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In bread wheat, high grain protein content (GPC) determines nutritional value, processing properties and quality of the end-product. In view of this, marker-assisted selection (MAS) was performed for introgression of a major gene for high GPC (Gpc-B1) into 10 wheat genotypes. As a result, 124 BC3F5/F6 progenies with Gpc-B1 were developed and evaluated in multi-location field trials. Significant interaction of Gpc-B1 with the recipient parent genotypes and the environment was noticed. However, a total of seven MAS-derived progenies with significantly higher GPC (14.83-17.85%) than their recipient parental genotypes and having no yield penalty were obtained. In these selected progenies, no significant negative correlation of grain yield with GPC (%) or protein yield was observed suggesting that GPC could be improved without yield penalty. This study thus suggested that MAS in combination with phenotypic selection is a useful strategy for development of wheat genotypes with high GPC associated with no loss in yield.  相似文献   

为揭示SA处理对低温胁迫下冬小麦糖酵解(glycolysis, EMP)代谢的影响,以强抗寒性冬小麦品种东农冬麦1号(Dn1)和弱抗寒性品种济麦22号(Jm22)为试验材料,在小麦幼苗三叶期喷施1 mmol·L-1 SA,于大田连续10 d自然降温至5、0、-10、-25℃时取小麦幼苗叶片和分蘖节,测定其果糖含量、丙酮酸含量及EMP代谢重要酶(己糖激酶HxK、磷酸果糖激酶PFK和丙酮酸激酶PK)的活性和相关基因(TaHxK、TaPFK、TaPK)的表达量。结果表明,SA处理提高了两种冬小麦叶片和分蘖节中果糖及丙酮酸含量,但对Jm22影响较弱;SA处理提高了Dn1叶片和分蘖节中EMP途径关键酶(HxK、PFK和PK)的活性及其相应基因(TaHxK、TaPFK、TaPK)的表达量。SA处理可有效调控冬小麦EMP代谢,促进果糖与丙酮酸积累与分解,提高植物的抗寒性。  相似文献   

Straw and grain yield and water content in both grain and straw were measured during 3 years in 17 varieties of winter wheat following treatments with different fungicides. The water content of the straw varied significantly dependent on year, variety and fungicide treatment. In 1998, the water content in straw was significantly higher after the use of strobilurins compared with untreated and EBI fungicides (ergosterol biosyntesis inhibitors). On average water content in 10 varieties increased from 15% in untreated to 31% after applying two full dosages of azoxystrobin. In 1999 and 2000, lower dosages of azoxystrobin were used and water content increased only by 2–4 percentage units. The results indicate that in some years and with high doses precaution has to be taken following the use of strobilurins regarding handling and removing of the straw, which likely will include postponement of baling. Water content in grain was also increased significantly from fungicide treatments, but the increase was minor and at the maximum increase found to be 1.1% percentage unit. The effect of fungicide input on water content in grain was reduced much faster during the ripening period than for water content in straw. Fungicide treatments and varieties significantly influenced straw yields. The yield increases in straw varied between 0 and 1.0 tonnes/ha depending on year and variety, and was on average 0.42 tonnes/ha for two fungicide treatments. Two fungicide applications carried out at GS 31 and 45–55 gave only slightly higher increases compared with one application around ear emergence. Varieties showed variable increases following the use of fungicides. The variation was not influenced by the straw length (crop height). The increases in straw yield from fungicide treatments were relatively low compared to the increases in grain yield and no clear correlation was found between grain yield increases and straw yield increases.  相似文献   

为优化冬小麦籽粒蛋白含量(GPC)的遥感预测模型,基于2012-2013、2014-2015和2017-2018年冬小麦生长季的田间试验,以植株氮代谢过程及GPC形成规律为依据,构建"植被指数(VI)-农学参数-GPC"的半机理模型,并在此基础上通过引入筋型修正系数λ优化"PNC-GPC"模型,修正小麦筋型对模型的影响,进一步提高"VI-PNC-GPC"模型的精度。结果表明,选取的VI与植株氮浓度(PNC)均极显著相关,其中比值光谱植被指数(RSI)与PNC的相关性最高,相关系数达到0.777,建立的PNC估算模型的决定系数(r~2)达到0.604,验证nRMSE为9.93%;构建的PNC-GPC模型为GPC=(5.843×PNC+4.847)×λ,r~2=0.792,验证nRMSE为7.43%;对比不考虑冬小麦筋型的"RSI-PNC-GPC"模型,其r~2提高了0.145,验证的nRMSE降低了0.86%。综合来看,以PNC为中间变量,通过考虑不同筋型的差异构建的筋型修正系数可以更加准确地预测GPC。  相似文献   

为明确非对称性增温对小麦籽粒品质的影响及其机理,以不同品质类型的扬麦13(弱筋)和烟农19(中筋)为材料,采用大田模拟增温的方法研究了冬春季夜间增温对小麦籽粒蛋白质形成的影响及其与植株氮代谢的关系。结果表明,冬季增温(WT)、春季增温(ST)及冬春季持续增温(WST)均不同程度地提高了冬小麦籽粒蛋白质、麦谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)、高分子量和低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基含量,且均以WST处理效应最大。同时,各增温处理对籽粒谷蛋白含量的提高幅度最大,并提高了谷醇比。各夜间增温处理均增加了开花期旗叶面积,提高了氮含量,增强了孕穗至花后21 d旗叶的硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,说明夜间增温促进了叶片生长,增强了植株氮素同化能力。夜间增温处理显著提高了小麦植株氮素积累量及贮存氮素转运量,从而增加了氮素向籽粒的分配,促进了籽粒蛋白质合成。因此,冬春季夜间增温提高了小麦氮素吸收同化能力及氮素在籽粒中的分配比例,从而提高小麦籽粒蛋白质含量,且冬春季持续增温对籽粒蛋白质形成有更大的促进效应。  相似文献   

为揭示灌浆期小麦抗高温的光合机理,以高产多抗型小麦品种济麦22和高产优质型小麦品种济麦20为材料,于2012-2014年冬小麦生长季进行田间试验,测定和分析了两个品种间分蘖数、穗数、成穗率、产量以及灌浆期内田间30~36℃条件下旗叶净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、光化学荧光淬灭系数(qP)、原初光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、PSII的实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)、荧光非光化学淬灭(NPQ)和超微结构的差异。结果表明,在灌浆期高温条件下,与济麦20相比,济麦22的基粒片层紧实,外膜结构完整;旗叶Pn、Tr和Gs分别增加了14.0%、22.5%和57.8%,ΦPSII和qP分别提高了7.9%和6.1%,Fv/Fm变化不大,NPQ降低了18.9%,产量提高了1.4%,说明灌浆期内,济麦22在高温条件下,叶绿体结构完整,以热耗散形式损失的光能少,光能利用率高,光合同化和适应高温胁迫的能力强,产量高。  相似文献   

灌水对黄淮海冬小麦叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解灌水对黄淮海地区冬小麦光合特性的影响,以周麦18、豫农202、豫麦49、郑麦366、矮抗58等5个黄淮海主栽冬小麦品种为材料,比较和分析了越冬水、越冬水+拔节水、越冬水+拔节水+灌浆水3个不同灌水处理下冬小麦开花后叶面积指数、旗叶叶绿素含量、光合参数及水分利用效率的特点。结果表明,随灌水次数减少,小麦灌浆期叶片光合功能衰退加快,叶面积指数和叶绿素含量下降,旗叶净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率减小,胞间二氧化碳浓度增加,光合作用受非气孔因素的限制增大,同时叶片水分利用效率增加。在不同灌水条件下,矮抗58和郑麦366叶片水分利用效率均较高,而周麦18、豫麦49和豫农202叶片水分利用效率均较低。  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) deficiency and heat stress during grain filling occur in a number of important wheat growing regions around the world. The changes in grain protein composition due to high temperature are well documented, but little is known about the effect of grain Zn and its interaction with heat stress. Six field experiments were conducted at sites differing in grain filling temperatures to examine these effects. Two varieties of bread wheat were grown at six rates of Zn, including foliar sprays of Zn. The relative amounts of gliadin and polymeric protein were measured by size exclusion HPLC. Applying Zn increased grain yield at three sites and altered protein quality at two of these. Foliar Zn applications doubled grain Zn concentration, reduced the proportion of gliadin and SDS-unextractable polymeric protein and increased the proportion of SDS-extractable polymeric protein. Heat stress during grain filling was associated with a high proportion of gliadin and low proportions of the polymeric protein in the grain. However, the proportions of gliadin and of SDS-extractable polymeric protein were less affected by high temperatures in grain with high Zn concentrations. The results demonstrate that Zn nutrition can alter protein composition and the effects of Zn may interact with grain filling temperatures.  相似文献   

行距配置对两种穗型冬小麦品种光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为确定两种穗型冬小麦品种高产栽培的适宜行距配置,在大田试验条件下,研究了不同行距(10、15、20和25cm)种植方式下,多穗型品种豫麦49和大穗型品种兰考矮早八的旗叶光合特性。结果表明,两种穗型品种旗叶净光合速率(Pn)均随籽粒灌浆进程呈逐渐降低的趋势,花后0~14d,多穗型品种豫麦49旗叶Pn高于大穗型品种兰考矮早八,之后兰考矮早八优势趋于明显;两品种旗叶qP和Fv/Fo均于花后10d达最大值,之后逐渐下降;豫麦49的光截获(LI)在花后10d高于兰考矮早八,而在花后20d低于兰考矮早八。行距对两种穗型冬小麦品种光合特性、LI和产量有一定影响。随着行距的变大,豫麦49的Pn逐渐增加,而兰考矮早八则逐渐降低;豫麦49的Fv/Fo在花后0~10d随行距的增加而升高,之后以行距20cm最高,兰考矮早八则随行距增加呈先升后降趋势,但始终以15cm最高;豫麦49以行距20cm的qP值较大,而兰考矮早八以行距15cm最高;两穗型品种的LI均随行距增大而降低。籽粒产量则表现随行距增加呈先升后降的变化趋势,豫麦49和兰考矮早八分别以行距20和15cm的产量最高。因此,生产中不同穗型品种选择各自适宜的行距配置,有助于光能的吸收利用,促进光合物质向籽粒转移。  相似文献   

为阐明小麦籽粒营养品质及品质产量的边际效应,以黄淮麦区不同品质类型的4个小麦品种为材料,于2010-2012年度对不同麦行籽粒蛋白质、淀粉、可溶性糖含量等营养品质指标和品质产量进行了系统研究。结果表明,不同行次间籽粒蛋白质含量和可溶性糖含量差异达显著水平,其中边1行、边2行、边3行和边4行的籽粒蛋白质含量分别为136.79、131.02、129.50、126.58 mg·g-1,可溶性糖含量分别为113.08、91.61、93.55、87.91 mg·g-1;不同行次间籽粒淀粉含量差异达显著水平;不同行次间籽粒蛋白质产量和淀粉产量的差异达显著水平,其中,边1行、边2行、边3行和边4行的籽粒蛋白质产量和淀粉产量分别为1 543.3、995.7、987.1、930.9 kg·hm-2和6 480.6、4 284.9、4 383.6、4 126.3 kg·hm-2,边际效应显著。本研究表明,小麦营养品质和品质产量具有显著的边际效应,生产中可通过改革种植方式、合理选用品种等加以充分利用。  相似文献   

Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has three Wx proteins (Wx-A1, Wx-B1, and Wx-D1), which are granule-bound starch synthases I and are responsible for the amylose synthesis of flour starch. The effects of two novel Wx-A1 proteins identified by gel electrophoresis on amylose content and starch properties were analyzed. The variant Wx-A1 protein coded by the Wx-A1i allele was present in smaller amounts and produced less amylose (7.3%) compared to standard lines with the Wx-A1a allele (21.5%). Wx-A1i generated altered starch properties; greater swelling power (SP), glucoamylase digestibility, starch paste clarity, and gelatinization enthalpy in differential scanning calorimetry. The starch from Wx-A1i also showed an altered pasting profile on a Rapid Visco-Analyzer, greater peak viscosity, smaller final viscosity, and lower pasting temperature. The Wx-A1i allele is a novel genetic resource for reducing amylose content in wheat. The other Wx-A1 protein coded by the Wx-A1j allele showed a more basic isoelectric point compared to Wx-A1a on an electrophoretic gel. The amylose content of Wx-A1j did not differ from standard Wx-A1a. Starch SP, paste clarity, and glucoamylase digestibility also suggested that Wx-A1j produced amylose as much as Wx-A1a.  相似文献   

Protein content and protein yield of three spring wheat cultivars differing in morphological and physiological growth characters were found to be influenced by intercultivar competition, irrigation levels and nitrogen fertilization. The protein content of the tall cultivar C 306 and the protein yield of the dwarf cultivar HD 2160 were more than the other cultivars. Binary mixed stands were not superior to the better component cultivar. Intercultivar competition increased the protein content of dwarf and semi-dwarf cultivars, but decreased the protein content of tall cultivar. On the other hand, protein yield of the dwarf cultivar decreased and that of tall cultivar increased when grown in mixed stands. Protein yield of semi-dwarf cultivar increased when grown with dwarf cultivar, but decreased when grown with tall cultivar. Two or three irrigations increased the protein content and protein yield of all the three cultivars and their mixed stands over one irrigation. Protein content and protein yield of the cultivars and their mixed stands were higher when 150 kg N/ha was applied than when 80 kg N/ha was applied.  相似文献   

Wheat is an important food crop worldwide. Genetic improvements have contributed much to wheat production since the 1960s. Verifying the evolution of agronomic traits and the physiological basis of grain yield will facilitate breeders and agronomists in developing new wheat cultivars, with the aim of stable and high yields. Thirty-five wheat cultivars, bred or widely planted in the Yangtze River Basin from 1950 to 2005, were grown in field experiments under three N rates (0, 112.5, and 225 kg N ha−1) from 2006 to 2009 in Nanjing, China. Wheat grain yield, kernels per spike, 1000-kernel weight (TKW), and harvest index (HI) increased linearly with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 2000s, whereas spikes per unit land decreased significantly with cultivar development during the same period, and stabilized with further genetic improvements in cultivars. Grain yield, kernels per spike, and TKW differed with N rate and with cultivar. Grain yield, spikes per unit land, and kernels per spike increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer, but TKW and HI decreased. Cultivar height decreased with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 1980s, and remained relatively stable in subsequent cultivars. The proportion of the length of the top internode to total plant height increased with cultivar development from the 1950s to the 1980s and thereafter fell, while the length of the basal internode (BI) maintained a shortening trend. Leaf area per culm, leaf area index (LAI), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), and photosynthetic activity duration (PAD) of the flag leaf increased with cultivar development. Leaf area, LAI, and Pn increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer, while PAD did not. Single spike yield increased linearly with genetic development in cultivars, and these increases mainly resulted from increasing kernel number and weight, which were closely related to source size and cultivar. Grain yield was positively correlated to leaf area, LAI, PnMax, PAD, and single spike yield; single spike yield was positively correlated to leaf area, LAI, PnMax, and PAD, suggesting that grain yield improvements were mainly associated with improvements in the source (leaf area, LAI, Pn, PAD, etc.) and sink (single spike yield). Sink-source ratios increased with genetic development of cultivars, suggesting that productivity per leaf improved and that sink-source relationships have reached close to optimum in the Yangtze River Basin. Furthermore, breeding for high yield should be related to improvement in kernels per spike and TKW per unit land and increased sink-source ratios with a feasible LAI, and N fertilizer management should be considered during breeding for higher yields.  相似文献   

基于小麦产量三要素的产量条件QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了从单个QTL水平上解析产量与产量三要素的遗传基础,利用花培3号和豫麦57杂交获得的168个家系的DH群体及其遗传图谱,在5个环境下对产量进行了非条件QTL分析和基于产量三要素(穗粒数、千粒重和单位面积穗数)的条件QTL分析,共检测到9个非条件QTL和28个条件QTL。其中,检测到2个主效QTL(QY.sdau-4D和QY.sdau-6D.2),它们可分别解释15.77%和10.16%的表型变异。分别检测到6个"一因多效"QTL和11个微效QTL;其中,QYsdau-4D.2通过影响单位面积穗数、穗粒数和千粒重而影响产量,QYsdau-2D.1和QYsdau-3A.1能提高单位面积产量但不影响穗粒数,即单位面积产量和穗粒数在该位点上几乎没有关联。本研究结果为通过分子设计聚合高产有利基因提供了理论基础,对培育单位面积产量大幅度提高的小麦新品种具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Saflufenacil is a new herbicide being developed by BASF for pre-emergence application for broadleaved weed control in maize and other crops. Three field studies were conducted in Ontario, Canada over a 2-year period (2006 and 2007) to evaluate the tolerance of spring cereals (barley, oats, and wheat) to pre-emergence and post-emergence applications of saflufenacil at 50 and 100 g ai ha−1. Saflufenacil pre-emergence caused minimal visible injury (1% or less) at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after emergence and had no adverse effect on plant height or yield of barley, oats, and wheat. Saflufenacil plus the surfactant Merge (1% v/v) applied post-emergence caused as much as 76, 60, 52 and 35% visible injury in spring cereals at 3, 7, 14 and 28 DAT, respectively. Injury with saflufenacil plus Merge applied post-emergence decreased over time and was generally greater as dose increased. Saflufenacil plus Merge applied post-emergence reduced plant height by as much as 16% and reduced yield of spring barley and wheat by 24 and 13%, respectively, but had no effect on the yield of spring oats. Based on these results, saflufenacil applied pre-emergence at the proposed dose can be safely used in spring planted barley, oats and wheat; however, the post-emergence application of saflufenacil results in unacceptable injury and yield loss. These results are consistent with the proposed pre-emergence use pattern for saflufenacil.  相似文献   

为了解普通小麦与其近缘种和人工合成材料(八倍体小偃麦、小黑麦)根系性状的差异,时普通小麦、黑麦、野生一粒小麦、拟斯卑尔脱小麦、提莫菲维小麦、八倍体小偃麦、小黑麦和硬粒小麦根系主要性状进行比较分析.结果表明,近缘种、人工合成材料单株次生根数、根体积、根干重和根冠比在生育后期均显著大于普通小麦,根系活力和生育前期的根中可溶性糖含量也均显著高于普通小麦.近缘种和人工合成材料根中全氮含量整体上低于普通小麦.相关分析表明,根系一些主要性状与籽粒全氮含量相关显著或极显著.综合来看,近缘种、人工合成材料具有发根力强、根系活力高等优势,在小麦改良中具有重要利用价值.  相似文献   

黑小麦品种选育与营养加工研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑小麦是普通小麦中的一种特殊类型,是一种天然的功能食品原料,不仅含有丰富的营养成分,还具有一定的保健功能,在食品加工中具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要介绍了黑小麦的遗传基础与品种选育、营养特性、加工品质及其在食品加工中的应用,分析了黑小麦品种选育和在加工应用中存在的问题,提出了黑小麦开发利用的途径和发展前景。  相似文献   

Foliar diseases are the main biotic restriction reducing yield in wheat crops affecting both, grain number and/or grain weight, depending on developmental stage at which infection occurs (pre- or post-anthesis, respectively). Grain weight reductions due to foliar diseases were widely reported in the literature mostly associated with decreases on radiation interception during the grain filling period. However, different evidences in wheat showed variations on grain weight responses when fungicide was applied during the grain filling period, probably associated with the timing of fungicide application or with the amount of available resources per grain set when fungicides are applied. The present study was designed to determine the causes of grain weight reduction due to foliar diseases complex (including leaf rust, Septoria leaf blotch and tan spot) in wheat crops growing under contrasting agronomic and environmental conditions (i.e. different years, locations, cultivars and N supply). The experiments were carried out during 4 years under field conditions in different locations of Argentine and France. Five different commercial wheat cultivars were sown on early and late sowing dates; and two contrasting N availability and two fungicide treatments (protected and unprotected) were applied. Grain number was not affected by foliar diseases as their appeared after anthesis. Grain weight was strongly, poorly or not affected by foliar diseases and was not associated individually with both, the sink size and the source size. However, when the grain weight response due to fungicide application was plotted against the healthy area absorption per grain (HAAG), a significant negative association (r2 = 0.81; p < 0.0001) was found for the Argentine experiments. When the HAAG was corrected by the grain weight potential (HAAGW) all experiments conduced in Argentine and in France fit well to a common negative linear regression (r2 = 0.74, p < 0.0001) for the relationship between grain weight variation and HAAGW demonstrating that grain weight potential is an important feature to consider in diseases control programs. Foliar diseases forced the crop to use the accumulated reserved increasing the utilization rate of the water soluble carbohydrates (WSCUR), depleting as a consequence the water soluble content at physiological maturity (WSCPM) in all experiments. The association between WSCUR and the healthy area absorption per grain corrected by grain weight of healthy crops (HAAGW) suggest that foliar diseases in wheat cause source limitation, forcing to the crop to use the WSC reserve which could be insufficient to fill the grains previously formed.  相似文献   

The contribution of ear photosynthesis to grain filling in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is not well known. The main objective of this work was to evaluate this contribution through three different experimental approaches: (1) ear photosynthesis was reduced by removing awns or shading the ears (in combination with a defoliation treatment), (2) grain weight per ear was compared in an ‘all shaded’ crop versus plants where only the vegetative parts were shaded (‘ear emerging’), and (3) ear photosynthesis was reduced with DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), a specific inhibitor of photosystem II.  相似文献   

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