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  • 1. The Strobel Meseta, a basaltic plateau of Patagonia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina), holds thousands of shallow fishless lakes that are prime habitat for many species of waterbirds, including some considered ‘near threatened’. In recent years, several lakes have been stocked with trout which has created uncertainty about the potential effects on the recipient ecosystem.
  • 2. Limnological and topographical analyses were performed in a group of 32 lakes of the Strobel Meseta in order to characterize and classify individual lakes of the meseta based on their limnological and topographic features, analyze the association between lake type and use by aquatic birds in general and by the endemic hooded grebe (Podiceps gallardoi) in particular, and evaluate the overlap between trout aquaculture and critical habitat for waterbirds.
  • 3. The lakes were classified by multivariate analyses into four characteristic types: turbid, high conductivity lakes (T), small vegetated lakes (SV) and larger lakes which were subdivided into either vegetated (LV) or unvegetated (LU). In general, macrophyte cover was the main classificatory variable, whereas conductivity, pH, surface, and depth contributed moderately. Large vegetated lakes were generally found to be important for waterbirds and provided critical habitat for the hooded grebe, whereas trout farmers largely favoured large unvegetated lakes. However, since some large vegetated lakes have already been stocked, there is some level of geographical overlap between waterbird habitat and trout farming.
  • 4. The existence of some level of spatial segregation between production and critical waterbird habitat affords opportunities for designing a spatially‐based management system for trout aquaculture.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Postal questionnaires, interviews and accurate reports from anglers were used to study angling activity, yield and catch per effort of grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., on three stretches of the regulated river Glomma and two stretches of its tributary, the river Rena in southeastern Norway. Angling activity was expressed as hours angling per kilometre of river and varied from 364 (CL 245–598) to 1337 (CL 912–1991) h km-1. Grayling and brown trout dominated the catches. The catches were estimated between 476 (CL 334–659) and 753 (CL 517–1155) grayling and brown trout per kilometre river stretch. The mean weights were estimated between 216 and 353 g for grayling, and 260 and 395 g for brown trout. The yield of grayling and brown trout was estimated between 8.7 (CL 6.1–12.4) and 46.4 (CL 34.9–62.3) kg ha-1 yr-1. The quotient grayling/brown trout in the catches varied between 0.41 and 5.1, and was found to be significantly negatively correlated with angling effort ( r = - 0.838, P <0.05). Catch per effort was estimated between 132 (CL 82–218) and 382 (CL 287–513) g h-1, and was also negatively correlated to angling effort, according to: Catch per effort (g h-1) = - 0.210 × effort (h km-1) + 405 ( r = and 0.899, P <0.02).
Angling activity in earlier years was determined from number of permits sold where data were available. On stretches where angling activity was moderate, there was a tendency towards increase, whereas on stretches where activity had been high for several years, the activity seemed to have stagnated, indicating that a saturation had been reached.  相似文献   

Abstract In January 2004, 46 wels catfish, Silurus glanis L., between 51 and 135 cm total length were tagged and released into a 0.4 ha recreational, catch and release, lake fishery in the UK, and their recapture by anglers monitored throughout the year. Of the 46 tagged fish, 16 were recaptured by anglers during 170 capture events. Some individual fish were captured up to 26 times. Catfish <75 cm appeared to be the least susceptible to capture and fish >100 cm most susceptible. Frequency of captures increased with temperatures >10 °C and peaked between June and August. Selected recapture weight data were used to produce a mass specific growth equation and revealed specific growth rate was a decreasing function of body mass over the size range of the recaptured fish. Their growth was slower than fish from elsewhere in their distribution range.  相似文献   

Abstract Twelve anglers fishing in a UK navigation canal for a total of 42 h caught 567 fish, mainly gudgeon, Gobio gobio (L.) ( n =306) and roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) ( n =253) at an average catch rate of 13.4 fish angler-h−1 or 128.5 g angler-h−1. The species and size of fish caught were compared with the numbers determined by depletion estimates at six sections of canal using micromesh seine netting. Fifty four percent of fish caught in the net were < 60 mm FL. Gudgeon (60–99 mm) were over-represented in the anglers' catches whilst roach (60–99 mm) were under-represented. The size distribution of roach and gudgeon caught by anglers using two types of bait (small maggots and chironomid larvae) was examined and smaller fish were found to be caught using the latter.  相似文献   

Nasmith LE, Tonn WM, Paszkowski CA, Scrimgeour GJ. Effects of stocked trout on native fish communities in boreal foothills lakes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 279–289. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Ecological effects of stocking nonnative trout into lakes are receiving increased attention, especially in alpine environments. We assessed effects of stocked trout on native forage fishes in the boreal foothills of Alberta (Canada) by comparing fish density, population size structure and spatial and temporal activities in stocked and unstocked lakes over 3 years (2005–2007). The numerically dominant dace (primarily Phoxinus spp.) were larger in stocked lakes, consistent with size‐limited predation. Dace were also more crepuscular and concentrated on the lake‐bottom in stocked lakes, compared to more daytime activity in the water column in unstocked lakes. There were, however, no demonstrable effects of trout on the abundance of forage fish. The lack of major population‐level impacts of stocked trout suggests that current stocking practices, characteristics of boreal foothill lakes (e.g. thermal structure, abundant invertebrates, dense macrophytes) and/or behavioural adjustments of forage fish contribute to healthy native fish populations in our stocked lakes.  相似文献   

In subarctic lake systems, fish species like brown trout are often important predators, and their niche performance is a key characteristic for understanding trophic interactions and food web functioning at upper trophic levels. Here, we studied summer habitat use and stomach contents of brown trout under both allopatric and sympatric conditions in six subarctic lakes to reveal its trophic role, and population‐ and individual‐level niche plasticity. In allopatry, brown trout mainly used the littoral habitat, but also less commonly used the pelagic zone. In sympatry with stickleback, there was always a considerable habitat overlap between the two species. In contrast, sympatric populations of brown trout and Arctic charr generally revealed a distinct habitat segregation. In the sympatric systems, in general, there was a distinct resource partitioning between the trout and charr, whereas the observed diet overlap between trout and stickleback was much larger. Trout modified their individual dietary specialisation between the littoral and pelagic zone, always being lower in the pelagic. Piscivorous behaviour of trout was only found in sympatric systems, possibly contributing to a competitive advantage of trout over charr and stickleback. Hence, the trophic level of trout was strongly related to the fish community composition, with a higher trophic level in sympatric systems where piscivorous behaviour was frequent. These changes in the trophic level of trout linked with the observed food resource partitioning might be an important mechanism in the ecosystem functioning of subarctic lakes to allow coexistence among sympatric‐living fish species.  相似文献   

Pre‐slaughter handling involves fasting fish and catching them, which can affect fish welfare and flesh quality, but few studies have considered their combined effects. In this study, adult rainbow trout (320 ± 10 g average weight) were fasted for 7 days (135.6 degree days) and subjected to a long catch duration (20 min), compared with controls (no fasting or short catch duration). Condition factor, organ weight indexes and carcass yield decreased with fasting but not catch duration. Plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased after a long catch, while plasma triglycerides decreased with fasting. Liver glycogen concentration was lower in fasted fish, and liver luminosity and chroma were higher after fasting with a long catch. Regarding flesh quality, rigor mortis resolved more slowly and final muscle pH at 48 hr post‐mortem was higher for fasted fish with a long catch time. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in fasted fish, where chroma was also lower. Fasted fish had lower lipid oxidation, but there were no differences in fat content in muscle. Fasted fish with a long catch duration also had less monounsaturated and more saturated fatty acids. In conclusion, a long catch triggered a stress response that had negative effects on flesh quality, independently of fasting.  相似文献   

Abstract. Analysis of 4 years’ club records shows that, on average, the anglers fishing for brown trout in the lower River Don, Aberdeenshire, Scotland made 9 trips/y of 4 hours duration, caught 0·8 fish/trip at the rate of 0·2 fish/h, making a total of 7 fish/season, having an average weight of 350g. There was, however, considerable variation in the results. Guests tended to fish for longer, and to catch less, than regular members. Most (95%) of the fish were caught by only 30% of the anglers, who accounted for 80% of the fishing effort. Angler efficiency increased with the number of seasons spent fishing the club waters during the period; it decreased with increase in water temperature and flow and, early in the season, tended to decrease slightly with increase in catch in the preceding month.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of different disinfectants' treatment using in aquaculture on the oxidative stress biomarkers such as thiobarbituric acid reactive substrates (TBARS) and carbonyl derivatives of protein oxidative modification, as well as antioxidant defences [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity] and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the heart tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In the disinfectants exposure, fish were treated to chloramine‐T (final concentration 10 g m?3), chloride dioxide (5 g m?3), formalin (200 mL m?3) and CIP disinfectant based on peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide (16 mL m?3) for 20 min and repeated three times every 3 days. Both chlorine dioxide and formalin treatment was indicated by a significant increase in the level of heart TBARS levels and carbonyl derivatives content and decreased SOD activity. Tissue oxidative stress biomarkers were unchanged upon chloramine‐T or CIP disinfectant exposure. Increased oxidative stress could modify antioxidant defences, principally causing increased CAT activity in the heart tissue of formalin‐ or ClO2?‐exposed fish. The correlation between oxidative stress biomarkers and GPx activity indicates that enzymes related to glutathione metabolism were responsible to formalin or ClO2?‐induced oxidative stress. Hence, TBARS, carbonyl derivatives and antioxidant defences could be used as biomarkers in evaluating the toxicity of formalin and chlorine dioxide using as disinfectants to trout.  相似文献   

Abstract– Data from the Swedish Electrofishing Register were used to study the effects of lakes on the growth of yearling (0+) brown trout in outlet streams. It was found that growth increased close to lakes. On average, the length of the longest yearlings was 10% greater 0-100 m downstream from lakes as compared with more than 1 km downstream. Growth enhancement was most pronounced downstream from large lakes. This was exemplified with maximum yearling lengths in September in inlet streams (maximum yearlings 50-100 mm) and outlet streams (65-130 mm) of Lake Stora Le (area 200 km2), and inlet streams (50-75 mm) and outlet streams (65-95 mm) of Lake Anten (area 18 km2). It is suggested that this is a combined effect of both increased water temperature and outflow of lake seston. The growth pattern found was not correlated to population abundance or to the abundance of competitors or predators.  相似文献   

为探明流刺网船的捕捞作业情况,根据海阳市2014—2016年流刺网船的渔捞日志,对流刺网船渔获状况进行了分析,并对近海渔业资源利用动态进行了初步探讨。研究表明:流刺网船分为4种作业类型,分别是A类:交替使用海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网和对虾漂流三重刺网;B类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)漂流单片刺网;C类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、鲅鱼漂流单片刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网和单拖网;D类:交替使用海蜇漂流三重刺网、对虾漂流三重刺网、青鳞小沙丁鱼漂流单片刺网和单拖网。B类的全年单船日平均渔获量低于同一年的其它3类,C、D两类的全年单船日平均渔获量年间波动较大,C类和D类大部分月份单船日平均渔获量都高于A类和B类。结果显示,不同类型各年常见优势种为海蜇、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus),夏季4类作业类型渔获物群落结构相似度较高,A、C类在春季或秋季的部分月份渔获物群落结构相似度高,B、D类在春季和秋季的部分月份群落结构相似度较高。  相似文献   

Abstract Lake-to-lake variation in brown trout, Salmo trutta m. lacustris L., yield from stocking was examined in 34 lakes in northern Finland. The trout were mainly stocked as 2–3-year-old fish. Catch statistics were compiled with information on water quality, water level fluctuations, fishing effort and lake geomorphology. Absolute brown trout yields (kgha-1) increased with increasing stocking rate, but there was an indication of non-linearity at higher stocking densities. Relative yields (kg per thousand trout released) were highest at low stocking rates. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to determine the best predictive model for lake-to-lake variability in brown trout yields. Seventeen measured regressands were used initially, and then replaced with scores obtained in a principal component analysis of highly correlated water quality variables and species-specific fish yields. Three major determinants of brown trout yields in these lakes were found in both analyses: fish community, stocking rate and fishing effort. Brown trout yields from stocking were higher in lakes with proportionally high yields of vendace or vendace and whitefish and proportionally low yields of pike.  相似文献   

Abstract. The performances of two strains of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, and a hybrid were assessed in a put-and-take fishery against stock from the normal supplier. The three batches of experimental fish were reared to the size usually stocked in the fishery and they and two batches of the normal stock fish were given distinctive dye-marks using a Panjet inoculator. Anglers’ returns were analysed and demonstrated that there were significant differences in the catchability of the various types of fish throughout the trial period. There was no apparent difference between strains in their susceptibility to the fly-fishing methods employed, nor between their growth rates whilst in the fishery, despite the clear superiority of some genotypes under fish-farm conditions. These factors are discussed in relation to the management of put-and-take trout fisheries.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Response of potential prey to the introduction of piscivores in a whole ecosystem is generally inferred from small-scale studies. Using distance sampling, two lakes that were initially without predators and three control lakes where predators were previously present were examined for the response of prey species to the introduction of brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ). Responses monitored included numerical changes in abundance, changes in habitat use patterns, and changes in the mean shoal sizes of potential prey species. No statistical changes in abundance or habitat use patterns were detected, whereas there was a significant increase in the mean shoal sizes of potential prey species in lakes where predators were added. We conclude that, in some natural systems, shoaling may be the first response potential prey initiate to reduce mortality risk.  相似文献   

Angling catch data was gathered by a postal questionnaire system from angling clubs holding competitions in three sections of the River Severn over a period of 3 years (1975–78). Angling success was measured as the percentage of anglers taking part that caught fish and as the overall catch rate (g/man/h) of the competing anglers. Species composition of the catch was also recorded. Angling success was closely related to water temperature. Parabolic regressions were fitted to the data. Optimum temperatures for angling success were between 18 and 20°C, except for the Lower Severn section where maximum catch rates were achieved at 14.9°C. Flow had little effect upon angling success until a critical flow was reached, above which success was considerably reduced. Critical flows for the upper, mid and lower sections were approximately 3,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Ml/day, respectively. Species composition of catches within river sections was influenced by water temperature. Some species (bleak, bream, dace and eels) were relatively more abundant in catches made at high temperatures whilst others (chub and roach) predominated at tow temperatures. It is suggested that the percentage of anglers catching fish is the most reliable indicator of angling success.  相似文献   

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