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我国城市卫生害虫生物防治实验研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文盛 《昆虫天敌》1996,18(1):45-48
本文综述了我国城市重要卫生害虫如蚊、蝇、蜚蠊等的生物防治实验研究现状。蚊虫成虫期的生物防治主要为自然界中的捕食者如两栖类、爬行类和哺乳类等动物。幼虫期除了水生动物外,苏云金杆菌B.t.H-14和球形芽孢杆菌以及大链壶菌,已在实验室或现场试验证明,对多种蚊幼虫均有毒杀效果。防治蝇类的寄生蜂主要有蝇蛹俑小蜂和丽蝇蛹集金小蜂。斯氏线虫亦可寄生于大头金蝇幼虫。在蜚蠊死亡若虫中已分离出无芽孢杆菌和有芽孢杆菌  相似文献   

蒲天胜 《广西植保》2004,17(1):28-30
安全性是可持续植保概念所包含的10个涵义之一(蒲天胜,2000)。所谓安全性是指保障农业生产的安全,即防止有害生物的入侵、防止和减少有害生物的发生与危害;保障农业产品的安全,即保障农产品的数量和质量安全;保障农业环境的安全,即保障农业生态系统内外的环境安全。安全性作为一种  相似文献   

我国茶树害虫生物防治概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

生物防治——害虫综合防治的重要内容   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了生物防治在综合防治中的重要性和如何全面正确认识生物防治技术。指出生物防治技术在生产上的成功应用,必须要注意与其他植保技术协调。文章还介绍了国内外成功的生防实例和生防必须遵循的基本原则。  相似文献   

草地害虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述了应用昆虫病原线虫、微孢子虫、昆虫病原细菌、真菌和病毒,以及其他天敌对草地害虫进行生物防治的研究利用情况,对目前存在的问题及其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

害虫综合防治中生物防治的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物防治是害虫综合防治中的一种重要措施。但有些地区偏重于用化学农药杀虫,用药时又不注意保护天敌,造成了某些害虫的再猖獗,环境被污染的恶果。如1993年美洲斑潜蝇在海南再猖獗。1999年,原在黄瓜等作物上危害的白粉虱,却在水稻制种田上大量发生。近年,瓜...  相似文献   

十字花科蔬菜害虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵红  薛东  杨长举 《湖北植保》2005,12(6):34-38
十字花科蔬菜主要害虫有菜青虫、小菜蛾、甜菜夜蛾、猿叶虫等,其中有些害虫抗药性的迅速增加导致频繁暴发,因此生物防治对于防治十字花科蔬菜害虫是至关重要的。本文综述了国内外目前对十字花科蔬菜害虫天敌昆虫、病原微生物的调查研究进展,并探讨对植物提取物和昆虫生长调节刑等的利用现状。  相似文献   

我国蔬菜害虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国是蔬菜生产、消费和出口大国,蔬菜害虫是影响蔬菜产量和品质,制约蔬菜产业发展的重要因素。传统化学农药的长期大量使用,不仅造成生态环境污染、影响食品安全,还导致害虫抗药性逐渐增强,因此,生物防治成为害虫综合治理的重要措施。我国生物防治技术经过几十年的发展,在天敌昆虫资源的发掘、应用、技术研发和配套措施等方面取得了显著的进步。本文综述了我国蔬菜害虫生物防治的研究和应用进展,并分析了当前存在的问题和发展趋势,以期为今后的害虫研究和防治提供思路。  相似文献   

在害虫防治上尽管我们作了许多工作,但是害虫危害似乎仍然有增无减。杀虫剂价格昂贵,并且常常给操作者、环境和消费者带来危险。使用化学农药不仅因害虫抗药性增强而发生更增猖獗,而且一些次要害虫还上升为主要害虫。防治害虫的另一种手段是生物防治,即利用天敌防治害虫。采用生物防治比较经济、安全和方便。生物防治在欧  相似文献   

引言利用天敌动物进行旱作害虫的生物防治,目前在日本尚未实用。不过,最近已展开积极的研究。在欧美,因早就积极从事旱作害虫天敌利用的研究,故已经实用化的技术不少。此外,想不到在中国和东南亚的部分国家正在进行生物防治,有的并已取得成果。处于这种趋势中,看来在日本该是考虑如何抓紧生  相似文献   

辣椒青枯病拮抗菌株的筛选及田间防效的测定   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
用抑菌圈-定殖力双重测定法筛选出6个定殖密度大于10^5cfu/g根,抑菌能力亦较强,同时又极易于人工培养的菌株,作为青枯病的潜在生防菌株。温室试验,防病效果分别达83.4%(J2)、91.6%(J3)、58.4%(FH17)、75.0%(BB11)、66.6%(BT4)和41.6%(BT6),增产效果为21.3%-110.1%,其中以J3增产效果最为显著,BB11次之。1996年在南京和淮阴两地的辣椒青枯病小区进行试验,移栽40d后各菌株平均防效分别为:66.0%(J2)、61.6%(J3)、58.2%(FH17)、62.4%(BB11)、72.8%(BT4)和37.1%(BT6);平均增产效果为45.7%(J2)、76.5%(J3)、32.4%(FH17)、78.5%(BB11)、29.3%(BT4)和19.0%(BT6)。  相似文献   


Field trials were conducted against the major pests of jute from 1972–74. Endrin, endosulfan, phosalone, fenitrothion, carbaryl + molasses and fenitrothion + malathion were applied five times at 15 day intervals against Apion corchori, Anomis sabulifera and Polyphagotarsonemus latus. Three years data was pooled and analysed statistically. Endosulfan 0.075% a.i. proved superior to all other treatments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Eight strains of Metschnikowia pulcherrima isolated over a 4-year period from an unmanaged orchard and selected for their biocontrol activity against blue mold (caused by Penicillium expansum) of apples were characterized phenotypically, genetically, and for their biocontrol potential against blue mold on apples. All strains grew well and only differed slightly in their growth in nutrient yeast dextrose broth medium at 1 degrees C after 216 h, but large differences occurred at 0 degrees C, with strain T5-A2 outgrowing other strains by more than 25% transmittance after 360 h. This strain was also one of the most resistant to diphenylamine (DPA), a postharvest antioxidant treatment. All strains required biotin for growth in minimum salt (MS) medium, although strain ST2-A10 grew slightly in MS medium containing riboflavin or folic acid, as did ST3-E1 in MS medium without vitamins. None of the strains produced killer toxins against an indicator strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of Biolog data from YT plates for all eight strains using the MLCLUST program resulted in separation of the strains into one major cluster containing four strains and four scattered strains from which strain ST1-D10 was the most distant from all other strains. This was particularly apparent in 3-D and principle component analysis. Genetic differentiation of the eight strains using maximum parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequences from domain D1/D2 of nuclear large subunit (26S) ribosomal DNA resulted in detection of two clades. Strain ST1-D10 grouped with the type strain of M. pulcherrima but the remaining seven strains grouped separately, which might possibly represent a new species. All strains significantly reduced blue mold on mature Golden Delicious apples during 1 month of storage at 1 degrees C followed by 7 days at room temperature, but strains T5-A2 and T4-A2 were distinctly more effective under these conditions. Strain T5-A2 also was the most effective in tests on harvest mature apples treated with the lowest concentration of the antagonist and stored for 3 months at 0.5 degrees C. Populations of all eight strains increased in apple wounds by approximately 2 log units after 1 month at 1 degrees C followed by 5 days at 24 degrees C. Our results indicate that M. pulcherrima is an excellent candidate for biological control of postharvest diseases of pome fruit. The variation in phenotypic, genetic, and biocontrol characteristics among strains of M. pulcherrima isolated from the same orchard should make it possible to select antagonists with characteristics that are most desirable for postharvest application.  相似文献   

烟草青枯病内生拮抗细菌的鉴定及小区防效的初步测定   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
烟草青枯病是由青枯雷尔菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起的一种以土壤传播为主的细菌性病害.目前对该病的防治主要以化学手段为主,但长期大量施用化学农药易产生抗药性和造成环境污染,因此生物防治受到国内外研究者的广泛重视.内生细菌可系统地在植物体内定殖,生存环境较为稳定,是一类潜在的重要生防菌资源.我们从烟草茎杆中分离到160株内生菌株,在室内进行了对青枯病拮抗作用的测定,选择拮抗效果较好的菌株进行了小区防效试验.  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病拮抗菌株筛选及田间防效试验   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:39  
本试验通过大量分离筛选,共获得对西瓜枯萎病菌具有较强拮抗作用的木霉9株及细菌10株,其中以绿色木霉TR-8菌株和芽孢杆菌B67菌株的拮抗作用最强。将两菌株分别发酵后,制备成TR-8制剂和B67制剂,并将两菌株发酵物混合后制备成健根宝粉剂。室内人工接种试验表明,3种拮抗菌制剂对西瓜枯萎病均有较好的防治效果,尤以健根宝粉剂的防治效果最理想,田间试验表明,健根宝粉剂以1:50拌土在播种时穴施,对西瓜枯萎病的防效达80%以上,显著高于常用药剂多菌灵和施特灵,此外,健根宝粉剂还对西瓜植株具有一定的促进生长作用。  相似文献   

原生质体融合技术改良植病生防木霉菌株   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以产孢量大,对苯菌灵有抗性,对潮霉素B敏感的哈茨木霉菌株T9和产孢量少,对潮霉素B有抗性,对苯菌灵敏感的康宁木霉菌株Tk7a为亲本,进行原生质体融合,筛选获得抗最高浓度杀菌剂的融合子。所有融合子的产孢量均比亲本菌株Tk7a大。融合子按照菌落形态的不同分成4组,大部分融合子的几丁质酶、葡聚糖酶和内切葡聚糖酶的活性比亲本菌株高。融合子对棉花猝倒病菌和小麦全蚀病菌的寄生能力基本等同于亲本菌株;融合子对小麦全蚀病的防效比亲本菌株稍好,其刺激麦苗根部生长的能力与亲本菌株相差不大。两个融合子根际竞争能力比亲本菌株T9强,和亲本菌株Tk7a相当。  相似文献   

拮抗木霉菌在生物防治中的应用与研究进展   总被引:78,自引:2,他引:78  
本文从拮抗木霉菌的抑菌作用机理、诱导抗病性、促进植物生长、转基因工程等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

郭春兰 《江西植保》2014,(4):314-317
栀子是我国常用中药之一,仅靠野生采集已难以满足市场需求,而实行人工规范化种植后则加重了栀子病虫害的发生,影响了产品的质量安全,故其病虫害防治已经成为栀子中药材生产的关键问题之一。本文就栀子苗期病害、地上部病害、地下部病害及主要虫害四个方面的发生特点与防治措施进行了综述,为栀子规范化种植提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Reduced-pathogenicity mutants of the avocado fruit pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolate Cg-14 (teleomorph: Glomerella cingulata) were generated by insertional mutagenesis by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) transformation. Following seven transformations, 3,500 hygromycin-resistant isolates were subjected to a virulence assay by inoculation on mesocarp and pericarp of cv. Fuerte avocado fruits. Fourteen isolates showed a reduced degree of virulence relative compared with wild-type Cg-14. Two isolates, Cg-M-142 and Cg-M-1150, were further characterized. Cg-M-142 produced appressoria on avocado pericarp similar to Cg-14, but caused reduced symptom development on the fruit's pericarp and mesocarp. Isolate Cg-M-1150 did not produce appressoria; it caused much reduced maceration on the mesocarp and no symptoms on the pericarp. Southern blot analysis of Cg-M-142 and Cg-M-1150 showed REMI at different XbaI sites of the fungal genome. Pre-inoculation of avocado fruit with Cg-M-142 delayed symptom development by the wild-type isolate. Induced resistance was accompanied by an increase in the levels of preformed antifungal diene, from 760 to 1,200 mug/g fresh weight 9 days after inoculation, whereas pre-inoculation with Cg-M-1150 did not affect the level of antifungal diene, nor did it delay the appearance of decay symptoms. The results presented here show that reduced-pathogenicity isolates can be used for the biological control of anthracnose caused by C. gloeosporioides attack.  相似文献   

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