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Soils from 38 German forest sites, dominated by beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) were sampled to a depth of about 10 cm after careful removal of overlying organic layers. Microbial biomass N and C were measured by fumigation-extraction. The pH of the soils varied between 3.5 and 8.3, covering a wide range of cation exchange capacity, organic C, total N, and soil C:N values. Maximum biomass C and biomass N contents were 2116 g C m-2 and 347 g N m-2, while minimum contents were 317 and 30 g m-2, respectively. Microbial biomass N and C were closely correlated. Large variations in microbial biomass C:N ratios were observed (between 5.4 and 17.3, mean 7.7), indicating that no simple relationship exists between these two parameters. The frequency distribution of the parameters for C and N availability to the microflora divided the soils into two subgroups (with the exception of one soil): (1) microbial: organic C>12 mg g-1, microbial:total N>28 mg g-1 (n=23), a group with high C and N availability, and (2) microbial:organic C12 mg g-1, microbial:total N28 mg g-1 (n=14), a group with low C and N availability. With the exception of a periodically waterlogged soil, the pH of all soils belonging to subgroup 2 was below 5.0 and the soil C:N ratios were comparatively high. Within these two subgroups no significant correlation between the microbial C:N ratio and soil pH or any other parameter measured was found. The data suggest that above a certain threshold (pH 5.0) microbial C:N values vary within a very small range over a wide range of pH values. Below this threshold, in contrast, the range of microbial C:N values becomes very large.  相似文献   

We examined net greenhouse gas exchange at the soil surface in deciduous forests on soils with high organic contents. Fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured using dark static chambers for two consecutive years in three different forest types; (i) a drained and medium productivity site dominated by birch, (ii) a drained and highly productive site dominated by alder and (iii) an undrained and highly productive site dominated by alder. Although the drained sites had shallow mean groundwater tables (15 and 18 cm, respectively) their average annual rates of forest floor CO2 release were almost twice as high compared to the undrained site (1.9±0.4 and 1.7±0.3, compared to 1.0±0.2 kg CO2 m−2 yr−1). The average annual CH4 emission was almost 10 times larger at the undrained site (7.6±3.1 compared to 0.9±0.5 g CH4 m−2 yr−1 for the two drained sites). The average annual N2O emissions at the undrained site (0.1±0.05 g N2O m−2 yr−1) were lower than at the drained sites, and the emissions were almost five times higher at the drained alder site than at the drained birch site (0.9±0.35 compared to 0.2±0.11 g N2O m−2 yr−1). The temporal variation in forest floor CO2 release could be explained to a large extent by differences in groundwater table and air temperature, but little of the variation in the CH4 and N2O fluxes could be explained by these variables. The measured soil variables were only significant to explain for the within-site spatial variation in CH4 and N2O fluxes at the undrained swamp, and dark forest floor CO2 release was not explained by these variables at any site. The between-site spatial variation was attributed to variations in drainage, groundwater level position, productivity and tree species for all three gases. The results indicate that N2O emissions are of greater importance for the net greenhouse gas exchange at deciduous drained forest sites than at coniferous drained forest sites.  相似文献   


Properties of sesquioxides, clay mineralogical composition, and charge characteristics of Brown Forest soils developed under beech forests in the Kinki (Ohdaigahara) and the Tohoku District (Hakkoda) were studied with special reference to their pedogenetic processes.

The Brown Forest soils in the Kinki District were characterized by the translocation of free Al, formation of Al and/or Fe-humus complexes throughout the profile, and the predominance of 2:1: 1-2:1 intergrade minerals in the subsurface horizons, whereas those in the Tohoku District were characterized by the formation of allophane and no remarkable translocation of free Al oxides. This difference in the pedogenetic processes under the same vegetation was reflected on the amounts of Al released from primary minerals in relation to the amounts of organic matter accumulated. Major distinctive characteristics included the values of the Alp/Alo, the Fep/Feo, the Alo/Ald ratios, the Sio content, and the STPT-ZPC and pH(H2O) values.

Among these the values of the Alo/Ald ratio and/or the Sio content were found to be suitable indices for the differentiation of Brown Forest soils from Andisols in Japan In addition to the criteria used to define andic soil properties.  相似文献   

This study compares the enchytraeid communities in anthropogenous birch (Betula pendula) stands of different origin with each other and with natural forests at the same latitude in Finland. Nine sites were investigated: three birch stands planted ca. 30 years prior to the study after clear-cutting of spruce stands, three birch stands established ca. 30 years earlier on arable soil (cleared from earlier coniferous forest), and three natural deciduous forests. Each site was sampled three times (May, August and October) in 1999, animals were extracted using the wet funnel method, counted and identified. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) was used to analyse the communities. There were clear differences between the birch stands established after spruce forest and after cultivation, and between these and natural deciduous stands, but even more between replicates of similarly managed forests. Total numbers and populations of most species were lower in birch-after-field than in birch-after-spruce. The superdominant species in coniferous forests, Cognettia sphagnetorum, was dominant in all birch-after-spruce sites and one natural deciduous site. Enchytronia parva was the only species more abundant in birch-after-field than in birch-after-spruce. It is hypothesized that, in addition to soil acidity, accidental transport by man explains the presence of many species on a given locality, and that competition with earthworms plays a role in regulating enchytraeid abundances.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) at 14 mM inhibits CH4 oxidation in forest soil, but the inhibition mechanism is unknown. When soil slurries are incubated in gas tight flasks, there is a lag of about 45 h before DMSO inhibits CH4 oxidation. We tried to determine if some metabolic compound derived from DMSO, as a result of microbial activity, is responsible for the inhibition. Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) accumulated in the sealed flasks up to 5-83 μl l−1 in the headspace during a 2-week period. DMS at 1 μl l−1 in the headspace (0.64 μM in soil-water slurry) had a negligible effect on CH4 oxidation but 50 μl l−1 DMS (32 μM) inhibited CH4 oxidation completely. However, the inhibition by DMSO was already evident after 45 h, when DMS concentrations were generally non-inhibiting (0.1-0.7 μl l−1). DMSO was also shown to inhibit CH4 oxidation when the DMS produced was continuously removed. Results suggest that the production of DMS from DMSO makes a minor contribution to the inhibition of CH4 oxidation by DMSO with incubation times relevant in CH4 oxidation studies.  相似文献   

 Under normal conditions, CH4, one of the most important greenhouse gases, is subject to biological oxidation in forest soils. However, this process can be negatively affected by N amendment. The reported experiment was conducted in order to study the short- and long-term effects of N amendment on CH4 oxidation in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest soils. Soil samples were taken from three experimental sites, two of which had been amended with N once, over 20 years earlier, while the third had been amended 3 weeks earlier. The soil samples were incubated fresh at 15  °C at ambient CH4 concentrations (ca. 1.8 ppmv CH4). The variation in CH4-turnover rates was high within the treatments: CH4 was produced [up to 22.6 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1] in samples from the recently amended site, whereas it was consumed at high rates (up to 431 pmol CH4 g dry wt. soil–1 h–1) in samples from the plot that had received the highest N amendment 27 years before sampling. Although no significant differences were found between N treatments, in the oldest plots there was a correlation between consumption of atmospheric CH4 and the total C content at a depth of 7.5–15 cm in the mineral soil (r 2=0.74). This indicates that in the long-term, increased C retention in forest soils following N amendment could lead to increased CH4 oxidation. Received: 3 September 1997  相似文献   

Although most studies have indicated that biochar can boost rice (Oryza sativa) growth, the material may also suppress it, depending on ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and available N to available phosphorous (P). The current study sought to examine the impacts of biochar on rice growth and to identify underlying mechanisms. A pot experiment was conducted using two soils of high (3.05%) and low (0.54%) organic carbon (OC) content, mixed with 0, 1.5, 3, 6, and 12% biochar and planted with rice. Rice growth components, five rice tissue nutrients, and nine soil properties were measured. The results showed that the response of rice growth to biochar rates could be described using an exponential-growth function in high-OC soil but an inverted U-shaped curve in low-OC soil. In high-OC soil, the 12% biochar rate led to the greatest total biomass, increased by 47%, whereas in low-OC soil, the 3 and 6% rates exhibited the highest total biomass, increased by 44%, compared to the no-biochar added soils. Biochar elevated the C:N ratio from 11.5 to 39.1, with an optimal range of 20–30 corresponding to the highest rice growth. Biochar declined the ratio of NH4-N to Mehlich-1 P, causing N deficiency. In brief, high biochar rates may suppress rice growth when the soil C:N ratio exceeds 30. The applied biochar rate should be considered based on soil properties typically OC and N content to obtain the C:N ratio between 20 and 30 for optimal rice growth.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) content is one of the main factors to be considered in the evaluation of soil health and fertility. As timing, human and monetary resources often limit the amount of available data, geostatistical techniques provide a valid scientific approach to cope with spatial variability, to interpolate existing data and to predict values at unsampled locations for accurate SOM status survey. Using geostatistical and geographic information system (GIS) approaches, the spatial variability of some physical and chemical soil parameters was investigated under Mediterranean climatic condition in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, where soil erosion processes accelerated by human induced factors are the main causes of soil degradation associated with low SOM content. Experimental semivariograms were established to determine the spatial dependence of the soil variables under investigation. The results of 250 soil sampling point data were interpolated by means of ordinary kriging coupled with a GIS to produce contour maps distribution of soil texture, SOM content related to texture, and C/N ratio. The resulting spatial interpolation of the dataset highlighted a low content of SOM in relation with soil texture in most of the surveyed area (87%) and an optimal C/N ratio for only half of the investigated surface area. Spatial location of degraded area and the assessment of its magnitude can provide decision makers with an accurate support to design appropriate soil conservation strategies and then facilitate a regional planning of agri-environmental measures in the framework of the European Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

In forest soils where a large fraction of total phosphorus (P) is in organic forms, soil micro-organisms play a major role in the P cycle and plant availability since they mediate organic P transformations. However, the correct assessment of organic P mineralization is usually a challenging task because mineralized P is rapidly sorbed and most mineralization fluxes are very weak. The objectives of the present work were to quantify in five forest Spodosols at soil depths of 0-15 cm net mineralization of total organic P and the resulting increase in plant available inorganic P and to verify whether net or gross P mineralization could be estimated using the C or N mineralization rates. Net mineralization of total organic P was derived from the net changes in microbial P and gross mineralization of P in dead soil organic matter. We studied very low P-sorbing soils enabling us to use lower extractants to assess the change in total inorganic P as a result of gross mineralization of P in dead soil organic matter. In addition, to enable detection of gross mineralization of P in dead soil organic matter, a long-term incubation (517 days) experiment was carried out. At the beginning of the experiment, total P contents of the soils were very low (19-51 μg g−1) and were essentially present as organic P (17-44 μg g−1, 85-91%) or microbial P (6-14 μg g−1; 24-39%). Conversely, the initial contents of inorganic P were low (2-7 μg g−1; 9-15%). The net changes in the pool size of microbial P during the 517 days of incubation (4-8 μg g−1) and the amounts of P resulting from gross mineralization of dead soil organic matter (0.001-0.018 μg g−1 day−1; 0.4-9.5 μg g−1 for the entire incubation period) were considerable compared to the initial amounts of organic P and also when compared to the initial diffusive iP fraction (<0.3 μg g−1). Diffusive iP corresponds to the phosphate ions that can be transferred from the solid constituents to the soil solution under a gradient of concentration. Net mineralization of organic P induced an important increase in iP in soil solution (0.6-10 μg g−1; 600-5000% increase) and lower increases in diffusive iP fractions (0.3-5 μg g−1; 300-2000% increase), soil solid constituents having an extremely low reactivity relative to iP. Therefore, soil micro-organisms and organic P transformations play a major role in the bioavailability of P in these forest soils. In our study, the dead soil organic matter was defined as a recalcitrant organic fraction. Probably because gross mineralization of P from this recalcitrant organic fraction was mainly driven by the micro-organisms’ needs for energy, the rates of gross mineralization of C, N and P in the recalcitrant organic fraction were similar. Indirect estimation of gross mineralization of P in dead soil organic matter using the gross C mineralization rate seems thus an alternative method for the studied soils. However, additional studies are needed to verify this alternative method in other soils. No relationships were found between microbial P release and microbial C and N releases.  相似文献   


This study aimed to clarify pedogenetic processes and classification of yellowish Brown Forest Soils according to the Classification of Forest Soils in Japan and the Yellow Brown Forest soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan in the warm and cool temperate forest of Kyushu district, Japan. In addition, the study aimed to clarify a problem with the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan. Thirty-six soil profiles of Brown Forest Soils, including 13 yellowish Brown Forest Soils and 15 Yellow Brown Forest soils, were compared with regard to their chemical properties and the relationship with climatic conditions was assessed. The yellowish Brown Forest Soils had thin A horizons, low pH and low levels of free oxides in the B horizons, and a low amount of silica and a high aluminum and iron to silica ratio. These features were related to the paleo reddish weathering. The immaturely developed A horizon of the yellowish Brown Forest Soils was caused by these weathered, low-activity substances. The Yellow Brown Forest soils had low levels of active iron oxides and a low activity ratio of free iron oxides compared with the Haplic Brown Forest soils in the same thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides was correlated to mean annual air temperature with the carbon stocks and with many other chemical properties. Accordingly, classification of Brown Forest Soils was clearer according to thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides can become an effective index that distinguishes Yellow Brown Forest soils under warm temperate lucidophyllous forest and Haplic Brown Forest soils under cool temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest with considerable vertical soil zonality.  相似文献   

Forest soils have large contents of carbon (C) and total nitrogen (TN), which have significant spatial variability laterally across landscapes and vertically with depth due to decomposition, erosion and leaching. Therefore, the ratio of C to TN contents (C:N), a crucial indicator of soil quality and health, is also different depending on soil horizon. These attributes can cost-effectively and rapidly be estimated using visible–near infrared–shortwave infrared (VNIR–SWIR) spectroscopy. Nevertheless, the effect of different soil layers, particularly over large scales of highly heterogeneous forest soils, on the performance of the technique has rarely been attempted. This study evaluated the potential of VNIR–SWIR spectroscopy in quantification and variability analysis of C:N in soils from different organic and mineral layers of forested sites of the Czech Republic. At each site, we collected samples from the litter (L), fragmented (F) and humus (H) organic layers, and from the A1 (depth of 2–10 cm) and A2 (depth of 10–40 cm) mineral layers providing a total of 2505 samples. Support vector machine regression (SVMR) was used to train the prediction models of the selected attributes at each individual soil layer and the merged layer (profile). We further produced the spatial distribution maps of C:N as the target attribute at each soil layer. Results showed that the prediction accuracy based on the profile spectral data was adequate for all attributes. Moreover, F was the most accurately predicted layer, regardless of the soil attribute. C:N models and maps in the organic layers performed well although in mineral layers, models were poor and maps were reliable only in areas with low and moderate C:N. On the other hand, the study indicated that reflectance spectra could efficiently predict and map organic layers of the forested sites. Although, in mineral layers, high values of C:N (≥ 50) were not detectable in the map created based on the reflectance spectra. In general, the study suggests that VNIR–SWIR spectroscopy has the feasibility of modelling and mapping C:N in soil organic horizons based on national spectral data in the forests of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 usually promotes plant growth, whereas elevated O3 often has a negative effect, especially on root biomass. Thus both these gases can indirectly affect the soil microbial community. We exposed Agrostis capillaris and Lathyrus pratensis to realistic levels of O3 (40-50 ppb) and CO2 (ambient air + 100 ppm) in open-top chambers during 2002-2004. The experiment shows negative effects of both O3 and CO2, especially on the bulk soil of L. pratensis, in terms of the decreased biomasses of total (25% and 31%), actinobacterial (29% and 31%), bacterial (26% and 33%) and mycorrhizal (AM fungal) (31% and 35%) indicator subgroups, analysed by the PLFA (phospholipid fatty acid) method. The fungal:bacterial PLFA biomass ratio decreased in the bulk soil of A. capillaris, especially with elevated CO2 alone (38%). These longer-term changes are considered to arise mainly from differences between the plant functional types (i.e. grass cf. N2-fixing legume) in litter quality and soil C:N ratio. The results also point to interactions and multi-trophic feedbacks between elevated O3, plant, parasitic rust fungi and soil readily available P, accompanied by a shift in N balance in favour of plants rather than soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

三种硝化抑制剂在石灰性土壤中的应用效果比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘涛  梁永超  褚贵新  马丹  刘倩  王健 《土壤》2011,43(5):758-762
在人工气候室内采用25℃黑暗培养法研究双氰胺(DCD)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸(DMPP)及2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(Nitrapyrin)在石灰性土壤中的硝化抑制效果。结果表明:施用DCD、DMPP、Nitrapyrin的土壤NH4+-N含量较单施硫酸铵的土壤(对照)分别提高228.45~244.85 mg/kg(砂土)、209.75~254.79 mg/kg(黏土),NO3--N含量较对照分别降低93.85%~94.99%(砂土)、91.82%~95.38%(黏土)。表观硝化率随培养进程增加缓慢,培养期间只增加了1.28%~2.09%(砂土)、2.72%~8.40%(黏土),而对照增加了86.00%(砂土)、80.89%(黏土)。3种硝化抑制剂均显著抑制了石灰性土壤中硫酸铵水解铵硝化作用的进行,并且在砂土中的硝化抑制率高于黏土,硝化抑制效果最好的为DMPP处理,0.54%Nitrapyrin处理次之但用量最小,0.27%Nitrapyrin和10.8%DCD处理抑制效果相对较弱。  相似文献   

Many studies have shown the ecological importance of viruses as the greatest genomic reservoirs on the planet. As bacteriophages (phages) comprise the majority of viruses in the environment, we surveyed the capsid genes (g23) of T4-type phages, Myoviridae, from DNA extracts of three paddy field soils located in northern, central and southern Japan using the degenerate primers MZIA1bis and MZIA6. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was performed to separate PCR-amplified g23 products, and 56 DGGE bands were identified as g23 fragments. Only nine clones were grouped into T-evens, PseudoT-evens and ExoT-evens, and most of the other clones were classified into Paddy Groups I-VI. No significantly different distribution of g23 clones was observed among the paddy fields at the group level, indicating that phage communities estimated from the g23 composition were common on the nationwide level. Comparison of g23 sequences showed that g23 genes in paddy fields were different from those in marine environments, and more divergence of g23 genes was estimated in the paddy fields compared to the marine environment. Two novel g23 clones with very short amino acid residues were detected, suggesting the existence of uncharacterized, novel groups of g23 genes in paddy field soils.  相似文献   

Greenhouse pot experiments using four tropical soils were conducted to measure the effect of crop residues on nitrogen mineralization/immobilization and the growth of maize plants under two soil moisture regimes (pF2.5 and pF3.5). Nitrogen-rich residues of pigeon pea [PP, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millps, C/N, 18.8] enhanced plant growth and increased the assimilation of mineral elements (N, P and K) at both moisture regimes. Less nitrogen-rich residues of haricot beans [HB, Phaseolus vulgaris (L.), C/N, 28.9] had a slightly negative effect on plant growth and the assimilation of mineral elements, and a stronger negative effect was recorded for the most N-poor plant residue, maize [M, Zea mays (L.), C/N, 33.6]. For PP, we estimated the recovery of residue-nutrients in maize plants (net increase in N, P and K assimilation due to PP incorporation) as 19% for N, 88% for P and 86% for K in the high-moisture regime (pF2.5). The equivalent values for the drought-stress regime (pF3.5) were 10, 34 and 38%, respectively. The results demonstrate the immediate enhancement of plant growth by plant residues with a low C/N ratio, even under drought-stress conditions.  相似文献   

对采集于干润砂质新成土不同土层土壤分别添加高C/N(黑麦草)和低C/N(苜蓿)有机物料后进行了室内培养试验。结果表明,各土层土壤添加有机物料后,均存在不同程度的矿质氮微生物净固定现象,且氮固定时间及程度与有机物料的C/N和土壤层次密切相关,添加高C/N黑麦草的深层低肥力土壤氮固定现象最明显。添加有机物料后,培养期间可溶性有机碳(DOC)累积量前期较高,中期先减后增,后期趋于稳定,不同土层土壤DOC的变化有所不同。0~20、20~40cm可溶性有机氮(DON)累积同时受矿质氮固定影响,低C/N苜蓿残体加入土壤后,在短暂氮素固定后,后期DON累积量明显提高;而加入高C/N黑麦草残体后,在较长时间内DON累积量无明显增加。添加有机物料导致培养前期土壤DOC/DON上升,随后降低。以上研究结果表明,如果从增加干润砂质新成土土壤有机质角度考虑,应该种植高C/N比的植物。因此,研究有利于进一步深入理解土壤溶液速效C、N养分的来源及其转化,对该地区土壤质量的调控具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The impact of four coniferous tree species and their corresponding soil factors on N transformation rates and presence of ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) was studied in an acid pine forest soil (Appelscha, The Netherlands). Pine soil had a relatively low net nitrification rate, while spruce, fir and larch soils showed high net nitrification rates. 16S rRNA and amoA sequences were only found in soils with high nitrification rates and belonged solely to Nitrosospira cluster 2. We conclude that tree species, possibly through their effects on soil C/N ratios, determines the presence of Nitrosospira cluster 2. Whenever AOB are present, however, the AOB community composition appears to be similar.  相似文献   

以当年生盆栽平邑甜茶为试材,应用15↑N同位素示踪技术研究不同沙土配比(不加沙、沙/(沙+土)=20%、40%、60%、80%、纯沙)对植株的生长及15↑N吸收、利用和损失的影响。结果表明:不同的沙土配比处理,平邑甜茶植株具有不同的生长状况及氮素吸收、利用和损失。沙土配比20%处理的植株生长量(株高、茎粗和总干重)最大(37.54 cm,3.457 mm和16.20 g),60%处理的全氮和15↑N吸收量最大,分别为189.31,32.39 mg,20%~60%处理下的生长量与氮素吸收、利用要显著高于不加沙和高沙处理(沙土配比〉60%)。各处理的Ndff值和15↑N分配率均为地上部〉地下部,20%~80%处理的植株各部分Ndff值随沙土配比的增大而增大。土壤中15↑N残留量与土壤沙土配比大小呈负相关,随着沙土配比增大,氮素总损失呈现增大的趋势。平邑甜茶植株生长和养分吸收、利用与土壤质地密切相关,适宜的沙土配比有利于植株的生长和氮素吸收、利用,较高的沙土配比加剧了土壤氮素损失。  相似文献   

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