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检测了转基因Alzheimer病(AD)模型小鼠脑、心、肝、脾、肺、肾、睾丸组织中Cu、Fe、Zn的含量.结果表明:除肾脏外,AD小鼠各组织中Fe的含量都比对照组的高;骨和脑中的Cu比对照组多,其他组织中的Cu比对照组少;脾、肺中的Zn比对照多,其余组织的Zn均少于对照组.AD对过渡元素分布的影响有性别差异:雄性个体中过渡元素含量异常的组织数目比雌性的多,与正常值偏离的程度也比雌性的严重.在脑切片中,AD个体Cu、Zn、Fe的平均含量均高于对照组.对于Cu与Zn,AD组除在顶皮层PtA、梨形-杏仁核皮层区低于对照组外,在皮层其他区域以及丘脑、下丘、海马中均高于对照;AD小鼠脑皮层、海马和下丘脑中的Fe多于对照.试验还发现,脑切片中Cu与Zn的分布地形图有相似性,Fe的分布与Cu、Zn的不同,揭示Cu、Zn有部分共同的运储载体与途径,而Fe的储运途径与之独立.AD诱发的淀粉样蛋白沉聚、血脑屏障通透增大及金属运储载体性能的改变对金属的异常分布起作用.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice containing intact copies of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proviral DNA were constructed. Founder animals were not viremic for HIV and remained healthy during a 9-month observation period. After being mated with nontransgenic animals, one founder mouse (No. 13) gave rise to F1 progeny that developed a disease syndrome characterized by marked epidermal hyperplasia, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, pulmonary lymphoid infiltrates, growth retardation, and death by day 25 of life. Infectious HIV, indistinguishable from parental virus by immunoblot analysis, was recovered from the spleen, lymph nodes, and skin of five of five affected animals.  相似文献   

Oncogenesis of the lens in transgenic mice   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Neoplastic tumors of the ocular lens of vertebrates do not naturally occur. Transgenic mice carrying a hybrid gene comprising the murine alpha A-crystallin promoter (-366 to +46) fused to the coding sequence of the SV40 T antigens developed lens tumors, which obliterated the eye cavity and even invaded neighboring tissue, thus establishing that the lens is not refractive to oncogenesis. Large-T antigen was detected early in lens development; it elicited morphological changes and specifically interfered with differentiation of lens fiber cells. Both alpha- and beta-crystallins persisted in many of the lens tumor cells, while gamma-crystallin was selectively reduced. Accessibility, characteristic morphology, and defined protein markers make this transparent epithelial eye tissue a potentially useful system for testing tumorigenicity of oncogenes and for studying malignant transformation from its inception until death of the animal.  相似文献   

强化编辑人员的作者意识和读者意识是办好学报的基础。牢固树立这两个意识对提高刊物质量至关重要。并阐述了其具体做法  相似文献   

本研究对肺炎康复犊牛和健康犊牛的血液样品中酸碱平衡参数进行了测定。统计分析结果表明,康复犊牛与健康犊牛间的pH、Pco2 、HCO-3 act- 及HCO-3 /Pco2 差异极显著,(P< 0-01) ,而Po2 、HCO-3 st- 及BE 差异不显著  相似文献   

作者通过对猪、牛、羊、马、驴、兔、狗、猕猴、梅花鹿等动物肝内门管鞘系统的观察 ,发现哺乳动物和人的门管鞘系统是相似的 ,全肝均可分为左、右二叶和左外侧段 ,左内侧段 ,右内侧段 ,右外侧段。作者认为哺乳动物肝脏在外形上的主要区别在于愈合程度不一 ,并可按愈合情况将哺乳动物肝分为多叶类型和全愈合类型。  相似文献   

通过透射电镜对人工诱发的马立克氏病病鸡的肝、肾细胞进行了细胞凋亡观察,其肝、肾实质细胞发生了细胞凋亡.细胞凋亡呈现多阶段的过程:早期,染色质发生凝聚和边集;中期,染色质凝集十分明显,核变成致密小体,随后裂解成数个团块;后期,凋亡小体形成.肿瘤细胞浸润越严重,细胞凋亡也越明显.凋亡的细胞细胞质内自噬体和同心板层小体形成,内质网扩张成空泡状.细胞膜完整,线粒体无明显变化.  相似文献   

Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) is a natural bioscavenger that protects humans against organophosphate toxicity. Due to the limited yield of human BCHE (hBCHE) when purifying from human plasma, it is necessary to find an alternative method to produce this protein. One potential method is to produce transgenic livestock that make modified milk containing high concentration of hBCHE. In this study, we cloned the hBCHEgene into a human lactoferrin (hLF) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) construct to make a hLF-hBCHE BAC construct. Subsequently, we injected the BAC construct into pronuclei of mouse fertilized embryos and generated transgenic mice. Expression analysis showed that recombinant hBCHE (rhBCHE) was expressed efficiently in the mammary gland of the transgenic mice and the concentration of rhBCHE in the milk of individual mice ranged from 76±12 to 159±28 mg·L-1. Protein function tests showed that rhBCHE has the same enzymatic activity as the native hBCHE. Our results pave the way for making transgenic livestock to produce large quantities of rhBCHE.  相似文献   

南岭泡金山矿产集采区土壤重金属空间分布及风险评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为探究典型多金属矿产集中开采区土壤重金属分布情况及其潜在风险,以南岭泡金山地区即湘南桥条江小流域矿采区为研究区,采集352个表层土壤样品,对Cr、Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu、Ni和As这7种重金属元素进行测试分析,综合运用数统和地统方法分析研究区整体及不同影响因素下土壤重金属的空间分布特征,并对其进行风险评价。结果表明,研究区表层土壤重金属均受到了不同程度的污染,矿区及其下游沿河地区污染严重,空间变异程度略高,复合污染、点源污染情况突出。土壤重金属含量基本随pH及有机质含量升高而升高;不同土地利用方式下土壤Cr、Ni、Cd含量变化不明显,草地、林地中Pb、Zn、Cu、As含量较高;不同地质背景条件下土壤重金属含量在成矿母岩(花岗岩体)、含矿围岩(D_2s+h)及矿区中下游干流一级阶地(Qx~Ⅰ)含量较高。研究区Cd、Pb、As单元素潜在生态风险水平较高,整体处于低-中等潜在生态风险水平,但矿区及其周边、下游沿河地区潜在生态风险为高或极高等级,可能会对北江流域产生一定影响,应该引起警惕予以重视。  相似文献   

国内玉米育种的发展方向及贵州玉米育种的策略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了国内玉米育种存在的问题和发展方向。针对贵州高寒山区自然气候复杂,立体农业的特点,提出了玉米育种应坚持“有所为,有所不为”的方针。玉米育种应确定主攻方向,积极引进国内外优良种质资源,走生态育种的道路,强调加强与种子、农技部门的合作,使育种研究逐步实现产业化,把小作坊式的个人育种逐步改变为流水线式的集体操作。这样才能提高育种效率,使贵州玉米育种在全国育种领域占有一席之地。  相似文献   

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