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高明昌 《植物保护学报》1988,15(3):200-200,208
分析三化螟Scirpophuga incertulas(Wlk.)世代间期距变动的影响因素及作用形式,是改进发生期预测的途径。本文提出一种天文因素,即三代螟某世代成虫灯诱高峰期的月相对上一世代至该世代期距(以两代蛾高峰间的期距为标准)的影响,供参考。  相似文献   

金鋼钻是四川棉区的主要害虫之一。已經发现有鼎点金鋼钻(Earias cupreoviridis Wlk.)和翠纹金鋼钻(E.fabia stoll),以前一种占绝对优势。已发現鼎点金鋼钻的寄主植物有4科8属13种。除棉属而外,最重要的寄主为錦葵科中的冬莧菜及蜀葵。一年中鼎点金鋼钻可发生4—5个世代,以蛹茧越冬。完成一个世代的有效温积为375.3日度,发育起点温度为12.7℃。各代雌虫寿命9.2—15.2天,雄虫9.4—13.6天。平均每雌一生可产卵102—275粒。第1代幼虫主要在5月为害冬莧菜和蜀葵。第2代以后主要为害棉。田间发生的世代重迭,但从棉株上卵和幼虫的数量,可以明显地划出各个世代的高峯时期。雨天多、雨量大对田间虫卵量有显著的抑制作用。現蕾早的棉田和生长壮旺的棉田虫害较重。  相似文献   

粘虫是吉林省粮食作物上最主要的猖獗性害虫,防治工作上迫切需要中、长期預测方法。为此,作者等研究了吉林省粘虫猖獗世代的虫源,已經查明粘虫在吉林省不能越冬,猖獗世代的虫源是由省外迁入的。通过国內粘虫主要发生地区的发生动态的整理和分析,初步認为吉林省猖獗世代虫源的主要策源地为皖北、苏北、魯南、豫东、豫南、鄂北等粘虫常发生的地区。同时認为不同年度各策源地的发生时期和数量的变化会影响吉林省春季成虫盛发期和数量。一般年分5月末、6月初的成虫与鄂北、豫南、皖北等地区的虫源有关;而6月上旬以后的成虫則与魯南、苏北、豫中的虫源有关。  相似文献   

抗稻瘿蚊水稻品种的筛选鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻瘿蚊(Pachydiplosis oryzac Wo-od-Mason)是广西及我国南方各省部分稻区中、晚稻历史性的主要害虫之一.近年来此虫在我区的发生为害有逐渐扩大和加重的趋势,已成为我区中、晚稻的严重害虫.目前主要是依靠化学农药进行防治,但效果并不很理想.因此,如何经济、安全、有效地防治稻瘿蚊是我区中、晚稻害虫防治工作中急待解决的问题.为了寻求抗稻瘿蚊新的水稻品种,我们于1982—1987年对稻种资源进行了抗稻瘿蚊的筛选鉴定研究,现将研究情况及结果简介如下.  相似文献   

据1962—1963年两年的研究,桃小食心虫在乐陵棗区一年发生1—2代。第二代发生数量多少与当年整个发生期的早晚有密切的关系。桃小食心虫以老熟幼虫結“越冬茧”在土內越冬,其垂直分布深度限于离土表4寸范围內,平面分布愈近树干密度愈大。越冬幼虫自6月中旬开始出土,一直延續到8月上、中旬結束,盛期在7月中旬左右。越冬幼虫出土与降雨有密切关系。在室內越冬幼虫出土及第一代老熟幼虫脫果后至成虫羽化历期,分别平均为10.4天及10.8天。成虫白天不活动,夜間11—1时之間交尾。产卵前期平均为2.5—2.7天,产卵期間平均为1.3—2.1天。雌虫平均产卵量为27.9粒(越冬代)和40.5粒(第一代),最多可产154粒。在田間,卵绝大多数产在叶片背面基部(72.6%),产在果实梗洼(27.4%)和胴部较少,其它部位尚未发现。田間卵自7月中、下旬开始发生,至8月下旬或9月初結束。第一、二代卵期分別平均为6.8和8.4天,孵化率分別为92.3%和89.5%。幼虫扎果从7月末 (或8月初) 起至9月中、下旬棗采收,前后达50天左右。幼虫脫果从8月中旬起,至9月中、下旬棗采收后尚未結束。果內幼虫期最短9天,最长28天,平均16.8天左右。地面药剂处理应該在6月中、下旬越冬幼虫出土前,这是第一个防治关鍵时期;在第一、二代卵盛期(7月下旬及8月中旬左右),噴药两次是防治桃小食心虫的第二个关鍵时期。地面药剂处理,3%666粉剂与3%666颗粒剂效果差不多。树上喷药可用25%DDT乳剂250倍液加用0.01%“拉开粉”或0.1%水胶,可以提高防治效果。  相似文献   

在四川东部地区,中期测报以期距法较为实用。短期测报应按稻型、品种、移栽期、生育期以及田间蛾卵密度和卵块孵化进度进行。处于分蘗期的双季晚稻和分蘗末期的一季晚稻,亩卵块在100块以上,即可列为防治对象田,根据卵块密度和孵化进度确定防治次数和适期。較为簡化的防治标准是初見“新枯心”时施第一次药,以后根据卵块密度酌情再施一次,可将枯心率压低至1%以下。药剂治螟应掌握时間标准(即卵孵进度)及数量标准(卵块密度或侵入幼虫密度)职确定施药适期和次数。每亩用6%六六六1.5—2斤泼苗或撒毒土均可,但須有1—2寸的水层深度。  相似文献   

本文记述了火炬树和洋白蜡新害虫——宽肩象Ectatorhinus adamsii各虫态形态特征及其在火炬树和洋白蜡上的发生情况。调查发现宽肩象在北京1年发生2代,以成虫在土壤中越冬,翌年4月下旬出蛰,6月上旬至7月上旬为第1代幼虫发生期,7月中旬至9月上旬为第2代幼虫发生期。讨论了宽肩象发生的原因,提出了防治建议,并附有各虫态的形态(包括雄性外生殖器)和为害状等彩图。  相似文献   

三化螟是我县水稻的常发性害虫 ,2 0世纪 (下文同 ) 5 0年代至 80年代初期发生较重 ,80年代中期以后 ,虽有个别年份某个世代发生有所上升 ,达中等或中等偏重程度 ,但绝大多数年份各代为轻发生、局部中等偏轻 ,常年发生面积、残虫密度、为害率均较低。总体来说 ,我县近十多年来三化螟为轻发生。现将其发生情况和原因分析如下 :1 基本发生情况1 .1 发生程度轻、面积小 我县属三化螟 4~ 5代发生区 ,历年灯下均有 5代成虫 ,第 2、 4代为主害代 ,常以第 4代幼虫和第 5代幼虫混合越冬。分析1 987~ 2 0 0 1年 1 5 a有记录的 72代次的发生情况 …  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊是我区中晚稻的主要害虫之一.近年来发生面积不断扩大,为害程度加重,严重地威胁中、晚稻生产.因此,防治稻瘿蚊已成为我区中、晚稻害虫防治工作中急待解决的问题.1987年以来,我们对此虫进方大面积综合防治的同时,结合开展了一些单项试验,现报道如下:一、试验内容及方法1.处理设置不同插植苗数受稻瘿蚊害比较不同配方施肥受稻瘿蚊害比较、不同品种受稻瘿蚊害比较、不同药剂对稻瘿蚊防治效果比较、30%味喃丹颗粒剂不同施用期防治效果比较、药加肥对稻瘿蚁的防治效果共6  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊(Pachydiplosis oryzae)属双翅目瘿蚊科,是南方稻区的一种重要害虫,以幼虫侵入水稻的生长点,形成“标葱”,被害稻株不能抽穗,对产量影响很大。由于此虫的发步隐蔽、繁殖迅速、世代重叠,药剂防治的难度较大。  相似文献   

Replicated field plot trials were carried out to evaluate the role of fish as biocontrol agents of insect pests of rice in the Philippines. Evidence from suction sampling, examination of fish gut contents, and rice plant damage assessment strongly suggest that Common Carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) and Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) do significantly reduce the densities of stemboring moths and chironomid midges, while the abundance levels of other arthropods are not significantly affected. This impact by fish often was more important in the wet season when heavy rains and wind likely caused the arthropods to become dislodged from the plant and fall onto the water. Predation by fish was particularly evident during the first 45 days of the crop during the wet season when adult chironomid midge abundance was high. The fish gut content analysis revealed that all insect guilds are represented in the diet of both of the fish species regardless of whether the life-cycle of the arthropod prey is aquatic, semi-terrestrial, or terrestrial. Thus, fish in rice fields are part of the assemblage of natural enemies of rice pests. While fish alone cannot completely suppress rice pest populations below the economic threshold, their significant contribution should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

The carmine spider mite is the most serious crop mite pests in China. Abamectin has been used to control insects and mites worldwide but carmine spider mites, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, had developed resistance to it. Genetic research on insecticide resistance has been fundamental for understanding the resistance development, studying resistance mechanisms, and designing appropriate resistance management strategies to control insect pests. A resistant colony of T. cinnabarinus, RRG42, was established to examine the inheritance of abamectin resistance in T. cinnabarinus. The females of T. cinnabarinus were selected for bioassay using a slide dip method. After 42 generations of selection, the RRG42 strain was 8.7-fold resistant to abamectin compared with the susceptible strain (SS). The logarithm (log) concentration–probit response curve for F1s from reciprocal crosses, of F1RS and F1SR, were inclined to that for SS and the degree of dominance (D) values for F1s were −0.81 and −0.17. There was a significant difference in values of LC50 and slope of log concentration–probit lines between F1RS and F1SR. The observed mortalities of BC1 (F1RS♀ × RRG42♂) and BC1′ (F1SR♀ × SS♂) were significantly different from the expected mortalities based on a monogenic resistance in the chi-square tests. The inheritance of abamectin resistance in T. cinnabarinus is incompletely recessive and may be controlled by more than one gene. The maternal or cytoplasmic effect may exist in the inheritance of resistance to abamectin in T. cinnabarinus.  相似文献   

Within entomophagous insects, hymenopterous parasitoids are important regulators of natural populations of insects including pests. Pesticide treatments are largely used in orchards for economic reasons. These treatments allow for greater productivity, but they may also impact upon non-target insect populations. Drosophila and their hymenopterous parasitoids are abundant in orchards and are not direct targets of pesticide treatments. In this work, natural populations of Drosophila and their parasitoids were monitored from June to November, and their abundance was reported from two types of orchards. One type was under conventional pesticide treatments, mostly fungicides (“Treated plot”), and the other was under low-input treatments (“Low-input plot”). Five Drosophila species and five parasitoid species were present in both types of orchards. A time effect on abundance was found with two peaks of abundance, one in August and the other in autumn (October), corresponding to a fluctuation of numbers depending on the availability of resources. When comparing insect abundance between the two types of plots, the abundance in the Treated plot was found to be lower than or equal to that in the Low-input plot. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the abundance of two scarce parasitoid species (Leptopilina heterotoma and Asobara tabida) that could lead to their disappearance was also observed. The results are discussed in the context of the diverse lethal and sub-lethal effects of pesticides on the development and reproduction of natural populations of insects and their importance as natural enemies.  相似文献   


The insect species feeding on rice in Laos were investigated during 1973–75. Populations were usually small but the most common species were Patanga succincta (L.), Leptocorisa spp. and Nezara viridula (L.) on the upland rice; Oxya and Euscyrtus spp. in the seedbeds and Chilo polychrysus (Meyr.), C. suppressalis Wlk. and Sesamia inferens (Wlk.) in the transplanted paddy rice of the lowlands. The natural enemies of these species were recorded.  相似文献   


In the Urubamba Valley, Peruvian Andes, we evaluated the abundance of insect pests and natural enemies in experimental plots where maize was grown either as monoculture, intercropped with beans, or intercropped with beans plus associated weeds. We also assessed the consequences of the cropping system for maize yield. The main insect pests recorded were Diabrotica spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Carpophilus sp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and Pagiocerus frontalis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), and their overall abundance did not differ among crop diversity treatments. However, there was a significant adverse effect of crop diversity on the maximum abundance of both Carpophilus and Pagiocerus. The main beneficial arthropods were Paratriphleps sp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), ladybirds and spiders, and their density did not differ among treatments. Maize yield did not decrease with increasing plant diversity. The reported benefits of intercropping, together with the associated efficiency in land use, make this traditional agricultural practice a valuable alternative to the use of pesticides, particularly for resource-poor Andean farmers.  相似文献   

为明确山东省泰安市核桃园主要病虫害的发生情况及其化学防治的用药流程,于2017—2018年采用田间调查法进行主要病虫害的调查,于2019年采用常规喷雾法对不同防治对象进行化学防治,研究不同用药时间及用药次数下3种农药对核桃的保果效果及对主要病虫害的防治效果,确定用药流程。结果表明,2017年泰安市核桃园主要病虫害以核桃细菌性黑斑病、核桃炭疽病和核桃举肢蛾Atrijuglans aristata为主,造成的病虫果率达83.25%。5月中旬至6月下旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃举肢蛾单独发生为主;7月上旬至8月上旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃炭疽病单独发生为主;8月中旬至下旬,以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生为主。2018年3种病虫害造成核桃的总体落果率为79.84%,共出现2次落果高峰,即在6月下旬以核桃举肢蛾造成的落果和在8月下旬以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生造成的落果。针对以上3种主要病虫害,在核桃生长期应至少喷药6次,其总体的保果效果和防治效果分别达到96.58%和93.70%,分别显著高于喷药4次的83.72%和70.56%,与喷药8次处理差异不显著。在实际生产中,建议对核桃细菌性黑斑病自5月上旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药6次;对核桃炭疽病自6月下旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药4次;对核桃举肢蛾在5月下旬和7月下旬各用药1次。  相似文献   

The forecasting tool SOPRA has been developed with the objective of optimizing timing of monitoring, management and control measures of insect pests in fruit orchards in Switzerland. Applying time‐varying distributed delay approaches, phenology‐models were developed driven by solar radiation, air temperature and soil temperature on hourly basis. Relationships between temperature and stage‐specific development rates for relevant stages of the life cycles were established under controlled laboratory conditions for Dysaphis plantaginea, Hoplocampa testudinea, Cydia pomonella, Grapholita lobarzewskii, Cacopsylla pyri, Rhagoletis cerasi, Anthonomus pomorum and Adoxophyes orana. The implementation of body temperatures in the models is based on habitat selection and biophysical modelling of habitat conditions. In order to validate modelling, phenology predictions were compared with several years of independent field observations. On the basis of local weather data, the age structure of the pest populations is simulated and crucial events for management activities are announced. Through a web interface, the simulation results are made available to consultants and growers ( http://www.sopra.info ) and the latter can be applied as a decision support system for the eight major insect pests of fruit orchards in the alpine valleys and north of the Alps on local and regional scale.  相似文献   

Biological control has already achieved certain results in Hungary, especially against soil-borne fungi and glasshouse pests. Nevertheless, experience has shown that locally found biological agents, however effective, could not be developed into registered, ready-for-sale plant protection products because of the lack of companies willing to invest. Biological control in Hungary is therefore limited to the conservation of natural antagonistic flora and fauna and to the application of imported biopesticides and bioagents, which are subject in Hungary to a registration procedure similar to that for chemical plant protection products. Current work includes the development of an anti-nematode product from a local strain of Arthrobotrys oligospora, application techniques for a local mirid Dicyphus hyalinipennis against insect pests, studies with native and imported strains of the nematodes Steinernema and Heterorhabditis against soil-borne insect pests, and introduction techniques for the chrysomelid Zygogramma sutularis against the weed Ambrosia elatior.  相似文献   

茚虫威属于噁二嗪类杀虫剂,与大多数杀虫剂不同的是其进入害虫体内需要经活化代谢转变成N-去甲氧羰基代谢物(decarbomethoxylated metabolite,DCJW)后不可逆地阻断钠通道,进而发挥杀虫活性。茚虫威由于其作用机制不同于常见的使钠离子通道延迟关闭的菊酯类药剂而被广泛用于鳞翅目和一些同翅目、鞘翅目害虫的防治。抗药性是任何杀虫药剂使用后面临的问题,茚虫威也不例外,许多害虫对其产生了不同程度的抗性。昆虫对茚虫威产生抗性的机制包括酯酶活性、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glutathione S-transferase,GST)和P450活性的增加以及分子靶标F1845Y、V1848I、L1014P的突变,这些对茚虫威抗性机制的研究基本都是基于抗性种群和敏感种群开展的,需要进一步验证其对抗性研究的贡献度。针对我国田间害虫种群对茚虫威的抗性现状,及时实施对茚虫威有效的抗性治理是迫切的。对于茚虫威的抗性治理除了传统的杀虫药剂轮用、混用外,需要利用其作用机制特点开展抗性治理策略研究。一是充分利用其活化代谢的特点,开展组合药剂的研究应用;二是菊酯类药剂和茚虫威的作用机制均与钠离子通道有关,但是前者是使钠离子通道关闭延迟,而后者是阻断钠离子通道,开展相关基础研究,使菊酯类药剂与茚虫威合理地用于抗性治理中。本文综述了茚虫威的抗性现状、抗性机制与交互抗性、茚虫威的抗性风险评价,针对茚虫威的抗性特点提出了抗性治理策略。  相似文献   

病虫害防控是国家总体安全的重要组成部分,为构建区域一体化、技术绿色化的农林草业重大病虫害精准监测预警和全程防控综合技术体系,“十四五”期间,国家重点研发计划设立了“重大病虫害防控综合技术研发与示范”重点专项。此专项以保障农林生产安全、农产品质量安全和农林生态安全为根本目标,以草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda、柑橘黄龙病菌Liberbacter asianticum、松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus、东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis等农作物和森林草原重大病虫害防控科技创新为首要任务,旨在建立覆盖全国的农林草业重大病虫害精准监测预警网络,系统揭示重大病虫害区域性灾变机理,为农业绿色高质量发展提供科技支撑。该文综述了该专项的研发背景、专项定位、研究内容、任务布局、实施机制、政策保障,以期为植物保护领域相关科研人员、推广机构、政府部门、技术用户等提供参考。  相似文献   

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