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An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

In plots of perennial ryegrass and white clover, regular treatment with chlorpyrifos and methiocarb more than trebled the clover content of the sward, compared with untreated plots, in just over 2 years from sowing. Chlorpyrifos alone accounted for most of the effect, which was attributed mainly to the control of Sitona lepidus. Combined treatment increased total herbage dry matter yield by 4·24 t ha−1 during this period but had little effect on grass-only plots. Methiocarb appeared to have contributed by assisting earlier establishment of clover, but otherwise had little effect until slugs, which were initially uncommon, became more abundant in the later stages of the experiment. The effect of slug control was most noticeable in a cultivar of low cyanogenic potential. This factor did not influence the effect of chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

Performance of white clover/perennial ryegrass mixtures under cutting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Clover persistence in mixtures of two varieties of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) with contrasting growth habits and three white clover (Trifolium repens) varieties differing in leaf sizes was evaluated at two cutting frequencies. An experiment was sown in 1991 on a clay soil. The plots received no nitrogen fertilizer. In 1992, 1993 and 1994, mixtures containing the large-leaved clover cv. Alice yielded significantly more herbage dry matter (DM) and had a higher clover content than mixtures containing cvs Gwenda and Retor. Companion grass variety did not consistently affect yield or botanical composition. Cutting at 2 t DM ha?1 resulted in slightly higher total annual yields than cutting at 1.2 t DM ha?1, but did not affect clover content. In 1992 the mixtures yielded, depending on cutting frequency and variety, 10·6–14·6 t DM ha?1 and 446–599 kg ha?1 N, whereas grass monocultures yielded only 1·2–2·0 t DM ha?1 and 25–46 kg ha?1 N. From 1992 to 1994 the annual mean total herbage yield of DM in the mixtures declined from 12·2 to 10·5 to 8·7 t ha?1, the white clover yield declined from 8·7 to 6·5 to 4·1 t ha?1 and the average clover content during the growing season declined from 71% to 61% to 46%, whereas the grass yield increased from 3·4 to 4·0 to 4·5 t ha?1. The N yield decreased from 507 to 406 to 265 kg N ha?1 and the apparent N fixation from 470 to 380 to 238 kg N ha?1. Nitrate leaching losses during the winters of 1992–93 and 1994–95 were highest under mixtures with cv. Alice, but did not exceed 10 kg N ha?1. The in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) was generally higher in clover than in grass, particularly in the summer months. No differences in IVDOM were found among clover or grass varieties. The experiment will be continued to study clover persistence and the mechanisms that affect the grass/clover balance.  相似文献   

In a field experiment carried out over 3 years, the nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards increased exponentially with nitrogen application rate, but herbage nitrate content appeared to reach potentially dangerous concentrations only when nitrogen application rates were greater than those needed to stimulate dry-matter production. Thus, on average over all the harvests, maximum yield could be obtained with annual application rates of 400 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 67 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass and 300 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 50 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass/white clover (Trifolium repens) swards, whereas the mean nitrate concentrations were 3340 and 2929 mg NO3 kg–1 dry matter (DM) respectively. Nitrate content, however, varied considerably from harvest to harvest, reaching maxima of 9345 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 400 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and 6255 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 300 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover. The nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover swards was always greater than that of perennial ryegrass swards receiving the same rate of nitrogen application, even though in the herbage from the mixed sward the nitrate content of white clover was usually less than half that of the perennial ryegrass component. The physical environment did not have a clearly interpretable effect on nitrate content, although herbage harvested in May had a much lower nitrate content than that harvested at any other time of the season. It was not possible to find a single multiple regression equation relating herbage nitrate content to nitrogen application and to other environmental variables that explained more than 60% of the variance in herbage nitrate, but it is suggested that, by reducing the later-season nitrogen applications from 67 to 50 and finally to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and from 50 to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover, it would be possible to achieve over 90% of the maximum yield while reducing average nitrate content to <40% of that at maximum yield, with no samples containing more than 2300 mg NO3 kg –1 DM.  相似文献   

The high nutritive value and persistence under a wide range of climatic and soil fertility conditions make Caucasian clover a potentially useful forage legume but there is little information about the performance of livestock grazing Caucasian clover/grass swards. This study compared liveweight gains of lambs grazing Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and white clover/perennial ryegrass swards on high fertility (Olsen P 20 mg L?1, SO4‐S 12 mg kg?1) and low fertility (Olsen P 11 mg L?1, SO4‐S 7 mg kg?1) soils from 1998 to 2001 in the South Island of New Zealand. Mean annual liveweight gains were 1178 kg ha?1 for Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and 1069 kg ha?1 for white clover/perennial ryegrass swards at high fertility compared with 1094 kg ha?1 and 1015 kg ha?1, respectively, at low fertility. There was a higher mean proportion of clover in Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass (0·19) than white clover/perennial ryegrass (0·11) swards, but there were no differences in total herbage production between the two clover/perennial ryegrass swards. The mean concentration of crude protein in the herbage of Caucasian clover (302 g kg DM?1) was higher than that in white clover (287 g kg DM?1) and grass herbage (227 g kg DM?1). Estimated mean metabolizable energy concentrations in the herbage were 12·5 MJ kg DM?1 for the two clovers and 11·6 MJ kg DM?1 for grass herbage. The difference in liveweight gain between swards on soils of high and low fertility was associated with an increase in total herbage production of similar composition and nutritive value, giving a greater number of grazing days for the swards on soils of high than low fertility.  相似文献   

Twelve plots were laid down on an existing perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, one plot in each of six replicated blocks receiving 100 kg  N ha−1 (100N) and one plot receiving no N (0N). Biomass, canopy development (stratified cuts and point quadrat records at 2–4-week intervals) and changes in stolon population density were recorded during one 8-week regrowth period (25 July–23 September) to investigate the likely causes of N effects on white clover in mixed swards.
Over the period, N fertilizer resulted in an increase of 74% in perennial ryegrass biomass and a reduction of 24% in white clover biomass. There was also a reduction of 44% in stolon growing point density, mainly due to lower density of younger stolon branches. White clover's contribution to the upper three leaf area index (LAI) units (taken as an estimate of the proportion of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted) was, on average, 70% at 0N producing 74% of the sward biomass, compared with 46% contribution to interception and 37% contribution to biomass at 100N.
While there was no evidence of overtopping, it is concluded that N fertilizer application increased the LAI of perennial ryegrass in the upper layers of the canopy thereby reducing the share of available PAR to white clover. This, coupled with a lower radiation use efficiency at high N and lower population density, results in white clover's reduced performance in mixed swards receiving N fertilizer.  相似文献   

The effects of the imposition and timing of a rest period from continuous sheep stocking, for a conservation cut, on white clover presence in forty perennial ryegrass/white clover associations were studied over two full grazing seasons. Each association consisted of one grass variety along with one white clover variety, the grasses being diploid and tetraploid ryegrasses from each of five maturity groups and the white clovers from each of four leaf size categories. The presence of white clover within each association was assessed at the beginning and end of both seasons by means of a 0–64-m2 quadrat subdivided into 100 squares, each 80 mm × 80 mm, the number of squares in which any part of a white clover plant was visible being recorded. Complementary point quadrat data were also collected. Although continuous sheep stocking did not necessarily have an adverse effect on white clover presence, a July to mid-August rest period increased white clover proportions in the swards (means: unrested, 48–1; April to late May rest, 32.7; July to mid-August rest, 67.3 - s.e.d. 7.59; P < 0.05) the benefit increasing with increasing white clover leaf size. The early rest period (April to late May) reduced white clover presence and the late rest period (July to mid-August) increased white clover presence, these effects being intensified with increasing white clover leaf size (very large-leaved clover: unrested, 20.6; April to late May rest, 8.3; July to mid-August rest, 41.1 and small-leaved clover: unrested, 96.3; April to late May rest, 84.8; July to mid-August rest, 97 - s.e.d. 9.2; P <0001). Tetraploid ryegrass/white clover associations had consistently and significantly more white clover than diploid ryegrass/white clover associations of similar ryegrass maturity group (tetraploid, 53.4; diploid 44.8 - s.e.d. 2.12; P <0.001) and associations with early maturing ryegrass contained more white clover than those with late maturing ryegrasses, the effect of maturity group being greater than that of ploidy. Overall, white clover presence increased with increasing openness of grass growth habit.  相似文献   

The nature of competition between perennial ryegrass and white clover   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perennial ryegrass and white clover were grown in boxes with either no competition, root competition only, shoot competition only, or both root and shoot competition between them, Boxes received either no nitrogen or 200 kg N ha−1 as a split application. The experiment was harvested at 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks after sowing. Perennial ryegrass was more competitive than white clover throughout the experiment and its overall competitive ability increased with Lime. The effects of root competition were greater than those of shoot competition at the first harvest, with both forms of competition having similar affects at the second harvest, while at the third and final harvests shoot competition had greater effects than root competition. At the later harvests N application increased the overall competitive ability of perennial ryegrass, relative to white clover, mainly owing to the increase in its shoot competitive ability.  相似文献   

Seedling competition for resources during establishment affects the potential success of individual species within a pasture. Germination, emergence and leaf expansion are key characteristics that contribute to the competitive ability of species. In this study, development and growth characteristics of Caucasian clover, white clover and perennial ryegrass (PRG) seedlings were quantified. A base temperature of <4°C and an optimum temperature of ~27°C were found for development in each species. Thermal time (Tt) requirements for 75% of final germination were lower for Caucasian clover (46°C d) and white clover (40°C d) than for PRG (76°C d), but Tt requirements for 50% of final emergence were similar (~110°C d). The phyllochron (°C d leaf?1) for primary stem leaves was slower for Caucasian clover (109°C d) than for white clover (94°C d) and PRG (101°C d). Appearance of the first PRG tiller, which indicates the initiation of secondary leaf development, occurred after 373°C d, compared with 532°C d for the first white clover stolon. Caucasian clover crown shoots did not develop until >1180°C d. Consequently, white clover and PRG had more leaves (~15 plant?1) and faster shoot relative growth rates (~0·062 mg mg?1 d?1) than Caucasian clover (5 leaves plant?1, 0·049 mg mg?1 d?1).  相似文献   

Grass and clover production and nitrogen cycling were compared in 1983 and 1984 at three sites: an upland peaty gley and upland and lowland brown earths. The clover varieties Olwen and S184 were compared in 1983 and S100 and S184 in 1984. Ammonium and nitrate sources of 15N were used to measure nitrogen recovery from fertilizer and soil, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer from clover to grass. Acetylene reduction was measured once, in 1983, but isotope dilution was used in both years.
Olwen clover produced more dry matter and took up more 15N than S184. Olwen fixed more nitrogen than S184 over the whole season, as measured by 15N isotope dilution. Companion grass took up more soil nitrogen when growing with S184 than with Olwen. The clover variety S100, tested at the lowland site in 1984, caused no significant variations in dry matter accumulation or N fixation.
In the dry 1984 season, grass dry matter accumulation and 15N uptake were less than in 1983, and plants actually lost total nitrogen from their roots to the soil. Fixation rate varied more in 1984 than in 1983. Nitrogen transfer from clover to grass was detected by isotope ratio differences in 1983, and by total N differences in 1984.
Site differences were dominated by the greater dry matter accumulation of Olwen in the lowland in 1983, but in that year there was also increased dry matter accumulation and increased 15N fertilizer uptake, but less nitrogen fixed on the mineral upland site than on the peat soil.
Whether 15N was given as ammonium or nitrate made little difference in these experiments.  相似文献   

A factorial pot-experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of burial of stolons (stolons unburied or buried to a depth of 0·5–1 cm at day 0), with and without defoliation (plants uncut or all unfolded laminae removed at weekly intervals) on the growth of two varieties of white clover (cv. Kent or cv. Milkanova) harvested on three dates (14 d, 28 d and 42 d after burial). The soil used was a 3:2:1 mixture of clay loam:peat:sand, and there were three replicates of each variety for each treatment at each harvest date. Burial of stolons in the absence of defoliation had no effect on stolon extension, leaf appearance, or the concentration of water-soluble carbohydrate in the stolons. The number of axillary buds developing (new branches plus flowers) was increased on the new surface-growing tips of primary stolons but was reduced on branch (i.e. secondary) stolons. The proportion of branches to flowers was largely unaffected by burial. Defoliation caused substantial reductions in the concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates in stolons and stolon extension growth, a reduction in number of axillary buds developing, and in the proportion of buds which were floral, but had only a small effect in reducing leaf appearance. The combination of stolon burial and defoliation resulted in the death of secondary stolons; 42% of all secondary stolons had died by day 42, and stolon extension, leaf appearance and numbers of axillary buds developing on secondary stolons were severely reduced. The numbers of axillary buds developing on primary stolons was increased owing to more buds developing on the resurfaced stolon tips, but the increase was inadequate to compensate for the reduced growth, and death of secondary stolons. Differences between clover varieties in response to treatments were small. In general, the smaller variety, cv. Kent, was more adversely affected by burial than the larger variety, cv. Milkanova. A variety x defoliation interaction occurred for senescence of leaves; petiole senescence of cut leaves was reduced or similar to that of intact leaves for cv. Kent, but was increased for cv. Milkanova. The results are discussed in relation to treatment effects on carbon sources and sinks, and in relation to climate-soil interactions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that dynamics of growth, branching of stolons and appearance of leaves are important for the persistence of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) in mixed swards was tested. The effect of cutting frequency and white clover cultivar on stolon and leaf dynamics was studied throughout the growing season in a field experiment. Mixtures of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover cultivars with different leaf sizes, cvs. Alice, Gwenda and Retor, were evaluated for white clover persistence at two cutting frequencies. Stolon dynamics, stolon survival, leaf and node appearance rate, branching, flowering and stolon elongation rate were analysed and related to white clover content and yield.
There were clear seasonal fluctuations in stolon and leaf characteristics. Stolon elongation rate and appearance rates of nodes, leaves and branches declined in autumn. Temperature and irradiation explained a major part of the variation of stolon elongation rate and leaf appearance rate and 25% of the variation in stolon branching rate.
Significant and consistent differences in yield and botanical composition were found between mixtures. Mixtures with cv. Alice had the highest total and white clover yield and the highest white clover content, whereas mixtures with cv. Retor had the lowest yield and the lowest white clover content. Stolon elongation rate and stolon internode length were significantly higher in cv. Alice than in the other white clover cultivars, whereas cv. Retor had a significantly higher percentage of leaves with damage caused by insects and slugs than the other cultivars. Little support was found for the hypothesis that branching characteristics are a key component of competitive success in mixed pasture, as most measured branching characteristics were not associated with differences in white clover yield between cultivars and cutting regimes.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of white clover and perennial ryegrass were examined in sown perennial ryegrass/white clover swards subject to a 2 × 2 factorial treatment combination of defoliation (rotational grazing by sheep and cutting) and nitrogen fertilizer application (0 and 40 kg N ha–1 year–1) in NW Greece. Sward surface height and percentage cover were measured before and after five defoliation periods in 1996 within permanent microplots (30 × 30 cm, divided into nine cells) in which white clover was either initially present or absent. Both white clover and perennial ryegrass achieved maximum height and cover in April–May. Defoliation treatment and whether white clover was present initially significantly affected height and cover of both species. Total plant cover was similar prior to all defoliation periods except in July, a time of drought. Cover of perennial ryegrass was greater where white clover was initially absent, but total plant cover was greater in microplots containing white clover and the extent of the differences varied during the year. In contrast, N fertilizer application had little effect on species cover, other than small reductions in white clover cover. When white clover was present in April, it was found in virtually every microplot cell until July, but if it was absent in April there was little colonization of the microplot.  相似文献   

Interactions between perennial ryegrass (grass) and white clover (clover) cultivars were investigated at the seedling stage in two experiments: (a) a field experiment in which two clovers, AberHerald and Grasslands Huia, were grown in binary mixture with two grasses, Preference and Ba 10761; (b) a glasshouse experiment in which the same clover/grass combinations were grown in low-N soil either with (+ N) or without (-N) added N. In the field experiment both clovers produced larger and more complex seedlings with Preference, and this was particularly evident in Huia. In the glasshouse experiment grass dry-matter yield was greater in the +N treatment, and this effect increased with time. Clover seedling density and development were suppressed in the +N treatment, and the development of AberHerald was affected more than Huia. Morphological measurements of the clovers showed interactions between clover, grass and N level. In the -N treatment Huia plants were larger and more complex than those of AberHerald, but in +N conditions there was little difference between them. Grass cultivar had an effect on clover via N-level interactions: in +N plants there was no grass effect, but -N plants were significantly larger with Preference. Comparison of the root and shoot morphology of the two grasses revealed no obvious differences that would account for these effects.  相似文献   

A perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, which had been grazed for over 2 years, was cut at 1-, 2-, 3- or 6-week intervals from 18 April to 28 November 1986. Two rates of fertilizer N application in spring, 0 and 66 kg N ha−1, were compared. Perennial ryegrass growth was studied in three 6-week periods, beginning on 18 April, 18 July and 17 October. Clover growth was studied in the same three periods and described by Fisher and Wilman (1995) Grass and Forage Science , 50 , 162–171.
Applied N increased the number of ryegrass tillers m−2, the rate of leaf extension and the weight of new leaf produced tiller−1 and m−2per week. Increasing the interval between cuts reduced the number of ryegrass tillers m−2 and increased the rate of leaf extension, weight tiller−1and the weight of new leaf produced tiller−1week−1. Increasing the interval between cuts increased the weight of new ryegrass leaf produced m−2 where N had recently been applied, but otherwise had little effect on the weight of new leaf produced m−2. Applying N favoured the grass in competition with the clover in every respect, whereas increasing the interval between cuts only favoured the grass, compared with clover, where N had recently been applied; where N had not been applied, the ratio of ryegrass tillers to clover growing points in the sward was very little affected by the interval between cuts.  相似文献   

In two experiments with ryegrass/white clover mixtures, the proportion of clover was measured before and after cuts which removed 8-75% of above-ground biomass. Cutting was found to reduce the proportion of clover leaf area in the crop in both experiments, sometimes by as much as two-thirds, and the proportion of clover dry weight, by up to half, in one of them. That is, the harvested material contained a greater proportion of clover than did the sward before the cut. This disproportionate removal of clover was due to clover having a greater proportion of its leaf near the top of the canopy than grass. It showed that preferential removal of clover occurs as a result of the purely passive selection by a mower, not only as a result of grazing by animals which may be capable of active as well as passive selection.
Despite the disadvantage to clover of losing more of its leaf area than grass, and in some cases more of its dry weight also, when the mixture was cut, the clover content of the sward did not decrease during the growing season as a whole. This was because, where no nitrogen fertilizer was applied, clover had a greater relative growth rate (RGR) than its companion grass during the growth periods between cuts and this increased its percentage of the mixture. Even where nitrogen was applied, clover equalled the RGR of grass and maintained its proportion of the crop, except in one instance.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass/white clover mini-swards were used lo determine whether sward responses to slurry were modified by subsequent simulated rainfall (SR). Combinations of two SR volume rates (6.5 and 13 mm), three SR timings (3, 24 and 48 h after slurry application) and two slurry types (cattle, pig) were compared with a fertilizer control (no SR). Scorch, smother and growth of marked stolons and tillers were monitored after slurry application, and yields of both species were recorded. Slurry coverage of plastic squares indicated that smother may be greater on horizontally orientated leaves (clover). Reduced grass leaf growth and numbers of clover growing points in the week following slurry application were attributed mainly to smother, and possibly other phytotoxic effects of slurry. Reasons for the superior clover growth with cattle slurry arc unknown, although its higher P and K content may have contributed. Timing of rainfall is important in influencing sward responses to slurry application. Results suggest that application of slurry may be most beneficial when it immediately precedes rainfall and that longer intervals between slurry application and rainfall reduce grass and clover growth through either greater ammonia loss or slurry negative effects.  相似文献   

Small swards of white clover and perennial ryegrass were established in Perlite in a heated glasshouse, as either monocultures or mixtures of equal plant numbers. On 26th March, 1984 the swards were moved outside and their growth studied over the period to 29th May. All swards received a basal level of nitrate N to simulate soil mineralization and two-thirds received additionally the equivalent of 80 kg N ha−1. Over the experimental period (26th March-29th May) clover maintained its proportion of total mixture dry weight In swards given 'fertilizer'-N and increased its proportion in those given only 'basal' N, However, clover declined as a percentage of total mixture dry weight during the first period of the experiment when total leaf area index (LAI) and ambient temperatures were low, and increased its percentage later when temperature and LAI had risen. Changes in tiller and stolon growing point numbers were not good indicators of changes in dry weight. Relative yields and relative replacement rates also were not good indicators of relative performance in mixture. Where 'fertilizer'-N was applied, clover derived less of its nitrogen from that source than grass although their uptakes per unit shoot dry weight were similar.  相似文献   

In two experiments in established swards of perennial ryegrass and white clover, plots were treated with pesticides to control slugs, leather-jackets, weevil larvae and lucerne flea as selectively as possible. Other plots were treated to control ail of these pests.
Chlorpyrifos application in early summer (to control weevil larvae) and methiocarb pellets (to control slugs) also gave partial control of leather-jackets. Other effects on non-target species were considered to be unimportant, as pest status could not be attributed to the species. A high level of control of lucerne flea by methiocarb pellets, noted previously, was confirmed.
At both sites combined treatment against insect pests and slugs produced large increases in clover content and yield over a 3-year period, in comparison with untreated plots, although clover tended to decline In alt plots. At one site, where the clover content of untreated plots reached 33% at one stage, specialist clover herbivores such as weevils and lucerne flea were more common. Treatments directed against weevils and slugs gave the highest clover yields, and leatherjacket control may also have contributed, particularly when the population reached 0.9 m ha−1 in the final year. At the other site, where the clover content was low (ultimately 01.1–6%), leather-jacket populations reached 2.1 m ha−1 and slug numbers were also relatively high. Control of these species contributed most to the relative increase in clover content and yield.  相似文献   

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