicing veterinarians.  相似文献   

The nematode Spirocerca lupi is primarily a parasite of dogs, which causes typical lesions of esophageal nodular granulomas, aortic aneurysms and spondylitis. In order to evaluate the therapeutic effect of doramectin on experimental canine spirocercosis, seven beagle dogs experimentally infected with 40 infectious S. lupi larvae (L(3)) were treated with doramectin. Treatment was commenced following endoscopic visualization of esophageal granulomas, and typical S. lupi eggs were detected in the feces. The treatment protocol included six treatments of doramectin (400 microg/kg subcutaneously) at 2 weeks intervals, followed by monthly injections until the disappearance of the esophageal granulomas or the end of the study (768 days post-inoculation).Eggs could not be found on fecal examinations 3-10 days after the first or second doramectin treatment. In addition, a gradual decrease in size of granulomas was noticed in all seven dogs during the course of the study. Esophageal granulomas had completely resolved in six of the seven dogs between day 35 and day 544 post-initial doramectin treatment, by day 35 in one dog (after three treatments), by day 43 in two dogs (after four treatments), by day 98 in one dog (after seven treatments), by day 460 in one dog (after 18 treatments) and by day 544 in another dog (after 21 treatments). In one dog, remnants of S. lupi granulomas could still be seen 544 days post-initiation of treatment with doramectin. Multiple subcutaneous injections of doramectin (400 microg/kg) were shown to be effective and safe in the treatment of canine spirocercosis.  相似文献   

A total of forty-eight dogs were utilized to titrate and evaluate the activity of a new miticide, amitraz. The treatment was applied dermally and evaluated for efficacy against experimentally induced Demodex canis and Sarcoptes scabiei infestations. Five different concentrations (2000, 1000, 500, 250, 125 p.p.m.) of the active drug, N'—(2, 4-dimethylphenyl)N—{[(2, 4-dimethylphenyl) imino] methyl} -N-methyl-methanimidamide, were tested. The activity of amitraz was compared to a standard treatment, placebo treatment, and no treatment.
A single dermal treatment with amitraz (all concentrations) indicated activity against both D. canis and S. scabiei. The lowest concentration of active drug (125 p.p.m.) was significantly less efficacious than the four higher concentrations (250, 500, 1000, 2000 p.p.m.). At the 250 p.p.m. (or higher) level the effectiveness of this new miticide was comparable to the standard treatment. The data indicate the 250 p.p.m. concentration is the optimal level and the recommended dilution for treatment of mange mites. Drug reactions related to amitraz were not observed.  相似文献   

Associations between benign and malignant neoplasms of the dog were quantitatively evaluated. Using histologically confirmed submissions and population-based methodology, canine benign tumors were significantly associated with both the unordered and subsequent development of additional distinct malignancies in the same dogs. A detailed examination of the methods indicated that these results are not likely due to methodologic artifact. The implication is that benign and malignant tumor development are associated and that the occurence of a benign neoplasm is an indicator of a parallel predisposition to malignancy.  相似文献   

Light-based technologies are applied in various fields of medicine: for example optical diagnostics, light-activated therapy and surgery. Although light-based surgical procedures had hardly been a novelty, the revolutionizing moment for surgery came with the first use of light to cut tissue. Nowadays, surgical lasers are routinely used across numerous medical specialties, including gynaecology and urology. They are a part of the surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate carcinoma, penis carcinoma, genital skin lesions and orchidectomy. While in human urology lasers continue to establish their position as one of the standard surgical tools, veterinary patients are rarely treated with what here is still considered a technical innovation. However, through research on laser treatment of the prostate hyperplasia conducted on a canine model, veterinary medicine has gained a massive portion of data. It may prove beneficial for our clinical patients. In this review, we introduce the very principles of laser surgery as well as its current and future applications in oncologic surgery of the canine prostate gland and the male reproductive system.  相似文献   

Fibronectin, a large glycoprotein found in soluble form in plasma and in insoluble form in connective tissue matrices, has been implicated in cell-to-cell and cell-to-substratum interactions, inflammation and tissue repair, phagocytosis, hemostasis, and oncogenic cell transformation. Because fibronectin concentration is diminished or lacking on cell surfaces of many transformed cell lines and because decreased concentration of plasma fibronectin is associated with suboptimal mononuclear phagocyte system function and host defense, plasma fibronectin concentration was evaluated in 119 dogs with various forms of neoplasia. Included were 43 dogs with neoplasia of the skin and soft tissue, 18 with gastrointestinal tract neoplasia, 29 with mammary gland neoplasia, and 29 with various other types of neoplasia. Of the dogs studied, 44 (37%) had evidence of metastatic disease. This group had fibronectin concentration that differed significantly (P less than 0.01) from the plasma fibronectin concentration reference interval. Within this group, 9 dogs (20% of this group) had plasma fibronectin values within the reference interval, 33 (75%) had significantly (P less than 0.01) lower values than the reference interval, and 2 (5%) had significantly (P less than 0.01) higher values than the reference interval. These data suggested that fibronectin concentration determination, when results are abnormal, may be of diagnostic and prognostic interest.  相似文献   

Cytologic and histologic examination of 91 canine mammary masses was performed by two cytologists and two histopathologists. Ten important cytologic criteria of malignancy for canine mammary tumors were identified. A cytologic grading system for differentiation of benign from malignant mammary tumors was proposed using these criteria. With this system, approximately one fourth of the malignant mammary tumors were given a concordant cytologic diagnosis. Approximately one-half of the benign masses were given a concordant cytologic diagnosis by the two cytologists. One-half of all the tumors examined were given inconclusive cytologic diagnoses by both cytologists. The cytologic identification of spindle cells did not differentiate complex and mixed mammary tumors from simple tumors. Only five of the animals studied died of mammary cancer, precluding a critical analysis of the cytologic criteria for prediction of cancer mortality.  相似文献   

The efficacy of specific immunochemotherapy against Leishmania infantum infection in dog was studied. The effects on transmission of the disease, as well as the cellular and humoral immune response were examined. The treated animals showed a significant reduction in the infection rates that were detected in Phlebotomus perniciosus females fed on the dog. The humoral immune response, assayed with an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), did not show significant variations under the influence of the therapy. The characterisation of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using flow cytometry indicated a significant increase in the proportion of T lymphocytes, especially of CD4/TcR(alpha)(beta)(+) and CD4/CD45RA(+) cells, without showing evidence for modifications in the other leukocyte subsets. Cellular lymphoproliferation studies indicated a lack of a specific response to soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA), but the non-specific lymphoproliferative capacity assayed with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was maintained.  相似文献   

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