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Natural 15N abundances (δ15N) in plant and soil can be used as a powerful marker to reveal the history of N fertilization. To investigate whether N fertilizer source and timing of fertilization leave specific δ15N signals in plant tissue and soil inorganic N, Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. cv. Maeryok), one of the most popular vegetables in Asia, was grown in pots for 60 days with a single or split N applications of organic (composted manure; δ15N=+16.4‰) or inorganic N (urea; δ15N=−0.7‰). Seven N treatments were studied: (1) a single basal fertilization with compost or (2) urea; (3) a basal urea application followed by an additional (at 40 days after transplant, same below) compost or (4) urea application; (5) a basal compost application followed by an additional compost or (6) urea application; and (7) no N fertilization. Regardless of the time of N application, δ15N of cabbage treated with compost was higher (>+9.0‰) than that (< +1.0‰) treated with urea, reflecting the effect of isotopically different N sources. In split N fertilization, only the addition of isotopically different N sources in the middle of the growth period significantly affected the δ15N of the whole plant. Specific δ15N signals of basal N inputs were detected in outer cabbage parts formed in the early growth stage, while those of additional N inputs were detected in inner cabbage parts formed in the latter growth stage. We conclude that measurements of temporal variations in δ15N of plant parts formed in different growth stages could reveal the history of N fertilization.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study whether the in situ natural abundance 15N (δ15N)-values and N concentration of understory plants were correlated with the form and amount of mineral N available in the soil. Also to determine whether such differences were related to earlier demonstrations of differences in biomass increase in the same species exposed to nutrient solutions with both and or to alone. Several studies show that the δ15N of in soil solution generally is isotopically lighter than the δ15N of due to fractionation during nitrification. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that plant species benefiting from in ecosystems without significant leaching or denitrification have lower δ15N-values in their tissues than species growing equally well, or better, on We studied the δ15N of six understory species in oak woodlands in southern Sweden at 12 sites which varied fivefold in potential net N mineralisation rate The species decreased in benefit from in the following order: Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Convallaria majalis, Deschampsia flexuosa and Poa nemoralis. Four or five species demonstrated a negative correlation between and leaf δ15N and a positive correlation between and leaf N concentration. In wide contrast, only D. flexuosa, which grows on soils with little nitrification, showed a positive correlation between and the leaf N concentration and δ15N-value. Furthermore, δ15N of plants from the field and previously obtained indices of hydroponic growth on relative to were closely correlated at the species level. We conclude that δ15N may serve as a comparative index of uptake of among understory species, preferably in combination with other indices of N availability. The use of δ15N needs careful consideration of known restrictions of method, soils and plants.  相似文献   


The enrichment of 15N in the nodules of some N2-fixing leguminous plants is an interesting finding (Shearer et al. 1982). The extent of 15N enrichment differed depending on the plant species (Shearer et al. 1982; Yoneyama 1987) and bacterial strains (Steele et al. 1983), and in soybeans it was apparently related to the nitrogen fixation efficiency (Shearer et al. 1984)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that N isotope composition can be used as evidence of excessive compost application, we measured variation in patterns of N concentrations and corresponding δ15N values of plants and soil after compost application. To do so, a pot experiment with Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. cv. Maeryok) was conducted for 42 days. Compost was applied at rates of 0 (SC0), 500 (SC1), 1000 (SC2), and 1500 mg N kg−1 soil (SC3). Plant-N uptake linearly increased with compost application (r2 = 0.956, P < 0.05) with an uptake efficiency of 76 g N kg−1 of compost-N at 42 days after application, while dry-mass accumulation did not show such linear increases. Net N mineralized from compost-N increased linearly (r2 = 0.998, P < 0.01) with a slope of 122 g N kg−1 of compost-N. Plant-δ15N increased curvilinearly with increasing compost application, but this increase was insignificant between SC2 and SC3 treatments. The δ15N of soil inorganic-N (particularly NO3-N) increased with compost application. We found that plant-δ15N reflected the N isotope signal of soil NO3-N at each measurement during plant growth, and that δ15N of inner leaves and soil NO3-N was similar when initial NO3 in the compost was abundant. Therefore, we concluded that δ15N of whole plant (more obviously in newer plant parts) and soil NO3-N could reveal whether compost application was excessive, suggesting a possible use of δ15N in plants and soil as evidence of excess compost application.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool in the study of soil organic matter formation. It is often observed that more decomposed soil organic matter is 13C, and especially 15N-enriched relative to fresh litter and recent organic matter. We investigated whether this shift in isotope composition relates to the isotope composition of the microbial biomass, an important source for soil organic matter. We developed a new approach to determine the natural abundance C and N isotope composition of the microbial biomass across a broad range of soil types, vegetation, and climates. We found consistently that the soil microbial biomass was 15N-enriched relative to the total (3.2 ‰) and extractable N pools (3.7 ‰), and 13C-enriched relative to the extractable C pool (2.5 ‰). The microbial biomass was also 13C-enriched relative to total C for soils that exhibited a C3-plant signature (1.6 ‰), but 13C-depleted for soils with a C4 signature (−1.1 ‰). The latter was probably associated with an increase of annual C3 forbs in C4 grasslands after an extreme drought. These findings are in agreement with the proposed contribution of microbial products to the stabilized soil organic matter and may help explain the shift in isotope composition during soil organic matter formation.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation during composting may produce organic materials with a more homogenous δ13C and δ15N signature allowing study of their fate in soil. To verify this, C, N, δ13C and δ15N content were monitored during nine months covered (thermophilic; >40 °C) composting of corn silage (CSC). The C concentration reduced from 10.34 to 1.73 g C (g ash)−1, or 83.3%, during composting. Nitrogen losses comprised 28.4% of initial N content. Compost δ13C values became slightly depleted and increasingly uniform (from −12.8±0.6‰ to −14.1±0.0‰) with composting. Compost δ15N values (0.3±1.3 to 8.2±0.4‰) increased with a similar reduced isotope variability.The fate of C and N of diverse composts in soil was subsequently examined. C, N, δ13C, δ15N content of whole soil (0-5 cm), light (<1.7 g cm−3) and heavy (>1.7 g cm−3) fraction, and (250-2000 μm; 53-250 μm and <53 μm) size separates, were characterized. Measurements took place one and two years following surface application of CSC, dairy manure compost (DMC), sewage sludge compost (SSLC), and liquid dairy manure (DM) to a temperate (C3) grassland soil. The δ13C values and total C applied (Mg C ha−1) were DM (−27.3‰; 2.9); DMC (−26.6‰; 10.0); SSLC (−25.9‰; 10.9) and CSC (−14.0‰; 4.6 and 9.2). The δ13C of un-amended soil exhibited low spatial (−28.0‰±0.2; n=96) and temporal (±0.1‰) variability. All C4 (CSC) and C3 (DMC; SSLC) composts, except C3 manure (DM), significantly modified bulk soil δ13C and δ15N. Estimates of retention of compost C in soil by carbon balance were less sensitive than those calculated by C isotope techniques. One and two years after application, 95 and 89% (CSC), 75 and 63% (SSLC) and 88 and 42% (DMC) of applied compost C remained in the soil, with the majority (80-90%) found in particulate (>53 μm) and light fractions. However, C4 compost (CSC) was readily detectable (12% of compost C remaining) in mineral (<53 μm) fractions. The δ15N-enriched N of compost supported interpretation of δ13C data. We can conclude that composts are highly recalcitrant with prolonged C storage in non-mineral soil fractions. The sensitivity of the natural abundance tracer technique to characterize their fate in soil improves during composting, as a more homogeneous C isotope signature develops, in addition to the relatively large amounts of stable C applied in composts.  相似文献   

This study was performed to clarify whether areal variation exists in the relationship between natural 15N abundances (δ15N values) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soil without an applied nitrogen (N) source, and to explore possible reasons for any areal variation. We investigated the relationships between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil with no applied N source in two locations; Daisen and Ogata, in Akita Prefecture, Japan. The δ15N values of rice in Daisen were higher than those in Ogata from 2007 to 2009, irrespective of the cropping year. Results demonstrated areal variation in the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil. The variation might be attributed to variation in the δ15N of natural N input and to ammonia nitrification and subsequent denitrification. When the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil is used to discriminate between organic and conventional rice, the areal variation of the relationship in the target area should be taken into account, from the point of the δ15N value of natural N input and N transformation in the soil.  相似文献   

The natural 15N abundance (δ15N) of different ecosystem compartments is considered to be an integrator of nitrogen (N) cycle processes. Here we investigate the extent to which patterns of δ15N in grassland plants and soils reflect the effect of different management practices on N cycling processes and N balance. Investigations were conducted in long-term experimental plots of permanent montane meadows with treatments differing in the amount and type of applied fertilizer (0-200 kg N ha−1 yr−1; mineral fertilizer, cattle slurry, stable manure) and/or the cutting frequency (1-6 cuts per season). The higher δ15N values of organic fertilizers compared to mineral fertilizer were reflected by higher δ15N values in soils and harvested plant material. Furthermore, δ15N of top soils and plant material increased with the amount of applied fertilizer N. N balances were calculated from N input (fertilization, atmospheric N deposition and symbiotic N2 fixation) and N output in harvest. ‘Excess N’—the fraction of N input not harvested—was assumed to be lost to the environment or accumulated in soil. Taking fertilizer type into account, strong positive correlations between δ15N of top soils and the N input-output balance were found. In plots receiving mineral N fertilizer this indicates that soil processes which discriminate against 15N (e.g. nitrification, denitrification, ammonia volatilization) were stimulated by the increased supply of readily available N, leading to loss of the 15N depleted compounds and subsequent 15N enrichment of the soils. By contrast, in plots with organic fertilization this correlation was partly due to accumulation of 15N-enriched fertilizer N in top soils and partly due to the occurrence of significant N losses. Cutting frequency appeared to have no direct effect on δ15N patterns. This study for the first time shows that the natural abundance of 15N of agricultural systems does not only reflect the type (organic or mineral fertilizer) or amount of annual fertilizer amendment (0-200 kg ha−1 yr−1) but that plant and soil δ15N is better described by N input-output balances.  相似文献   

Summary N accumulation and natural 15N abundance in three legumes (groundnuts, cowpeas, and soybeans) and in two cereals (sorghum and maize) were investigated over two seasons in Alfisols with and without N fertilization. Using the N uptake and natural 15N abundance of non-nodulating plants as the indication of N derived from soil and fertilizer, the per cent N derived from atmospheric N2 was calculated for nodulated plants. In the first experiment, the groundnut genotype contained 85% atmosphere-derived N, but the percentage decreased with N application. Estimates of atmosphere-derived N by the N-difference and 15N-abundance techniques gave identical results. The percentages of atmosphere-derived N estimated by the two methods at different stages of groundnut growth were also similar. In the second experiment, atmosphere-derived N was estimated in plants grown with 0–200 kg ha-1 applied N. The estimated atmosphere-derived N ranged from 42% to 61% for groundnuts from 33% to 77% for cowpeas, and from 24% to 48% for soybeans, depending on the amount of N applied. Inoculation with a Bradyrhizobium strain increased the percentage of atmospherederived N in soybean plants grown without any fertilizer N. The natural 15N abundance of sorghum and maize was very close to that of the non-nodulating groundnut, suggesting that these cereals can be used as reference plants in the estimation of atmosphere-derived N by the natural 15N-abundance method.ICRISAT Journal Article No. 876  相似文献   

Working with fused phosphate containing Mg, we have known some of the Mg-deficient areas in Shizuoka prefecture as a field problem. In these areas, crop plants develop visual hunger signs, resulting in restricted growth and reduced yield. The manurial effect of Mg-salt added or fused phosphate is remarkably excellent in these areas or soils.  相似文献   


A study was carried out to compare the difference or N-yield method with the 15N natural abundance method for the estimation of the fractional contribution of biological N2 fixation in the different plant parts of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybeans. The results indicated that the δ15N values of most plant parts of soybeans were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline. However, in the case of the root+nodule component, the δ15N value was higher in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline possibly due to isotopic discrimination of 15N over 14N which may have occurred in the nodules. Inoculation of soybeans with the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB 1809 increased significantly (p<0.05) the δ15N value of the root+nodule component implying that the effectiveness of the soybean-rhizobium symbiosis had increased by inoculation.

Percentage of plant N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimated by the 15N natural abundance method was highly correlated (r=0.762, p<0.01) with that by the difference or N-yield method and the differences between the two methods were not statistically significant. The agreement between the two methods was closer at maturity than at the early reproductive stage.

The %Ndfa obtained by the difference method ranged from 48.4 to 92.6% whereas the %Ndfa obtained by the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 43.2 to 92.4% in the different plant parts. Based on the 15N natural abundance method, approximately 15% of the N in pod, shoot, grain, and shell was derived from the soil but in the case of stover, this fraction was about 55%.  相似文献   


To understand the influence of basal application of N fertilizer on nitrification potential and N2O and NO emissions, four soil samples were collected from an upland Andisol field just before (sample 1) and 4 (sample 2), 36 (sample 3) and 72 (sample 4) days after the basal application of N fertilizer during the Chinese cabbage growing season from 12 September to 30 November 2005. The potentials of N2O production and nitrification of the soils were determined using a 15N tracer technique and the soils were incubated for 25 days at 25°C and 60% water-filled pore space (WFPS). The results revealed that as much as 84–97% N2O and almost all NO were produced by nitrification. The 15N2O emission peak occurred approximately 350 h after the beginning of incubation for samples 1 and 2, but just 48 h later in samples 3 and 4. Total 15N2O emission during the 25-day incubation of samples 3 and 4 ranged from 190 to 198 µg N kg?1 soil, which was significantly higher than the 99–108 µg N kg?1 soil recorded in samples 1 and 2. Basal application of N fertilizer did not immediately increase the nitrification potential and the ratio of N2O to N added, but did dramatically increase the nitrification potential and the ratio of N2O to N added as (15NH4)2SO4 36–72 days after the basal N fertilizer was added. In contrast, NO emission was negatively correlated with nitrification potential and total N2O emission. As a result, a trade-off relationship between total NO and N2O emissions was identified. The results indicated that there was a time-lagged induction of the change of N turnover in the soil, which was possibly caused by slow population growth of the nitrifiers and/or a slow shift in the microbial community in the soil.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine whether the applications of N-inputs (compost and fertilizer) having different N isotopic compositions (δ15N) produce isotopically different inorganic-N and to investigate the effect of soil moisture regimes on the temporal variations in the δ15N of inorganic-N in soils. To do so, the temporal variations in the concentrations and the δ15N of NH4+ and NO3 in soils treated with two levels (0 and 150 mg N kg−1) of ammonium sulfate (δ15N=−2.3‰) and compost (+13.9‰) during a 10-week incubation were compared by changing soil moisture regime after 6 weeks either from saturated to unsaturated conditions or vice versa. Another incubation study using 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate (3.05 15N atom%) was conducted to estimate the rates of nitrification and denitrification with a numerical model FLUAZ. The δ15N values of NH4+ and NO3 were greatly affected by the availability of substrate for each of the nitrification and denitrification processes and the soil moisture status that affects the relative predominance between the two processes. Under saturated conditions for 6 weeks, the δ15N of NH4+ in soils treated with fertilizer progressively increased from +2.9‰ at 0.5 week to +18.9‰ at 6 weeks due to nitrification. During the same period, NO3 concentrations were consistently low and the corresponding δ15N increased from +16.3 to +39.2‰ through denitrification. Under subsequent water-unsaturated conditions, the NO3 concentrations increased through nitrification, which resulted in the decrease in the δ15N of NO3. In soils, which were unsaturated for the first 6-weeks incubation, the δ15N of NH4+ increased sharply at 0.5 week due to fast nitrification. On the other hand, the δ15N of NO3 showed the lowest value at 0.5 week due to incomplete nitrification, but after a subsequence increase, they remained stable while nitrification and denitrification were negligible between 1 and 6 weeks. Changing to saturated conditions after the initial 6-weeks incubation, however, increased the δ15N of NO3 progressively with a concurrent decrease in NO3 concentration through denitrification. The differences in δ15N of NO3 between compost and fertilizer treatments were consistent throughout the incubation period. The δ15N of NO3 increased with the addition of compost (range: +13.0 to +35.4‰), but decreased with the addition of fertilizer (−10.8 to +11.4‰), thus resulting in intermediate values in soils receiving both fertilizer and compost (−3.5 to +20.3‰). Therefore, such differences in δ15N of NO3 observed in this study suggest a possibility that the δ15N of upland-grown plants receiving compost would be higher than those treated with fertilizer because NO3 is the most abundant N for plant uptake in upland soils.  相似文献   

The turnover of native and applied C and N in undisturbed soil samples of different texture but similar mineralogical composition, origin and cropping history was evaluated at −10 kPa water potential. Cores of structurally intact soil with 108, 224 and 337 g clay kg−1 were horizontially sliced and 15N-labelled sheep faeces was placed between the two halves of the intact core. The cores together with unamended treatments were incubated in the dark at 20 °C and the evolution of CO2-C determined continuously for 177 d. Inorganic and microbial biomass N and 15N were determined periodically. Net nitrification was less in soil amended with faeces compared with unamended soil. When adjusted for the NO3-N present in soil before faeces was applied, net nitrification became negative indicating that NO3-N had been immobilized or denitrified. The soil most rich in clay nitrified least N and 15N. The amounts of N retained in the microbial biomass in unamended soils increased with clay content. A maximum of 13% of the faeces 15N was recovered in the microbial biomass in the amended soils. CO2-C evolution increased with clay content in amended and unamended soils. CO2-C evolution from the most sandy soil was reduced due to a low content of potentially mineralizable native soil C whereas the rate constant of C mineralization rate peaked in this soil. When the pool of potentially mineralizable native soil C was assumed proportional to volumetric water content, the three soils contained similar proportions of potentially mineralizable native soil C but the rate constant of C mineralization remained highest in the soil with least clay. Thus although a similar availability of water in the three soils was ensured by their identical matric potential, the actual volume of water seemed to determine the proportion of total C that was potentially mineralizable. The proportion of mineralizable C in the faeces was similar in the three soils (70% of total C), again with a higher rate constant of C mineralization in the soil with least clay. It is hypothesized that the pool of potentially mineralizable C and C rate constants fluctuate with the soil water content.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and carbon dynamics in paddy and upland soils for rice cultivation and in upland soil for corn cultivation was investigated by using 13C and 15N dual-labeled cattle manure compost (CMC). In a soil with low fertility, paddy and upland rice took up carbon and nitrogen from the CMC at rates ranging from 0.685 to 1.051% of C and 17.6–34.6% of N applied. The 13C concentration was much higher in the roots than in the plant top, whereas the 15N concentration differed slightly between them, indicating that organic carbon taken up preferentially accumulated in roots. The 13C recovery in the plant top tended to be higher in upland soil than in paddy soil, whereas 15N applied was recovered at the same level in both paddy and upland soils. In the experiment with organic farming soil, paddy rice took up C and N from the CMC along with plant growth and the final recovery rates of 13C and 15N were 2.16 and 17.2% of C and N applied. In the corn experiment, a very large amount of carbon from the CMC was absorbed, accounting for at least 7 times value for rice. The final uptake rates of 13C and 15N reached about 13 and 10% of C and N applied, respectively. Carbon emission from the CMC sharply increased by 2 weeks after transplanting and the nitrogen emission was very low. It is concluded that rice and corn can take up an appreciable level of carbon and nitrogen from the CMC through roots.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to obtain the N balance sheet for sole crops and intercrops of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and pigeonpeas [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Intercropping gave a significant advantage over sole cropping in terms of dry matter production and grain yield, as calculated on the basis of the land equivalent ratio and area-time equivalent ratio. The N fertilizer use efficiency and atmospheric N2 fixation by pigeonpea were estimated using 15N-labeling and natural abundance methods. The N fertilizer use efficiency of sorghum was unaltered by the cropping system, while that of the pigeonpea was greatly reduced by intercropping. Although intercropping increased the fractional contribution of fixed N to the pigeonpeas, no significant difference was observed between the cropping systems in total symbiotically fixed N. There was no evidence of a significant transfer of N from the pigeonpea to the sorghum. This study showed that use of soil N and fertilizer N by pigeonpeas was almost the same as that by sorghum in sole cropping, indicating the potential competence of pigeonpeas to exploit soil N. However, when N was exhausted by a companion crop in intercropping, the pigeonpea crop increased its dependency on atmospheric N2 fixation. We conclude that knowledge of how N from different sources is shared by companion crops is a prerequisite to establishing strategies to increase N use, and consequently land productivity, in intercropping systems.  相似文献   

Tomato, sunflower and com plants were grown in culture solution containing three different concentrations of 15N-Iabelled KNO3 (260 ppm N, 105 ppm N, and 26 ppm N) as a nitrogen nutrient, and fumigated with 0.3 ppm NO2 for 2 weeks during their vegetative stages. The amount of NO2 nitrogen absorbed into the plants was estimated by “difference method” and “15N method.” “15N method” was found to give more probable values than “difference method.” According to “15N method,” the nitrogen derived from NO3 was about 16% (tomato), 22% (sunflower), and 14% (com) of the increased amount of total nitrogen in the whole plants in the 105 ppm N plot, and these percentages increased in the 26 ppm N plot. Difference in nitrogen concentration of the culture solution resulted in big change in the dryweight increase of the tomato and sunflower plants, but the absorption rate of NO2 nitrogen based on the dry weight changed slightly. The absorption rate of NO2 nitrogen was around 0.8 mg (gDW)-1 day-1 in tomato and sunflower plants, and 0.3 mg (gDW)-1 day-1 in com plant. Leaves were found to be an active sink of NO2 and the nitrogen of NO2 seemed to be rapidly transformed into compounds of high molecules in the leaf cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this laboratory study was to investigate the effect of straw and vinasses on the nitrogen (N) mineralization-immobilization turnover of celery residues during two periods (each simulating a time period from autumn till spring) under laboratory conditions. During the first period (1-198 d), 15N-labelled celery residues (1.1 g dry matter (DM) kg−1 soil) were incubated together with straw (8.1 g DM kg−1 soil), aiming to immobilize the N released from celery residues, followed by an incorporation of vinasses (1.9 g DM kg−1 soil) after 84 d, with a view to remineralizing the immobilized celery-N. During the second period (198-380 d), the experimental set-up was repeated, except that non-labelled celery residues were used. Total N, mineral N and their 15N enrichments as well as microbial biomass N were determined at regular time intervals. During both periods, mixing celery residues with straw significantly increased microbial biomass N (90.5 and 40.5 mg N kg−1 extra compared to celery only treatment) and decreased the amount of mineral N (reduction of 56.1 and 45.9 mg N kg−1 soil compared to celery only treatment) and the celery-derived mineral 15N (0% of mineral celery-derived 15N in straw treatment compared to 35% of mineral celery-derived 15N in celery only treatment). After maximum immobilization, a natural remineralization (without addition of vinasses) of 32.2 (at day 198) and 11.1 mg N kg−1 soil (at day 380) occurred in the straw treatment, but the mineral N content remained significantly lower than in the celery only treatment during the complete experiment, and the amount of remineralized celery-15N was very low (5.4% of celery-derived 15N after 380 d). Vinasses caused no real priming effect, although it did slightly increase the amount of remineralized celery-15N (+6.4% of celery-derived 15N at day 380 compared to the straw treatment), probably due an apparent added N interaction caused by displacement reactions with the soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Nitrate removal was compared in anthropogenically-impacted and unimpacted salt marsh sediments in microcosms using the acetylene block technique and 15N natural abundance measurements. Potential denitrification rates were greater at the impacted site than the unimpacted site at all added NO3 concentrations (233, 467, or 700 μg N g dw−1). Although the change in concentration of NH4+ over time was small (69-104 μg N g dw−1), the δ15N of accumulated NH4+ increased significantly (0.26-13.22‰), and was more enriched for all NO3 treatments in the impacted sediments than the unimpacted site. The impacted site may be acclimated to episodic N inputs, and based on concentrations and 15N natural abundance had greater denitrification and N cycling than the unimpacted site.  相似文献   


Long-term temporal changes in natural 15N abundance (δ15N value) in paddy soils from long-term field experiments with livestock manure and rice straw composts, and in the composts used for the experiments, were investigated. These field experiments using livestock manure and rice straw composts had been conducted since 1973 and 1968, respectively. In both experiments, control plots to which no compost had been applied were also maintained. The δ15N values of livestock manure compost reflected the composting method. Composting period had no significant effect on the δ15N value of rice straw compost. The δ15N values increased in soils to which livestock manure compost was successively applied, and tended to decrease in soils without compost. In soils to which rice straw compost was successively applied, the δ15N values of the soils remained constant. Conversely, δ15N values in soils without rice straw compost decreased. The downward trend in δ15N values observed in soils to which compost and chemical N fertilizer were not applied could be attributed to the natural input of N, which had a lower δ15N value than the soils. Thus, the transition of the δ15N values in soils observed in long-term paddy field experiments indicated that the δ15N values of paddy soils could be affected by natural N input in addition to extraneous N that was applied in the form of chemical N fertilizers and organic materials.  相似文献   

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