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The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate net N mineralization in sandy arable soils and to derive adequate N mineralization parameters for simulation purposes. Long‐term incubations at 35 °C were done for at least 200 days with 147 sandy arable soils from Northwest Germany. To cumulative net N mineralization curves the simultaneous two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation was fitted in order to differentiate between N mineralization from an easily decomposable, fresh organic matter pool (Nfast) and from a slowly decomposable pool (Nslow) of more humified OM. North German loess soils served as a reference, since available model parameters were mainly derived from those soils. Although curve patterns in sandy soils often somewhat deviated from typical double‐exponential patterns, the mineralization equation generally could be fitted. Two pools were clearly revealed, but a transfer of the standard parameters was found to be not appropriate — except maybe for the pool size of the fast decomposable N pool. The mean kfast at 35 °C (0.1263 d—1) is about 46% higher than the known ’︁standard’ loess value, indicating better conditions for decomposition of fresh residues at this temperature. The mean kslow at 35 °C (0.0023 d—1), which is 60% lower than reported earlier from loess soils, and much lower mineralization rates of the slowly decomposable N pool give reason to the presence of generally more resistant organic material in these sandy soils. The relation between Nslow and total N was found to be not close enough to derive the pool size of slowly decomposable N just from total N as done for loess soils. Reducing the variability is necessary, promising approaches exist. The eight reference loess soils revealed — on an average — the known N mineralization parameters.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate experimentally derived temperature functions for the rate coefficients of net N mineralization in sandy arable soils from NW Germany via field measurements. In part I of this paper (Heumann and Böttcher, 2004), different temperature functions for the rate coefficients of a two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation were derived by long‐term laboratory incubations at 3°C to 35°C. In this paper, field net N mineralization during winter of 25 plots was measured in undisturbed soil columns with a diameter of 20 cm to the depth of the Ap horizon. Mean simulated net N mineralization with the most adequate multiple functions corresponded also best with the mean of the measured values despite of an overestimation of about 10%. Distinctly larger deviations under use of other temperature functions (Arrhenius, Q10) were directly related to their deviations from mean, experimentally derived rate coefficients. Simulated net N mineralization in the soil columns was significantly correlated with measured values, regardless of the temperature functions. Yet the goodness of fit was generally relatively low due to the spatial variability of measured net N mineralization within replicate soil columns, although the mean CV (38%) was by far not extraordinary. The pool of slowly mineralizable N contributed considerably to net N mineralization during four to five winter months, on an average 10.0 kg N ha–1, about one third of total simulated N mineralization. Sometimes, it contributed even 21.3 kg N ha–1, which is almost sufficient to reach the EU drinking‐water limit for nitrate in these soils. Simulations with widely used functions that were once derived from loess soils overestimated mineralization from pool Nslow in the studied sandy arable soils by a factor of two.  相似文献   

Unusually low net N mineralization in soils relatively rich in total organic C and N was repeatedly reported for sandy arable soils in NW Europe. In order to adequately account for it in simulation models, it is necessary to know the involved substances and processes. Therefore, 9 arable top soils (< 6% clay) with a wide range of total organic C (1.1%–5.2%) and C : N ratios (12–35) were studied. The soils varied strongly in the mineralizability of soil organic N which was determined via long‐term laboratory incubations (> 200 d). It was hypothesized that mineralization was controlled by antioxidants, and the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of the soils was measured. In addition, pyrolysis–field ionization mass spectrometry (Py‐FIMS) was applied to investigate the influence of the molecular‐chemical composition of soil organic matter. In these soils, the compound class of sterols from Py‐FIMS analysis was most closely, negatively correlated with the mineralizability of soil organic N (r2 = 0.75, p = 0.003). This was probably not an antioxidative effect, because the TEAC values did not correlate sufficiently with the mineralizability and the sterol intensities. However, the negative relation with sterols could be causal, since the correlation was about as close with other components of the compound class of sterols and even closer with the main plant sterol beta‐sitosterol (r2 = 0.84, p = 0.001). In addition, the variability among samples was strongly governed by the proportions of sterols, and sterols also had a high discriminating power in discriminant analysis. Furthermore, the proportions of sterols were extraordinary in those arable podzol soils that developed under previous heath‐ or woodland (up to 10.2% of total ion intensity from Py‐FIMS). In conclusion, the inhibitory effect of these compounds needs to be investigated in more detail in order to optimize parameterization of N as well as C simulation models especially for podzolized, sandy arable soils with former heath‐ or woodland vegetation.  相似文献   

The in situ net nitrogen mineralization (Nnet) was estimated in five agricultural soils under different durations of organic farming by incubating soil samples in buried bags. Simultaneously, soil microbial C and N was determined in buried bags and in bulk soil under winter wheat and after harvest. The aim was to check for variations in soil microbial biomass contents and microbial C:N ratios during the incubation period, and their importance for Nnet rates. Microbial C and N contents were highest in soils that had been organically farmed for 41 years, whereas Nnet rates were highest in a short‐term organically managed soil that had been under grassland use until 36 years ago. The mean coefficient of variation in the bulk soil for microbial C estimates ranged from 5 to 12 %. Microbial N contents were similar inside buried bags and in the bulk soil at the end of the incubation periods. Under winter wheat during the incubation period until harvest, microbial C contents and microbial C:N ratios (in 10—27 cm depth only) decreased more strongly inside buried bags than in the bulk soil. Following harvest of winter wheat and ploughing, microbial biomass increased while in situ Nnet decreased, presumably due to N immobilization. The Nnet rates were not correlated with microbial N contents or changes in microbial N contents inside buried bags. At the end of the vegetation period of winter wheat, Nnet rates were negatively correlated with microbial C:N ratios. Because these ratios concurrently decreased more inside buried bags than in the bulk soil, the Nnet estimates of the buried bag method may differ from the Nnet rates in the bulk soil at that time.  相似文献   

This study aimed to experimentally determine adequate temperature functions for the rate coefficients of net N mineralization in sandy arable soils from NW Germany. Long‐term laboratory incubations were carried out in seven sandy arable soils at 3°C, 10°C, 19°C, 28°C, and 35°C in order to derive the rate coefficients of a simultaneous two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation. Thereby we differentiated between a small, fast mineralizable N pool, comprising mainly fresh residues, and a larger, slowly mineralizable N pool of old, humified organic matter. The rate coefficients were plotted against temperature, and fits of several different functions were tested: Arrhenius, Q10, and multiple non‐mechanistic equations. The two derived rate coefficients showed very different temperature functions. Especially in critical temperature ranges (<5/10°C, >30/35°C) common Q10 functions failed to fit well, and, only below 10°C, the Arrhenius functions were in agreement with mean measured rate coefficients. Over the studied temperature range, only relatively complex, multiple equations could adequately account for the observed patterns. In addition, temperature functions that have been derived earlier from loess soils from NW Germany were found not to be transferable to the sandy arable soils studied. Thus, the results strongly question the use of the same Arrhenius or Q10 function or the same rate modifying factor for different N pools as well as for different soils as is generally done in models. Evaluations with field measurements of net N mineralization in part II of the paper (Heumann and Böttcher, 2004) will show which functions perform best in the field.  相似文献   

A long-term experiment on combined inorganic fertilizers and organic matter in paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation began in May 1982 in Yamagata, northeastern Japan. In 2012, after the 31st harvest, soil samples were collected from five fertilizer treatments [(1) PK, (2) NPK, (3) NPK + 6 Mg ha?1 rice straw (RS), (4) NPK + 10 Mg ha?1 rice straw compost (CM1), and (5) NPK + 30 Mg ha?1 rice straw compost (CM3)], at five soil depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20 and 20–25 cm), to assess the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) content and carbon (C) decomposition potential, total nitrogen (TN) content and nitrogen (N) mineralization potential resulting from long-term organic matter addition. The C decomposition potential was assessed based on the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) produced, while the N mineralization potential was determined from the potassium chloride (KCl)-extractable ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N), after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of anaerobic incubation at 30°C in the laboratory. Compared to NPK treatment, SOC in the total 0–25 cm layer increased by 67.3, 21.0 and10.8%, and TN increased by 64.2, 19.7 and 10.6%, in CM3, RS and CM1, respectively, and SOC and TN showed a slight reduction in the PK treatment by 5.2 and 5.7%, respectively. Applying rice straw compost (10 Mg ha?1) instead of rice straw (6 Mg ha?1) to rice paddies reduced methane production by about 19% after the soils were measured under 8 weeks of anaerobic incubation at 30°C. Soil carbon decomposition potential (Co) and nitrogen mineralization potential (No) were highly correlated with the SOC and TN contents. The mean ratio of Co/No was 4.49, lower than the mean ratio of SOC/TN (13.49) for all treatments, which indicated that the easily decomposed organic matter was from soil microbial biomass and soil proteins.  相似文献   

外加碳、氮对黄绵土有机质矿化与激发效应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用14C标记的葡萄糖和麦秸,15N标记的(NH4)2SO4和Ca(NO3)2对生黄绵土、菜园黄绵土土壤有机质的矿化与激发效应进行了研究。结果表明,外加有机质,特别是外加易分解的葡萄糖,和外加氮源,特别是外加(NH4)2SO4,对两种黄绵土土壤的有机质矿化与激发效应都有明显的促进作用,土壤有机质的矿化是高肥力菜园黄绵土高于低肥力生黄绵土,而有机质矿化的激发效应却是低肥力生黄绵土高于高肥力菜园黄绵土。外加有机质与外加N同时施入土壤时,外加N对外加有机质的矿化与激发效应同样有明显的促进作用,并发现外加有机质与外加N在促进土壤有机质矿化与激发效应过程中表现出正交互作用。激发效应对土壤肥力的更新和培养有积极作用。  相似文献   

After decades of searching for a practical method to estimate the N mineralization capacity of soil, there is still no consistent methodology. Indeed it is important to have practical methods to estimate soil nitrogen release for plant uptake and that should be appropriate, less time consuming, and cost effective for farmers. We fractionated soil organic matter (SOM) to assess different fractions of SOM as predictors for net N mineralization measured from repacked (disturbed) and intact (undisturbed) soil cores in 14 weeks of laboratory incubations. A soil set consisting of surface soil from 18 cereal and root‐cropped arable fields was physically fractionated into coarse and fine free particulate OM (coarse fPOM and fine fPOM), intra‐microaggregate particulate OM (iPOM) and silt and clay sized OM. The silt and clay sized OM was further chemically fractionated by oxidation with 6% NaOCl to isolate an oxidation‐resistant OM fraction, followed by extraction of mineral bound OM with 10% HF (HF‐res OM). Stepwise multiple linear regression yielded a significant relationship between the annual N mineralization (kg N/ha) from undisturbed soil and coarse fPOM N (kg N/ha), silt and clay N (kg N/ha) and its C:N ratio (R2 = 0.80; P < 0.01). The relative annual N mineralization (% of soil N) from disturbed soils was related to coarse fPOM N, HF‐res OC (% of soil organic carbon) and its C:N ratio (R2 = 0.83; P < 0.01). Physical fractions of SOM were thus found to be the most useful predictors for estimating the annual N mineralization rate of undisturbed soils. However, the bioavailability of physical fractions was changed due to the disturbance of soil. For disturbed soils, a presumed stable chemical SOM fraction was found to be a relevant predictor indicating that this fraction still contains bio‐available N. The latter prompted a revision in our reasoning behind selective oxidation and extraction as tools for characterizing soil organic N quality with respect to N availability. Nonetheless, the present study also underscores the potential of a combined physical and chemical fractionation procedure for isolating and quantifying N fractions which preferentially contribute to bulk soil N mineralization. The N content or C:N ratio of such fractions may be used to predict N mineralization in arable soils.  相似文献   

A 90‐day laboratory incubation study was carried out using six contrasting subtropical soils (calcareous, peat, saline, noncalcareous, terrace, and acid sulfate) from Bangladesh. A control treatment without nitrogen (N) application was compared with treatments where urea, ammonium sulfate (AS), and ammonium nitrate (AN) were applied at a rate of 100 mg N (kg soil)–1. To study the effect of N fertilizers on soil carbon (C) turnover, the CO2‐C flux was determined at nine sampling dates during the incubation, and the total loss of soil carbon (TC) was calculated. Nitrogen turnover was characterized by measuring net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) and net nitrification (NN). Simple and stepwise multiple regressions were calculated between CO2‐C flux, TC, NNM, and NN on the one hand and selected soil properties (organic C, total N, C : N ratio, CEC, pH, clay and sand content) on the other hand. In general, CO2‐C fluxes were clearly higher during the first 2 weeks of the incubation compared to the later phases. Soils with high pH and/or indigenous C displayed the highest CO2‐C flux. However, soils having low C levels (i.e., calcareous and terrace soils) displayed a large relative TC loss (up to 22.3%) and the added N–induced TC loss from these soils reached a maximum of 10.6%. Loss of TC differed depending on the N treatments (urea > AS > AN >> control). Significantly higher NNM was found in the acidic soils (terrace and acid sulfate). On average, NNM after urea application was higher than for AS and AN (80.3 vs. 71.9 and 70.9 N (kg soil)–1, respectively). However, specific interactions between N‐fertilizer form and soil type have to be taken into consideration. High pH soils displayed larger NN (75.9–98.1 mg N (kg soil)–1) than low pH soils. Averaged over the six soils, NN after application of urea and AS (83.3 and 82.2 mg N (kg soil)–1, respectively) was significantly higher than after application of AN (60.6 mg N (kg soil)–1). Significant relationships were found between total CO2 flux and certain soil properties (organic C, total N, CEC, clay and sand content). The most important soil property for NNM as well as NN was soil pH, showing a correlation coefficient of –0.33** and 0.45***, respectively. The results indicate that application of urea to acidic soils and AS to high‐pH soils could be an effective measure to improve the availability of added N for crop uptake.  相似文献   

C and N mineralization data for 17 different added organic materials (AOM) in a sandy soil were collected from an incubation experiment conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. The AOM originated from plants, animal wastes, manures, composts, and organic fertilizers. The C-to-NAOM ratios (ηAOM) ranged from 1.1 to 27.1. Sequential fibre analyses gave C-to-N ratios of soluble (ηSol), holocellulosic (ηHol) and ligneous compounds (ηLig) ranging from 1.1 to 57.2, 0.8 to 65.2, and 3.5 to 25.3, respectively. Very different patterns of net AOM-N mineralization were observed: (i) immobilization for four plant AOM; (ii) moderate mineralization (4-15% AOM-N) for composts; (iii) marked mineralization (11-27% AOM-N) for 1 animal AOM, 1 manure and 2 organic fertilizers; and (iv) high rates of transformations with possible gaseous losses for some N-rich AOM.The Transformation of Added Organics (TAO) model proposed here, described AOM-C mineralization (28 °C, 75% WHC) from three labile (L′), resistant (R) and stable (S) compartments with the sole parameters PL and PS=fractions of very labile and stable compounds of AOM, respectively. Dividing the C-compartments by their C-to-N estimates supplied the remaining NAOM fraction (RAONF). A Pim parameter split the TAO nitrogen fraction (TAONF=added N-RAONF) into two compartments, immobilized (imN) and inorganic (inorgN) N. A Pim>0 value meant that all the TAONF plus a fraction (Pim−1) of native soil inorganic N was immobilized. Additional N mineralization was predicted when necessary from imN by first order kinetics (constant kremin). The TAO version with two parameters Pim and kremin allowed us to predict very different patterns of N mineralization and N immobilization. In a few cases, a further first order kinetic law (constant kv) was added to predict N volatilization from inorgN. Two hypotheses were tested: (i) ηL′, ηR, ηS (C-to-N of L′, R and S)=ηSol, ηHol, ηLig, respectively, (ii) ηL′=ηR=ηS=ηAOM. The first hypothesis was validated by these data, and the second was a good approximation of the former one. In all the cases, predictions were in good agreement with measured values.  相似文献   

Ingrid Kgel-Knabner 《Geoderma》1997,80(3-4):243-270
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a valuable tool for the characterization of soil organic matter and humification processes in soils. This review highlights soil organic matter studies based mainly on solid-state 13C and 15N NMR spectroscopy and some emerging applications, that may provide significant progress in our knowledge on soil organic matter. A major advantage of Nmr spectroscopy is that it can be used as a non-invasive method for solid soil samples or soil fractions. Although resolution is limited, one can obtain an overview on the organic matter structures present in the soil sample. Application of 13C and 15N NMR to soils has, for a long time, been confined to the study of bulk soils or humic extracts for structural characterization. The transformations of soil organic C and N are now being investigated after addition of 13C- and 15N-labelled parent materials to the soil and following their evolution in different C and N pools. With labelling techniques it is also possible to study the interaction of organic pollutants with soil organic matter. Contamination of a soil with man-made additives, such as soot or brown coal dust, can also be detected in soils or individual soil fractions.  相似文献   

Four levels of soil organic matter (SOM) had been established on a coarse sandy loam after application of four combinations of mineral fertilizer, animal manure, straw incorporation and catch crops for 12 years. Soil tillage was carried out in a growing spring barley crop (Hordeum vulgare) to examine the potential for improving the synchrony between soil N mineralization and crop N demand. Tillage raised soil nitrate concentrations temporarily but did not influence barley dry matter (DM) yield. At maturity, both grain DM yield and N uptake were largest on soil with the highest OM level. The previous OM applications had a pronounced influence on crop development and N availability, but soil tillage did not significantly improve the synchrony between soil N mineralization and crop N demand.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of water-soluble, water-non-soluble, Van Soest-soluble, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) fractions of pig slurry (PS), cattle slurry (CS), cattle farmyard manure (FYM), and composted cattle farmyard manure (CFYM) to the overall C and N mineralization of the raw wastes were studied by incubating treated soil for 107 days at 15°C under non-limiting N conditions. The C or N mineralization of soluble fractions was calculated from the difference between C or N mineralization of the raw and non-soluble fractions. The organic N content of raw wastes ranged from 15 to 32 mg N g−1 dry matter and organic C to organic N ratio from 13 to 29. The water-soluble fraction (SOLW) was close to 100 mg C g−1 raw waste C for CS, FYM, and CFYM but reached 200 mg C g−1 for PS. The Van Soest-soluble fraction (SOLVS) was the main fraction for PS, CS, and CFYM (>500 mg C g−1 raw waste C) but only 303 mg C g−1 raw waste C for FYM. Both soluble and non-soluble fractions contributed to C decomposition of slurries, with half to more than half of the decomposed C derived from the degradation of soluble compounds. Most of the C decomposed from FYM was derived from the large NDF fraction, but the contribution from the water-soluble C to the decomposition was also significant. Carbon mineralization of CFYM was due to the degradation of the NDF fraction, whereas soluble C did not contribute. Amounts of N mineralized or immobilized by raw wastes and non-soluble fractions at the end of incubation were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with their organic C to organic N ratio. The contribution of the Van Soest-soluble fraction to N mineralization varied greatly between the four wastes. Finally, large differences in the C degradability and N availability of the water and Van Soest-soluble fractions were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to reduce or delay annual wintertime snow pack formation in the forests of the northeastern US. Any delay in snowpack formation could increase soil freezing in winter and, thereby, alter soil characteristics and processes. We examined the hypothesis that delayed snowpack would disrupt soil structure and change organic matter bioavailability in an experimental snow removal study at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, USA. Pairs of reference and snow removal treatment plots were studied in four different sites at HBEF. Snow was removed from November–January of two winters, inducing soil freezing throughout both winters. Size class distribution and organic matter concentration and content of aggregates, and carbon and nitrogen mineralization potential of size fractions were quantified for surface mineral soils in the spring of both years immediately after snowmelt. In the first year of sampling, the only significant effect of snow removal was an increase in the smallest (<53 μm) size fraction of mineral soil. In the second year, snow removal increased organic matter concentrations of macroaggregate (250–2,000 μm) and microaggregate (53–250 μm) size fractions. This change corresponded to an increase in net N mineralization potential and the ratio of N to C mineralized in the macroaggregate fraction, but there were no effects of snow removal on C mineralization. We propose that soil freezing increases the movement of organic matter from organic to mineral soil horizons and increases the N content of mineralizable substrates in mineral soil following years with delayed snowpack formation.  相似文献   

In nutrient-limited alpine meadows,nitrogen(N) mineralization is prior to soil microbial immobilization;therefore,increased mineral N supply would be most likely immobilized by soil microbes due to nutrient shortage in alpine soils.In addition,low temperature in alpine meadows might be one of the primary factors limiting soil organic matter decomposition and thus N mineralization.A laboratory incubation experiment was performed using an alpine meadow soil from the Tibetan Plateau.Two levels of NH4NO3(N) or glucose(C) were added,with a blank without addition of C or N as the control,before incubation at 5,15,or 25 ℃ for 28 d.CO2 efflux was measured during the 28-d incubation,and the mineral N was measured at the beginning and end of the incubation,in order to test two hypotheses:1) net N mineralization is negatively correlated with CO2 efflux for the control and 2) the external labile N or C supply will shift the negative correlation to positive.The results showed a negative correlation between CO2 efflux and net N immobilization in the control.External inorganic N supply did not change the negative correlation.The external labile C supply shifted the linear correlation from negative to positive under the low C addition level.However,under the high C level,no correlation was found.These suggested that the correlation of CO2 efflux to net N mineralization strongly depend on soil labile C and C:N ratio regardless of temperatures.Further research should focus on the effects of the types and the amount of litter components on interactions of C and N during soil organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between soil organic matter (SOM) content and N dynamics in three grassland soils (0-10 and 10-20 cm depth) of different age (6, 14 and 50 y-old) with sandy loam textures. To study the distribution of the total C and N content the SOM was fractionated into light, intermediate and heavy density fractions of particulate macro-organic matter (150-2000 μm) and the 50-150 μm and <50 μm size fractions. The potential gross N transformation rates (mineralisation, nitrification, NH4+ and NO3 immobilization) were determined by means of short-term, fully mirrored 15N isotope dilution experiments (7-d incubations). The long-term potential net N mineralisation and gross N immobilization rates were measured in 70-d incubations. The total C and N contents mainly tended to increase in the 0-10 cm layer with increasing age of the grassland soils. Significant differences in total SOM storage were detected for the long-term (50 y-old) conversion from arable land to permanent grassland. The largest relative increase in C and N contents had occurred in the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter, followed by the 50-150 and <50 μm fractions. Our results suggest that the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter could serve as a good indicator of early SOM accumulation, induced by converting arable land to permanent grassland. Gross N mineralisation, nitrification, and (long-term) gross N immobilization rates tended to increase with increasing age of the grasslands, and showed strong, positive correlations with the total C and N contents. The calculated gross N mineralisation rates (7-d incubations) and net N mineralisation rates (70-d incubations) corresponded with a gross N mineralisation of 643, 982 and 1876 kg N ha−1 y−1, and a net N mineralisation of 195, 208 and 274 kg N ha−1 y−1 in the upper 20 cm of the 6, 14 and 50 y-old grassland soils, respectively. Linear regression analysis showed that 93% of the variability of the gross N mineralisation rates could be explained by variation in the total N contents, whereas total N contents together with the C-to-N ratios of the <50 μm fraction explained 84% of the variability of the net N mineralisation rates. The relationship between long-term net N mineralisation rates and gross N mineralisation rates could be fitted by means of a logarithmic equation (net m=0.24Ln(gross m)+0.23, R2=0.69, P<0.05), which reflects that the ratio of gross N immobilization-to-gross N mineralisation tended to increase with increasing SOM contents. Microbial demand for N tended to increase with increasing SOM content in the grassland soils, indicating that potential N retention in soils through microbial N immobilization tends to be limited by C availability.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture requires the formation of new humus from the crops. We utilized 13C and 15N signatures of soil organic matter to assess how rapidly wheat/maize cropping contributed to the humus formation in coarse-textured savanna soils of the South African Highveld. Composite samples were taken from the top 20 cm of soils (Plinthustalfs) cropped for lengths of time varying from 0 to 98 years, after conversion from native grassland savanna (C4). We performed natural 13C and 15N abundance measurements on bulk and particle-size fractions. The bulk soil δ13C values steadily decreased from −14.6 in (C4 dominated) grassland to −16.5‰ after 90 years of arable cropping. This δ13C shift was attributable to increasing replacement of savanna-derived C by wheat crop (C3) C which dominated over maize (C4) inputs. After calculating the annual C input from the crop yields and the output from literature data, by using a stepwise C replacement model, we were able to correct the soil δ13C data for the irregular maize inputs for a period of about one century. Within 90 years of cropping 41-89% of the remaining soil organic matter was crop-derived in the three studied agroecosystems. The surface soil C stocks after 90 years of the wheat/maize crop rotation could accurately be described with the Rothamsted Carbon Model, but modelled C inputs to the soil were very low. The coarse sand fraction reflected temporal fluctuations in 13C of the last C3 or C4 cropping and the silt fraction evidenced selective erosion loss of old savanna-derived C. Bulk soil 15N did not change with increasing cropping length. Decreasing δ15N values caused by fertilizer N inputs with prolonged arable cropping were only detected for the coarse sand fraction. This indicated that the present N fertilization was not retained in stable soil C pool. Clearly, conventional cropping practices on the South African highlands neither contribute to the preservation of old savanna C and N, nor the effective humus reformation by the crops.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to evaluate how the pool size of slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N can be derived from more easily accessible soil and site information via pedotransfer functions (PTF). Besides modeling, this pool size might be of great importance for the identification of soils with high mineralization potential in drinking‐water catchments. From long‐term laboratory incubations (ca. 200 days) at 35 °C, the pool sizes of easily mineralizable organic N (Nfast), mainly in fresh residues, and slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N (Nslow) as well as their first‐order rate coefficients were obtained. 90 sandy arable soils from NW Germany served to derive PTFs for Nslow that were evaluated using another 20 soils from the same region. Information on former land‐use and soil type was obtained from topographical, historical, and soil maps (partly from 1780). Pool size Nslow very strongly depends on soil type and former land‐use. Mean pool sizes of Nslow were much lower in old arable lowland (105 mg N kg–1) than upland soils (175 mg N kg–1) possibly due to lower clay contents. Within lowlands, mean pool sizes in former grassland soils (245 mg N kg–1) were 2 to 3 times larger than in old arable soils due to accumulation of mineralizable N. In contrast, mean pool sizes of Nslow were lowest in recently cleared, former heath‐ and woodland (31 mg N kg–1) as a result of the input of hardly decomposable organic matter. Neither N nor C in the light fraction (density < 1.8 g cm–3) was adequate to derive pool size Nslow in the studied soils (r2 < 0.03). Instead, Nslow can be accurately (r2 = 0.55 – 0.83) derived from one or two basic soil characteristics (e.g. organic C, total N, C : N, mineral fraction < 20 μm), provided that sites were grouped by former land‐use. Field mineralization from Nslow during winter (independent data set) can be predicted as well on the basis of Nslow‐values calculated from PTFs that were derived after grouping the soils by former land‐use (r2 = 0.51***). In contrast, using the PTF without soil grouping strongly reduced the reliability (r2 = 0.16).  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that accretion of microbial turnover products is an important driver for isotopic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) enrichment of soil organic matter (SOM). However, the exact contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to soil isotopic patterns remains unknown. In this study, we compared 13C and 15N patterns of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), which includes a main fraction derived from AMF, litter, and bulk soil in four temperate rainforests. GRSP was an abundant C and N pool in these forest soils, showing significant 13C and 15N enrichment relative to litter and bulk soil. Hence, cumulative accumulation of recalcitrant AMF turnover products in the soil profile likely contributes to 13C and 15N enrichment in forest soils. Further research on the relationship between GRSP and AMF should clarify the exact extent of this process.  相似文献   

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