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The effect of Cu status, supplementation, and source on pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH was evaluated using nine multiparous, nonpregnant, nonsuckling, ovariectomized Angus cows (7.1 +/- 3.3 yr; 622.9 +/- 49.8 kg; BCS = 6.0 +/- 0.5). Cows were considered Cu-deficient based on liver Cu concentrations (< 30 mg of Cu/kg of DM) after receiving a low-Cu, forage-based diet supplemented (DM basis) with 5 mg of Mo/kg and 0.3% S for 216 d. Copper-deficient cows were stratified based on age, BW, BCS, and liver Cu concentration and assigned randomly to repletion-phase treatments. Treatments included 1) control (no supplemental Cu); 2) organic (ORG; 100% organic Cu); and 3) inorganic (ING; 100% inorganic CuSO4). Treatments were formulated to meet all NRC recommendations, except for Cu, which was supplemented to ORG and ING cows at 10 mg of Cu/kg of dietary DM. During the 159-d repletion phase, Cu status was monitored via liver biopsy samples, and all cows received exogenous progesterone. A controlled intravaginal drug-release device (replaced every 14 d) was used to maintain luteal phase progesterone as a means to provide negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. During the repletion phase, liver Cu concentrations did not differ between ORG and ING cows at any time. By d 77 of the repletion phase, all supplemented cows were considered adequate in Cu, and liver Cu concentrations were greater in supplemented than in nonsupplemented control cows on d 77 (P < 0.05) and throughout (P < 0.01) the repletion phase. Beginning on d 99, exogenous GnRH was administered to all cows at low (0, 3, and 9 microg; Exp. 1) and high doses (0, 27, and 81 microg; Exp. 2) at six different times. Cows were catheterized every fifth day, and blood samples were collected every 15 min for 1 h before and 4 h after GnRH administration and analyzed for LH concentration. In Exp. 1, Cu status and supplementation did not affect basal or peak LH concentrations, but total LH released tended (P < 0.07) to be greater in Cu-supplemented vs. control cows when 3 microg of GnRH was administered. In Exp. 2, there was no effect of Cu supplementation or source on basal, peak, or total LH released, regardless of GnRH dose. Pituitary LH concentrations did not differ across treatments. In conclusion, Cu status, supplementation, and source did not affect GnRH-induced LH secretion or pituitary LH stores in ovariectomized, progesterone-supplemented cows in this experiment.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Hereford x Angus cows (4 yr of age) were used to determine the effects of pre- and postpartum dietary energy on performance and reproductive function in suckled beef cows. The experiment was designed as a 2 x 2 factorial with cows receiving either 70 (L) or 150% (H) of NRC recommended level of dietary energy before and(or) after parturition, resulting in four treatment combinations (L-L, L-H, H-L, H-H). Prepartum diets were fed for approximately 110 d, and postpartum diets were fed until either 10 d after the second postpartum ovulation or 150 d postpartum for those cows that failed to ovulate. Cows receiving low compared with high levels of energy before calving lost more (P less than .01) weight, body condition, subcutaneous fat, and longissimus muscle area before parturition and had calves with lighter (P less than .01) birth weights. Cows receiving low compared with high levels of energy postpartum lost more (P less than .01) weight, body condition, and longissimus muscle area after parturition. Low levels of energy before and after parturition decreased (P less than .01) milk production and calf weight at 70 d of age. Rates of cervical and uterine involution were unaffected by dietary energy treatments. Cows receiving high levels of energy prepartum had increased (P less than .01) mean concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in serum after parturition, and cows receiving high levels of energy postpartum had increased (P less than .05) pulse frequency of LH. Low levels of energy postpartum decreased (P less than .01) appearance rate of small (5.0 to 7.9 mm) and large (greater than or equal to 10 mm) follicles, and low levels of energy prepartum decreased (P less than .02) appearance rate of large follicles based on transrectal ultrasonography. Cows receiving high levels of energy prepartum had shorter (P less than .02) intervals from parturition to ovulation, and a higher (P less than .01) percentage of the cows that received high levels of energy postpartum ovulated by 150 d postpartum. In summary, prepartum level of dietary energy influenced birth weight and weight gain of calves, milk production, concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in serum, appearance rate of large follicles, and the interval to first ovulation. Postpartum level of dietary energy influenced milk production, weight gain of calves, pulse frequency of LH, appearance rate of small and large follicles, and the percentage of cows that ovulated after parturition.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that the effect of body fatness on LH pulsatility in post-partum cows is entirely independent of the negative feedback effects of ovarian steroids. Forty beef cows were fed in the last 100 d of gestation so that they achieved either a thin (mean score 1.97) or fat (mean score 2.79) body condition (0 to 5 scale) at calving and were fed after calving to maintain live weight and body condition. At 15 (sd 3.7) d post partum all cows were ovariectomised and half from each body condition score treatment group received a subcutaneous estradiol implant (+EST) while the remainder received no implant (−EST). At weeks 5 and 9 post-partum blood samples were collected via jugular catheter every 20 minutes for 10 hr on two consecutive d and on the third d cows were injected via the jugular vein with 2.5 μg GnRH. Blood samples were collected every 15 minutes for 1 hr before and 2 hr after GnRH injection. At 5 and 9 weeks the fatter cows had significantly higher mean LH concentrations, baseline LH concentrations, LH pulse amplitudes and pulse frequencies (P<0.01). Implantation with estradiol in both fat and thin cows reduced mean LH concentrations, baseline LH concentrations, LH pulse amplitudes and pulse frequencies (P<0.001). The lack of interaction between body condition and the presence or absence of estradiol implies that the effect of body condition on LH release is independent of ovarian steroid feedback mechanisms. Fat cows showed a greater release of LH in response to exogenous GnRH (P<0.01) than thin cows while implantation with estradiol in both fat and thin cows decreased (P<0.01) LH release. The pituitary responsiveness to GnRH with the −EST cows was greater at 9 compared to 5 weeks, but there was no difference with time in the +EST cows. However, there was no such interaction in endogenous LH pulse amplitude suggesting that in the absence of estradiol the magnitude of GnRH pulses declined with time post-partum.  相似文献   

Nonpregnant Hereford cows (n = 70) were used to determine the effect of nutrient intake and body condition on reproductive and thyroid function. Body condition scores (BCS; 1 = emaciated; 9 = obese) of cows averaged 5.0 +/- .2 on July 1, and cows were fed for 4 mo either to lose weight and BCS (thin; n = 22), to maintain weight and BCS (moderate; n = 24), or to gain weight and BCS (fat; n = 24). After November 1, cows received a complete ration to maintain weight and BCS. Cows were slaughtered in December (six thin, eight moderate, and eight fat cows) or the subsequent March (16 cows per group). Before slaughter, cows were given two injections of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF) 11 d apart. Six days after the second PGF injection, cows were simultaneously treated with 100 micrograms of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH; i.m.) and 100 micrograms of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH; i.v.) and serum samples were obtained. The BCS of cows at slaughter (8 d after PGF) averaged 3.4, 5.3, and 7.1 (P less than .01) and carcass energy content averaged 243, 432, and 714 Mcal (P less than .01) for thin, moderate, and fat cows, respectively. Wet ovarian (P less than .001) and corpora lutea (P less than .01) weights were heavier for fat cows. Content of LH in the pituitary gland and concentrations of thyroxine (T4) in serum after GnRH/TRH were not influenced by nutrient intake or BCS. However, thin cows had greater concentrations (P less than .05) of LH in serum after GnRH/TRH than did moderate or fat cows. We conclude that nutrient intake and body energy reserves of beef cows influenced ovarian function and LH in serum after treatment with GnRH.  相似文献   

We determined whether cows in low (LBC) or high body condition (HBC) would consume different amounts of green pine needles (Pinus ponderosa). Cows (mature; open Hereford and Hereford x Angus) were fed a maintenance basal diet (alfalfa pellets) for Exp. 1 and 2; during Exp. 3 and 4, cows were fed high-protein and high-energy diets, respectively. Experiment 5 was a grazing study on rangeland during winter in South Dakota; diets were determined by using bite counts. Mean BCS (1 = emaciated, 9 = obese) was 7.5 for HBC cows and <4.0 for LBC cows during the experiments. During Exp. 1, LBC cows consumed more (P = 0.001) pine needles than did HBC cows (5.5 +/- 0.25 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.14 g/kg of BW daily, respectively). During Exp. 2, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) as LBC cows consumed variable, but greater, amounts of pine needles than did HBC cows (3.7 +/- 0.19 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.12 g/kg of BW daily, respectively). When fed a high-protein/low-energy diet, LBC cows ate more (P = 0.04) pine needles than did HBC cows. When fed a low-protein/high-energy diet, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) because LBC cows consumed more pine needles than did HBC cows for the first 3 d of the study, and then consumption by LBC animals decreased during the last 4 d. These experiments suggest that the protein:energy ratio may be an important factor in the ability of cows to tolerate terpenes, and that cows were not able to sustain an increased quantity of needle consumption on a low-protein diet. During the 25-d grazing study, there was a day x treatment interaction (P = 0.001) as LBC animals selected more pine needles (up to 25% of daily bites) on some days compared with HBC cows. Weather influenced pine needle consumption because pine needle bites by LBC cows were related (r(2) = 0.60; P = 0.001) to days of greater snow depth and lower minimum daily temperatures. Both LBC and HBC cows increased selection of pine needles from trees during cold, snowy weather, but the magnitude of the increase was greater for LBC cows. The LBC cows consumed more pine needles than did HBC cows in all experiments, except when cows were fed a low-protein diet. This study indicates that both body condition and protein intake are important factors in pine needle consumption.  相似文献   

Pregnant beef heifers (n = 24) were assigned randomly to four groups and slaughtered at day 1, 15, 30 or 45 postpartum. The day prior to slaughter blood samples were taken from each cow every 15 min for 8 hr. The anterior pituitary gland, preoptic area (POA) and medial basal hypothalamus (HYP) were collected from each cow. Contents of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in extracts of POA and HYP, and luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in extracts of anterior pituitary were quantified by radioimmunoassay. In the anterior pituitary gland, membrane receptors for GnRH were quantified by a standard curve technique and cytosolic receptors for estradiol were quantified by saturation analysis. Concentrations of LH, FSH and prolactin in serum were quantified by radioimmunoassay. Only one cow of eight had a pulse of LH during the 8 hr bleeding period on day 1 postpartum. This increased to 8 pulses in 6 cows on day 30 postpartum. Contents of GnRH in POA (15.0 +/- 3.2 ng) and HYP (14.0 +/- 2.0 ng) did not change significantly during the postpartum period. Pituitary content of LH was low following parturition (.2 +/- .1 mg/pituitary) and increased significantly through day 30 postpartum (1.2 +/- .1 mg/pituitary). Pituitary content of FSH did not change over the postpartum period. Receptors for both GnRH (.9 +/- .2 pmoles/pituitary) and estradiol (5.0 +/- .9/moles/pituitary) were elevated on day 15 postpartum, possibly increasing the sensitivity of the anterior pituitary gland to these hormones and leading to an increased rate of synthesis of LH that restored pituitary content to normal by day 30 postpartum.  相似文献   

To further characterize the endocrinological changes in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis thoughout the bovine estrous cycle, cycling beef heifers (n = 24) were randomly assigned to six groups. These heifers were slaughtered 6, 12, 18, 19, 20 or 21 days following their previous estrus (day 0). Anterior pituitaries and hypothalami were collected. Hypothalami were divided into the preoptic area and medial basal hypothalamus, and content of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) was quantified by radioimmunoassay. Contents of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in the anterior pituitary gland were quantified by radioimmunoassay. Membrane receptors for GnRH were quantified by a standard curve technique and receptors for estradiol in anterior pituitary cytosol were quantified by saturation analysis. There was no significant change in content of GnRH in the hypothalamus or content of FSH in the anterior pituitary on any of the days examined; however, content of GnRH in the preoptic area was lower (P less than .1) on day 19 postestrus. Cytosolic receptors for estradiol increased (P less than .05) on day 18 post-estrus and returned to baseline by day 19. Content of LH and the number of receptors for GnRH in the anterior pituitary gland decreased (P less than .01) on day 19 postestrus, and the number of receptors for GnRH remained low through day 21 postestrus. The reduction in anterior pituitary content of LH was transient indicating that synthesis of LH restores pituitary content to preovulatory levels before the number of receptors for GnRH returns to normal.  相似文献   

Nutritionally induced anovulatory cows (n = 28) were used to determine the effect of steroids on regulation of synthesis and secretion of gonadotropins. Anovulatory cows were ovariectomized and received intravaginal inserts containing estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), E2 and P4 (E2P4), or a sham intravaginal insert (C) for 7 d. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were quantified in serum and E2 and P4 were quantified in plasma. Cows were exsanguinated within 1 to 2 h after removal of intravaginal inserts and pituitary glands were collected and stored at -80 degrees C until messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) for gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRH-R) and gonadotropin subunits, pituitary content of GnRH-R, and LH and FSH were quantified. Pituitary glands from five proestrous cows were harvested to compare gonadotropin characteristics between ovariectomized, anovulatory cows and intact cows. Plasma concentrations of E2 were greater (P < 0.05) in E2-treated cows than in sham-treated cows. Concentrations of P4 were greater (P < 0.05) in cows treated with P4 than in sham-treated cows. Mean serum concentrations of LH and FSH were not significantly influenced by steroid treatments. However, frequency of LH pulses of ovariectomized, nutritionally induced anovulatory cows was increased (P < 0.05) by treatment with E2 and amplitude of LH pulses was greater (P < 0.05) in cows treated with E2 or P4 than in cows treated with E2P4 or sham-treated. Quantity of mRNA for LHbeta in the pituitary gland was greater when cows were treated with P4. Concentrations of LH in the pituitary gland were not affected by steroid treatments; however, pituitary concentrations of FSH were less (P < 0.1) in E2 cows than in sham-treated cows. The number of GnRH-R was increased (P < 0.05) in cows treated with E2, but P4 treatment did not influence the number of GnRH-R. Abundance of mRNA for GnRH-R, common alpha-subunit, and FSHbeta were not affected by treatments. Pituitary concentrations of LH were greater (P < 0.05) and concentrations of FSH were less (P < 0.05) in proestrous cows than in ovariectomized, anovulatory cows treated with or without steroids. Abundance of mRNA for GnRH-R, common alpha-subunit, LHbeta and FSHbeta were similar for proestrous and anovulatory cows. We conclude that treatment of nutritionally induced anovulatory cows with progesterone and estradiol may cause pulsatile secretion of LH.  相似文献   

Multiparous Hereford cows (n = 22) with moderate to good body condition scores (BCS) were randomly allotted to maintenance (M) or restricted (R) diets under drylot conditions. Cows on M diets received adequate feed to maintain initial BW, whereas R cows were fed to lose 1% of their initial BW weekly until luteal activity ceased. When most of the R cows became anestrous, their diet was increased to allow BW gain and resumption of ovarian cyclicity. Body weights and BCS were recorded weekly and luteal activity was assessed by weekly determination of progesterone in plasma. Concentrations of LH in serum were quantified in weekly samples and in samples obtained frequently at four selected times. Restricted cows had reduced BW (P less than .01) by 5 wk and reduced BCS (P less than .01) by 15 wk compared with M cows. Luteal activity ceased after 26 +/- 1 wk of reduced nutrient intake in 91% of the R cows; R cows had lost 24.0 +/- .9% of their initial BW and had a BCS of 3.5 +/- .3. Lack of luteal activity was associated with absence of behavioral estrus. Estrous cycles resumed 9 +/- 2 wk after the diet of R cows was increased, at which time R cows weighed 12 +/- 3% less than at the start of the experiment and had a BCS of 4.6 +/- .2. Concentrations of LH in serum samples obtained weekly were reduced (P less than .01) in R cows compared with M cows. In addition, LH pulse frequency was reduced (P less than .05) when R cows were initiating anestrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of sequential treatment with buserelin (a GnRH agonist) and cloprostenol (a prostaglandin F2 alpha analog) on estrous response and fertility in beef cattle with different ovarian conditions. On d 0 (1st d of treatment), the control group (n = 52, 10 heifers and 42 cows) and the GnRH group (n = 48, 10 heifers and 38 cows) received 2 mL of saline or 2 mL of Receptal (8 micrograms of buserelin), respectively. On d 6, all cows that had not exhibited spontaneous estrus were given i.m. 500 micrograms of cloprostenol (PGF). Ultrasonography on d 0 and assays of progesterone in blood on d -11, 0, and 6 were used to identify follicular and luteal status of animals. Cattle were observed for estrus from d 0 to 10. Cows showing estrus were bred artificially 12 h after onset of estrus. Over the 10-d period, the number of cows detected in estrus and pregnancy and conception rates were identical for the two groups. However, between d 0 and 6, the proportion of cows exhibiting estrus was lower (P less than .01) in the GnRH group than in the control group. Between d 6 and 10, the synchronization rate and precision of estrus were greater (P less than .01) in the buserelin-treated group than in the control group. Conception rate and interval from PGF injection to onset of estrus were not different between the two treatment groups. Presence of a large (greater than 10 mm) follicle on d 0 enhanced synchronization rate and precision of estrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Endocrine changes in the hypophyseal-ovarian axis associated with early calf removal were investigated in anestrous beef cows. Tissues were collected and analyzed from multiparous beef cows slaughtered at O (n = 8), 36 (n = 8) or 72 h (n = 8) after calf removal during the fifth week after calving. Cows that exhibited estrus; had postmortem signs of a recent ovulation or had serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) indicative of an ovulatory surge, were excluded from the analysis. Five control cows that were not slaughtered exhibited estrus from 30 to 84 h after calf removal. Seven additional cows were continuously kept with their calves and did not exhibit estrus until 72 +/- 9 d after calving. Serum concentrations of estradiol-17 beta (estradiol) averaged 8.2 +/- 1.7, 7.5 +/- 2.0 and 9.1 +/- 1.5 pg/ml at 0, 36 and 72 h, respectively, but they averaged 22.8 +/- 4.7 pg/ml prior to estrus in control cows. Therefore, observations were assumed to represent events that occur prior to the rise in serum concentrations of estradiol that occurs during proestrus. Volume of fluid from the largest ovarian follicle tended to be greater (P less than .10) at 72 h (1.5 +/- .2 ml) than at 0 h (1.1 +/- .1 ml) or 36 h (1.0 +/- .1 ml). Follicular-fluid concentrations of estradiol, but not progesterone, were positively correlated (P less than .01) with follicular volume. However, numbers of small (less than 100 microliters), medium (100 to 400 microliters) and large follicles (greater than 400 microliters) as based on fluid volume, as well as follicular-fluid concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, did not differ among treatment groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of fiber vs starch energy supplements on endogenous growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and animal performance from weaning to breeding age were evaluated in 18, 9-mo-old beef heifers. Heifers had ad libitum access to wheat silage plus an average daily supplement intake of 1) 4.08 kg corn-soybean meal (SBM) (high energy-starch, HS), 2) 4.54 kg soyhulls (SH)-SBM (high energy-fiber, HF) or 3) 1.36 kg SH-SBM (low energy-fiber, LE). Serum samples were collected via jugular puncture every 10 d and were analyzed for IGF-1 by RIA. On d 45 and d 176, four heifers per treatment were fasted 18 h and serial blood samples collected via jugular cannulas every 15 min for 6.5 h. Arginine (.5 g/kg BW) was administered intravenously (ARG) to induce release of GH, and four additional samples of blood were collected. Samples were analyzed by RIA for GH. Mean fasted GH (6.4 +/- .4, 8.3 +/- .4 and 13.8 +/- .4 ng/ml for HS, HF and LE, respectively) varied with energy source and level (P less than .01). Mean GH following ARG was higher (P less than .01) in heifers receiving LE (46.2 +/- 4.7) than in those receiving HS and HF (23.5 +/- 4.4 and 24.1 +/- 4.6 ng/ml). Basal GH concentration and peak amplitude were higher (P less than .05) in LE than in HS and HF treatments. Diet did not influence number or frequency of GH peaks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mature beef cows were slaughtered at 5 (n = 6), 10 (n = 6), 20 (n = 6) or 30 (n = 5) d after calving to identify endocrine events that may affect the duration of postpartum anestrus. Additional cows (n = 6) were slaughtered 12 to 14 d after their first postpartum estrus (luteal phase cows). Anterior pituitary concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) were low at d 5 (383 +/- 69 micrograms/g), averaged 445 +/- 103 and 682 +/- 207 micrograms/g at d 10 and 20, respectively, and were elevated (P less than .05) by d 30 (1,097 +/- 174 micrograms) to a concentration similar to luteal phase cows (1,208 +/- 148 micrograms/g). Concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) averaged 12.4 +/- 1.1, 9.6 +/- 2, 8.6 +/- 1.8 and 7.4 +/- 3.3 mg/g at d 5, 10, 20 and 30, respectively. Affinity (1.6 +/- .2 X 10(9) M-1) of anterior pituitary receptors for the GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) analog (DAla6; des-Gly10, [D-Ala6]-LH-RH ethylamide) and weights (2.1 +/- .1 g) of the anterior pituitaries did not differ among groups (P greater than .05). Number of receptors for GnRH averaged 37 +/- 7, 39 +/- 9, 25 +/- 5 and 23 +/- 5 X 10(-14) M/mg protein at d 5, 10, 20 and 30, respectively. Anterior pituitaries from luteal phase cows contained 22 +/- 2 X 10(-14) M/mg protein of receptors for GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Weight (CW, n = 61,798), weight adjusted for condition score (WA), hip height (CH, n = 56,494), and condition score (CS, n = 61,434) of cows (2 through 8 yr of age) produced by crosses of 22 sire breeds with Angus and Hereford dams in the first four cycles of the Germplasm Evaluation (GPE) Program at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were used to estimate genetic parameters with REML. The model included sire breed, dam breed, age in years, season of measurement (1 to 4) and their interactions, and year of birth and pregnancy-lactation code (PL) as fixed effects for CW and CS. The model for CH excluded PL. Random effects were additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Univariate analyses of all data, by season and by year of age, bivariate analyses between pairs of seasons and ages (2 to 6), and between traits were done. Estimates of heritability and repeatability over all ages were 0.49, 0.54, 0.68, and 0.16, and 0.65, 0.67, 0.75, and 0.30 for CW, WA, CH, and CS, respectively. Corresponding estimates for each age and season were similar for all traits and cycles. Estimates of genetic and permanent environmental correlations were close to unity for all pairs of seasons and traits. Genetic correlations were greater than 0.92 for all pairs of ages for CW, WA, and CH, and greater than 0.67 for CS. Genetic correlations were 0.80, 0.86, 0.43, and -0.04 for CW-CH, WA-CH, CW-CS, and CH-CS, respectively. Results suggest that repeatability models can be used to model weights and heights in this population.  相似文献   

Mature Charolais x Angus rotational cross cows were adjusted to moderate body condition by d 190 of gestation then randomly blocked to a maintenance (ME) or low-energy (LE) diet. At parturition, the 128 cows were randomly allotted within prepartum (PRP) diet to a high-energy (HE) or LE diet. At d 30 postpartum (PP), cows were randomly blocked to two treatments in which calves were weaned early (EW) or normally (NW) at 7 mo of age. Cows receiving a LE PRP diet had lighter calves at birth (34.7 vs 39.0 kg) and 105 d (127.9 vs 144.6 kg). Prepartum and PP energy interacted to affect postpartum anestrous interval (PPI, d) and cycling activity (%), respectively (LE-LE = 72.6, 33.3; LE-HE = 54.3, 56.3; ME-LE = 65.7, 52.9; ME-HE = 68.4, 54.3). High PP energy averaged over PRP diet increased (P less than .10) pregnancy rate by 22.7% and 105-d calf weight by 15.1 kg. Early weaning reduced PPI by 24.3 d (P less than .01) and first service conception rate by 21.7% (P less than .10). Cycling activity within 60 d PP was affected (P less than .01) by PRP diet and suckling status (LE-EW = 62.5, LE-NW = 26.7, ME-EW = 88.9, ME-NW = 13.3%). Thin cows had a longer PPI but had a higher first service conception rate than moderate and fleshy cows. Higher pregnancy rates were observed in cows approaching or maintaining average body condition from parturition to conception than for cows moving away from moderate body condition. Results suggest that fleshy and thin cows at parturition should be managed to approach moderate body condition before the breeding season to optimize reproductive performance and preweaning calf gain.  相似文献   

Pregnancy rate, calving interval, weaning weight, birth weight and quarterly body condition score (BCS) were collected on fall calving multiparous English crossbred cattle (ages 3 to 10) from 1994 to 2001 to evaluate the critical time of cow condition measurements that predict production. The study was initiated with 260 cows. Replacement animals entered the study at first calving (2 years of age), with 45, 54, 27, 68, 54, and 45 animals added in years two through seven, respectively. Body condition score was measured in association with calving, breeding, weaning, and midway between weaning and calving (August). Regression of the logit of the probability of pregnancy (Y) showed that pregnancy outcome was quadratically related to BCS at breeding (P < 0.0001, Y = − 4.81X2 − 0.52X − 4.339) and linearly related to BCS at calving (P = 0.009, Y = 0.32X + 4.17), but was not associated with either the pre- or postpartum change in condition (P > 0.05). Calving interval varied cubically with BCS at calving and quadratically with BCS at breeding (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.002, respectively). The largest decreases in calving interval were associated with increases in body condition score at calving from 3.5 to 4.5 and from 7 to 8. Calf weight at 205 days was related to both the BCS at breeding and the change in BCS from breeding to weaning (P = 0.01 and P = 0.004). Calf weight at 205 days was also associated with BCS at weaning (P = 0.0003). Cows with either low or high BCS at weaning tended to wean lighter calves than cows with moderate condition (4.5 and 5.5). Moreover, BCS at weaning (≈ 6 months prior to calving) was related to birth weight (P = 0.01). Dams with a BCS at weaning of 7 birthed heavier calves than dams with low (3 to 4) or high (8.5) BCS. The relationship of BCS at breeding with pregnancy rate, calving interval, and weaning weight suggests that maintenance of adequate BCS immediately before, during, and after the breeding season may be most critical to sustaining adequate reproductive performance and calf gains in animals subject to the seasonal forage production associated with a Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Multiparous, spring-calving beef cows (n = 250) were used to determine whether large changes in body energy reserves during mid- to late gestation influenced subsequent reproductive performance of cows calving in moderate body condition. In three states, cows were blocked by BW and body condition score (BCS; 1 = emaciated to 9 = obese) then allotted to receive either a high or low plane of nutrition from late summer to early winter over a 3-yr period. This generated an array of BCS by the beginning of the last trimester of pregnancy when cows were grouped by BCS as follows: Group 1, BCS < or = 4; Group 2, BCS of 5 or 6; and Group 3, BCS > or = 7. Each group was managed so that individual cows would calve with a BCS of 5 to 6. At the time of group assignment, mean BW and BCS differed (P < .01) among groups and were 480 kg and 3.6, 541 kg and 5.5, and 594 kg and 7.1 for Groups 1 to 3, respectively. Within 28 d before calving, BW and BCS were similar (P > .20) among groups averaging 555 kg and 5.1. Prepartum BCS changes averaged 1.4, -.4, and -2.0 units for Groups 1 to 3, respectively (P < .01). Cows were managed as a single group after calving in each state. Location effect was significant for the prepartum and postpartum BW and BCS changes but not for postpartum reproductive performance. Significant location x BCS group interactions were found for the 90-d prepartum BW, BCS at calving, and prepartum changes in BW, but were caused by differences in magnitude among locations. The percentage of cows with luteal activity at the start of a subsequent breeding season was not affected (P > .20) by either location or BCS group, and averaged 66%. Mean pregnancy rates at 20, 40, and 60 d of a subsequent breeding season were 55, 76, and 89% for Group 1; 51, 67, and 82% for Group 2; and 64, 79, and 89% for Group 3 (P > .30). Mean days to conception were 89, 87, and 85 for Groups 1 to 3, respectively (P = .70). Neither calf birth weight (x = 38.6 kg) nor adjusted 205-d weight (x = 223.6 kg) were affected by prepartum BW and BCS changes. We conclude that reproductive performance of cows calving in moderate body condition is not influenced by large changes in body energy reserves during the last trimester of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Pregnancy rate, calving interval, birth weight, weaning weight, and quarterly BCS were collected for 5 consecutive years on 454 fall-calving multiparous British crossbred cattle (3 to 10 yr of age) to evaluate associations of age with BCS and production parameters. Body weight and BCS were collected pre-calving, prebreeding, at weaning, and midway through the second trimester of pregnancy (August). Body condition score was correlated with age during all seasons (P < 0.01). At calving, breeding, and in August, 3-yr-old cows had the lowest BW and BCS, whereas 8-yr-old cows had the greatest. At weaning, these values were maximal in 10-yr-old cows. Pregnancy rate was near 80% up to 9 yr of age but decreased to 57% in 10-yr-old cows. The relationship of pregnancy rate with age appears to be correlated with the BCS decrease at breeding in the older cows, supported by the fact that inclusion of BCS at breeding in the statistical model eliminated the effect of age on pregnancy rate (P = 0.42). Calving interval was longer in 3-yr-old cows compared with 4- to 9-yr-old cows (P = 0.02); however, among older cows, there was little change in the calving interval. Birth weight reached a maximum at 8 yr of age (35 +/- 0.9 kg) and a minimum in 3-yr-old cows (32 +/- 0.7 kg). Birth weights of calves born to both 3- and 4-yr-old cows were lower than for those born to 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-yr-old cows (P < 0.05). Ten-year-old cows weaned lighter calves (205-d adjusted weaning weight) than younger dams. Furthermore, 3-yr-old cows weaned calves 9 +/- 2.1 and 14 +/- 2.4 kg lighter than 4- and 5-yr-old cows, respectively (P < 0.001). Interpretation of the age analyses of calving interval, birth weight, and weaning weight was independent of the inclusion of BCS in the model. This study documents the effects of age on calving interval, birth weight, and weaning weight that are independent of BCS.  相似文献   

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