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Glomalin, a substance produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, is reported to play a role in soil aggregation, but this role has been questioned in soils rich in calcium carbonate. We studied the relationship between aggregation stability and glomalin in a Haplic Calcisol comparing abandoned and active cultivation of olive groves. Abandonment was associated with increases in soil organic carbon, the percentage of water stable aggregates (WSA1-2mm), and easily extractable and total Bradford-reactive soil protein. WSA1-2mm was strongly positively correlated with both easily extractable and total Bradford-reactive soil protein. While easily extractable Bradford-reactive soil protein measured in both stable and unstable aggregates did not show any significant differences, Bradford-reactive soil protein was twice as high in stable than in unstable aggregates under both tillage and abandonment. Our results suggest that Bradford-reactive soil protein influences aggregate stability, even in soils with low organic matter and high calcium carbonate contents. However, more research is needed to elucidate the role of easily extractable Bradford-reactive soil protein in soil aggregation.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment is a worldwide phenomenon with implications for desertification and global change. We evaluated its effects on the activities of urease, phosphatase and β-glucosidase in Mediterranean semiarid grasslands dominated by Stipa tenacissima by sampling 12 sites with and without resprouting shrubs along a climatic gradient. The presence of shrubs affected the evaluated enzymes at different spatial scales. Soils under S. tenacissima tussocks and in bare ground areas devoid of vascular plants had higher values of phosphatase and urease when the shrubs were present. For the β-glucosidase, this effect was site-specific. At the scale of whole plots (30 m × 30 m), shrubs increased soil enzyme activities between 2% (β-glucosidase) and 22% (urease), albeit these differences were significant only in the later case. Our results indicate that shrub encroachment does not reduce the activity of extracellular soil enzymes in S. tenacissima grasslands.  相似文献   

Three semiarid Mediterranean patchy landscapes were investigated to test the existence of a microsite effect (i.e. plant canopy vs. inter-canopy) on soil microbial communities. Surface soil samples were independently taken from both microsites under naturally changing conditions of humidity and temperature through the year. In gypsiferous soils covered with a shrub steppe, improved physical and chemical soil properties were registered underneath the plant canopy, where the densest and most active microbial communities were also detected (e.g. microbial biomass C averaged 531 and 202 mg kg−1 in canopy and inter-canopy areas, respectively). In calcareous perennial tussock grasslands, either growing on soils over limestones or alluvial deposits, the microsite effect was not so marked. Soil humidity, temperature and total organic C were homogeneously distributed over the landscape conditioning their uniform microbial activity under field moisture conditions (ATP content averaged 853 and 885 nmol kg−1 in canopy and intercanopy areas, respectively). However, readily mineralizable C and microbial biomass C were preferentially accumulated in soils underneath the tussocks determining their larger potential microbial activity (e.g. C hydrolysis capacity under optimal conditions). In conclusion, plant clumps either functioned as microbial hotspots where enhanced microbially driven ecosystem processes took place or as microbial banks capable of undergoing a burst of activity under favourable climatic conditions. Our results provide experimental evidence of a non-patchy distribution of certain soil microbial properties in semi-arid Mediterranean patchy ecosystems.  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid Mediterranean regions, an increase in the severity of drought events could be caused by rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We studied the effects of the interaction of CO2, water supply and inoculation with a plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR), Pseudomonas mendocina Palleroni, or inoculation with an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus intraradices (Schenk & Smith), on aggregate stabilisation of the rhizosphere soil of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Tafalla. The influence of such structural improvements on the growth of lettuce was evaluated. We hypothesised that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration would increase the beneficial effects of inoculation with a PGPR or an AM fungus on the aggregate stability of the rhizosphere soil of lettuce plants. Leaf hydration, shoot dry biomass and mycorrhizal colonisation were decreased significantly under water-stress conditions, but this decrease was more pronounced under ambient vs elevated CO2. The root biomass decreased under elevated CO2 but only in non-stressed plants. Under elevated CO2, the microbial biomass C of the rhizosphere of the G. intraradices-colonised plants increased with water stress. Bacterial and mycorrhizal inoculation and CO2 had no significant effect on the easily-extractable glomalin concentration. Plants grown under elevated CO2 had a significantly higher percentage of stable aggregates under drought stress than under well-watered conditions, particularly the plants inoculated with either of the assayed microbial inocula (about 20% higher than the control soil). We conclude that the contribution of mycorrhizal fungi and PGPR to soil aggregate stability under elevated atmospheric CO2 is largely enhanced by soil drying.  相似文献   

To understand the ecological significance of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) associations in semi-arid and arid lands, the temporal and spatial dynamics of AM fungi and glomalin were surveyed in Mu Us sandland, northwest China. Soil samples in the rhizosphere of Artemisia ordosica Krasch. were collected in May, July and October 2007, respectively. Arbuscular, hyphal and total root infection and spore density of AM fungi peaked in summer. The mean contents of total Bradford-reactive soil proteins (T-BRSPs, TG) and easily extractable Bradford-reactive soil proteins (EE-BRSPs, EEG) reached maximal values in spring. Spore density and two BRSPs fractions were the highest in the 0-10 cm soil layer, but the ratios of two BRSPs fractions to soil organic carbon (SOC) were the highest in the 30-50 cm soil layer. Hyphal infection was negatively correlated with soil enzymatic activity (soil urease and acid phosphatase) (P < 0.05). Arbuscular infection was negatively correlated with soil acid phosphatase (P < 0.01). Spore density was positively correlated with edaphic factors (soil available N, Olsen P, and SOC) and soil enzymatic activity (soil acid and alkaline phosphatase) (P < 0.01). Two BRSPs fractions were positively correlated with edaphic factors (soil available N and SOC) and soil enzymatic activity (soil urease, acid and alkaline phosphatase) (P < 0.01). TG was positively correlated with soil Olsen P (P < 0.05). We concluded that the dynamics of AM fungi and glomalin have highly temporal and depth patterns, and influenced by nutrient availability and enzymatic activity in Mu Us sandland, and suggest that glomalin are useful indicators for evaluating soil quality and function of desert ecosystem on the basis of its relationship to AM fungal community, soil nutrient dynamics and carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Soil fungi are highly diverse and act as the primary agents of nutrient cycling in forests. These fungal communities are often dominated by mycorrhizal fungi that form mutually beneficial relationships with plant roots and some mycorrhizal fungi produce extracellular and cell-bound enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of nitrogen (N)- and phosphorus (P)- containing compounds in soil organic matter. Here we investigated whether the community structure of different types of mycorrhizal fungi (arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi) is correlated with soil chemistry and enzyme activity in a northern hardwood forest and whether these correlations change over the growing season. We quantified these relationships in an experimental paired plot study where white-tailed deer (access or excluded 4.5 yrs) treatment was crossed with garlic mustard (presence or removal 1 yr). We collected soil samples early and late in the growing season and analyzed them for soil chemistry, extracellular enzyme activity and molecular analysis of both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal/saprotrophic fungal communities using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP). AM fungal communities did not change seasonally but were positively correlated with the activities of urease and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), enzymes involved in N cycling. The density of garlic mustard was correlated with the presence of specific AM fungal species, while deer exclusion or access had no effect on either fungal community after 4.5 yrs. Ectomycorrhizal/saprotrophic fungal communities changed seasonally and were positively correlated with most soil enzymes, including enzymes involved in carbon (C), N and P cycling, but only during late summer sampling. Our results suggest that fine scale temporal and spatial changes in soil fungal communities may affect soil nutrient and carbon cycling. Although AM fungi are not generally considered capable of producing extracellular enzymes, the correlation between some AM taxa and the activity of N acquisition enzymes suggests that these fungi may play a role in forest understory N cycling.  相似文献   

The effects of soil disturbance and residue retention on the functionality of the symbiosis between medic (Medicago truncatula L.) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were assessed in a two-stage experiment simulating a crop rotation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) followed by medic. Plants were inoculated or not with the AMF, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita, separately or together. The contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) pathway for P uptake was determined using 32P-labeled soil in a small hyphal compartment accessible only to hyphae of AMF. In general AM colonization was not affected by soil disturbance or residue application and disturbance did not affect hyphal length densities (HLDs) in soil. At 4 weeks disturbance had a negative effect on growth and phosphorus (P) uptake of plants inoculated with G. margarita, but not G. intraradices. By 7 weeks disturbance reduced growth of plants inoculated with G. margarita or AMF mix and total P uptake in all inoculated plants. With the exception of plants inoculated with G. margarita in disturbed soil at 4 weeks, the AM pathway made a significant contribution to P uptake in all AM plants at both harvests. Inoculation with both AMF together eliminated the negative effects of disturbance on AM P uptake and growth, showing that a fungus insensitive to disturbance can compensate for loss of contribution of a sensitive one. Application of residue increased growth and total P uptake of plants but decreased 32P in plants inoculated with the AMF mix in disturbed soil, compared with plants receiving no residue. The AMF responded differently to disturbance and G. intraradices, which was insensitive to disturbance, compensated for lack of contribution by the sensitive G. margarita when they were inoculated together. Colonization of roots and HLDs in soil were not good predictors of the outcomes of AM symbioses on plant growth, P uptake or P delivery via the AM pathway.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory studies using epigeic and anecic earthworms have shown that earthworm activity can considerably increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from crop residues in soils. However, the universality of this effect across earthworm functional groups and its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The aims of this study were (i) to determine whether earthworms with an endogeic strategy also affect N2O emissions; (ii) to quantify possible interactions with epigeic earthworms; and (iii) to link these effects to earthworm-induced differences in selected soil properties. We initiated a 90-day 15N-tracer mesocosm study with the endogeic earthworm species Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) and the epigeic species Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffmeister). 15N-labeled radish (Raphanus sativus cv. Adagio L.) residue was placed on top or incorporated into the loamy (Fluvaquent) soil. When residue was incorporated, only A. caliginosa significantly (p < 0.01) increased cumulative N2O emissions from 1350 to 2223 μg N2O-N kg−1 soil, with a corresponding increase in the turnover rate of macroaggregates. When residue was applied on top, L. rubellus significantly (p < 0.001) increased emissions from 524 to 929 μg N2O-N kg−1, and a significant (p < 0.05) interaction between the two earthworm species increased emissions to 1397 μg N2O-N kg−1. These effects coincided with an 84% increase in incorporation of residue 15N into the microaggregate fraction by A. caliginosa (p = 0.003) and an 85% increase in incorporation into the macroaggregate fraction by L. rubellus (p = 0.018). Cumulative CO2 fluxes were only significantly increased by earthworm activity (from 473.9 to 593.6 mg CO2-C kg−1 soil; p = 0.037) in the presence of L. rubellus when residue was applied on top. We conclude that earthworm-induced N2O emissions reflect earthworm feeding strategies: epigeic earthworms can increase N2O emissions when residue is applied on top; endogeic earthworms when residue is incorporated into the soil by humans (tillage) or by other earthworm species. The effects of residue placement and earthworm addition are accompanied by changes in aggregate and SOM turnover, possibly controlling carbon, nitrogen and oxygen availability and therefore denitrification. Our results contribute to understanding the important but intricate relations between (functional) soil biodiversity and the soil greenhouse gas balance. Further research should focus on elucidating the links between the observed changes in soil aggregation and controls on denitrification, including the microbial community.  相似文献   

In sustainable agriculture, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal inoculation in agronomical management might be very important, especially when the efficiency of native inocula is poor. Here, we assessed the effect of native and exotic selected AM fungal inocula on plant growth and nutrient uptake in a low input Trifolium alexandrinum-Zea mays crop rotation. We evaluated the effects of four exotic AM fungal isolates on T. alexandrinum physiological traits in greenhouse. Then, the field performances of T. alexandrinum inoculated with the exotic AMF, both single and mixed, were compared to those obtained with a native inoculum, using a multivariate analysis approach. Finally, we tested the residual effect of AM fungal field inoculation on maize as following crop. Multivariate analysis showed that the field AM fungal inoculation increased T. alexandrinum and Z. mays productivity and quality and that the native inoculum was as effective as, or more effective than, exotic AM fungal isolates. Moreover, the beneficial effects of AMF were persistent until the second year after inoculation. The use of native AMF, produced on farm with mycotrophic plants species, may represent a convenient alternative to commercial AM fungal inocula, and may offer economically and ecologically important advantages in sustainable or organic cropping systems.  相似文献   

To measure and manage plant growth in arid and semi-arid sandlands, improved understanding of the spatial patterns of desert soil resources and the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is needed. Spatial patterns of AM fungi, glomalin and soil enzyme activities were investigated in five plots located in the Mu Us sandland, northwestern China. Soils to 50 cm depth in the rhizosphere of Astragalus adsurgens Pall. were sampled. The study demonstrated that A. adsurgens Pall. could form strong symbiotic relationships with AM fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal status and distributions were significantly different among the five studied plots. Correlation coefficient analysis demonstrated that spore density was significantly and positively correlated with soil organic carbon (SOC), soil acid phosphatase and to two Bradford-reactive soil protein (BRSP) fractions (P < 0.01). Colonization of arbuscules and vesicles were positively correlated with protease activity. The BRSP fractions were also significantly and positively correlated to edaphic factors (e.g. SOC, available nitrogen, and Olsen phosphorus) and soil enzymes (e.g. soil urease and acid phosphatase). The means of total BRSP and easily extractable BRSP were 0.95 mg g−1 and 0.5 mg g−1 in all data, respectively. The levels of BRSP in the desert soil were little lower than those in native and arable soils, but the ratios of BRSP to SOC were much higher than farmland soils. The results of this study support the conclusion that glomalin could be an appropriate index related to the level of soil fertility, especially in desert soil. Moreover, AM fungal colonizations and glomalin might be useful to monitor desertification and soil degradation.  相似文献   

Cutover peatlands are often rapidly colonised by pioneer plant species, which have the potential to affect key ecosystem processes such as carbon (C) turnover. The aim of this study was to investigate how plant cover and litter type affect fungal community structure and litter decomposition in a cutover peatland. Intact cores containing Eriophorum vaginatum, Eriophorum angustifolium, Calluna vulgaris and bare soil were removed and a mesh bag with litter from only one of each of these species or fragments of the moss Sphagnum auriculatum was added to each core in a factorial design. The presence or absence of live plants, regardless of the species, had no effect on mass loss, C, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) concentrations of the litter following 12 months of incubation. However, there was a very strong effect of litter type on mass loss and concentrations of C, N and P between most combinations of litter. Similarly, plant species did not affect fungal community structure but litter type had a strong effect, with significant differences between most pairs of litter types. The data suggest that labile C inputs via rhizodeposition from a range of plant functional types that have colonised cutover bogs for 10-15 years have little direct effect on nutrient turnover from plant litter and in shaping litter fungal community structure. In contrast, the chemistry of the litter they produce has much stronger and varied effects on decomposition and fungal community composition. Thus it appears that there is distinct niche differentiation between the fungal communities involved in turnover of litter versus rhizodeposits in the early phases of plant succession on regenerating cutover peatlands.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the impact of fire (low and high severity) on soil fungal abundance and microbial efficiency in C assimilation and mineralisation in a Mediterranean maquis area of Southern Italy over 2 years after fire. In burned and control soils total and active fungal mycelium, microbial biomass C, percentage of microbial biomass C present as fungal C, metabolic quotient (qCO2) and coefficient of endogenous mineralisation (CEM) were assayed together with several chemical properties of soil (i.e. pH and contents of organic C, total and mineral N, available K, Mg, Mn and water). Fire significantly decreased the fungal mycelium, whereas it stimulated microbial growth probably through the enhancement of bacterial growth because of the increase in organic C and nutrient contents in burned plots. This shift in microbial community composition might explain the observed reduction in soil microbial efficiency of C assimilation (high qCO2) and the increase in C mineralisation rate (CEM) in the first 84 days after fire. Therefore, fire might increase CO2 input to the atmosphere not only during combustion phase but also in the post-fire period.  相似文献   

Resource islands around woody plants are thought to define the structure and function of many semiarid and arid ecosystems, but their role in patterning of soil microbial communities remains largely unexamined in dry environments. This study examined soil resource distribution and associated fungal communities in two Allocasuarina luehmannii (buloke) remnants of semiarid north-western Victoria, Australia. These savannah-like woodlands are listed as endangered due to extensive clearing for agriculture. We used the DNA-based profiling technique T-RFLP and ordination-based statistical methods to compare fungal community compositions in surface soils from two remnants (located 1.6 km apart) and three sampling positions (beneath individual buloke canopies; grassy inter-canopy areas; and adjoining cleared paddocks). Resource island formation beneath buloke trees was clearly evident in soil physicochemical properties (e.g. threefold concentrations of total carbon and nitrogen in canopy versus non-canopy soils). This heterogeneity of resources was moderately correlated with soil fungal community compositions, which were distinct for each sampling position. We argue that fungal composition patterns reflected multiple roles of fungi in dryland ecosystems, namely: responses of saprotrophic fungi to tree organic matter inputs; specificity of ectomycorrhizal fungi to tree rooting zones; and fungal involvement in biological soil crusts that variably covered non-canopy soils. Our data did not indicate that buloke canopy areas were particular hotspots of soil fungal diversity, but that they increased landscape-level diversity by supporting a distinct suite of fungi. In addition, we provide evidence of phylogenetic differentiation of soil fungal communities between our two remnants, which adds to growing evidence of fungal genetic structure at localised scales. These findings highlight the importance of remnant trees in conserving both soil resources and microbial genetic diversity. In addition, evidence of differentiation of soil fungal phylogenetics between nearby but isolated remnants suggests that conserving soil fungal diversity requires conservation of host habitats over their entire (remaining) range, and indicates previously unseen consequences of tree loss from extensively cleared landscapes.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are key organisms of the soil/plant system, influencing soil fertility and plant nutrition, and contributing to soil aggregation and soil structure stability by the combined action of extraradical hyphae and of an insoluble, hydrophobic proteinaceous substance named glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). Since the GRSP extraction procedures have recently revealed problems related to co-extracting substances, the relationship between GRSP and AM fungi still remains to be verified. In this work the hypothesis that GRSP concentration is positively correlated with the occurrence of AM fungi was tested by using Medicago sativa plants inoculated with different isolates of Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices in a microcosm experiment. Our results show that (i) mycorrhizal establishment produced an increase in GRSP concentration - compared to initial values - in contrast with non-mycorrhizal plants, which did not produce any change; (ii) aggregate stability, evaluated as mean weight diameter (MWD) of macroaggregates of 1-2 mm diameter, was significantly higher in mycorrhizal soils compared to non-mycorrhizal soil; (iii) GRSP concentration and soil aggregate stability were positively correlated with mycorrhizal root volume and weakly correlated with total root volume; (iv) MWD values of soil aggregates were positively correlated with values of total hyphal length and hyphal density of the AM fungi utilized.The different ability of AM fungal isolates to affect GRSP concentration and to form extensive and dense mycelial networks, which may directly affect soil aggregates stability by hyphal enmeshment of soil particles, suggests the possibility of selecting the most efficient isolates to be utilized for soil quality improvement and land restoration programs.  相似文献   

Host trees can modify their soil abiotic conditions through their leaf fall quality which in turn may influence the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community composition. We investigated this indirect interaction using a causal modelling approach. We identified ECM fungi on the roots of two coexisting oak species growing in two forests in southern Spain - Quercus suber (evergreen) and Quercus canariensis (winter deciduous)-using a PCR-based molecular method. We also analysed the leaf fall, litter and soil sampled beneath the tree canopies to determine the concentrations of key nutrients. The total mycorrhizal pool was comprised of 69 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Tomentella and Russula were the most species-rich, frequent and abundant genera. ECM fungi with epigeous and resupinate fruiting bodies were found in 60% and 34% of the identified mycorrhizas, respectively. The calcium content of litter, which was significantly higher beneath the winter-deciduous oak species due to differences in leaf fall quality, was the most important variable for explaining ECM species distribution. The evaluation of alternative causal models by the d-sep method revealed that only those considering indirect leaf fall-mediated host effects statistically matched the observed covariation patterns between host, environment (litter, topsoil, subsoil) and fungal community variables.  相似文献   

We examined denitrifying bacteria from wet soils and creek sediment in an agroecosystem in Oregon, USA that received inputs of nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Our objective was to determine the variation in denitrifying community composition and activities across three adjacent habitats: a fertilized agricultural field planted to perennial ryegrass, a naturally vegetated riparian area, and creek sediment. Using C2H2 inhibition, denitrifying enzyme and N2O-reductase activities were determined in short-term incubations of anaerobic slurries. A key gene in the denitrification pathway, N2O reductase (nosZ), served as a marker for denitrifiers. Mean denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) was similar among habitats, ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 μg N g−1 dry soil h−1. However, the ratio of N2O production, without C2H2, to DEA was substantially higher in riparian soil (0.64±0.02; mean±standard error, n=12) than in agricultural soil (0.19±0.02) or creek sediment (0.32±0.03). Mean N2O-reductase activity ranged from 0.5 to 3.2 μg N g−1 dry soil h−1, with greater activity in agricultural soil than in riparian soil. Denitrifying community composition differed significantly among habitats based on nosZ terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms. The creek sediment community was unique. Communities in the agricultural and riparian soil were more closely related but distinct. A number of unique nosZ genotypes were detected in creek sediment. Sequences of nosZ obtained from riparian soil were closely related to nosZ from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Although nosZ distribution and N2O-reductase activity differed among habitats, relationships between activity and community composition appeared uncoupled across the agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Soil water erosion and shallow landslides depend on aggregate stability and soil shear strength. We investigated the effect of vegetation on both soil aggregate stability and shear strength (through direct shear tests) in former croplands converted to vegetated erosion protection areas within the context of China's sloping land conversion programme. Four treatments were analysed in plots comprised of (i) 4 year old crop trees, Vernicia fordii, where understory vegetation was removed; (ii) V. fordii and the dominant understory species Artemisia codonocephala; (iii) only A. codonocephala and (iv) no vegetation. Soil samples were taken at depths of 0–5 cm and 45–50 cm. Root length density (RLD) in five diameter classes was measured, soil organic carbon (SOC), hot water extractable carbon (HWEC), texture and Fe and Al oxides were also measured. We found that mean weight diameter after slow wetting (MWDSW) in the A-horizon, was significantly greater (0.94–1.01 mm) when A. codonocephala was present compared to plots without A. codonocephala (0.57–0.59 mm). SOC and RLD in the smallest diameter class (< 0.5 mm), were the variables which best explained variability in MWDSW. A significant positive linear relationship existed between MWDSW and soil cohesion but not with internal angle of friction. As herbaceous vegetation was more efficient than trees in improving aggregate stability, this result suggests that the mechanisms involved include modifications of the cohesive forces between soil particles adjacent to plant roots and located in the enriched in SOC rhizosphere, thus also affecting shear strength of the corresponding soil volume. Thus, vegetation stabilised soil under different hierarchical levels of aggregate organisation, i.e. intra- and inter-aggregate. Our results have implications for the efficacy of techniques used in land conversion programs dedicated to control of soil erosion and shallow landslides. We suggest that mixtures of different plant functional types would improve soil conservation on slopes, by reducing both surface water erosion and shallow substrate mass movement. Planting trees for cropping or logging, and removing understory vegetation is most likely detrimental to soil conservation.  相似文献   

The potential of the N2-fixing cyanophyteNostoc muscorum for improving the aggregate stability of a poorly structured silt loam soil was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Inoculum rates were 1.61×105 cells g-1 soil dry weight (low rate) and 4.04×105 cell g-1 soil dry weight (high rate), approximately equivalent to a field application of 2 and 5 kg ha-1 cells dry weight, respectively.N. muscorum numbers had increased 8-fold (low rate) and 10-fold (high rate) by 300 days after inoculation, indicating not only survival but proliferation. Increases in soil polysaccharides, determined as soil carbohydrate C, were 2.96–3.49 time the values in the non-inoculated soils and aggregate stability had incrased by an average of 18% on day 300. Inoculation withN. muscorum also had a pronounced effect on soil chemical and biological properties, with total C increasing by 50–63% and total N increasing by 111–120%. Increases in the soil indigenous microbial population were recorded, with numbers of bacteria 500, fungi 16, and actinomycetes 48 times the non-inoculated values on day 300 in the high-rate soil. The emergence of lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa var. Saladin) in undisturbed inoculated 300-day soils was 56% (low rate) and 52% (high rate) higher than in non-inoculated soils. However, homogenising soils and irrigating (to smulate ploughing and surface crusting) significantly reduced this increase in both treatments, although emergence in inoculated soils was still greater by 45% (low) and 24% (high). It is recommended that inoculated soils be left undisturbed prior to planting. The effects ofN. muscorum on soil physical, chemical, and biological properties indicate the possible benefits of cyanobacteria as soil inoculants, not only for the improvement of soil aggregate stability but also as a means of improving seedling emergence.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the survival of inoculated beneficial fungal and bacterial strains in the field and the effects of their release on the indigenous microbial communities has been of great interest since the practical use of selected natural or genetically modified microorganisms has been developing. The aim of this study was to monitor, 4 years after plantation into the field site, the effects of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) co-inoculation with the mycorrhiza helper bacterial strain Pseudomonas fluorescens BBc6R8 and/or the fungal strain Laccaria bicolor S238N on seedling growth and on the indigenous bacterial and ectomycorrhizal communities using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The field persistence of the inoculated strains was also monitored. The seedling shoot volume estimate was statistically significantly higher in the fungal inoculated plots in comparison to the non-inoculated plots but no treatment-related changes in the quantitave or qualitative microbial measurements were observed and the inoculated strains could not be detected after 4 years.  相似文献   

This study has compared the phytolith production and soil phytolith assemblages of two native grass communities typical in Argentina, namely the monospecific Paspalum quadrifarium community or “pajonal”, and the Stipa-Piptochaetium community or “flechillar”. Five sites – three of which had been unmanaged while other two had been submitted to fire and fire-grazing management activities – were selected for study. The results show that in these sites a) phytolith production of the plant communities differed due to their diverse floristic composition, b) it was possible to define the type of management or the type of community based on soil phytolith assemblages, c) there were differences between plant communities and soil phytolith assemblages. These results suggest that modern phytolith assemblages are composed not only of local and present vegetation but also of extralocal/regional and probably past vegetation. Hypotheses about the probable processes involved in phytolith incorporation to soil have emerged during the investigation.  相似文献   

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